TIi. meaor of qmualftyramies tomg after Ina of p i fgptfaiu- oilgo t llty fcinwlun you «i.dsa gorlas of Ouir alm ia t. k»Pe.p est g roemis that Cm e b bouiglt and sali them et as omail a profit au good Coniistant business princles wii adit of. .WIIi ot msraprosant an" article and Xi h houaid not prove what We cdaim for it wilch~eefly refond thei. n"a. Nio on@ expacte a good article te, compote wth à poor on.*iln price................. J E3LI TRKI4S.'l LIBERTYVILLI-ý MAstKET and- GROCERY CC a &it& a [a miàdgas& a a a e Watehes ClocA a w ygB jle e-piri g a Spec alt!i Sheet music ANDREW IiUSS LIDERTYVILLE X ,X X HILNIS WiAMAM ~mmmamumamammmmmammmEmmmnU8U5Um ~, I£. 0 Perdon Lawns per gaWd;?0 te 30c Ifia lness, Dotted SWiss Prints Percales White Vestinq se as 5 to 25C e'~ 25 to35c 4 " 4 7c 7 te 13c 35 te 15C -Nainsooks 'I o to 15C 44 46 Gioghams Madras Goéd Waist silk 4 Voiles 7 to12c "" 46 2 to 15C 50 to 75c 5'" 25 to50C aid a large assortment ol other som- mer Dress goods. Il CUL AND SEF OUR bINE. Li ber tyvilie Division 0. & M. EI.ctrIc. $"je& te change without notice. 1 ý 1 1WEBT 50UNDTReAINS Lek* Buiff.... ........400 a. m. and hugprFUv al5.V. rM. Loitc-r 10 2 1todoti.................4.0 , »5.910 02 ......P.r..... flooateller ..............OIli 4,2650.......104 9 &fI............. 4.30a. 11114aMd honriv unili 0.11gP.im. Lest eua 10.4 9 iWa TofnPark .........~... .............-1.0l - Lltezille......'.......................489,0104 Sondont ............... .."$40î111 5 ..a~Blf...............u m8 isa0 Th nirn exigeipt log tethe above le the regular ie unir wnh l kld akoi tLake Bluff nntii 7.011 Md arrive@ 69 okefeller M 7.27and a ooreapounduait et a l l1 temedlate mia. uon&AU «M - oanot et Lot. Bluiff aIIIIare on mou l5 JO., and stilI an eather =worthe A bfrtbd a y wuns beld at the 9 terod. ,hoin.etPeu. Noven etitrlay night at M r. sud MM. L. Id. Colby ieliteri hem hchntspen n0i1eltve"n 9 the firit of the *eek. f riands. Cara Were imaulged lu and re- H. 0 Gardner le off. f0 Minneta on a frliuientes Srved. week's bnslne trip. ~ngt im 5. alter the Miseailena Crosby ot Enatoin viited rgîrmetnwf l.uali len Hur, frieuds bige .over vrlpri u i s eti t î-ith to W ï James )orbeo4 and deugliter of St. Joe, hall for member< <)imîl. Ail niembers Mleb. are viiting Danieb1..e and family. urged tu h. prssait. 34-2 1 Mime Helen Wright returned the latter, John W. suranfibrîoughî. cperinton. part of ilefnt ait froia Jefferson Plark, dent of tLeas uwtrait cii grouindseofstee ~ wbeeshevlsie eltivýes. 1-i---- vlIle Trottinwic.Xsîî-ition, c- r Mre. John Wooleof uG(umnes isi ted witiathe appointàM.t'o!iîm.. it of lice in Mir. and Mms. 0. Nton Sundey. Weukegaai. Who wîijl».e liii cceceor n ire. -Win. Skinner entertained a nun- lhm.Îlot besauuouni iJ n, ber otf iendx et a birthday dinner lant çouuty Superlntendî.mî it ;Iigin iutorrnc F~riday evanlng. lis tîat b.a uun-il f or partiiipation C. IN. Taylor, ot Nora Siprings, la, lu the rauton ex-roses u3 t Lberty- via#itltea iumday witlî Steplien Taylor. ville, an eight Isece or'letra. sud tiiet1 e hie fIntlier, and hfi; brotlîers Dr, John and 1ev. J. A. J. Jhipplî-.. of Vukegagg nl c. Itv.deliver an qddaee..lin. M'hippie le anu MrlI. and Mm-. Cham. Knutéon of orator of no Imaen ihility and Prof.j Clairgo viited Lb. latter, m<then lire .(iaggi' effort» in 1,-hall of the local1 L.amrnhbt oner Suuday and 1.Decoratioa echooI merit. the allr,.iation ot ail * Lan. intereeted. .loe Jelly who moved tram lhens tu M. FrabinhbmstIi. contrac-t ta Luild mNew l'hiadelplîia, Ohio, with liii parent., about a thvugand Wfr (l -eient walk in ln lsahn viiting frieumis et Lis place front of tb.e fowa hall. iuluding the » reientiy. appa.oach to the baild iiig and tp lead- The 1-pwnortb League lid a business imgto0the doorway. Ilr. Fneshmau les nietiîat the home of Mise Lydia Smith a"Ped othar contraisL nidnî, ona'evening whiciî wns well and an lie fe thorouglly «iînersant niLla1 atte-nded. 'the work as u a egoodpi ofeal t ility1 The lee Creaina social ginen aet- tue along that lilmbe will dliîiîtless in Lb. M. E cbnchFriey venng eeevedfuture sauue man>- surît contracta ini m favorable attendance amsi was a Lletvle financial cluccees. . - At Lhe elsctloka hel.i iii -thie Locke dis- uim, Fridey. f0 lMr. aud lire. Jarnies tl'it lait nee tof vot- ion proposition of Swan, a boy. lirq Sw an ban for sauerai building a new echoiti liîiiî..e therle nas wea.ke beeau viiting lier parents, Mn. nuL a dissetlng vot. Théi.. ,lîooll will a and Aire. Ieorge Wright. lie huilt, and probaluly wuil leo. of brick. ii Warren (inuammitt in lu the ê4tate of Tt les Lb. general opinîionî Oint a Rtriaitlre G Wasington vi.itiiig relatives ut Port lu teeping wlth the hiiiîai v hie huildinge8 T,îneed. i- . o a acaimî frîmto, la. fougid ou the a airii aloirg Mil wau-. lta wowi.He!ulaeluna a i & Co a ldsee avenue abonld l4- luijiLl; and îlîuuît-q *flliawoweh auliai Field . adlesu $2740 )wifl le exj.emîulel.a (lcer Kaimà. WiII Wright, Mark lleexL weaek Istorie b.vot-!di largely tu Malioy ae] d ElLank nho lhave Ineen atm îîuplil sud graduiat"s andI tleret atte-nding flié University of Illinois at eaetliyertLi.nIvlyatretl Irbgana the,. puât i-l(io year are cx- thii» commrenceent i'ser,ees. (iood îietpd Lu retairu Saturday next tu Lliehî proggneandsud ioiéilkan i ausuel h n@hiemhare. numuher of graduai-.' lbas mîwakaned P l fMies riCirdmstýlyinternt.'This il& is t hoîiuiiho eand J. eley flollaud, reader, give a recital h n'1" i ilhv ao uft the liethodisot clinnch et hour the t" réel praud of uur educational lNiiL'EvmENT iielb> pess nd ~ institution. Perhapmtllî.i-urimreneenaeut î,ruueotues o ln assures e ai mnth usi.an ar Yenginder a demire for igeonel f he rorai asum atr a tili unte advaeaient and needed tiu thocein tednc.additin r ulmbic chos lLev. Lawier'. sermon to, the vteran. lir.. I Heapubl e l.vlLb et the Methodit church Sunday night MmW.ZHet f al ith wia a worthy suotad list' elledtobywek for Orinhlg, N. Y. lu eponce to lag ogefftor.T, e f0 by as !' teaegraanatating lier son Wai cen nho a lre oingfreeandalThe ad oiteeattend@ e military si.lool tlîere wan 9 " m hgot lu for. Lndalr'peak gy. ekc, eufferinu witblappendieitis. An liihee teme f M. Lwle's;Teoy.waa neceqsry and Mrls.1 A ,,v baby nas boatn to Mli nsd lMre. oftli IIm4eitey to hawitli lie ROaY ù% hlkffonation l>ey, sud Dr. o.tbhough thi.. i(ndai. At tlîîîe the Taylor lied the eanierity t) write Lb. littlei; 't~î.gs, u pcemm Mn. Heathi îelloiv'm nainielin the binth certiffeete m5bashuescived ai, wvord tnîîmîî hie wlfe I Tiigo. Wliether the parents nll ]t it It atlough th. iio,'raitimin we ierfîînriaied go ut iimt orinliot le Dt kniîwn, but it lMinday nigit . Il- ecoatrues thue liman crtàitil _i alpîrnpriatd., ail thinKe cou-i ndlaton &IIl i ,-jl wlth-.thpieaîî lungi i dldere d. a.otierwise e b.. wiiîld een. -4 C. A. Appley will thia neek ehip tu, gar Indian Territo;ry. fur the use ot govea- BluP. Bartîcît. utfLiamnuiLake, evà ment officiais, - tnîa blood houud pupe. i Ubertyville Tliursday aud îaîade tIie h Mrn. Appley vet 8133Q for the pain, sud taternent tliet it waia thé .70thT tlaey are lut four monthe old. Tb.y are aunlversary (if bits îiilntin lAktte eunty <if his fanons breed of man traîlare. The. having arrîved iwre witLlitu laremiLs on reputation ifutIli@ doge je becomingJuile 1. 1837)wlei--înbt a er and a a lai wideppreami as lie bas sliipîied tii nearîvad hul i.*aryL ssimelii even state lu the union, ausully of a lboy yet hbuiilaîte that Lucre liais mhlinffs and peace oflcere. y besen qiite a e-liiige in the- reat of the poulation. il,. le nndoulîteily Lbh- Tlîe nater tank ie neaing comapletiona etniing setth-r or Lb. cîîîamty anîl amnui îructicaliy &HIl t ecniaina tu ble witb the excélli ioio mîttb eyears fronut dgelin tiereet Lb. supplv pipe sud mata 1843 tgi 1846 lia. lîreil contiaouisy hemë the connections with the. neter 'iiaii, elnoe lie iret camîi. Ex-prt. nilîho lere thelat of theweek Lia tant the englue and get ail lu worting The agî-d miiîi.r of lIns, C. F. Ai.erw onaier anîd il le ex pafed by that Imue to nho pasmed an ay et lierborne oaa et liave -venytliuin lmcadinieuito begin MI.- MilwaukeeArmîî,M"y24, nas laid t-i a iîîg LIaé Iig tank thet nul furnmîlelthe ret l inays-Mliîk..cenietery Frida (if a, ity nwiti water lu the future. isit naek. Ma-s. .Llbia C. Eiidy 'was 1: An effif>t la beiug made by comse huit. boni lu Sterlinig, Mas", lu 1833 aud e naam men f0 indue. lin. John licAtee aS gmw ern ntan earlyday. BeHanueband a, toetohb.e omtrect for splnkliug tbe<ied et Heinemnille six yeare ago, and 2. -stréets titiesuIoler. TtlàI.arguoid thet àehm a.madie lien boma.wlt teb.Acre au watfn will ho' obtanuble for the. fanaiiy ls thîeir enoal to Liberty- lilrpoce asnsuon as the.new ieysten llle, She w"nt Lwldely acquainted reedy andl which nl lie wituixn atv..t eldom leavnmig h,~ orne. Those wbo or tnu, the mone great oiaîtocle that liaa did enjoy hier tnie-iiship sud liappinemm of liaretoture preven.tad l laing Lb. streets ber n4iîuaintanIîg. siucereiy moun ber "Pr'nkli regmuovei. TIr.l propoe< to deefli. Possesmeil ut a dispoasition most 1111,7for the lnxuny hy private subserip- ceadeadbleandsi- o aI. fito effasra Liiu.geutie and self eacerltlciug mother Na naw honses hava arnived. ton coiae devoted to temiily lite and tlaiee near ta 4.. Limi..St Ii.TraLluaisciaka~gro ldelier find nîîrds inadequate tu express I. but two #$table" are expce OD the feeling utd(if to aue >'br< Thea Wood lawnn c enP<ple hve absence. Beldis une @inter, a son anîd tliOtý6nVe àaigsurtive. nl have a string ber. uailer Mat Boag b>' the endi of thhi wetk and Dr. Brophy Grammer Grade Commaeulement. ban rented thinteen @tale for usme la>'bie The iret amiimal graimmar grade rnm- Fox Lake stable whlch le looted for amencemnent ut lýilsrtyvilloeitools eili ho moet an>' ime. The Association lias field atet b.Liin i-lunc, Wadnesday practically flnisbed its neten eystsrn end evening, Jiue 7. The program aimtire-. the continiuous irmuimotrpump whicb pared le givemi lierewiLli and an auimis- fi à triple cylinder fine honte Power clan of 10 cents will ho charged: machine inia linluworting onder sud Inivocation- powar ft ununing Lb. eoton5is. derlved Chorus,........ ....... ...... .... .. eholm e f nain the electrie riugi, connections b.ing gorchest- ......Mba .ee wade niLli the trolley. Vocal-"Come hua Iiy foes .lla P[ The North Shore Eleotrin Company A i.......all. uile oilh ave eornpleted tue taek of b iniu lOrhetra- In il ii rmLait Bluff f0 Libetie AdMM-Rev. J. A. J Wlipple. pistor 14. E.In eiiuraau Waute&'n and inetgkâiug a' complet.nn u e 1'a-<aeuaoo f ulpîuIMaI- .. Co.Sula Oagieum.At tlîrîîmglout Lih. village b>' the latter Chous ....... .... .............ehul part of next wesk. New poing have been orcetmf- V( erected and uew wîm e trung on aIl- streets a the village. IL leiepected thet I e lasî u e. Dr.ade& Pr Village' Board Win Expiais Plane for Propoftd fipwer Inaprovaiment., At the instigation of the village trusteis a meeting ha. been callid for Monday niglt at,13 oclock et the Town Bai, t hhalcitiata. lnterested ln the. sewer Imrreînnt are requested to b. prenent.1 t in proposed et that time t0 explain to thi eop le just wlîat is planned sud the. probable cont. li ln undettood the Board bas au option on tour aad a hll acres of land owned by Mer. John Woolridge and lying belweeu the. St~ Paul traces where they, form> a Y near the river, the contract pric.being$2,O00. With this goe*ea. nmente which will ell *ow ot laying ewer p ipe through otiier property owned by Mr. Woolrldge and the vexed qluei. tion of 'poWsbility and menner of reachlug the. river with e eewer in tlius dimpo.ed of. Part ot the land in to b. oped ila. a grevel pit, trore which the villflewill smure il.. gravei for etreetii 1e other public lmnproveznente. *Benidea wl 1 hu plenty of roona for eewage de. pouls whlch wlil falter through the grviani nto thqrriver. In leter year. a eceptie systm "0coId b. bu 'ît on the land ae it in adaptapefor that purpome. Pro m e poin wthln thleamtere iimrte of the vi tg.ifl l e built a main nwrleadllng Wo the land optioned. ,Tleijuprovemen-t -wll le accomplitiled slone of the'system wl b. by opecial. assesements. kt is thought best to mniatou et the lieginnln~ a quite coin. plete oystem givilu i ientsli ail perta, of thevilkbge tebe=neflta o ie bcderived et once, rether then to graduelly ex tend the cyetemtfroam a mlibeginning. This it ini belleved wiil give moat general satis- faction. It la for the, purpose 0f ex plain- ing to the citizen» the proposition thàt the meeting ia calied Monday niglit. Water Mains at Once. The INtuEPEt4DExT leeruil that con tom. plated eewer improvementa will flot de- .ay extension of the weter mi"na to ail parts of the village, and that special aissensmenta wîillieu levied fer this Ipur-, pjose in the near future. While at firet the çombined cost ot the two mont needed improvements may. ceemuappel. ling, when it lna-consldered thet prOf>. ably the eaeeemente wîllli e@prend over period of twenty yeers, it iyill lie ea the taxe@ wiillibe leu. burdeusomne. Want Village Hall. Thîe Board also wisbes to buuld a vilage hall this year on the- lot on Cooi avenue and it ln probable that if a build- ing in erected that will at ail nwer nu outiay of another 82,000) will ho e D..- sary. Toececure, funds' for these und aLlier neeeary improvementm will re- luire norne ine financlal rnginepriug, lbut au they will ai have to corne the tras-' tom argue it la48. Wel tu Lave tlîem finit a. lait and lettfth. coxning gealera. tion help heer tho ex pense. GRAffATIONI Senior Clam 011v«, Program Tbuuîadtay Nlbht ut Union Churcb. TON TO IRBCEIVB DIPLOMAS. Tih cominm*ment ait the lits-atyvfl@ igiii mehoul beglus intunîsl>'tuiday iigit niLitu te delivery ufthtle ball. taimureate addree. by 11ev. Lawlen et the CUinchurecb Suieveniîîg ,Juike 4. Tan n jeaili nil b.graduatad nhieb nurnibercompirises Lb..largese laienlica îasyet.lni thLb.coureint"ie 3local iga seool. rb.y are: 14e,.' Butler George Cleveland Berthia liason Stella Wilcox MaclePestter Robert Bond Gr*ce Appley Efhel Downa Florence Gleason Lesl ie Webbi Senior Glass Night. Clase lîlgiat nli ehold Tliunsday vaning. Jiune Set Lb.e Union ebuinili ail apniagnaa utofuaîuoual, neiet bats luee nramtgad, tfur wbicb an admiesioii tee ot 1- centm will ho changed to b.lp débra>' vxpencse: ':Sonir by Clasq- SSix Ciapd of Chocolate- m-en T rCHAIianas. Aiteline Von Lundau .....German Girl GRAC APPLT Dorothy Green . M... ew Engiaud Girl ResitenrfBacon-................Boston Girl lia",. LBUT .. Mari.. L ................. Southeru G;ti r HERTHCMOtII lisnxVon Courian .... New York Girl IrFHEL bd. m5WNe Jeanetta Lîmaeud....... ......Frnch Girl S.clame History....**...........Robîert Bond P.imano, Soin. ............ ...liertha mw-in 1.Claie P-pbe.Cy............. Mae K Pester Tiie Engish (Gtiand the Western (.tri- mrs. A ndego ioncs,... Society Leauler Liýdy Guinevere Liendpoo-e- sierra lengaiue,,>..... A Prairie IRose FA.dPETIIEL M. DOWN.ii , 'mIt so ..Owner of ierra Mine-, clmauney Oaetborpe ..... ....... . waird tiaaiton'. Pitner ConreILLIflW"1i1 Comncemenit Eaerciaes. The Annluel Commeneement exercices w111 ho held eit the Union clîurch on Friday eveninatr and null ho frea tathe pulie' The foliowing proga-am wvill lie Kinu et tlat Lira-- _ ivocation ................... iv.Las e itrumnutal Solo. ,Nearer My (;)d 'ii Thee............................ .Rider EITHEa. TAYiie ddé-ais-Tue Culitof the Twentlatii iamory piit. j àJAUM ocal Solo-'The Spring has Came- Presentation of (Spiomak- neouieti.',s T sI 1N X SPORTS and AMUSEMENTS X At thîugiili, e pt nde easlly laiieîi Lte Cliicagii Lettar Canriere yeating thuin <Iltî et ailtixies hiolding he garne safelyin lhlaud. Linriqïimt )tclid ftohle home Oeau sund did gtood work. Suunday gava f n i Iiorim-s ta Lti ilirtyville tenmnis. LIae f.ibentyville Regmlare defaatiug tIe i. hlims Colts@aot ligliwoo<l nita a sco)re of 17 to 3 ou tae rottia asociation groundc *Wle tie White Sox n LIa. ld Vair grounde uutad Lb. plck up Ieai tsent do ntrain aurnes iu a-wluggimg garne wblihlnted devon lenngep wlth the narra w margex A14 f0 18, ThS I When youwant. fTiý Butter--the kind . t is Made Right--Taste Right--Come to :: This Store, we can PIem Sure For the future we will-. this store your best tr place. EVER YTtJNU- good will be foun-d,,iP and at the very lowest, Tomat.oes as Weil as other fruits, vegetal Table Daioties1, Meats and other sh -oos. s * . . . Make it a poinïtet see what's Mo phone 29 A prrhe 0of over, 100 ým% J men's aMW Chdreos SmeuiSh**!w ber cent,. ou1he reolas Prim. PMst tion to Save gpu Iroun25 O 5C a up-to-dae, rew blesoe. WC soat pair te git'e satlstactorg wear. Cloming out a lot of. children'a -6 e ru aud black and tan Oeords, the Sikli Clîllrei' rubber Boled Oxfords- Misses' il * a -- Ladis' and Boye'rubber ooled Oxford> Men s ruabber soled Oxforde TI LIBERYVILL w - Honor SoldIe iead At Lihertynlle in thlîe uin -iun!i ni-ny tittiîîg mamminial services WOreled by the Jfohn (I. Bagan ]Polit uttf hi' Ruv. ILH. i.Lawler éseveral nuiilien <of liatriotie nimîuie nere miiil.r-u and n inv-reOtimig prograiof recnta, wax gin. The speaker oif the o-aiiueas E. S. Weedaia. a mari ut fine ycams expenicaice et the fronit and vlio bas beau fmor mauy Jeune Bu aetive worker iu theia. l. A.IL field. lu Lihortyville twenity-tiinee graves ut veterans 0uthei Civil n-ar bvam devorated, tb. ftillawing laaing the lust as given: Pt. Bý ailiot Daevid Gibeil C. W. Bond ueo Triei John croby Edwini Cran.e Wm Wilson ODavid Jamees UVL uîdweli riais aL. aine,; JGerrarl Thomnas Devis WillitamPric e. nii it.ýwii George Ettane 0-ie, Yautir Fred 'Miller J FPrelai Lite Wilson .i i lu%ùe,;,'Frank itMie i mo. HolTuuami iletryWilan. Ounici iicmi.in - Nathcan Mato William iCrane Halt' Day. L.. H. lirai'. James Burge Johnu Ch.apîan Johin Cayaniih WIiouOtY Warren 1Lieny John HoistAldes Smilla John Tlsreyîer Daris Woodnui H, . Y or. WAs uor MIL Daniel Wright. 'HJE FMI Ladies J, ---------- 1 ----------- M: à 1 17. ýs