Esv.I » .tnai suit . lu gtii, v daher. Dr;.tln toi ut thé PInonliaI :b pbatteaise t bar teath b; pIM aO U&eclgflS~. mljn ho ete O iaI Wte -sn<1aged rIvr l ct. Qilver Trane. hu aim aloi iWitt at enli elt au, the ehm i ean ast2 01ocb ha* dlauverrd alb river ta a rondl. itu, butt lisMan guI sva;. vw ~7 Ite, are liaI lhpie alter Il( 41,d s tseOpinion id gi.enal it aua b; troalnug n.Yoiu'ng si6hhl5 e r Il. El PTA T ?15VU 5CAUGUT. OP hIrOlla At-SArt-~itd 4SOlsa 00 lahO eReovsred. Uý oulu thla Ae Couatr; for tire. en ~losa *4ln sAuttomuobile;, lion outiim th fiè agrit la wooslshec b iene t<lus;1 tib, as* t l Shilf <S0'E5e. i'ts eg s to n char«es 91 la m au s e usbîse jvItb vii- t p-ueI isoptutheir anavers ta e SeL Tie bol*S ait tle<k lume. me ai kg I. Keilli. leraIt iemnd utUnbea . %ée. ail t fC'llcio. Enthidlail ;esrs Ir t~aerthelim; lmttel steaiia'the ln pile trona lui front ut s reteuradulh çistt ast l>liîn lrretelalu h51 Cty, 0 -Llantouant Illten e1thie (CentralI v à» on vos .ntuinlted ihh. H. il ,niS lie macins belungreiltel'retsri %«. The baye a idt ual vies lie nu lxth linslilse tic;Istn l tride lu MWth icty ontIter retoUrthelie suIe-G élile a e eplae f roua vifleh IL vas ru ma. -IL vas go rnihtu," capaluetl aug Kril, *"hit vo torgelt te relurs a Ueiue ul jusIt ept os riding. Ws O os te Fot Sheidani. wsukeganthcI l,.Oher Plagen.Final;l..hemachinÉal &M.D t aundast e puhedtIhfutreoad sa Mlle &losga t contr at anoi b latine il tea rapai tutopluiWood- IM 0%aIf.1 50E 5A11K EstiOAmOnait w*tà~l eet a dlielloalIuoI ,»t jary rettrnet Évs ~walloa' W. Juege as tha par-a oftedYIattilig onâtm'go et e-Zdgar Cenl; NItIonal Bamt. Tiserit Utpgwst mare "lie lta ucaracler 1Il d useai t e iimcontahia anembeF 0etal U"* 1>5 <argetes Clh Ingoane b-W et tie suslelons at.rudleti et of IIt.Tire.etflite buta retunsielmirr thé testrultîouiofethle bank bo"tsndt peon, Wville the oth- c .15v. te do vi h.builduligs adJelu- el M.A thi e malt ot expert investilta- b Ofs thes bOoots-now praclicll;co- el mo&L tie once"tofuthelbast aulior- t idth latement liaI a shortage ofT ' »D0 bon bec. aucotert. Tic; as; v, ar am uI el preparedto laIe bow h ipeelaion has beaisecoupliOt. 01 irhier tevelopOlenhi ut Impolrtantcele si .Ibe gaet tlat,,îe ahîpuite t ooe; I ,de te grain- cOmlmloil boumss b;n pkooepar W. W. Jumelen, nov enter $ktlot fer bowing op lhe hast, aro e mîd te sggregahe about $ZO0Inssil S&M il s final replote- SUe sON Imm oAL»lOW. c At*- I e WjBl111inpgSsorafrthe Mu- S kWwf in.5.os Flet h Iira oIt, andeetitegt, in il motier *lshed lu -t- sheaseutlen, but he sait:. "Don'tf ILI Moite e se Mun erve.e ks indashtuebroie to-n mud -%» kedJifbhoaed nrthlin tegaMy,j Vapfl: "For ait lb.esdîne bave Cook- bo agaim t. hoicJours of Gad 1 I am il& woman00bats m'berci out"$i ,h uit. o rap.dnous.raes lins r s lied;Botta tranglet him hem se Cdet. De~ igh6p ounletafreof o!ry vot uliWies 'i. Ilv e ia1r- i TI ir , mWs;tý ý9ý ««4 llssUIisud tIli- 1 a ye tam band. Dut. " suatb S -a eroelet b; - sue t ebklenssor et l *I kt isgax vi ,%txsed-t" 1W 'Jia emI-stlalb.shep astiihe. *#s. utist si orl; etter el ple o- a15 justi- -b.1 l lh ie -lsmsotesudo four Fm-t OMrtVli- 44m eisItu tsa~itZ~rê tiIh mud 9s svss lu S0*-"" li Tlho 114hof 7t1& 110M , i garter te.'1A"reà, vwl[eosallte #I >9 iol a mutaaee viiilie outt1 >usnee« nueoof écia, but Wa recent nuraiti tthé Iantelcet aftramp, W*$d uSniweiiLowlas I Off he naval seetes;.va ttvatWvll rlnmlpgfron theiicrabiet Nsvatt llapen viich ho vas stationot off lisotelta loint. aiout sevra mlles *hove Acoas- io àMd. Tii: Cialcsansid £&MstenuIlnl* 15 id frelglit sud passeuser teutW St Itlou. contaiuing thue ciii.! dispai.s'a id ta'aumsaor'mlles. t-ugbt ore ffeIt eparka frona a poulet. engins sut W" .tinelj' consuiet . Eimatmtes. $ M.i tenir;cotereit b; lumirance. Wile fislnlur'rCarmi, lasper Jeu mson reai t tlesutd«90%lleim as air, dsa'ed bis com»ihale a. k obtus, te abool 9t t ilis- Uubt4 idi lh if nle bailmtMtU~iIUb ae. canard probabi? fiai lajsa'- Sbm, AII;uiAnle. w4vItee a llai %ai Vèsçllleu. vIllsgiu'a. aot et- chat -te a #gs0sele teve,- ot e %prou te vlpa svag l-thesriV", ,.mngUnolatfdta lhei pte.ustoite" as an 99011osI1011 W" en atiloli elo in lamen. .ands"a vas frsettalI;baurd betoe Il ecoumli .sxlgi5t OttoeuoHen..,a Deseuaiarnes aud, Who elepatto*. leseli, MIdi, vlhtthe t-;ssr.olul daegliter et île 55p10Ot, C. wallon. andv. Wï en l tiere.,Wva an tet on the charge et abtutln pui vo- tuulng lt. ewallon home. fi loft is untbiul hriteli Clmlce hosiait lime -suIft ofis Intertlvie vî*tbiber tôlier. Wbuile roînnuluehomoethmUIl uei-Otg et the dirseton r tlb. Fins allenal@ suit et (lieet illiam A. Calpbiu. uhe camuier. troppeil tesul ou lis sîreel iter. Uri" traerPell about hall the liec.The cOairocIsqitutslhouet laI Ma': Campuiarmet et li t lluIrse. Mr. Campsil us a veliinuvu Diuo raubat boiàIi acteraIeOuint; Ece ne w«i5ii ;seuoIt0an hguavveie osone. 1 Tre.lpersenasallera bIlet andtwtvl- loe lnuret .ID the. vnscbof su esist- olcni passetaser trai on lie Sethetu isîilva; I etolduaGale. Tii. trahi wa aCotton Bell speUcta srYlos Cnýmed- le erennaieiAt lm- tu1e. Kr. Wbile a'uuunia a péedof e fit; mills Ianboue tie englne slmnet a prest rait ou a tresitie Iveuil; fretl ifl utd the enginesudafoJi cesebi erset vetnwusuansutfon te lte bottent et tbé sthe. retiofbm3MNr caitstrmlia, etof lera, tiot ;tls»ve rai heure et teribls en -1is.(Namt- berlein vas vorkins %1»«nthle eot lovTe, and; thîn-th.;afe, &hst ýgàms out. pouret soues oite. tithe lutluit, Tiisre was an explosion, mdellCe vas on- Vel410Wl ine. ns. r.'lýanomauiIs ns. rnm lisb*, bouesseresilut ute lthébons tf a »iigboTic smhuiglne vas caliet sa t aI l igi tat trelther 0h. ns. tete lii,. »rd ageno. Oiih* dsoo80n lfter seachin; lithe aopihaL Frank Roinson. s ceOOItheli.privte car et Ulales A lacsenýPerai ailcite. for lb: Barluges rente, vis va.aI e- endligle fireigbt rate heaniihttoi.etlh Iti Boord t allrsd suidWar.ioim Cemlamiein, lusirnifold, a&,anülid leiti (hUes WIP W. Sutea. 85- o'n ballt'alm obuSote mstop tiirovmi 'ubtlait ix t sMt - blssop r"failli ud, dting a qisstei Edoluaaoatteekidt sullon vîi a huiteet k i. * A bIàmuol édaot boociet eut mtuiof etRoblngo- tit. Dotectite Begàartusvrent lee.d?- oo)'s ait suditR4bluseui-vas rrialet., . Abrahami Lincoln, Pee ost *0-1. -G. IL, unvolt a&tatute, o! Abrm ii- coin et OatoOtB Cetiarter;, Chicage., Tie statutLetoelee8 Ssud 10 fret mti ant lu ea'ectet upbit thc e Ot'$hurai loe &utong tliesnuvited te hoe prefflt wee Lbomaids-iViiatW. W. Bl5ctaua et Butes sud it Itle peut teparuuieeltrosi btnlt. luictl lisC. lMoankt ellItee Ibi pinIps utMms xoftpi Rossa- 1sss, om aderet litapost iat risge0!liep5erau. uda sonueorMa'. Rloeiain *Ïtetlib tIsisatue. Tho IlîlunisCrÔP 5WMtls As& 10111i Ce:rn bas niat moiret etaffl tu naSi parte o ettueestrsl ast4lstdd0 t'ts. Most toIts bais-beos cuiet otec and uMura seond iment. Tu nrop In eans,bas, s beititi teMoitanastsosa & geot staud. lui b@0lis Ottdili tutits£ dtls t. but ne b»ré l et *tlgir, s inen entrai iddel in lie, soulierSdistoi x8é 1- w"wo ant promldlai4s siI.; bya u1laga amrot. Wiisat botteot ha, begutla e'mie. litIo -oflii*-othisoalu ib-bl ctl in tera iee rp la roof icnt. ,gI diaglt f lva o auuat iiortisnn £itIt" lte out#w tomsWalJl homeg Ilt, B*itolls ntabave s<s poume trountteuth. lo lb" h*Otlt lu lo seau &b -musl.Gardosaandt .itto are tous vl)ex egii lite sioutien distrIthere amoîstae tausbatlir nmedw Egxeculng te th. lotIes a thmst bi laomad t su oaas i te>tst s p Dg iscanse o et tii.tiflt hareceiss rtru1he KanS (IosI -SeardortRevisli ~ tu, iisre.alIP of uthe l>i »Mlàio r * i pTv. omea a i epori insrsnid, aebodMiesp 1ets .en st by adslth le Pecahoinîca Siver jet Yrespcet fi le beisieve thtuewo stouées, vhite .o loe tienda. enteret. lnto a suicidé compact becîmuse et dis-b spiiutuaenl lu a love affala'. A pocuilar t lepture, is-ov.n. az revealed at lhe pdblmmlteuia xasiaîlon. vhich tielosed limat Ille eider vomntanouthîti;died b; drovnaug. bul lie gIrl dIt sot, as hon i1unugs wve s Oled wvihtair. There vas s large cenusieosber ion chead. Il ha hies coromn's lisea' liaI lie girl visied le vlittsva front lie suicide copiPact andlt the . vean tuioctet euon- scloi o a t trev ber m lite vals.V Tbero ta butel on l olfet otat:ps ntuet huent siet ne signiaetofa body uini dragete fols i-ter. Mnm.YTengsasuit MWsSPliever- iutlipate despile the. ob-a jections ofthle parenti oethlejonuager voun, vie esteavoret la vain lu break up thi. riendsiip. lMms.Tondsg batbeen etranget froint . brlumnsp for tIve )«5m .Tiare làa a ien? liatue thIvoü yonuig vons ver. frequesat;iite compsani 9f Ivo Young Mon, vie vie Iltevi efcose fnients, seul 1h51 a 555i- tel ovore »e asi gb»« resmltla mh. eStrangeaiu et bath esupluesut the re@it-se ofIfi e wnàteu ensd *iielr vasa il' dectit. Thert" t igmeut"Wi celesabetese sulerqu laSlive rse 7e germenle vese tount us inAViet1bout Neitiaar et tehne xv oues conit asu- RibÏ.oSov f t 1 edaste *ad I«mesin Coisseat MartseunItexertcl teh-ý gIn 15 réaîlse on theïsr holdings lu lb. pst ew ev et, aslb.efIgtandarl 091 Coumpeurilas tcldsdte enter lie Ua-. sea ioisl flet atd as sîresti hogna le cenaluseà ape fn hueroug i lucte1 tnav tb. oU trou th. Villa te tue rail- va; alaliou. IltaÎ$ sti1matet fiiat $200,- 000 yull b. paîdtotethé heitera et tue, ct-ne produc i.vthls les ta;,. Mure liaisevst;-fts vlabave air-at; issu sek ntditpnmps l lui ofet lent vonî pretuce a milon dollars' vonth et où lu j, short dine. The rmeinfiltthtle Standard vIli bu; a&l the lîlîpes o01 filet tli ;eau geltletat.reup fton heL inatelaàthe Kansas filI. The. pries' toid lui Charleston l1575 doutsa sbarreL. 1111it ees vith Atmit-stte w*wewa** liea Maràies .Ts el* driLut*s.eut lb. abseics front hqao ie svelibues .fstbga'. iho b.d bien afto isi vti a club. Ilutoltai »tsIninetrRacine, 22 y;cs aoit, vent te 'thm bLemoeutAgiles lameson, 23 ;ears nidl, sant ald- "Nov a i le neor uev- or, . ete *kp,'O Wlthut vallng te cisnse «%b«e othli h b.irl stantsul. Ai- rlvlog e ah Wsita. Justice Ortie unîtet tiuslaurt"PL g Bteiùkesl t laItfor .4n*tbo be Wt ied, t geslm aueot- Iuosrt ftay, -batlith athcr vas fou vigi- lant and sgpe*mie. lie teciaret ho bat -ba cesnt to t» tti le its h; ltaba b at hcétbet crest tu se el 10 Wanksan. cmc~êt~auBx OSL MiNES. Thealek .DazandCopaI Vemapan; t a. s IItW s»«Je eemonà ars, Klig , Cà, gê 5IbMeet ftbow latent" of dtoiet opo pionpleuntheoë ous on- *abon*U. 15.P foé lismbine $100- Rol 0 CS & 0@4< a.bIt options à wme totbW, hsqe ceaI ialues le 14i00ÉpÉS "bisent 1la com d jUlIIIC*S TO 4PU ZWoERK. f ur 5 Sau m lau léi Thseupeue Court -bas teslenalet , atire. OCatwvright, 511km a s s ea ds ceumlnetaer, li te enectlen o! lie, a. s*I $npveais (hurt building lhi SprIna- ~a '.iltet SnpruuieCourt reporter ler Ii w g nerr os INABERS Id bsm11ath5 oase I;I la»mi sn ti « bava. it l Pire bs-prluilff tetroye tc e lic t .oleuilou CIl;.Oie en tieoStIlu e! WsI0 vas e l Su the 15II11-tire wli# te?. u- utUýba1*n la. FO ~IY AS- lul.Y I. ibve lasse tends-Acte F111. Refis .Bel" ork*vm 0fse esvlli ot bo el stosaetMar it it foreiui Iii.itlslug .4ehjm 11mb eta-e Mis Mi qo le bis sheta is leplce at pornu tht ~ ~ iL« thid e. SI oî e," iie 14uuSd isaAet ibt Msfrontam9hem. avy*I br prett bar. ie nodermaIl omt h te lets Ats ueuhsot s .esc1h3ne Inuet s, rsu r ouamned Jlut a A" bat bcoo gAt te he tn auet. Sllppg up te teiim ios.a t 1 X&Mc 11111e, graduli eat Edrdsit vou amlngtvo larth ers i- àm Ma lit oe, lbëD bmaOUBL The BIaIs civl Ontffl ciinuilsiOI4 weci viii hoapPoletediic G ,I>-ieen Jli 1. vîl oeasialet thrco îmendiera, Who vill ie oafidfi tri-r wo,j eour and six: Isear@ ec1%1 I' The cousmiostiamie roIS u«* a ,alary outi à y00 esa'&ad t om**P hrai-liig el- h >.15-Tlah ba 5 ve n ia lii ioisluiiC.ttrÉïeilwiS03*isui.ili ad a salary et$f 3 a 1~ vitli travo!iuigc expeuises attet. Ppsseiing as civil ont-ice exa*lîses Mi-49ber.s of atrial board ar nIlS U iýn1andu travellng expee1q1 III. u1ew 1w Pro a vides lialt thes Gotitf)ill ap'ilulthe ;emlselein vIithn Ibeti tio uttr lI;b i adt thela l. ïleingaillclait; the emplaoies t lia ,ecta ciritabîle lu-v mhtuhiin vîll 'dtey as alter tri eppoinIment. - Tii. biord otfSMa» dentnIal oeus wlici- w~ vill be aPgoIMW ;li lt cuion, wvi conatt g* .xsîî,11iera. Who will i. outilli l$R0e pr dîna foruic- tuai service as uit $ e. oneofe tie mentis oet e Ib='4 hveor, @haill set ait secretas17Q4 e ma li à a gaIl àar; tu e tetenalan tWgibeltýan I lPer- 1 mens vho atter ILutf- 1 lusire talîracie dental nursery lui1111801S mut îobtin iI- rensea tront the dentl- bioard. To oh- tain à ticeuiseoh fle apn1t fiist show tIbal ie bas precae t -411 'stry En a ton- li Blute fivoissU M o"ahctively pro- cstluig lie dtle Of 11 PIýliratien or meust le a grtule f ~den'tal coDegle1 viilop tndllà 1=p 1 -itby tuh oard.1 Tbo etpililpllS tes 15$20and license 1 tee 0&. RIs hoides' eta license élan muet pa ith s 1 bt bslce~ereoio oue .4Sle etativllou bIt uM ott hre mernert. mlbi &P polslt lii b. heGovernon. The commis- xlib. at ete xpless asu vIlbe an- thiIauto eappoint an enginee, vie viii b. a"*0a rsasonable compensiation, ta b. detjoasln t h Ie boanit. The cln- msi. wvu craled thle Legaltume for lb. gum es. t cuotiug a coo-ict laier expetitont viti liaril30849daneu draInage. The termi or a commisiontt la tur ers ansrsuthle, ort creating lie comiissiouncantie. an aiproorhallon of Thu amendet fisi' rut gaes lavapro- tvide for pollhlcal patroagetc hlcb atte cosldetahi; te lie (;ovener'a larder. In addition tle ive fiai voardens prottul ferli the: present liw AtaI sa'; eto f» Oper sonam lie nov mcl girea lie (fiertior suthoritîr. luappoint tqus or aiM.,dapUt;fliait wardens forissci coup' ty la t iùttBe.s Il la pruvide't tîts dopett hmasl redoive as th*els' eOlspa tîonlithe sasns tespait costabis ft ,glsilr servicesasuit ne-hait l i ms coilsclet for violation ofetbÎlit s lavlu attIlm. The sev gaine klrai- Ais u- hthes appointaient b; lis ,Blute spuni jatulémt et rous ose ite urc. taPeiSarnt vardisfer even; ycouît; lu iseoiste, Who si recelvc $2 a day., taeling x penssa aI haIfthlie os es ecltdb; tissu. ln addtion ln lhe doput; gaiffe vareuis t l svpneviîcs fr toln gens wartena, viio receive a saliry -eof 00 pet aun andastraveling ezxluens The coumhess nfor lie emutrucilen of a BIats tepartmeuil ot jueties mise0viU i organiseattiern li;1. This cotiâlo wili conat et lie G(leor ieLiuleu Govuseor, Booeetsn ef t Baits, iSeat.Au- dite., StMte Tresuron, Altoepsp lGO& ersl ait tirs. JutgesOfth* *%Sept-u Coqrt, upu iorganisation lia eoeautla s$em vl siet aalstoestnd ftttIn toi bits, Rh.0Ielatîteset ulwusu lis mselon eof a tepantnstet $ate ait SpriuaS11d l11Wrosit $351i0, .1 viIc $IIMICO i-s appropriateil b; ibe Prerti tountti essii AMbl;. 1- Tho *Aesgîselofflcaî mte; t8blflst te 51*1.. ni 111slt mngti'a commission te seunalal lie tiovêesi, lie presidtent et5*ai.*<e aUiverstatelt a nohier peraen tbe-bse*P- poîntefilb; lhe Gevetuion., MmuSsn 8et the eommissiofl ili neeive ,xpesuia manes;,but ne compensatioui- *U.d.rtbli nev Isaw pa'otidlig for tise distribuion et mnt-dtitnlaatllexl lte Blesboardtoet heainlaauthemiis, to appoint aa agent tori' cecountg s8Mi laI. o«'m r slvtscsi;expeuseslucre li tbe appointaet fagente set tor tie supply oet ltexoin- Tba Brolebntt do! Ealla'oat Train- unsoetIllinois hsrecemsitiaedtBq, BiesP1. Wrighl t ofat 8 Louils t41 appoatutisitb; ýGev. Denes asunaDPec- too et luilipent snt olisratiou eotrali rrq4Ot ty e aIes, a Job cntt ilen4sa e a'ev 1 v. TiIs position careirSa sala »Vialéats at *IX1,00 etravelin A ii i ua ' I>yte Forlg- Selei lo., fq ~ appointlte. Rh. luloeheact, vhilch WntS ttmunicipal judesesi Ppointunta, emg.lsetbav csuel Ci- 5eme ~I05# t oda; l ~ ego*~ Cicio car-L î.g ~ ~ ~~hcig mIetIcuI uu ha mcl toll v duril;alluTe;. scteili e ' 54 tor le te etn ftt [ onst to t tolt; Jouli cil;softh Ciy one paforta a, bott e rdio, SdiSpn"hv I ls.ssteact i 1, tfer 090uis lotuisreltet. i ouiojlgeWu (ot couisIt; eiete* kit jhoeîîof e Coeorme;ir by otaq 4 pbe trvuf pr baeord najrate ii ç tod n opo- baeun;OMOut ns; eSedin ook loi.y aresîtoI etroeneir ortioTIo tpeit; emnlsoftnsss.subrd. lThle cov o , n.lortiO. 'rdto ap- point. liare nhermOm foutlnnita-r pont-ted sui t ; ,iutllicois- penmuisto," 1 e ;t.I. dnet thle Theevceatoi e to f0vMpn.erve dis- tricha under h. nOv 1e v cvîring 'tie ussecl carnies uppoinlumeuil loY tt (0- enter et six cetujusLseleSetSfor "cîidis- trict. The comuuioMIsl nust msrvo without compenuiatlee« h, lieiident et thg cuaurissleli vii i e1roa salary e li0syesr. atl tellesIU ig950* 4y ue d4!!glosaeithD as glà aviceW?. 1 tbttIlsionm egulifft lie- aOmm bd' nfluenc. of the lUnited th Stales lnlnducIagthe befllisernutetO Ci eter't t negotlonafor th.e .r- -le nation eoftth. unr. The. ilUsIso5n-f d e;sa ii be ble te luicrease teïr th noQWbtEOet' Ameriean lqsWUtlos5^ ft t tta. ftA*e t effiw tefl ti la toite ^ Am*haOptoil n vil; cvoex, , 4 A».. - the MMf. nth luéSe itotI gveu sbon ef te Fi'~trI.01hl in Wsags«tII uisa. miolit.. trl. e»M fort. 0 P4e commmsastro aait poltice prôaum~ix c*haswonl4 haie te .en xel ie4 be 1*' 014Worit 'bat ai le con*rmceuSm sbealt at », oint in zurope. ,ltu. . wiIin la avisof th. pr*1saffe4« ltOiMt ,gltlug lu bis <eqnmtry, tpentes p- t lb. ttr, t l e f r ù w o « à mU 5 < t f o r t h e B u - d , lsi people te preent tus sxstcise 0f t, MW ettrappmosi n S ncete bauger1, theiegq«*aoè l4a ileir d.ileb iask. a Thi &m pan- s l > ,.01 The seletl«of et lValgtILS thes place for holding the peace ""gth- il lis 18Lhgeicoc.I8la lcal i uense tthe United Butes bas » VO- Itical Intereat lui iii. objecta Or thes prises "of thé wi.e -wlh hlsM hurlendstCerea le 1Uilledtu 0a bas end 4sslres neting but held1tly commercial relatios. On the Asiltcemajnlauid v. tere lrh no terrlto17. Se that Il be e gOVerfr il ment capable et obaervlng ltp inter-' ntional obligations ast villlng te give ount country a tairandes equat oppor- -unsty, uc care sot who or what lh. gocrnmeuit tiers lW. Furtibermere, ulth hotte tussla end if Japas our relations bave alwsYs boss 1 mnt amicable.' We bave recoîvet trlendir services froua bhu.and ment aolably f rotteRa". lI "Pi'ls preg- rein vs bav. taken s pocuiar Interoot icaua se Votee -hie sen et lu- duig bert temergefrent ber ancleuit ueclus[a nd suttla pon tii.rond il 'lhite bai nse mesulli pur- t sund. We eoni t urnage Russie sud japan r to make our capital thc acene ofet '£ 1 peancnegotlation. AUt we conît dot was t0 auggestthat t tic ry te cd- Fuat ther quanrrel. Thola' agreement upen Waahington la a concret. recug- tla tio rour befletelent dispositioni te-1 urard them.1 Se fat as lh, Prenldont la coneroned, [t mi; ho statet authoritatlvely lIaitc Lt la bim purpes. te observe a strictly neutre i attitude. He ie vl Interfere on1>' upon theo nequeut or ithe tuebelligOi', etia te facIlItate esagreemnent Or lai case American Iutersta are titreatesed b;r any proposai 1h51 usa; tue mate. The: melection of tii. 115110<1 tatue s net lu eccordaticeuW"Iatbe lent-C pressai tesîre of lhe PreeldettHo wonlt have preterre nme oth«er cun-1 117 cm ithe sSeofetegottathlm&, bo farted t Ilgil h. asi t uistbattus 1luiae thlé nogodiatieus.ilh. vasaia- tesapllig te put lte United State us1- dul; forvard as a peacgnaker. Tbe objection whlcb the: PreiMeht enter- tined, luowever, use SIV114t cale bi 1 the. direct relquegs recelved troun botteb hellIgerents. ALLXIS aGIVeSUP NAVY. Grand Daim. U11184119 09COers EssBiffeu.a .Hat et Enss ias let, The. sensatiouial nnuceuent vas mate luaSt. Petersbiua'g Thea"tha Grand fluke AiîdaIsthelii.hadmirai, Who i lauinuncle o et Ii.mperea', sud Admirai Avelaui. heait Oetht& RusaIan edmiralteparunulbad relguiet. This atpnooncement vas folloee immetlatei; b; sanIell reftinu ilerii ie« te Girantdlube oftha e pr.m.direction Of th. navy, wvicitho.batl beldaluce the ta;. ut thé. EntP.roa"m faut. Altlough trouatime te tiunesince tis ver begaui theri have issu rumEtslatt the, Grand flube vould retire o. accOnnl efthle-gavage critlclflpo. el e0u0eharei- et terme, dhrected agnlisl tiihe dmlils tralion outhe Davysperlallyinluthe con- struction utfcips. tii.annowieemeuit et luis resignatios came lIte, alboit eut of- lh. bine. Ti lutaut'tlsIol wuva le regard ltsheîrelmwbt 0f land'Ilube Aleis asd Admirai AveliAn as6 a cou- cession, te publiceplnlOli. foloiring thé ca'owuilsg traget; eofltheBMa Of lapauL Charges et nlmuuigemu anud Inefft- cloue; aut tales et corruipltinmatdevb,5 Viousneagalst lie -amarinfteprtmest bave been rite for ;eeft Grand Dall:Aleiras hiaussltdIt fot OF- c e p e rso ai attache a n st aca 4al v an seha b.yl"hiIs namenatIbu was sot. eersl tImes the suiblset et public temon- etralois- he el oss f th* Grand Duke iras blhîgnth ouilb ia t hem. conemnet b; tie lenrrorlend sutatt.. "B.Od $u- fia;" (Iau. T2218*4 B va. r.po,'ted tiat be batll 50 atussat. ut il evulePet that h, ras mogeW bks.pIug eesss vtuis hie 9.lsae ARIZONA WILL PLOURISH te lits A" Lots. ea5the put sqarikng lMItaton et tii. IaSlitate Iob. êesul df rees b. &Mâi il I igahnet sMWt ant. sle, te b. foquaithlistm*rli>et LAIseu. of th,, n2Tfl.120*" of end 4lui tis trri- tory, bW. 5.=». fS ers bave lhos av- proprlat5d te prwte aoiip, aenot 22% par cent- o! vile »Wa so "' etua cullîtatlen nt1 Ib StIns. The nsUra fev etfuioulmlul stramu» ablieu taiet tte ls nIma mu nir watae , r, gale hi.slent, oftou tanIlaste psevil. Golden Tez.-Butthee are rlttt.n. 1at l: ight bl'4tâ Christ, the S3on otftioà; and that botlai- âg l migithave lIte througli Ris àame.--4obn 20: 31. It ln wel tu study amBuitpartions et te Bible caretully, but it la uiemusal, êijqutly te rond largçe'portýoset a tme. If we arelte really nndestauid th4. aie anidmetheâs et thowght of the varI- ope writers. And for a review eson a- mciih aposbeof the Scriptua'. Cet- eed lai the q*arter ahould ho rend cate- ail. Tis là pàn'lcnlsai; essary la rview f our leat two quarter-e50 fr lobs gives us a lite of Jeans tuat landit out ciearly from the pictures of Hia lite givÎn by the other evaugelies. John là» hbi* own vals of presenitithei tacbisgo of Ianus, cand hi. twu spec"a e. Read hi. Gospel tien, front h.giuing te sud, &A&dla ding so thlik that Jon le trylng te preacuit Jésusa Christ te jeu ax he saw Hlm and knew lti. Ton are 1 te ses Jésus througb Johni's cyes.' If you ~a do, yen wiIl ses a wosdertul sîght; semé. tbing leu will ksow te ho a revelatiost toua God. -For, no0 fatter how often yon ay have read and couitemplated the Ilt* tf I eas, fluer. are always new deph et uieanlsg lu It stili te bc tathomed. This in te testimony ot thse who have tut- ied the lIte otf(Christ munt. They se, et tire of stud;log It -and thlbnkin -Tiie, prent waalter's. fessons met luS-, fore os la a very striking ov e v ari- una phams.of John's argument te prove the divinity ot Jesns. The. tiret lessos ivrea us e specimeni of th. teschiuig et Jeasan esl a capital Ilustration et the truth utteret b; the. oimcera urio were sent tu arrest Hlm hut or man spake like th[s mas." The. words ot Je,4sjthle -works ot Ja- ina. and the.lite uf Jeans, nit testlfy that àe won divine. Thia tbree-told têstimenh la aecessary, and in absolutely costinclag. te. If Hia eharacler bati s4 supported ies A W claInts. or it He had net dontsmm* iWonit hm ait noiglut reasonabu; ho cipseted the mtii. a Son utf(lot and Son of Mm ies theals moult bave been gond reasm A tôtdebt- opa' Hia words.' But when va Set tii. r'ciird ot Hie@1lits âMl ,esib1Wug n wuoksa symmetriealata irunoalous. liste l' un wa; et escape front thé. conchwsoa that, He vas viiat He claluted te be...... .... . The ralalut of Lasarus waa-tiie mm% Plriklsg ut the. w9rds ot Iess.nuitIt iW well brongiit launa the secorid lessen Ot the ýutr;ter te hack uiplie ciama lre- ý sented lu the first leseon. Te next link ln te chaisla Ilthe. snp per at Bethany whieh givea ns a litIle glimipse ofthe private lite of Iésus, as tar as He cas ho saidte have hat a"r prîvate lite. It la a beautitul plctaftra marret oui; b; the. ooridly grand e* one trallor amen; the. twelve apostles. Th n tollolva the. narrative oft tri,t r smphal entr; Into Jernealein, the. Orot and uni; occasion In Ris lite os whlch Jeans acceptedtheIi homage due toes à King. But evén vîmen lhe crovd vaso shoutis;hosnsas. v. Oind Hîimthe very persosilcatoi et meekuceas The ftth lesson shows un lu the. 51017 et the. washlng by Jeans etftth. feel ot the, discipla*-tbe estramt u ifllt; of the, Man Who bat _Made. meii enalted clalma tor HimaeIt, auitvite bad reèdvet mneb token t b ornage front the peuplé. missus vos neyer moe . learl> divine tiaiu vuesglgrded vlh s level ansuirtformlai a mont menloffie. Fr no tnu amo- lng te exaît hlmaclf te tiie position wvics b Ieaus claimed as is by rlght void bave thought of hnmblîsg bitumait!lui that val, or couît have due It wltbontlt 1e- crInx hlmselt lu theilsoy f bis tollowers, SThon ive have the hast talko ets wlth His disciples in vhieb vile settis Hlmselt hetor. tbem. as the. very. source etof helr spiritual lite He assoclttd thons with Himsolt so iuhimâltel; that; H. pic- Inret fleta as Ris branches threugh which Ho woîîld bpar fruit and vltbout wbich lie coulîl sol heur fruit. Thon. the seveuth les shows in Ie- sus premenîlu; IHia disciples te Got te ho loved sud caret ffor trtHis sake. "Nov 1 amrnonumore lu the wvend." bd san.. "but thèse are in the ore, ant 1 caet ta Tic,. lily Father. keop tbrougb Thine owu naine thone vhont Thon hast given Me, tiat the; nia; b.asa We are. * 5* As Thou Father art lu Me. and I lu Thee. that tii.; may ho une lui us%." If thât la not n divine ides. If limese are flot tlhe words ut,(lot. whet ide couit ho divine, vint verts conît Tlue, speak ter Godl ThIe Otur>'ofuthtic trial and deati esd re.4urrection, sut ascensIon et Ieans, sud ut the suhuequont faltiliment ut Hlm promiseplunthe.deeeuit oet i.Roly spîrèt s in suhblime. Np humaitImiaginationi could have luveutet thait @tory. Noensllf onai dit truth-aeeker con study Il sudItl awa; front the conviction whIch force<l .ltself un theéuind ef the Roman con- turion wie had charge of the.crucifixion ot Ieaus. "Trul; amis vas lbe Son of (;,ot." _______ Blshop Bcanborough of New Jersey r. D centî; confirmet the [argent clasearse recurtet lui the bîstory otflbthdoes. numbering elghty-five persena. i Ârchblshop Chapelle. tic apestollc dtl- tgIS o egate te Cuba muid Porto Rtico. bas goes « hol te Havanea on a. mission onuiectat vlth tuff is oOce whlch yul v equiresmeveral iboguma veeks te finish. oursiel Justice Harles urges lthe Prsbytrais 14 u",i 0f the. 1U iled! tat s ta bulld lIn W ash- st inglu. fa C., a tirent Prsbyierln ciiurcb-a "mnster.11 ,Wiitiithe huirci h. vents e fitling manusfotutheliteeter, a parlait bosse, a egail cIera biouge. a staff et assistent Minlste.. aut li euk- ",bu e&, and an uteuo ut.- The. . J11 tltt La PMe- tg1doamlteisnatee oftii.(British)> NatIsal' yrts. Chacitcouacli. slà la ahtultet ur the Weals>'a Mstest chihantaii member oethe London sehool hosat. go vîlI bea the tutud Mmetlst fl e""Udio et i Ib Yr.: <Jhurcii eeuneill peuple Iff7lofe~ S'a COLUimP< &» ibebo*ýU A nom VoU? sAIJ li dmasi eut.,