CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Jun 1905, p. 1

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5 1 fRIDafY -9 Pà%s, t Our»*wbsre WU4 L WO1?tu BEINO.. fite ib y,' are ail STI 4r. . WTwRlu. 1 ...'- . y. P. P. Druoxiu, C. F. WRI(&er, Ou.R. OAI.8.WAY, J InDLCT (110- A. WWGoue, A. G (1 A. 8rm0, be G ag. I lierç are numbers of peopo wbo are under -au ereonsous impru.ion.. TWy.>'halinitbatlthe>' nover cnntmlj* emae inon.>' ta tari a liai amount. lu thet ti>0"remiqtagen. W. go- udtenmUaccune s eilsiare.Aiil w.lmdlethobusnem4 aith with our best cire. W. bele that you ouïgt ta have a back ac-ont end wevofu. i« you Our AefICo III. f hl~ ILMAII1N De. ---w.P. ,Ç oe4.I, Xcaim 9EhCk II90 iwmbe Awnm4 YS, EAXR, NOSE AND TUbAT. Ilouas: Il ta- 12 &.m 1 to 3and 7 ta lloun ta t4pM; i * Ogncu: oom 804 8tzwoe Bvn.sIeMO Ubroll.lWools _____________________ 92 8tate Stroel, Chefgo. M J.L TiAYLOIR. tu .?i10am.- 2lo 4 and 6,t. 8p. m. buditn B roadway, opp3t asît -ibo"yvilo. IMllnir DR. A.1.NlCIOLL. »MER eUomsffl uI't ~u'sToas Lgoityvills.liMnoi«. * D*ILFLSUM 1 IMSTIBT. - "tm cou*"waa. ÇOVSTTf<. UOflu-.to12 0.a. nmd I1 5 P. uM. imutvile, lmois. * DR. C îL.OALL AY. orna. ovEm xova"a's mtin soet. »oa-4fmmtea SMmd a6 8 P.M.. PW MACGÙPM1., SAT1alnIy At LÂW. BODY C. W.. TAYLOR, -. W. ex tend ever>' eliomealt t tii wax@ earcer; t hetien.d thst i.»raid prosper. Deposit >'îur -earnige ib th tue Firet Stlonab, Does a geueral bfl n. Deposita ocfled Atid çou' teoui ttatuierk4 glveil -to: LU, aui1 ln etuatieila tarin or rather làc'iew derotidexciuaivelî tathe, 14«birds. This place bai ~catiéee ra. pabser. VI' ofi tea ut» Ift roua& &Wa ffl outl osne gota behinil the nsea mas, clek mquaintane vith tee Ww-e-nd hinds domelb. renfly ptent ofUthebbusnes or the. viioe fra i but a ricb mm's the whlm of one wiio deliglite *. rarmaibmatàful. Davld Botter, owner, ln, a mau who cn i ndulge i luxuries. 'The. ower of several .gcraPers e ncicago, h. lias comne dp Lake count>' and at Ournee andl at Lake lie lia bulît himaelf fostl>' f4 aelMhpe& guetoa whoni 'lie , nenàir aima continai.1ly during the. sommer monthe. At the -Emma Bl. poultr>' fari during thiespring thirtj'.ta'o laeubatfirs witb à camclwtj -of ovAr 11,11M) MW every bues weeka were helug rua and twenty- ive broders wve.used to keep the chie" Waran. NOW tuer. are about 4000 lloodeil fowle on the. farin beside thoosand ut taiwy pigeons. la oue bousie tiim' are luit>' dtes. oundred hunier pigeons and a lamge nusuer t>?-dragons, an ezoeptionaffy large vma*t, wbich for squalm.. Tii...pigeons are wAldom solil and are kept mai!>'ta suppl>' the filedkr table witb the. delcacy. le one Pen are about tht,. làundreil pure wite homers. This Wv .jof houner pgeois e nvery msam 1 ai «ile the «union bine birds are Worthb a dollar andl a hall pair ti.. -iii.on..areworth ive dollars oaci, lilgaclspiime. # ,Beu J.9whomer pageorn are souperons fae- varietiee which amre pt la seçiaat. peis, ^.aug titen boeu posters, fantalle ad rogs, Whlh owlng tuai @@Wrseet br"oulg ommai1>bl -4AMMMlistosd ao6a =Plumav* 00 sone wb« hm lnover *"I nisa er.'druaia 01. Tbs pan.r buei Wood duels anê LWe hgiu> prisscil Casse Mandarin ducks avir. about tihe water i iOs"T5ricolomdu phuemat alli bockad forth in theb Yousigmllarld dock» ,reareil la raptait>'swl, abaut penlecti>'at emu ia tbe presa. of tii.oclookers whule wu umd (laian d Afrlcan gesse vi tbimaithwir billm tlrough the. nesi nt the i. trasenla make a doser fisi sbié,'the wvhs honklng ater the macue. of Unilr yl brethrenausofamriiar to ue in tii. .prng ad autuain vh. tii. docks are migrating tu, neyer homes. lir. iL K. Lau., superintéeudeaut af the Ia, devotes lulunsel excluetvely to the unri et kuepina op the standard of tiie staaie t ail over.... the remring ai tii. irdi.. luring tleeum.mrmontiis ag rirskeptaî work an tIi. Jaw and tralnlg the. chrublier of vhlci Umin iven>' varlet>' imaginable. Ail norm 0f malha"mmd llIoynamaetca èwy i n e tsm ail aloa n b.drie &Wmosphg mshrrym Md *hatee eftset -tbe -grass>' plate, wvile ri0ùwLqpkler. uiimw sprays from the' rvate w&W n orks upon tihe Theiars l veiWorit tlima that t wllt.tae tp and lookItover andn snoyon.taablierty to eWl naldun ttii.. hM W t over. st flrt bhannmd ls tré Uaent, *ECOVURED MON DAY. tahalt>'occrreil Sunda>' alter- oaI)vdl>'neaux, &aChicgo boy *ho- batd boon camping ai a Leke vlwu a Part' fconiri avtied whulpln svitpmin lu the RltIt eVena other boys ho had Klito IrwAbte huai hec iti ce thiâaail Versln tbe vater as UWIDMuMM&saédien vini l bic Mber ewluai.r than the rs r t0ti W U t wu asdiscv«r Molinaux M dseppsmnod m.AÏ bemsuel fur the lutI cffl oui for b.lp btcouli "ge > ie bail>' vas oma Ibecu id Jl> 4 0181Y lle Trct. 'MD. GERS. r>' for the. manage. tii. meeting i .bertyvlle tr"c cl£asse. did mot M1 IJLîly 4a progra. Oing tîjat anticipateil P days. The entries 'e am Ifillows: Purse 8500. flO MIgeg. Purse 5500. Dw.........I V r.oman, Chicago 2.12 Pa«$. PurS. $600. GOLO Dm or..,W. gog'il "]spruin, Col Cwîfi. ........tikNehn chicage *p1,g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r rcw~ . hHne.Austin moSuo....a - ... Nlnr, lDenver Col ~ogva~M~uun r,,O.Wall& wslIa Mode ..J.f~Bove..1'ctland. Oregon (iii P05Oirs~~Fteecm Mempl,. ITen EmL.... ........t>L)Schlig hcg 2:..PsPurse $500. -jUOu.......ANeh, Cllo Onn>uo x. 5.A icarl.",Denver. C(M ikiua 5*1* Ir3,. ceer'. Memphls. Tefnu TIR£ i100Ui..Hgi. 1). Ailnm, ineCO Geffl suai,. lame Aiay. The proeie off Ei d licers, Aniee'. greatesi traipsi alliý e iw travk vith l@i sa~n of borsu las , omènlieraldeil far màaI& vida mihax lx-en gWi9l aveti ee,%I1iiWoredtwo vays. &lrus t uibed îP -- ta t tale do"a aoUm'Aethe>* uwneyail refuseil tatmiter liî,rwin he t eontesta., Agls, hui' tIîrmarm nian> liorees athe is it k itrniiing, many are notl it ta taEtl.tiji ime..and .tiIl other gwners. iW, i{ let tjeir luire. go feuieg tagis*rtboflm "i cari>' in tihe rasaso. la wqay4fsa a tilcu thi. entrieà cloud lt beiMm.4aîiîararît to the. inampsuUSl 4s iîueting voulil b. lupmossubl, @p 'è* tItweive dclse oUmm havlag4,et noiniatOins er. chse 4" ie day' e program of UfhlOlreuit. You Win «P làmgrandand geemi SUissefour contests pmsqawubtv ll b. e idl hi eltiicu Mes#»M çiq*itn tins >ear. Ope" étirilce direct to the- trmeik ull iii provietdb>' tle C. & M. elietric and bt teC. I. & St1P. and' Wmeonsin (bmridhavye arraig,dfor speclal erche- (Oera amisîuuri to the.gronilei.t< b.' 50 ets. It i. eetluated 10,000 peuple wyul lbe ouiuaiid ttostio' the ONEBVS IMNS Car vu el um iy ivo inred and Victimea. Fr lsengte Dts- a vereonnil t .Poiat eolvr.t giAu hir o eanIil vmlua.iileti. ld a lio y twijil hugg>' lsti TbRe. aruvrsiiiroml, to . At1 wo' ckItreacbuin Wanethmcarenue, nierce eNe Therpignt ioovl vier bieciwastkeirmnP f rmuii b ttib>'Th rliertrliedsa ho rove acrues atii. Thh arwt or JamenI.>'Ap.1 ploe racheil Wlenetka avenue mvti bsarth clre m iihm. eb. At that noenwt tii.tlie. rntîhéerspalng at Wihe otoman anul ieduct Wli> Eludoli. holding revolver., tu thétir narrlid le a few days. Tbe rallier. compelledlipinrumand l@Mie cCfrey ai anotiier couple to vaik ont the front doar of the car, whei'Rudolpii ail beley>'eve obiing covereil by mrvolvers. T'h. six victime wore marceei to the. sidewalk b>' the baîîdlté, wlio releeil hbem of hheir nioceend uI ewilry. . Miss McaDrey suceeededin la aving a Ilémuond engagement ring and a Uicond irooch lii' lipping Ibein dovn jbor nen ille beinîe talon Ira.n the car. ' rum aien saved $80 b>' dropplng It on the giouni and reectverlicir Wmiter lii. lepartars o?1ithe thieves. liie rohiierSotaabout ffl mudl fr afld wthes. Conductor HBank# rveil 440 *Md4 piece b>' pu$Ulag It ia hig -l e e 'i ( t i i 1 lon xe -lO-r- . tou It la tbes »w priuu a1w under whlcl fatur.m laalon are to b.imade- la " m aen ellevery 09M rcountyin the 0"st, vWb econto 'for lb. .mrly activiti lb poitical matter., and oit fi lot bww r lu Waukffem oiderable specalatiaina@ ta candidates for caunty obea.. Naturaill>' the infectIon la rmchfng îliii 4WJ057 districts a»d one' e t, .ieU oa ii~ al Aceeeuary - iv ouiang -oe.itlonaJi r,ÉfjEt nowlu 'the openig etegi. *1 are tiie candidates eithor amsredir té tii. race or e. "inentionei" ansIlkely tc, b.. COUSTY D.L, Jo nes, prset incumbait.. . ............Waukegan R..W............. ...Waukegan E. J1. Heydecker ..............Waukffau 11OUN;.XCLE 1K. A.L. liendee, present incuml.ent... ....,...................W aukeman J. L liwayie .................Waukegn W. K. Bulkuci............... Waukegasà Elvin Uiffie................Waiikegan flalpli Chttenden ........ .... Warren Joba Swauusbrougii....... ..Wankî'gan COVNTY TURAlltiLKI. Oea. iltephens ................. ewimirt Pred Asm...................... Wankî.gan OU'iT. Or sIlOoLS. F. N. (iaggin, Pressent inunsient ........................... WaukPgan T. A. Simpson-..............Waukegan John llodge . .... ............ ..néont While lier. are otiiers tii.above i" iii ones causing airlous consideratioîi witb earli eMate makem, la the. talk of eomblnatiom the .ladustrlons osses have assoiteil Jouesý, Reuise nad (Iritffi for ti. tires priclpsfofficesansagainet Coon, BuflocI snei Ivan rougi. Il. in the. long race doelopmmt4i prove tiies. surmussefin bu corset ohier combina- Mions «il[ h.foreil md- 'tvlll hoa mqm>' Unis' il ite l. w. oi BIED SPRINGS SOMETI-LING NE Tel yo ire nextw W.".H EAT furniture and Undertakung ULbertq'iNe * McCormick Mowers and the World. See us about Il saïme plant for candIdate.Ob thelr. varonsticlketsMd uidg nd md dons of Do ai election are constitaWtedugee and clerks of prifflarisetthe ëaeu. les or $5 per day. Asa nvoter stops op ta vote lio muet deciare his part>' llilatiaîu and leiii tii.. given a ticket of 'tbat part>'. Candidates c i mnb>' postion, buts 1" X muet bave *tbiinpetition Bled hefare the. day of the primà' mail no voter siguiug lhe position of an Inilepeadent cau altervanil. vote for a candidate le the. regular primar>. la other wodsTueci the xthe bnoldleont lialooumueut close durlngthhodn of prmay PStin.At LiDertyvilli Ail candidates for office, before tiii>'Ne cal, have their cames onthe.primary Ne ballot, muet file.wlitii.hecount>' clerk a petition migned b>' Ov. per cent. of the ied voter.i. Candidates for state fenatorLa e an sh tate houe. of repressetatives and for coingres. nuut do likeviie. .A tee of $100muai b. pail b>' cadidatem for conges, $50 b>' caniMdate-rstate Canddats fu omlyOr olroffice are Delegatune% uns Instruction;, andil lthe> faiutado soi 9w e sretar>' je SPECI empowered ta oustt hpvote us tii. voter. 1 istructed. The couet>' comntittees ides vetiierLieyile o er a candidate mueni have sa.majort>' or ietvl ofr pluralit>' te nominale. Wite .the. nov mw la comaplote andCo exhaustive the above are the, essentail regulatbons,.ailbougi provsion ln nuade For ftirtber lnformatio frdtermining ali lmr questions thae J nMay aris. wu $ý - qrn Iay, -JuIy le T rotting Assoc w' Mile Track of Iligh Class SRaces' 1Other Attraction- Ail, TRAIN SERVICE the best attract jom )unty for JuIy 4. raddresi; JoHfN R. Tuox S. 4RDI~YSec. OcYDET PR Our gromyr .lp.rment is always Juil of rellable goods et iater Read thèse Prices and Items for ThisV Walter Ua Prtmimum eolate, lb.- 29e Grape Nut. P4g........ Walter Bakter'.CoCos 0ILbCan.... 19c >4 T«toeSStandard Gr" 1 Im_ ori............... ...... Walte aer s oGeras Sweet Chocolate ee cm tadad roe,21 Ilcoe ...............5 c lt. ............ SmydesTomato Cataup çnt boUe...15c en Bvyusee.Sadr Go lt3 for........ Dr. Price. Breakfa Food pkg..l10. 3 for 25e BM n~ojlobs aLàmdr I malta Vit.eakIaml food, pkg. tOc 3 for 25c 10 0 Somofsau. Paou8 SbreddedVhW4.tBiscuit, phg., ... 1 c rýk Unota Park Lam* C.m . beî u S1.~OA ne Mm.

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