CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1905, p. 7

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srum '111 *A* d mllwaukge, WIs. OAaotiântt me 1 uma 1 MrCon.. daviseve r>' aaî*. 1 he bd haLkes, POMS I Lw k, and &t'quant digg>' whbkdur.wworme Cv.,>' ,mont&. OW timodiee heloro Perujia, Iwrmmla lesstthau Iwoamoatha mgr 9«»lLhw«aanstoraL'-.Mrs. AM. L Tbe relss utof n manytir ailur"st ftALE t uOuI Ot aes Ol.1 1 r o h aio>ive moi !COMZtD 3 ixte fart that As CTJUM dinegempertitar iotefeniale gel sri, bot commum*ily reeoguized au being * eOsu by catarrh. catanb 'ofun asi rgon l. eaactly the MMaOu catarrh of any titer urgaji. WVhat yl cUre tatarrh ..f tho liesd s il &I!M,.WPtq. regarfb of, the. pvic -uqauos. Ferua ctrtx tihc.e cascs shopfy bec-ua. t citres the oatrrâ. ip have %-ta rirte nt once te Dr. IVarîrnan. giv'ng a filu taternent et Jour case, an-i be vvll be ilea..d tu Ulve y u flis valiiable advee gratin. AdduqaDr. i iartmau. l'resident of TUa Harnman ltanituriuim. Columbus. 0. aU HoMes loosk Semnft lawhtesd beau. Mot rab or sul..l,dilatOass.germs PUsd. ADJ oca cm bruah i; es-mia tt 0 vae. Pliais ntisg a»4 vhiteftlsg, and t" wmo" elaberte r.,ief. stencU olt sudi ýboodnnmyedýithL t Oter PshM 9 (bmisg faucful naines and mlx.1vtluh ti Wft«>Ioo» cIte asi m aisrtcbota orissbtkes e aua rsltts. aeîi 0" o5p.tli1=4walh. thint. et.. 8-S 9 >pùo&Ol i net .Éaoiloff , r m-us st- ita isia otai B ilasa àr0 1 ;; ALAA _1*E COjAP= = w hs. oi.cr00l se= seN Y ISSIE'S 0COINCMII E C»eAeAI s FU .lrNzscr: ln" I- C- . M_î a. N. V.. ,Ç. 22-1905 abo is eeimînton iol BRIWaY 0 Rate@. a AIl1 railroad men qualifled ta speakm en the, subject ln a respousibie way im are likely te' ogree witli Presidenit 0 *Smuet Spe ncer of thte Southern Rail- oc wbnlie says: -Titere Io no divis- 0 r 0z 1 opinion os ta the. deslrabillty oftlu ltopping aIl secret or unjustly discrim- inatory d:evires and practices of what- ammer icharuceter."'f Mir. Spencer, lit speaklng of "uinjnst- 1 iy discrlmlnatory" rates and devices, l mallea a distinction wibich la t once apparent ta commun sense. Titere niay b. discrimination ta freigbt ra.tes't wbicb la Jnst, reasonable and Impera- t >tlvely required by thte complex com- b uterciai and geograplilcai conditions with whieh expert rate makers have tu deai. ýTo abollsh sucb open and bluneut discrimination migbt paralyze the. industries of citiez, States and i wboiesections of ou national terri- t«7. SI S This distinction between jst and gr ,enljust discrimination la clesriy recuit-ta Yised In tiie conclusions of the Inter- in lailonalI Ratway Congresa. published UX 7esterday: «'asits Uholil te bassed on commercial li he0e tta 1aI0 0c' 'tthe "pecwa ~eitoewblcb1ti.;r.ctccomrca valLe<the services rendered. Wth the r ggeraton that rares @hallllie charged vitti. task5itrriciiutiop 1tailH.shixperM &asuder auecodtioss.the making et sf05. sami& s au fr sa passbl bhave ail the .O*Ntltytpnsessarp ta permit Lac deveiop- or mast et the tonifie aud ta prodoce tbe groat- ;f0resitste bepublic sud ta tbe rail- IN*h.present proposai la. as fr. 'Un 1~aier . Km, 0 Lolaviie how d W.~l werarkbie emtlony iii ue t~~>etI,.tii. Snat cmmittee ii JustWdsrirninatory rate@ Into fted sevérument rates whicli cannot lie a tbanioge zSpt by the intervention of smre goveamelit tribunal. andi by ibis y ,jr pinces. tu linrense "tihe tempta- ba t Ion to depart frot ihe publiabed rate th, Sud tii. lawfui raie in order to muet tic sons overPowerlng and urgrent com- moerdlaicoOflit 01-New York Sun. wto weirsta j~Msuras î*cloly-of tItskw s-~~t. a 'I edusw Our gsippeelirm uîrput-ta of the, morld." explioiethé despern- tendent of tise tactari. "Tie ricermot of wîlci several Yerletles et brnsahes are madtieonte-front Meilco, anti la -.lbppeti iere lu large bale&,. h la pre- parei bp te natives, andi censanau- svheft tron a ta 45 cents a Poundl. Olthen vunieties of stock used Inluthc manikiug ut bruitée.sare Mexîcan grass, ts-ilclelaexcectiinglp utlff antic-ourse, -n th4 le bittaI, a wooti liber bolleti ln 1ic4liSttme tromua -lieeositeof- Aýtnicu. Tise libersetflias stock are suif, f i anet neecssfnp te color'il, ai* nt lutit l ta onet advissible te do no. tuunel etit matie Itto bruiehts le apitet get met wheu useti. Titere la s union fiberm-huIhfl-a mixture ut basmineandti ampico, Iliai contes front Tampico, MexIùo, "Vs'e itilte briatie brutoies more* tiffiesulte10moke, for more cuare toithle nasterlalafi; eeoury. Baverai kInds ot Ciueme brIsibes vilcu couic direct tramt China are useti. Tisey roui front 2%/ te 5%4 Inches lu iengtl. Titey are aimoaLiîîo'k. "'We have te _pap a prolbp smnart price fot sente ai tii brigules. For lit- slthtice. tise sîcest Malules finat conte front biosala are vorti $2.25 a pouîîd. Thege are useti for uice floor bruibes anti car vusisera. '*The -*wetern United States itrisile le the cIîeopelit. Tlege range ln pnice front 38 taet95 cents furthél unblen c-licol, nuiîtos higis ns $1.50 for lieb-no-lied. whle ItlaNnet possible teu ehicttieîu pourewItsîbe tbtIse bletocieol itle une ut fur better qualltp and oprc' ony tuiidIiîa hiuti-grntie brush. S"31aklig [)rushes loA ratlier preîly wcrk. The rota bloc-k. ut, as; the un- lautinleti m-uld ferianIlut.htie Isdleu tani bue but-bs for thc flour brusics colite troin Iltemer, Me., andth ue caun- ter-dbiei-blocksaare' matIe lit Buc-k- fildit. Tise fancy p îiouted brusiieg cote frot Peotîspivania, anti are ulLot roo-b ilitîpie,hidgiilp poilsiteti. luu1uTto iig tii-se lantiles n large roundi bloc-k lm w-el. antil1t turning titis a ine frictiou lKIlIIthîlela ecureil. The, block la eut Int fonr isudies, ant ipoutlieti a sec-sud tinie. '*Tise'draving' o!filoeebruusbem Is rîeurby al] doee y girls. T'hey aitntai lIng tabue and pic-k up a kt of lbris- li-.ehaffing thin hetsveçn tiîr lin- go-ns. ltheutthep <lii) the itOu--h i tû bibi(-. t.islng tue bhosties n to-is:. tiios m-ttk tselîs lnto jouate. Il sNitis ltict twist m-hicilgis-â ftic reroolfiiluit-ss -to tise Éibtisidbnli. Au exupertt opo- rater can iblt -&PO boueis lu n day. A utoill titttet bais 41 isoles, ss iile a fIuor îrumit ots ]12. "1le Ibloc-k final goca l te hnolid;-. frot Ibere te the laiter, ant iis l,«tred. thii la dram-n. Front the dtraioet il gos sta lte glue Lent-lt. wht-rte hlat-i Ist gînî,ti. Iee ta tie ntuoili.r-ntoin. anti troîn tiere toi tIc flnisiiig-r nm on aon endiesbelt. Theet il.4i ar- nited. stttitbed andI prepuiretifot- ilii;o nii-nt. Thiuw. m-hile tise brto.h N tutti- lilitd. Itl ookIt very samlte. tud i le the iiroc-etts 'onimiots, utruuany diffi-ret otiges. pet il dues not 15k. verv iooutg la iotîe o gootu submatituu rna"- b.essston Jlurnah AIAXIA IS CURABLE RIWOETBD CMl STAJD TEOT OF YULL INVlEMGATION. Ai Fosar Vîctia e9 LecIste Ataai Mevw rm.e m oaffcoriag aid .A*tUp a t Work t "Tes," Mai Mn. wtkins t'O a reporter, "ut là tuethat f bave licou cureti ot ataxla by Dr. Williams'. Pink Pi0ip~." .'Ar posa gare pou d lI mato- aismis?" Il The tinctara thensseves toiti-me se. Beaides f reooapsizetithe aymptain, Wliat mure thep 1" Weil. the flu-sI indications murs a utlffncss about the ksec jouittsthai camne on about four peama sgt,. A teormoutls liter liai appeareti, my muid gai ta ho uncIeu-loin, shadp.lik,. 1 lot oonflsenco in My po"r $0contrai the movemestu of may legs. Oncëem1.w»esin lte coler. 1 starte bpicd up Ime sctties oL cent, and -y legsgave ip.uD"~U1YI and 1 umblcd&i a tsmusla abasket. I c-onld'i close Myupu suM4 dcep =y balacetesave =yli. -Thela til o feutl ai t»s v r p vl oi.btisud 1 t lent oestral o-rer mw kdM..p.asti ut'x bovchs." . 1t tHaw about peur iseosi healti ir' t tekeep sut>'buil ad. iÀln 'uelonf a mwentpposants. Ibue m 4pu-etip bati for me ussiAl Ir »i- M A pos oan miso lad bemfl qhnod by Dr. Wl- bains' Pink Pilla a&îWho ativiseti me to C IlDith-tssepillai belp pou rightawayr" 11 1ditin'i seochool rtement un- il 1 b"sduse au boxe.. The trat buc- lbt 1 naticoti mu a boe iculation anti a picdlsg up in streugtb sud melght. 1 gratinaflpsol confidence An mp ablltp ta direct the utevemeubtaofimp loes.and in lie courefs aionor .1,1 uanta ail the troubles adtidisppmsu-stc -t 1, Do peu regard pourmeif ai nlr roil nom?" 11I de ihe wmofeta a l mmflait nY rate. 1 cm nloue my " ooniantp i &Uzs*ht and, move about the ame as lN o9we mem. The.painue al&U Oeoc«. cpt saocolaial Imitc iAn the mives of p lep." t- Mr-. ,SeefL.W&tdlnarâadmatNoâ- 92 bovin en uvttst,$a, repiieti ber huil- bud. »0,,t Wjp otr' *'Beaunse iiepouldn't bave a lunchirndy If they tidiut ksav me were coming." Worth i Remnseriug. T1'ers are lires entIreip dIfferent kldts ot ingrediente usnti ln maklng the tîrce different varieties of haking portier. on the market, vix. :--(l) lti- erai..Aci or Alun, (2) Bone-Aciti or Phospbata. andi (3) Crean of Tartan matie traulgrapea. Itle lamportanÜt, fron the alantpolut af beal, ta kuew sametbing about tIseeÏngredilents, anti ich k dila oset ln pour beking -portier. (1) Jjfooroalcid, or Abumn, ls mads froint a dlid oft dp.' Titis ta mixeol s'ltis dluteti oU of' vitrial andi froun titis solution a produci la obtainiet ici la alunt. Almsla cleap; coste about two cents s posîsti, anti Laking powder matie mith thia liluerai-Aciti seile freon 10 ta 25e a Poundl. 2) Bonc-Adds, or Phosphiate, la thse baaiaet phosphate baklng poordena andthie proces s atuldescribeti lu île patente Iasuedt tea large manufac- turer et a Phosphate powtier. Thie V. S. Patent Ofice Report gives a fuit sud exact description, but tlie tolloor- Ing extracitla enaugh: "'Burned boues, atier beng grounti. are put Inte fresitlp dlluted ail of vit- riolandi viii continuai stirring asti is thse foloving proportion,"' etc. Prom ta sBone-Acid phospitate lad- Ing powtiers are made; sucit powdera meil frot 20 ta 30 cents s pouod. (3) Cjuearn of Tartan exista lu al ripe grapoes. andl florls oitI the julte ,!ront lie pres ln tlie manufacture cf vine. Atter tise vine la dramaoffite tniar i crapet froant tise clsk, 1011 m-ltuu alet, anti crystals et Creant of Tartar. m-ite anti very pure, separate caod are coltetel. It differs blnuote- apeet front btot os lun mmchl i ng- inally existeti lu tic grape. Crean o! 'la rtît, Ient,vile île mnt expeive la the anip ingruodlent ibut ahoult iLe used In a baiug postier lueaselapon the sioda, as lils boiesomeness a abc- yond question. Creant of Tartan lad- Iug portiers oeil ai about d0 te W0 cents a pouat. Sncb are île tacts, anti ever onse, caretul ai tle lieiti uoft he,'fa>h soulol remember tuis ru e-azA portiers selling tron 10 te 23 cent; a. Poundt are matie of lneral-Acid"a titise aelting front 20 le 30 cent*s Of1 Iluîte-Ai1d'-andthuloe frein40 Io 4010 cents of reon o! Tartar matie trout Tite Moucrhant-Su ou In re looking for a joli. tlt Iitkiwiof utwotk eau pou do? The Iàplsicat-I turlly kboom.sir. Mp Loott etoilotomeut sas biai ut inîbructor1 lit a b-iot.itt 1ou Titi Merhant-Ot. 1 eanunue pou0 al right. ('oite arottilu inte torniug ready fior wutk. l'tu goiug ho mail «a:lutot fci-i culars, atndl ou eau lick tise stamps.à Frlesudix Couideratlou. t De.og-i say, aid man, mises are pou guluîg 1te pay backlite $10 1 ]et pool hav5esix imonthil5o? îhortmad-Oh, lu à fer dupa 1 1 wouilus-avepul Ilbac-k long ago. oulyi i m-us afrsid of hurting 3pour feelings.t DeLoug-In mitat map? Sbuortwd-l tid't vaut ypout10 tliind 1 Ilougîtt en odedtheUtcmouey. A Roucis Rua&l Fariner Waybuc-k (sterling ihome front te station)--Plense, ma'aO&, do pou wétar tiseteçti? Fait Borler (for te suntmer)-Siu? l'nrnier Waybek-Ol, 1 do't mess lot Le cuotous. Ouup titis rosd is a leetle rougit. ond et pour teetit sin't good sud fast you'd Letter pot 'em in pouir pockeb. EVERY WALK IN LIFE. A. A. Bocyce, s fariner, living threeM sudi a bail niestroma Mo., saa8: "A aovere coud settieti lu my kiti- nepa anti de- velopetia o tluicklp ttat 1 mas obligeti lu 1ap off worr nac emunt et tie ac-bi n nMy boc-k snd Odes. For a tune 1 vas able ti I valk ai ail, sud everp ikseIittI.1-Il rieti sud ail tle nMedicine I tood- hdtil nei île lgîteat effect. My back con- p Linuedtietugrom veaker until 1 begsu a taking Doau'l Kldney Pilea, asti I muat i is 1 vas more titan surpriseti anti ratiliedte ta ntice tle bSckache dsap- y entng gradually untîl làfnlip t stpped." S Doan's Kldnep Pil solti bp ail deai- a tas or by mail on recelpi et -prlce, 50 .enta pen box. Foter-Milburs Co., Buffalo, N. T. a Naturali ilction. n "Why," ansareeth îe Inquialtive nF irson, "do pan tliink lise vunit la bi jrming miser?" "Because et a statemeut I reet Iin a leapaper le lie__effeet ubat lobatera th te gettIug scarce," amerdthie s- P let of cause anti effeci. Friend-Hcow are pountioiug nov? Seribber-Fin-t rata. 1ev. Mn. Saint- w ce asti 1 bave gone mie opatnerhiji. 'f ains monep baud over Onat.Co "Eh? Her de pou manager, pV ,I orite booka, asud ho desunce t -11cm1." Tbb Wvue ,mtions i ofthe. eek en s My bs leogîeal n- faveiabie, exicept là Pooinoof tle raid- tdle. sonti Atlantic and gui! States and eupper Mississippi aud .%lissouri vaileyx. the sonthem WIKYdpMouuîaîîî region sud Californie.* Frequeut andi nsome- caser hesvp raina have delaped Work in east- trt districts sud on the northIt iacific csets, butitaproveti ouditionm ot grains suad grasses, vhileScol nigite and clouolp vestser have retArdeti germnination and gs0owth Ii nearV sIldictricts. Froets More or les. dasaegng --ord in New Engiaud, the moriheru portiùn of the Mniddle Atlsn'tie listes, in Ohio, tbe riertlieru-*tockyeuntaiu region, in Ore- gon aud- Washingten. 1"urther delar laern planting Isne-t porteil frola Ohio, Indianta ant Illinois > nd Munju replantbg la lieocgary in ihs 1 §ntatnd lmst ned Biatcs as weii as iu Iowa sud.Nehesahat Plaîtitung l4nearly completetil laouhe-n Ii.%souri and about three-fourtbs of thte suea in plant- ed lu Iowa and nidthern Nll.motiri, mont- ]y flishaed laNebraska antdlcentral Ili- sels, and t iiswork la now lîetug tigor- ouslyp puhet InlaIndiana tand Kentucky. eOn dry, waro sola lu lowa germination la fsirly gond, but coineecds "-arusti and 1aumhin to luaire satisfacîîtry grovîl. Cuitwonms are dauaging In thse Ohtio val- ley sud portions efthuie -Middile and south Atlantic Sttes, orbile the cnop in suifer- lng fron teck of cuWvation in thse lent- uamed district andi lu lte States of the lover lissippi vailep. Winter orbent generallv continue* pnoniong, although compltintm ofruît are received trou Keutii,-ky, 'ieuneaee. Missouri, Oklahoma and 'T-uq nd nIte-' Ports of about stu-sw front )e-riions of tbe Middle Atlantic lStes, IiîoossdMis- souri. .The crop ls begiitning 10 heati lSn southeru Nebrska. WVîttrwiete in doing well lu California. ht-ading nic- ]y in Oregon, and looking oeil. but malt- ing slow progresa lu Wasiltugton mving to beavy froota. vbicii eut down ane Mrin in loy valeys. Mtore favorable wexthet conditions dur- lng the latter part of the week have cansed sapriag viiesi to luoprove rapidly, and t"i crop lin ov mkitg satisfactory protrestexcept on lovlandq in North Dakota, wheriesllgbt daniege ras dope by Bootiug, ast imse scattered fiels of tie laie sovit ste tblu In .Sîtutit Daota. U p~ t ativncine.:ttactorilp la .mo Itboughheotvy roîsî Caus- lUAU tn wMuIl zecover and is look- Tii. ItMon if o055inaBasti.. fstoryý. trc s a s sioe bas made ot g u5l stioug retroeby cool tiluti' vstlerin Iliît.ieý-ta dur- Ngti ospart et theuecotk sud by floodoi la portions of Oltiot. ilje csie dssttete4filelds arec im iin Nioraoka and BoutAi Dakola and crt.cotlemi isl reponeti froin nortiters To-xt-t. Wlie toond stands of eli:on lire ienyre- Porteol frosulthe edstern antdicetral sec- tions of tue Cotton bell t, i ogll-, bave checlted, groortitanti theotaptie in suf- fering from iack of sunoloote antd cuil:- vation. Complainte oni groooý fields being receis-ed front nearlp eveny tieve two sections. Planting ;ç -iituhed in Southt (arulina sud Alaoltnta. neiiriy comiiletc.l in NorthbCarolîina and is- pissippi, but about 25 p-r -eutntofthse ares rernaina to lbe plantcl in Ltulsuna> andi Arkansas. Tobacco planta are pîttîlful in Ken- tucky aud trasplantiug c,.îîitlueq lu that Slate as welan as In iii. 'Maryland aud Northt Carolins. t'otsidersbie han bees planteol in Virginia. bt lthe souis l foo, wet ios-ally fort tit uork. Tte, crop ia smfferiisg front ickt f proper cultiva- lion in Nortlit Caroiii;i . Lests'favorable relorta are rtceived tegardiug appiem. 1u-ospectA fior titis crop are detetioratiutrlu injssoiirt, lthe bloom la not as futll t o-tuuai lu New England, 'droppiug it. riturtel frtus Vir- ginis, Kentucky, T an~-~sesd stouteru Illinois and liesproiuNoîtrg conlitotto are indicsîed lu Ohio. lot other prinils aPPie-groring $tates lthe c-top contintuez promising. PULFORD A SUICIDE. ais Suapecteti af lthe Berry Murder Takes Hie isOws Lite. Bothwell I'uiford. lthé- richest man in Ssvsnns, Ili.. wsewc otoe las bren mott ptoismnentlv rîc in-îî-l tConneclion isitit R tht usurder of lDan- wl 14.Berry, killed bloto-toIt Tlturotloy itto rtitl i n ttlti h y v f' otf bis barri. Ilis ti-it Make thec -ct itI tragedy lu -tht towu ut Savitu- uttttto f tbe toit- il, toolman andtIhie wtfe utflthe suicide bitte been èioseip a . rav I tîlford englet] hi% lite riti asîngle thuler. Hle went mbo lite etr Io 0n o Whýk Cimmbng to the loft lie totooilieutr thte West winlots, pressed l teite mzzle of bis revolver îgainsl lthe rtgit ide -t! lis forehiead, fireol anti feu bock dcii. Pulford's dilh eolt- .climax of lire Years of dunsestic luio Inîoleî.luohicl Lhe utaitesotof'%r-. iilon antd Datîel S. Becrry wcre fre(î-lYtîtiked togetiier bp almost every oue li lie tow of Bs-an-c For two mourîis"1ItI"PIîfiord bas show vigus of lbhelt-crible Mentat strain uder witiitelatr-. a correspontdent loserts. Wleiml Dltttl8. Berry was tilil i Puifotrtls t oli onn. aitl]thet autirites Leogan tl it q îctiou Friflardil Il -aq e-violent rtoi lose wisttokîîew tint Lest 0 bhat Ltulford-, mitîtl o .,givnc way. *lie IR nul Mentally .It,tioi" aid Chief Of1 Police C. C. Parker. "I an afrailibe it wiil MlIi binself." i'arker's productiont -amne true,. I'nlforoi's deatit ends, the lIfe ut s man who rose irtom a poor b~oy tg lté posituinn ef one of lte we.-ltiiieqt men lu Car-oll couniy. Aceording o al reports, thse peopie ut Savonna m-ilsirnos aauclate..It "Goo nd avoin', Sain. Wiy; po' @eerna to e in a powerful gondi humer, isi mawnin'."' t5Bbo 1 la. Hurricane doue blew de roof off mal cabin. Been- needin' a 1aew one fol ten peals." '"Dat al]?" "No, sal. Sot' uait mule vld de terne leg. 8ren needin' a ney mule f61 fitteen yen ba." "No wouîdali yo's lafftn'. Inythlng elme?,' "Tep, mais vife rus off witi a min- atu-el matn. Been seedin' a new wlte toh twenlp peah. Man gîttin' id ob ail dems Incumbrances la ose day ougit te laff. Hs, lia, bal"- la ReordETime.. Piuep Platjs. Tens., May 29---<pe- cil.)--Cnred In ivo dapa of liheuma- tisu liai batimate ie litef.a torture for two peas, D. 9. Hilton afIis piace naturallp vanta everp other sut- ferer frein uheùtimata know rhat curet i Ji. Ih vas Dodd'a Kidnep Pilla. "*Dotiti'eKidey Pilaare ithe grand- est, p llon ea ut ii. a pay s fr. Hiton, 11 vouess i tae.anp @uinetof aep for viat thept diti for me. For ivo pears 1 hlidvhat the dectara calieti rheuns- tiaiu. f couiti lardly waid arounti lu the bouse. Ih soaned o ba e In mp bacd ant ihp anti legs. 1 ta'led everpuiiing. but notblsg helpeti me tii I1 gai Datda Kidnep Pilla.' "Tito daiss tter I look tbe finit dosm al pain lef t me anti h bas neveu came bac-k sce. 1 can't pralse Dodd'a Kiti- -ney Pis ito n ficb." Rheumatian la canseti bp orle acit Inl its, blooti. Healhy kIfinepa tadse al the Uric Aciti out o! the blooti. Dotitis Kldney Pilla mnitselealtlp kdtnepa. Toung Lady-Ton are a orondentul master of the piano, 1 les,. Prof. Von Spieier (hîreol for tle occa- sion)-Il blp sggumpaniiuenla zonetines. "Accosnpasimenlb 10 îingisg?" "Aggoinpauints to gouverations.' MERCI.ESS ITCHING. Amother speediy Curs et a lchisug Humser *ithla Lam of Esir hi' the Cuti- cura eSemedies. "For ive pears nmp nec-k vas covereti oitit ares. lie humer spreadlsg ta my hair, wvisclufell eut, ieavlug an un- aigiitlp baiti spot, andtihle soreese.- Inflammation, anti mereîlese itching matie me vilti. Frlenfla ivsiOd Cutl- - cura Boap anti Cutlcura Olimtient, andi gtter a feu, applications tic torment subside ol.tamy greai lui. TIe mres sonstilsappeareti, sud mp hair grew îgain, as titlcd sud bealthp as ever. 1 I aialalvapa. recommendth le Cuti- cura Remedies. (SIgneti) Harry J. Spalding. 104 Weat 1lOtti treet, Nev Yord Ctp." A lDsancmod Aocoeul "A fuir excisange la îîa robbenp." Se the teit-books bave taughi Un,.5and uer anotiser InstanCa, quoI bi t»1 New York Tribune, arises lié tise proverli anew. An AineI acunowu for his vealti. 5- .meralele itters aaking bila scribe ta cbarltiea, anti oftit, s the credentiala oif the projeci seent d- lons, le lias ta refuse. Nul long ago ho lad a letter f rot» London, signeti h an unfantiliav naine. "Knowlng as 1 do pour gener- aaiip." lieiràÙger mrote.*'1 isave pni pou dowu for a tmo-buntred-doillr sub- scription ta our minera' widows' funti. Christmnas loaupproacblng, anti we pro-: pose to give a towl anti a Christmas pudding ta eacl inlun's witiow, ou Chrisînias eve."-, Tise millilaslne replied: "Tisaugî 1 know uoliing o! pou or your fund. 1 responti gladip to the cal pan make upon me. I, ton. an lutenesteti in à" clarity situilar te ponts. RIs laîa Anerican clarity. ant I snce it stands In need o! funtis for a Cbitnas treat I lave nut lesitated ta put pan davu for a aubsciptian et twa iindred dol- lars. Tlmus no moncp îîeed paasa le- t-oîeen us."t Metho t u Rie Matises. Hyker-l ses Urbau has 'Iron bars on mît lis windows antI doors. lalise afrail of Lurgiora? Pyker-Ot. no; he's afraldthem coud wIll ecaPe anul returu to te ciy. BOOK 0F 8BOOKS. Over 30.000,000 Pnbliisii. An Oakandi lady wv aa stante ton gond lilerature telle vlat a happy turne aie had as "The Rand ta Wellville." Si. gays: *I drank coffee treely far elgît peara. before I tegan ta perceive any evil e!- tecta froin t . Tien i noticed thalst 1 vas bec-oring verp servotia. andti lai myo stoinacî mas gnaduaill Icslng tbe power ta properiy assîmilate my foodi. In tinte 1 sut mu meak tint b dreadeti 10 bauve ilie buss-for nreasun orbatever but becanse of île miseruble condition of mp nets-es aud stontacit. 1 attnibsitedth le trouble tu anptblng lIn the worid but coffre, of course. 1 dosed nyseif vili medîcines, wmmd lunthse euti wouid leave ne In a m-orme condi- tion titan at firat. f ras moni rretcb- cd anti discauraget-not 30 Yeaea *Id Lszd feeling ibat lifs vas s fallurel 1 iati given up ail hope ot ever en- Ioying myseif like other peuple, tiI Ose day I resd'the lîttie book, "TIe Rondi ta Welbville.'" lu openeti my epyes, Sud kauguiime a iesson 1 @hall neyer for- get anti cananotv"iue le lghiY. -I lmmedtetely quit thq use O et i.Olt kinti et coffee anti bossu ta drink Pas- unt Foodi Caffee.. 1 otice t ie-begin- ing et as inîtrovement In ibe viole -lm ladwo *t~ biit Oven aupong the nli omials of the. fer- - ritory. Thte acleme la a good one sud lias been worked- suçcessfuliy for sev- eral montlis. -~i At a gradingcomp, near Diei t Owsffte a wam generaily known ihat "booe" living, aa tè conld be lîsi, but no one seemed yuli--OMM t5 10 Ing to tell wiîcre titcv got t. An offi- nacla 4d1 fi cer was %ent there to locale the guMly - Party. It watt noticed tliat on certain days one ofthlie teainsters wouid make a trip tlu ainep.-ts-ile, To'... arnd wouid aiways take on eacit arw a long pair of horse collars. At firet titis did net crate suspicion. Tho. e tai used was a -big onàe-and the collans appeovreol tu require meuîding. Imxnediateiy foiiowIng bis returnu ta camp tbe offlicer noticed, more or ievsa gayety and fond talk lun every tent titrougliout the camp. During lte day lie wonid keep cloSe ioicout for bot- ties, etc. Notblig of tbe sort Kouiti lie found. sltbough t tere watt *b«:.. In evidence. Finaliy thte ilicer nutle- est one day ibis man wito drove il large One> wOm i teant andl frequentiy tuait a ptair o ut ersWttiB liorse colatawitb lim to Galugeville ofu Mearyaui remove one, ofthte coliarsasnd carry, No womm Il to the river batikrneur bp. lHe aise beuteild u notied several otiter wonkmen down bani nd ud tbere. duteinlcuin Titis gave the ofliler bis clew antd aufeéring wi tite "jlg ivas up." tpon exaiaition deonalns it was found tînt eacb collai wa2 "only spinal weas&u a abeil and Insîde titere was room ' Irritabulity enougi tato olol more thon two gallon% ths pllace OfP of whisky. Wben the man was oir- shîne la driv rested le told of qtite a number of lives are wvu euemy-w4nl similar caves and lte no-w gagne oftRendt thia la "bootlegging" was exposed.-Kansus £1ear )Ir&pli City Journal. -l1waaf roubb ____________ larmtes which1 Ar te aoOrRccvtgFiltePlay? dy Lde Wben thie Garfield report on the Pound posd te business methoda of the paciters Sp- btim e gi peared, lifter elgiti montits- Investiga- eau s ten 0ur lion, Ih waa aeverely crlticisîîd unitiend thortsîghis roundly denountd. After tbreo . iLFikbm% V. ntits of publicity It la significant -Ms. Ciaser tilt those wbo attempted ta discredIt B"s Boa=n.Ma il bave faiied in controvert the figures 'At the fin contained la ntstexliaustive document pgalOr The. public la 4egflnnin7g te notice this lte i omission, andi the feeling la rspidly .&te. c - growlug that ths sensationai charges* LydIa B. Plu oo iwitich ithe "Beef investigation" poand a"d h arome vere vithout oundatlon. If the. oMetcai statemeuts of the. report are sunsceptible otf contradilction. a good_ mlalip peuple are 110W- asking Wby thei facto andi figures are neotfurnislied ta eontradici thent. Tbe truili seema te bie that moat,0f the charges contain untouaded. sensa- tional assertions. A flagrant examliè ofthiis appeared Ina recent article In an East4ern magazine, ta lie effect ubat "torty Iowa banka wene foreedt t close tbeïr doora In 1903-4 hp tthe Beef Tritat'u manipulation ef cattle prices." aiMO CbM itClerd Coi, <of the ianking de. ..AD My Jeilment of the Iowa Btais Autiutor' .t Îeq, bas tabulated té lIaiof bilaidre-: It gives lu the magazine article snd b4q U< S publiy denonced the. ataternpias 41 utterly untrue. Hie glvess eparatel> s lae esosfor sac-b fallut.e esti- odlciaiiy sta'tes thai the ble çassidby tunwlse iwueuut and by reebleas banklng isetbois. 'Il may be iWell to suspend iudgiem Ut,. on the packers outil the. cb"Il- lagainituentare proved. Husband-The cook appears to be la an 111 humor. Wbai's tbe matter? Wife-Oh, we .itad -a few words tuila mnrning. Sbe titreateneol to a e1* cause we bave, so mach compsuy, antI 1 threatened tu, discitarge heu for the saine cause. Do Tosur Mont Ache a"uBaillât Shabe loto pour ahon Aile'. Foct-gaaS. s odtfur the el. It Makches.9r ab soee feel easy. Cure Corpsa. a- iong, Swoilen. Hot ad Swetisg lee. At auDtisftitsad Pi9Xe Stores 28. Sampte, setFIE ddreas Allen UIL .O1isted, 1lÀ Rtoy. N. Ir. XIll is id neuraigia of the face tuap lie qnickly relieved by a mustard i.- ter appiied 10 tue ellesr Semi-nudity te commun lu rural Jaon.:»:« rl.s1i and fisrtitermote il ln respectable asd~~5W O We use Piso's Cure fur Cousamption in a preference ta any attiret cuugh meoieime. -lira. 8. B. Borden. 442 P street, Wiah logtin. D. C.. Mayp 25. 11001. M-ie laMla thlbg e618& on May fDot meefor oui opkd WWutAloi lie UmuiJWMipoi 1 of howmepe.Who bave UsdLlin CM for over a quarter of a omitury P üm hr aamg&erof Of v taI an.. - Su lMa~h4oa Cava Iheme ~4ps-bmsds SOLIP DY OSi~M tiai m leepluegu 'aen ont e iii troubl eitter: iLed fo ta IL plb. ¶el tp eisi mai rusaelits -m mt olhfme ry ?Uuvp MA l Indicaie nu pains.,~ 'lMe a t o nkhs'aet igin ie uei > a ýth tu

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