CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 30 Jun 1905, p. 5

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@ot@ oihpuru advurtip u*4 QI0ofanmm y« ou Dol'td. Ia f8mtIi.ow Nfotig VI',les l iky malordir brt,: e âmve t twiv ls. m *hlu*Uùu ar&Ieteoaetblaln oau't usai. w« yoa 44>barsuo! KIrk'. Ammkaut lami).' t#Imf kioit gond to j«u? LE MAàRKEf -end Ocùw * J~e iy Sheet Music ANI3REW IIUSS Cheguts$14075 IIhArmiw Drop Ilead Ail Warraoted For Tee, Vears. là -several styles and Pfiçes Wecari save you ffipe,'on Sewing Machines &Davi*s,. e7i.» Whine thde. à-£. Yufwwrzw . UWIGa. , h co uav goodiquality. pàq*~sêJoie 1LWý 4 1éhie proporty andt ~ Cherrybolme, cotte* on~ j* avenue recenty to 1. *--u of CL tonnei ~~~IU 5 ~A 10ln *0I.*,ýr main was digcoverd ÂM i4éQ et là 4m.cenlat TIIunuIUd %TUoYueo,*"k Mlwaukee avenue ~ pwkiabout tIirty-fre «. Z I êd rebavlng Charge of isu. rag ~t of mmeioluinConstruction Wor. eý ", ia bean wok m e ',,ofLaValI!., Win., la '*0* Ma Frabuon bganworyvlbigg hW 5. Jayv il. MorSe andt Lymb Boi. bave arranged with the . làprombé_ Mat by' Jla ly 113 the 1 loal mmebht0e prlnkile.e testit .&M ld « ei 1.a nt deriam. the mammn andt bave ordereit a vion City. ebldéawa#sprinkler Mud aa soon asitI *n*vm vl bWga. tb. work of keeplng The = eiis #s ttn;dRavinla do" he dont. theatr irdu neW (i i bd Mun. *tephu Young living about tour I salies _*oi1blaaist of 1.U bertyvîlle aW&@ pot- IDr. Martin I t, jeudanc tht. veait 60110111 illilvia l aysage and tora upn meinplo-4L Amier. an institutse Um.oeb1U<.~ui grias, ~ Of bopatit ai e the Auditorium,m 9" tUhe éuance of a traîneit nurse. Chicagjo. a su m n d banda vere swollèu andt Acenent Ii l-n -4tnleted j>jagm~ia recovered. PYOP« y"M_1ly ii he b Mm. Mary Fisher, of Lake Street waî obs 0of that 1eeliy.' j Wlemaatly mndnndeit Buqjiap .of tbe A borne 01 tii. J lrore ýtalî the occamfon v41 ber 72d birthda,beat ack behe -Mn a way White out iumber of out-of-town relaives gatere.d on the rond 'in4 va i rioumj ceut upI -ouçpeed te dey atber cottage and addl-l>uthe S I. là htiaîîî.ulit that the elhair 10 ber deellâng yaara. lu ber atnimal wil.l 0 hq> Pf<or 'oi,. turne, juneventfal and loner fleit w ai a A eaufloff crbbê&M cld *auit fire ila the 0 bright &pot and l mu likely la lte ap-rearroomofL.eatiadriigmtiiri. yW'.<j.j pr'clated hb, thoemois fortunatel>' day afternooau a.4 h ia llge .xeitlng r atuatisodand aurroundeit hy loveil one, .for a liv niluglus but tile Ikkarîîee were ea P One. of lie M. B. COlt» Merchautile ontrOlit ed 1811Mdagma..t'. arfloît 10 : '». delîver>' horses becamne trightrned aa>tbing vWs d*& . i ltThuridayevening and runniutgaeuoai Tbe Fiatt4M uplDaîîk klim. urc-lîaied Cn th lbatreet liion lb. sidewalk ia front auew Ut03é iî r91lke n of SimlÏb & Devin' ilte breakiug the inîtalledit ilan tise tuuk 1 k,.llreaaed s large plage gglanseailndow in thebasuentbusines led lIm gi te t-ilet..P whlcb e o f, tisat *toms.. Cnlderable danuage ina iteclded'IÉmtvimnerit ver the old 1< 1 irmdoiseta an eijiibit of china on a metboit of aàddlispeot with a lien- ai Stable lu front af tb. wlndaw. cil. si A mma wbo bad been ildois ing u1 b.Vedusda alsmunu fia rry Titus ai- DE Was lu the eveing .put ont of the i.lanbnep'dr1diîtlhe pow. lm Liliertyvile Rotel semiple omnaddersttn I i matrÎy 11 ae D» ret&llaatdb> tlarowing a atone inato tbe vus loetotaheb. Iven adIl le .a,4 COU. "0 p" lam ian ndow la the fIront uof-iderabi>' bruneit.lie a a..a ttîenîddb>' n the buUlug. The wlndow viacoul- a physician. plotslg'wu'eddandithe .perpretrator of 1Mis, W. MX«UAath an(] ..aîWarren WC the de eillIuid I b8t b. wait a bave returuusiltris New IYork whereÇ Osvlpe" employedit aIthe. tracts. Ma et bs apnîkî leri. On lait Tuesdy alternoon lere. o. E. an operatontor offnîlkiii. Warren Wbueffolamaisteit bi, ber siger, Mr». boit ieen attsinàg e.lî.ol an.d vae Weot ofElgin, entertalueil the suddenly tekea p»1' Mii.île boital. menberi ot Lb. W. C. T. U. Ater the Au op8r4tlo vasainte dîitid,.d upon devotluîîal exercise Mlis. L. B. Morse led and nowb-h*uo -ul) overed. a dIsuseion ou tb.lopi Io I.tImWorld lu an Intervew W'ylt1h.-engacer uowti -Urowing itter." Alter a dalul>' lunch taking lb.aeleSuBr the .e-wer 8>-ten1 il of servai b' b . le hstemen lb. gueula as l"és"ineS t'tu cio Lii &Imeirte4 tbaklug tills for a ver>' plauélg b lls naéuPenditureof about plassnt ie». PO.OOO for grai* t eeveail oi h on Tuseda'th. dire home vai brongbl vili bc pimiail soutb froaî the littenees y iout- and Sconectei op ail the power entre of love.L Fhr tb. prement it jesa0f L- testait vitb relit. ihw eau ver>' tlou«bt tlvý4 lbnortb <de le aille 10 i2. matîutartory. Tb. lankas partiali>ml I tut liit* lettîmia mater. The mnain ' Iiledit îli aler;adt ie is ai theb.force SflaGwiwiWer ani..] letrfbultarie. w i11O fru. tdm englne gave àatro atif iedW the *1.. beiîîg llain..ail of th.w. seteli>' atera ubleh oulit bc easll *Ublfoade.HU Ibrovu averdehuank'meevator Atthé On bMèhdaymorî.iîîg .1:4m uecurred pssEmnt law tlb.Cit>'in ouI>' parlIil>lis. m#dath Of ir. N tJian $bute at ber proistati butl as soon aithlb.nus are bomg!abol Ivo ml-.rortb of Liberty- (tic laial, OVt t b. s*y»tem wililais hvIle.At Ù» drne oai1hi-r deatb she was r aiékI hb.40î. asveay-tlvreeyears of a"r. A native ut P. A. Ilutebluson, of Wiîmlngton, Jec-awioti cnt>', N York abc reîuoed Delewore, Mbera tu ltesecarge oft e. vils ber parents to Wàukegan wben j -Macaroni facior>'andt Jul>' 10> Lheplant nnlenya a fîge*aîd ln 1862 wa in wilîl again eue uperation. Mr. marieitto Nathîan ilSute. 8h. e aves h:1t ilutchinson lina praclca nu andt under beides ber lîuband, two son, %,iItof4S1 bis managlement lb. stock boîter. f...l lii, ie lue andl J. Saiîord Shiuto. of t confid tent b. nhutaaturiug end ofutheb. Caiorua. A business viliib.c onitueteit Judielousî>' endl andt a saperlor gradeof goode turneil X SPORTS and AMUSEMENTS X P,- out. The newsuperlntendeutli l aI Net Sanda>' thei..lI.rtyvllle eularMbc flu'seiuiloy but halt a conîplenfient oft hI pie>' 1eh. lkupoilkijpers.:tIi. tes p ros bàhnd, increueiug the number îrom lii». nooretleam onthie road, at lbe Trot- of si go tine as ocmion demande. mi ' aeswiali becaroad. Asma d fflo Doit Coroner J. L.'Taylor bhm appointet Lait Souda> h ' il.lkertyrille eglars dedt udertakées EdraritCouraitafit J. 1K. unditlb.'Cotte played n Ore "alg s e îWwu, i ofWéakegan, .as depugyto la 1lfvor of thb.. uqt& Ne! Lheý U e6rommboth f ýwho haM ualifl emân appeareil 10 Ils bip. ' " ~avaeu~Lot a .iho bvequailed The Lbertyvîlle Clta plsYei "ie he m rPE oséie ézaill gltiecars of caieé gluât Darnonits o Nortii Ibicagn Jul> 4 at f__ i~êone Talolca al ttgsd 0. r. ~ unds. TheIi..Dimuitare.a -ans Méo. Taylor with Dr., FoIey ait rI laa unior team anud play a good à ailleofiWaakegau lIdt Thurada>' ga1710t01ai. W. foimPortlaud 10 attendt the mîeeting ofs PU CMEY < the Amenda'Mdcal association andl viii lets os. about a ,nontb. vhsiting T~he Ladies Aid of tb. M. 9. cburch e hutres luthévei. Msir. iill serve le craî uit u e aIetb.heX ppolelool l heWst 'eur-cbîrcb parjore Friday e.veulng, June a. ST Courit nciBo*er *fil attend to the tram 5 ta 1J. coran', dutin uhbi absence. Thé Loyal TemIwranaeLegin ii a I The tesiffi rage et wblcb automnobiles gîve a social ou the l'reeb3rlburch Fr' lava, Frida>-, June 30. su * lvauugbIbi bu, mpuclaly The W. C. T. Il. ia" purebamd f ort>'- W potlcable oôuSatuMia>' anitSuadays,,'four new, books for t Ihoir jbry i lb.tth e"Y lblvid calu t tmtpn thel.1lnet bathomne aLism. Audrewe lapp the.Ils il thece id On the adnantebook a lav Keru haine. Everyoa,. la v tuosue ta regalatiug tilu-proctlce. If tIie raîiid côme and look Ibeuti()Ver. Pei moichlïm n notP, tisbytdrinn durciSundau7 "Y lt vfilhobut4. a matter of ime belote sermon.u In .. evéning lthesubiset iul.v emooisase InlurétI. A namber af Ibese vIl! ho,<"Religons straiglit Frae te 'eave 6J9i tosn cenmihave yasaed brough F-tor>'. et th wilIb i theout hai dayi at a gah ft ! "ogvneeAcrit anils ana, te fnl,>Iyfortyiffl a-sea our ana suéls a la thlb t oftI lbmornlug sermn.eaIthe& 8pSd suelyimprgepubie b. dal;et hurel Jl;r2. A th% s~ud umly uierl. ubîl OUil'.patriotin sermon will i e iellvered in tl b " 81m wragg atv .tipkwcet athlb.eveng. (leneral lasi; eetiéng un tbe dea] -#Imita et thé viboga aIeul d titastop rnornng.befote servhé. Lot 4isper twlnseoins- of the ieemorlal. 0551a Papualu aué- ! It.negluorng l$eolull)o1nfsvumî,atby adoptait b> oi), riit ltIlocal -dealers are Lb~yvleUalrN.48 r t go àitoringIbir bhir ftu lnnticpation. of bahSar ierylIeIl. _ ne of t e tms$e tima in btulo Ffltr n SI.Î~î, ~ aa gan *h-» élok$uvo1ve Itecoal. icI i t r iaur ObThupetr, an" ah r se [ wbo ios ouury. Acurilngta a #féee, Ii~ ,lre Ii~rm~Ioar*e~Ieitor it ûlcbh foes ter, lite frous aurimkeutand whiph laaj ae 4 d'à oh a a Sit Agni*« i$ ll In'Evrybd' Mr. Joli, Owen, tbe mu ail> w Lot by Ual ommcr iilla-*i wm* mm in ae -ar.H.k- W.- 1 but 14m. dimlidta paithe Inatk Mn. f Mie bllth b eato e10.l paiaidaiasea it af lb. ballet voui sait " tet . HI be emanlY lai Hie bai reMunueitid ,.tleuamiInsura afflt thou b. egelA about ai ýk y Girocerie's .Alsoa niceline of Vegeêt-ables -and Fruit. mslaoftsaeedlu bexrpoe.. q;lmm Dw ji Isalouer...t uuhlsetand Arc Ilsbteallmio imis for au0111 sar.10o ur the purpom Orni puIo ater orIs bod.,ofrf0 M lsa lt ive andre ao gs,. euiu ter, ns teasasvia b.imt- asile MOU&er eade.nids 1 b lnerait Et. -n Mm ste Uu«Ira u<ase..o o L.oeu Ob e on is ae od r a r2. ae0 . ...1.. Li ie atai ih Fui15-ave Rendra.! Dollars tisn ou i. rslt.eJ i bylaxallon Rauh (If 8814 sas.0f Mpner and the. tr-aethteif ara dean.! ecessuga er b Sourd 0f Truifsea la d.frey tIcý iMAarr expense ma i l bîlî les uof tiir omîlîTiten durfag the 6-l..cp=.î ling am #jeth lm, 90 foram .rsee' V. posmb-v. Ie odncaiy s@l forth. gmc. 2. Thot 5.14 varions amauntga abov, btîmued ta be rats h axîo.tii.. 'r- alecf y "dl l Ir-v.Bndreho ail bJ P.rySe iuril D vie e ni) ilagae u Pb-e audr Mars (S e.o Ue eunaY"r&hallhbe eh bmDué ftrtbusea"iariln lir r et.. Wh - a Ir, uud 1 tthe line ft ale ua bq aéyorti. u and aa d eff.olt -iS ftrl*pas"»s sitpublnution irdlng ta liti. PAuL MAOGUViU. Presîdent. VCllae(leI lecmterm Sal, et Real Estatte. 'TATE Or ILLMNIS 1i ter. 1505 o, Sthe couati' loart M. B. Colby Mercafitile I Phooe29 - Libertgville - 4 - ~www- -~__ EMBROIDERY REMNAI A îe assortmneît -of embroidery remai jmst recel ved from a New York ImportiÈngKj coisH-tiflg of 50 pleCes of finest SWissMd Alsook, lEmbroidery, Irtom% 8"@Be dia 1s Idalions. E ivery piece 4j yards long. No VWo pleca Jthe same pattern. The designs, are- entirely ferentfrom those whieh .we have had lui early part of the easn. JThe price is, au usual at our store, extrea fIow; about one-haif of the regulatprIce. THEFAIRk UErTYVILEm. -.. I. mn. it Dot. i thit hd4Y of lAmiulor of tle last aIu Ms We have the boat aerator on thei thooag ewIhctl thorouhl a lI~1I4US!l.l.41 i4jw ; lion andl this year e

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