CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Jun 1905, p. 5

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IVS aUood ll va W. oit u t orthh.m ou y o.1* le's a -601 ~ or»s4 k"w b*m o i~bve por. Pau-, wholum»md. tit 175*iP"~th wlth un ky phase »d shk ms be ,~amsw odagoarrivia J.eL ïýRTYV*iLLE MAR 1C-ocks Jewary tem Rearing a.Seia Slieet usic ANDREÈW iUSS LIDErTYVILLB X X X niLUis CbeI~ueu$14.75' 111gb An, ,Drop fled.Au Worranted fer Teg, Veorse e, sveraL Styg aid PricÇ . We can save yQu money 00 Sewlng Machines &nith & Davis,. Libert I14444*..us44d Wtoia~ l& la vIolait )Ëroi£Mb08wareured to ber bon 'Iludfley [As, <w » vIuti, big brtUe »"aWilIee à9em,10~ M mUria. Paul Bit£aQ w illa e aut, ra ~~ 4~mand ef.,aiLamilaq Mlu&#s~gJataul~ eRk 1i M. au vise Plain Chuebili in vlatlng, w tt litbte r Dr. Fred Cchlllu, at a iea . E . tiwortlt bhm returned trou~ tha 10iot *bffriise *98 called by thi Mi.Do" aldMcArthur and nos Raldt liaWmàSe, Kas., are visîting *lth Gorge Bond aI prisent". Séal; Seaday the Libertvîille iegular teLittle Forts ai Waukexmai t lb 6000CI« Sltion grounds. MinMnieBatterson and mothei imIss. Fra vening fur titeir aid hine là Oh1 bPtO her iteI lvisit Inonds. ~.~Ka..DMLPb -ofaaiIu"mu, MU s BM ies~llnp u n rend and ialativez Ilb ait = 17eibpeat week. r -Mra fsouel CuÜmmîns, of Erie, Pa. in vinltiag ber ulster. MMs. William Yager Who livea wltb ber Ban George Yagsr. Ui. JacoJIÏendee, of Modisto, Cal.,.in atarlng wit Misr. Spenos liond. Ur& Rendues wll inake ber home here in the future. Ur. and -Mrs. lAovd L. iackley, ai 10= 'ga, Pent WdAaeday wth thte plffrn il fatiter, Will Hackiley, of titis Mief. E. . Young li spendlng a few days linChicago witere site wyl attend tbe graena.tiou ofier nsphew, Emue Young wito la Weil known bers. . ,A". nad M- . C.N. DrandMr. and Mia. Clayton Cuninighaaâ ud M. and Mma. Dr. Martin -are spendîsg a.coupl oi weehs at the 1,11e four Cliii, house at MieFrancs, Clark and Frp.ddi. Proti, altinde- lte graduatiatg etéreleéà I rving QPark Tlhüasday sveningt wltnesa tie graduaticnon ai tuer cousi BéoiresFuller- Now if yau are planning to attend tl Irt aLewis & Clark ExEpoationa tsnil, scAgent Fred Allemaanbefît r 4tiug youî transportation. n1e cg * ilp you lmutenaily nnd a s mome re leaucaneutst) offer. WarnGramnîtt returneil Baturds p front an extended trip lu the wst wbe * h vlated m=nyrelatives, 0s stoppe off et l'ortliansd otiier western citie Ï,tbesidea econing acquainted wtth th Puget Soundl country. WOrdeu Weil@ returnsd Saturda. mouiug front bis estuujdtour or tit wet auasW sanaAnfurraialFWli Co. sud wltl Urs..WÀ9lls @peut savon deys vith iteisparmt ensir@ Mai&Wel Wat Wednemdaj'for bar bonasl inl. A shaotlag gallery bastIM opmoid 0o ttie Pennisitalot acmmofmltijulklei block by Crysta Liâe par" al sud daigni4 ibla 9budai Iai.ilviii b ru. bore aitQut tva veSks accordlag tg -tbe plans of tiie 1anaera Mr. aud mm. GeorgelBist. men Miiin -Ur. and Mrm.Johnilils uma Nlleiter ud Is 5 1 oif Ila am Vsit _ wm Elbus ofpari lng Who complets bits studios eaIb Lakte Forait conileotiis yer. (Ordlsataaiso mclby ltae village iboard pbibdtiti& veek, sud vw"a Indicate tite initial inaveutent loaklag iward a v-Awesystisi for aur Vineta -Frtîit will hicise abond lanem w4i0 yl hi ttoated to cuver erpeno for se ctank, tiller lieds an ntiet sever. Tise board IIi arrange to ox- tend tiie.aysteni immnteyteyiti t savon le cornjpleted by specialosemeuî. Ordinane No- 172 saplainaSte plana it Jure of tht. lear le the niont in vitici thetelOte Ou"s us15 lken. Titi goverament cmus le laken avery ten yeani lu yeara endlng vitit s cîpier, the Otste enslus viléh s la l aites everY tan veau la laken le yes.u eudtng britelalve. Titi vork la do»e ly tite lava, cltY Or Village ecuits an iika fur*lslsal y lt e alzofaite. Tii. i ale arseut oera ta appont »4""lSt$ la beip inthlie watt f thiy doml beemw todo se. Aypr >Ve *nef t5Ilhirfuest' sswrtita Oscr Kaiser af thi itCIy vga te vinar titi iour ysar e mboaarip luth lb.lintois tat Ulniversltyet the remetf examinsticin beld le Wan egan et wlucitlirae. Lakte 0onnly baya vwrais. ue pinson ontl ai sab oeut.y uEtb tiate>iu agivîn tIIs scitleraitip lMita alan atu ea timulais atteudanci et te uliveritiy. Daiel Cohb, of IIWitgld Park gave KA ai close rab coml7vitisin a fraction of ana per cent Oft 9bismark ai 190 plus. Tit vlaner ai tiis cilarsiip la tndeid fartounte andl lhe winaîug shows titat tanildarabl preparation va. madls for ts9 exminatJOn as tbsa malters are qitite nad DfflbUon ai St. Joseph'" Cahhollu èdlàlcitelate tati place Sunday, Jnly 2, lte eepuuilcrann oumonceing at 10 o'clOckL on lte marnlng of Ilint dey. 11. Rey. P. J. Muldoon, Auxilary liîsbop sud 'Viai tieneral oi Ciicego AmbliDiocass, wyl officiate sud wîll PF«hat "olunbigî anise. Rev. P. Ian1aiChicaga; clebrant at solimu 2h, itmn; fIey. Jantes Murray, of (Bltas, Iowa, Desan and Rer. p. 'OtrYir, auh.deacoesreoter selobrilles Who vili C 4ÎeiC te. A spachoir 1tra F rRil'a cbnrcb aecir p relWinlresalerinan. Ie aI lti viii basmot baitaulsemrvies, Impraaulre hI ltos sliano asud. dtgnity snd eailllCaict hee -of prosnituncs anidpraoclnMy of the participants. lù4allo thie «"cbeitgiaake" a Of aaiwhit vwas brougit t tis ouf = le.Ouos i,%s liýte U.S. »*ra5me:e ÀWAWu M as sees. '.1 me ICIERS, DAU~~usag.for impourtant~ elÏ**IO 'RAND STÂrqN. Drrecqn., of the Laks. Coul exlety ini Lbe "r iL'~ 4*:eowo 'fui te ai rangement. « ontruetion of new and '4 i uildings and fonce m 5I - o tructuresaioutte h mWI ~ odal Grand Stind, l'tuu -tw moel ni portant Imro lu sy a large addition rta grasi ~ndrebuilding'of lte old~ rtbJ Ibuilding in ta hi extmudid- Ldaa mehmderuized titrougitaut. A large mm* bain le to, be buift, 84xO,j-j land mei huaetcted. Manystllewfll Usvla r1 bi rend aa4 55w uni bitter onehut. *,I Ail te idi jI*g ill hi. renîvatedand~ j Igte s am ~ wbn thei, fair opens lan Mm 1V I ApWiniter vb&llra will he moretitau r dwt* -tie rjua.aiatioli thal vifr a vo beuwVoqbt. sand1 f aoes.~ngoinca uIntepqt. rs jalready rsceiviïng,~ r lqpilaitro losenien of theiti rsgus, au Lia ta~ ~ ~~ i whi iapre Myear ituunup' 1, r. 'mit in promîsed Ji so a gugu ~~of uny pravi"wa m 0 ear, vM ere ujpointed Tuesd:y jê 110 have charge of ti, rfons amuuor- j ruent testaniaI114the oeqitiment ai Standard Praldent Caler sud ail uit the meetIng EMIT favoed naponaand l igh la leatu. l la auipa"t thtiti oîtl,ré; 1nQW un. copo5 isperd by dobt and wit il4goOdly vana a buaelathe 4itrsury, lare gomng taondit i for a nieithar .i . ýr în<ney trairae "sianithal bar of W a gran id n strpaslag tmek m The animW afir I><it undt preininbond liât in now ln prémir aia.l will li remsiy for IIi delrvery l. Se a i w, kg., -- ~- Nembor Oeurge Clsvehad la iow lunti.e ploy VILI of the Nort4fiMure (jasi>)jnpariq. toi for lise Onas-,natal June 25 1,f, d à a «t*dioltPte dh àmrsDougliMarsl1d,,of F(gwater,A-ul- ta vslting Ws pari-utm, Mrt. and 1Miar. titerion ai 0- Org rldia7. isli~iIate ridley anasMon0 i viatZabro tttl %w..k î.rvious to lier na e,l.len de irqefoatl-re. i-aflsEuropean gaurraner « ptit aeveratr tH tri P.prlnchaalof The o tlIn suim hoi.erywitersesn t se prevaient on tie ji,,iît icîpi. trime» tiis Un Oluls suammeer aqdi t in salI that ttie only v1l1a00 of Il UngltIwili', q his tiet under la %11 ce auistia aasprasy with kéfrusene 0f ii~aM omoisia. r- Tithetil Midua«d rates train western asd Silem poited V"' outenu #«I ihîany peopîle who Orda4mnsi lIupa* m.a nfe Years u 21ij reftmipug fui n viit ainciug aid lIis 1bond me mdowlia vi.tal.aaivautage lti tihi 0411 09 tissepal t moifiêv ofthe, ratroads a i" 0 a ta t~iblqe ripricing diMfçultiestl a nl oesrulg ltae ngers;. «hjirâ' A aiselr wl lm he1dial t lte Lak e da Bhi'fOrptaTauea June 29, ford e "0 buat of ODonations Bn, ailr ortll nduefr ute àd pack. usas i mhu sud itayhiut at teLiUertyville M. E.Ir M Chuisi - Taeny afterno J .upe 27, Intersir bain fi.S t reaeanfOil of Napumma Luk whlle drltýjng froua k t 5e rce rac cllideal vitit a C. & a .-lcrncra thes Stewart avenue a O.ilg, Tituraday mareîng sud wlille bis bb oras vas kilockad dovu by tite Impact and the s wagon santiviat dam, sat9itiaMual mwîa ualintjîred. Mr. ILstmanageaI ta esuape itit but a à oailng né. LMlibteisteRt amy tes in cordn Wtmiteni- Ig wlok'a studio, for *plotographem and we le gasrstlY e t 1> ster vontfor your nîlan. tey titan City iitudi.,s. ttftSae abutetaifoi a doissu until J tiie 25. C. W. Merrili,.s, trame imanagpr ofi1dli C. & Id. sectrie writes thte INDEPEiai, 0in t4ply taOur mutrgetian that giatroins of the roi] idetsir.-a nulte car go an tai enahie thisn ta vist the titiatiew sud amus@etntPlacsia laug thei Lake Shiore, under date of J01,. 21 as followm.s: We have arrangeaI ta main tse Il ociock car *f romn Lake Bluff to Lihirtyville and P otkefeler Saturdiiansd Snnday nights *duîieg lte suaîaîîîcr."Y 9 WIlls out driWng 9lut aSnnday Will 1 Peterson met an automabileiand hi» borns becositng frigbt«sad psat the buggy spllntering it aimaist ta PLace. Tite accident happeued beur lte hairne of kFred Scitroeder aI lHait Day wha laqued Mn Peterson anotlier bgyl aglxon 'With. On starting omt, lbo ras wltlch l svidently not recavared frou ita frigit. begRnu t)Pluer 'sudrunansd ner lte WeHtFrflluid frm about four ms" soutitof Libortvîille ltrew ltso occupante of th rlg int lte ditcit. Mine Marîba scitrpcla wio vas vlth Peterson reeslved a fracture ai tite.lkg besides, sevral serions brîtises aud vas laken te te Westerfleld I'aome vheii site vas attendeil by Dr. Taylor. A telephone message tlId Charloa Potersan, brother oi Wilii, aithe ai-ident sud .hbcatunces but OOn a - -I lfor the @pot but ja short diotance f rom towu hi@ei allppid froin naulr hlm sund hi% collar boueawvebroken. Ma.ny Manîid WOdaiileu. Ou Wednssday. June 191, at lite M. E. parsnage at Wankrgnacured the anariaga oi Plidell ill. aui oe f Mr. and Ilrm. Robert Elli il itt! ipae ta Mir. M. W. Burt. af Chlcs.o.They, vire atteudel l>y Mand l Bil, @inter or the bride aud tir. John Cutter of Cuit. aO. The bride waeq dresseAIn tawhitte sttguesiot imuli .snd carried whitet rose.viil te bridsmald vais pale bIne, aud carried pink-roSes The bridail party loft-for Niagara Falit allter tse creuaaam)Y. At home la Chitcago aller July 4. 1ev. J. A. J. Whilpple Per. fornd the msrriags cermouny. At lte Premby talan pran in l WsukeaniuRsv. S. W. ncitdetirofliclt- iug an Wednaadayai ternoan Umis Editit F14, daugitter fôi Mr. andI Mnra. M M. Pick wb itlv. a8jois nartitOfai Lberty vlwas United In marrttaMr. eiwl anman, of NWàifeb« at Tme t once jet fot rhat Place gWire ielîl moieta itir home. Mi. fsrlas ruas 0 mWs menit *l lhat haam i praalist Young busine mm u tb ~W~dnoscIa~nl o eurred lt lA ite ev1i~wbenL you eau sbluti "of every man. Cal, you -by up-tu.tii nlshing goodsat àDry-goodostoreî, to every mani whoreads this th at Vou Store. It wiIl be to your advantage artcles 'as Shirts, Collars, Under, Hif Hose, Ties, Snspendera", 'Sfh( and Overails of do. aiD We court comparison wth ay other asth. effl 'bu town to show a better 1 ie'of si Ngig yia *j We give yon the famousI gtanB tit orillagen B as4 U we has o duner5r0or2e doeW a want yout comare the 't VI ntsu ad$fo an soe hwa od newa o 5 hoIE. P s. dEeSn!, J RWJU' S ICe th es ,bu xt a va u f rth yn bons foruta leatrosi cn e titej It ntiemasut rûens a Sit Phoe 29 ~ libertgvift lâ= Dtair ahnruua u aultals. asti sdi iald~~~~~ vilg tr brb re 50 fil, litig etrk. The coupions shah bc tuntSiteloliaIg faim: No. Liberirville. 11htoli. $250 The VUIllts0fhi tk3 vlile. in te Oouuty of Laik.ansu aate of litinoleaii er 1t, lues ad ealu itne pTJ.. thaes t men th Viiese Treasurpr oai titi lOe s0aiLibety- viii., Illnlu..isbelngu terens dueonoumtti date 0i its al -er Ised of Ju yjet. ina. NO. Tbalabd&*Bds sIteII besold by the Vilagi:u pub r Ivate sage et a =or Duvalue. lot Êts, Vill1e a Ilu.rytja hrnlou t itM pr fersudheitbetnters09 Situe t~ isihnt i hoPiOMsud interest upon a6.4 boudi la etn sud aste seme fiai due tita l ha- W Uevedopp She tîxîsite nicanièns.vlia mvlls0f lbertrvillle e d e t a u n u sit a u d o ~wa.itune 'wit 61Ye dollars (lme for te resi A* . ais»- Tw uae Tveintr.lva %llairt .9 BRÛfor.lseA D.. Tvo pta rdTetIN vaDollar ell-.)Or olità=ar -t>.. iss1";T0aundreit Twn&r-4,a iolara(fts Ionurte yeir a. D-.11. li wsiv inoalred Twsnty4lveDollars 12»U.Q', fonr th ear. A. tD.. 1m;Sa:Lir. Luudrid Uov«tytr-vq alea id .e) o er-ae t,. t.. i oi t angudred Tweu. atesft i o .t>,tatve Hn ($67 e)fr h plln .I o h rearA i,eavg 9snu uaddition taMî lhlaiiedrssid Viliaigedur. e.'311 ettViClalrk ofth. eVII. loaitLhiatWiti.shd 4flas te beute t l- i Ilte f, tttht Ibo -a certild coniv ot iJounti OlerS mail,& -.,li.witIthtit d u t is a m p o e d q U n i o t r I w s c - t i te rate per ent n eo sr r t a odu& O st ti2 taxes for iMid late at rdnn o u co sud e . tea.d te sumoefor saln t ite tu, rais oif811-411nlernuesallou .lth Situ taxes levlie nsucit rnfor aunerai VUilg ninnoP*B. Wiutlhtxaa WtPoetod ceat iasi buused siiol or"î r vmnlisneuns b Ienbetore ,itlend. MÏac. . This Ordînuos sha hobulen nrce from nd ude itnts Passe and ,nbtîuaj Ion aweunine t Su. PAUOn Macoutjn,.Ps-Iet W. C. Mesmoas, Villa" ,Cleik. Passeit.Jouneni. Mia. Aapo ld uet. sou Pu bIst-.June 28. t9Ia Ordîmaunce No. 172. Au Ordingane aapprovîse te plaansandt II., MJ. fi OAsiS. A new asuortmeîît or embroldery j mit recodi ved froni a New York I>ol consiatiîg of 50 pieces o!f ftn, tSW1m. sook. !Embroidery. Insertions, BeedIgun dallons. Every piece 4j yards long. No two Pl Mie sanie pattern. The <lesigna 4re entlg forent from. those whlch .we bave haît early part of the Beason. The prie s , ae usual at our istor eX, low; about one.half o! the regular prtoe, THE FAII~ IMBERTYVMUL - - - - We have the biset. aerator on Ut. theolgo.wwhtoh tboroughly at ()Ur 1 C b r w l a d w u m 1

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