E ~ B~e1.etL i ,DsuekIymN. 'r --a'-- i1Ju'im 6oe 0ermu d oab.lus. lt k.Pato uit Vegut b a mie vaatelu.4 #W .%xim s hs ic. oup"il ith y. t iîai)8Iu cuweb to Ob# ffl Ad*àsead1 lb um. AR drag axçea _. #U r*v Eaa-Aeulemi1atu» ' e . 1poëd. *ebu' The fanioqa mv XIb CetmýaIÀLak Mt hor wTeutetdem tuùryLimited. 'rth m»wtrai, vbil5 vau$wecied ly rauiuge ~~ia~ipe. asu goq lvteh aI MieulaI, ow st~m if ltbas besaiu t«te -be position *f 4U 4", te faitest lon-dItance t" nW - = . Aler l a n eli WW IýUý ad villis.lastar. Prsdent W Itentu1e c et tmê-I$e or moel, rmcfaeb4obaeen isChic*~l XW lt action vas ake!j m4e rigli am Uaeag Wly I0l~ lth ts. 4,WbIhrestied '-Lt uat- lusirItauItymiens conclusion liaI .pqa maci s. 10 t e an vWasfactor cotbutlug iiitiolbdw155 ~se evous.tar ai -Meuler.,'Far ýtimrso, -Md s M d twaimet, preadent Nevuia rderm agi., ~ t '1e et tt estratieu 0f the eu t eubaiule î.as M Uni Rd tiaeb let à*- 4 at tut to ef volce; lnithe MI" o f a %aigle eSVitig eO- ade~o~ydciet f amy 0f the INew Y«k lCentral, li. :up air pltteIIa_"ef bis daeeigChicago sud New York on a tv.utl- ï molli 0t15Of,.hour sehedul.. lu determlulu lite ' C on salu e , a fety . sud s@ oe ly a im e , v a s 1 of lot lisîlua b.e, 'aiflouhil cousldemllou. .,viise: lu arrivingAtaSbis <aclmou*lii lhe1 mi.<w aine I îmtter Presdeut Nevmap di not rut LdlE.Pn.coulent viti th judament snd qpltt. L IsuierS fr oné et bis operating msfnor mmontle1 akevld<he etfthe ln'fWtahlou tilt vas fi r Us amai couductai and coucluded by W. H. Marsball sud staff of thc Laie Show mOaobtlsransd by the delactîve. empo»dal he sLI~iupea~raliroada. Commîsaloner Morris of tie W . Raiiro ad Commission of the ftate et 1_ooM Ym 0hio sud W. . Patina. ebwef ,aee-- ' on of ralirào anad tIcirapha of thea Of lattera tramisBlate et 0hio. vent t e he sie of. ho, Lqdl E. k. réck. end upou their odicelal report oirnaà =_ la.Pragaient evmau ln a lare mensure S bauad bis action lu restorng tbê "Cee si aeh dayq lurY" te lis former runiung Ume. @041 ou«Mge s Inspecter Jackson'a report la sveeP- __________ln$ ad conclusve aIMM lb. ment lu- Sportant points ln conneellon vith tb. wrackr. li e lramwa tnt tiera vaso no doulit that thes aiteli vas 'paet rna)iceusljy andIt ltentloaaiiy, but vas anahie te detenuhie whetiar Il vwu B IUICloeea or. open. Ne furber sttu: I donetthik tât he peed o h r« Jr ilow train had auylhlng te do villi the vreck or vîihlthenumber 4>f!permons dmu et st tile& .The number kiiled vas due ho oueram the tact Ihatthe dinner vas Mal n- laheii, snd IMameu batil <eemrard le the amoker. Fast traina are no more W iltai ablie le accident than ohlier4, for tiey S Stt&Smaire fever stops, eud maac ceom- o..Its, [<.modation trains run as fait belveen ~eoWeW.l..r.stationss thc Tweutietli Century Pd $Qsmd iood. Commîsmioner Morris' staternent la bmdeuit--po4-equaliy atrong nothlb.point et apaed chc 5hyi .a.aalotbelug a coulrlbutlng tactor. endl aiesyru oc..upon the" efoiSlai staiemeuts Prust- ~ dia-dent Newman feels thst h.e au rely uteoinstor owlis te sioW te tLe publie, tirai.thamt tdii GRAEonly tlihug for thie mrnaXhgmn otd !W.bCjlke aidathé&faier the Wreck wvastb rettunte thlb ,tcVLL'SrRAPE former aseiduie untl lb-theacts vfte ni*determhscil and tht the only logical it at. sI oI sthiug tedo nov le te revert again ta ce i~ SletithUSlies ighteen-heur scheilule. .d deyi atr ascri ~oue cei. Had. however. the conclusion te. Sdi 101<lo ~ grdiug tise cause of lie.vreck been NTTIE ~ different. and liaithle Sito eCommis &ton sud -inppector drecded tait pd i N sss~h - as a factor, Presitlent !'evrna stood ready net ouaiy cninelb. f 01V Century" oiaàts-enty-liouw ce6fuic, ,.r~5 mo and4 but aise to go over ils enllre train ser- 0U50. lar fret. btossch Touw vice Ilst and revIs, Il vherever the1 ap?eitot trains carnr toto logical con-. ase s.. filetvlt b ils action lu lie-matter ef tsai, luisais hea "Century!" ruePti cari- tîtte limes oq tié abe-taha no ather frons yor dru.gint. lagoltYaoea,, ýý.dlN Md mbowwe «àbm o .ulte b$ea= ehI feois. labe« ati B«1' atsdis- 0" btredbwbot e"&sfl exe rglu.bJa- 7hs, %ot o.oovmdegstock OUVilla Peste -M» va ipaffl, bitta mataffl cmont O. mm *ftà COU Morte. Mabmatlado"s mtb ort seau Dmetroadl...wm au4 wm@4el N ovablqg et valia aftr 45tSly abelse. BiihnoflonI p*shaitOp-u f mmu UMM& iaaoudomie llmq.5 Uncle Sam tanvuiy avoidiag liccomlng inutdlaMorocco. It Noynvai eut <eh aking ais may bave leae a jack ora tan-spot Norysuy beievea divos,. la, a <ccii lla se tar as Swedea li-eerasit liere are: mdlipensons vihoeau ijthe E9-qull-able Itfe Assidue. Socity The last hiev has talles. Ucueral Mlles Las desorles! tie cause et Rtuai. Tke«Papa and] ChinelS, l la observesi. se pttlng loeks ans! bard ou that -opes Bats to gay that Mr. Cleveland! villi net Le a party tla ay trnses uesur Tic 'differaure betwen Henry Jama. and thLe nevapapees la that people ne..!' Doahîles liastrikins express aiha- pany teamasters have the. sympalliy ef Mb. Ma. Wood. -- Dr. Potton cas Lhardly açoîs! bacomiug persona] vies La refeto e tLe "40,0(10,' 000 tafflî" clama *Major Weaver sud loio seena te lii&h 1 ouapiredtuteobacure 'rm Levsaaand! lia citensostrike. Hapeili 1hla glàet possible ta malte a political lsu, ont et lteieva tl ofbah Paul Joncs' rome. , 1 Niew York pauses pnoudly 10eak vItl plier ely lia a subwv a w5 illsU dli- -Penbapu Il imîgut b. better, caltaieti Quittable lusuance Company', trouti* . A cleveliti (ohm0) hastos- proposeste enet. a iuiieslotî churei. Reoe«pacte te b. l ie t alt-pilot te havea a ky- scraper. - Th00. time-auulblatlng trains moy Jyet enable the oveni.sted Chicagusu te sponi 0thi eveaiug ah Coaey Island ans! - tmuts befor. bedtlme. - Bpemking sbouit elcin, la Unelà lama diacerng eye traînes! ounLthe of lamlgrants novw posrng >*crosa t eouutn'i essternshore lin.? :- l WbiIe yon t Iluglit tLe oieldtI of lhe- big Insursuce companias ivera ,lylet 0avae l, bat. planning s good1dî.neeo yeur vldov Il appanrstiey ,vere dolq smiething ete.' ~a.alm libo.Wh b peoples. At the -agg 0f 3b b.ovas appointaitsemoud rcnlegaiUon. anlssd lie .at r, lehle ful z. bl. 1la b. ~ ~ ~ ~ Eo vaetiileitut t homns .tes, leir.c, euWhmmelasudervile. «romhébis pe b. resignl u aig oui b b.t la Puy, lu91>, ha ven to Pekî h au epefl eUnitrned lu Cinan Sunlgthaeiong-eontleued negottationa boeotvulb hinese »goverument and! e pliver, andir as argely lustin. mental 1u secnliug lhe slgnlng of the Isal protocol To have been an important part lu tie deveioPiug of a natJon,ýi repatation fot a husband ilaunenvisbleie coer- plahuont: for Rny vMn. To au nu- ouatai degrea Mr@. WIlisrnB. Cramer va ass»latane. Ia lb. building of lhe isonorabla ap u tation of 1the ae aditor of the Mil-* v aukee Evenn ofer forty y'gars, durlng practlcally . es ail Of thalme- ber huaband vas en- gatged la the formation of bis career, Kw.. Cramer vas his eyes sud aura sud i. trested ans! neeeasry ast- sut El M-accorPai ed hlm on tours 0f gurope and of Ibis country aud reri- deréd. hlm luvaluable assistance ln tic meerlng sud preparation o et l.ino.u script flat mode lie bllnd sud deaf edItOr a national character. Rer de- votion tu ber liusb&nd'4was beautitul, ani athéenat tingas! frecly vîth lhe pathelle. Bis remaines! nt bi% bedalde sud mlistered-10 lia necils untuligi deali. ÂMOIR the rernrkpLbie expert-, enes §ie bad vhile traveing vitb Mr. Cramer vas dnrlng the lraRcoý Prumalar, vhenthe Cratuera ver. ioeked nlu Paris for several imoti. iiUrlng Ilie siege. Bey. 'Le Anna Starr, s Methodia milater at Paris, Ili., recenly cani Ilo Publie notice Ilirougihber refusai to marry a couple outil scvas tue- nlshed. evîdence liaI neitier of lbe coutractlng parties vWas a divorces. Miss Iisrr bas beau hln the gospel ýmlulstry heu years, aid liti hat lIme >ahe gayasiclieas olfetatas! et mauy veddings. lu but ORIe Insttace lias sÉteite visteilfrom bier rois, not ta mar-y a persan vho bals heen absolved tram a marriage coutrael by legai action, luthaianl- stance the ceremouy bai pricticaliy cOmmences! before bils Starr icarneti Ilial tbche man vas divorces!.She tmm.edlately cansed lhe proceedings t10 b. 90o1tponed. untîilshaie lrued fliat the divorce had been obtaînes! ou the <round. of desertion, sud tIlie e f ied beau unable tb secure trace oethlie huabanil vho bas! uronges! ber. Gha- etderlng tint Ibis constitulod scriptural grOunda MUsa Btarr proceedes! vIii lb. .ceremon.. ic believes divorce to b. a groving esal i iîcau b.e combated by clergymen ratuaiug te marry divorces! persogis. IodrP.Deiyanitl', Primo min- hIer t"Greac, vie ai assaainated li6,a. gambienr, -las! srecord etftdrty- sifyeais spant 'a the Pubtietrvlce, vîti fatel mporW ntuIe- ruptions».-He vas bornilu Kalavryta hiu 1120,andi mded lu Atiens. Inu.1840 h. enterei tie govenu- * meut .servie sd V vas rapidly promot- ai le bilgi posons. T.P.' DELTrAXij Sa Vas tic rePresatatIva of Greece AI tb.heli eII Ongmeai187, ans! lu 1835bMimre premier. Tylce li esut- ferai polîhleel eclîpse on acenut ot MIA forelgni poliy,bel aftr,' short Zèliwmem euach tlrne vas rc-ele<l. W.D ouelle, atter h>8 long ojourn la IMaIY, vili sPeus! tieaum.îmer at Kil- tory Point, Ms. liait HeA. laméesWiliam Lovîben, thse ne.. Speaker or tic BrillishHouae '-etutqe" Ctip5lssW 4as eb4b'ma Ofenas ad a minot leu. lne vas eduesltes! aI mle, Ledon. and! Trin- IIICelioge, (m- idge, graduatn .hée atter boni i lli bou- He. ic as ai- miltes! te liebar lu' 187M, vas tUnde Oberetary fMr Foreign Affaira In 1M9, *"d lie follovng yeutr represcutes! e0teRat Eilaiat lic international con- t9renceAIV041..MUr. Lovther lia . ut eduo tu WP'raanet the Periti bas a .tory L*àitviâtea' U.45hï Oiark vas asked by a LaMOns eeiJ0' W» Suspectthe '*ork of &MW ýlotad eat promise. Tih. awjetauila as treatcd wltb elu*uamar, it showed tweuti or'f4ê~WID out 01 a vood Diuto a agenutrjrrond at close tLder. ligures or at- tempte at the spes uIr ere.viible, ouiy the grave WÇPUFM .dtr PA, the abepsua.e. teouds. in the back <roundtW olr frnkly ad- mira lbh. wol> that as the artiat wsullms boidfot ex- a be t bis lpeu bil fil-t ambl- Tb.'~tw l0 ta name hià pries butrred thnt t2 % eiIIloar.. l ,.v:lîiatlon. Af ter inucb sparrlég the Seuntor said, genially. "Weii, sappees. W4 Ilsit the prie tu the mnarkt valne of abimp to-ay, sud get our fiW tbhe "W rtao 0k up *The.artiat vw wMpe, anîd prieu beini produeie ô iat ahseep that day ver. brinlagU t hee. "But I1viii throw » a good auto for the trame""aitha Senator.. "Ail rlgbt," aed III. artigt; ."but i bave not finibad tbit-0ture. 1 viii taie t houle s" iSUdsome touchies vhleh 1 orntted lu may baste to ex- hIlt IV" Three or.four day. laer mie ienator -and the dealer vent te the stuilo. Tihe Picture buuig la a gand Uglit, and the Montana iman vas deiighted wlth t. .*'Nol let us aoit tiihe ep," aaid the dealer. Hie rngre lie'number M. and the Senator vas ecaleulatitIe cost ai $1.50 a baad wbentii. arti.qt protested. Polnting tlemmre aPOta between the trees and deug the miad, lie suiti: "But ail the"e art uheep, toi'. There are at leaut a thoussu nluthe dok. Take tbis taOng gliaUsand isee." The $enator did 50. and, pr euough. tbere vere abeet> everywbere -aud qulte demeehailtbia the nakecl eya wbeu oa liev where ta look for tbem. Tha picture coul lb.smenator neariy -$2.000, pins lhe Cult ftictrame; but lie thluks lie pet a bargaîn. and lbe bas been shovlui tiat estivas and telIlug Uhe toV tote l nthnates. Of woie lat*eàat Breet, W1l., 3m8» .<~pcii) Chat. Y. Petecamo, Jttte of the Pleaca for Ocoulo Ce*.. bas detvered a Judg- ment thal ln of lInefflt ta the vhole 1United States. Put bs'lcy. rbat judg- ment le, "Dodd'a Kiney Pills are the best KldnaY madkIcluou the market And Mr. Paerson gises lits reason for tbîs Judgrnt.He laya; ,Lart vinter 1 bad au aeblag pain lu my back vlilcb troititUs "very mucli. In the morniug IcOubi bardly, tralghten My back. 1 dld noM 4"ov ihat t.vas. but an advertlioernet led me ta try Dodd's Kiduay Pilla. Atter taklng one box 1 eau oniy saY tbey bave doue more for mue tien exPeed. as 1 teed as veli nov as ever 1 did before." Pain lu thc bock la ona of tic %rul auotoms et MKdcer Dieease. If flot eured by Dodd'a Sidney Pilla Jitmsy devcelop lto eBrigbtm Disease, Diabetea. Rbeumatimet morne of the other dead- 17. forma et Sidney Dîsease. 1Putly keclproeated. Iu a national sehool near Baliyl>eg tlhe principal rnled liii pupla vîitla rod of trou. Aitixougli a reaily good teacher, lie vas aonsewlàat barsh ln bis Punuujimets snd rarely appaared ta bave a due appreelatiors of youthful sPiritt. One day lie hart occaion ta reprlrnbnd smre seffior boysý for un- afemly 'oiduct and i 'ds'd lieremarka. '*Owen Gîrvan, you are a vorthiess lad, sud tha're la; a hast end before yon; 'mi glad that l'rxu nt your father.' "iar nawt hait as glad as O1 au,, aorrr' vas Oweu's undultui reply. WH1TIHE! ARE HAPPY "0WIo NOABE PUOVEEI 70 $T1BKE DEBILT.Y UIeauia lgh EOa"D e» Waig ter 'Rre*Y.esw% lt e aw«m.s' 0=y gbbad dvimslal Sothat 1 wlth amy .aap but vas tirai and imle &U the Uima."caïd Mr. Goîdatou.1 "I1vent $a boid compietely uai up by My day'. ves'k, and vheu 1 <01 up in the morulng 1dldu't feel restéd abit. i bail a*ful headachea ton. andi my kidi. Mey$ got out of order and cagast me te bave savez.pde in tahcbock. At ome .tlie 1 beamma 10 eeble that 1 couhl not étir froua bailfor Ibree veeks."1 1 M. Goldhlelinla ayoung umm sd lid thanbut rensutly estabheti à borne of bie o". Hi. anxieiea vers Iucregadi by theà.e tat h4 h8ifs vas tr troM beng rousuat. Ms. (joîdaten My&: .Forivoyesrlhad beamnmeelof ttiImb. Sornetimes 1Iw va uned te lied for veeka lu manecston uar &piy. aiMa% o'. cas. ad headaches, klu trqulle, pela about the heI aw4 mmiy mor» uaoomforlable syrn5qiuacu- Itectei vlth th"t veakneus 10 WblcbMy - la pailarlY abjet."1 h" ob bailava"debs o o d ,Mdsettisinlu tlu justa» tlI urIbat o*lsada lsd-ae la thyea bloo4.04ami MAY Il. ldîuaoli. ui!.Member Uscons! ..1 vas la a terrible condition frorn a negiectes! case pt atarrh of thiestemacli. Xy tosf a ogcssit .o n Coos! ans! onl'diatrea emsatter est- iug. I vasuausatad. liad eartbuen sud headachea, sud fait rus dovu com- fmtiy -i But lutwo yacks atter I took1 erua I"va aungdpeeson. & few botiezs of the Medcne made agrett change, sud lu Ihre. tuontha mY slow. seL vas cleared of caisrrh, ans! mY en-, tire syso lu a btter condition."- Write Dr. lilirtmsu. Pi-aident ofThle Rartmas Sanitaeiuta. Colombes, Obio, for frai medlcal adylce. Aii correspond- enee ld rlctly coufidenii. GETTINO OFF A '41101 HORSE" The zxperlee Wh" a sCllage Gras!' male Nnesaslsésd * Luin businesa man of long experi- snce, efolege man tliough b. b. hlm- self, vili atieat 10-111e vrinklaa Iliat hâvetebe ha tken oo teicaverage coiiageîmsn aithelie rsIbrueli, ays à man In bdsines. Ilias! an axperience wîth one et them s short lime age. Wlien 1Itirât tlkai l wthi hm h vag villng te "accept" a poalîkqu If il paid $100 a rnontli. for Instance! I turned him out ln eue minute ansd tbirty seconds. mlîng tiatlia eal] agaI1 bout the .middle or. tie neit w H~ le came-liat la lbe charne- i ilf othe colege man, by the way. t jumpes! on hlm beforebe got bils breati trom the vsik upaars. I ask- ed hlm If lie knev about liow znuch il tirât tbree mialakes lu lbe place lic vantas! vouis! ceaI lheb.loute? îlè didn'i. ot course.. Isamked lim f lie knev lest boy mucli more lic miglit be *orthh t me or te antier employer If ha coulIs assure me or' them that Ibere would bc eno mIstake te ceaI auytblng. Ile Ibouglit ha dds. Then I came down to lb. bras tack.s of the vliole question: "I1ev long," I said, "yl Il tsa for you te foi-gel lu tl i ral place îlot yeuu seioîig to one of thie oidest familles lu Vîriigînia; boy long ta forget tisat yout ivere the valedictorian of your doasa. lin long te loso recellection of your lssvlng praposed 'accepting' a position it $100 a monti, sud ta malte up yotlr misns! tint If I aîiow you te dli a place lure ai 4*10 a tueuth for the Oiral yenr yon wiii be a fortunate young man?" He vas hurt. An old friand of mine bas! beeau an eutfriand 0f the 'young man"s father. Hie saad b. vould cail1 thie marC atteenoan, sunitha came. 1,I am ready le go ho vork lu the' usornlng. lie sala,, .lmpiy. 'lie bas beeu ut work'eéver sinca, tee, sud If lie kecrus te the aît lia la going 1 shah SDe stuck int paying hlm $110 a vcek lu- steas o! bis pi-aient 4$60 A menti. CUTICURA SOAP T",a WorM'a Grates i Baie Se etaadmast cf Ee" K Hu tte tb le 'Mitllons of the wrvfe.de est people use Cuticur a epa.ssshtéuibyuCuti- cura Olulmea4th le pu"#atandi veel- est of emolleul skia culs, foe.rebrserv- Ina. ptaifylng asud b.aottlfriu 1he skin, for ceesIalg lie sealp et cruais scalesansd dandraif. apd tie stepplug of falling baIn, for atteuingwviten- Ing ands sothing rai. rough sud ore banda, for baby fasies, itebingisud cliafinge, sud maay santive, antlsep- tic purposas vhlch r«Adly . uggeat tiemselves 10 vornen, eepeetally mohii- ors, as veli au for ail thc purposes of lhe toilet, -bath sud aurmery. Abe Hummel, 'th evew ork lav- yer, who la kÉbvlA s a master of re- patteea tehob. cledîlcd ithà anev, pitliy, sud very Muc-te-tb&'poat r.- tort. Theolem mlgacrnay log a client te court, the case gt issue beisig a breaeb 0f promise suit for damjes basai en letters wnltcrn bY lb. detentu, the coun"elior tuas!been gtbg a biuson on mouas1tebis cli- monke!: " 1 100vail àabutIl Abetlic"mre old song, 'Do rigbaitnd dr ualhng"' - Ne! ne! That's not i lt aIlal," an- myered Abe;, ;do't vnile and tean nutbing."-, fia i~ ioat~1uare a aub- seriber te-Iu lbo' e vlutin, I pre- Shc (of CIivbland)--No, but I halte two ï4ier filon agaaiies. Wia l se e les m PiWo'sÇuansfor Cou' I i ln onr it tu 'asgiven me -~rIl.fl .Wood j'srmersburg, ,mibave. bean git- ' li garfilin vi4_ M suTad vo iefu haraterif ~el ppulrly I E1 B~WITB As vlth, men, 810 WITU 000DB le vIth aay article 1hs1 Je ou hae mlrket. -IT 0ANX0lT IN4ORBA$U ilM BALESM, it canant b. aileptet as STANDARD article, Il canxot survivfe generat[ont ulesIl have reai. luber. sut melt -MhIIIIons of dollars %pont li advfttls-> log muy article vithout mertt are luit 'asted., gofer ne contlua& sies.are coeened. Inteliîgeut heusakeepers- 141001b. compaile taI 0 uuy bgt th".y ,ge not approva et. That msscb ila a sel-evideut fst tI tanuot b. gslunsahd. But It tella its, ova tory of LION OOVE snd tu *uilty--aoecul!. that bas beeun the leader of ail package cofle« for more »Sa a quarter et a entuiry, It as g oteAdly grovn llibe affections0fciMill- luae of Amiel0an"esasé&ils O lntroductioit, long, long agoa, Ils unexcelled fièvor. perfect pnrlty and unlform qualIliy. is absolute lea n- Uiness sud neat appearance, hav es- uleared It In the itearte of the people. Good grocara vin tell you Ibis, but ' tbome vho drink cofea o09 g ~knov much umore about .quaitty'tbap tliuy whd slmpiy BIDLL IL. - mataI on LION OOFP'EEC; Iy un, ldoae coffee <la bulk)-you don't kliov viat you get. Hov eau your grocer.? A i ata Upea bis acci ito the throue tbe Empareof But& ta ppolnted Coi- ouel-là-Chief or lf ttl'yal Scots Gres. WhIsetdresing for dînnar an enthusi- astic. snbaltern commulnlcàled 4h.ý-lIu- formation- eb~is servant, "Doua id." head, "bave you bearthsitt the new Empel'orof Jtuisahem «been appolntedl Colonel of the r*oment?" "Indeed, air!" replled Donald. "Il'msa vera proel tbing." 'Ilhn.after eýpauae. lie InquIrail, "Bc pardon, air, but 'vîlIliec bc able to.keel) hoti Place. ?" WonderUlal oura la dimplayeti by rnazy a poor lnalid, erualied, under the velght of chronlc troubles, 11ke eonstipatlou.. bllûsne.. neuralgia, beodaclie, atompobh trouble. etc. But sncb sufferlug, ihpag brave. la qulta uuneeesaary. for Dr. Caldwell'» <laxative) siorup Pepalis wsul'ely cure ail these dîmsmas, drive avay ail the. nplasmrt aynptoma. snd resera every lnvalld to eaf«tb.Try IL. Soid by, alldrugglosaet 0e 'sud 51.00 Moi- ey bock If ILtstial. lest làke a Womait. Lady-What wvîl yeu charge me fer the une et a carrlage for a few beurs?? Liverymua-It ivill cost you $2 for thue firai heur, and $1 for eaeh addltlonai hour. Lady-Weii. l'Il us k for tvo adili- tinal h4»urs. I've sgi sme shopping tu do and viii nut require It thie-tiret heur. la a Punch, lias Al5elaasWo-Ene. A powder te ahake Jette yar shbo«. It reta the leet. cures Corail. D9i94O-alloueD gore, Htiat.Cloiaaa.Al i. ruwtlagteeSâ sud tagrowlsg ile. Alleu's Foot-as makea DCw or tlgbt ahoes. e5so 1011tb aol -D4olseanud 5hig M.31 jaI atiled FREE. .sp :I~a i 1lb. Point oe7Vtew. 'lEvery dIme a votunlooks hi s mir- rer," remarked Ihe clé, baÀiçtoe, '"sle Imagine« ébe msset huý Il eu4. '*Andl every tinie a'a bloêlnIii'o»", lie seers a bero.".. "33O0pr M. Lewsflutagle Binder," straiglit Oc elgar ceaIjýUaler nme more thonepIler de eclgk%'tthe bigher prite enahias tlila factory te use bigher grade tobaceo. ,Lewis' sectory, Pens, Illinois. Tour speininuleomehilag avtal, Hoirry." snid a mother 10 lier young bopaful. as ash. lances! over a icîter Le Lad u-ntten. RHuai!" rejoines! the litli felov, "liataI a'l apeli'-that'a urîttu'." Ifa gtnl's ftlion bJecté l a ytsiug insn's suit lie aLuIs qmploy >notLser Aiiiylm a "rptmat4'à vealh-1l Wren. Tour wm t1.. Hifr~ Canuaan .-R tha eiaudast selr venId-uapprocl This vil b.e ePOP"i Bond lot bandaawet '~u m . M~d--1fhoemcanes 1 aty 31eaboutthélb. it vas bleide«d.1 - When roosteila eoffee luom by e n~ ~ 'e-i ~ua S W A- 1 berna 45e uli - O bees. 1 '