mi -Are NtRRE ort taM.*o . tn li 1.r-' omued mena- &m aov !tng t'baIt a umbwof lob- is-e fon50d m-eslsd 595 liheaima plane &Bgadoi t tapparet logal rlght là ils. aaurtid tuat emomies.aipumll à seiC% ar e mul" esuponlé.. A mire pagitOs *an -y. mm the dravrlnglu tii SUUiNIANIS. ~b BPvomi-mft W.u ~Oa3ut 21 28 l..Lus..19 25 l'Uoeou- 127 - W. 1 t alat s.1 28' 8Luulb ....1JO 21 tTold.-123. a-- 5 'Min. itlipî Ot~tai il tte~ hlday 1* nirel <mmmc ii~ aid liii dii t os lie kaurt.b itro~ 9»4d Auto mgrais hü "ftt PmZ.ga *&N$astal L"idoc liq im nty cii s a c Mir" in çt ý.Mu Wd iai Dr.1 la 110 Umi QUaes ll yand lUha !W, 9 'Of, 11thi. ilitphads 1U~M£no *6-Ailntw * t at m m Uonmmdaby Alun, atte'orai 0*t âlin mb faesmebli il daym1 la ioun MWd 22 minuta.. Tie yacht m*,AdoàL averageo f lin &Bd, a' fhahuotsanmuheur, Vouser apond thie, lamade iy tii avar. tu mo ocauaeamnshlp. Wiez th.' Atiaubic eroosod thei lin;. vlan.. of tae acemiiyacht race, the vie- tOeg lIAs ihat of the blet bgatuaned. il tho heatst mmeuin athe. oscg. We Wou no -match, ihtween 1 hWln diahea" or rai ng j hci' sdesigted for apritiat a te. muI 0f oa o"Mmersfter- nobon, but It won a contentatifdep mes r ~ J~eursuWbthet au ta ý bIIte varyiug Conditions of wlnd and vive. i' waa a tiWi i chU lu emmansip la- Z.84ad 0f a mare ceyiug match. The triumph of thei Atlantic la a sweepins *oa- The wind favored the Atantic, but flot mooet tha favored te otier mhoner- rigg.d Iees lu the raft. On titiuoM. ladaed, tiare vas no advmtage, ine the bichera etthticmqare-riggers vantad fallovlug vind and bhey hmd tiem. If. tha Atantic distanced m&U compebi- tors il vau bftaui- mie vam better bult and bitta? haudlid than aur of tien. Ha? vlctery waa due to no chance, es the breskins of the transatlantic yacht- ing record howm. It vmm another case 6f Zcllpaa firat, tha zut nowhete. The victoryin15 »coplte as ta leavi no roMe for qulhbilng or questioning. it la Bat go many years Rince a Blteam ,>«»l wviic made the trip«crrosa the Atlantic Ilu roam ton ta twelve tinysva eonaidered upeedy. Even now "aine-day boats" are coumon lu te trauentlantlc service and voyages whicit consumte a coualderaby longer tinte are flot rire. The tict tota atwelve4ay rTord, ba bain made by a amai uaiing veasel of 206 tonu vitit a water-linç leugth of le5 fuit la conclusivoe eîrdence of progrensulu the boat buldr'a art md amply Jouti- Sum the Atlanli's eaim (oa higit bonors. Ti Kimar's $5000 cap vili nov cornu ta AmoiÇIa , vi nluta b. boped It viii keep Company vlth the. Amenlca'n Lp fer anIndedunite iength of lime.hA jh c American supetorIWy lu mta- mmmhhiqI;Mea smarko more ftian tie «bar tropiy. ,<Thé raco lnWhhiebi as von t.Ila y agiia stimtule tgo«a tire r Ébjeling il inlurosi spr and !ot flhilly a tast of canifnlfr-design- ad naing amacinesmcompeblng under raies juilek, aai. vlctory or denot *depindent IMpoR himpltting dislintions"ahout tocb- ,CRI alcadies. efgue: WI4QI4SALE PRIeCIS GOUP. -1W. U . . 1 17 la' Rpot et lie Bars.. eof Laboré i... 1.. .12 223 .Advamma imca 180. ibp.19 M Tii. publication. e i.report af tie .bureau af labe ho In l a general var W BIlai, liai the wvioleosiaprice at l cmmati- lticu vir bger lu 1904tiau nau$ g Wua5ux. earft n.1890, eai 90, ia ion«te BOSM& w. eof o iail nommaditlel vas alightly PFtqnM k. ilgii t i lb uliat geai. Feod pro- à tva sMM duelsgmrabyg van ilbly. igier lu àn. mis? ýrJ luca 1m er tia-le 1903, but foiasm aut broiom flaias la 190M d 1891. tic retro lu- -. %aov mdltdigyaeidlng thepei-ld of bard Aa th thbiylmai : Wi l m iii itheeaond Clore- * grdut laid *lSlsliratloo. Xa, vIn. Tilààg ai a vitol the tabs prepanel llSmut lg t*0- bar" show av l4 strlhing- vsy tIn. ïtiw tint Wboeuli pneus ttiuhuarpiy <er Mt 1«u M 105 *adI rai. gsiU altafer 180, vit - liaDlsgbig tarit imv vas. onaete#. abd adoaauedla nPisuamtgaiduring tlisrgou mon o 1Tfi giwvter -moki lu vholecale Pdë-ll p la f* umodiua as a wil vas rosebel in1908.Tie averageiwva #mmui1 re"iosaaller bâti vi, vhou the ar- ht mlae, aOge PrI im ro18àpar «M l blaba liai 4 &l UsB> lie ivuagoe uiem i teg1j». tOwc weré Wl-lb liészoaptiau aorim.the8iiiili Ma eou s ut wviOlaiaPrim e foam produets wa u n1904, wvis taw as, SU pin cent ahovi tii Average for tii p.rlol traint lm0Io lmS neTii vialebaprie$ onL for~ od d ob .ne .bblWgid 1ai.. eai-tm «brar lunaiaumygar mice 1191é. o veasga be- ha?,rni. Iibuin pIstilai7.2 per cent ilgitîr than v"in trhliaaverasa 0ft lia pirlad tram 1890 to exodu te lob ad ithlng veto .8 pan ce~ vasu ne. 1ghr lt,'iar tiafor tho ulne-ye k avinats.already. reterrad' te, and ilgir a Elrlig. liau la mai gear mince 1801. Fuel anti 1ht. mon ilghti'g vanlover 4u prtce en~t raeti agiter, 13 nsail 17 pen cent hituntlic bar of 19M3 bgr su i- but tili ranch.bilgier limu lu any tier ePoaayt-2 ear aluca 1890 vlhh lblgli exceptiou mrff, ,la. of lu&8 b Bndar Whooli lepriew of dru snd cient- 1 sa.vote lever tiau, sar Year ine - 1199- but aMM sera 10 par ceaI hîgien iaitaçs. an1 rnls- c aeragu Tieevas 4, oi$i tau 14 i e- wolealq prIce.of beloan. unuirlgst geai,but the iv- nwage vis 1.7 p« cmitare the aver- bu io n agefa lua prli dhon 1890 tOlm9. Oaiy a triO. marc han huif of tic nxtge. viost rop et lie country, grae vial ai 6*ai,& fot -it XMlsaelppL Illnois, Iudiana snd an bai de- Ohaioiiipraduca 80,O000 0 usiteiu, ni for thievitich t. more tisa sur fan western )U. et lie Siati at over u-elaititote ti itl. a huaitno cro>s Virgula, Kentucky, Tennesseeansd isoiu lie Norh -Carline raies. 23.00000 umitels. ment. Lttlu Delawareo iieamare hhau ail Newv uglamd. New Yorh pnadnces about et su omasaonsin, and Margland t0ta, Ga.,mono liau ltien. Toxas doubles 1New et Turnuer. Yorh'u pa'aduct, aud Pmaurivauls trebias suft. mau ltMinneapolis le ithéfleurmifliug cen- heson ter of the country, aud eau ennd 82.00 hwd art.i a dur, New orkTarigahtaarath- nlno. rpon second viii 14,»00bimrela. Min- iaovsu the maot a telia hnnir Stsle for protuc- ýte te hie tiot,, raslug 200 t uethle proeialcrap "vision foretofV.Wan. *ughtuthe .tterltatenmc-& s" uit a. lenmgo, te ha lia granary of SorNorCiti t, *ud'hgiup amoig the. li tites la Ibm annuel crop raturns. ýy Wt.cau- Roaotemtrfarmeilg nalbath. Flour aId, autlsîl- Çiti. sud tii principal milling conta? et lion vestothéeontry, mrdly grluda eangi nov te ad abat-mais pabc for ite hllpoterg, By t.q oui lut. toms ethe mutilions ot lia insinua. are uhevu, eud lbt.ala au vise ikebg liaI mriQai. ihar ara gaI ovr in vli Diandr George Boit, gd 14, 0ofSi. Pafl, zu"ii zl affj iss., revot a 17-041. rruevili bath îîng te t a O thme M100aiota riv«er vtolli tu ar lia*ftoet a noumeàant, Matliav OQ Taylor. "aoind Taylor wre en a ati. fishlng tripWli.eeting a tant Tay. la 28, troua lor eut hielaftiaiandlas nghit.. m Mb BUl- Aoe vîith isa ompauloik, vie vas ho 0(1 tank hiceding tea i trohmuaseaire artery lia OU1 and la tithe k, Boan euad a viliov tvlg I &loa~ bout ithe 11mb. partiy sbopping lie 60v ni humai of loud, piseol btst. anckelau pcupon Ion luaLboat, snd revol tire. houreson a darh alibI ldova hé la*S rte Port fa~a t "~.&ndti4i esn la ltse moruing, 12 Bois 104km k «OrteeWar lea X-owwi- vari Llnévîteit vlred the Cur %dair.ubat the, nîvu cgr IWt- '~ t as *eatithwo~buu tR ii aia' u a elela sd that the i l h-iouavarnlun id E- 44AN05 I Tbit sandor te o<rouI ogem4, igit -la tiss u Onthe àp, viti tii 0lse ai Rolateo*yWo tIpo to -titiwu- tira lu vhliht ticwu de&tregai. lte Hanant ieft the China Ses My 24. andthlreadingte Balte.ebsuail, batvee Luzion mid Forinem, amam ti tewestern me and entai-ad Kutea $trait the moruiug of May 21.. la lte atianucontihe flgtig baguaa piti c heTou. tansutaor lu Kruaeustern channel. Uere lie Russitua anfered, the geftist laie, hltirogittorpeda attacha ai ulgbt andi from o mlanu e .. l Ài î- tei tii-a bat tbem MU en ugdiai *6t nlte a95aet cot or 0flgto province. Japsu. Thc Liancaurt rocks, vine four via oemasunmader.d Suud#iiufag* , May 26, amie.are tsOiu> Part, of Tooa ià eit. Wvousaseliai usMasampio. tu doli'fls tg4 tbe p a«M ltbropai the aciannelhetvaun the TouIlands antiforeed lb.een bavard lise Isaa.ora, batt imal dfiISon i-undc& te Tu Ilanadeaon lie nort i and effecttiely barridt le pamaofe the. Riaus. Il tadbéihd icb hUalu vusconemeletandi 'wbettcib-0 delivei-etiasrear tach. la tbirbg mUai souuheat of e %%u Ilada. MUTINY IN THE BATTLI. TOGOB PFLACOSIP BORE BRUNT. Stbogtoi e la in Ove rbemrd or 55iNlià, a Csmmtieelma-t o f Bata amHicCâba. thi Battit oua Détait. froua a trabvrtir source ,Tic Japanese lasses ia tie batlle af heave litte room for doubt, sayu a dis- tie Sea ai Japan vene 113 officers anti paite ram Si. Petersburg, taI Admirai men hîlleti and 424 aficrs sud men Nebogatoif'a unlors mullti la inte bat- vounideti. Tieeomtlellau of the t-el à"e tle of tie Boa of Japan and ilier thnev 11mb shows liai the busies vers under lte tae admirai nd many affiera overboard original estîmateé. Tiei fiagshiP Mihasa or, seearding tua aotier versian bonnd vas the iteaviast- losin. Thte losmes yent thin lutieir cabine aud ialabid the dimtribuleti among lie fleit au toflovu: vitleJiag. ElgitI min lu Nebogatoire Mihau ....63 Asama ......... 15 aquadroa vire. it lu agalu âmerteanag- Admuma . 8 ..9 Naulva ....17 ed for mtuluy iltue81lu intiheBaldBikhîma..37 Tokimua...15 sO.. Asa$hi........ 31 Takunt......Il A rentakable uor la lu circulation Foâ1----------..29 Cillai......... 6 eone.ruiig lia voundod. on tie OreilItîdamesm....26 Idmumi .........10 I8s and thstet bPeug Oth tic ii Nmahn .... 27Kazuga .........9 800 men vers hilled sud vooaded, aid ta.........-26 Hacbidate . 5 titI lis groainanmd uirieet theti Kau ........26Bliatha--------- 4 vonudo l uod su baraf aiau efeetTauhimi.1 tati Il a at5I e hr -beM taf Tii. "all mmtgtue dim'rg WOneatitdro sd orY, lbt. leMd,vweiamd tor#obOaits vii. elgil--oii. tbrovu arclboard. Thooe @Ulltil on, .Comtinadar Togo vms vounded on lie ed vpere t"e faaitened ta the mant tae ism privent tueir Intenfarenco viii hlig fab- . - lot ai lie ship. FINO REFUGQE AT MANILA. iHmamo&Adirai viii fbros Wa, v,,-, * aAmnvein em îe ' « t, The Empiroreaf Girmany isislis qrSns luvith biât tres Rumasum mi vit ii ifamilly, <vil ta heleinli- eriseIs wkICicbd uesap.d tram the Jap- eot tou. aruella e]Cueau.tralta anti, protuet- id hi & lag, had tihon tu the.open mo, Empiara Feins Josef of Aubria baa Rear Admhlrmi Equat mglt lie ot _given $5.000 for the érection of a Mozart tien of tiei port of Menueseai9 o'eiock building lu Salzburg. Baturdar ulghb. The vmub vem . emauil Seaof lie Cars ebidIren are fulby prottetid erulsara, te Aurora, ht. fine- appreelabive of their exalted rank. Thte ublp, the 01.s and tue Jintclsug. The orna» Grand Ducites Olga ofiean aku vomauiawia mûre or ltoa mai04 anda uwgit, many wounded menu-to Manila,a Who tscalvd the.attentlon or the Amati. eau authorîtie& . The. Ruésau shipe w,?. met outzlde1 Corregidor Islund hi Réer Admirai Train wltihlmbis gohlp, the. battlechlp Ohio, accompacil dby ti isIconsin, Oregon, R4elgha" dcinlanati. The Aurore sanltad the . Aiuo g tconuaafde glth iffunaou rd the- 014ita*ii Tii. -àmaties.squÉdrou 'tien acco.-1 psuiodthe Ruan vouais tb Maie. -AdmiraiUnifaqi ill» ot ha permittad to t"» -M isive e t I»shli. Tht. gov- eroment bas dedéid tilt an thisancge ta the voi" as flot eauaod elhee y theau or by storz. It viiibe obllged to ternspermis"eofor. tie vussels to ho epaire&. AccordlnlY S.creargTaft «ablmd thef oln'iatuton oGMv WRIUilai MLutla rugardinh the uhîpa: 't» eannot be given for the. ropair of the Injuris réelved lu battle. Tharo-1 fora the v.emalm innot b. umpar.d nala.. iatrnedntil the. end of iootlltem." Uarl Cmr of Uountaln Vlow. Walb.. te kuovu auasthe champion vîldeat khume. Hmaltii O.mmimer Simon of -.1t. ouiùs b*Uilovtilt the law ahould pro- bibit cOMOufluptlO r.MUID&. Aumbai Chamubelainma"a-e11~ ivias, wvi.oehnaw t aimmbrhdgm. t5h50 ogèu» to -murlte la a gsud shanplg ta s biatader vI»e bas fallaite accord ber thia mtnqlle a u m aporor daubIêný - lilder 1*agggrd, tua Balla i mvullat t. muchiImpreuel bg lie punacc afI lb **yellow 1>il." - The lots Jules Vent elloe! cile n bis readlug amutisia Ipginatlon for.,tit anatenlal for bis toram. - Lard- Kitebener liestemu 10 ruiga a.s commaguder-in-eiiet, la ladia angisaieh idea. of mlitary reformallan mo narriol Titi Georgo Peaboa4gtu"ifor ti&eu- tien ai model IvellIng piacasfer th. po«r la LondaonDov ame te10 1,20.- Éing Victor of Iisiy bon for yaar" maulfeabel a livelyInilulroit ila giculû- torai matura, sud lovas lie go ofaithe Sr Frederick Treves, thei guualhEglisb murgeon, has practicalty s4bandoed, is proelalon "hacausoera vasuta mi Count Leo 'Polatalm varisave bhu lrauzhated labo îbirty-slghî Iangamgus, iften appearlua ia fraimeay foinà" mnder taies illes. 1 ,'Tie Czar of Rencala mto ba ava 1F25.(00000 lvistet Inlu aglsi secntias and s ide lUne of $6,00,000 la àmirlan rails, coal sud iran. Joaeph Ciamnierial4 , .tiancllIlla statooman, neyer Appeau pubflie tet> ont a manoelo. Bssu.s 1 ~ IrMRESS VIEW Or lit A«MlL TOanaulcipita pence nîgahtiations t once Mha epreualune, sithong t bier ln not a neutra)l gabasman lu the. vonil via wouX nul udrise lie Czar ta bintn lie, van pnanullta a eoe.-Spniag- field (Naum. Repubican. Japan'm latent vlctony smales lui fuit vitit henr avgltaeetthtiolt score sie owati Russia fan the part played'hy tho latter lu 1894, vian aie reabietJupou 'f lith its aif vicary la lie chiluso war.-Weiingtou Pont. SoaI quautitg but quahrtit.l li te navlis-fanre a! to-day. EBrn drink. ing man lunlte Russla usrgnaum unaleatir atm. Tite ahatemions Japoeo, sob.r, hlgily edne.ted aud ml-otait id. eo mi raitng.-PhUladeipbla Prem Tii 3apan%»e neatte ouir vicers. Froan d t10end of thse bugosRaioim Ompire, Il-cementi hi brohea piedgeâ sud anecleut bebries Inmmpled do, millions viii prlraiely relaice.lu tho Con- tauudiug ef theis- appressors.-Nev Yorh World. The conditiaon lunviict Rnuainl -piscitirentera il diffunuit ta sue bhotai. eau futiar prouocuto a wvm n luhich te bas mat disastir ai eveni tur u ilviici seemo te portenti a cantinunce ofthlie Rmrnaexpeiec.-Lout.vlle o Curier- Jouvâal. Tite tirni han conte for. peace. Civil- lzaion demandae. iaI litthe cîvîization of Japunegaoan Muscarîte, but lie gnoat- an aand bigier Civilisation tovard viic te haulitetiofat il lande acnsloully ift thieir egai vian tieg havi nothing mare profitable te Iini about.,linaugi bood haiteen .pilt.-Indianapoli. Bon- ,Togo bau Put the fiuiablug touches upon Ogama'n wean, lu oxden ta make th. cas.empiete, Jupau muet havi Viadi- Votok. Withh liat Port wmiue-d Japon wiii havi ber Gibraltar at Pont Arthur, and ber JMalta at Sagilu. bc he in danue thle wiiat CoasaIfron thle Aigu- tiens ta tha Phllppnea-mIi'uepolt. W. -musi Conludi thal Togo huowe lted 1ipsians bitter than angone aIse -Witioit undarastlmali'a thair teneuil tu -ils ova detiment holieninethlula rieldedthlie opportunnlly ualatw o oSeraI 10 triehe a qqfdrous of RoJestveuukg tut -Nehataot aaparatelg.---Ue-gave liens t crice.. He made ail ecaue- atone cf lima, numbira, preparablon and mel tha.entir wii!14he auemy vas réadg te ha met. lie dechinit a mie ivo hlm c f a chrry.-Detroit, Free 1 Thiu naval engsgmnt lu lie Korein traîl Mstke a radical change lu lic dis- triuioen af lie militas-g atreugt mand lie mllltary pamlblltlea ai tue varîi. Titi eOmPletO i vtortof Jai Joliq t e r vîi Russea viich it fone]iadova vIl pub Jupon far np tavard the bonsfthei i mllhari pora, aud haesoe humcentury enslaIL. yl oldth le firat pace ieyonti peradveatune, If lu deveiopmnt- haii continue ln anyg lig h ie ralia of the progrosu ieit*lbias matie ince ls vie- toue' ovr ObeCitein gcrsa go-Nov. 1i0 ruanit of lie- habile maies l cer- tain titI lurnDi the Iveailti century, uima thiubiga ppin viclh centDon vrag .iadav, Japau viii ha lie dom- lit tpava? llatie fur Bautl lt R jug- %la. ailier lovig on upooduli, la to un- diorpoaulatorual revola>lon vhleh villi mai. ber a resh sud imreli a a mi nul meuhor of tie Company at vomIra atiocentil ioltiec mnace vhlch for hai a century boastroublied1h. drean.» s«07 EnIlai prime uuinicier of a Paaal hie Îffluli 04i Brillishudominio la out. ers -Amdain .pomnantlg namorad.-Nev Yori Globe. Boormous and cSti bI uhograt 6531- li machinas, mail-gateitand bamvllg #rmol'ad viii lie mont approvel gnon and machines fan vat'hlng bien and ladea viti te mont destructive ammu- Ostlo. montifor tle vliont cr*<u liai kohlo oyte von lthe tsnafec-e tlveiy and ta, deivir as deadir Ir. Mono ti ua s mil ls-'"tbsa-m abla indgthe thi t cimia.Theicrat th ie»Ccent hobtaieow o.*fALth ls eul=luu l.t.l*. e. Tla 1loili* hli te mrou of Ca- iausltim tlItIhave aoverihoen Iau@"a siote iaopeuilng QI lthevii-, rab. 8. ýRuaa letut sellselimi. Crovde ef lihierate musbîha uurroUDthetisWhvo Aresu abeta tend the uewi bulleins lu thc strie: eud Weep wvbleibeyIlistai' te the pîtil details of toi Tiushlum ct«sopiî. Titi vorat predietion af tbe ineilteaofttie czardom are nov fouud t a be aceedeti. AiUthe mchips' flot attffibave ben captused. Noua bau beau savad ezcept thei Aimaz. -Ixmoid End of Reviet. On ait Aides lte crta beard tilt tite present regimetu I rempoliilbe and tiai t I ust bc cleared out. The Czar la no longer canaideneti. Bren M. Sou- vorne, edtar-,of lte St. Petersbmurg NovoA Vremsya demanda titat lia peo. pie tike titi itrin-of smute luto taei- ovu banda. Grand Duka Alexleff's or- gan, the siovo. excii ims titat Rumsi han bad ticaimîtîru enaugitsud de- manda a change of regfime 11mb l give peace. humons are apriadlug that tii Csr intenda ta neuigu. Titi couva- cation ef a national asembly la couâ- dently îxpected. Misaera, genabsandu admirais lu- birviewed by lbe correapondeuta vire unaulmously of opinion liai RUaala bil lottibmamv.paver for bait.a con- ter7 t0 coma. They aise thoagIt tiat posce vauld coailmmodiatiiy; liat Eniland aud Ameines wouid belp to modufy japan.m demanda andti iat la- teliretenu vould bing about lié rageneration of Rusaisa. Japan'. docisîve iictary ovir Rus- Èl, lunlte Sîrali aff Korea la balleti by al'Europe auslthe belmlng of lt, end of lte caufilet. Berlin loahr upon tite ai, babl. as. ttiegienai b story-tnah- lng naval engagement ince Trafalgar. Firencht naval experts diciari Rusai muet Dring the uneven contait te à cloue. London lbah. upn lte result au virtlng a generai Ruropeanwnr. Japan biliarcu Russaaoust' uccepi vitatever terme are off anti. Oyama tu Action. Dlupatcitez tram îlanchurlitsay taIt Fiait Marsitîl Oyama luaireati, ln motion andt tiat an reIl batlle la nt baud. Giflerai Llnevijteh bau near- ly 40,000 min, lnc-iling lte Fourth aud Tentit armny corps. wlitib baveara- iviti ut tite front mtinrelte batile of Muhden. Hi bas reMeved bundrits of del4 guas ta replace Iboue abandon- al tu thint tfrom Ti pas.. Oyama bs îîbiy 420,000 men. flI la hnown la bava recelvci 0.000tr.- enforcczdcnts lnethe batlle 0ftIlnh- den. Xit lnbelerai Oysamnavli senti Nogi lu a miugtug morcit around lthe Rus- sien laftln u effort tea et astride lte ralirofltioasfer *est ne Ts;ltsliar. thns Isolabing lte viale Ruqtun aniuy. TOURIST-CROP PAYS. Calitorua a Bd Vft1, ilThomat VW lava Duing Poet essa. The grentest tounal mïefson llI tehie- tory of Califorulu ln lupt eluîîing. Il yieidad $18,M0,000 ta California, aud millons mare taetti rînlroads. andth ie uei liai been .,owjifor àa itrccrr.up Dext jean. Forty titotueluti tourlaîs vie- lIed Califarnua thiq acason. Tbey îtayed ou au average cuifty fid<ays ach tandi uprut un average of more Ilion $41 a dey. Wlihîu a decade lte "toural businesa" of Califalitas grown ta an indlutrg of cîtusideraile lproportions and itlat jumupug ehead eaecitynet ila nenarka- hie rate. Lait eaiou Sol -000 lourltst vis- ited'tie Stale and It le. astimated tuai lait siaaon'suitenas peut at leaut S 10,- Ovrntitrea-fnltisof*- te tourisuta t Ciliforunin travel a distance of over 2.000 miles to ranch the Golden Stala. They probaitly spend for rilroad fanes alone $120 aplece, se tlitI rom intas. whe corne tram Chicago or ta-ter saut titi railîraîda receiro lunlte neighbanhood of $4.500.000. eud thete anesof thase frei weal ot Chticago total more titan au md- dilloual $1.000.000. Tiean thora lu sleeping car fane. $14 «ehit ay front Chticago, on a total of $28 eacb for 37,500 persons, or aven $1,000.- 000 for berthe. Meula aI a consérvatîvo eaimala vhil pnobably amunut ta $M0,- 000 more.Allogethen lte,50.000 touriste spend in ixela cf $*WO.0000 ln ravai- ing, and thlm -lu an exoeedlugly conserve- live ettitate. au lte average tounluit ta Californie pmbihiy &pend@ mare, than $200 ou the item a! trarel. Of the $18.000.00 expcnded by tour- lois durlag lt e saou just passet I $4.- 000000 vas left lu mutieru Califormia, an. but $4000.000 rad Ssii Trou- Nov. et Mime. Note, H. Cay Grubi, an trial et Salisbury, N. 0.. cilrged vîit tie hlllug ot is irolie-n-bav., O. B. DAVIS, Cci. 16, 190%, vas scquitteitt James Tirney. vWho the palice samy a- esped tram te goverument prison aI i" caba s lland, Californie, baun-beau si- -reuied lt St. Louis.' . 1 unfixing Ang. S- au the. dmt. for lie execution of Edwand GObttcilk, mait- canfesfflmurderer of Josepihaffrtsuitua his acaompliee lunlte murdet of Cintian Moinideldecker ailSt. Paul, Gov. Jaohn-1 mon dicleres liât haie.in opid te capital puutinment. Oroving prosperlty Iu the Dominion of1 Canada la r.it.cted l in tecanninbu of tie Canadieu Pacifie nllroad. For lte mout 'ef Fihruary sgrai ncelpis abaveti a galna u ampared viii tie came perlod a r a ile5, af $5142M2ma inet earulnga anL lactia cfm 39~0 juge.HatILsuit 00A.R. 8obi ditribution of çpoà»eis expaud04. «ufdWUtlol.Thei 1bi'tromble con-' ýg cea use 0fdisqquiet and42bli4it eozwt u ow enterpin >t t t- deme. J i hme rol«caI outiOh. l 'hoSib f Ifilg r - bi vit ed inItier mttangtb roni thé vell nuil tWisad dmed 4fer hti 40tpuÇandI Oledlnagain- price.. Rîbùr4sfro ttie farzuiug etIons show soprlng Worh i.1 Mast ended, crop jfrospectu advmîchu& sud the demnaud gpiulng for neemsris audli'nproveuient gatirial. Boardi of tTtde aî>Mu1tiofl5latI&IY ceniered la thte vinding up of the Mai options ln lhe tva proninent celeals. Cash dealingn ver. Mittntd owi»g te tbeeitigh prices wbicb prevailndd ira'wers aecured their protltu. XPort ilemaud waî Poor lIIIail lie bread- sutlfs currant quotation»a bitag a dis- courugemient. Grain recepta. , M.186 buaiiel«. conipired i wtitl .009i,138 bush- elia n gar sago, andlbî a14piieuts viii 2.620118 iusiteis. agaînît 2Z479,304 tuîmb'l. lIl!kcepta of flire îteek wvi l"s. tian exîtected, yet titeme fuily met thte dernanti, îad pricea tell alghIlty. Coenpnred wllbflic e losltigu a wek mgo valuesa atvau<'et lu outil 1% ceUts a IItîbl. ln wlipat i cent. ibif W% çen4s. po)rk 1714 Wuts andi lard 15 e1tm. anîd decluréd lu corn 10 cents; raille 5 ('cutiç, sbrep 10 cents and boss 15 ".nts. Saâlurf^ reporti lnu ti Chltago dlf-ý let nifiaber 13,. agaluat 26 lak veeki and 2e n jear ago.-tiuVe Trade lie- Trade rpi-tu, erop cou- NvYI.ditions, and. toa lee de<rêee. collections. dispiay au lSprçivetiappfraneue. thte remit tof bitter wentiter eondltiotim. CleerIug skies anui More s"esoîlblr weatbier have miatirfor bitter retali tr 11.1lm proved reorder ibusiness vith (It Jm-es lu îouluegocxis, andtinlut. btot a li-ast h ave eorpd îLe crinp situation. and allowed sauin mure ~of a -er- tainament of lte tlamage donuelîy -x- eruol'e reins. higi waten. or iî.w len- peratures lu nlielj' separatéd ~t<e W.esllwér asticrop Irregularitie -ol- or traoereport«, but it laIob lenontei ltaIlte Nortiwetý.t-rn rite reiun very ofitiid«i, n-latrie, tfie cent rai We,-1 lm ceerftil, 0and xoi oP iliern points report trauir licter (bit .îuîîli- pailrdcnlepr. Effpets aon trade of lte iitckwtird png I hetiitat tarr be- li$ç repoired.. BuIlding liq ut-iIvp lt coitr v r. Oanid. Uxep-Ilit tttl-g. labor trubici are toit eerîousiy huit- llîîisi-ss tjllures 1fl te lit-J States for titi wrek endiltg .lune I nuraber 154, alunt 179 lait week. 1014 lu the like wr-eh ln ION0. 157 ln 1" LU 134lnu 11102sudti1:3 InlI 10. lu Canada fitlînrea, for tIhe week numbre 16. as ogiiinb;t 13 lbut werk anti 20 la tiisweek n yt'ýir ifgo.-lirt,lulreet'i <'temînerchl R Ielioni. Wfuimt Prospects. Thte May wvit ri relat of lte Di. paniwnt O f Agricultutre liq of empecial lutpte.-'th# ln jt outîîorittlve re- port Of the colidtiîln or wluttèr wvit béfttrclte liinrpgt. wl1etiî-b berlueiI init asd'le ltiilied lu Jnly. Thte May 'reptoritoies ltat lt(.aran ittier cflltlvntloii lait inteirr iiIat l lm abou ar7304( îre. wv. lm 4.ff ler vent le-wat lîîtlte trea wutmet fu, but l.1; lier vrut greater titjîîflite area aI wlnrlen wleat lIorvexte l luut jear.'Te arerîlgetuîîdltion N lertported ut 9. agîîttt# 1 .61 April 1. suîd a ura n tol 83.7 for llny i-munge fur lte ut ten years. TIt,ê figurte îît'.!il5ea crop of about 4ih004OIumbt-Is. 'lite ylrld of wlnter wlteat lait jear wutî 332,93,- 348 busiteis. Cltcgo-CpIie, conuntn ta prima $4.0)0 la 16.00; hog-i, primaeLuergy. *-LOO la $5.40-;uieep'-fair ta chaire, $3.(X ta 1475;-vheat, N<.-2, 11.09- ta $1.05 crn, No. 2, Oc le 5.1c: oasitauiard.. 30e la 32e; rye, Na. 2, 74e tu 73,I luî limoîli, $8.50 la $13.50; prairie, $1100 te F11.11; baller, chire r eantery, 1I& te 20e; egs, treelu. 13c- ta 15c; polaloas, uaw, pan bbI. 2.00 ta $3.(K). Dtroil-Calîle, .13.50 ta M.70; ibaga, 14.00 ta $MM; iltep. $2.50 la $4.510 viteal, No. 2, $,1.03 ta $1.015; carna, No. ! yeiîaw, 5&e la 58e anti. No. 3 vita, ale- ta MS; nyr, No. 2, 78e ta S0c. .Mliaukee-Wbeat, Na. 2 nantiieru, $1.05b la $1,09:; corn, No. 3. 5Oc ta 51c; cals, No. 2 white. 32e ta 34c; rye, Na. 1, Sic ta 8M; itarlaier . o. 2.0e ta 52e; ponh, mass, $2.5 Toledo--Whent, Na. 2 mixaI, 99e te $1.01; corn, 'No. 2 mîxati. 4& ta 5,0c: oala<Na. 2 mîxoi, M1e la -82e;re. Ne. 2, Mec ta 82e; claver smidprime, $7.00. Bnalo--Cattie. chalce ahipiug eleoru, 14.00 la $61; ibugs, tain ta chalce, 14.00 ta $5.00; aheep, tain ta choie, 14.50 te 15.00); laslas, fair ta chiale, $5.00 te Nev Yornh-Csttle, 14.00 la ,.5 base, 14.00 te- 15.75; sheap, 13.00 te $4.75; wbîai, No. 2 nid, $1.01 ta $1.02. coaeNo. 2, 51e ta 5&; auos, naturai, wite, Mec ta 37e;, butter, cnoamnery, 20o to 21e; eggu.vwesten, 15etala&8. lndiauapeiia-Cattie. uhippîng. 13.00te $625; bags, chaînasiteavg. 14.00 ta $5.40; u Itepcumoan ta prime. $2.50 ta !bmNan. 2, $1.04 ta $1.06. corn, No. 2 witle, 50C ta 51c; as, No. 2 whait, 30e ta =2e. 1 $t. Louls-Catie, 14.50 ta 1.25; hagu, "4.0,ta $540; sitesp,,$4,00 1ta14.78;. vbiab, Na. Z OO te, 02c; cars, Na. 2, 40Lc ta 50e; et. Na, 2% 20e ta 30e; rMa 14o. 2, 70e-tae 72C. Cluclaaati-<Jlà*4.00 = 1 ' 1