CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Jun 1905, p. 3

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Uedqoty 1 bal atays nan& .owsinatq. Uancl»e "la *'t>osetjju vers et sebiol, vhere fias, onghf 7 Il ttetOi yoTati ve t4 of v f a £ sh ilin. yt ,tm urvhuyou got pour i ai hamffae our tant, a rimeiilhave batlIL. Nov il, 1 (&mue, Ti eago 1I thouglit a s Iqsoli. cnt If pou etonn- I bkck tapjon la ml' vîl. I Te fiat Jon arc one et thonst roo 1a.Ihave e11fiIel-* oit eoa t Berri'-your oIt fla luiuto.ftwe cottages. on@ - CffKu. a mu..I motn l W' Plipo g"-el loto vork again or 1I Sud l anant. Tf Yeua hooce f0ein=mer, fflméon; flore are always job le bo ert, Y" o tasvecNov tact la -cil 1wiiidW oreryoc. Wh.u jeu are tired et Ciallecmb*o,««pouasgo avaî agalu. ?Iaft la my lait vert, nsgbev."' He tutu- 4 vrsuhaniebsate buiy himmeIfý ema uong hepagera. "Ater tflac acient aud tic luofe "apers pr oci vere seelses for fines Met O i'oufor pour coduof te pour Davscimatnu mon. Tlie".besf se- 1' * awe vif hlii voWeaIt bave mater- i lo trep the expression et hiii face thuf lic ti ue abçlouly.gagpling vita la ps= et et cf ean tai hua i.eUAvms la tact, Jut boglualug te leo sr. of a ses, foui'galbe mide omight plai vii, hie ourle,.,tbougli as pet le ouI' tliy cMW f,.miues oft Iatgme.I 'a La mc ganse, îoo, quita on, 6t bis eWusInvention,. andi onevliich veuttet fliéc meflc"a tly plaise atd slmu- Te ls hauclie bhomuet te b. lit - etverssnj. lHe nid nofilng more, but lic esf doggediy cnt triet te irntout fh ie sa etthat gaine. prosently Mary ceslon, trois -eburcli andti llbler George Bhlcte sud WIIL Placi'feqd a id sîti lfng vîit la mnci.,but flue oIt mas vas reading e.paper, andi Davdtwva lant. think- 15alovly. "Mar," sait Davit."'pou to' r.- - member me, I suppose?"f "Yeare Mi' tieisDavid. 0f conue 1 ememlbcr You. liaItthongî jota are attoed a geot de&L" SBicgave !les bler 16ast."" tflicpeo1leare islklng about Founr tel." Plie.George sut WUiIell"mhok aste v* t bleu M chieet ciii antibrtef irp. "Whp. Davd," sIt George. "ire muet «g yoa ouf i lîti. better ias filas. Comoe bol loin. vllI00a4tme." Davdtorful]etomi.ntef0his onele. "'y, ne mer, fling te c"Y. Au et yen- mur. hean vat fiat la.'He okena mce a laieora cottage te lis, lu, ant m lali onr votefIdo, anti a laborer's vate f0 p.,. on ml ova landa.-nay own Ihat hi o sI oit lmas boe. alltlng-sfnuct lii'àsJustruet lite chair. The mcxl tise i coreihem--o na ail Iteenu- lie s abu r ltne-â.question mal 10< > b10v 1111e I mci' b.offeet, but Ie obc a ciu fate." se tfurlied h44 tut lu bis lunterefanti- TU ocf fi. Same fief viste b. pîspett. "Bey misdl," ho repalcd. vIdhaa lénckic-'hlun mcch ltfate.", "Licr mol"nul ismacnle. "Philela WIII? Whou ti.I j-eu cois. down? Anti lJirla peur winlulg bmuaisa Te Dlu- -siti aiay, George,;1 Ioatmsratt joa'il lsd is very ttloc-reryitiomain-lu CHAIPTER XII. We foot DAM't ava îli nu.;lut flac oit man vas right.* he vas insufferasly tfeiona. To leen invtb. bis mind seeni- ad alcorbeti; ho anc-rend oun questions S horti, cund che e o urloiti or lu- "..enst le us, anud preedt no picasure cfamngisansagain; lue vas umpish and cWre ~ iolst,"caijeorge."'v brought 1 DgT Da iïLemanu t dier. Be came home lest nigî.", Pie oIt lady gave hlmn ber liant, vîia-1 oteu l iecI ppearnce Of aurris, fIat1 UIt 4dbaàrefurneti lu se t teetà acou-1 4tiîlue Voestare velceme. David." ahl. id "roai lU tel unalater dinunea net p'ur atisefture& 1t lee pu arete te s$«tic orgols ameu pour ova ci*e. "Miy oi peopl," hl ie ai, tbavebeaus *o. ia4et at I'cm Ullyte seffle agate amona flics."1 yul*w teke Dait airs, motben." au George, -for a tawminutes; tien vs haIl b. read."t Wiion fie, came tovsstaIrs Davidt gts- r- no a Uffia mers nf hie- it appeale,. &nscé. PUr. remaluctia coteas sheucl1 up amur Wb"lacumie tet ic f a, theia Mdlomg 10k, hait cf anslout t iC if et dtu~. Wil la1teaIcmmos t. " éc4was droesslhocuMtidowmfe4 Çnnee. Ta tf pas tâ,4madc ba tkaOI'cnp.o#t t h lai, euflee theto Vfsa h im s'- bow f'flu laichsodial mule. ver ce gmit fias. i-lt - hc b acugeuhlttWce ethei' coi a Ptbc ta A u atahl , o r n a .4J @au wattervard leurs- epl hIe yiaof aet ll a L m*eat» h beplent.bicmitst 1 su fIat By SI~ WALTBR UflAHT t"'l lit ot lineiint And erbg-4a t h n. a , -rat Pas pwrbAim béoaae h.olied à eètssi etibis 04 0#11111 ailve.' the dtneieé=_a - "Anbdtis mra in theAeyt b4 P nl.Wellto te 515coing.t. b. ail. Swly, whemLtiaM4 -cthoara bar" r . "I est keli. »e*i vent Aai a uniage isunewAlc fter Cli'years*li 0. qes «back Cocuebis:assacl. Whou a tumabrote evueer helg £<o six yearc U*MW ietdose guceratlly toilev. plet .1 aIl, flc ait mas Vi4de a.dalcg tor bluta. lmo* euneanttan,! thafItiersm vas t1 molid 0oleIléin la é taqes vhulc ha Ilaf omedteoDave NoX.fWlegje ta b. got oui r f hlm. Wb*liat nulDavIjOT' ..eo,îWin go avic agâa. Isuppos, nites b. taap LfaIm on." "liaitla aes olitaafu se li analc, ;i gorg, 0man, urenWMy'e fiionglt. IrFpou astd Mary marr i' vlla eut oit Daans cousent, ber fortune gSm Dte David. Don David tnowT' t "I shouidt ililul nef.0 1 "To vhli efthUictwo voulîtheflcoi 1man prof., te asond verthafmouel' "Te KMary, cerfaliali." "Bo I taint. Thea ton't re as aie l soeaoti ajcenornofethfe lInsnec ".It ma ycoinsbat tee fat@ ta cava aitif. Lfiicatées abave Uticote. mi cd *roundi at the ilbcltance a&bout tù Poaceaai'front bis-euh' a tarteto titre. huntret acres. bat bis fsficrts and bis aretranttatcre-aud lic vasid- lent tor a moment "Ai for vont, vbaî vrouttilIcredo IfI » the flcoi place! lait 1 ksov fiatoseret'llraf mer t1wrc idm tceiug a"ti valflug bit chance,.ftho' Usa'viamea«s fe-haro nY tanantnd vii Lasse il licoru Uiceutnduo the yer." "Pîflees, e.,orge, Aapfliug us>y "Hoe la a craftfi'end a tangerus mon, WIII. W. casuaplMr.mvhat vu cauot s"Y la Maryr'. Présence.. Se le more ctryantimor. 'dancerons nOvr thaf lbc le paraly»anmd casuel get abouît amant bis Sts ltai"lhc vaclua thé, skidays. Hc cunnot cef gf me by ipe "ants me bc employet #or David. Bo'cabnet persuade me ta drink, enti ta aige acres- aiente and! bonnov noaej. But fthe bat ies have-doc tonrnus vat drink dît ten David." ne ve taieti svsy fe'atteroom Ilaa rallier gleomy spirit, Lite le no more trte trois charte la. ti. couutnp Iban la fhe leva; thon, or@ la Ancadia, as veil as ian »"014sulfures, leastt, and hirds of prey, vhe ait sud vaîcli fleir chance t0 rend lie liles, i *Andi -e," ho sIt, ummng UN. "I shall have ta ment viththe flc it amil place, sud-boidà la flic voit. again; go >ouf as David venît ouf, asti roturn, pan- lisps, asli" neturaed.". "Ne,.Qoge; sois.finlgs are poesibile. buf nef probable. Tiat yenonî ont Se het mneDavidthm ccebeck la aoý go. aimle." Af Ihal moment flic man utfvliom ire apuoecame siovlp ont et the homse, rui- bief; bis opes. .',Whou 700 arc &mon# teflc bîes" ho i& ay, - u evcgefdAsouth ta est." ."W"tAt 711 pol ocg ta do mev you anc eqin. boimeDavir - N eul iiYOu, Qergs, lua àtda yor 'lir. Tlie oIt man qars ho Win do sneti- lut ton mu,-vi" note fIat proeneufl. Boa fumnedthfb It ftasbous, ai Berjr loge f vo colfagcsandthe .buildings, are tallnnsftaPie-. By* 1enu tae. p mi Qarters laueuof flicottages, if 1 lie; fiat Io libcral, lcnt If? 'Ad I1ana te sera nmirliving boy I dan; flaf's <su-ý eneuc. lcs'f. If?" "Tri' coacllton, David." "No, WIII; I fhînt I mev a botter plan thésa concilîaflon.11 CHAPTEIS XIIL. This vas anl fiat Davidi toit ni. W. cav, lnteet. sony Uttietfhlm aller tiIs dey. H. font al ocave hlmt vithout s word otflitha, cnt lé iedtet pro- tout the toast interest iliher orf ueor Ourn-tolugasor serut veitr. Tt lho lid knovu atoll s enab ig.lits, caidlic vs. but lise or six pn eider. '.Astrans. nef uns! KuOviag nOv aIl' iat I. ioir, I aus certain fiat lie vas dkce,! mut ean- tountet, Srst it flmtiing hie' Oncle aliTe, anti next aet thecaoéptien hi eat vftli. He vac duinlkîni Of ïfie. ilugu ator fiat nov planof is, pet Inhpsrtecf, lii vicliho coult vreak nrne pnbis mincIe. This made binaspp olranti mono stupiti than vis li aue W. caf valfltn mu iprecs but nont came. oy, for- instane,n voulti have bemnpècaw tito u In4ure, cama anuboaceft DeoOeulalrp malite consor vida a 111ng-4f ttslywbb aled all "to oueeeaethug." ta i eo ring anti Ir*ping abea thè fietlntri' rudcta fdo semaug c"a- Dofs iluet atotbis h&c bc ha - te trial, but esot fb rogues andti tali. Yt Mir o i oefs- Ad witheet auy chsa ste a mg lase WMhlaetAsnd the M»cdite cf res. D swhat gede se le tbuý« __Aè la llc~,l*t of *4e'rcresli, vAuhe sa-o 1m ié.aeomuâptl .ked cm- rionai7 et lbis face; fi vseu'cetlc-bogteo Aed lirecic btilittte , »uWSft.*, révélatien tutha fi. *smahi antla look em I tare ey"b"ceii fisYjuc 0t mrprhed Wvno Icamo e ttféa;ée "If inla:ot upemi."1t cuit"tae Sts th. SArnisetflib me," leepl4 ,"fj tt' ogwued"'.t mk aiucuenel, r I j"0o-.a fead r~e iappbeneti. my score "Wsst peuet2h il a. } ,Wbg ti apuocar , iladeti taMtyvmat Hc'd tmtauti stili: as b t i ru9 hf iileWu e ~ IdoW ueB.,Dait, that pour cne d teilb.rate b atnidpou eveiyy wulatI N e.eéver boardi of s uvinz pmm~t~*~aflgg astheiaIving m*ama M4Uan,& IL 'a Laut1nliving Mt*. DlbiIipstbougb I ams not.propareti ita bàçà tR int dffeent vifliauter pert- *ecs OfiMYowe. Porbapi, tue, a living n'o Mf'fe* la but,dcad man; tliaî ==W - fair. TUAanmd turu about. yen te& Bifot 6oa ivunoës etbaniit a a*lie sêplie.'..,Daviti.DO" *'P " eM rtti euglifor anythblng 1 dowt 'care <tho douasft,".sali David, "If wam doe, U*brl egbf it vas dons. rAnti thors vby i came home again, wAnti bele fecced me bomeé on a Ifoola errant, bes got te keep me.- , B113ilt'was'it bis Init thikatheb, ghou c ame-'..19M a sil.h. wanted i own L i sct toYllcisèif Consier, ha couldn'f * "euit-tie borne, sud hes goi t. e me4" sali Davd, doggetly. Then ho alowip slouched awap. S ?fie l i. ongto the Inn," sait George. "WIit fiere a n sethingnneaniy about *&da man. Wb)' dbocîli hoave this Loi'- 1~Ka~comlîodperïhape. An odd comn- beati* . but poasible. If lie bat mur. ideret ilbs male lhe migbîî.bAnX.. bcc. hauatet la ibis wajy. Wixhs ho hat 1purteret i hm, ron see. Imagination 1supplies tbe ros." t WALKED 6000 MIL"ÎN 1H EAR. 5jc.inomanWho Performedtheii.Feat poucliy. On Jan. 1 1203, I concelved the Ide& of waltlng 5.000 Miles before the ex. Oufini'. The objeetý*âs nef te nebleve r ny unusuel test nor te scempliaaiy 1conspiciona performance. Tho ontIer' - ylng moUve vas, rafler, Io insuré a tplan by vîleli regilar and systemaflo 1exorcise coutidlieoobtaineti. r Te fravol thus dItaÙce if wacoces- sar7 f0 dorer au averlage of 14 mlles ra day. Nowk 14 miles for adays vwaît la weli viithin the conmpas of thie ortil- niai' man. But aui oevssieîial wjk ot fbla ic inl a one thlng. fhe sustaîncti effort, day affo r day tbrouglt the year, la anot ber. Let me sae, Ithe question by say- ing fthat e h endof fthe year I lad compietei a dsfance on foot ot 5,205 miles, a daily average et 143,4 miles. The. sîlpulateti 5,000 millewere fiu. lasietion Dec. iii. but an sddltlonsi 200 miles ver. covetdInlqordeci'that oaci ef the 52 veeks of the ycnr nîglit claire au average distance trnversed et 100 miles. 1 s&et ouf upon tuy onterprls vifl fli tuowietige tfltitf as liacmbeut upon% me fe maintaîn a daliy averageofe 14 -mlles. anti 1mad ti.aifalnis, vlienprao- tic, hie, of teeping abUfltheI.average. se as te have somelng la bandi le naset ftle cnargencles whlch veto ai- most.certaIn teacriss. Tliaf fbey di arise wààa iown by tlie faét finit for 15 days Inta ficyome. ewiag te sIeK. nomms.isine u d rsiiway travdln, ne waltlng vliaf cr nconîthai ldulget1 lu. Tic luab4lty to utiise f bae i0. tiays vas equel tfo'&aeio f- over SO1 mues. If Witt, tieroforo, le men that. imerthli clntanes named as inaperative on many occasions, te ex- ecflthe ticdstantie of 14 mlles a day ln entier te precerve tlic average.., At the, boglnnng of mi' walk- mY îvelght was 192 peunlisln atreet eloQmmeswite eaf flie cutiof if mi' veiglit vas 178 pounda. This loes of 14 peau&d was lu overi' vîy accepta- hie. Thie avoirdupois lent vas oui' rc- tinnutteigat, anti 1 toit, as a resuit, more'active, stronger andi harder. In the matter o et htl, 1 toit- declidediy better flan I1lied douc for loverai yeara. CI4EESE AND SALAM~ Sbomul Thcy Be Esteu Togtbor. Ac- corditns te ithe Cactouâ, The habit 0ff atlng choc. t, ad tl ,accordlng t eto .fanftltes, vllly Aiilbrm lea a orlgin, maye tie New Yort Bus. Tihe French makie cieao..aapoctlicourse at fthe end!ôf tue muai, follovlng ftli deasor. la England t la IssorVeti afer cet- fée, as a sort 0f savon', altbongli à duos nof fare alfogether Uic place of the liccvy cooked msaonlea, vhldli are_ sometimec a surprise. vien tbey are put on a taleaffen a'long dinner. As sAad ati a nglandi. viiona fypical. Bng. licl mccl Ia lorveti. has no, dreucligà on lit If can scarcely b. taten Ino a-à coet lieml>. SThc. mnelean habit' of tatlng ier ebeec vfli flicsalad om. goodti eotiuh te Amenica, sîthongli pensumsl tu tic habit 0f eatlng lu Uic Frencib w47- eomplalvcry bifteriy Uiat the t»o Qourae do nef go veil togefiier andtu I. tact are -fairli' sure f0 es*oethel. Te American teste 'Uic cloue lu ver' mccii beter viflithlic "d- Mue "d.flicbmiai ned wltli flica ebilitiotaas UiceS'ropch ualabli' serve, Tic bot plans noem te le for fta-a or: dinderete Me ct'.'.> plate.svwula tii. sali ani c.ese, so lùt thec cs- 8M i ts el I clioc«»anti vice i vogu. Uxzeeptfg e le cse et Ccao- *«-pn Thêeld e4ce uiane»Mf ofathnefi away;l hebW <c'Oeare lecome nov." iîî. 817. s If #potlcm htfldenetior vîcys lu entaa iner auStB. Paul sooma te, bavcte do, ire*cî ho qulfo auro fiat tic eurl e of ottowaî day la net rosi- hi' 6ing f9e4 datifIf ho econten ,t met (o dc'eicp <tacier bof only tb repoat flic oldti e1ing; yet fila s serions ajnca- dlon vlheWtf là an untaîr cniticlins Of inucin tcaohlsg sal I.givea lu cinrelesa"suÏecieolc e tscpYfIef flougli te bte md ofthîe educaftid lapunan Apocalyptle plircsoogi' bas tundoubtietili'becouno oltianti unedifi'- fat, Our aullisertd eaclars vill nef vhc If lanpces, cmd sabathIeir cyes an&Mre=tg dealepaentfi t fhou0bt vîlca are noituer Iru-ationai nor Inn.- tîgions, 'asti icatheir congregsdloup have long et* aceplet. PlTéieeafint of Apbcalyptie Idoac la euh' asulastance et the great ne- aponslbllfy Whac le healmeet antiden dovelopinet of logîl lan laid ulou flicteacicta et our genenafien. lu mmaya riti pomit ion sIuigulcrly -par- ~lol.tiag f t ýl W tf e -perIoti flietiet andàéetond we~i e tbti on ias Dauring fIat penloti Bt. Paul meu brenghiface le face vié certain unusistalcaloIndications of Uic Mefioti 0f Qede iaortl ng lu bletoni', wlich lio neyer pnoviously lad couid- éeot., Ha e, le jutge froantlis estlter episfeae, eldudsstli fought fIat (loi voulti vom81 oufbis pourpose la thi venld by fha.spcody relaniof our LAd la jutigc Rhulet;but tle uaorc b.ý theuglt et %0 greatness o et IcmI -mon te, wukffeil I 1usbeen c"liedi, the clcarcr becana. bis perception' et the 'tact ft biiu',WOrk vas Infonti,,!te ho carrlcti ouf fe0tIeencuithe deeper bccanti i hgt lI lutote purposea of Ged, ahilé emore crlamnly titi tic Apecalyptie lMmcetofbIs'enlr opis. tics rleIl 'tdy-t?.more spîiiualt oUe of hi& later $fqàra.By revetion blad b. been caied tu do a groaf work, anti the tioing oetf . e rk gave lima aftrn fIer revelatiet0fthe mîntior (loti, Io not flntiue4 vIt we Lave la Our generatioal Baye aloI w. aise conas ta a" a:- pestler puirpoee rannini tînouge fflteanti a vasf on progeo oening befom* ntan wuere erer cou- femnplated laofthc religious Idens ut Ont te àiveafaê o *Vts-or tonc l69CGo«'sworklnit; fie ecte,! .nh lieu WtrIeti il. andti fliugliMm mey disteaiboutfis tietatis, the main tsue, ai eppe.ed te olioer Ideca, wiIll novet agaîn ho scnlouay caUctdInluques- tifou. Te a very real extent If sup- planthfI.lesq perfect stafornonts et f«enpr rpu'elatioiia jet ais fIe couicp- floua of efenal. lite lu et ' la loer ivltgo usupplauuî fie colicptous ot Wo1 earllor epîatlct. .luasiauy cases the wvaceetfaIi tf beys anti ynng unen la.tflicresnif et final Mistaken fou-un 0 ouecltug whlcii l Content oit 1cr 10 paseover duRB- efailes lu sîleaice. or to.ffempl le suive liiois by su liuîîrpretation et the Bm- bic vîlcI caîtfposlbli' donvince anyoe anti by stafemeuta ofthIe proli- lems vîleliare a Irarsyfi'tfhîe tact. Thot le an easy tonna et teacuuag; but teaclers wîo adup)t Il anti parents vIe folerate if are guil fi'etan lulellectuai indolence wllt'l la causiug Clnlst's 11ftice onceste atunibie. Dy Rer. àD*a CC. wslle. W. fIe eneet of a smoral tfole £y. A systeun fIat la mot moral con- set'for oser roînîn liq boit upon the ahlofethfe ClurcL.Wrifteu largc acrosa tue pagea et Qoti'c Boot vo rend Uiaf: "W'lataeover a a nuow- e11 fiat d@hallebcaltoereup," anti I oa- flevo fiait Il la mnt f aruaful sud per- Bilîus fe acektotearaie thfat plain alafcmenf onncernlug lin ant iefsdire 'Imonsqunes. Any man vio preaches a clesp and casy pardon do., lot I a service. -Qed Ia sometflngmore flan a goti et Inditie gond nature. For ln- etauc,L-ir e are nef luatiflidhiy' faltl aloné.'1 Any teachlng fiat fatres svay meponslblllly froun fie Indilviduel aise fakes avay. as n direct tenit moral- lty. If la truc 11sf i r ai'Justilleà lai faIt l," but It ls equalI.ytru. f bat talti vilahouf vorkc la. tiecti.The Idea o et fliorglveneu 0f clns ûflc n lange place lu the Xév 2Testament. We fint itI lln.eprayren Chist ftanglit Bis disciples, antiaeuumons promi- nMatiyrInflic letteil of tie Apoitte FinkI. il»Mnt t th*guSai ncta'." mai cvory ptsh oeï aloU b able ýte speat out f et ia lexpert- eue and smy vifliru]i meanng, "I 'belleve luaflic orgiroeas of ainer" Xe op.e ec ste 'tisafat deug llftî h igli-rosti befotu lio becois cohalous ot .soefing,.. mrong. Ho qmmnof sftaud up betore bigla laven aud sa'j Iat ho la ifie ut gulit.. Tumnlng, fo flic Bible.,lie-r«ts that: 'tl m ceap thaf ire have no ais, ire Iccelve ourweé t'bat cqoijgsiaort ,or thc glofl oti lu sin; fIthije1 thieuglit ot toolilbino l nd u fluaf "*wliafseser la net et faifhla le tou1forcent EO d RM t W Mlat lhappons ta thi e goush men wb. persistaeinlusieldeiaaee? He liecomeliard, and canant otb'g««a- 0" wbM ab. Would.1 Wbat lalupena t. tUre vuae wbo surienie uh"mcft paslep andi appetitel He liccome. weab. and i olmt sfffnliea wttwen hoc trlfe,-ifs stetii Geepe lalutanglit là' tbé ffl b>4oabti : 1.11-cesuf cet epee, ti. parable et tha prodIgal 66I5, De r on rememiber what the fataier sai t. ltaeider fou? "son, ail tlitla mis e uthln. ne coniti not t ave 1 i leto tb. youngtr. It la truc that tii.yonnger lad thieaffection ot hie fatiier but that affection could nfot anepentb. liv of retributlon. IHe is boounte t. am eordlug ta flic sowinir. 1ýc money bitbeen opent 3andi coutld »ver hoc brougtât bacti. The tconstItijton bail been undermintil andi 1couid néirer lhc bult np toAts t ulineso 9and . sregl. The. put. ceul t o .rftaljed ly fthc ave of any magie t wand. -Thé. poea camte bLd,, but aH. toit lie was nearer beiven - , andi tfurther off at one anthec snie ti. I 1cannot se toy way et par4ou ex- scept flirougli 3esui Chriats doctrine ot the. Divine l'atlierbood. -"fat la 1W gme flic one hope andi stoy lai ail my .tlionght on flics ubject. Only when- iyou bellove Inaftic Divine Falienb ootiý kla thore more for flardon.. It shoulti iflot b. iMlf or Godta forgivo. At »any rato,,don't lot unsgive Ged worse 1than vo givo ourselves. Love tla b. h reafoning force alwaye at vor t u flthc worid, Jut as fhl 1oretgravlfy itI aivsys br.nllnbockitoaearth thei b tones that flic boys tlirow Into tlie *Ir. ce thore là.tus great force at thc cnter of Qed'. univers. meeking ta) bled Uic errng hearts ofricthe idren ,ta flic otkrnailioart of QGd& Jcsuis ecomes anti tato nW by Uie bandi anti 1ltisn us backte ta00<2 Jesuis savcs n ýeM i H,. e nclcr doubta fiat W. save nse s anunbaon» ot 2 elt Hln-a.ffw in ns, *Oatilon fl fluim;ic neiglit rondi; If la loto fRéat roadti Uat Clile ats un. W AU.MADE CUBEBU A CURSE. 1 put *o. esorgsJP. MaiL Man-uadc erceds bave proven a Lcur«etatoiY.JgWou8 voetU for cen- lia flcpppc ofUioa in- etidfý1 ecd -,maa ny Instances burnetietathel 1 etatiebanised. or çtiiséecruolly icum.nsures. cw.if la Cdii truc thaî,t filu 7rystallti b e- îlets wffaaý*ta 'mon troi ach ~hea conipaulouallp An"i o-orafola lthe wora of flALrd. Heocm, I las, ne,. or hati sur,»e for creede tu thé.coin- mou acceptation ofthUictanin. »urlng My twenrty çrc' minlcfry miy aniy creoti las been *"OIatlst andiU*> Crue. liedi," anti W ely coutescion of fali or *Muel.slaliguie licebeenUich Bible te. lutespi'otedl by myot. Of course, oee MA«tbaves laeti- that ti.'.a bellot. Wlen one accepte thlilvlig, divine. al-powertul and ail. autlibritî*tlv it as hie. erseti lic iéede no iùruIatIons or bleliops. prients.or teemhnded ccîsc- altles. Bellcvfug Christ ho llovos ail tlmt i. iieesari iluarrtu full andi coMaplete salvation lier. an4, bore- atter. Uan-made croote is vide the people of Goti. They croate strite. I admit thti thore are dame gond tblngu lu the Apostles' croodthfe Weatmlnqfer con- fession ah&l toalelnlar formulations of men, which 1I bave avez examine!, but there la' not que gooti, vital Uiing la, ony reed ever wrIf feu the counterpart of wîli eb fl domot md lq the Bible lit larger andi riclior aoasure. If ail the eroode wrltton by men, andi ail tie articles of tali anti cou- fesslons c6nikl b. gotten together and bnrned, and nofliing leotbut thé Bible,, the religions vorîti voulti afvanet a century wltli one bounti. CtRISr a iNOIPLE OF LIUE. 90 Iii VNrd e, Tb...p Ail othler questions about flic Bible are fading to e acbactgrond anthUi tionglit of the world to-day Ia con. cèutrateti on the teachings of- Jesun. tbe princîples- of Qtc wbicli ho laid doiva. On avery biandi men are ast- lng, "Are tfiez tria., are tliey riglitt If tbey are, thon wby do we not, toi- low tboan? Wby dolvo tolorate c eou. dîfloli of thIngs lu business andi scIa lits vhi1cli niate.agaliatf ûc olowlng otf themà?" The 1I we bave but n p a vont cud- e M",nP=-ê â4y*tqpk , et if* et vhi flie entrai pdtdpiee arcthe. ,gettlng of potiney antithe teauti*g up of appearauýce. W. letý ourseve.b. bounti band afti footby It ant ien w. rendi the sermnon tbc mot spsai- Ing 0f tfuntsmentai slmpilltes andi sincoritie, anti ue mIal It lanpractl. cable. 0f course -Io.s on Ui"ose termis. Jeaus inseit told usne that: vo. couiti not serve Gad anti mammon. But f l-nomoi. impraeticable ano. than If vAs viien Jeans ivoi. 'Andi If la practicablo uaow oniy on the came terme ois If was fthcn, naînely, breet- S~na~lobsInvatlun.--2 CItron. 32. Goliden Text-W it, 'a i.the Lerdur Gti u ielp us, anad tu fitilit ur batiles. -2 'hroi. 3=-8, We are nonle toike ajtf unr stidies lu the Olti Testament wbî're we lft off hat a pear ago. lani se liait uarseIveo set'a. lime, wren the l.ebrew. stili <iod's Pe- i ullar peuplo, are >'et dragged into vans 1hel11VIPn1grenier nation, hecause 'of tbiarr liariîalirahaaaoned Ithe pflit-y tAud inrked. -Oat for. tbea. Tltap vere tu bay ekept ' tlieSfeven spart froan ail. otiir nations They wvere flot te interntsrry with ôîher peuples. Tbey were not ta adupf lihe cas- tomas or "woràliip'le goda ut other a- fions. Tbey bat been callel uont fruan anaoaag otber nattions Ihal île- migbt he eâtlrelY separaît. (ramin he. t Bat tbey had broken away fran Ibis bdiriaaely a)ttointetI isi-ation. Tliqy bat enet becit ire,.frouith fio ofaIinermar' ryiaq u'a iè heli,', Crsain idif... Tiiei king.., mi, I,.l' aled tileul a'iray jn Ibis As a regaît iduiatr- was more saind Moro preti«,eýinut toleroted, imatil oe Pass4ing Ilirouxi, lthe cuîntry angbt bave takken Jew u'.-nt IrhiVIes-alikte ble as ignorntofuthlie true t.oti asthe beathan aruu rîe igu . r-% of -the IfObèw_ kln mht-t ri fltai t6îam- i Ilth tor- cige cuurts and put the teinifatioîn ho- fore them, 10 Malle ffen.ive and deons- Ireplianees wiul otlîcr mouarcbo. lathe vilm of Man il seemett at limes ver>- PrQper aud neeessary te> caillaare the frientlahIlpof Ftgypt, ini enter ltai Egypt, wbkii s'as the great gonîî,etitor of As- 1- âÈia tor.mestery oven the nations, uaxgbt acf as Proleetor te, Ibeeifebrew nations wbicli Assyrin throatene te lu bori. But- the prophets vite spate te Godla people fer Rini neOter cease te1 oppose any alit- succe nd to #arn the people te trust lu thea. Vontgr,' eheinoniY bllper, That liowever, was a vony duticuif tesson for a people t0 icaru vlao bat beconie se teint- ed witb ldolatry, andtiho propheîs voe lin consequence ver'npopular men. Ther MAd nul voice lbthe ferai sentimentli, t the éommaniti'. Our tesson bas- fe do wth a turne -when Assyrie bcd lecome th, tomljicnt wQont power, &bout 700 B. C.., or about' 3W0 years aften David'& deah. Bamtrla lfied failen a tes yeurs prerioecty' antid the klngdom of laetlbed cease ta ueo- 1 Itlale lot ta e e onpred cf then tIlat wften Â8srrlxpreset estvard thc Jean were very innadl scaret.' Their country, ocèupied an Important position lietycea Jssynia sud Egypt and t1.lay ba matie it enideit fliaf If an Assyrian aoceq abotUtitcitithdIlearmies a.:aiuat Bgypl titey votait ho resty le bolp the latter. Il would not I;va boas sc iàehrefore, .,fer lhe-.&usyrtin . $reste proced aga lisi Eg-pI vitbnuf tire, previdlug Wtbc-thU c hould,.uoft. net biftrm, Ibein base by the Jei. big it came thaf T'alcaline ws acbuffer titate, c battl is- fieit for halte annales. Thc Assyns!e woîald probabli' have h'.ou reatip cnough ta confluer ftle jcvw q ute irrespective S But If flic Jevs alladoue fOode blidlng He wouild have savedt flem la sois, vii;l poealblp by cleiovng Aisyria anti.]CICPI f0 vear flicusciresa* lu' lighlaa* agalnat oee uother fWifbout oucennlag lbemaeivec vifli a nation ireweponey f il vas te %ud l&t f.ovA lîushesc asnd vhlch vai site enongli f brefore toelias. n flicrear or fiant out es aisies. Dr Note.,- Vertse 9.-'-Sennadeeib hinacelfhe- iegeti a torlîfie t fevuoftJutien calîcti lAchish. This place vas prarbly about forfy.mlles tle e onLtbveél'of Jeruoa- leis,'snd more diroctly lu bis way thaqn JeraalOmn. At ail oveufé Il was noces. zarp f0 snbdie fliccouintry lualthe coutl- yard ut Jerusalem 4 bie.proceetiug caainsIbtat streuglolti lfseif. Andi Benuceberh- hopedt fiat a ganeut bluff miglil aie hlmmucliactual fibiug. 80 wblle lc ie il bis great anuy' laid siege lu Lachiali. some of bis offcers vene sent tu tnp lu persuade or tnigîten tbe people et Jerusalem n mb snrrendering. Verses 10-11-The message tbat flie Ass>'lflau king*@ offlcena ver. lu carry. te tme peuple oft Jerusaiom Wl, very clos- erly coticoctet. and abowet qaite, nu lu. limale knowledge et Jutons caffire. Vrerses 1-1--Iexeklah hlntself nre- ceivet t% letton tram Sennacienîi, but flic Épeclal oîJect f etMeîembissy vas mur. ta mroate cedîf Ion vnong fie ,levs flan 7 tu carry naeccgouté Becliali, Verses 20t3.-Ot ailtladc ot stades- mansbip anti tlontay the osly gue tinfl la fIat '*11dhb laces Ifs rellacee lion ied. Thene are tcv raiera vite know Ibis, cndthîe peopteà ire no bottes. fua their ruiers. liuzekab, one ofthe lest kingtahei Jews badt, urned t he ur of great danger ftaed. ff Ttrequiret great falfli te do that insfeati oft tainethfe malter lInt bis ovn bauds. To learu more la pqrticulîr as f0 boy bhaIWd lbemauter Muore Q ead .2t tKini 19. God'sauagels or 'messeugors. sy bc perconîl or inapersoual agenclo,. Very poeclbty on Ibis occasion flic "auget" i vas a plague socb asuîla at f0 attcci largo armies . dster unscuifari' ceudil " flous, cnt espécially wbeu. vaten la acarce. W. tnow fIat RemetIibhat chuf offfth e ter that miglit '01efrwla bave suppiet Senacborib's army. But whet ber Tf vas lii' vat vc caîlinaturella menus, or by suipernaturatl menas, 1811, 000 wariorseofthfla grewat arasy perisicti. (2 Khni 'je,> Thaf loi.' va. 100 mucî for. eniiacierlb. H. coultineotu dtesfapi ta Calce of flaccatastrophe. Godrf ap h uhié ffl mihtsail f bar *f*d l Qedi et flic o td it f leuanti Cbreh a" Ciegi.ale Tbecfiref pesa.. vwha eaver lidth fe copper of Lake Superior as a JmI brother hi' camé, 11cm Mulies, aboutti rcsr .107& - .. - . lihotea IstaA anls c vieet clipe Curcli 0ft6heliolj . Cioiuno, .Pah- mu <lu ici lI~ Tes esc Sees sot chaoS S lare Il rnt~ meule te - Uta seita. ~ 'ce ruei

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