CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jun 1905, p. 1

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~M s)'-,' * 'f. x-I~d0s >6. WWi. bee for bois. lru s~it-. W- Devoeý & oi. e. av~Zhu P"s .pmuêteed Best Resuits. .OVIfL SDPRtJUG*î STORf AT 201h CENTURY CASI4 STORE MWé duSemIl$10on sOis 1. YouamgMmloW l,17, 1à. 19, 20 Yeare Soc$7.50, Mcugmia's Ail Yod Pentu. $2.50 .1 3.50. MWé .HaIms Soc *0 $2,00. sey Cm abb ouesfor 25rý MWés'. Sop1 ?~aiet ather, B« CdL sVici KUda ok MS ite.fon SLSte 4. ruO. euet.1Met,'.- MW $o - Sh*àqf UpLAKE. C Afts'uy hoot Llbertyvit76 EELD FOR CRLIME Jack Ozeen, of Libertyviltlswa@hot &ad cerlausi>' wouunded in Ba ara>' wblcb oeecugela FreW'uderlin's saloon about 10.130 onda>' nlhl, ba Chicz¶odetea- tiv. ,nt BUlaa, and w o wltt Q. P. leuagb,badil bssa - a~db>' IOW*lutleori tise0asist ma-4rsla. Mack lu .uppn.sslng dislurbanem wiih tlis> aliege b.d of late talon place on the ainsi. and were largel>' due 10 bobisions and isorderly conduct of a gang of out îl len mnu eunloyed b>' firme engagsd in vanouns worka of improvemenît. a lite uttage. The importation of officera was resented particularly b>' soins Wi the. local Dmen and boys andI the Hl felin engeudereut was intenaifled h>' uncaIefoIieatâ. on part of the officera as to wbat tiaiy could and would do. Tihe clmax eaine wben about 10 o'elock MOnda>' nigitt Heinhaughi and Hlli wsnt autoEnderiin's iialoon. The>' drank eeveriglammesof boer, lreating eset ot., and aco ple o!fchance acuitances. -A crr.d" i Ittt.1 v or n fr> iagatbered in tb. Oaloon slter the offIgers entereut and a quarrel ânon startsd. To test tse temper of lthe arowd Hliiasked Owen if e wa "l. ing for trouble." O)wen repfl ho b was ol but ditI Dol propoaedu, lb. scared &)Y a couple of clteap bluffer@, or words tu, thai affet. Angered b>' reborta thal folowsd Hlliand i)weun mlxed. Chantie La&ycoek attentpted to wrenah Hlll's1 revolver froîn bis gras p but fatled. Oween ailerward told Dtr. Taylor ltaI its waasimd t,> by Hlland 'Iba liho thonbiit lte offiter. ln an>' event Huill'a bat va. knocked, off andI ho started to10 lave. Iteturnlng a nminute later lie exelaimeut, ",You fellwo standl back tite, 1 want my liat, andt whipping ont lis revolver, mboti nto tie crowd. titebullet utriking Oween lu lb. abdomen. As. Hill starwe tcî pull bis revolver Cuutable linther->' wblaitl aeaseuj aapart of thetrouble exclalumed, "*'ow don t gobIlter. vitia liaIgnndon't eltoot." Au lte offlera rau brm 1he Paloon lmberry followeit tbeni andi piait thoin nnder arresl. lie tok thoi te the. Town HaIll vere lb. village boardt was lu session. Owven Wa« taken ta lDr. Taylor'.i office and alter a hast>' exantiton the ph>'. siiian muid ho dldOt belipe the uman couil live. TItIsresport ro.ntsd tiie streel aid a huuitred or more nmn ad boy# gathered about Ii. Town Hall, threaiseng tl, lynthililIL PnstdeaOt Mâe- DIS, !RIDAY. JIJIt 9 1905-8 PAG.ES New Prwma, I.w Causes ALpin. a.u*#m' Couuiy' Offices to ~n aBrt>'. nhle Bamaianafor.acount>' offices vii ' lwe4do Oti tiex-tyear, aspir. Banta for la mlcn <niainfor comt r saezr andt î-.unty judge have Fi .AMp., t lirent dit uty under Trsaurirr IPiesladeiared ?)y waike- gai pabpes.tg0b. a candidate for lte ttgeamrr.ltp and MNr. atsie rienda admit lbe, Wwdecided tt -n terlte rai". ArlhAuioi e' rAie.borne ait ho veIlto1 Waekfgan aid lie wllt doubi- 1 te j»"country *'for msupport. Wbiluliho MÎ naît Iha%,i-autliorised thlb nuaVsmeu4ý stili it lisi ',rade, and b>' cls e rsoalk friaeiîîl, Ibut formier Suerloec B. Stu.iuhîcns, of Newport ovblu-ta a candidlate for counl>' tramer . .stopheis enjoysa alarge. aoquaîlntsae ad lansan enviable irmrd sa a pablie othijal. Hie lias lie1 ctiarunmg bg*of 1the' îîunty briurd .o cevew sudmaboAd of oulmrvlajrs and zwon s0, Jean pesalment o! tire Milbun trieur. Atiovas>' . Iley(1(4,ktor bas wrltten lttr. lta iw lanei,,iîfhî,r<i isfriendo alclnspport ofhIris eandiduc>' for cocul>' judg&e lMr. lI in"e4er a gçod rou lintl tat ilîpaign for lte nominatlmion n tates attorney', being de tutd by aelore ciangin. Tlioee Mentioneti, For cûtmlsmok J. L. Swayer, assiste ail. popt4ata in luaukegar n mn.. iloatdaa à%. L. Iiundi,.e lprobable rivaIL Mr. #ir*l r ait servi-il as deput>' lrk,, in faIlîlar with dîittuif,iic.boflceaid litlathe r,îw pritnar>' law tirat ewamtdac fui t lje îîîneaIL lieglu fixing tiacIr ft- rlv. Ii'ky muatggo llieolîli, wito lieregtter vota la ihe prbctrii.s for caiiudterr, and delegates. ole» gel$tiejr in. sud~ ~~I muis 4-tel onveîaîîon. iu aabusp poli uIlirai-lia-e viiiho iaipuiihhlO t. ni w law, antI the priuijavtspsq whliîi deilde malter. hermaier. Tht. ooudlje iuviiigi sappar- eut lb. usaim.tsa nil iýxu-ntteimr effort. 10 w 1a-#*ut it llivotes rallier ltain poli il mo lleilis a u"uitgreatee tak. Ctent>' ffl tii slectlt aIiii irril i elO*p, Jue, lg'arktw, àausr, béIfltendent ot sehoole. PLW~J John Kazumas- or Psalae view Opesmie synteaut Wth Won. defl Reaulte. FATTEN OTBERS lu 60 DAYS. A11tb.h preesut lime at Prairle Vlev tht. count>' unitpr the direction of John Ranmner a buncli of Iweuty.llve steer ar el ei;fattenedb>aneuitdst. uv. ncitit w Ict, Droneulte alneady> obtaineit, proname 10revolutionize lb. catt e edlug Inuste>'. .Working un lte knowlsitge ltaI mucit of lte graine eatue b>' animalis pas tbrough th. afinieutar>' canis andit tie the. bodyat>'h b.exceta, lu an undigested state ehomla ter several years coaý sîructis and patentsd a machine wblch preparew lte grain untlt it la alniosi absolutel>' soluble and lIma readil>' a.. efinlatei b>' te digesîlus orgae. ts. b l Mr, Kammero ver>' radical Idea ltaI graine ver. nor intenIditb>'nature tu beesaten b>'animai. lIe tt that il, ItaM lladléîructive coverinq of inan> grain, tende 10 prove tbitatheor>' and lillv«e,thal graine ver. muant ont>' tut nl otite, or. b ain i eli Iliat Ife W.. smai b su ll 1e and a ucd ie iu bis opinio not a tiig of Its but zterel>' acSil ,wttb lb. necessalr> gêarni"andin. grediente, vicl i uder certain cicuin. ltanacs vili produce lits To furuliht tii ltéf andt aid l.thenakat eulchange& whiih are presont tngr1o0w th i tas uvolveul thia mtachinue whi e ho ebu. lu operation. cocnt làucemeed over wue hundrei per csnt, Thue, tlt>' panade aof corn'.eub- joutthelb.proceesw ill b. more thian dublauei n 4weight dus ho addition (t water andiceminai change cana. h>' grovth. Mr. Ranimer clahun a inlaexpert. tments aI lb.eL'aioa!hto* yards andi aI te locai fedn;ataual ividual testés hae. sown frffl tour 'Od a auittulf four and lte. quarters, increas, lu iretht te asteer per d%,and old andt exccied lorws gven e fen4dudeaoit strte Utanhahinf< resita la recupera. ton and YvItl. lu a «puud fort tse fesuth basa-U-4d la pantIn>'yard. vitit ike renulis. In the IOW lpleans c achine, W" ta o¶aaut ou ut ite tu thiIryisteers i Um b ad t tWy moulinr bave eboptax resue »ltitougli th sxwîmMt ,-à dheyd ovhing tien ~ ~ otwalung rlpeueneu o whlcltwte ueid io*0pt teireit growth. Thc macieh i du affar4#d 7ili 51.50 A VEA# Ilooker's Varoishes Patton%sSun Priéof japela4, Lea d. Ois and' rurnutuwue end UodertaWjog UbertgVifle 1~ PARKH URST' 201h C«uvY Cash Store P. P D vto'c, P ua C.F W ai T, C" ir CoA. Wmue'r, Vice Pros. F .& KEIce îlmt. Cashird LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANK F. P. C>eon '. P'. Wae,îîur, Calàs. R. oàAîJ.OWAY, J. 9 . (JRIIDILEy (GKo. A. Wiiuîwr?. A. 0. &'Uwilem.s Julîîis If you« have but a dollar to Commence with, that is enougli. Wlth yotîr perAisteuce andi our 3 per cent inter- est, the aceouut wili oon grw. IioLi: 1l10 12a. win 1to 4 andi 7 tii hp. nt. Libertyvitie. Illinois DR..L.TAYLOR. or>* OE U enltus & a vvuw . ,ou»:i-7 to 10 a. ini. à 1 4 iandl 6 10 8 P. M. BEidence on1 Broaawa.v, olipoàtisi.Pirk. Liberty villeý, Illinois. DR,,A.&. NICHOLS. 01f' iiego DENTAL OFFICE ' mouas-~Wed d «C o.h Woo.kfromt M. t noua-4ta la lit :S01in~m DR, C. R. GALLOVAY, * o5IM xOVS5IR 1VCLL'5 01070 STrM]. aotts-rom 1to uland 6to8 P. M. Lietvlltlinois. P.#UL MAC mmRN AtTORNEY AT LAtW. Uibertyville, Illinois. Pr>tàlIitilteu t EYE, EAUB, 08 AXl!>TIUOAT. tlouris9b4 p. ni.- OFu-a.a: Roout 804 S' RT Bt~atreLPINa, UU92state Sîrelt, Ccwaff. The, Fht i LIBERTYVILL[E JOIN L.ITAYLOR,- Protildent BENJAMIN H. MILLER, C. W. TA&YLOR,. W e;toud nier>' enoargenuent to Uje zegearner, te te end thiat te ena> puiurýps.tejeuil Your earntngm witl the Fuit INational. Dffl agéll.eFul -ýb k Depoeltd wiletted aud cour. tonei trostment g1vein to ail. It willl PaY YOUtý o batk at the Fit Natio2àia. tar te e Jua e. th 7 token te aekley's where they würe piared ,nitor ViO and re, s6PecttV y upon warranté sworn.ogt by chartesf acuck for Bigt and Riley Hardlie for . ubaugh. Agalp the. crowd dumurrsd, elaiming no bond@ abould be aliowed.. Thon Vontable Lintbstr xddrespisd thern, aom.rting the detectives wouid lie talien tu, Waukegitn and planai] iii thé conty jail, andi 4aked thein 10 dimperme, wbicb thi.> did aller a few angry thrme.s Tuesday morning.Owev waA taicen to thie Preobyterian liosîital in Chicago to lie operated upon. Setitic peitonitis was grelty feared the hail seezing tu have peuetratpded lef ilm t a tgion but iipon operating tihe, urgeonh foVn fta course wam fortunatet>' dqv'rd and thei. tobetines hi4 t theu petratet. The. mite ae ilSe4oeed and at tifi, wrlting tiwin's chuao f renovery are good. Wednp.mday morning Hill mitd Hein- baugh wferereieamed on a bond igned by several Libertyville Citizen@ andas now in Chicago. O>wen lbasliàved inIl~Ibertyviip o tý r ear or more. Helesi.agent for ia lt.f insuraire compan>' andI wrote ci larp nqmber nf poliçies aptong de .worklug rJama.nle i. ot of a quarsloisdspoa tien and describcd b>' lqs wio kPesw hum as a "Poaç«bea l lilw." 104 Corrigent FaMou Moud' o1 Maw$horn Trace Viit iiiittwoe won lent tairunors clirrent the piat few d4ys la 1,ibertyville to the effect a ruannmg meeting of four weekÉ% duration l@ to take Placea M the new mule trnal eariy Ibis sumuier, when I]Cd CourtauD the well knowrn Pjmotar 0.f paçlh pists paun. 10lÀberty#vttle, viited the. track aud wua shown about litee ii'. I eoher report la tt t freaidsnt hlompaon qud. Vice President Marsh are Diot tîkel>' t approve of such a xeeting andI ltat 0Iftla scontempiated posslil>' Corrigan'. Plan Ila10 Iwiy thefir lzî trsl andi that o« esuer#i t hters in the tradk. !ZfPlr idi ¶ttis in Piir6iy conjeturaé glus color tut e » Attitude as to Gambleris. Naturali>' Liberyvglteiiattitude fi1 event sticit a meeting W arranged tow,,r4 p, b lmiswlio wildombtless wattsbonite ont MI le 4 inailr of pecnation,ý but it insaie. b prediet there wiiI b, O inomivigrow - roteat to StAIu Attioime>'Banna. .1,taft lt lb . hscAm tii. I.»mPUssNTIMAW tawir. <i it titud of hbrlrhleollensandlte iwbil tittela csl'Ian 10foi ltow f ei'r wee*lgtrociantsgmeting in atteunpted aiU wbieh book uialng la countenancsd. 1 Incline » 1beliu efs!th ruvt rbI~ littje "lmd iiilu tact. > 1lacoen f0* ô %Wiugc l kW iniwth g~ prvea tdtoi a realu' lahm aedlta é Fecolosa in W&ukeQamz Churçh WChaAgfailu ianul>,, POLIC19 ON «AND.' Malter. cetaîca1 Bclimax Sanda>' in tb#.Clirlsui hîtîeliquabblýin luWauke- gaa n ithe îiîwo oontending favtibns 4ttmtdto --là gsenanseoneincy îvu'r the Jeer l-v. Tunkuer wzeilln01i tfhlb oltuu-liolicers urivetet 0 I:30 Woeck lu the aliavnitg tii ltnd thsebciilooketI p.gaincttlienîiutpouiuy forood t lbdoor openanul entriîl Ttanti 'rueker cou- liWgeolarriyed la 11h11. latter but nef unei to profan# the sinnetitr of the e chb b> eçting the. dut.niuinsd paston. i'rotesor Trayaiien of Chicago was frusent and so t lier. ver. tiv oiàlanta or th. 1 A. Aftet bis sermon 1ev. Tucketr r. the Dames of W. S. LesMter, J. Ji. P#taweiler, Josepb G(rave«, Thomas Taylor, P. L. l'vmnou, H. if. Biduleconte aid In. Meyers menthers of lb. churvit anti ait proitt-it fmeu, vito ere voteul out of lb. chunc-i>, andI thon nu;oaioed a byin. J. S. t>tweWj e mandeit 4o know If lbe watts, b4d been voteit upon 4l> lb. churcl anduthel. choir ligai Ai lte close ofuthelb >mù Tucker an, novauoed that île- meeting vas diaitlbid zebei a tniistee rose und eBiletI for a business mee tig. At tilla mieeting a coin. ntittee wa& atîustunceiltotame.ltat te ffster dittu at again get posseèision of te chureit or îiulptl. (lu. of the reinarlcable thinuiahaout lte services waa bita durtug ail the exercises o! the mioranthelb.two faction. wou!d anuoupve diet hynua vhiulb le y voulut vlgorouo(v*oing asntough thelr power rsted- la Ihoir abilit>' 10 omtdthe la.othen lu voliue nnad lengt 01 song. Tic polie were proeut &t the maoring serits liat er. Pot tcalietI upoui fortprctoetioiiiu$&AtiTeéi gabh.ured ton lte rpgulal'meeting bt intI thae doua-s bArrvit and a guard on vat. Tearin iown thes placards whiclian- nouas-uthbbc losning of thie chttrCi thpy> torS-utaniesntraitce and helit ervi,'. under the. dieciou of lProf. Twayaiai vito adulethelitetto ubuhe wa. ioe natter nup aid occupe ait negespaper auoonet>' tg l probable - titat olier develop. mae*viiifolow. Xver>' Tlursqday evenlng andI Fi uta>' If yiu leave your ordo?, mol latar thait Wetnesday eveslint I3oyerIJro,&, IVANUM U.LI WiÇ48iorsîbat Pffs More for,%*~ *n e fed l. iW marssntS jepusl- n4lint'diatmotibbie and outiles ntabld can lie rum talaverv titIs Oexpeat.. Ai abOut 84 degruslte bost reiiulta are obtalueit. The shoesundtyards asuonntmtsIb>' Mn. Kanusr aOe Weil arranged al awlite 6000hbas ahready>' een open% tii la but ltbe al;ai otan «e ve eon- Cern 0f b6splans am e arrisd out .Wiittim te Deztlcompte 0f monthe tit., ershedt wit 6Ca (d 1; etu i Mlieh ereced t te W utthose b4 hinf lte cpea-tauette bave 200(0 caltie an feeia lugvl th e . ourse u1 a ev Yeu"s. 8 . pbave miao lasaexpemi- mn nat llai departeat la being -consitIe-et.A brU pontaitlatb vWhou feut vasJIntirtY da>'s madeteu wvigt, 1AboUt %litiies moesof ]and a»e ovied AUtia a aitchhm basitet bUl t rainthe Wisconein t>aima i tri to thel .plant Wore bdi;chiear»placeul and an elevator iinat10&d Wit th.0.1.oalsare ted eut hay wviîci ini"-, botter mastication un lt paroi the anihis Ur. Kammer bh- long blissaa &W isti i acijualitie reccareit and tu, itadate inveai. totitas zanonaxia» fres untmuelf lu lte electical Woriij, b&ving boom aufapd vitittho lanted Woodtnouse inluthe etrt' = 01 aieluctiemi apiances, anti Aton 'hupthe dlstLoiu of Iavin; oltu~ .t rai constructive ipatent t9t b.s taken outInl t, UniteitStates ounlte X-ra>' machine.a. sb hm abeaubi home Bt falf tDay zeere lie la now living, White devoting ies lime 1tiith W rct" wie-aid manipulation ol bis Pinedalve acte tike a poitiie. Buet thing ini 1h. workloi, huiboes. umus craleu badaleterte.Suit b>'Wiim, iIAKLX, l1lirt>vlIeantI Kzitnt' TOILI3T H. Machine. A Repair 21 Work. 1 arn now located in My new plant and thoroughly »^AetS equipped to do. al hind CGR of repairing of Exiginea 1ti OtÉ Machined, and farm Impie- menta. Qulck ser7ice axiti Willam Ljcock Everytbin you eat wtli baste good t and d-) go if you take ting's l)yspedsia' Tablets. iI b>' WILI HCiçx.cY, Lihtyrville and -,KEITII'1 Pharinar>',ii ,srsa"e. N33 Qur Todet Standry dspaitmant lea aways ful of înt.reaîlns tliings:st the io.' Gan you remember what-you have paldjor the fotlowins itme Mêennen'a and ail other Talkum Blue BSfI Vaseline At 2 for-........................ .....inneaitop bt". aeab...,. Rubifoam or ~;5 Paa rnprn op~ Liqutd Tooth Powderff. 23e boutle..eara' -rens aren oap. Oqevez or Dr. Lyon'e Tooth Powdli PrersTaper .. ....... ... M au ..can . ..................-. licCuticura SoRP. Par cak«. Large box Tootit Picks ...............~. tKlrk's 15c Juvénile Tellet Soup Cabinet I4air Pins 100 count S 4t apecla prices 0 f18 ....~ asuoted msiain wo)d box ..........M. Qlycevtne Toliet Soap $hall Hair Pins 12 for..........................suo"a primaI cakes f?,.4.~ Bide and Saek Shelli ttair Camba Pearl Buttons ail z.lz*,pa doti, targa assorîmnent up front 1S0, a....., Pilieze Casesa 45iZcmets ...................c Huck Tewae, Spécial;.... Mosquito Bar, Adams Standard Big Bath ToWels 24x4N h Ww I goo01 atktyaydisfor ........................ S9c Our spécial at ....... "Indian lHead", epeclibleached mualiri for dremmsu« SCHANCK BLOCK ! 1 . -r FOR

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