CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 2 Jun 1905, p. 8

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W-o gbetle auglter Malé ea IM.johabuxoe amlorlâest1a" le Brysat, 0f LA Mise m Mmd Chu eg,. cafllao n frie echer, of aHila la, Aailre. 0f Le thelr motiier st p uchool 1viii bole te" Jnge. A. wed sud s bWll "MM le umake r toau aWho at.> Iher,ý of Vaukegal -D samoodtil "lot sonay oeo antid able mddret *0 vith mach lu Iadla yviatia vima end wvit thmh apent Bali Q rabh« Wa@ a am0 attewndt Ir, Id#& 0eo. Day MWseD"eu]Va kWt atuatrda] @Pr a b 0of W im, tise Libertyvgl a M1W plana0o jye otiiedit -w ùm eri kiwoe*. very ust U5hsed1 vpe foli 2 i hl um mai son, Ed .eed loi.. Wtlr BuImm )v m id t >r, wL' autanahil. Na o e deAaage vuW d"an id dom. Mv.. Hugh Elders, 0fchc * speMnlu théele iti . bstyvls '.Veio use ball teinvlM J theéaLaitskeZurichtenai t aI L Mk an&5 hm0 Mm..Hommes allier sud chUren amvà idPr pouding thé. w? vitiamv. Eaihiov'a ad parente, Mr. iudllv.. Chas Johnson. t 3119 =eO Thé. opeuug -of Fort Shesdan Park I tis pl an ok muea ay tram Reortel'. dsuce let Satemr ny iglt. a Pka Ah. So lommea$5 la théetcty reeentlY v Porn tuamseshie brother David wvlialed tihe P =ai ad mislrtua ta oas à log lunaelevated the day rond accidet. Sd Mm. Shaidt ad ister, MIS. M, v'th a itnmo h 1 ste te ;ie C. E. fWniteaoalâCer Sgm. isie 1e ing. Mr. lut nee'dagiieMv eri>aPegeélowF tug ad e., wbleh Mr. 'Md Mm e aa(ilesson ae ileret by etertslhlng Mr. and lire. WiNIWI Bey, o!f Chiago, ibis week. Mr. Balys homen et thia place la foEgu e relative. du Wedneedsylet theéade met ai the home 0 f m .Jbsn ltank.e I wrsh uplae on tegrave. of th. faindayedod erdead. It ywlh. eevd ara ii a' that Mr. Jonueovasaveailof the0 ' Another vlctory for tIi.Veruon teau b icago lent Suday eit Long Grave. Too mach prase emot h. givea aur hys asth. mlrng Lain e ut Spr v.erre. om h. joint at ! veVngi'acive kins, Ume Tbemm FmSoiî WL~ ievr ad Mr. George K. Blabcock va tiirowv q inWau- t rom is iewagon sud> brosed.E ' He applled Camehrlain'% Pan WM Fsukegmi, reesly Lad meyaitla theéhbut llM e 1! le jewelear vum. Mr. Bahock ia a weli kuov in rii ai iz:01Noth Plin, Co. Thon la aothlug equal ta Pain Balle for spvsille a sud braises. IJ iH ieit a cue n os 'Cote third the tiires iulrsd iy an yothor of 17 t03. treatnnt. For alby W. L. Hioei*Y land £silhbertyville and Keltb's Pbariaacy, Grayeake.__ ____ e. at tihe LAKE ZURICH. heautul, Ev. and Mm. Henry Selp vent ta taIt t"erearrigtaa ou DeoraionuDay., edeenrot- The dae that vws toa h. hld neal wed by a Saturday ban hec. postpoaed till furdher in hy the angeso.1 EvussI Shennlng bas isssaied the maaeet of 111e tekeZurich heas e tisat on T'rbeL.k Zunic, Jr.. hall tocsu lared , 6oading tle Wsucondàla aad verde!esThie fi W0 sre lg 17 taIl. Laxatlve If you vant base hall gond. dont fail dHrt'. ta slet E. Frsuk's, lie bandle. the .je,*o SpkUdlg Br.. gooda. M-d have John Myer, of Huatley. arrvle Tume have avef day .ta viat hie. lwotber Frank and idose a s Monda bors forsa evdaji. oi ûre enry Beip and J. C. Whitney taok la et aâlv rsla t Ioctoralolst V' Wh.O' veek. Tliey report agSocitino. Aigual Fvolslic, oui eseseor bas cisihe is ameesaut ud vii reture bi hebooks tb. fieI p oiimet ve.k. e aWn. Homoyer, vIsa hie honvliting w,~ iii D. Halle sud feuil y for the let wlcb. ad eek.rtarsed taChicagaTusmh.' r, 5We sud Heury' Sehveraim of lake. Corners, bu po n 0 0 M lk seperalor 1.10 bla ev.isie'. Il la one 0f tii. beat there la la; paet er'Hilîmau reeelved sar Ibd Ot hellee tesri. add ockbuin lasI vek. et Senda>'Ho vîlI oeli ibmeast very reesonaiule di,î 44ere A gagne of base hall, vW h. epaped hors met Semday boteenu the Lake Zurich graysad Hait Days.. Agood Ah.0 IÀ*a ain lepmiiSd. risa en A bla ercvd of thimgipeupé ai ets. 1tm 'ecoratiou DaY. ut. Youm, aur ealledou OUREHE. Mv.Lshl nterislulng coaipauy. wq Mr. and l'h. Bay tylus vho have heew 111 ame play. mach botter. 0 0111C50 eve r mabrs attended tii. annuel Md- C. E. oursuntion ln Wsukegsu Satuvday. WtàÏO" m Toms.of Wadarth, vWsW. MeiUSD. '« f ieuds beo tii.lesoft h. ve.k. st aue Decortion day servies beld ntth %:b .Warna cery, voewelatlemded. : lçt cfhlego, speni severel daje vit M .oad Ik. a "l'h blrnn vprgsblda L a4rDay.program for 8«"d&1, June 4. Ai un ïinvlted tu atend.1 M@d so, l'h. Modora Wodmea vilii hld lellsd Dcoraton- Dar services At Warre toie M tMtery Sundw etornon, Jone 4. vent Sogbywbir as opeated tib w-haept'al Mvo~l pOlag.. Oka vlisiug i.Lafiaso-Aid Socetiy s théb ti.te ofMmEra.lisDilua We= th-srve% ouW. '.UviIbd slofe~ t mil a alter. IJie7 kàeli an d- C. . tapie for Jane 4. "The Sfaklegt o! àe aPmkig aChbrintian. Relptmq ans Aubtbor," -ào aIn mai ilas Brown, latits anyjesm a jas viii gt salied sman, daiwtDr. Klng' si t 10aeie ur o &IlI havel sud.stonfaiih uIleeasoBimel m su h eedeebe, bom0 1o u t.e,. as dom me ats tF. &8o lOUe .U W" t. la thé Ils venid." P! E oatleg t~elCm" eaW&AEI"ontth. fint of-thé IlMc1S,Ttla1 eok laChicego. t ev»N..C, . Cn"bula vallleg vith ad .aiv.i e.q INO coulr Suom alefQuaf. E,..B uoeC~smaufEoSllua, viottel En>Tower -of Chicego, vlettag Réagit liro. tiii week. ý mu clam MOe0al6ty, 01 E&l as- o rneativlainVolo durng the With a"d Iriends lb, *bd MM .Arthuar foyer s ao 4,,ELISU&eof Waucouda, veo Land M. W om sud deugittev ofWawaueul, oal asu>A. J; &SuIday allierecon. £Iee.DlimerTowasemd. *of Round Iaho, m e.A. Hanon, of Fre"int, wm oie ll.v. Suaday mtemnn. l Mu that ofC F. Collier, of ChemkS..,Ila., b t fleive Bittue addi t. ai. viles. Itrkldaays yern o far goue, I ouId1 .Ot ait on a chai>' vithoul a cuhlon; ad aeiedm dreadful bwaekcle, =jeace and depreselon. lulectvlc Bittrahoever, 1 lound a curead by thei wia i'estored to perfect heath. I recommend thia great tonleiedll.te ail with weak kidnsys, lver or st;on"ah liuaranteed by F. B. Lovss.L. Liber- ville and Keltb's Phar>naey, Grayuloke> price 50e. WARRENTON GROVE. i Thou" Eqrriuian spent Sunday-ut Mise Julie Rudd i.pent Sunday ln Lake Forest, 1J. Sheridan was a (Cia> vl.itur on Bturday. Mm. J. Sheridan 18 visiting relatives in Cbicagp. Mm.. J. J. Kelly entertained company froui the city tbis week. Mies Kete Carroll, ad brother Mike,e am vialting 'wlth Mor&. E. J.c Carroll. - A number 14om bere' attuded the .am et Mortdhovat'a Saturday even- Ing ad&JI report a gond tio. No S«%« tAbou t - 1 Il laen secret, tbhlot for Coute, Burns, f ilcers, Feyer Bore., Borse ye«, Boils,1 t.,othlng le no effective »s Bucklena AriaSalvez - "h dldn't talie long ta cure.ahad vore Ibail, and it inal 0. K. for sors oye.," write. D. L. Gregory, nf Hop, Tex. 25e at F. B. LovBLL'sad -Half Day, Ill. Everybody invited to corne and bave a good time Muulc by Do flot namber aaiong tbe ailetak QI your Ille thât o!Pl ting to procure a bouleof tJbambe eti's Colle, Cholema »ad Dlarrhuea, Remiedy. Moine oi 7301 family may it siddenly attaeked wlth cvamp colle or diarrhoes, whleh are ai- waya prevalent durlug tbe warmn veether, and Inunediate relief In noces- sary. This la dme muet reliable medielue la e and eau ailwayo lie depended upon em la the masisevere aud! daugerous flot Ile; ltodey. It majlavea lits. =l bW. L i4àewra, Lbertyville ad Kili.Pharmac yfaylake. Mm.. Adamos ad Mabie returnod to the clty Wedueoday. rSol La Plant of >Autioch le plastevlng the chureh. 1 M. Charle. Asies la very siek wlth émail chance of rMmovery. Mr. aud Mn. J. M. Strang vent to the city Wedonya, for alew day. vieil. Miss May Nieklrk la vlelting vlth lir. Omasr Nekirk at Mr. Wm. Thotues. Mm. Rimer (Cannon start soit Tueeday to viaiit frisade la lov.a. Mr. sud lire. -Ciharleg Mathews of Kenoab& aad aous were ialtâug Herbert, qMetiieva o. Decoration Day.. The Ladies Aidoooltvmeets wlth Idv. D ater Wedneeday atternoon for tihe lent Er. Rois; wbo reciutly retumed Ironu àScotiaud celled ou hit way bomne aud repent Suadaq vlîb relativei bes. Mr.' Lad Ev, Patail wilgo to eebrukas ét veelo vlslted theh old friendse i.Leithe'who live lu Freinent, Neb. Backache i le 7r knowu ta th-'e = s we ho nesalouel doeoI lele. ,Tha Value of -lte reniu obtaiued from the Pietise bus long VAUCONDA Rle. W. A. Crosvus a Volo cmall'r Friday. l.eslie Tarahul vas a Nudav'initor Saday. Mm S. Torrenee, o!ftChic-agoî,la speud- lng lb. veek bers. UmeGrecs Crouso! lb.ockfîrd, in spend. îng afw days bhe. Misse.Mabel andi Grame EMalnoyen ChIcaovistore taturday. relatives. be*Ot promutI wvltlug. Mr. ami Mm..Ziba Gamin.o! Nunda4 vere eelllug on Iriende berë Saturday. Mv. aund M m'J. Guy, o! Chicago, are gueueoIEM. W. Hughes aud lmai13. Mr. anm Mms. Will A. Shaw apnt Docoratin Day with thoir parente er. Eir. sud lire B. S. Hamuî<nd are oujoylng a aiouth's vieilvith Irlenda in Washington, S. C. EMm.J. Bush, .ou! Ch'c-mgo, Zpeani Siîday vîtb the I1tter'a pqkronte, Mr. andi Mme. J. Freund. n Qalte ea nuaiher of Waucouda peuple atieaded the memqrlal services at Volu Souday. 1 Mv. and UrMm. A. Coxheati sud Mr. and [Mm..IH Ba.aeît, o! Chicago, apeot Tues- day vitb relative. lu Ibis village. Dnu't forget lb. celebration July 4 et Waueonda. It yul h. ou.neî -oe test @ver beld bore. Aj'rangemeuto are being made for a gondl hall gaine. Furdsm Grue bmsIbeenhlred for the day. Thi. hall grounti le juolt ath o! the grove. Triumpsm of Modem Strrgery. I Wonderful thînigo aMedoue lor the baman hndy by u 'y. Organe are 0aanoi nt erapeoutildpollelsed and ?rut b ba-, v oeyu. he exoved entisely; éo p aeine çpîpetekse plW ot .dleased Secllites !-et us suilse ti dre.olu. are ap iltita Wosdebrua burnaLa"d 1k, Ini e eoreInflamma- tion sets lu, vbleh cau"esthera ta hel vithout maturation and in one-third the lime roqulvsd by the oId treatineit Cbamberia' Pain Bals» acte ou ti sein. princîpie, It la an antiseptie aud vhen applled ta sch injuries, causes tiailubeal very quiekly. lt alpo alîys lb.h pain sud softne.s. Kepp a battls o! Pain Balai In jour home ad il: vili 'arre yon lime autlruauy, not 10 melitifu the- Iueoiîrieuce enti sufferlug vhich mach Iiîjuriss entait - For sale by W. L RÂ-iKLEy, lbeityville and Kii'na'.u PloàamÂo:i, Orayiake. LONG LAKE. Tomnî Ciralàas»vas a city vimitothelb fi rot of the week. Mr. sud Er#.- Wihl Suyder. of Lslî Villa, viliteti Mms.(JBovhsetlsim at of th' veek. SeVral Chiceago peoille vere nul aI. ru. E. Clevelraud's thus wek.1 Ens. LIte Stinger >'ieiid ed 'bîriothes'> ?4,*,. Walluce Taeeay. RH. Montgomery spenù gSuadey a ad Suudmy at W. J. Caino'. Frank Statan took lu the Antloci the taf atlie eek. If Misa Mary Toulon vent tb Chicaugo LTuoleday wvire h VuIt ile retihâve dlt ulidergo an aparallon forappendieitin. 1.Her',niotber sud IDr. Oshtfer ac-coapanied hembo. A nu ratier front boe altendeti the dant' lît Aritiocli 'lue.dey evening. Tyvler .i lhevl bas. a new seep almairing, Irmec-bhino nisude tMIldoea escellesil irli. Croup in qtiuily relleved andi whoopng leuilgis wil înt "ron iti cou.." if jeu. uselihe çorii EolssLxative Beatt and Tar. This coe1gh uOp, la dinema.IS b roaialothoiv be il itacte cg 'tii. t,,,... ...Ca t .amsienne AM: Caps r. v.Bgge place iii .1p ostEaAsea sprt$M4as bomet *IeboWWbbase upromoted 'Io %hi SWaigvin by the Senior Y. P. . Tu<ÇIR»tlNllng as e ry WOel ttme&d bim ela iiiseud tb. uext #av ~Wl é w lthbe ur hubaad th.i ift dIng a 1 e eke 1ti XWf C ,A ., Dyasattended the' 1*ýah Suaday echool eOuvstioft OnthIU moruîng June 4 tii. Pestor wWi hlea a e erle<o!ofermlonso n the wbo basbeen vont. ilýIKMWZ=hasseeured . position. John Ladbai. of Grayelake. @pout Salurdeogand Sunday with Mr. a"d l. Gea. Amasn. tfrayer meeting vii Le field at the borne <91 8ev. and lirmByean nxt Wedaeads venlng. i Mv. A. J. Bysand lira. D>B are enterilalui Èthe frmier'. brotr suad snter Heury and Hannah, of Chieffgn, for &iev veeko. Mr. and Mv.. Marquardt, ci Blooming- daise, violted their relative» Mr. and MW. Hy Broclcman and tamlily and Mr. and Mm.. Fred Iirockmn ansd faiuily on Suady. Opt Suday Mv. mad Moi. M. Heibcbbergersentertained Mr. ad Mms. Wa.i.9 Iad farnily, of Lake Zurich, Er. ad Mv.. Clis.. Ilemeihberger ad Mr. and Ev.î. Fred Brockom.of u Long Grove. Mr. aud Mrs. John Mleyer anîd mon Jounaie, Mr, Volts, Aira. Sturm nmîd son George lei Tuesdziy to sîwnd a 1ew, weekhin Minlnesoîta. (ieorge.Stnvru yull continuead reako a tour of thi laiic roaet. Dylma of Famine* ie, in itatorasentm, liked.ying of C'nneuîp- tiol. Thi.progeti of oconsomption, [rm ire, tbo h.hniug t{ tho very end, liq a long torture,- hotb to viti an Ld fviends.' *tWhsnA ie.hd consumption lu île11 li tage," wvifrsW m. Eyers, or Cers, Md. a trtying different undiisea a good dortor, lu vain. I ri lant took Dr. King's New Dieovery, vhieb qulckly and perféetly cured nie." Prompt reid! ad sure eure for couglos, ealde, score thvost, bron,.hitbu, etc. Po»- tlvely prevets pneumonie. Guarantped, at F. B. Lovsti,'s and Keitlà'te Pbarinacy Graveslake. Prie@ .1eaudrl$1AX0 a 1,0111e. Trial bottie giee. E. 8. Muhike o! Libertyvll. visited in town sunday. Euth Egst o! Cii<'ago ce ldon rela- tie ae uday. Ev. Gardien! hDuirngt4un, lovil visit,.d with C. B.-Clark Sanday. 1 Mri. Haleblenu sud tamily i'siîertaitieîl relative. of Chicago Sunday. . Mie. Dors a Brnth o! Long <lrtve le vhiting witb li"asmarie le-kiner. liy Lord and ilauglîttftr <ofElgin vlaitli pat week vjtlitlier iitt,lvý, Mm' C..Pttis. Mn. Muhîke and daaglîtàî o!f liglilanh Park spent the pamt veet witlî il.I.- Vaut and fsnoily. Mr. and %irs. .Auirew hinyder vii celebrate Ilicir golden, -i'ddiig l-'iIBy nlght Joue 2. l'h. C. E, tupic for SunîlnY evellîu*-ii. 474e Makinffto! a Chrimtiaiî, l"Illig ()u@ Anotier," Lplî 4: IC. 14)li24-2. Couioecrtluu mtinig ouitta lahu leader. .The commence-mnt exeveimeso!ti'f aisaiere ai the l>eprileld Pl'ice eliotoll will h. ield inlIhe Prssit,riu' uhb Friday evenuîîg June 2. Ui are- inviti-d tu attend. .Mra. Wilheluiiina Bartimua ri.rf<I vils o!j William ljartinitsiaxit (Id Son- day mcornug by ae soullitPoand trn. Mr. and Era. Bartimis vers ln fLeur carrnage ou lie way txa attend timircli sevsiem, ven the an-iet vîjîchl- i' injaredM. Ltartiiùut ourrd. Fnerai servicesW ere beld TuesdaY a! lerni t lie German uEvsugelical elc-liîr- 1v. Gea. Deckingponflleiatiug. Mr». B&rtinuiu ntimely dfalli aIlite a&e of 55 yr. 8 moaths, 12 daYKa l(e ly aiouvne. Bs la . aservlveolby her hosbaad eand six cIlilîdrea, Wm. flartimusi Jr. o! Chic-ugo, Mr». Clara 0. Fuermt (oh Nebraska, Mrm. Al" 8 . Sturllng o! Chicaglo, Mr AdoIç.h lartimas otiflDalutht, Rudolpi sd ud MIa et honte. Il las difflcaît ta c-re aà cousgbor IrSe yourwei <fror»thie dioctumurtso!f a c-d unices oa move the bowels. flee'. Laxative Houey aud Tam ac-rs on the boweis and drive@.aili c-ld tafth!le ejetes». Thoen coptes Ite soiuiicg eSiet and treugtlieing Infuceu pou tIse tbrosa sd longs. For eoop, whîoopiug coagb, ctoiandut ail long mnd br)nr.iial afectious, n redy lm eqomi to tht' originel Laxative Honey ni Tar. Solti by WîI.rHNXLEY, Libertyville mcdi vEîTu'a Pbariiîm,yG(raysiake. Little Bernard Omasto' vam bhum oct. 2, 190.3 andI died Ma 26. 1905. ut the horne, ot-lilaunt, Mm. (G. .j.Horcle'r near Loug Grove. The littis one lied iss aila for suas tinte tlkoogli demîli vua s shock tu tie luving mo-ativem. The fanerai took place 1ai uday te remaina bping laid tu reut in the Citholic oemetery at Frainont Venter. .CAlS»of, TIIANKIî We vii ta thank lte nillttrs anti frieuda for their mnany kiudue'ee's andthte ayaipalhy ee inlaoui ed tien-ave. mient. 0i. J. H0iiict .s'st FAuiii.. Y,,u eau apply -4anZanu icijli', iglit vliere tîle pain W. I lali'iput ji il coliapsabit' tubes villi coule aatacl amie fr lulcng it. Muîî'/.u stop pain intuaan sd cuves ail kinda bli hlsodlngkllcbhing anud pvotvutine plies.' olti by W!L HM-sî,E, Liberty vïile and Kv.T'o'ei hrmaey, <îrysamke Titile la Dite For BumiV Peopli lu tic Italitpenny cara on nl trait] via jutt.avillp, betwtep'uCut-aom( Madiaun.Tbe cauamineiii o! tut' sani hlgh tardlard se uîaîutaiced in ni dluing cairs ovuetiandi opermtpdyth y Clcago Milwaukee &ASt. Pait, RaiIway !t ig th. prieefvhlh l éllmD ellraopinre,,eas4- vice ppwfrea. If. the nsioo 'eest dee swt tend 60 feet from the attifa Gut i gBa>' «nt.w 80 feat rom oWseer Itove i Ie- eltber pur"e ln excefflf, W»»,mse eoaovt iii lie chauged for At regular prie.. NoUrthvfe fc Shore SuoCk4 i I*pm 4 CarÉlage Timming. CAB31NET MAKING IN ALL BRANCH4ES. CH4AIRS RECAN4SO. MATTRES8ES£MADE TO oRDER ^No RENovAUOkND MADE OVER. * Have YOUF-W&ik 4onie y a.,Maun.ezporliuced. D)ont wait a year fordyour goois to be returned.. (ilve me, a trWalthat your work la properly attend- ed to. Be convinoed. J4very one- la thoir turu. 1 arn here to .tay. i SHOP NORTHl OR SOUTH 0F SA. WULLise WEBB THE BLACKSMh1l4 p-w t t t t t.. t SE3E POUL' JI V -FiU Y OI ' ÎD CORN TRV FOOD. EMMONS.MERCER IIJMBER CO. E. A. BISHIOP, Manager LuwnrTvalz ILL MAM s le rs -g -Chuffe Armotira Star Dffl ed ...I rit iocerues A raisurte Extrmt of! Dos!...........3 is' 7 lava Amer"ca-Family klomp .... 2 Fancy Lemons. jpur dos .....z.......I LIl 7" woI 2 Pip (J MGardo oMCaer lisedi...1 157"Grandp's Tar 8Suap-...2.... tSed PMu. Qat........ !7lsiem ..........U Lava O r....................1-......I 4~~~~~~~~~ casCr..........308Package. Plain White.Enveupea...1. ,à -< Tonu ....................... 8 iu tc adl....... -Baker'.C(o-o, Can--------------.. 30...e::zooChom N. 0. Cookins molasseé, gAI ... 39 4 Packages Webb'il Starch .......... le Sveetl Bisuit BakiîigPovden,l flis10Gol ,bl>mnu' Baking Powdr lile. eau ... a S taudard Indigo Prfsts yd ........... - Pull Value "l ""I". ... Se llet aprna Ghsgbama yd ............. -J Mals Vils. Package... ............... e Ught Gilngbes. yd ..... ..............1 Prie.'. Ct'ery Food, got'eg. S Any dollar corst lu tour ptnich......tS _ukrOtpackagie........... eAy tcst... . ......... . AM Wlhestico .l. ........-". ..... 10< S5Wf1clumIsotit ali a tff, :... la Oriole lP,%cahie Flour... ........... 10 Uubbmdwhd oshW «r ....... ,Arm>& Hamci'irf*btda. lb----------.... 6c Lonadahcble5eodyO . PÀMangSau Stars Pouamh........... 0 .*.tFruit of Joan yd . ..... U= e.a isuit...... ............. 4 Table ail lti yd ,.,-" PaekaeOra....C.....r...... ...bc Mo qalto tfs Ui.atmeal 'l .......e.... d e n')IUIla NoueUgRe timhlao Waters.................... 20e vre 5t to , e -8ith. Pai] Lard, Amuour on Swift-25e "gclA oen'a tir Boj%8' *hfri,"Le-ot. Il"""Il".'...'.40c Men!s and Boys' Colar141 1 , * Aruinur or Svwift'@ Bacon, 1eofn! aapendei'o< 26'essu, ArovaStar Rame lbi.. 2 Ie $evlime Wos Uite, and M1> rswift'oi Premias» Haml '~cLoisirPriem.. Ide D. BATTE,,RSI1A1Lýe. GRANGI j O Jne21,22su 2 rondtrP theCGRpANGE on tickets 2tii2h. nd ta3Mîrounestia' rabo a Ciega ilvake. & taSt P e 'n h I hxl ai fo 1 0, i>accuiailemelu Wmodgolsn -v1) 11 Moemodili a.Tikes at Warren temete" l -jýr I %Dr C F. Rou fr mmm utl ae 4 PJ Cle t s ALI*Aas, Agent. 32 ( 6 mv.. Bel'.,.Fo£ e ______________lnChao hltoue. many. -r Wnd wl,,t R, »M F-7 77IF-U .1 - 1 . - mm AT COST PRICIE T.t'wi. Cash. -Deerlleld .Illinois. m OP j eý-

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