CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Jun 1905, p. 4

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Ns. am- anal euh urulst ri tZebrlg resuis. ~ M" a flaiger ciru e -~irwekl e R.irn-o=Mt#. 'Ads iniI E--8 reoinu irnse, ont--i Icêiigood we-llate hitiac.lquindiBox20 ITEP-Fqr euri htu F ocantre, Liiertyvill C Itim ourtr t oi t .veunig and Pl-I vae yonr cuder mot ffolpMir Work aow Iocated in Mi to do ail blnî ud farm 1s 9Wek ser-ce Sam ~ngtire (Jtitu l'a (ie, Virole, = .lyatakd vit ua<e, v4iliuera tQet relable aredieîr [ni ara vea lui -" (Jouèrel 01 8 mseuri >àa FIlm Qoù tsun for Snd Mari-Tir am îî b onptile, olio. dtetis mm IMM ielot e e emu tins t therate 01124 a jaR WINî ge& tirle regeler ailovance rom niote î~diià4nrqo have irenbitny Qa tire lia. ourvevd laut vinter for tire pro c pedeteIo cd tire Luie street alvtéroad. 16 va. tirongt tirai .1 tire hrOtecr, 1uidt boeiratlvod forg7oli Jbut tm tvismrseglm ea look»» he tilrgS lt b. raumad. Pirerumro aot= ,tireelaét Ieleatrure ia to bu~ droppei and tiaIpromoteru of a il et"araroad arenov balind thnjnuujec aaAsk>ointmvent cfClre-ac- 03si ola f tire lm ~rtnrrLattorney se i. coutnv bave >ao e la r M_ ark. for ru-a poituret u a Maserli ÇbViaacer and it nprobabrle tiraI Jutge * louaeliy viii égala nain. hlm for tirat Imprtant office. Air. Clark béas Illued threofficelr-a mnt mtlaeactry manne, Lad Wltwtf> lte peirimons j «.pport ôf il îw iror'ûeï tire- lei cnrmty iisappontn7reut upp*e aua 'AC- amuret. Iseventeeri Yser Locusta Here-Tb. 'leventeen year locuste are liera un nreluf; iîle ,ame localîtiesbeing 00 hmotirera. lu places tire weedea tnd tu gfframea mre lltarally covered witb tire Sdy ehlius viicir tire sled bafor. 119 takrung llgbt. Marri trees already sovLIrhe efeetais, f eir ravages. Wbat effent tireir preetenecviii bave on tIre fruit croît ie ni courue ouiy a conjecture. Professors tu- Teach Faenn-IMen rIM e -ornocLed witb tire Chicagü Universty firbave oeured about 500 acre. cl laurd ad. br-Lwien Buffalo Grove aud Wbeelng tbirr suruimer. Students fronît tiretuditnidnn rirtil an versrty and i rgir»L-boulei n Chicago rIe l »plsend portions of tireir vaeatron !7 tire w itbr tire kAw. ni léàirn g rl ha cutueatirt baud. Tbework vilii ie den charge of Prof. William 1Hill andi ie 'Dt viii lie airistei byotirer inatructorur. OrDieti in the West-Word reae. lihere nf %Ltire deutir iofogeBrooks, forruerlyr 1 coliantor no Warentownship, vhn aifter a short Iiumn aùshceumired athiis bu ioener Oalirato. la. Mr. Brooks su, ouy Liaispring sold iisfarma lear [e(loge. Lake anid removed to tirat tite. Ut*M bai mary friands andi relatlvél.i Ie Lake county viro veres sioched ta bf ear ofni@snutimely domüle. Theiree of Ile destirwva.appundiitis. 13e va&Woodman and virile tore va. a of merier crf tire trayelake camp.* SAttorers Fight-Laot Satrrrday sitar- a. noon la Magistrale Wattle' conrt ut tMcHeutry, nttruey E. V. Oévia «of SWaurkagan aid attrrney C. P. Balises 0f tirat place grpied. TL appontr tirat Saromea@ree-n a remntk mride iry o~Orvis anti structk buni ruthe face fraim acr tire table. Orvi natusbowed ieri dinpleaiure iy jumping cirer the. . table aid taklug intermittent laboa at 4 tire morsé coupulvnt Mr. iiarnerr. Tire court abtelpted to duîe tb.crî for cou- titbbut Iter tir. viole tilg «a. ir by a threcornereti apoigi. Tara up Tracka-Larit Fridny nîglit at juat dusk a mron vitir a L"an of irêlce auteret tIre rigb-f.way rfthie Waukegan. Fci Lake & Wetern rai- irad anrd tegan tearning nuthe trsck vii eh va. rurentiy lai. I'liésoccurred at tire point of crosing of Lhe State UIne railmoac and Tt in. trouglit iy Lire Fox Lake people tirai Liey vers beind tire jb. Tbe ccjrtrcstora for tire builti. loig uttire Itate Lin. rond, Wirueotonr Bron. Co. & Meliongail, disiaire ail knowade ot tIrea&flair. . 1tackedi the Deck on Oowie?--Thomr bai irencu trouble in Sic>. uver. a nard gante or ut Irart ueir le tire report. It viii lie remenaei eeîtirat some timre ugo nuel tif tire eiders cof tire city inventeid a very gtlemanly gante called Errclid viticir frartire inte va. very tropularIn tira t place. 0f recent date bovever, it irai o- e-ivecl a "serinet biransd ail, iiia maid, becatute nue ni tire deacona played tire garue morserrietifically titan tire Iy lirrt Apottie. Wiietirer ire va. ont- elaec ior vbeter tire carda veru étacked, l)ovl dose not kuov, boy-. J'way b.ovai@irsaten san an auedi va.ntiven 'ont baung tirs geâo d rn lecity. Man. KWIed nt Highland Park-Earîy 140d"mornlug aetRigllaid Par* î ffott round electrie car atru,,k andi killrtd an unukuovr laborer vho va. Lbe ;2akint ontrebtrck. The mari va frntrty-tive to forty years-otage w itir darâtairi anti mustacta. Frcnt * Lire idience aulirrittedt otire cornete jur a verdict exclaerating Lb. ralwlv ,d va. reudemed. Thre nictorman tentigaer -tiraI h. gave Lb. danger signetantiu tir" the manr evldsntly br l arteibée tureJ l[mi arrmnd and thon con- tlnoed outlb. track. 0. P. (Ireene, a Ruitu Park mrchant testifledt iae ho breidt étire mn ua short dîne pre. vei mto tiraccident. anm tIrt ha va. su intaxicatai.- f4o Itoaita1 et Pour Farm-Withil bt 01 orne voteInfavorof tirenojcet!pa of building a..vcniy optla tae pcor fartnaut Lli WHe, or upervis<rre Tueedai dellvi a deci- uhlveit lov vwiirh kroekad ont for thre prMerr$tihe nov addition ta doithi Instittion a hk virle btta ienosldere Sfaore t everal moatirs. làa e ~. caleitell . wootoeroLt a builin e aet teporIartbitcr for 0 t oai , font dite l te ets. . *hLgta pAa.for ? th Lti tRe te u cousidlitlg hemateato i aMoiu Supon il lins boeendellyti-d traerailiil'no. Lakre Zutrichr Girl Sus-MdissC arre Loirnianri, nifirake Zurich,- vila al 5. lajred ut tire lfcrtimreteru delrot aI Tuta umoile 't L havee oaaa.lardfast t mn eiii unti ed b h atlrtmolle ndti e marnd fat ,t rp bu irTe.. aff urunctation aItr t Xi e e .e ony fotr th& work CIr l ruping the t mm thd pork lon r probably ire put off for a eQupin of yrnrs. r) Ou TnsdauY CoutyCierk Brockwa~y à receveul a teirraiir rom Waablmgton j; lrg te have te deer tu tire landi tira coprrmo the naval site at North Chii- citflled ont and forwarded -t Washlngoir witb ail porrelle upeeti. Prom tire inferrud tiat cotrry to report, Lik vilii le>egua lmndately upîon Lire station. Thre me'mf cDe froni U. S. Attarney Morrisnw or a ev de. sagoA-tansferred tir e t from Graeme twart to thre governmemrt. Laut.Friday nglt a ttrrp à t loc on tire Higgins bieycle repair @irop enuSouth Omem e.etreet and made awâay t itir an lirdian otoreycle. Tire machine vas Wortht about $200. Tireru rla Do elew t thére ciprit otiier tirat tirat a ctraager.visited. tire place luith ie eid a&&*m4 to tako more then w 11 etle iiiurachrue raklng tire remark tirat h. had previorrrly rreed oan like it. Tir e au'lnrrofthe nrotoreycle vae lm Ianrd Iltcouid bie recôgnhae*d by a dent ln tire gnooliuetauk. Lant, Friday ight oecured tiré clratlr of M hi. I.W. ?carvin ut her iroiein tbîq city. Mr. Marurin was formei'y dounty euperintrurdent of ehoole. and Mns. Mai-viavas veli knivut rroi&aly ir, Waukegatr -andth ie euufy. Shbr.was lrorun l Pike. Alleglreny rpunty, N. 1,1 bàt for tire gmrttr part of ber litestire h iriIveri in Lake Acunty and vae attire Uise ofber deatir tfty-ývO Je= of age. Sire vas a ulster of Thonira and Lufayette Smnsmr, of Liberty ville. Be- sIdee ber burband lire k-rves tirres chilîdren, Claurde, bl anad Mmr. EarI Prirdy, tr1 Higlgrand Park. Rlepresetativr.a of the leading cirumcbmr of tins City are nraking efforts tu olrtaia tire services of Evangelist lieiderwoif to coma ersmand irold, a qeries of meet- ings sud at present Lhe prospecte of se- curing uni seeied goed. Planre are under way at tire pset tintafor airotirer uiake up sncb ai tir on ex. p Iline a t te banda of EvaqMgsllrt wilam ev yearsugro. Anattempt va. made tu oSeure tie servîce. of tire far famed Blly Sunday but witbout resnit a. he bai§been lxroke41 vay mt 190«. It le the plan to ituild a pnun ent tabernacle il a site C11 ire sersd: for a tenu of yenra, otberwime a tem- poraiýy alfairvii lie erecteri. Tirougi thtere wasnDo aigri ni d4pturb- acreu at the Christianr Chb n ltW auWkc gai faut Sunday ik va. due only tu the fact tirat lRev. E. N. Tucker led hi. formes t r anetirer ironne of worsbip whe he migt preacin l quletneqeanad peuce. Saturday eveuîng ire posted notice. on tire cîrurci door rrgaying tirat tire uday meeting vnnld lie beiri at tire Temper.. auaT tmpL.Tis was doue anrd tira. tire anti-Tueker fation held tire cirurçi tirmougirtire day. It vue noticea* tint abeavy ecirîtcf[blrlar-k ilt "0o Lise naine "E. N. Tutiker, lantoe" tg tire annurnrenwnt board lxi& ied rst andi béavy braira nrrn-i-kairle lac - guard theire .ancity of Lthe ecirb rageirrtanyone Wbo uighit vibir 10 enter,, Tirrougir tire srvice nu dirért rekfereua *as maderctri tire rernt trrrUbie bt veiled mrmarks on tire part 1ttr rio Prof., Trainuin. svrru tr1rr-: c srniler tu0apprar (in.,tire faces f01 victurlourr foctirru. 11,v. Turc dlaimns tirat Iis arctionrrinr vrr,-tbnK t r-lurc.b rn far'cr uf Iris rrplwrrrtrr r l rqrablile lry rni) rreliairrc alrita utf1114 fMtat ri rrrcly unr-an. Lîrrît Iieroughit evade furtîcer troruble litr tIre clrrli edifice. Rayonna Park. [nrptous veaýtir han ltad où visttieeffort on Lthefirionai #ente- taast "ilaieiaPar klarg atüitrW b ruen tioe Me 8oclt,îh Ravi" Park t it entlrri*eai sid sanmr r iii e Il lr:nlyeatablisird as a prominent tentures of tire Northr Murrre galety. 1Tirs pOirinancr utire theatre ame th t rataI igir saarieua ud'r.nterpil- mag tnnaa eau onproduS and idts dacty vort o li r atitlclittîr- play-ibonne o9S w I<th ire xwoe Nortir Mèure abid upéroat rsUiicag mie 5lanomer .netigvlatr airpoval Wfaul who -é, of the dartylucie.ornireelbot*te dlaer and suppsrs v behthLe. iradmorn cois ofiers IL. îpatrons. Ti.e concert pavillon nov urader con- eturtionl, virlein ta wpoeallyadupted for ail kindi of watherAs erasring, c..- plton aad vii h irloWrlshedtI Le for cob oncerta wvileirwill .ireln tre pros lrefflt n "LMnr tla i l.Bkig. WMlesreu 1W 1 ll JF4waytla& vita Johnu ka 1 ans sd 2 blk 8 W4 -. 0<ralie . . ... ........ lot) Ainuetea L talctt to Lasshle P Bananad Itfi n s. crr- pur ' Woubtrrton& Vounty atu w'wbeiràvd ....... ..... ôux) <0:, F Kiet A vf to F D> Ciavey Deeiloelqblp wd ...........W ... John ?irompcron to A C Front i0 on a, aIde 4,rand A -e uc-r Buhtek ut Waukegrir mi.110000> [idewE .Whitoly& iras tLuAV Front lot 1 andti blk 2 Clcrv- E lBrlggs& wftfi) ÀC Fmi IL 18 Ih 2 Ccverdale an 310Ô0 <0 EJ Reytietrtwf t<r Climc & Millv Uel It Is 12 sud pegt 20 fflt 2 Clîîrkacrns suh Waukegrrrt vd- .............. 12511 t0O Jý R acher & MIwf) 0clirag & Muivrmkee lic1< Il BraeWr sir ltue-,- 20) WVru- Itega tvp vd .............. 250>0 00 APN"edan & wtt-neittu tQ VicIrgo& Aiiîw l,- itt iLA lu iuomors divir c.c24) Wiultegw tvp %wcl........ ..12f14>Off nIa 8 Farinrer & lrrc< tr A C Fr0,1 It-17 M.lk2 Ccccii', WaukefaguMre... ..... ........1>o S C Wilard & wf tart r-li E gtelford mec- 3 iLi Ik 2 C F Wrigris add t-r Libcerty- ...le ........«................ 1 0) Nichnu. atsn i v-t aIto ,Cw'g & St ate LUne Ry iqripli120<I Liru Li,ýisme,%er 24 Warren tbvîjc........... 1 00 Euly B OooCN 1'Ver. Ncrrry LIbertyville aswd..............'I1 0 D s ueMurîles&wf îcc jemnni,. Memulim n280 acnr-sin s 24 Waneonda twp wc ......2000t) <0 Counby ierkt4LuEJ I leyr4kr - lbn 2 7 Sirik 1 Woucllri Bilff ortir Vitanc-c.. ... Taei-cd )Iaoiter I l (ran-rry tcu J W Baby 1150 acrein r l r m* 21 Fremont Lvp .2t41I57 'Lin& LevI & brus t,, Plireie H, twp wd.................. ........ M409) 0 Crane Stewart&A wf tou S part oe.c 4 and f Slti-dw tvp qe ..................... T F alkias & s-i toJ Elind- Lc>n ;-bcae in 5w % ee25 vernon tvp v ........... JE lialton oTV F (ilkrna & vf atmsinavm.r 2 Ladies A-rai ~<0LL~ IIHAYINiJ MACHIIR Deru oer a, Rkes, Foeders, Keystone. Side D.UveM Raes ock'Inland and Deeu Loaders. KntW.o sd 89W liions for ail mowers, Rfay C~ariers, Yorks, Htope Piliqu etc, It Wli ay yonatwd IO fl . 0Aud Wiîiner of' the l)iamond Medal fuî'ottr.... SOLONu"RATTA' TrotlngPace Record :1 "on of Orrîttar 2-.13, clatin Seioî li dtin uaiFai of Inria <nettaen 2:219), lry Zilc-acii Gcrlrîclnt; 44(y); Itcr-rcrud tînur hirrr-, cy GCe. Knox 140>. [fa ir-atcuailcnnc-trinr-Inirt t ac. styt ruer-a Ir in cago tim wirrtpr. 'sr in.nimcividulni, Isign ar-Lion frrnt anti ait. Oti re ieale gtit-cl trcttermirc tlr, %4-cr11,.anitatrendy tire icincrol agmard lot caf*goite. SEASON 19Q5, $25 TIiOIPSON STOCK FARM JOHN R. THOMPSON, Proprk4wo Libertyvilie - -' - - - - Illinelu Addreos J. W. MURRAY, Superintandent. Julj' Ar.AMFMNtflnN 4i4 liq tire cire<of sis many bigirbdclam rarriage and irond bro m i ary #;()0,00 « horne In the sOit,, -if iteuri. lH b ie hm t ig, »Pendl, quafity a"d action, and iu!irevry l"it of ffet tand legs tiret gr tr Mako tirhde . rond tifldi.rirrrng. ro.,. lny 01 hi,, geLt av 5e O 50141 for large prier-eaîrrl leen ..'ît, torrnrrany and Frarse. lie. in alrribe mirer of corid 2:11% Or tr'l*êr, 2:17% Norrd"a, 2.23% flomic-e M.ýr1 (11) <l2:24 Fnly l. rrr, tr 2:< F;rrrrrcrt tu.rlgre, tr. 2:184, ciricl iiiaiiy itftcr gond once Pr Stmcter Wear nea» ati daent froni mr-ant. honeth uro s tears05l A L BAI. $IAN MRS. 1r. IR0TaioE I Agamnemnon, 26838, record 2:131, wili make, the season of -1905 at the County Farm, Llberty- ville, Illinois. For complote pedigree or further Information, *eult on C. A. AepJ4LISy, Owuer. 830. Ilet ls Figuro e tr in We Ca' Déive Ymu ahr fakdy lo -k ............. et** d..e...... i Tnt Iw mml. bi. Sb bririt ..l.. ....... R atI I, ... .......... ... luit lb..n............. -Ope........ -WYow .,,. - Foec, perpmg 1=- Ohredded Whist pW . ..........Ic Thaahagi'ag Oreunia. rurd pkg..W C-Art oihRed B", pur b.... .... A Atma & Rainurer SO , Sodb pk...ft ~5Iolo (demou anglon> reaté....é 0=0dDmerWlrlag Powrr par pki. 4a M fmalautcl m ........ a " 10 Crn=lanloap Ns 10 s u ilIWoolomrlleJ Uraadpa'n Wonder T: "006p, pe ar amLrrluP tnrc (la belt>, per lb ...44 re"» erfwm1470 .............. e. (I'alvanld Tilrwmh..Os, 8ose and s«) Wood Oothea pins, par. .. Garai 44.ewed Dro....e .E.ELLSWORT#t -anud tte- Lak G. air I3oth are Approaehing, VoulIIu ei8,waiw tha . A YuINGl «DOJ. TIGOS' O0W ITAN.IINL, WAUKEE AVE. SOUTH OF MOTEL. Good Grades at Fair Priceo. zýflONS WINDOWS, MOULD- 1555, 1BRICK, LIME, ALPHA PO RTLA mb og untw swi M il PP,DRAIN 'iI., ETO. strei uid= OASIS NOItES, CHA1SlREAED-ýý DER AND PIENOVATRO ANDO a. ma 1181 xpBFrïed. r gwàdg to b. îuSeu rort la pttply'sI7ttodc very one tuhk1L I~. Ro. 1 is-j.;

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