CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 23 Jun 1905, p. 7

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un"n o la luiM durecm v, u ie ld Kurat t - nA eobg0 a w la, wài~Usawu ftue Tîn sbela ~ 0.11.. tvl1M he ha estg la Bt- Geor e r arketl 'istu la-bat £1et foJaqjg 9051.,'poutai the tlau brunette *w. buh 4ft t»poo« te hire, a girl, se 1 bai' % dook thé beefsteak anti onlons," y(7 der giL" solO the matron, ukas kuaan-le an aditor, "o ahuObver prend." »P»Of detwhtt?" ,*7.rtlon ahould have tenaitaPo jësh1'Iei vh. ca«à really afferd beefsteak andtiMSaibOV 11*45 S* Huabesd-Wbàt latheti Dme Of tttet Iiii. .mvplo ynlatplaye& Mr çtIer? c5SME au ouiy t a dosestîntes. M.iqlt fluaa-It dld't go«d fimllla.r. WASIlaca omwiu Wlf.-i bal %â wino iaedto-day, th* aod -tsgê vwu laliéeMd m 4 O n4 maadet ofnght .vers taille fte"i-da 5et Sie va jatpa"Is aamansion grýn and 11500 aieghig Astke servant pulledtheii blisda, aloàg the oBt5g5l'eU Ber w .rtl wa Iheuaoa.. vastiec* U te htsin Tii.vomn vhitld ata rr, and, b hq, os pou h atppadvitianOdn Jek; Tb*lsOM ter ipi fier hlsta vasa falerehit ton st vat "s5'atrojigotIl quzcum mb hinsas Pli nn làpasi lote mIlans leaa Liy ait1,'~5vw l Y.y wa& The, lbad drhve BatsUsin.Wtlhul"aS pme fther UhiU they ci ut upaUag s. tbemtheiodritver vs Mm~ ~vn~ntkat ~.the brake. As h-.9a à* W M »" Meo o vd»Ian It bhlMeduh ~ u~aat~.sthe mail ba& w"e vil goï mply tuMa. lthmai u. ùra -joan, videt quad là tlme blool la li.ome tMMviiiO0f *long the -&ad u514llyzeseraowohi aboy . Wailsce stopped 1 Obels. e munt& it e usmandes. htesking the 1long MM sIlioky $0 theilhih nyas,0e "&y. stranger, d. fat lotNn hbu ua vsbmu prodboamw bas tg" ,PadtefoDr. WMDlu' IPlal PiatTs br I 1di; mone thlapoeo.. camly remarkei thm Misa Nid o aoqf b o.. milvill *Weil. why ta th, t»hid fevatfor feurtesa vak& meh.t* mr gsapo Mda Md h toawào iprtu hW dd*fr. se te bdent «.bat"ai0".fer ab.ioitWa ' atu h gve hassuauatpro. Y=r10 for mststat purpem. Hem ,boy- --m Bin mie: «v, h.-at vfah iLappoant. L- ,ýù ,t tth b tSko té och.toenlcs,"ab*mys. mm -fort" cmouiba mter iha! recovrd mnel- fte *Mefaasbut lhoy di mi; do me ga It<eoOUiJOO&ds<or. Ny tmugth ame ý.-ý" mol sosilow1ly abat I1ioerSly sesisue o, teVferàhOladbum -40 b. asu any proomse et al. lust Wlnt atreet. VgUil- tia1Ir lua àbook titrais» la or th fa11 et 1M f lardBmre atb"tgteastinnisa soving KuMMy V'illa I tali vbt vuondattu l ood-buildoeand t he roaders 0ftIbi Strebgt-tfivuU Dr. WWWlamal PiéTiM; papes iat théy bai are. 1 got a box cf thein sa sitar l'illeedme oOf kid- mbd ufiter I bad talon 0cuir Aboat neytablamais kWd use stp t .Ist* O "*u t AI oai b th, soai = 4 -à6. lthaë elut v Illels lIlPak are.'Qnlnoy',D.It. I-bai occoaon te as. mou 'P M Pilaar lth s rmeuoy th mrt te IaubU4 hasts ail sso f vailués, froma a-w n e!l la we wwm *Ob 8fula agdiand '7'eii thazsuitae btainé i Pa usea te driva c1. (ldday Wai- u et Port- ch*p or dadaes et. The ocensr ta u*s bathbeau- rei, an sud aihmi; at et h"r, beald led! hla i iquos- î aotx, mile Mo. Ma ft e-, bl ou p; tes satilncetha li We a-e bthr.i ti oeu mieshc undler dldu't pou rthèe tastail e aaen " t.: Md yOur amaluyen ~'e as drivas Sutu *mdt n h ,I8 du meut ssle Il *1 j i .4 aSoy day FrIck, ebairdian of thé, LM.W iOuigtu. dia! Made the report lseot-C R DI et lta1»Quit-, . var heyaasaMinss lOobînson, 4 Rantd street , e«ÏtnnÏr d '**$ recouuaeaaded "to me ta eqgbtala n e cou- aboeat a-sun mo as a excellent remsOy t trW th CE , tlt th IÉé=_pectliar te oui sez, an ri" casoIkea *Il liai waxslaid ofliis 0 lu-cla.est.tueI1aa pîsasd toe n- ci ffly, pe x Il dorsal. h cona h>lu.the .eui e*0gI ica araoetâ5 vord; la chmait sIET . CS. *îwok maln*pt»e(a ai the boari 0of directera 0of the Cai.ýte aaiertr negla huaI- Company, s"dilu varIons AOMWlai, -y a e b Onan"lalenterprisea'takes a leadiug bro 4iP'~ Part, 1fr..Tnlck vas iorn at W"tt asp - Wakcaala*0 OvertmnPs, Dec, 19. 184« He began me -kn I lite £OW' lerk, but atter a fev yearl r onen ~ g e c &fogc&"' subarli lu dia coke buainoas. Dur- Add 0eWEL8B. Hart .man, Proaldeut I .ng thé, stle aI fomentesd Pa., lu of. 1th A1aSauialu Columbua, t IBO% ho wnessilot byr a triker. 0 o., tas : icai advme. AIl co.- sposioffl #*Wy s cu6dcentiLal Oeorge Von Langertee eyer, Unltad C"ovil Ilu§ngaa or Statue Aubamdor ti BQia,vwbo con- *b eW«au old npgro slave on q dAcltuitai <a rraaponnoue, baîeest myrunceg'agrm dowu la Tenenee m Prouldeut Roosa o.w vs a peldlar. cimop.and ofethom volt snd the Casr, the y'0U115 about the place-white vltb the ObJect Of as Vii sas Ilk-stoud ln'tear," snid aifectlug artatge- Senator(r .0150k ln conversation vitb =1110 by IXhlch a troup eit lîîleuti'.w ltuasudnilapan "Tua aei *egamblan, Iucele Tom t mlght b. hrougbt by nam%ý affld give ai] tbe modernl vIlain rec 0f veather t ardsanaut padesansd b peso. negotiaions. buat thas, he coîuiti predict vlth-al. CO la a distiugulahad nloat sneilg*accue.acy vint the ele- Pl aa" vdslthy ciienaïmeula Wb b dolng. Ou. day 1 vas C .Ptf Misualt&, statndigo«'Ut'the cow peu behulOthe It Me WUva IkPPointed Mu~s, Wbebbcsuddenly exclaltued i la 500A*ii a itonl lima i wta trams- 'laert vhaf uneeTom? w fftedtthe lusaln capitL Anibas - "IeBi tb4oid aieckled 0evaneeve. w, îsdor M«Neye a47 jours o Mvasndo' s 284 atiml ihin', boy, it Bm a- graduastai £mmut Hamzvaninversity tuli gm. tat USa befo' mornlu'. kaze 1519 BOebas haut azàVgwuf e bvoebss $it hear a cov aneeze datI BoMm onuntasi Cencli an cf 1h. Eleano raiia, Bcalugt adet A"-ae,.~ as urae oqit, Il poured de"u tram hua eosrila tito I»"I Laýuya,1h. tea, a'Tom hai foreteld. fPlrr ha-rIng baa kg«b fag 4 1*4iz ha<l neyer taken note ot a i U~rette. fsHoua diredata t l- çfWa maoelng, andi there may ho skep- onl, poaios t1cal folik& vho *onild doulit that hits vas a bovine habit, but my own bellotr lob S Savns, chouan to b lu I t19 lu imly establîsheti, andi I ame vay apout et lt ho ilOIpinoConai- 1r ure timt Ot Tom linO gooti @Mm*bolo, etaisui n- satacause toe8etabilla a ceunection he- tien ba B$a ci s tben.pu*tÏaou Il anti wet veather"'-WVasblug- SinonB.d t talI ton_ ____ W7apee«t" 11W 'De » Tur Feet Aceàsu d notent Élut : 5lselnuS"k lato isur aboeu Aana Foot-Kane, serviels tenelé "àoï ttime fret. Ilmates lîght or Aaemie t nt s O bosfet ray. Cures Corna, non. la Oeaactea vlit Oolm .lt asudsvrestiua ret. At h. City et iIne- au ltis 1W thoe stores 2.W $ample aloils laIe hoFu. Addmeu Milen à Olrnted, La cMand- U eme Westrn. erff la ond Mohr-Merry, Mary &uu, tili a Etne'ig de. hat', the Iflttîci bue? PÉrtaentsof tb 1 1The Nurft-Ohi, ma'Bm, the fvaria Derne n Rio,1bos egene andl coi iemsaives misetiup Denar ai12ansd I cela't tel] 'tother frons vbieh, an' 4 eransO., nt, 51 Oadia BifiC, they do't-know themarîves. DululliSoutha Shot, a" Atadtle. and Spoêlune Talla-sd Nortbern. lu 1» 9 PIso's Cure for Caseut I orcu em ha beaane chiet cliglneerfo t he Gresrat tenaclouu anti - Nortiern and erved la that capselty lN-,,V-t.01, tom2 5. MUm ho accesti thas position of ac amI Y&cs Prefl5eut-of lte Rock lid Rhowelm la ciaffo et eperatîm..~ ..t 'WM . Ir, leu Noreilus.w-ho bas beef' Vpl64 0 ld t h e s 8vf ala ee of the, Pin. nes chancit..... .... 'timo h. hu beau, *»OitàI-alpi h.Jk fail Clila1i inv. laa one A tal P& Ar- "ýqiavMàoiphus Collgl- ;VdasaMadega lit 4 OW ettheNor&h har by b ML mu" No oas çies'bmW are tealla, sud se M conarlots iba oplalus. Ianv a dl Ai tteîaretet matl c Ceatak.s .o ussa er 4l~ a "Mer ,yaes»aiothe, rt n, 17s;Thomaî Greeahfll, *p- to thé then 1)8k. et foér, aaugeffltatiosfeht fOlt of arme on the »siugular grouind hiat Ite vas "thé ueventh son and the Ot*tynlth cbildofone, father and la Couva, cburcbyard thero vas to $S4-.1-t. can fa"tely b. there to- toto le barins thé e .1ev- MM*oinrkahie ,Eip1î: "Hré lyetb wy id~et Nlcitâ<aaiotho0f cou- the »Aie. bis vlt, angthé fater -twty-*venu élldwen.14537." t 'h1leanlft itla -ntan onknovn thbu . or ou chld te h. old enough 1* bd"e a sîster or brother youa anonglstu b. bit or býer great-grand- dM10. hdo the eMent son f fThomtas Oett, bineondra, had paaaed bis savnty-th lrdblrthday wben bis young- ltbrothejr qDaiOed for the cradle. Wben Willam Front, of Galpbay, near ýIUpci, dieO lu 1780 bIs eldeat child was a etflrdy boy of 898entamera and hie roungeat va. hardly le, and the IaUy Poveraeourt oftot-day la hatia eentury 'o1der thau ber- lateat brother. nhée arqcgm on record where a eentury or More bas divided the ved- Ilng dlays of fater ad son. The tirât fart of Leicester vas dret marred la 1775, andâlaI.non led bit second vif. tu theémiltar ln Augusi. 1875; vhlle Cap- tain Francia Maude, who vas married. oni June 28, 1849, viasfollovlng the exnxnpie bis father,-bordf Havardez, had set hlm uluety-tbree yeare. earlier, th 1756. But both these cases are quît. eclipseti by that of..Geueral G. Steven- sou, of Bristol, wbo vas uulted to his bhird vIte ln -1834 et the age eof82. .ad wbose father vas brst yedded lu 170#the year of Xleubeiin.,421asteow- Ing lmpOagi#7_18 l aceounted for by bhe fact tbat the fatlwr. vho vas horu.ln 1680, vas uisrried for.the third tIme at thé age of T70, snd the geniýral Wâs the, son of the laie union. Thun we get the remarkahle result of a man whose father vas borninluCharles IV@. reflan volngsud vodding vîthin the nemory of many peuple etililivling- London Tld ]Bits. It ta amazing bow many mothers wUl1 give theiroblidre medîcines cou- talnlng violent and dangerous droits for bovel and daoxpach disordera, vheu better résulte, vida absoluto safety. eau be ohtalned by the use of a pure, uleasant, harmless remedy titis Dr. Caldvelre «»tlve) Bup ~<Pepalu. Try t et 000. Bld by ail drugistseet Oc and $100. Mouey back If it fait&, If palme a a poged occasloniaîîy witb equa, pats of tnilk sud lukewarm rater, they v ill retala a bealtby glOsa. If yenr harvuat la a faiturs remner you selectsd the, mse. WA £U~5FNABJ. hIe Seçet otçOQ suifa tihe d ed D n)rtdut bleed os.suc m .ruepulo adeasu omMé.1m<l dêEte*tae .pin.. cIs, i alom mfur ~*B'a qulrid adit veoceh19 dwm,.b~<Iome& r7ou F 0Ma ato d beau conatpaaailhim lt-nxi i efamaihlq on Jiude abJ.mury21. 1903., ms-.Thmna je us t smt 6.aaeM 40*R n «M soas.d liant 0, a.uliabt bh o numtd-buti ho R allait sel 140W m 18 WELL. Nul Ijg» Mus6aeonilCn I-IOMPUON, III. curs ad twa ta o t<bai.errile sStomach is trait, Ibm casae. Ité- and haI iroblho»b- vie.sud trnt.e suIiisu ho th Ibo bousI n d laies.. i= _mli b Iâm s.W.u VIIprovo.Intestin"," elaii atm, pucddmi lng to YOU n t h Ml'a t OI100 de of intesinae. <ape Tec' -curesaia ep bamil <0 N m ta litél e <nfatal dp o is o n - a p y sIc W si t . f o r T h i a s r 4 0 o11 0 0 1 0T o dA y I sayoé corse. - i! rts oclypoe ight Gbod for aflhsuchiOnrs Md autbmotta. Ciy ~-. --o ---a tý srik À ýcwýcw W-Ruàm

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