CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 9 Jun 1905, p. 7

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I dg êbotsi fr isVera "b>' uomsaci élai, ou, ldffl el haut vould P UVmsa, asd 1Ioul felm al if wu lu owum. At ncs ituses 1 09aX I. evis, sd iork, but lis W dwij, ad tatervards yQa bave a doctr?" sueva S"..o, oesslte i sra i dot-Ss bit My bal did %ie$ Iluprove. One day a 4*i .e spM'els>' 1 did net ix>' Dr. * U tb P" PPi. Suasis i-clere me t]Mt i" W i>ed et tliegpontent bets- 4Uhghl t cas et ber dasohlar. lu tact, @h. wls M@Mtieis oeutlmdsuatcolJ> tisai "1ubeudg meabex." wb vat vas thse i-catt?" .Lijr fia" ta"Iesihait o e irai bt fljnidiliut!as gienalynprevedl. -TiseqalIias illiwhlcb tey reachai ue eIv<aln my troubles vas ieaU> lasse Xiane mre hltwashes or wqak "etla ka te thems, I have MiMiy Murphy li-as at Ne, lm 0or. treet,Vo'et Wayne, Indiena. 1C. =WIiass'plii4 Pilla, the remady VIcbaie ou) 1 ~~ tistactury, famuisia ditcfy is beeitise élémnent» th"t si" vigor te aiVary' tissue et tis body. fToy eau bu depeudrd geu to revive tai. lait atreîîgtli, suidte, hantis nervons. ~> ,Tisir ténae proprtics are abse. mJu bauas tiseral imgia, 'rdszziiîass.or liir, or pue-lr circu illion, or disordiered. 1 nonls or res'let.-:i-s, ir;pus, or ir. regularitien of ans>'kîid tllseo ausous .4ilalisulîi lie nsed. Tbey liai-ecured ýlse iost obstinate caesecftanssmîn, dys- *pepais, rlîeîinatisîin. ietîgit, su-ivous peoafistlon sud cran partial a'll. If ion désire listorssatiouî sierially satilcito your own case vitie dîreciiy te tic Dr. WiIlianis 1tdtdue Cospatn>'. &Sensectady, NY. E&Iy vsanu ioui biave s cop>' et Dr, WilIijaiu.i- Plain 11aliate Wnnen. "visich wiii he inalli ýfi-se te u au>d5<1eai u ii rpesioct. Ais> d-Uggisi an, auppl>' thse plua la Nattes or Chie l ftuai. Tis Fueisli al u lialosel>' guisrds ber iunru thes lui usIs- orld ftnit Plaitrea ai,.lsg iniiide w, that evary Fri-uc boy wiliI ha tande tausllar witîs tise oiîer-iiu sad tl i vilisiislis- Voiraîl lu thé,- consturuineofthe autos- Mobile. gays theaPiiadeiipliîla ltçrîird. A coui-saetfinîstriîs<îon l lxbig arrsîisg- Od for lisîro,îuin u to the puttlir scinols«. Tîtverai-nsuruuher o fe ahi. cal aiîsrî;flmwiîrc e ledétails of etoi- Mobiîle ' Yut-tloius si-e lmpartèsd to those wiso <hire msh-n-bkowledge. t If' maitl nt na it>' lifle is,il -girem Ille mais. enîcouragemîent te au ,rnIpmtlliîîi am l'aisl. It bas beau le- tgld@ iât alisîieublic ho«plialça saih tmuls;îd -til h ithe-i-suoipelle a nbu- aci-andi:s, 1i-t-r>' speed>- car-bas ben t phesici-ait ,-attsi-leîl le tisamuicipal labu:-sttsrv. vIser,- ail the bomba founi 05« tue airai-teof thliit ilt>' ahIillia ta- haèn tor- Iuvesiigatloi nduidestruction. linusacto.ll.a uad A atrlageut Injuneitîcubas lae» la- -Oned agsiust the niallurant actirît>' off dyspepsia, asusgt ail people,. 1»' Dr. Cliveirs (luativelI .yrnýi p Aalu.Do Sot fail ta Invoke thje pavai-fui nid oi ibis gi-ét eaerny oet istssch sund bie] al dorîler ut tise leasi mh sgn et tAuble tn au>' o( your digestive or-m viii proinutl>' sud aurai>' sett ticnright, sud sake you Weil. Ti->j' 1f, soU b>' AildhlsggsteaAt i50e and i Pl.0. Moue>' bockIf t f ailla. i *Ilcee yeu have clîlskeji tor- iinnel." *'Yeulis" calîl Eriatus Il'ikley. "il bope-yoi buuight the llîa. *Wel. ao; but île transsac-ionn ucre iti-icti>' régulaât. it eibuîken lias .eeis IN'Oetln' 011 ns>fitlace frls noitIsa vltout payln' uuffin' u' a rt' I i-achoedc (f were 'bout lime listoobloe.- Wasinigton iMt.r. Ia Pincis, Use Alleu,@ Foot-zami, A uowder te aiake lste or o hi-a l rentmis »e fat. Curi'. Corna. Boulons, Cwa-iîen i, l»Je, lot, Canisa, Ahinil. s'atg feet iiigrowwiu N 5. 1.Allen.iia t-Eassi1 Dbes e or tight abiea esy. BoId b>' MIi>azîanmd itloe Store,. 23C. iainle TES. Adih-tasAleu S. Oiusted, T. r Výeltlc Windows. 0 at-FPaith, a' It'm blik oId toma. h Oý be t' sac raz agaum. Wboy did't i-ca oi"ai- errait ume a loin ince OilIst 1 Me y«s? Mia-Degoi-ry. 01 vould. but Ci 0.0 n't atier kuowin' ri' addris a av jz Pai-Thîn vSoy la t15 naine 0o sînq ,l't jes tilllrphone ne an' Ci'i boe ait i t' yea? o le VaS Lace collai-a. Bsai-e I-r>' Somp lu billlag vafar; aii plach oet sdaaid drop ti* collarinlu hlgt ami tise nir ausovai.Rins a ui n.t of ter te vilci liaseu lidsa teaspponful ot gurn arable uni ev duopa ofe coe. or reamIndiean te&. t' I-on, PIck Out aid pi-casouwbite anni, pi-mss vhas undermicir baot bon.. * ELEANOR R. PARKER. Thle Ilsal Va>'. "Sball I send the govu C. 0. D. >" h-ith fi slesmmu, as le ramedaitfe ,"Suru-anaerci he fi mii. "C. '1. L n amua oeil a isfu- themoue>', emnlt Ife, Uf oWsaes p>weai aiai-comea lie muaI mse >oa'llnef beau it linstanoce a eng fljbÉss'wi i1'14 te thse lý£kdôa'14Ini 0qet * dai l'soi thi.e %u".ai it ome et tisaeissllS Engilis <'le *'t b ia autherigedtheUiccoustructiem et troe>' Rues usthflun e leit fuel- "IPi- eipitution." Ile then proceedeil te Point eut the morita cf tUicsel-pro-. Pelaed omnibusvisiels la probabi>' morecousmen lu the. treetta o.Londcn t.ian lu New York or et« Americanl cçIlles, aliboigh stiai leosUdiv tea dmit, [et s toroughl>' aUttifctori cOipari- son w9ththtsae eftiadcar. 111 nt leaf oua reapm t14l, Omnibus le dlstinctiy supealor te it#, iyi, Ila axlrarnt'y ni-ev treatoit Ml> laie et an ebstrlétion te dçsya, casu"d pri- vaste carrisiges sud la lou em l. ato li dlayed b>' a blockad tissu g veicle 3wiltbmuet folle. a lunaetrailse. TIe f1tiret oftetasnioter omniuste ea sti- mated b>' tiiecorreopondent et tie Tins a asabout the saine as dtisaf eia trolley caru, but Uic latter requirem on adîhtionel inveaisuent e01capItal for fravgk, orertsaad vIra or conduit sud poNVer bouge. Au omnibus Men, tsemi, <lils tors a isîsler entiay te bèila itis. On thei orbar baud,-ilem power 4a uail- ett to nioveas car tissu s carrIage wbii-' mne uisitise ordinar>' pav'ement Ot a Pcii-cet. Rafle facitate movemnst Ipy- reiki-in>' friction. Agate, a vebiie wiîicb generatea Ia evu power expert- ecseagrenter if tficult>' lu cHilhlig teap gi-adve-a fis neua iiclidirivea powl'r trca s.entral station. Fitttily. tisa trolley i-ar ha»s tin ntwo te t tîree Unes tise capaity of Uicernî.itus. Tiseîretlctilly. If net practioelly. thera- tbs-e, lItgearîîlîîgs aisculsi b. lurg A "lie citrstsuter t» oui- Londoni con- telînpo)rry Wis auîisf-rtaken ta gar a lit. fle Jiglit on ltlait point, but 'sies esiu' tist fi" .snot beéti aile- te Ybtain as nuct s b,- ,eîad ld Ami. H'-n, low- i-s'ai, la fie uisstlu a nutaiseli For thie omnibus ithé coat cf oçemetis la or il0 pence par car nmlle andi tai-e- eipts 13 or 14, au exces ranglutg tram (ine-ilsiri te oua-bait. Feu-thsa trolley cari tbe. -est ot oparation avarugea i6 pencee am tise receipta 10 patr'. thse l1rits gubeîng tvc-.tsadn oft lIse eper- ang csige.N Toi-k Tribune. CORIPLETEI.V RESTORED.- Mu-s. P. Bhlunacî. P. hi-autel. stocks denier, reaidence 3111 -grand Ave,. Biereit, Wash.,sasys: "Foi- t tee%,, ycmrs 1 suiferai viii terrible pain la in>'back. 1 i dinoô kuow viat it vas te auje>' s nlgii'si-rest sud s-ar uintise mcruiug feeling tii-ai sudI unretrestsed. My' uffering snsmetimps vas a 1inpi1>' lundé- ',, scibable. Vben i fiulisidthse tii-at box otfhissm's. Ridue> g Plils i faIt like a a 4 ditaerani vwonan. 1 a 5 continuei until I bai ~, tmken Ov-e boxes. Doa's itdue> Pila *et ver>' aifectivel>', Cary pi-cupîl', i-e- Dier@ tise arbla>painsuad &l5j he aunoyiug difficultes." Foaiar-Mibui-n ce.. Bluff-aio. N. Y. l#W MIle b>' ail drngglafs. Pie 50 cents par box. Ever%- nov sud then yen viii fin inl seule pel-lodcul suniteus rsiaing te tue sîîisJect Ot a book- lu vblc you are lu- tei-esied. If la a goed Plan ta enter ou ilha n>-Ieka areferaîsce te tIsispîasage, su( tisai youamy Oinît Ifagain visen îseeîid. Such ucie., neafi>' vitten lu peucil, do uno bI-m. and viii otan gai-a yen much Uie. Yen uMay'lu themane vs' susSe notes oethVe nsiibeu-s et Ibogea llunviscb eheu hava beu pecial- ]y' iliterested. A colreaponîli-ut writes to. ns takiiig %viefler va racemmend -unrklug booka." Te fils exteusi va eeainsly do. pravided tisabok ta net au tilne 5au eiitlou tisati if sould ba kapt sic polIekw9 as (-an ha. Resusf,, er>- licîsi penil noies eau ha atuovaîl in a momeînt si stheu b-ai-m teau>' page. Btut tise mari-km»oe books that extens to dlsllguirlg tham vwiii neyer be doue t»' au>'oee iserealizsa beyloug s gond booknia>' continua te deligfit nav i-asders. uni te brtngthei beip lu riglit living sud Uilnking.-8t Nîi- oies. BALÉD HEADS COVERED Witis]Luxuriant Uir and iI SelbmSale Cleasasaiand Puriei b>'CutiSur. soup,*.1 Assisted b>' dressings et Cuticura, tie gi-eut akia cure. This treatinaut at once stops tatliug bal-, remoes emiute, ucales and dand-ulf, damiroys bal- par- imites, moothis I-ritatei, itchli>'sur- faces, stirnulatea fihe bau teolilea, loees, the scalp ah-lu. supplies tise roets vusanel-gy and noit-isimauf ani makea tie isir grov upen asweet wbolasome, bealthy scalp, vben ail elac talle. Compleeta exteruai andIin- ti-ual trcatmneut for ai-ar>'humer. !roz plimples ta seretula, trom Infant>' to age, consiatlug -cf Cutleura Soap, )lntrnent sud PUIs, pihe$1.00. A sinugle met la otn sulclelt ta cure. Tise tUputilu"Wdiag. Iu Baîgluin, as a i-oie, excellent Eu- luahinl aPoitou. Nov sud tuais, thcugh, one coes upn smanever>' nuiouasrnistake. At a musical.eue la>', lu au Engli wensan's aparf- sent, an adisiabie amateur ou s viclin'vas fie guea( ef houer. Tic mari pla>cd fMI he got tIrai. lHe wlsbed. to a>'te i s esa tiha i-s tee vea->'te plea s>' loager. "Madan, der gieat las rsady, but dJr meaf les eeblf." Tliat vas viat ba sali. The geoleglisi vie acconspania tise Br4thîh mission te Tibet-reports fiat fisce cntriy la etrikingl>' pocu- la valuable sinerais. The largait yleid et goli vas .8 grain peu-t fouetgraviland tiers vas no trace et anal or luileDuu geins ode eoa Pipe. Pipa! Oh, rank alii odorous pipaI Tise viii I amoke; _t Pi i-miSer havi a g"ei elgar- But, mima! 'mbhi-ee Tvo battues et ilsefsC. 1fr <>p-l te l I c n ni DESTUOTIO UIER -LIFE Pt-Ru4À ASAVED HER. Mine Mai-l Ducharme, 182 St. Eliz- bethi gtreqI Menti-cal, Ce. viies: "I am saisfieil ihat lhoussauds et vomne sufer heeaume 15e>' do nul rasila. ow bai tise>' rell>' ai-d tri-ai- mentaid fiel a naturiadelicar> lu c-un- mating a physicia. "I fetkbsdiy fui-r esus, had terrible pains, aud ai turnes vas nuable te attend tu lu>'ll diii> iîtes. 1 iuied to cure in>- mlt, but fixal>' unattention vas calîcîl te au adrertiseusent of Pansus lu s simillai casa tu mine, sud i declded ta gi-e <t a trial. ftAX mInhP ont hegii,, « mon jus to ýParunsa ad stom 1 wa litan My s> ,hilf h (o70fr wouderful muiklaend sAgrWetuilv ackuewladg., Lçs tacL"-fraD he'n Aidresa Dr. Ilartian, Presideat pt The Hartnun aiirium, *tolumhia, Oblo, for- fi-e medicai adrice. Ail correspondance stiictl>' ceafidena- flaL H-AVE ANIMALS 8YMP ATHXY. bon W& avem, but CStailaiy Nb Otiser. Au leva correspondent ;aks ina ta give film ut> opinion as to wbctber os not an>- et thedumis animnal@ have smispjtty.gays JeinSuIurrough lu Ouf- lag. sud addeaîthuai a mInister 8f a tuli-ril lu theu- towu bai sali that nsu animal axcepi man vaa capable of l ymipatii>. I agi-ée wvîthe fiamnistai-. 1 Mysînihy. 1 tiini.i, Ysbe>'ed tisa lev- auPr aunimale. When va sympathisa vitb >a pai-men va put oui-salves lu bis cf he- pla-e; ve tel moir>' for i-lm:va pli>' hilm; v. vouli gladl>' allata hlm mufeilng-ell et vhicb Implies more or leus Imagination sud diuintereti r-egar-d. Suac-eptlhllty tg the suifer- luga et otisIolaeaof man>' igisar attibutas. Wlien sympati>' vas bei-n tise i-iaelîttest abeve the purel>' animal plaie. The uesaitep la takîni the sodaer- luge ef t oie- pon >'eursalt. vblcb 1,4 tisa iigiesi foi-m of aitruism. Pore selilsisues iules tise loverai-ais, sud necemmurl>'sa. kSympathln>'lnot ucceasa->'for fie coutinuance et fia apecles, but affection for thair yeung Io. Alulmalu certall> have a feeling of cesuradesisip for eccii tber, and axperieuca soesting like grief at mepauiution, yet a deg or a caf or a berme- or a cou-vIl suiff aitic bei>' et Its deai falev vifi apapiani n- eoucaru. A ci-y of dieu-cas ameng the bIrda vili brI-ng eveu-y bird viuhin hearlng Io tis pot, aud cause ibeas te lac mors or lesa agitat, but if la cul>' becauf tise>' are alarmai for tfii ov a mat;a eommon enain>' ia>' h about. lu tle bei-i sud thaeficck a slek or veudai ineaer le ofettn aîlea tiipon 1Fr lia tellovsand destu-eyed. If ans>'animal ai-ai-experiences fhc emolleli va cali sympati>' If lR. ot course, the dog. Tha dog bansos long la-eu tise couspanten of man tisai ha otten abowa lu bis nature a trace cf lise pul-el> buman. Logicml Deiucelon. -Wel, racle Rastnm," sai a gentle- man te as agai coloi-ed ludruidual. "I see yoo are still in tisa landiof the liv- "Dot'@ vhs-t Ah ln. iota," repliai the olh taIc ha' at's Me'. Ai's gvie tai- bang onu teSsuoier yeah." "ffev do ron h-nov that1" asked the othar. "-'Cause ah, ai."serai the cli man. "Ali jisi celeherat'i maSh i-fia>' lia' yack, au' Ah allers uotis't dat cf AS doue lice ovalsma ihrtsla>' dat A's sahi fer li-e tili bit comas eroan' once sua'." FEED-YOU MONEY. aIred Tour Drain, sud It ViilaiFed Tels Non.>' m auae. "E-ar mince iscyhec 1 bai-e ben pspaciail>' tend cf meate, sud'b arn cou- imeuh 1ats toe raplil', aid tallai te mastîcate my tood prope-l>'. 'The rcsu)t vas fiat I fensai m>'aait, s fev >'cars ago, ailllcted vîfi alimenta et tise afomaeh, sud kldueya, vhtcpsinu tfrta-d acriensl> viti lu>'business. "At usai I toek fie adite of fricuda sud began toecaf Gi-spa-Nutis aa f ftche i->' mentie, etc., (bat bidcenLi- (naedmy tormar i- t, b>' tb. change, fiat 1 vas acea reliai-id trim tuehenert-burn uni tue Indiges- tiou that us-ad te tollow my incals. that (ha pabslunai>'bacis frein lu> h-ina>' aelon ia4 cesai, alsevlug tuaf tuam orzasb ai beau icaledi, andi fiat as>' acives, vblch usidt4 be on- steai>'. audi as>'ain, wiicb as slow sud laflaile. irom a bay i->elt- et mcats anti gieasyfends.hai, cf lu a- mmenct, but gismilsall>'. snd noue thc Is emral',bien reatorsdIotenormal effielene>', Noevien>' narve la steai>' snd my brain aud tuluklng faculticu are qulce ad oie sente tuan fcr years apsf "Atter lu>' 014style breakfasts; 1 uaai te suifai durlug the toranoon frin a feeling et veakacas viich iuiereti mne soi-houai>' la in>'weu-kbut &Ince I bave begnu te nueGrape-Natstecnd uan wo* tf111dini-(lime vitiauml mua ea_ essft. ~ifut gleab> Net long ego'&a telaiStateasgens,, ter ealled at the Tr'ca -n l fVsh- ingfon te oftci- for redemption the i-e- miis aof saine pa>al'moea>, balievcdl t0 amutttoe sifen iudu-ci dollai-s. vhicb teUic tar fon. etfbis con- stituent. bai touai aaeng theo i-s a- lu the stu eoft tisit'bans- Afttr a few daym a ciasUs toi tvelsy-nine hon- irai iellars ue[îS raiais thé. *Id bu11s116w towJ~it da lunch liarrsoinU t---- buu spposi. A eiisUzet orChio latel>' made a neeti- legstritp te Waaslnqtotelfeutise aloi-yf et l S~.gcverai huni-ai dollai-s inte a gaatove for satat>'. m~dm-d h-e enst te radecin thc fragments s'emalafla-after thsade» atructien that' aturlît t..ollowed. lierea an tisa idectifiatio n. ar» no - eaally made that hoie rceived withlin ten dollars cf viatlia enIgiuall pou- ascise. las ci-.iesus as not tee aci-erel>' punlabcd. lUt lu tisese cas4es (ha Treasur>' offleera vere excetilu- aly uestul. Clamants are often astonîabed and aggrleed bisiatîsa Ibe goverinent vîli nef taire thpur word for lossies et tuila kini. Cougre'îalnona ea compensute ferbsaes tat can- not be pi-ci-d by a, produaction et noe parts efthtie notes. Tisa Tras- us'> i-uic la te radeau a bill If ifs major fraction cau ha Identifli, ci- vbara, vîtis leus tiathat. aildavitz «atbllsh cencluslvcIy the setuailobs et tise remi. hitCoute Sexnetilg te kaep moue?', ltier untailîc or îsae, lu goi conditien. <bld coin paepe b>' velgbi, and.If If la under ueighf Uh is roalla en the ovuer. Silver eins eae -aiehcr tace vai- ne, Sui fie loise b>'abra9ien or vëri- la borna b>' tha goverument. The con- sfant substifution ef nev paper hilla toi- old eus entait* a censiderabta ex- pans. on the Treasur>'. Iiios people tbtnk Uic govardmnt seould keep1 moue>' cleaner tissu if la b>' morser-1 quant redamptions.. This la an li-1 proveinent fiat viii probabi> cen l flue. Tichemietit efthfe United States ax- ceafdetint et a>' etuer of uhe turc grant nationuaoethfe wvend. Tise real t altb cf nations la the dîfference be- (ve a ssts sud.lubsiltles. hetweeft property sud debta., Mr. Ballard, lu the Nov-Yerk Sui shovs tIsai tis e am veaith et the United fitatas ia giester thon thaf of an>' etuer nation werth>' et empaiisn, botb as a visole sud 8pe api pta. The tollovIng tabsle s4howa Bthae siatlîsfd vealti efthîe Ilve gi-St 1 ations et tisheuold, ti atîitonal .debtaq, tise iferena. betvean the tvo rbelag tis a iieaitu cf eaeb: Country'. Veaith. ttelt. Ualted taie.SicoAOeOAOO Ss".-5.00 lu-ast B"tain..-SOî0Mt' .5iA>OJ Furae ........5&i<0OlO Germas>'-40. <0 sî.tOtO lku»a ..... tO.533OO.n The flloviag table- compares the vealti par captlsasd thse debi pair cap- Itf e icasme fi-a countries, there b.- la» exclilici iront tisepopulation et ench ceuntr>'lits colonies uni depesîden- eles:11 Couuuuuy pertesiPtà.per capta, United stâte - ....$l'Mo0 1100 Ouest Butais-------- ::1.4.W 92.00 gerai-s...........----700 700 .eai........... .... 212 M.00 Thua t if vii a eau su at thec ei-s i7"aItu etftietUnited Sîsiaes, caiculatai hôti as a viola and 0on tbe peu- empli boais, la li-gar thon tisaiet an>'oeeoe the Si-e gpeat nations eftheic vend. Anti vhcu It ia taken laia, cousidcs'ation fiat the vesîtis cf thse UnitediStatesq bans lureasci teauchs proportions pra. feicl>' turing the lasitva icdcades, Lord Sallmbni-y's casification et IiIs country> amoug tbe giovIn» nations1 feernaful>' to e auentaîssai. Econom> lu gui-ai-amant expensas,1 moade uccesar>' lu cvei->'dapartnefi b>' tic large deficit lu tise revenues,t tireatana te ba appîtiediserolcal>lu n tisa rural trac deliver>' service. Peai tue people living on thse rentes make a i vigorena prateaftrural trac deli->'y vIlI ba placci ou a coxstiuct lbsais. Ilt coneth ie gcverumeuf $28,000,000 aa >esr to rutic rural routes, pa>'iagt tue carriers a maximum compenstationd of $720 a yeu- The average psy iha '&19 par carrier, fie iaie bein» fixai b>' fie lengtu et the ratites. Tise pru-r era vhe arae iohlug for spotsp vbere tue expeumes oethtie governeutr ma>' ha decreasai figure fiat b>' let -t fln» eut contracta, for tise rural aservice I the verk eau ba doue at a ceat nefte exceai tve-tiius cf visat fie gavera-u mn a snov psyng.r An lutcreafing atery I le(of etau lu-r sertai comma vhicis cositishe Uutei States goverumant $2000000. When flic Unied States Cougresam adraft-p ing the tarif bill if aumrted lu oe section tue articles te b. aditted ou the trace11sf. Amen» Uies. vera "ail t ferelgn fruit-planta." The cepylug chaikh -in ils soperier vlsdor-ernlttad fiea byphan andInlseifeti a comma *fier1 "fruit," se tisaffie clans. read, 'ail a toesgn truit, planta, etc." The misake t couli nef be rectifiai for about s yearl sud dina» ils Urne ail oranges. lem- a eus. bananais, grapes aui otiar foralgul fruits vers airnitted frac of dut>', vitu a loma te tue gerumant cf. ai lemst 82,00,000 fer tuat year. Fad bulilunga aernai lucre dasertai tian fie White Blouse iu-lug fie Prea- s idant'a absence, aidpartIcularly vaa (hsa truceofthtuaoffice quai-tara.Cul>' au eccasional tcurlmh, vho vonierai so boy tue axecutica oilices loch-, sud a (muId ssc tuc no e cuer fume, stroll-ri ai tbrougu visai are ocidnaiIl>' crevi- ed recaption-roorna, vif a IRue cf vie- Itera ln valItug. Tic praas-room vas auupty; Ite telephes vers leut; t ficI avritchSaa et the private uinc.b ex- ahaug wai ew eàue te ams Thse lSoth Sympici won%.n-Tfl 1 SC is a3f Jamnes Egrto Eeynoidi, theAIni* aut Scoettry oethte T~renairy 1hi charge et Ciistonu holdo eue oftheli ibeet hlghly -etucating positions ln the soveruinent service, gays thie New York Post If lis oo:cupant bas even a sPeaklng acquiataiice with the sub- Jeets dlacuasedi over hie signature, as Pîesented lu the well-known publica-' tion. *Treaaury Decîsionyl," be cannot iieip becomilîg a very le'arncd mnu. Mr. Rteynolds di4cusses with t>e vol- leetor ef cuatoms eS an iFraucisco the question wbptber mail oh lampe with eolored repervolr ani globe are prep- eriy dutiable at e3 per cent ad vaioreui as mnÇ3id4gtures o! gl@,",.,under para-. graph 112 et the ligiey tariff law, or are dutiabIeat (60 per cent ad valoremn as *"article. pfglass, pabsted, oiored. staiued. or otberwise ornamcunted or deorated," înderý paragraph 100 ofthtie saine-act. 1friReynolds Informe thé collecter that It bas been represented te the departrnent that the glafss globe sud reservoir *"was ln tact coloriest, but bsd'beepi colored or decorssted wits a i-ad lacquer iind repres qulle a common inethod of eclorlug articles of igiamasre." In vlew cf thi aubtle distinction. by whIcb sornathipg wlîlcr vinWat colorless bail been celored, Mr-. Reyn- olds orders au asssment ot duties Ott Ôe per cent, but acknewlcdges that hie reason for thls décision in te get -the case isetore the board ot genersi eppruisere "for fuiler trade testi- mny.'l This testlmony wlll probably show when the colorcd la coierleas. On the subject of dreas abielda Mr. Rleynolds resciseeanau csier concluaion. The coutroversy si-oxe as te wbetber s dree.s shield ' made ot cotton and rubber sbould be' classifipd as wenrlng apparel. the chiaf value of whieh vas In tbe cotton. or as articles lu WËlch rubber was the chlef ]litemof value. The Utnited Sttastes Circuit Court 'restW y witk Ibis preblesi lu *thccaseý 'of ly aginat thé Viftad States, sud Mi-. Reynolds, ufter dlacusstng the question wlth the departmnt of jus- tIce. deelded te take neo ppesil' rain that. tribunal. allowing Itadécision tisai ribber la the main Ingrédient te stand.Liae teillethse collecter ofetu:s toms at Philadelpieate returu flie ez cmaswbIeh bas beau chargad. Mr. iReynsoldsi sas wlth bisgofficaI eye considérable. growih lunflic pro- duction et "limitation seal turc" for expert More thon tan years âge, Uic deps-tmnt sdeptad a ragisiattea eitab- llshlng a rate et allowancc for draw- backi ou ths article, manufacturai by a New York cencarn whlcb Mr-. licynelds,#says 1lInported dressed. dyçd end sbeared raishit akins. sud b>' a proceas kuowu as usshalrlug" accoin- pliahcd tisis. A conceru lu New Jersey' desires te expert seal turs etftthe saine sort, aud bas appicd for thec drawback prîrilege. Mr. licynolda *dirccts that, I' ba grsnted. These are oui>' typîcai et the tbeuauds et casas vhIch b. is diii>' decidlug. fbough a"seComadalt Lt.. Moi-avie, N. Y., June 5.-Mr. Banja- iîn Wilson, a highiy respectei resIý dent, of tht, place, came. ver>' nea lofflng lii it., and *Ov that sat. lu cured and restoeaite sged i hest bis gratitude kao no bounds. lHe "MY 'wite Ira*s uffered everythlag witi Sugar DIabetes. $heo Unsbeau slck four i-cars. Bbc dectesc ib iitwo good docters, but képt greviug verse, Thé do-iors muId ah. cenld netlve. Sic fa lied front 200 pounis dowu tu 130 pounds. This vas ber weight when ah. botato us Dcii'. Kdua> Pilansd now aho vaighs 190, la vei aud feeling stronger ev.ry'day. "She used te have Rheurnatlsm su bad fiai fi weuld ralue great bumsup ail orer ber body' sud thi ail gens, tue. *Dodd's Kidney Pilla are a oi tend te those vri. suifai-&acmy w' ite did. They arc ail tlâsa mid ber. W# can'f pralse then: enbugh.1 ,Rairea i Raa eLeliom. TastifYiug betere, tha Banateecoin- rnittce ai W&elsngtou, Interslktc e rn- marc. CommIssioner Preut>' salinl &mlmaing (hie pro-osiin tp give te fiat comsuision 1the power te reguiaf. raiiway rate@: "I tbink theii.islvae'. dsuld, make tiseir evu ratas. 'I Uiink tUicdould b. aliowcd te dcveiop thea- ownu b- nom .1I bave neyer advocated any 141r, sud rnmnet nov ln taveor cfta"Y'kW. hieh vouid put thUse ut. nug pov- or Into the banda of au>' commision or auy court. Whi4 may-be neeaar> te do that soin. Vine, vile that ie "ou ln sne States at thea présent Lime, whtie (t lu donc l in oeecon- tri, 1amnoçpoced toit 8- * s The rallye'Yrate laperty. It laalise proporty Uiet thse milu>'han $et The ret et ifs pro)pcrty ta net gond for an>'- th(ng ntace t eau charge a rate. New Ithaualwayasemcd teome tiat w.lm & rate vas flicd, if ttsat vate vsau ureanonable sui, Rt deprivea thc rail- rond comptin> of Ils preperty pro tante. 1If la fnot neccey ilsat jon oiould ceutftate tise property ot a uroad; if la net uceesar>' t jo yn suld uey that it mhall net caru (hie. Pfi cent or tour per cen. Wtscn y__ Put ln a rate tbaf la luisere.nti> unrS- tenable, yon bava deprived fiat coin- PanY et (tas rights. ef tus propatfy, sud the circuit Court eoftthe Unitedisttus has Juitedctlon undr Uic fourtuath OkMndment te rentralu tlsat.. ; h ave looked et these canan a gréât mia>' times, sud 1Iean ouI>' cer@net 1 1 nifors. ma a--- Whoeu vomsea ai-strcublai nier, supprauaei or pàiuý tien, veakueus, leuso-b ment or ulcer*ull of e ti= w the. orme, bkceý flatuiece), generai il II ticu sud ne-vous ~Icfao meii vîtisnobc syiptaa.s a iminineas, lusitsde, eaalteb bilitynrousness. eiepie leahlens"-faihgna"*ues" noms, thc>' iionld remeaber l triedai ud(oaramai>', Lydit ham'm Vegotabia Compcnpesi mores sncb troubles. No ethai- mdicîni lu the e i'ecaivedacha oidespr»a m lai cndei-aeset. No ot- hmsucli a record et ouieq tru laie te tboy>'a' FILEU AJ>'ICUTOG Rememabue . veryvomau li-ied te vi-ite t M-s P thace là 'hu aptb aiede oI-deremd fier mdimhe.m4 mediee b tmm vothmôme. .om , -m r wr a kesissot ~1 iosthe O- mi tU amO.D W PbbyW& s NdPr*uhst CornaiRamI uisis Es-let BA S..a Vida m i Souprt" ViAOi Fé>'or SOU" 4.. Nfov aen do-vi icaiwvoairua>':"I sacinsasthhis>'bacli eubreak," or "Dou't upaakfp me,1 am U o ut et morft? TaigMmuotre rve ,i-=e andIlernamut. Natuire lu di : b. P naas etble Cei-h poulah nro atautl>' muai- t curtc 1-7em hs b e ti tindiet noutei eatAsariavmen toi-iNatre poun miii tise aîst pclltaCuagi-e poesl tis e e uiaral>uasecs o- foi reinci>' fer vemamua ila knouev o The. hllewiug lattera front Mu-a Holasea snd Mm-..Cetiel>' are among thse Mas>' tiscuadu vie h ?ra.cM>nk- vicin se basrelilev Bsftlv OUC iimony la ceseuacla. Dakota, viteet Dusr Msm lbss Ihavi nifUsi caaeV hsw0tisbactaest mun ai ssm ue u a-Wb* uao te b.u ekiâ âââ i.vem ha" U-bsu tho w Imllal Mr.maOotrely, 1tuai list streat. Nev York City, wvites.t Ml 1aP h' Mj4 ,

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