CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jun 1905, p. 4

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rWUi im 1 l Thme IbrismousI - -- -- - - - - A- DolaE ett DOW*,&# lUth$ Me. M Oui dTwp w. 78W00 01 iiod w.........000 &s bu scilo lot 1 «k 0 *Mbe XsecliAdon a4~nleq..........1 2000 Asi~eanStoe&Wte Bnkt Vaniega Higlaas w... 87500 <>0 1mo8 ais te CEA rsont 0 T w28B Oam n r061> lota E C M W AF agy oI F 4 Tnlgaprt Co hts 21 21hd2 or & w W X .1. Tvp vi..............000 0 0 dWavd ové e& Wf <soMJrtn Melodypat lot :,27 Baon FçrmA49wd..............100 0 18 OotradJr&34wlts in iWakeflgandspwd. 2 à500 00 &STi DtofoWauks'gCoa 8 8Chome Jr& wrte o bead &ighad Lks ws........20,000 A-E ai & wf gto Coin .amnnrr o lobatsf vi6 d ti s iLake lFfta.300 la lins or et hiag] fo pbl Trnd .................. 600 00> CE Sayl e & wf'to artlin- MaWy tat anIot 'l27NLake Vis twd ..............451() 00 V.X EOervey& wf tt<JWT Lai. base w moX eTs 17wd................... 2500(0 8 T Biova & t au ta C -Bawkolns lobat ne %llage X 2adurà ake@............0020.f)<> .As CFost s& vi t E Wina- wMe parocine ake22Bluffie Twpd ...............141 00 Fenta aPower uamly tocs ta Bey r wtpaNrth Ci- Sovu Bank Eltssin North LhvZu*is d. .............004 Vlt E ainy&w Wase a i 21 kj W ek re i lt àWank4 o- gos................. ...... 750at CTM orom afWagon. Hawins i lao'n ill sael o afai fro efd . ays.....a....a ....t Unment00s WotJneuni tPain Bls o pan Am partine s.ect22ili afel ua uoa Etatsno I .Fo aletbyW.L.deSd î.E LityvilE aud Koipatise Parnec. 22 ayeul. e ... 1415 a tva yeM 0af1~n [tare o!5,m0<>, t "x olla penesi l 11,Jne 1, ani 14 o-Cr ale . Tie d lipmtimo n tise open r M nmueis bettlept *ppailousenMispnse, o ý ai vers pleanie vit aveace of binage. Ti tusls mbrucus4H #bIn <111aidaim, vit t-telat' "O " t. avenu 8OeM-t aautdrus ai 1 akExpomtiols18le ce:ry "eu, sËae net B vg oiu aresaure -t As.j rit wuiert POIlogL Wé bave aGeod Stock. Core . i tolk irove -CM-ANOCK' KING OrtI NW AI And Winner of the DI)amond Medal for 'Jrotters... SOLQN GR ATTAN -Trottng IRace oecord 2: 1 a Sin of Orattan ý2:13, dam Zileutie (dam niuso of Chriii(Irattan 2:21)j), iy Zilstaadl Oolddu.t; 440<0; seeoîd dam Dolorms, lhy (ip. Kutix 140>. flan twaten al eomerss, ineuscding tihe faj<tet lascarsin la Csicgo thisi wlîster. Superb issdivduàl, bigh wation front andi af t. oas. of thsa Iseat gaitéd trotteri; in thea worfid, and alrssady the irsof a grand bit of calta. SF3ASON 1905,",,$25. TIiOr1PSON,% STOCK FARM JOthN R. THOMPSON, Psoprietoy - hire 1% oira of maay. - e..Nie leviens. Pound on Rslfroad Track-Len t ior-~ y day atternoonoflo Broum ofNoth Chicg oldaé a s"IMou gaus Nortivwtessrailsus trck lu I& b. j lwogâatesof Intoxicaton.,ami et once remoed hlm.. The Drt o, nifiyor wan due ma mibutfor bhi t1 -ly u» thse o& *aho late ae lm ain at tise ttiod an John0Masxt0 a, Iold posbyboon illed aneM isea be Olê 8h.Find Him?-A neatly droaaad a . ei psasgwomei s toppsos , frôm a . M. &Bt.ý. trainaet Round qI. Laie theotiser day mma is7an mais Inquiriesofor ber husb basho ba D- been mien enriier la tihe day with "_ janotlsezvoasen ienviug Ohiago. O3h f. carrissi arevolver and ssemed anxloumi th ta finsi ber isttek hall. On thse oit .o train s eloft for Pox Lake bonut on )6 cantinilg Ler itarci. ..1 th Pinsde Colt With Tirat Oui-A fe*, orda7o. ego John MsCanau, a farmner r livinga[bot four milee nortis a1 e jiÂbeylle loundai ung .011< telonging ta hlm densi la l eu itis a ita tirouit eut. Blood coveresithée ( rsida tise vouni vas a*sooth anfrd m ailappenrancet & sap n il -afe razor weà pasi ta dotis Sdoees. Whso tise perpetrator ofa nblae acmt couldbe la Dot known and it1 d1 thongist tisais rvenge muet bave qd prosaptas tise crime. le Mlxup et Haff D&V-Aé a rmut of a stndn ten bo¶e promiset aisluetliaif Day tisera vas*a sre 1,row ais tisaisplace Tumsday, la vhlch, le serons, coneequenea wverms.ifum.e La J. MeLaugiluansd ane )Isyora er., 'l Porsolat, wIf- of a isotekeper, andi t, algtenit-lnw of Moyers a bses inlu vus a homew <ip.Oser parti* taok Olt interow ansd nov Mmg. Peolal of undes' the enof aia physien vltb ber JO netsbroken la iswo-plaea. 7 Drustk, Woke ln Zion Cty-* strlkiqg a tousoter la Chicago a le*v nIÉiteaâ$0 tistoae thieups a $010 4 ";ta a froigit car oonI~ oIdto1 nM (1v., la tise moa Irwlotheb a sit 'y vQke hlm fouaM a . - tu dlîoavmd that @ le m #à id esffpl aIi. On tahussgak ut aplsèat =e ét. th ï.suhus a ta ndéiertand. [atun ibm dlsicoverei te the nsalng ofi lisil maiw'diew, M probably ta bis former bisets es etreuwaun Pliltics, et 1MIg .bwooç-It la r reportesi tlat thesae f -arlsusiMalk se th emt cabdidob aormagor nQ or a W so n teumOd y tisa de fCt oni thse pplitlauetslf Sdlévfi h.rememeualend la 0$ li MsaS aam tbsearisýai < oayr GIll.ê shOort tlie e okguM Sday l i Iect dlsoiadi4tuat iq_1ev de Later tis ntw ed the oOf, il neyerai friende o adi rs util lbey Md feanesifor is alote.Tisa eaau anat IO Gibs W o elllnglilquor os Bondas'béé A o eascontinues usil Joune 1il'=wli y ilii sber ston o'cioes iy Jastle SVanDeumen ais Wankmga. "Faite from WlndsviI-Lant Sundny et evenlng Juastin Geodtnesr a yonug Mau of &bout twenty yru ofeofell ross = tise top of a Wndmul outisplace of I Amaria White aibu Laie deatis j reuutsag lameiately from tise cos. 1cussionaMr. Wilte rung a private, sanerum t'Round Laie ani tha M. Younag Man, isaho 10thson 4 f.tb* a, rmrident ofai a.hant ais Medoise aad ' laaltrmaurer 01 tise W a. tu iOi taejslepilc li saIodm &bout onea&adel. i l sougisl and vas taken vitis a fit wviici cusai :M hise l. Ir. White tonna i 110 yg à. opon his Aide aistise foot of tise taver r aý V elonî @:80 a ils Iter tonnaion ise platlorm of tise vindilIl j~Te Use GasolasinMotos Oaéî-.The ~.entire systes of tise WatskigaVox 1 Lais andi Weutoreectnier ayla «Me - osearfatume bu c"ema nd gasoimme mtai Cavé Inaeisa utise p1eeai I s- lectisietrolley mm non<>vlsrhoutisa rond. Pnedet as rawmter, a.D. - Wynnromlntm ir*a»r rg tflp Wbes'oisanpeuam ose tfma. ioin < mais by afira wuIlciswlflort Ltussni- obsous fftors .on the rial. - To mn i xmsavreporterSe sex. se presesi ila .ntlafctloa itis *9m ew I'.Plan sed stastualMt ilisi,6 Cuple Sialey tise' unecesl Ilevenlon., ire -lpélis ot.r oni vil maosubted 1 m te .s. . ins eu Mr. Wyann unns ta diecuma hiepla S fr a wetern etsl a ofais ieod >t anln b5la.t es lan nyst wevéla. - d WIrv»TnijioAgesi Mass--An aid g k. - beadmi mm bAi naarrov swcapsfroms deth tise aISes day ona'Noriswivelna limitai ruMbig et a isih rate of spesi. As tisetrisa anpulllng oet ai Wnmke. gain. hé atimuptusi t board theIsalt concis»ami eces l Oé là-foet.. bali udamatlusi.steOMM n lhi ror ho Areaiy tiit hm, bi bo sd a Isaci % tbb té *tis an sr. la loainer ta drop Mduo» ho lngý 6$ tihe narraw amsi worlmg stop . m 40a depot po*iegaaais W ffla gemovd 4e bis pli4 0 te batreà "lot ai atiO or, ani6 tegra wum mue t nh but d already ths rsle M" rWnW itWsmqg tise milAisMo lUit atra«Me a a 1, e ud e e-0b fasszi 0 * Illinois Afler ftise firit ofJuly ail tise csn cubes la tise.court hoisne vitis lie ex- ception of thID" aca1aoisom nad treas usrer viii clos at liye oclocis. A trou ucale isaoattackod tise sisade trae of this city ansi tiaugisan yet tise nature of the peas han not- boueis- eaveradio ethougisistisat féram appe-Las anaes Itie injuriqoesTisewisole lover aiea ieIgu0f many tiuzpepecialy tihe malti maplea. avé lnfue~ with tis ocalo ii&leof a reduuis brava color antI vici la many places. sut rounds limaI vîtisa vite gnsaor vois. Tise' Waasegan ' Ori,. the Chicaga Recordlni Scloeompony, vîtis a factary ais t tisefot of the Madison buissha enterai ýtisaautomobile meannatnrlng business ansi viii ia thé-. nons'futue t wvii wllbe a double cylladear of tise fêtent approvosi pattera Wini carry a tilrty bhanepaver oeigine asidiii ave a apeesi 01 jens OUFytu sixty -mlus aua bour. Tisewvole car viii wegh abet 1I00 pocadis aui i vi ccsoat preoSi& lu hionor at Waukegnn is, viii be Wthse Waufkou nACiO andsi bie etebmlled viilio tr ontar totDanme. Isle. UnItei Statua goverument ban ai ai tihe rebsllstln of portions tof 1h ad ple ta tise' blago . andi Great LesDregoansi Dock Company viici cosmy ia nov lat cileting s& las~ eaatract vîtis tise EE. . raliroas,- .sais bea for nmre time magage i l buildingalpe andi esectlng dock@ for tise nrans. Tiseterme of the Conticl ceau for tise vreeking of tlieananale iro Wb" h xtensi for about a tisoueanafeot froi tie sore ansi the building of a nev plur la-tise place* of thesolad. Tisa nartis pprviii be resuovesiansi arevetinent anhetltlstesi, Ibis hein g thse proettt con- 'atractian oafic tise nr. barbor vali. Report .ef The Condition oet ThoLai (ssutrNatînua an .k ai LIber- lsteBletsoS IUaant itise close af ho ul ineu. BCS Dereuta 0 suog ai u. . e- m . p. . orea aiton... 15U Is ......i............... ............ .. ...... 24M Ptunsano wte .Saan.. us- (s m entofcimitaeckls d'O Ttl....... ........... 1200 lita tIiolis Lola Gnais'take ase,fi Lt . rst.Vsfer of ise aboes- euUOdnana.sooiuiler ~tist tise ~~va mIalS s t tie ta the buetiof Me' kuoiede, udbýI»O . . Wmznmr. oasser. Saobarllafi d sworn ta bsfare meusai i il da7 of Joue. sa. EsswÂ&a. il.arrir. notarie Piu bib. neport or the Condition of T.. rt Nationallacis et Lbertsvllle lu tBIata us r ilnoisa tt eusa<osu f biiep nusouaoxa. tonna ami igeos ..............tss FrslUosJ ieme in........a05* O de., .ams......... sa te 0.7iearo saiw. 555te ai prrerras.uv. is*il stdgt................ ***::ý..s8eta ToItal............................ iiiaa te tio e nd.. $211010 i (VAo! dmclla )........siesa Uxpnss............... Mite4 ......................... lis e 1. lIluola te eetofay IM sd , ait - i . UvrgMd MosI iet a t ts o s u bZ Y e m ! . T v . e e a i î n ilorrect Aa S. lreir.,Z: a1% Tise Eik, 2:19% Nordica, 2:2.1% fLeioe Mmnon (.3) 2:24 Fet, ir. 2:14 , Lady bensnibn, Si. 2:26% Esssiutt Itiisslre, tr. 2:18, andI maisy tstlasrr good <ina Agamemnon, 26888, record 2:131, wilI make, the season of 1905 at the (Jonty Farro, Liberty. -ville, lllnoWi. For completQ pedigree or ftîrthier'iîfoimatlon, -eau on C.. APPLIEY, Owner. .8-J Let Us Figu, eur 11m1 WC am hllerlq até&,. 's POUL'] Y FOOLI eMMONS -MERCERk LUMBER CO. B . A. BISHOP,. Manager fin 1 lb, es lasonma... 2-lis cmea Svsm â14h on sedala .i 1,b "s . H. mpisin...........I 8-lb con B WW O M Don.... .....--... 8-i c a Pissas .. ...... 8-lb con &israTommalame, 2-lb C"a Eanl Jum am a ..... 2-i enam cai 2-lb )canm =-B"$"9-**man 2-lb e lcat itui Plppe............ 11 2-lb ea Bluaeorrm.. .............. J* -, 1-bc ddem«sd oupa .......-f Pîst.jittie Toma.oteus14 Welter' Daka' Chcoa lle Waloner imnaC0.s %Ie... Quaker offil ae 0 n ... o Ilalasn Siare" Vo-1as'p 8 lihmiadConnuis Illesisnb.. tJâpXup*p ...... .J .ar...p........... lienbrofllosiOtaparpou . Carolîet~in Rie, par lb ............ Broke namsar Poundi.. .............. Ares A Hoanesr Brnd Soda, lb pki.9 (8-aina MiSonp.....te Oraasa'eWbï omirar par pas me 4as lM e LsmpanC"so(»mupur l.......a 10Cone efstaa Ly. ..Jf Wooid Cothsue in, par dasm........ (1-d 4-Bavai Brosses... .. .... ...... Rwiig SUa Slave PoieSh,puot pi.. E. E.ELLSWORTHI Paots on. P. DA. fiW*G, G 08. TRIO6S' *LI> STAND. l. WAUKX B AVE. SOUTE 0F MOTEL We contraci to, pay 50ec a busIbel forenubr.Ou trat and need eabe fiad t M. B. Colby'e, Smlth & I*. vie', anidB. W. P&rkhinygtý. or of. Wm. K elaey. - eed 60e a pound. Qood Grades at Pair prieeo, DOORO'. WiND0wsMoII IMM8, RICI%, 1IPE. '3Pl -s ood'e Baan 04llll, 'i0 po isiein pure bloo4, a gSod apptita andi "d assi metiavezRS OTH. Just Receiveid Ladis Appgiret for Summer Wear Address J. W. MURRAY, Superiniendiest. aJuci à home aima2:13 1.4 lu th e fmmaisy bigh krimssarriagand mati, hormes naMW hor se istate of Mimwauri. IHs ban th isasfae4, q s4alsxty Mds action, and tihe vs'ry Ihast of fret and legs that gsi tu> sai, thea lma rond andi earrissgo leurs. Many of lis «et have Loren s'ld for laiga Prinasansi Latta ment to G(ermany and l"ranaý. Il@t, in alia>theas ire o01 t ~~ .J. IL. 1). 2:10x; wagon ri.-f Libertyville bw oreeW 5aPle l basyvii<ot t roviie ulpovesi M* benadea forg#&er circuit 4F. vmnkly papa do generai houe i cnte per la.AI Md.."n E . ais tFrIllIII 5. u*l -pf mg, carpeq emi begsa, oise.isu gemnl loumevrà <V iâNtional BanS. & rsAosà Wus Qdke Carf~eTrimm4 leATTRESULS MAP£ TO 05R ANDýoofflyWTI0ANO' MME OVEt. Hve jonir *tfkýone by a a.ri ex 1 erienced... ,Don't wit a ýyeat> for your godoatab. eturdd. (*1ve îi àt4i#Wttta yo wrk'la prorly iatted- ed teB ozv xe.1very one ln_ thoir tuËn.

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