CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jun 1905, p. 6

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w, hDa"bllsud 10.1 1 taI ho iras kUal ta hsa t d üe keeplui AMàtus' e rilmerbapm ccii! lmpwfchij ga tt St ti salteat mwu Id hav. lb. keepig utheu ma lump ut mener; and hi MsU th Uclueustl l a ture rd a" klag; and ho lia uieasitoueelt-,erfou sltu aol uimeuiT midi seaprigitl lu hie chair, a clus, is aye roli l iie," Byhlma; Imw m Wrobbtd "A-'I "'w ad I banc torgQOle-I hans - ümmry" Mr amuidepince" Mair a sr. lue.rumember. If tic 4 %ad ch. covcr ehbeLl ludkl4lf cbal &M5 aie i ul".t -tubaglot trmbisme - yle.,riis wédéd -But te letton mai Rbo =4t. utilb. fore u nélpla minI w fiOued racao "d a 1a 0y "114 u uham 10t- om? Pc. a ub- ot unn, ea' Pm tonrgest me *Awtaihla ;Awti plu fty- 1 I tilalina Mr 115 ths hast âm1e '»Wd1, bare forgulten. IIlae six anne age, P uelme verT veli lut-asIf yos ba l 10. Whyo, pou have Pros- *4res bi ave bien bing 94 t t Ibtat." W*. r ho r"umael1te- tlu.M t . , A. If w -u ; -n s 7 a pb a. ut tI uA4T p agala" sinus th, losta »r every duy, and lte utlierftt lo Il. igld Six'leck " I bel sur- wuO Imuot! lu au- U'fg M". ba u lII "%à,,il W màm Attr sihibua. Wybavei W tehe ou leainn u phe deidlag lyls aboiut LIa a foui. Sideels ~unImi a S.a 501Poude os.cuo ar. jeu bai W OU1 lnurom r -« UbisaIri ila «eU ml hsl ave tclt mu -« luser Mrerasm 1 bm , ". ail 110. 1buag et wht y 108 51 kBs . fur a girl 11k. sla ~ i toi theaa -ho bavm labut t cople Lssc MJ fingre aldmade s lt-be veo t lae fgoC ut motl ud'm sit I art.T eori IfIuttolsbt>iw I ca!; aea v Noo . ro. -c v Mres bold onlaid somelol> com B lu 1cmboaho 0 et mTurecousin Dotla vas 1 sncbI, Tb fouIld dMar ety."wwé Y a re ~ o-To;.ur cousi Daid vas doubttcus & t-îfoot, but peuple. 'salI unkal thingeabObt hcrunes cuadueol levard bhi.. 1 "ff 1 bal bt cecurol bis propet!. nesunesc"a. ouil. Ila samlila th f amlliy, hIcà oougitlto lieoaa réaI o"- fort lo bita. vherever ho hm usn. George Sie eLa anotbu-weli1, ho ls'l «cslr y sot, eilke David; but ho déesn't agel un-Le dosnt gel on. I furov-ry me ca e -h v ne-0na i 1y n 0childi la litIàaroeau for inlenfealng. rwitatbliecourie ut businese? Whoua t peur la p tlpcwIl ulropi-if not luteni! ymou.lto@Omo diOtrmaes. Buines rbétone love, Mary.' 1 "If I ibal ie My fortune, b. vould 8ho 'otif'l iUcullles" .,tour fartune. Mary? Wherec la Il? Wbit foMiuje? Ton havesDoc unisse Tonni*y vtbMy éCosnrt. Tour for- tune? Wbý'. tIl dspcnds on mu mhahbr YOU emer gîl, ILI luudo't aiy hal I shall *»nVer consat. show me thc right-ma -ualt a spendtlirltt. Mary." *"Guorgel la nu speadtbrlft." à "No a man lu débt", 0 «If Gaege la le dbt'l lalntul his w oit-." "A substantiel man, ad onu vWho îno he l. orth 0f nioney; brlnug that Mdi e yil cee. IUsl vrI M .I amsgeting ou for »ent?. leued I can't lent forevur. cand perhay- psybrog, Iao-l chall aes705 WlM tmtueyWhon 1[lie. Ton eavait 1111 *hi Mbô.Sx thouaculpouals la a lrsmea- doua bs lump lu part wili, v*bcn a mans ln o nul higeluta rt vIit Is.L-And 1 amn nul ejilgsd le gile ni coent. N, ta;ý sud-ift týv> tre. homnaa--<rec tjiiiâ"Tur comfor tabla h.J.4ae ntant ie.inarr fot sia, et & Omo sane nioaey 1 Siv" you yesi'ie4rd "àdyouriodega Mary, mIlle Ifimue-heu.. fus' 564<tg; andyr siotic-9 'lm taao-ytu ouuhu. ne egobe bo« Reçà è4r sue md giron bar for dItv , týy 7" Artwn, "Wclun- e* è dn~iIo marryvîthout Tour consent jyen yul b;vu rethen l.mener tae cousin Danli.<. t ~ ye; f comrec. Wht's Uic gooel of basw %laibatt'*DiotDavd la deal,1 ce' "i*e i Ut *hi sud thon the maeyu enaier »MW , t ofe..% But pru va't a%-.*b$hm aIdryrouai ~ovp ~p.Wie~d ,s ~dotat.Be- cilaeReconnuIIPt. me briéne bec% mals opald 1 do't vbot t vo eenâtta look iL'tUm Il liibb4aud that lie obe mua *Stait Ielho 11, I vs v«7 sot- Zrrymade no reply. Beronacle bal lie ~ inits, .%sbit ill Daid: e.Mant titathehadld 11ihhua sud tlamaI hlm 0 Dow nempouessud i lu&I W. Leiian siitI heviir. nu doabtl 1oo e isfoollair sottuesa. sud home à t seU*a,, lvwu netottontht ho t&IWe se mach mth bis ulsu.. Mix ysurs butore Ibis. aboul t aïf-past aine on. enflu tne cont-niofutthe rear lm8.Gogeldotu. valklegitome. foaal M. Leigbana itria lte mile ut thu rond on 1fBeeLu v. Rbs pour grétifsng ir Iy baside hlm. sud ha us I yau abis bn d.omuil sen mt 01ns *ý * 'h Dow ba'rhi hI. eltu se e t altin. acpiatly, ftmh u o. Naé sailon ut violence ut robbery mgo an-1 'trainel;, fret' beosusi nu nc" er beard ut vioene at.Ohllacombo, and1 ùeqaly es0e le balnul apparenliy1 -~ ~ ~~e biarihl qIoastI Ilseemel lu itho oesb ca nihmbomc. for hIe peck-1 et& me fbi n mas, amdi bs vatci1 a nd choit bal nul beau taien.4 i.For tUiéedorsyadolthr itr.ugittDanic Lulgban. bey sposchles, aind sa"le@, and but for a feint Paies hoeseeed1usd. Whea he reconrredcouansams lte liraI qualions hoe 85kd ver. cecu-roins & scertaie icbox coatalnlngPapeviticl ha deuarul vas hauglug lu a bagt ram bis inech. Nnv of ltaI tinboxnaumiee1 ltýu*m anLythlug. Prsenlly, Whon ho. 4ucotnted bie menr, ha cwor. tint ha vas d teul! peundes hnft. l'erhApa 'itmasuicthe ay etofmiel asul by iis Iou perbape thseitbom - pon i itond, viicit enuesl tbeparaiy- * in wu 0bhi les, Titis afilliua tell spon à let a montit or e. attet lteé accqsI. kThon thsy put hlm lu bic chair lstul b ie table, aud proppel hM Un vl i l- lrs: lava. % lW, ont abresd no mer*. Dut - itshess*oWchlarea bture, bisvlfl MtA t EVIL k Wbbn .ilWftaalvon lber 0nclebie tâtinald îswed nmetEl etbngs $ho jol hier te ija pabss ansd hi. pipc, tank bsrhn Iad ( wet 1*10the punc, ho"et the *«4 iva el ,danglitgh-erbai iby Île stéluse au nd ag«bar res, ilr à1jwfthà lftt e &l Poa ber T~euvlt~lIttc utber ert, ab* LPUaa4-titte"bgala 0thu bock of te hne heugukn.v George in silcoto ated tu tké,àber 10 . echoir pa-ellsi or us~i~aase enug. := . pCà,K w 01111160 u. am,-a té alci , Msy jo ." î "Oh! snd Wtaisé dlie gayBu? «I oi bldWi bat if hao Uui ciet bis conset,yTU oir tune v.U u nrl7 o! thé mortass. "Wbse 4*1 au aay* tOWIr- -.-Dotlach. U ni adthat lt wse O5ff lo refuse hie tenosatle a duy te ks "amn sae. Geor8%e," cl any. l'u 1.1me aulblnt of tais." "k vas0 qet Utély ltalho vouid ton youéH*. hoërd what 1I- b&aite au la. bsdry vay, and th"n anu ma eIf th. w-s OiytJiuamore, bat X viehsd l,1e f Mm.jasruseda bit bi tbIa,. idi ftlaO lm Ihbat, If 7fl5dSl tW roçoive rour aunt'a fortun, Deav ilÙ bu cattied tu th@ moue!. Wall, h. vàa'. suit th& ]teatput ont., He onl? iaxgwa --bdleulaughe Ucsort hbat maites enlie IPPO ry-and sl Ibat yen ue. é good girl, but ally, 1k ueat elle. seiNu yen chou to tbrow* ara y reer frla.. l vaZsaorry for you, but bu counld nul pic- vaut IL Wcl1, Mary, *g came Ïvay. 1116 that la doue vlth, ad Ihis la Uic lat eeT hr viibe on. t lite old steol le te Id place." l'courage, George," sc itesl; "vo viii do aomthiug: vo vwiii go comoerc somohow v. viliilivo sud praspor jet.. "'Somevierr Ilhaie chuel, "..i 'sooitow I Weil, 1 bave a pair ait bandeansd a pair of broad aboulera-. ras., But you, Mary, sud ni! motberr" "Courage," eh. soýIdag&lu, "have fallh. George. Bren If vu have ltu go avsy, vu sahb. betogetitur. I vie readait yeterday a Cloury about setîlerit lu Oaa- ida. it bcd picturea. Thure vas the vooden boues sud the ccartirgl vithi he forent ail round; 1 ttogitiIl mlgbî b. ours. I ruad how they vwo5ý bàa, pair nutia, la ~ gIg gut ou, leariug more land sud iucretit g thidi stock titi tlîey begame rick th lu n- trytilujexcepî mouey%. thougit 0of ou.- asivea, George; vo ahail flot weft moae if>vs éan lire on a faim of dur ova eomewliere, sud If vo eau worlt for our- cuiras. -Ton are an strong snd bran.: you do flot mmnd iard vorlt; sud-su«d- let us bave faitt, -George. God la gocil. If W. muet go froin bore, vo vili go mliii,4 cheerful bearta, mal ave miT pour and@lu to hie landesud vuatth.". He threv hie arm round ber ueclt ad ki.sel ber aau-nunusuai demonstra- lion fro.hl. (Ta b.e nutlnnad.) ISMUGGLERS' CLEVER TRICIU& lier Cbatrabsal Goode"re Taebsa b Belgai l ooa r'nce. A grete:Sort le being made by thc French custome officiala Ju break op Uic oganisation of suiuggierse vihlh bas Intely beea carrylu;' on a lucrx-, live sud ever-growlng Irade lu contIre- bond betreen, Beigiansd Prance. During the lest fortalght. vritueals Antverp correspondent of lbe London Express, the French cuetalsofficais bave bail eerers.liuporlaat bumoesse Tho &UsI as Uic caplurs of a Bolgio fiahlng amack la Uic straits of Dorer. Tii eesel cariel £1.«» wvêitb ut ta. bacce..This cotrabandlago m au eonficcamth i e et .oiuq ,11be Ownerd vere Oue- f1.0.09. lma saenienght ac smugglaa'a'banni: vas raidflet aIunklrk amui sk.alquant&. tlic of lobaccu vwer. 5sed. On. of lbe lateat device vas liai eniployed byý a man who dlguhed buieifcauaprient. Ho vae la Uic labit cf journcylng trom -a BelIaSI froaller tovu litho ionc evry da" rt a large que utily 0f*tobaccew a coalel under- bis casaocl. fie returnucdtéu eiglumn ut a port- )y prieet, tu a rcry Inan, emneltol ludfividua I., The capture of Uic fictitious prisut ledl lbe.autitorltlas t0 anspect s nuin-C ber of nuna vbo dally crosel thc fruný-c lier tutu Frange. A careful acarclb bac bea organleadudnlutour traces Uic aupposed akna vas found 1tic a $MU&. gler vitb many pounda of tobaccu sttd cigare hidden benentht er iteavy bsct sklrt. suspicion udxt fell upon thé drivera, firenten sud gnarde of Uic trains mun- nia; betveen Bruasceasud Parie, and for soSie daY& cverY train ba$ beeun carefully sacee. ,Hundreda -0f bonnIs o tobaÏccQ bave been fonu idIcuamoug lte ceai on thé tend- tu onc case tbe guetbions a far.e niage vere tonnd! lu bue tuffed vitit tobacco. In another e p4asseger. vito vas vlli- knva se a regular travaier ou h Unb. earche an sufnad tu tic loadel vib contrabeul. lun Ibird case'au lnralid, reposlug on ai, cuahxione, vas foufil tu b. no Inralil et alli, an lte cuablone beîd tobaco Inatecd of air. Perbapa lthe mont grewsonmc discov-c cry vas madec rien a comfn, Osuppose lu conalatahUicbody of s Frenchmua wno lied lu Beiuni, and vas br«ugbf back tu b. burilea uhie native toua- trY, vas searceo. It vas found te b full of cgarec. At tbe frondeor tovus% on the roed sencral lngcnious tricke bave beca dl* coyred. Thrfe laya *go a Peusnt vas sftoppel wbsu drlng aeroue thc border wvlh s l.ed of vegelabicsansd au agldrelative, The relative vas found lu ho a duoqmy figure atutaId witi tobacco sndtUic vegetabilied Uhir ceptersecut ont sud roplael vitI tubaffo. ne u iat ligne Zaie. Lady (lu shoës toer)-Uhov me nomue satlla ilippers, pleas. Nov Cleru-Tos.manaa. , Wiiat ilady-'Tvo.1 ittn Wkoa Ih aamé t erIl*ubed #4 HouseAt bhate g iuo th Ue Pi'rssItl(W ~iAddresa. Prulen 4W. 00040 ofutbe exlpoaltlon sud oth enatmie *Ogt bqudred ycarc mo Uic trait '01j Or'ëoW' vas btaaed iy*,Cai .tIn à Lewis aa ilc '(S 'W"aeanimelthd y rtijê ,mgtbli, Tffursdsy- th e uilea, Ilà" !tta~Stalcueta is aetd, sod bis p-maireppentalyoiCh&iï. W. rthb" ,& Ï reeontaftim 't0 l tbA h eofe 0" Presi ibau houna inas" mil Ume@ eand aboutI e ho ler lie 1 . étl utthe onceut Iepre ~ 2 fflilseac te selaries ai $lU,. SOalte a lmsH. Ryde bh thé Quld- abl.Je éml liin uhellai'! ompanlue, Ib Mcioee cTrust and tta Bquitaicl Traut. and ensures a syslem 'tint baS prevallel tu àMo. fHyde'@ o0fce bY vhirh -bis pereolaiU lerta rerel"u maiary ad- vaeus anctins &a igir au 250 Pet TOQnnADo-PRooF HoIJste. Gueluor ai lbs 79»tMesS Nunat Nom Fore r tProtetion. Aecordia; lu the dIikfebhs. ruin 0k- laitons the people thore are ai loal talkt- ing about unitul aud systenalle action te - proleut. Ilim lre. if net ibela property, frnti cehtInuadoes as Ibal mhich le- stroyed tl 1111etumuof ut yden. Tbey are tl, dita alot outhetc etreatU rhch llýJ - lmw o, ni@g"i~, toutativus et bte; national Congreus@,. tgui sare te observe il*e londe ai ite.,army suad lienvy, togetbicn nîti nIght,_ sud, rien theY cee aigus of das- .thc *orcraors, aud tbirrstaffs. ot tichere.,arc teu mt lb.ltn;POPula- tWué et Cîlioruin, Idaho, Wapiug- gon by firIng guna. Thal la sumuthlag, t:S and COregon, aud multitudÇe» of-pêo- -»Ad-IM anet uci, one muatromua- pis rue ic su ner. ootpar tatieber lau Juglu lte Ohîshomane liaI ln- Ple*ým at nd ea, tok artlà hehabitar ts fhe torado mgions bar * ltherie donc practiceibi" nthiug lulnti -Tbui roslllan gales voro tirera direction, but, belvogu . eatormebav" epen t. the publIce ariy lunlte day aud gono on living snl building exacîl! as8Il hriaj'thousand» et eager algulseera jthe tornado ee *àthing so rare as. flt hrMtbrongiag the ground& vithin a le 0bu vorth taking luto aceouat. Mhort Urne. NeoeAy every part of tho That attitude la injndicious., New tht outry vas represeuted by tii. yirt- the middle Wettela o closely. aettled that 0"u delegallons. Prominent among te ayoe fthe furoctousa ttia barri- menibre c the cne arrov etit anld weep its short and vlai.or wer tb memersof he Cu- arro pah îthout ascounterlng groupe gresoional doegallti. . of01 haman habitations. there la obvions Oruat Piels h eaturu. necd, net oeil of providing places of lT e tture 'ût the morulug vas a refuge, but, aise. o buidng with gome grest parade oiiping United Stateas régulars snd a fore 'of jaeklea and mtiines,. and iuclnilflg varlona bodie of Iste troops and civie societles and citlae. This proceasion vas led by carniages contalinlg Vice Prualdeut anid )is. Fairbanks, lte vlslting gov- ernois. the Cougi'uaaonal delegation and other veiting dfignîtarlea and the exposition ofneciai. Vice Premident Fairbanka' wap e curted la thegrounde fron lte resl- donc. 0f President Goode of the ecx- position, by a ,bounted band and a body of the Fourlb cavalry. Bigborate, dîspisys lu attractive buildings beld lte attention" of -a. thouscade of opeulug day visitore. The. Xuropesu enbibits building. whlcb la séprated fgoni thc agriculture palace by-lte Suaken Gardons ot Colombie Court. belpa té0malete i.plaza plage- lug ta the oye. lu tbe centor la a buge $uvcr. wblcb centaine a rbof gardon, wiicre vluitors bave luncheon vrlewh- - ~~- - galag et ltethbroure la the building, badreda- of, f et belov. Thre exhiitî represeat every country lu Europe aud embrace art science ,CORRIDORsliq rRe roTAna T éhd iadnatry. The oriental exhiitit building atlracted pro6babiy Uic largeet refere tetheit terrinie viud that la bnrs croWde. Japon bas a finedlaplay. sud te cone &loug sooner or 1*1er. China. Inde, Uie East IndieCeylaîn 'flore la no ruanu for suppoeltg that aud otheire are compting. Tho bud. tornadocu are now auy more troquent lu Ingtg f laneaideign wlb,40.000the MiwogisppL IvAJiptitan îher vuro lu g ta of dcissae.aheai *ysre vion titoy ver. fnot beard ci feot u 00cr pace.once. annle.Wo hear f tbeu, ,a The. guverient basc Ove building*. nov. Titere la elso no resua for anp- groupol lu a alfeni etul cîcdla;luOpoeiug tint lhey vrili @ver b. lése ire- eutiid' Lake. Thece boutesthe$allée- quent. ________ 10%, "~ttorw an d irgation, Vrar, navy, unt, sud a dozen other cxhlb- *EPS IBIAT The Transportation Building, "a hi; titng for te»'ëuatt" bas amon; Ils erbibit. lie drst lacousolive usodlnl Oreuqa. anuino l tirteeirtest long sel savnn vid . -The. Manufacturera Building. vhivh ao bonae s t iberalatt. cdalrp-el Industries enhito, bas 9%M0 sqae test or spae and blidse ita lpns ut buanîndofu Uth enis;manufacturera et the eouulry. A egrltlag 5111w tac- tory, cictb taclpry. - hlte sbopandl otbn "«movlng" sbibitu aretlulte lIaI. Festival ýHall, 300l5 tdbas s stage lo emcanniodale 500 pensons. and mli b. thce ebg.,plte ferrtoven- bons, muiscal tesItalé, adI ccr oc- casIons. Te Administration Buildings. are tmu structures cocuel vwUa M oon- nade. on vblub Ji inseribsl "West- yard thé Ceaie ut ulipir. ýTakes ils Wy"Au ale lpfl01i Und& n th ~~ ad a e] Thte Wdui -tip fer TkUs SuaoaVII 1léchas Mmml! S,000WA00. Mobubsuas rouI clip frtan'is muses vîli agregale olghbtly mure Iran 42,000, 000 potnIs, ami et tb iti cauaimore IhLait 21,000000poanaIs -han. béez, con- lriuctfoui*0l oabeepe hac"a nI prios. avuraglnu tabout 21 cilc Ponlal. Itlel eautetit iaithere-ane 7,000000 liscpf las Mantan anad the average clIè yul ba sbout six pounus. T4»u Moulabï't e.. mon twil rellcescoslt $,000,000 fol yod l. atludas lbe pic»ert utulle ta alevu hluami figune, the -Tea i vll ho one uet ltenest proeperous ln Uic tlalory ut lte Stat e a.tir as qbcupdiez arte-cancrued. Ner. betor. lu the hlstorîy. cf lbe SiaIs bas tieo.bhaua cnet .attivlly ou tié ,part cf bnyars for casteru boue.. Iu dccl. lbe buylng utfol ou tie animal# bia ilii bave the offet out bint ans> mt thce ol merkets Ibis yeaî. Montant. bsit n of tlte latest oi muai :ManIes.thé charapre con.ts ran boti ea Psud SenBoti, Californie, Obit M4l evl Trh p rmdomiaatluu.Tbh- beaven about Uic apace uof-hait an 1 inune of those vhu bellevu liaI ibis >boo o nult el open; Ut te granit mesurs ililats a.sOulad boo, cml Uiat bfil dby, lu the lveboplnem 1 o Uic ruaru, nmen iiiUadrs i. bouilli t erelallon. Do 1 bave iQual titis vrse»..'Ido nul u nderalifilsîlereioolp; î vonlnol undenlalete hogIr. anau xe- teels et il, sud I do bot belleve *or mnsucal),'-But tiers Ioaaa hougitl lut il wblcb ire eau .onprebeu&,* Thorea l scolting bore ont la 'Fmyasefri; and as a marveloue ilustration at s greai gospel trutî.th te" la notimu fluer ta bu fouudi lu aoy of the litera- lare outhle wvend. Tiuk etitle.'angla iniding theIn rings and baving ln silence for bait au bonilatahia( elemcil ldAber. Woaderf ni sayiug, titis hait nu bOur uf sIlence In beaven! il sals bers thàt rheu the suvntb soal shah ire openel, or vas opened. ase John reisted itlin n vision hbu aav -liere vai silence lu beavon about tice pace orirait* an boui. Il cails attentiou la Ibal wiieh la ta fallirv Il calia lte whol ie ,ld'à tbonght te tiaI oote great purpose of liinig t~u Été 'W conte: It va- thei coming c lire end. Itlis tbe judirmeuit day; ail manltIuclitn v reached the .end of carlt- ly -existence, anal itl ~a a lime riena éneny mais e t cJudged according ta lte> deeis doue inthlie bodiy. Tiere la baîf an huofîetsilence-.perfectiy artul i toaght. Volbelag bure. il le here ta b' n'Nltate-4t îîî,n sd itud. Oh, vitloices la thc The comlIng aoflte Kinîg makes e- l ence. Christta corne! 1 recall i vid- ly s gresalcnioaiesti lion lu St. Peter%- baril, Ituraclù. viacti té Czar Atexan- der net corning wItiu the Czasila up tie rivermIm e t -ty. Heovrac a bcb aunonncel bythyelîdring of n gun on eue of the bridgeps o etlit cansd lie streuls voie tirroUgéd viti people- the streets voie black witti the cravd, ln thir dark clolhilg of that noeti- lanai. They surgcd bmet sud forth like lis restIons ocesu bay. They vere la tire windows sudd oo-maya. lTe roofs sud comnices eeuceverel nitb peuple. They crowded lu by tie leus ut theasands a l eiome lte ERoerur un thal fete day- When Uic lima ar- rivel. as înuounca'd. ai querter-pasi tire, ail voe ralinlu for the gon. Thoy ivaltedand w aal; end oh. tie ailence ofthliaImultituale ct peoprle. Imatuvables arcely besibaf. Ther. mas uomeinu au aoiezieugosuoppres- sive liatItil eumnte n lugb lie cartir muat open unIes, Ibey rere per- mitiel to nove or pea%,.or lansnoe vay lte ra.e a denronsatlion. But viben lte gua booea itiren tire people moved. l'bThn IbeT alîcîtel. Thau tbey swvnzIbeir gagsud their baud- kercbiefs, aud Utcernltary atten their irazas, sud it broke forth linoà saîro of welconie. se greât that lte huaveus Ihemacires coomeai lu repi!. But lte sileuce liraI precudeal il seeni- id t0 emptîsize l andl ltese riraàvît uesaed il nere more impiceeai, vîth lthe silence trou itit iallte cciaini sud ail thie parade sud munuie aftr- wirais. Tire lessan la lent-b la tic Impor- tance of umen ln every spooeealopplu;, sud meditatIng frit n hauetur. If yon are going la change youî bitai- nuse; If you are goin; le a non place; If you are goiîîg ltahe marieai; If you are goiug te join tire chaîcit thnough Tour beau-I havlug ireen turneat lu Cbia;lif you are uuderhaltiug auy nev Ibm;g, stop foirirait su heur snd la eilence medilete. If Ton are under- tekIag lire accompishnren ts ' dsys vont oul lte moruîng la silence »mOitate. uealtate 1lu ycun bel befôre yau risc or aftorwardeaist _by yoîîr- self and tiint a few minutes. Il vili cave yon lime lirrongi lire day, sud viii greuîiy Increase Tour sbility le do. Il wiii give ta yen tint dey, n malter vitlyuur spirere. suceas, If yen but stop and. iueditate. BRESSE.NGEMS QUALIFICAT!ION. &Y li.P. Lassie. Teit: 111 awam agrenl tuut, bul I kutew Lolt al ilwa.-iI. Samuel 18:29. .A serions reburillun la lb. kingaCMm ott Daridlas ie occasion oai lie bit cifbis tory. AbOaior, tbe king's favorite e.n. bas repulleted ail par.eual repsti-a in lu open reboliion against bis fatienua enthority. David aol bis tollum'ers vent. re ven froeniJeruscien. Abus- lom occnplsth. b.. lu< iouseiol. Tic msirat as iniluxlcaeol nitilullgbl. ahuebis. ltseniendl uthebc ling, sud lu bit umpîoy, an;geaselu Absalem lte propriety ut suspendIn; active apMns liens tliiaire b.termmlly enainloal lting. The suspension et active opera- lion gare tlb. supporters ut Davil lime sud opponlnulty te recover aoumerat trop theur conusionu. A batlle accora and David'& kingloila lScstorel. Tic wlnig e;etnsIob.açqqailutd nit the tact eat the esulist possible 'mu. nient. Se cqueston enset. Wbunil bear hlm lldlnteý Abiies, thc amuI. bto, ffert bie services. Bal Joab tomsmisaions Cuai las lbhe offIciai mes- snger. Cuilboires imeelf tu Joab, ond ruas rith tilinge luaUievcltiug 065Mb nle 1goauplis bi =inkn10:= e cotd ' 4 val sd,-i a*4xab ir*"kd houge tivr mO' sage.lieh w etlit 15i51 w'SA t îa ae , o e U1 e t e5' te14 rtio4tl s 0 i mesag t vgu oici ndefi tre. -Wiuywan stlnlotto i, '» lad theIoragen te el itol bleto. ro40d lUnfu%»ut *bo the-malt so ï avIn, dbutghosed fig lie h'~ baulIeononn sdtent titOir 95 vend a mieho e un& m hsela I oa 19,tril on t tospel. Toment Ibm; Ioladaie&diuflelunhs.oeU mauy lartlustriv or.allu 4 taxie lrthgolur0fjl riegepclafuovfr i55 4 cr tliettmutet ayh'hett o# 2EUY* U151*B O % U Ur t ' ZRe b.555 e Tuxi: "B haelni -MttandaIu ie dae subad chaut I nyand hean rn relcu buâIi vilo rnslit u oInlcon ut hlm. suaitlesup ntelm nal ebc c-lraes? Souen.7/tendlite aes gi or vthe lispe. h" rI 1011 yof y thicil u tIbsexhecamanc » f venin;.elgago. Iudtirt ouhtint onti eeatoswnetilt. T 1der cd asolsie suc d ver louciy. I anuy nsinUpanb.' bille nsudorthé, tvaleyn. vThoit îtbel bauastpai.Toa g asn o ve creolire cay. 1ruity ,c re tlliofteudis te a higirt. I hol atIf a oiae. I vbet u t ion nl koche; JÉanymna iliy nOile% le bosud wlo4p wthne .,àd.i ietraker rercar e lit bou. lrolderclas0khejilea, ilsbau, r e gnippue Sit klndl yl nîy.ome tre s jal over mb li.Mol1 ier. Mr Tpleu aree01htiltsut tellcu n, Thcre ahluuy litho mconue-if '1 ya oun pardlon mord michiut more expreeandvhstitandasicl s vbcuar 1ey "Irny utshe laleesud yo;" vil yen tcaiuy hea- Penorater -lain me dsiî . ga lder mlii vbuiç lcba une. Talyawinulleareicoand vbîcito e muai sIet eth1 sao eW lie aoile elont Lo te rl Trnsante uorde. "Cr orne ae.u Ohss vese lla lie otacs;ru au et h doe IsvryMale oasil arlag oner îla begskcamalite Sece su rings ilbl.paCons an; I rjich e mlr exuressigo upnelfIre, ues;a solrI ayoa ied onnsrereuyenwrit. Tiure lu men me . oluliahila hogasn.o.udlierla n see lom lainthbeloLent1 ytmea bouse Irlte mauy ro o sd *coorsla!" et' minc hae net houfacev e l mtythe. siaco the hagâens Ilaasbungs onrit Muel baceut te sct sudor riensW uet esy"CoI.rnljotean ilve n Thlis e. Thoue.aletuor ni aout . hon ltatre owsa nryse-a cret In ny eanim. WTo s ha ko my mtves. Teheuntalaît erlie lilboum Il:fn havenl rapeeanteorers.Tons ofahai bare pnylu; ensudraetomt, rma. elcre.thMboserwo bLivt -e.Crect msbae Chy a to ecr.n tir. roI apon nie vire indesuveIl Olye stath me eonmtnore. I&U cabut e hulit sn cvlcote. hot n hapy bvonlTn bllatko y Tirae cont wonspeci liters.nufvor aai ea 10tie pisilice cfdreligions - meial ea. Ibis la telslssl w me.agorielte.enaitisef. ierrlal1ý gh on u mca e sud n 1b e Jascatr of tilga. Ouwitcinmelalun is c shI e- rail vit llaalensul Bch ase sinti vulos litppy oil liee lncadrvi- aur~~~o Jhsr W. Il kav envtgtet W.he sndiins ofnd y euta Iar sblentlite urraccssor utigon yenr agion BThis lauthe lb. ce ' liae mersthe e r for iet. Th oiI cin f m en. andelhbreigi cJliatroi Reingi.Olviilie ein laaI lrie ls luet rullgna tairAmodrn aprge religions bedttam.n taus ay ghoi, mad Ih acom. stcbmsub gran, Our rolg. Nl eccu g et o Wo d eath bad ymort u cas-~ almont iéor Oan boum ut lctsofen$ - uheyr a te u tuI litios therehen Ihangefor lequies, T *' Lo ot atlt o lies. ngests oy al, realt prublnis ud alla. à Rutcl eligons lite Udeanl theey na bealite ur cut aroruiblne rlion numeeialn fui tody BSma N*b ro

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