Ina.. ~ lOLICU. A metrsrply, P-bulabad" t-bpik to . cae. inae yEdItorw:L a ,.,= ébli tii. Wàukegam sbrongt -bSSllo d 4W h um oubil«A Vtfimt poh oàh 'w" publléhed lu bis paper e i.5tiw o WMtba ' bd etb lbiatb men an se setue. uérele tiêta" o boaloau tcuielo q'ua"Fb emidlAofU, UireK thé matter Ilmmed rIbefem C sd lnd dut b. rt e b 1 Mme the ffelIowvug proppa* bïmm n 701o mea substantIeL 'Ie 1 SI-6gré te reinove » tteat onesrle ver Ltale.k ham agalàu ami bemlde. tara, On witheut one en'oecot tb. bd pkoperty eoftthe Wauleegs le etier boud yen MaDte prove pus-thea you amete rëmove ouat>, never te ratur ansd -me yebr plaut sud propety ily air. fWryeur P-reponi. >apperentl> a bluff éetde e a, té 10A au lut teL et lyeur read«Oveithchon, a té b. makpg berenlea "eur"yeutéelf. mot te b. oenveléléd luto chat SProve a flasc. Yonr desfre te betaublate env charges befor. honorale, upv ud dueo, l laié,b bnletIt be lnacourt of 'tO up te, yen mr. FoWler 51er tua Incident loaedmsejar oenpper dicvion le thwe fer «W à mwuemea a U964a. peesalme tt 5551 sivasa. W. vS n is esausMplas *" omies" mmune i %Bs k tuIrii. "ILnu brn rea.lls.The rims eely paper DAIS-Ou geod saI e.ut P*UL. ie- -Fr d elbonne. cmi ai Buste,. co.l <earcouvi boume tbeir .Pas rogear BUS IU we saation gOaInlattis maauer SI Sultedla thé. capture eora.v«LWI odtbe gang ln. cger. Orneo ý et immn captu 1 bcas.etknowladoobtal.di inbt mmnnes et eues'o6ùoad lu- ave atilIatI n g souht bythem Tii.>anar&ai&to tavre werkad ln veri mthodical usmartnd ee. te bave badý a earLte oCamy avay the plauder, wbleb wasthrown trou the ffovlug trelght cms.The. gang wns eomnpoeed of well knewn creokeandm but for tte leveor eoup It in probable tat suielent avldmen culd net have been ebtalusd te btlng cre . gluthei. SBba,'ItPow*ell sudmDtectI voKdofe are demervlng of much credît for the amnaterly lýu wblcb b. wyboea cunqalgu t InLthe . inn es IIOout. Wrlgbt and lorrmen ame new ln tii. coutL>'1 A t Wankegan cIt, t ibey boautoteir mladeedsansd telletftii. way in wbhh for. a, lo i t deleated justIc e a alving at othar paoieexpeuse. l le ftlmatedl thati &Qai tbey obtaia fully ten theusanidallamImmru eoteraOp tils, tb. uaitmatle robblug ofr algbt trgins havtap exteuffd aver a taom of ypams livuke Ue e M u BIG CASH PRIZD8. Tii. fourtb national encanpmeut of lIme ModeM Woodme F~er ait ubelog huit at tale. jrk, bNllwauleau. Wl.., thls ceoe. ItlI.a xpeebdtat imover %00 nlomued uma cUl bein lu ca. mokaloeJoa. J. G l, ofloc brbgado &W tOaa. lag Soucond brIgade Wl1l.hlaeeluud. Ti SSnc am leo udrilli..... . 1.... Juar lm t eau dril .............. 945 Peouatmaidrll ..............6M5 flttêlan dri.. ...............,' Bn ote...a ................... Mo Lim..«« er aa m iner prI datr.y,]5fl ienk ofequarnrteu m8; ba.t Prim dviii b>'Julor oodmea Ilbe *dM ohn ow over 74.400 1000 îuuwsu pameld te atta II méli tul emus'Wedou. ar. i7 lt. scorebave amurlvefu leaka. athe I~Vsoauety h10Iavlag lIebad carlug fr te agmoe.Le ServIm as B ag nt lb. pvbytedta chucblà .uadai. Ilnbjst et ev.ig1 sermn Thé Flbt fkw Truth." Nxt eglar ueoting oft b 1.kaadM 'Deo", 'Amebelaeaa Mlb. attlw boue .9Mas. Farunuon.ýFmid&y aituoms Jua. 2& TM W. T. U.ciii mm$ elt r soe ,drlai l ansd t Xbexl If lkIayy.,u e .28 Mt a W -ockfor l 1.obfta t e 1i potwe................ sé0e £¶aaoroadbus toC&B L R~O tl 0 fttrevus DJ eeu mweftoO&BIL '1 mhug e se12 Newport twp v l.d .. .. ....... 16M0014 WinSltiohr antd w! téC &;BL Ity Ce strie I1Olf eld thmuhq3j $% :ANew- îpart wp wd ... j... ......61200 L A Otarr and nrf to CA& 8 L f Co 4.18 acrec in uw% sec 24Newport twp cd ........ 0"'06 Reea J Hawkins and hus te C &a LRyCà 5 5 a*e?.'la, air% âge 24 Nasport twp ivd 1550 00 Oranger Farweli and wl to C t & 8L Ry Càpart »X 10 abieidetwp wd ...........9Dé00t I3my Muto 6"bu taC 0 A 8LBy Co 9.8gaemIÉhin » à RX e ~ sc12 Warren tep e 4., 1018 de 'a Npot tp cd.......0 0 Win" elFumla"d cite CA L Ry Co 16-60 aeres lasee 1 Warren tcv and lInume 86 Nwpat teP cd............ .l6w100 b laW cittteüden and eftec & 8 L RyCo arp 800 ft vide thverouixpart swýume la, Warntwp wd ...... ..... 21009 c W W OIIdOand c te 'ýClaton=oaghain Ils 26, 84and 85blk 1C F Wrigbts add to Libertj'vle vd ........ 5 Wmltb ad eto Ier C.Beth IL a&Wl fit 15 ceuty Clrk dl-v ilegof Barrlngten cd 2700 6tS BEctat9 01VWnfBrooks (seed) to LOUs W MToyutéu part mse2 Cubetwpanid part osec 85 Wauecuda luap w d ............ 100 il J Page ad cf té -B S Baminoud lb.12 84,21, 22,2n 24 biîk tiuIe add té WaWMo&dA Lii..Park q ..e.. 64000 »M"asà gowar d hmb.té il A W fi L21 lBocard à C rant tep P X lIget eand w toJaeob Ûoeldbuldt 150 te.ut huâtt on0eelsegt- 281 bot a or. Vaor StWaukeffl Wc4.1200Col *- W Edw"anad Wl to lehWand sud M NHgIt h 31 anid *MEdeards sublu Mee21 Avc twpcwd ......27500 AiUJ Devise a" muato n mKomdy wct 100 M itlu186I lb232 Laes Forailt 'Wi ...d .... »......... 6m0000 W W Davs te C W Taylor adm LIJetrviIs c d.....i600 OS0 tinah" TrustCo te Richard A badueulbaadadjohlng ded. 3000 9lut BA tumsoelgend.t te Job a AàUnn 29 and i bI5D K Vaufrngas ilgbksadw e .....M9000 Mary L Ricard. tel c aibe fll htk1 Boumna Mark lase go Wst tlb tvp Wd&... "04)0 Berad.Iber it et télýO A.Iiab cd100006 L a hti**muad Wf te John Ola.uôusst 70M t bitlà Llbetrluo ... ,....1OO àmuR tFlbr sMd has té LB8 Huby lb tlu vIllage ot Lbettgvüwil ................. 250006 É "twIsy ud witu Lake ZarIcb(v=%in 00CaIt la vilgie 1 liký ur e.;.... 1 00 9 C Burne tu Acfra.t South OU aere. nDesee22 Derleid tep Wcd...... .............-.1100 00 Wm Neeatad wito 1 E jol a-t W a%~s82 mto010 tWp cd. ...........011000o L»..i150ii.le nover knoemt tones. unIte tale. a oeadleadom tg l.'Tha velua o e lin te"d rain tieigen.tra. bualong. woeo¶nIud iluth. attugat otf imom c the bdd«mad iffla ln miunj.e la mer . ,,, DEet ti.'derai autbora"e or and couacil amu Sgnrlug'on' the Iniale. or la sou. wu# thi e s'.nt . mm"toda'01 -the. caLer suppl>' trou tii. Iver bt beenau i orl lW re and soundînga bave lia it ha* been decWleLibut thlie Sld et neceasty have té b. uL nearly a tuile hte the. lake 10 ttof depth. Ilecauseof 'Pense thia Would mm IaV1le Mt .rAb Wll abulit it tii. 0preaunt Intaw sWhbi cwl Wswer fer the. prenant- The is tbat, eeuetilg *Mut ho lard agailuetw Lb. ahr iu bel ge muaI troble bat An d Wiouer oý thé. Dlamond Medal forTrtr. . Saga o~l Paon --Bai fln N mass SO0L ON ,G R AlTMAN l--rottIfit Rac&ï<OCOr~iuf ff2ë[ Son ef1fGratnan2:18, dam Zilcatieo(dam a&M6 ct ObrlsGrattIna2:21%). b>' ZIlcnidl i elduL; 4400l; second dam Doer, b <On. KuKox 140. mons bataln ail cmers, ineludluag Lb. asiet pacemu ia ï;;;;.go ii rWltr. t4uperb ladivlduaî, bigb scbtm front ami a&M Ornetftbe but galtittrotteron ltLhe w4rlI, amdi a h eit'ati eéàa grarnd Wlo et é. lu"wnProm a wagon. seg .Bahcock eau tblioen i SE idls at o hbmi.' hmtSal 4. r Ba S SeaLb ha t"I ksau b. 3t ôI. Pa cou lew nuPSj *qual te PaUin RIfoer obms o WM. IL wllI ffet âmu ejau- * Urn ruqured Ity sa$ther and K ti' h; maeruwtbertyvîllle PSQN STOCK F .IOfN R. T1IOMPSON ,Pra*lt. Addrsaa J. W. MURRtAy. Sup.rlntasdenî. Jul>' 1 *vseday ami Fou eavbyuw un Wedoosdeg .1. thbe1msof Kgma"> biglCea aml a" rodmudber m i)n re la i tae Moi.mmo~ual. ne bas thé Rmai,. psedquullt a" Ion, sud ta. vr>' bteto t Md'a Isu mai go ta me eh Wli bdmardage bois. May e01l6Mg«ihave bSesi otm lrW, me Mud bren snt te Germas>' amiFrana. Rhi Moaln lime sIre 0of No but monlubu v ice caw wm outpi i lenin Uem, v eu., neth tire a b. np,ý T K Pb 1er eus offorsd fer male on ti tard el Ir*it.Vouday. Th a decemi &M e t 20e a ponu ut l4s thé dIstrict during th No seeraIAbou if, 0 uset, 5*5 fr t W o ever Sûe eaBysi, Ia hing lu Mo , etve mpe wbuel Wike 1,1L didW'Ltales l'ugto id @mre1 ad, and t inluail O. X eyea." -wrte. 1) Lh. Greory,o 3 Um 04 leR J. a. D. 2.10%;cao - lmt-tr. 2,14 Lady ldmwitin, Lv. 2.260 Ehmwtt IlonWkre, tr. 2:18, anma miy other 94W Onum Agamempnon, 26838, rocord 2:181, wiII Malte Beason*of l95atthe Oounty Farm, !..Iber1,-. or obaptt eigre-or tftrber Informatfion, Lo Tu r wk sadipo' .d,....... .... . .. . ..t -, S Wad oim.PaV u de... . Goni 4.Sewai B .a. ........... SeIn Su Itoo PIm, prlW 1heBg -Race5, -and tli- Laki Co. a Both are Appr* h~ V..m Zweig wamuta buMg Weled b«eloee. D. A. Y0v W*UxigRtAY. SOIITH or -ALL KIP4- bcd Grades at piaft Doons,,wwoows. M BRo ICKo, LIME~, AI PORTL.AND 001114T Ia PIPE, DRAIN TI. Lý ooe loatd ln my and thoiougldy erkice and 7-tf7d ]Lu cw ýRC9. LM A .. e