CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Jun 1905, p. 1

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r-RIDAY, )UNE 3.105SPAts. *ubeoil~ ~ or>' poLI>' laid dsrliig lie rompietioui ai lis e le oas tocealu F. P DimoNI, Pré&. C P.WwQIn %cadaler agi.A. WMael, vie prs. FP. a s, Ags. (àiLier LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANK DIRECTORS F P Dvaao'u C F. Wea HT (HAla Ro. L U.WAI J8. GIDIy A FEW IIIJNPRED DOLLARS lm ofts'a i he- maklag aofnaw'e surn lh. whabit of tlrift aquared bp the saving <1mn> tpoeo f rae aua hn(.mOE'iI.Y-uare aure to ormilub>' .lepaaatins, and thian ai.g our moUe>'. it mattera flot ho. pou lokat It. Yonrnri9efrtS amd ou! OwD 5a vOiTlouai>' onnect.d. OncUielSayvlll.lola DR. J L..TAYLOR. ornes oint.OSa saTAyi.oI'i. uoun:.-7 tu 10 . nm. 2 ta 4 armi 6 t., 1 8p. m. -1 b"eshec on Broadway oppoelte Park. Lerpll.Illnol.. M A,.l.NICHOLS. oi Chicago DENTAL OFFICE 81LBeteoymionsouivEa nAvWai'l *ouain-Weduieod"o ôtof ebvaet froc. 8:00 à M. ta 600 Uàbertyville. Illnois. PENTIST. OFItCM OVER LaitscCONYT DANK. mou-S tu 12 a. m ansd 1 ta 5 p. c.. DAILY. Ubiiertyvîlle, Illinos. DIL C R. GALLOVAY, *ou viE OVEsaLOTLLs i OuV Brun. -mors-lera 18,l Md 6 tuaSP. ni. PAUL MAC GUPPIN A?1'ORNY AT LAW. Llietyvlle, JIllnois. ~JELD. DL VUP. OCHUM~I Pl*" Éii,1tot E'YE, B AR, NM 8AN» )THROAI<. lourp 2 to 4p.mlu. ormmraaBoom 804 $tawàrS? BirCILIIN, 92 st.tuset, Cicego. Tii JOHIN*L. TAYLOR, Prouldent BENJAMIN Ii. MILLER, t ~Viée-preident C. WV. TAY Ol. W. extend aver>' elcoragemeat tu the vage etraier; 1<> lie eu tat ho May' pruper, >eoi or earaîgs vltb Lb. FPhot Nationl. - »os1 a goueral D»aIlkufg in Nofate t tcE Rouai 4É thle s. t wek W-PUe 1rla i p end4# a l * üel * Crowa a anotl; ou le sot. ai vu. b> isa b tand b*l.leu, houe in Le. N. 45< port thé «Mrlç-a4 formner membsr qwW.trou Umt l bIB eiets"e DDm WUi MOM Fr bis aufl ippt S*At the edaMW04s', ite e ults MW Lia Wd siready sart.d Ila h.tiseat150vilii eia$iMtei5 for lbeu- f uwa 'àO M at a î.l feenIseu M «Surl-me umaÀ-*b ave emab*rked la dowa the x lriveran 8th eba itMe ulr nortlia imaunel lae.. Puriaialabohastuteraît ana the laie e ,aam gueiipa nr and expresis t Lias proper ibrbMebl Converse, vhlie vaS*Pu lnCoina- MW"ionlet sprntagSeI a CosL o1 over tva thouiaad dollars. couse soonoras ePlonnd-A 0ew departrer la bolus pWsunedai nthe. hlauslg c0f studenti at Laie -Parent emole. Cdl urand bamade tb. facit' a oer f#15(M1>flrnathb atetion of1 s d.aing hall lartoe aut tu, aoeornardati 200 men vitia provluo bovever tlattboeollet bulali a. new doritor>'. A meeting bai bren ýml.ed aitidm fraternltie viii hbuaked tu co.operatu ta Lb. maniaient andbo give up thor separaté boue.aud tbre la thue eonamoiie andi lias fond ther support sa the moyennet. ai plumed tire>' vould have al Lb.headvahn of »aParato bonnesi with Lie exc=pt on et P mrtier t*alg~ome. li ca 1. errl.4ou$it I whtt lis cmmoDi viiibecospsi btli thennlg cl i moo peur oQum0. fariner, P1. . I3. l %tueZosCity', and vho it alteýrverd developed bsd lait hom alsoetrom lhe milter>' prIsou atter n!vtDng a term for de.ertion, remeitt aaempanled Léles tu Chicgo vbere be. prabadtho bhoren. 1'urng litn flilIr ta Bekele vith aidem ao1- biïng tli o MLaZon City' laIe iss iesl« reuraed. Egiel.sud Ltie hor-muhourver <11<1nat shiow up andi ater a le* day. th. matter wa% torusd over to the police. Be wva Iasiai f tg t er s-aiLkvhor h ubeadoeai ls oti rbinAU0f th bnis aebe. oi rSd4bu rte. 1e nac irsÉe ýt elsba Lto u he h imaI h tploce vheu ns 0 lie.= l*P vaubroke averving Lthe b meaàoli i hao thierafting aofLiae bridge. i=ul e l.ould b. gotten iluideltro«0"bv the 4rly.r iotb froant Wb@*iasls vr ve tLebirdas vi* bt'llal place von hall>' subi Jun; Mb fa roislimte lottom of LIhe rsTlae. Lte vlt thLie aid ofrp. Mad tachListe maobiie vas p=ue bock oiito lie bridge sud repaired, 'b.lai6so 0Lie party vers averoa villafrigltMad vse,tolits»ta the 0o"][eWMartel vile .automobile w-eN*r«-. Tii driverretmd O $40 *OA4 t %be parlai but i ve4 ~~ rte-lu.* eau,isto L____ to Îe isitPrt LaoMn ina* il b. a.ble t. lthougb lb. rill probàbi oeke manu- ] a, ke IL la ft à- Loli Up Conarades u i Car memr Beach iq, Valnables mokl Esape Sil vaad. AURESTO SMADE 81 Cvaa O»» mta B KARR? B airetal Varleleka it tewaok anîLI( màisa ' 1, tranei imuafs fToaim tru ar bmodtol& itl tar vrme'lt ka*u in theg ai pli'At au; font in bu h ilua'~j te hie wia theairn a gra b it>'e veeain flI o d , 1d t i n ier il Ib rosi . ch riot i I btter alve u tomo I voies lai the ars.Tii Cud:)le fewu ilai b>'tii ~~i>'ttîao mai LIa le a flirt u i liret pu bel ieljtr'a 4Wnr#Mdntgeint %V.e ard at elinhteund eacka caatîrlatefr u il tb tedWN.wanutai îug tii.feait t il h ti P Chicao andail bcu il bengIrerdewi a neyb ARMWn mu ilgs, VPOLICX. Faurteen youtiafal tbupraaç1glniaffl tram.mer. boyc ta nmmih0aitwenty >'ears ail arîîaed vlii revolvere aud umder Lthe Influence t fliqiior hoiti np a ps,. f fvorlinen ln a fregt c&r aer Hflàabout four mnue. Dortia uf Wau. kefflUni eiday afiernoon rellevlug theaa of aIl thervaluables, Tho station agent at tbat place vas blid - f Lb.eld attack sud st one tulegraphe oti*ta'Waukegau for police aId sud Las entîre departmeat est out La cture th gang. Prom Beach Ltb. tgudr.parted in the diretion of Wat- egàud hoLveoen Iion tvapluese part af thoni ver. Intercepted b>' tm officers vho srneeeoded linm"king four ocsof the. reeklees lot- are stili = thougt te b. in Lîdingla lhe lIste viilcb soitieniexcellent opportuaitiée 11f cOnOssIiet anti ailpointe of emape baye been clonel> vatcisd. The victiumecf the. robier>' vere tatenm itla outodp tubb.bel ai vltnee.siasd IlvaSredy identill.uth.pre=em wvio ve, r. iietd b>' Cha S brou b a.@M Ivo tcpturedTcesda> igibta 1h. 1#4rth.veoternigih" erdjb" ' ffie, SauBoebcas asep. Stoaille, lsth e vot 0 a .l RD SPRINGS LF3THING NE you more next w, -M.i HEAI !furnitwre and Undertaking Jt's Easy 10vl.good ltter vbia pour -0m, pueieM.d lm f t 1 hi.e 10b.heTundp, Jul>'4, offusthe. tour dapu ing lei tbe trotticumiag R oboIt! at the. nev miletrac of êý-lbertviii.Troting O 1--8aturda>' Amoela"ln sud a reord broeklng crovwd S1 ay to~ Fort viii h. on bonau b itisi oMMea.0o1the son a wel bout ver beld la the. bi' a north couatjy. Tires 560 bung up ntt>' k11usd. sd a 2:1S and2M0 tr ot aud 2--m pec area t f Mtheattractions. You *1 fiand DO TellI hus product& btter entertslame than at the. races hdragi doWff nAefaspâte llm. ' e>' momnint AtTii.Truc.. à épromng There are su mail>' ornée It he trao front orit at the. preeeaat tI. imetal It b blard t106 w a q nfotc eitimlate lJi. number vîithi e noi, eor aria Le 'Chil sobut ccording tasmre ot Lb.bores. ahe en%'" in utiere muet ho upwards of tvo t oi. vas hundr.d. 0f thon there are ail aorte UbertvilIe death muet and kinde. There are borne that lîttue The irqnest j0 .xpe ted of aud borses tit are ex. lrwoud and ptecte 4crry off th. ighest pis. ran a store (ue empecifllul' ooked ta t a achreve wifo but no wonders andi b. learow under the __________ tutelage of Àd. (Inn iifgf ttti 1foithe. "csday nlgbt vark whilb le eUt out for hlm. Re leaa ed at thi e - ad a yet bas namark and with tha i aliystonder, ith eona ,Pmnder, leaa, anid a-Lhall ciadidate for the. famou, C ofCstakea of $150w0. at Detrit. Bnaine le Water Difreet Intaîr shap andi b4' om. ho le blieved toi give f criai la the.prombueof ibelng tiie fastest borne, that aià fei for evet lit te4 a shoe.. Un Tussde.y nornlrag ýPc tie ont!-e ho warmed up a mile lu practýe. in 2:14) an.'., whlch fiat, teLa tuai ml. male Liis yenar tif wbileding theth traseksud within a fraction tof a iqarer. ecnd of1 the track reeord. One-n. l1ti tiauwlat bellever inla b & looeltUie ,u,3 efrorts eaid teIblhof eo ne d Io lm-) ýjw eh,,,ked prove au ho liad le Lhe peut that h. der coutrol. would do a mile la l.n than 1:50 bel ore fl tihe bran ho.retred (omuthel]!nt. ron foundrp Un. of Our aid friëade leLttle Wonder, Wa"uk eau' a elever littl. brovr that oertani> lives mnIýPol7by up ta the. ams iietowedjýupon hlm. M cCorm icl senitaho Le.. than a ear afgo ho wai bought for m-wrndrun $150. sud nov .le helM aI 45M0. He v er. savénI. wa» rald ner Aut lochby Bert Rende. viiols îake and lma"ehie firet &appence at Ljh. lieruiera Sud L. count>' fair aau puer but later te- as tho changeai hie igaolea a truîsMd inthat Ie L.Ath ri I le r tl~ ba. ole. IHenov 9W M L'n ne a n sd keU*W 1$' Gia&i Bis>' vho it usaIsli h bu a.4iege Already 'e. rues). l i peàtls fot ths uoa ln:sae4rly cott' EChalulaism a fait mm lia hmn almo$t flac, of Norvalle, avisai b>' Sciaroser p bouale@. ItBrne. of Hail Dey. BStcîi aIms tou from tilsiing have turned a mile wîtbh bl 2:12( iaaul>' taket fluleîilng tho lait quarter 1 '; 30%, tues Ir uninltiateti being the y-tsut of b. hors..trahaeuM ,eeented a viioli>' at thietlocaùtraeat. The pride of truth o tifhe tuas stable hawe'eer le Noobt, a Lree- 1le agoe ho atte= y >ear-old ovusai b>'Dr. Manuel, ci g h tpDePlainer, awpet vithut a record ho t p et"hr . liêtii.ear eutered ila1$00000 Worth <of Ju l y ,. TLough stake. t watersud Lo ti f Lb. Swansbrough stable adand trained b>'WaJil. Nygonneilein tip At Liberty reni e. top shape and hmi vorked ont in 2:18 iU a ganne>' ithin the lait ev daye..Admirai l rin"f 'ec Sauta.peon, anothor green pawer trained b>' b St bers if ithe sanie part>' hmidune quarter. an 81. wepe o i c irlca fr egne. Large fiel, e and gtar>' of homes in A B. Soe.. ie inelebe on Sume day pou viii et a laid wse id>. when you feel a Pain la pour boweie, Dr. Kng'a New Ule Pilla a sure cuie for3Ra ail bovel andl stommab aâwm»-n, BÉ suiai hoadca, blllonainse, ~tveaima, etc. (iuaraaied- et F. B. LO:vULsL'II, Liberty-. vO.olI' e ta " iPtbemff Grapslake. Fregil ~ A . cSTRAM SLiberyville oa 14 tekel 218 Waabington Street lag.WaukgauFor furtber infa rE We have Just recelved a new' Une of white vwa*ba64 SkirtÈ made of INDIAN MIEAD MÇ4SLIN and smilgIIý $1, $39,9 I6 and' Wo-will ho ploasod to show them. White Shlrtwalsts ln Many- Sty, e & I d k Mowers and thie World. Sce us about i 51.50 A rville Trotting. Ass New Mlle TrACk Ids of Uigh Cou. :ies IEach N SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE iers the best attrac"I County for JuIY 4. lrmatlou addreés JoEN R. Tm J. 8.GRIDLEY, SOC.. a peu mal' likm veb~w, Oute Buy o *~W~iWU Uibertuie, IUIi - 1 wt

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