CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 16 Jun 1905, p. 8

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~~IL WMtien ifrtai jtoluaenter',lns 111L -1-7'- ,:- il - - ý -- -1 1 - - PRAMVmV. luit* relives ln a aphB ehar hasn b. qitfs liithe pa wesk. ýcropila this a iltymîme - Pecy McLaugbtiit bai heen îuîte flil eaneutly ivy oeetuyear. wlth aeutO rhenioatip, Isacit idnttted tram tihe Kent . eahbe~rgeroi". mret t a car Sof ciiego on Thurmdav, îaad 01 tien this we.k. lii. agi mr. wolemvee* pont dam Bn" wye ho bai been onle dy ahi M-. $char, tSr iwe ane glail tau' ece~e l icugawn ~Oi&t wlttta van'to ~ iita'li it nel"bepr titIs eek. Po"it n im t ie m n aryolet Mime Emma Brockmian @peut 8ude, t ech aWt b@o at place. laandi Moutdaywitb friends I Chicago. lanne Brat, if Plaetv---. Jailis ifers ehippedl a carlORA ofa , anide ryaMn. toy Decker, astock to Chicago markete àJane 14. 1 r ms lvaMsho v ocr, onfay l. and i M. Ai er.chtbergeirvisitai sai. witi M r. and lMra. StIMIe at Laite Zjirkli ofatamobiliste froui Chi- Sunday. lu t intisplace. lut AÀlarge number fImmahemeatteMI04 the ý5 sigitl and flatuday. ly the dance at Bd. Brop.kman'c Tueeday aven- 1ome part ai their mauhine. iIig. a h àw the manotouIoos sang a01ithe meting wili tbell a Lit i.&da, or meeuteen year lecut, houlîe of Goading Bras. Wednee.laY eel ia 1h. lani. We 0hop h#oang ing. Il, botii WW nt tic oS long Mm. Henry- Stelliig and Pmon @pent aI I few dayn witlî relatives nt Beijonille t UVg capgregalioD atteniied tLisaweek. à Day azercm at'the chincit Mr. andi Mme. erman Allîrpebt are aevenin.g. The prg aniW8 entertalning Miss Fraudes Tanne, af jied i aku àurt dalemg icaa i~4ethy usRsut Wells 'The' Prairie iew Uniongu8nad»eh"lil IluVulw and iectatlon ly will have Ubldren's Day eXercece »SUn-1 ObjoliwmespedUiy gooi. day aveniug, J une 1. ;1040* a3to Gor dett Mir and Mm. (ltter ai Frenant, aie epfttguuday aitit relative callers attMr. and Mm u. «lHreber' ~uno ai ara.c~~'Monday. Lenoa r ,oekiah spent a few dAy. tIdVpi.w in viltlng this aceit witb ber gand.parenta, Mr., ý î za. a1-Air FdBrockrnan. 0110. iS'O it a" In r. Lbbmd agetralcMi ns~Wm.talandmdmm *ot and con Iferbert, of teta t ud. Ch cag, riSuind&Y eta e;,l- Ml~45çOl~llie. iupervisar a.Quentîi attendel lb. E.eaof0fmurvileil ai qitarterlyi neetihlt ôtdlthîe Board ai 84q558~dajllalervisors at Wanlkegan Ibis veek. 11h ~l5Uîi..'vsit&it M. fiaph aho lien been baling th day.great lakea îwitb er buabaul, Cap. F relàd uit Wlf K6ueker epent japht, the Wit îew liasreturùed h tefirreispeitve famuilles homne. Mr. and Mrg. Sciobe and sonsaid titi MM. Cramle. aiWaucauds, Mie. l mma andi Berthua Margnardi, of L C. Pqys' ane day lest llonîIuogdaie, visîteil altitheLb tmk- - Mau lamilies hpem thus eek. ,a ailth sud daugitter, ni SKtIlon 'fommran, Louis P-gelov e put anc day ai 1H. <Irbbe'l' ceireil anather farce ofi taliane lu pisce of tiame via ecnly loet bere for ChiI- le Payse il bame for tLie mga. eai, hemrsebool bavlug Mr. andl Mrs. Henry Weirnérg sud MaL ou Gaue 1paid Louic and Air@. D.d riPa.n starte for Utica, Kraeger auit danghter Aima, visiteti Ù4 weutvbere nile in golug relatire t Park Ridge Sudai. t Ige taatint. - o m Itava , *Louis, Clar ansd gBiuma r ne4'lt.e meca urtoÉBaeblng spent Saturday and ti ndayd 111111. citrcb for tie parjiose ai (ryntake aluere iiey atteudeit the %an lb nxidyham- eddusgof tbeireouglu. titt ais nt Johîn C. tichroeler oi lie clloge ai satomet teretame hyslelautc ad iargonsalîl speul bis1 ipt, Onv chureh viii soon waiotluinuthe erplay oflte'Lanion las. Oiarantne aud in4uran<'e Co., wtu -dlith vai fammery empioed. 7 sato*ylthepublie liai on The Ontly Perfect lAxative finlthe ~W. J. Stinanu, a leadiîîg .V Meul. 1lIl,, lu a ltter tua r roaiHceýfrwn om. Tiomase HcoeyeIaauuanym(arn 1,oei Laatfve p ltinentcitizen of Liacale, tir, and «ILt havelhadieii Hart's pne'who hantrled a grýeat ualy liqi D~uhaudmat eTIia oe laxatins, - ille, 4lb sudntialmail "»tp for onue ear anti tare evei7tluluguuadnrtW5d ;or conetipatilu ShetaIWleIM have erer 557liý "After havIng uaed thent Ail, l- Odu average tva <oseit aGO TQalc Laxative Il rap handomse ý ,Pilentupllcal-i iy ortier mare 9go n àu111mo0%uthan anytliing 1 a onedof s-Go0and one ci iareenertried endillea no iatttake satHomitouai." Wben that 1i. mally lIL .i1 It I h sie ne, for Caughie, (olds, uwul perfect laxative lunte varlil." nipe 0r madirsvii la Them la no grlpiug or uaaeealiag effert É at'.Huyadtae fuulowing the nun 01Shile Medlce, it le Oq le anedicine of unea4ilpi.asanautsd ertain, ,tlmalatee Liihe la Taule Laxative tuyuîtis seretiluns, &aie nature lu dlgeting sud cusre for Couelluatlon, ludi- anluilatiig the food, and as a taule la inuNeme iciMI'fauhe snd ni-rer falliug. Sîdh 5' O nl1.4 tap CuttLoe2M, ÏSOc and, buttfles bîtF-.B. LOVECLL. ROK PO UJUF L .-MK .Lw m *I *ID cmeet next wediuus- U nCIrland. le homie. rom Itoehetpr »Ri a 2 q'iock iith AMs.J. id arle uinevnaCliao ilo X« tlits exprit viiWedneeay oati lm eek. ~gk uion ty trtio onitme- Mm . J.M. Straîîg bac lwu enaîabi. tu ng1se22I. gSit e stlhate ont thie putweet. 1,l aa o c0 aMallme for M. lIeorge Straug bubai einspending aoe ieto mbtm, thle peutt toek la Waukegsn.,' III Krmeaiursd clilren are re, Chag. Auiesviabas blecu mn Wue. KBiggo sud fnel itY erioty slck la reparted nbotter.. Airs. dum. ho bai@heen sicit everali iWilcox bai reutcd hi lionne veeke ls reporteti the ante./ f Ibis village t te el n lins. Wî. Mavor, oi Cbieag', vlitei hsiuitti. ber mather, Mm. B. tran«grS. tts sndlkit apeal Sunda ai Wai vleslk. V iechonr LOtang.whogaduatudf roim anud Lamas Oomeeler thte Rbceeten. Win. e#admy reWumed M~WUd reativ" ë honte Utqrmiy. <iiWl, lreA. Clark laexepecting hem ileter. WdI beuglait thehomte OS Ia JQ.MclUegr formerly aifLhluoti- M.6ei i' mmttt4 butît. vlle but no* di Caliornie, fors long BkV.WI I, agàadosàn nit. - eulot3ii m 1), Bi , > '. , Ioac d.hWi, Ars. psy the lise1 vsk. Jainlemn rrlîed làhu Cicgo Aonday *0mw WIe.aaniln vii ceupy rait St Loala a"id vî ul iaivit tis onahic opit m A aumier tram Miurn andi vdlnty os Eu Prk ve. a L. aten" ilthe saniteaIJane nieetiag oi Knlggs rpin tLee ihy, vanLaecaniCuoalaihmbe o- « -Mi"s Ne iedi)ugH la o tlle progratm aid *90 anltpmà jthue t tllpaft -x lte Mnnpury tbeasit Kuiwgesud iamlly aferl eueitatllteM ,alesa sfpsutng ltsefanluly -: - -. , fl~Nenab.von ai lie ' Ç40 ~cartis41 4~Vc WfaaNd.ayeve'ulng vas P(tt< nom.okeeexcurontik Cuanaile tjualle po »ints le lova, Minesota ami Nëltb au, th lu'f'eeqp oyinîand Sati -Itaitot vis C. M. & 13L Psit lpiteiedAttnnCPr ghn or bm e are lan $2 Srtit. rouud'tmlp. ~ss,~Uidsrviit her Tleketaoi forS21 <aye. For.familier Jane 14 occred tormatipa apply totticketaugeui. 82-t f Cam fleruiieeger ai . ta M. Frankt Hall 5 qulckly lleeisdwop 49i'iuy iNw Vot. Ku witnot.i rita l.cours" If' you tlleslia ithisne.utleorignal Bee'mLaxative If auyl lavait ui aid 'pr Tits cogit ymml le different aMd toelns of ain,- irontaiunitiva- benaemse- te aets-ti tte edame ai graduates. lhoel. m 1 1 qrey -ad hi b.clt. ayof alau eetos u" 't luEh svu.sw.n.uey atuilTer dauilml sait euetescli elh. C" I.vhla onues.oolasaSibW lLb b ' > vll A h il n ni <I h lu O h A Et Il j' 51 i s' il s s p b Cl a il n a Il i t' Il a 53 v netws r.Wou rnot s$ M. K d rwtod aire dmi e ldESlIsyv kvt' wweê 1. -14~U Sua 1 ht la. . M@. W. . Clrk ad. m*12.i.r ,tl*, eae n i héeôl Tbêe lMni meonearsau ofwl [setw4,e ,t . 'Il .1 ux Turda MieAipe. liapson *Id liénkeldn uJ; 10 athe ade 0alowa mn Mis. W. W. Clar a-d V#s gndeay weding inthe Cbaà li W" baicSga*0 was DbthiIe cci nhie a luet fia. rae léîured Ploergenine b a niebolaephflb. &ruh touta ui bougWe'.Otwf h edi mue 18i Tbe tawk, tu uneIDlalthe cur0:80 eadLc ateof lèela a but~ E !tieOitteAOrs diU lai ,-M kay» ernlng la ti r Jotrli an uro , wa wllam d fuiheprlà a nhie aondte on'7.T. -InluEtr Bit$,uet a l ou ac.. anb M uW Taiceki ath reoIt was hugfeatt- nudtice toi eai muh eàa ai ae' kltddmebei, Guethaeeih . MiLeo Chier~ty-, Eliectie. litr i t i rts Mry Rleemnwn e nthi gle iâ The îtun a anqluet adcumblton eaidach, uil e 23. n a icti Mitr».Ijapeperbas forad a. cii. and b ~,n »'M for fv ed a pretheih Tcnntidtie per matdot tdione al Inden. beat n ine i'rmayU4H liP, Mm.. lofthuln e ditondn e lcOt rote Aluulbeandnd eepiago rLnayi, Il.,âmn3e 1052H@8od Mis. Japperbi as fr bor undte Mrie, InCEinao Eran i hiag.i. 7d Dr. B. M.for fin ofealain i tanty.five ledet disct onMailr andn. Oats, Ad aie"ulin. 40dîive l >1ribin. bot thiagnm i nil hiDr. Pta aJe brin lertman nUack'su wie cadi l oe .rn xeroandhicesa 0sIo fotr o the ridîe w l resa e i emmo. Theynal cona hored reie lhied a then olerfmbl 1. aya L4nculli.,Junoc , 11happ. Hic hody AT THIE P$.,I'sPark Hll fDay, IDi. Saturdaqy June' 17, 190 5 Everyboy invited to corne and-have a good 4ýIme Music by "%r4Qrý*M gnd&y. BverY itoal00 tbd a 1%ké wo hia ne. andoid l*g as li ei by t 1441e5<AMd E4k n as o hlmistarin ts Koebker at Orayeleha, and lte tiiitho W, tae poommellua tii 48#01a sext Mmeie. The counuly urneor IIUI*4 etryeylng tlstFrldaey. 1ii. itSharedmon ai Palatise didi Bot show W lrçMondai alérnmoon tu plaY hal, m go oumartien tuesi layed tii. bo." anêgaI deieated. Temoi'taod 20 ta e .ut ar oi tii. ittleyouiigmtera Sadyaweeu the Wvauc<ada'n aud Zurich tisJm, the score bl 0 to7.1n faio, aoflbhe bore tomi. ()Iboys mtade gi goud sbqowlng and are fignmlug on playlig sit . Uouuty Pair vii year. W. P. Wlicia'-îd Iam-iiy ai les,. Laite Zai* thie Week. They are galng to ('lanads.thie cuumer but aig mioye back lao.hicago nat fait. Mr. Ritci and banl. ave llved horsuearly to easa4ave niacle rmany ' iends. We ai; 1 hifilthern lent teu. à -týis P5§EUONT CENTER. Ada m Ba vas a Liertyvîlle vrittr tlie pas- veut.. . xmk tehm wac in Waakegan an tiniltit-a copla of days iaat w"e. Baysi Kocht aid lBert Lomie i o Chicita-e at iiunday withfriadsohe. -J. il.SAerteil5 building a fiee large house..' ýpltan & Son oi Vole -are tiuiitg Ms. e, W. Vogei an<l non,, WiI epent Saturday aud i3unday witb ber brother, 0. M. Trapl. M1arI la White and lDizire lloo'z7> Chic'oa speut Surida.v Witb John Traut and ada lin. day'oq llliing. Andrew Hfertel le building s large grary Abd buglougiie. Goe. Wagner of Waukogaa le boingte iCarpenter vomit..1 M. aid Mre.'E. V. Orvistof Wsukigait epe t urday aui Sunday ivitArs. (Irs' aletaMr. anud Ars. Join Abari tillaplace. Cimn plntlng le eeariy alildon linhii vielnhly mid farmmî'mcare miv buey cuttlng thoîr tblcitleiu ai ahicit ther lea, large crap titis yeua. GMNCý HALL bd .indit4wp. Daniap vielteil ai Chai. Snyde's laiÏe"aday. Aunty OtOSa Wlfmrn le@home af 1er »peudig a wçek la Watukgst. Mms. R. Adaina ai lurlinglon, Wla? la nhmting ber siter, Mm. C. 1). Chmc.. 9. J. Cha and aile, of Chicuga rîcuitei frienîls sud relative» inta hie place let week. M P. Sebriver wa eculled ta Minns. sota hattiuiday a. accoant iof tie cavere illu sfathser. Mir. and Mm.. Perry atteudil the -IWedtug of Ar. Perry's brother at Lite Herbert Ciame aWto ie uîdeur the care-01 Dr. iliafer ls recoreriug ironi the î.ileco sofifalliag Inta bolwater n couple uf aeeks ngd. My. andl Mr. J. -P. Rlteituthîer eitertaineul uompany fast sun<lsy. Louim Keler snd iauîlly, ot Fremiont Ceter, client Suuday at liame. Mr@. Woi, o iii Qeins Co)rnere, vicçited lier daugliter, Ars. Willi Outt Mondai. ItalphIscha:îir bac heen ver), iecithlie pait waeek but te iîum,îoved at preset writiiig. - WiII Berghriio ansd fsnmir, ai incite. lciier. vishitdirelative@ bors e 4*9 t Tbarntia.y. Mi« fn iiimebar >epeti Mondal aftemitoon wilb bemrslmer,ArsA. .Wolf Mimae Marie andt Lauma Goameellir wbo bava si lllgrltvsa Dianînuil Lakte eturutei houo. Monday. Thîe Mnnlay âsemai af lte Evasugellcql bch lvl clolrata CLlldr's 1w.i 0"ittoisbad ~~ lu d har Ail are aullyitlIbta i resei i. gi eal iitm ie.mayt r rae isb n hie vali aid tula4 a single do Wl.L HACX i., lu Itaminmenta, lkeiyigacluonp. lion. Tihe prauog s of uonpiat iront the heinalug .t. thei viryîsui aa .J l long ttulere, iduta viciai aid iitas. iena'"bm 1b h cima& pt#on la 14MMWl lI im tge, vwriteffWu. ~ a -;Zut SIsiw 6otete aiagood ýd!ider, là i et laitobah Dr.« ing'S -Ne.*'Swre aMuit qei1ti>'nid pils4yuveitme .'1 <n! Prmpt zen td sar cure fi iiule w tea plme01wursthrtbronchihliai <e-. utls teinuomla. -îduar4aJe rmui 4t J .O LýIFË,eQbt'cPis acy Mr. i <insie4le. Preu' ?-!" sd 1:00> allei et . C. . tafle for Jinii 18 "Minar -Mss bromII.tue. p904, 22W. 1M.Mary gncul Laie, lep4m..Mse The mno lama thai lia l IflikhtigiDai en, ~ su-liol Iîgwhe c nthèmeneit rciet"a [CO aI -te GiirâmIies bel aturIeiY velug lest wvoit Jane 17,. LAde au.. A ld.Sc.y *nifserve lS reani at tii. ait- Uela*aievssitg -ater I lesditf t liK n e lalbheme.u'eutd %tid In bcaiï. ud il h rune>' idr irtiibllluilog bai-itv ll) orLluuilyvle.uad4L"vs raydsle - Wk«' le 94O altpeaaa4dbut e loeda *sule 01 b iClào t 'idtty ,auue.'. Bat"Iu 01e.heylyee e fun or SUne COrne-Evýerybody Woudemfol thlnqm ae dunse for lte humanbd y gm. organe r timben o=t1anit mrapedabdpollaheild ~~Corthey Iey Lw maved enllinly; i ipes laite titi pla of dimamel atinsa iveine;ailmptic drooologs are appieil ta vouedi, brUlace, igra ad like injurie@ belote Initatma- t1ionzl lit, aliki causen them ta bea withaut maturationt'sud lu aue-tid the iimet quiroti by the. aid tmt. mhamberliiePain hlai adt n'util gaine principili. It la au antimpieitid ahen appllii ttu sncb laturi.i, canne t4itbeal veryiuckly. l alea alla titi pain ad esrenem e paa ttle 1i Pain Balai lnu hoailme anil it a isarii y i ilmouey,unit ta, meittion the lucovieuee andl nufielng whhh'Inch injurien entail. For maIe hy W. L HIA<iCLzY, ;liibertyvilk' aui Kîimc PNARe ccv, Orâymlak*e. CIJA Lee Murray wai a, Rackef..lier caller luWaean l'i ilave and family, (A Waukpgan nisited giwltlî Air.1D. AMurray tie liret of tbe veek. Mm. andl Mm John eeleu, fi Wauke- gmare tLiiproud Iparente îîlacharnig 1n anablut ocurr etil themarmiage ai91 Mi agerite flaviuniofLiii.plate tuEo ih d i Mirtiu;ouf ibriagto i. QUENTINS CORNERS. Wîu. eoan aubaillte ifi)reuncta loom suatber horne recaty.. Chec. Fmnellch ai Paistine nmacle a btic. .,ail ut the Corners iast Mî>nday. Fred Falletit entertained l Aberit uber andl Samily o! Clu-ugo let Sunday. Mrs. il. L. ljtocki.îuan ant in ou eny were lu jciicago lait Moiîdy on buolncem. Farmfers report tlumt if the weal.iemile favorabîle tiiswill lme ibutiner ha>' crop for Many JOSire. Qu on d 4 home - n'doiug iluite a ltLle graveling titis setImai. Ti!isl§ i a g" o lt ae keep h Up. 1. Mr. Hentry L . aiofPalatine vîit 114 wile miade ia ilatI Jeuia. WltWandt lit corboi ui et Mbnda>. Tholpai Muller bit.retitrned iroip glorppe, lie sa.ys tirsleanu plamcefille lb. 1juited Mi4tisana' way. 1 ur eehaatlotied Junetiviit b sfket aonnal. h van a cueninlallaitsend clesirediiirly $15. Mican iis Jnmq Wauconbda wan I"taslber. Dlii, Vii , Auguât «revers meead nes. Theiiceme .odini. im at Palatine Tfl day Jaune 13. GILMER. pta open e>u,1market St «lmer. Eg'gievabaiOttjet lrnproved in b."th., Mr. J, W. mid Aiiw L. I6 #A"i, 0 Citteao, vlmlied iends iteSaturdsy.ý M- . a 1tMcC. Kreickeaherg 0a.peut m e t, AddisoX slteniilujga >Iej'imlipstr mantiqtcmga )f Ontjpe. 82.o rond trip lb. Môdemu Wutdman. Teate fond :for kepn Il Outil :;Joue 94. tJ. Dam iim.jyopviii gelý,. ad meare, f.sWin yoa iW sapain la Jour bateele, d â» dïwi*1sobaiey lies l i3e r ~vKilim te*Lhl Pilleà, me rire for aul bitinl n"d BtOamackit bs*m, '4ait I&i sd Ke$h # b'.PtSW.e(rY nlh e(ti'-3Moite Tmy ltent. We ~R V whie Shirt Woisç C dW " M " f'Worlth 1.95for.. . -. ' . ka 00#kb hi te Shirt waises l** Miel popita 4"f Wi orth 1.0(1orw........... fst 'coloe. tt. o, .White ftuhbd Veste .5 é ofbkm-ple. Vst usueli soc id .,. * Specil white Veau I tiste %4 fi nould be 20clifor....OSVV fi Rlbbd TopOla a Lawmir * Worth 2c ..-. RS5cCfor, pr pair ....... lA f erare fi mutlful Lace Triraesd kèth $«m t oa..» fi corset Coeers 2f and 2c Wite Undersklhiri > et'~~aL * g 51k loves, ait c.lo.s1*. 0*5Utu e fidouble tup fingers. paifr .. d b. dihlteatIlle lot Yow"fis on t. u doe "ta kd Item oiîun vde, r' I. e- b. il L FREE CONNECTIONs WB Wiii Siva toevery puivohmeeof* Ose Rage, t'le pric 4f wlwh 4T-eplÇ)048" bli eà vlan pipe ft.neil theiMe mpoppuu go" -- ceai 00 feai frçm l94a cur mli 10je t. cSai 4 ço- esidl stove fi'..If nmaase.esilsde qu0l «ce" 30 fnl floinmater te etoe. Ail p4pe usaifor mliter pupesehi esete cf akoweseemrsenfle wili be chcrged for ut negular poco*,. NrhShore. as Co. jLlb.riY iliVlfle m uIey Uic ono Imam 25, pouaded 1 bottto.bW *pou&5 11104 4 I3S~ll ~I pou~ ipo~ TO poî 5 poti F. 'Piq, meW -" uIvanlio. wil 1 ialAn ý't

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