-~ -~- FRIDAY, WLY 7, 1905-S PAGES 51.50 A Y~AR I . Itfs Easy ta W"ie a good laer phanyosjpsr, Pi" Msd lektare ait, Comtiindetem tON LIIPRWs P afflpG STR E Shirts ~oflars And Needful Hlot Weather, Linens sS.Coo, ComIuortoanad. riht i E.price. >A. Wmbi.pr,,Vit* jPr". 'uw40. CmoaLta LAKf -CO. NATIONAL BANIC P. P. Oveiuogji CfrP. MiniT, R13H ýCA , I. OWA y, J. f l)ia v I<eeping o« Secretg nidns.>' lusLione houceor aout the preramin a y Alennoldarabh.sun lM a dan- gwouxi pr*ti.o,a it iabvltlec mbisryanderisne, and tisera infil woy tisa llabîlit' ut louethrongli dactruction of the. builiàng by fie. Bàota.il t12 a. in 1to 3andi7 to Li bartyv ll. lisis DL J. IL TAYW&R nm;u.-? ta 10 a. in. 2 ta 4 andi 6 to UwdSeuec on Broailay, opposite Park. D A. I liII8 DMVNALOFII *uvLI sacmcosa acitesuiits0 r~ ~ ~~o euhu:-*assed'8o!oa m'imna &:W ae. sU. ta 600 p. s. Dr Lcs FtyL a.IToR uoiv5-S ta12 a. m.as.sd 1 to5taa .. ," AIIiT. - l.hit.rty llliluais DI,C P. ÇALMLOVAY, - p45~Ovw îvusL'a oure avoa. 1 tO D'and iS tg 8 P.su P. D. VL F.I*O Pimtetilted to, BYE, BAR, NOBifAND-TRROAr. Hfourp 2 to 4p. nM. Orrice: Room 804 $TEwAnT BIcLDIro, 92 State street, Cbsiago. I BIWT VVILLE. JOIN L. TAYLOR, BENJAMýIN H.*MILLIER, vic.Prmident C. W. TAY.LoR, ý Osmiblr. W extenil avrs>eureouragpîsset te tise page drner;itÀ l. end tisaI lia qar pramper eft, uli eanr . a wltli ai. Mg Ç»YieC««evnova gue te~ e$m Who Pion ougwwI gzaKm frotm tim City ta dn"*411.8 Ci>" B. & 10.lU SOUARtcD. WUl iba thse 4Main1er dage t ham leake t thieai& movtefnt hua'bauuandr .p*yb> masmiiera aofZMon for a Modal Çy ta lie tarted soînaphare la tise 6 ao,* uval of Dosria'nct>'. A eborof aider, end deacoas to gats eurtala dlpgruatl.ad iome*ro o!the ocrbave bec for coma tins. tirrltg up iula telu oy s>al ranko f o!in lu )9en0 gaiilg enougis follopiug -te iave tise churab and start a -elty ofI 1lIsown- Liftar&ture Anil pamphlets para printed and dintrlbuta<land thse movement phie-i hua baua brewlag for menthe. seenseilta lie lsirly undeahvay pissa the ist van dieelosed ta the Zion authorltsea visa at eues b>'thair excellent system ofaesion- age seut outi ta lad titesparpatratare of tise atteiipt te drap freu tise ranks o! tise cil>' of ties wiîto dora., la scret meeting Wsesffdsy avaning a lar-ges ansbav of thasamalconteata pare rend eut of" tii cisuraib, itie Ilu emiraelng nose of tisa more inituentwa asnao uthe m clu>among tbos easbing R. W. Liue, amnitent ponuhauter sud Jaek. Dow', sou et DeosaDow. The' detail of the meeeting Para well guardeil and tha lips cf tiioue prent wara sealed tu neem- i y natis. Petty Tiiieves in ZMon. la tise soureoff his tal usr'saig alad that tisa pett i lîlvia vhlu'isfor anme time hailat trousd sble b>' rsllig tise homies sof Zioit@@ phile tier ere attendjng taeshernaci. ervisses oulil ho ri gîssoual> deat wpub. One of hem lan at tisa praent tiac'uierarrest anssitisa reste!f tiegang under surveillance». Bicycles. 020 coq. pou hooksansd mon>' miner articles are Miki ta have beau takea la the. lent tep monthisn a hîi mnannes. People Uried ta onveot. Tise peosple of lion were urgeêto taise np tisa *7,000,000 qunities wlileh are1 <ifererifor mlanad Wvi arini tisaths. p.anld Woli aiu tient wwee.---- abYý tie. Foast oethtie Tahoisse e aNev York rltlltallts pis> ai'O'19s5ated ta1 ho ver>' axiaus te Puraastises. [ne1 tbrme thtat Il the. faituldo net <et c la On tihe grouad "or at once tisa>' viq loge tisaebace. OuaiS Sl"w ie a. & m. LmatSBanda>' lglst ut a secret ameeting C)owie cousesd thse deatis tull(Ath# tis lameus B. I&iM. vislçsh"tsdsring tise1 lissi two sean cased nîsssqcb dis-. satlstection la ilon City'. The Building .and Usuutaetsiring association, an ih le OntIlsilty nipa, 1140 tie astgroPths o! s conditIon phir van dispie"lg te tisa bonad oftheeit>'. Prior ta theastirting of tie soia-, tion compestitlan Ssd' hmenver>' seeJi aand thé clone flan sd ladacemuants offareil b>'the coatatara loft tise inarginsa sueb thai dicacter te anme o! the frîuewanunavoidablo, sud Oaeemin, d.a...Braretdrivan.ta dusupration1 b>' ianciaI troubles, iettMon ansd pasc tound daad b>' bic opa bandinlas Wsu. tegan hatrl. Ai, aueethe B. & M. van lmaugsrated anm trontitime ta tise prevet haïe ha* beau s complets mosiopol>' la thea building bissînsis. This ordeai ttisge gaive a chane for-large profilte ,wblehu ment inoatisa colao!ofbahechurcb suïd nader tisa oaditioà.f e! tantitwo1 jesansDo manacould aven build Sis opa bouse. Et.ma>'or Harper wbo bas beals gewnaral mgr of tise B. & M. uow *omes.beeilo! iheM Zon Lumber an. éselatls>nm'bich iplcban hibersvacant mince thse jeaklgtous efJ. Il. j ohneon. Pqpce 9rfgnet QUI For 8Omokeeo. Lent Mtordà>'passt a ' day for ts. 14ou potineaSatis eost ioI elli pliaed aampalga agitent amoeara.Blauta pore lwedt. ap> lm 4fthe faltisîni piti tha ysequeet tai t isin latis aîseà 0I ait bloy& aad >'ottag omen tisat tlsey t lgsect of ualig ,tobacca A eruaade t 00 e olloved Wiinas top and about fortj boys pore placail in us.e tall&. ftowevar tise evldaads pas osucis tbat tha>' eouldnet haoenvicteil ad tie> we re lsedontir Sonar, pîtis ihé proise tisai -if tha>'coahîuued tihe isit crlaslual.presesioa pesikltoliow. Thée llf ae u t dWwodersd digir. tlufir tsld muiIrregiia, atimislii &wov atienulof ! bthfond, over. led tuotqlnpusc, tise use, o! too nbimqfblf4nt* wth mamie, riaient axer. cilatamedlatalv i tereiagors celd asigItlu if. *»u ansd bowie le. 2 IatÉr, l ~ cas0 Vr ôm" cà e and quIl "peu *wbahi« iecomedIIIfront a o ,tke a1i4vo <es Wiinha p iose t las th$,$ Uola o xatlvSyr, au oblud sud- pleasaut 9aid &aqpick ansi irtalu cure fer 8590, te 4 4 people Wluue.er 9"" 14Lberjvîlle OlmBES 4MR PAVOITRS. 1 4y 4h cloui>'ans] tiia te L. rlIg and m w gnw p shrlsrtisera pers 1linermuitent e st', diaeourage mmm>' lnd"uls peî.e l%.is>otharplse pould hsve 8t ilse .ibes-tyville truck te la~ts ,îî lrsssrace. seeoduleil. Wbsn BtartgL. F. l'zuyus gst tisa herses avay' u il ii rai ar sst tiera pers about l8ffl, peimule oa tii,.grouadc andi thse erowd didue grow Isisterially. Book5luf&m on Hand. la theabettuiW tlg, th, luokmalcars seausad toe bé, a 'luut andi ratbar slow busilaise,*W whPle t.,uttiascou- sîdemblle nnsa' cbasge2dlisis heb isattlssg wum' 0urvative." The bar Pqac oducted j iîîtly b>' Pro- prietara tof theseon Liberstvilie caloos, and ts> in~$l iO, a wase b>' tisasowlmg tn'isx;sensh' sof *peratloa. . Itvwanaequli, orderly ss'îwd ani ot au incident oceurs-sd tii sîr tise day's ,leury o ft.ekcg Trlhumstaffciel, kolsilged as oaaeor tisé whieei tgqon tIseaasnemu gaine was~a close qhiÏýr rof Oie laces sud a! accoants pubIlslasdbisusWils' hssst. We puibliobb Iik dediet4eus: On s .imck lb.4*m tais.ii'siloîw frous~~~ ,a is if ans iuîilassuls.sl i. Z,0 Mpl io~Vesh t.is. atous mkl u t Wtfmhssc raig, 11 tieiers m'o lvii ..sdthe,. fsu r s-'asua Ubertyvllle lbwv ~andsltous ulupu thr Kqla ewd . tu 't s îa o. anie m, s.- aron (ilraXtansa*b~d dust -%laid. Tise <étssrs of thse tous mas rsit ssîexpeMt# , th h sl 'W beau wsîstereid, a Mlemphis sud wfw ittowuistsi he inorder for tact wovk, fUllluîIais Wall nuit lookasi upos g4%sas'iîg isucis o! a tclsse uis th trot. tse as aut a mastbas' of tifeers stalleý, bisg c o ra o letl oi'a short tins. ogbqt ti wu&i eiessi naskeil lhe hasl o04>'jugi-here tmat, helsinsitihe mas'. ane td thiý,for ftasWork, .'T5È"r104loe»rN ~~Calcina, Flash 1~lgbisl le o 4, #M opposail te ylsimlg blicknsUra Irointhse vent,,but thora wsu no tiqua in eititer cof tIsa bauts tisa aie .i.l Dot cuuajtiastin, andi b«ie s la. ;i ., : 17%,,Pare creditabla cousuldertrag tise condlitiona01thtie traek selsili pla aist froîin tisa ain andi nut adapied toa big gaitati trotter. W4s Arument fram Calcine. D"s Meldao behiu4 Calcine gava (beansbituargument un time iretiseat, bo4U o rt1thasutradling ai i tIsireea quarter poti as rembiesl, wiltr tise>' uy«tokksud beat Fl401114 glitniug. lise later bossetruttedi au unest race O$epplag eue ofliss sîartère ila;83Ç and hie ispuar, AlI. Tisouns Hunier was sailudpishiebis owing. -=ithee.,ibm ggsat gl ans of tise lot isu ail ut sea înitis au#oIfooting fur thiet lutute, and lin ibm second tient, juré; asmBisais Sariber movigfaut <lowu tisa Isackitcs, ashe titraw- a obos ands ade a break a-hs'li etiod bar cluncee GSean, MeMalsinsud lDean cams togetberagalîs in tise d207 pa iicb pas ts a tura race of tii. M ,yBaron Grattas, hhylosk andi Tha lir(ioi balug tisais respective hses. lu pas eoualiderati cartain tisai the Baron wo'uld vin, au hae woc known tu ho u% to a cuill racewiuete ho nr e st avloig fusi the bausait of asoutbarssprajsaratiau wera ballaeved tu -b. short, Thse VrQnçho off Puuy. lutse frettiseat Tise Bronco he ph ulrew tête Ganade puti - *vet ava>' wltli a funoeus rush ufspsei s:ad ii polo Sbrehtiselrât eight h&hal lsai ioverail. Sise pazsuaormilsuaneer oisutIiDean ud not try totube bar back, lenowlug tisai aise ould fqght restrant a".8aaailes] on ai a heurt breakiug clip paasing the q~uarter "ale lu :81% sud mrbffing tise hall su 1:02%. At his point it hooked as If Tise Broncha aurai>' woisld wigt. hast,ý Theben ers ae hall * déien langte behl,, 4,bqt aller pla tis te quarter noe mre put ou mnore ateal5 sud am lislitti mare swuang aroO hutie third turu, s'eacihg ith sreesqaa-ters ln 1115, the Gratian hors. pusé vithin s lengtii ot han. Whau liechalleulled la tise bastreteis Dean lci kad ta bis mare, but fading tisat &ue bd dune ail aise cotaltiha dsd Dot 00" Thsber, and Urga rarttau llnimhad aiethi auna Goosi Tins.Unodut Ooaki"dons. The beautaltsougsalaouD'la r vas squatlx)e 2;07 on a - .il-da truck tiseb = lo clut a gale tbeantis', lagil of the. trecis, iiwtbe ireet pan Soavf enouýab to ho partIcuar>'tirig tapeara. WlàçsuNemaon sav hat wun happeninag ietwoo ea bmtpe ling hoore De taok fSbylock baci a trilloand finlebeil et bicsceuib tird ,isa Il"ba isescoad hboiu.t te W.n ah betweaa ithe McMabunoaand eutr" fof second positioa. Basron Gratta.às tise lsaepa@in the Iad ailtilie wm'ansd for Cheulliet ilrea sînartere The Bronche la>' ait bic pleels. Wihma tbe>' raine the. bonsetehci Mm s~puileiout, sud asada sbarri drive ai TisaBronche. Utile b>' little he galmseD - thue mare sud ritishe long distansce *itnd*van aloupie of-ai her Pis Dosa bard at pont.. for a f tamrasidor the. battis pagse Van but inut-sotore the Pire wau$ alss Bbyloc iaubeilla front Mdi pacingsamoly ise gai -the place b' hall ~ il a2s.gbla 11, BiionGrattais siai ~ ~ ~ ~ Î lsvigSené'toIh-'l s>pr 1 "I IW lcnty, My1>'A. wWOnnguerli boomtswth 2BchPatoisa rM M in #ge m. oi fat-2à1.2, 8 but !ýý thqffh the2:10 Pace Ir x, t, E*rMçjn% drivais b> lu.W>a4 smtIieels#.e±<eud 2:10,Jo blasforh. ne wons thé ira heast in 2:1$Xos ed luin ho second amile untii ainsUGt finuS Wh iou lie tired and wua b@àite, out hy Utlawood, a IWeo*> udoeluler thatwron fosirteen race et of seventesu ata"$tfs it 7er Oa*fuooid »Uas Tinga 1Mis Cwn W&Y 1fleg-his" Cutlewgiod bh isown 1w, but ed sèt tii.big gesilg Stein, drives b>'«m, stumbfl and aila bail break before ut.e*test tue, waé reaehed thi e moilto mlght hava 'beau digèrent as Stolu ater Ioneu hall a d=, lqnang .canse on. st an su ahost au 175 5k and chouiders. Sommar.>:': Pu.a lise a ecaers Dtkten. blé atra -rger ......Zi........ I, tro b b o g bi Grattan ......son ................. P ursemSo. 2tl0rco,, vJatWwood6ah o tir nuttiewood U s i1)............. 1 M 41 Ùr co n le rbgb y s c u a o n )e jr 9. o b ri Vlsous (I»an). PseiC. 15 trottera. eoidlt MsIK*d. bli abr lhIvs.rtr b a s i ' ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11badhals9ulu Dose) b .......o P'rae ose% MI piènera. iemaib, b Ebr mtais0.eai) t 1 L AKWFmi Chas. J. Anderson, or Lake ,ahore, Towna Cbarfad Wltb Cau.elu Knlght., WORKED plans@ EfOOjcs. Ciiarlas J. Anderson, of Laite Bluff, hais bee a el~e4 h>' the recterr u the bankrsipt Knight-Pmoaly omnpes> a hselng thse eu»e, tissgir the didalcatlon of 8.80,0W0 b>'tise maalpulating of 'tip firmi'e hooko, of the falur ai t tein.i MsDarsu, Who aïeasamaigfn it i. elaluued tisat temptation lod ui into poaulatioas la wbieb othr pople' msone>' wae uscif. The sdealsi Wa. dimsstrous and provisl bis undoZ:. "Tises e atotion. comeon a complote surPrise tO me," Mr. Anderson sabil wben, ivter'rlewed at hi@ pretty Lake Bluff Cottage. "Ttinlatrois 1 have hiea eiiplo>'ed b> tihe Knlgbt-Donssally fBrin loi -svend yearm. 1 have i blle,. ggeioyed tô @am@ degreea tii-oisdenoe o! Muy employer# -But tis&t i have talison tier Psople 'amoue>' ia a ne w and He evaded direct qiiestiÔn on eocrng bis aileged def6k-ationa. Mr. Anderson in 35iroers aId and hua a wife andl obldian. The. mendiera ot thea de! unet detrai i4 that tise matter of- promeucion wR as DnoP in thehads of the. Uniteid 'Stara. distrietctousrt. "We dld nost shicld hlm; w. morel>' kept Ida naine frosu toue publie tofou-wa good","tisay Yt i. aasrtsd hai ÀAndeonnuiet the. boos, of!théoueqrît tu carsa hie privai. *eeclatoa. He luaald to havaeil dtise mois o eiret tise f rm'e cuntOwàser. Amdermn wa ot arrseted. Tise tf lia i~saWrday duclarsd bankrupt b'file e BeSO. Boteti FranitLbWéaua flpel dretere FA AY Thomas JBoult er, Blgbvo"odý Fleiattea mstap liila. ms.ablhttv By mon m. ad ivea Rtide. VICT'IM CANNOT ERCOVali. Alter lylng tweat7.tour bouma luaa ehamp of hud he hre ha Pslaft to, dia ijy ruffians who asaaltad hlm Sunda>' muorulag Thomase Bossîter, a loirlt wiio ruas a tiny grenaonsaea r lglWood mnaged t%erawl te ub psublie blgh waj;1 wisere ho aae ond in An uneoasc enodltioa b>' orkusea of 'thi e ».= ga1g i ibmC. &M.electrlc t aiokn tai Ail Homne at k Formet phare ha pan brought ont of trs. coasatas u tndtbau lu Whiciihhiit basa foruir onji n fougistatell tise@tory attucta. lt lsasse that hie pi bail beau lek lua tCisicgohon ptaland hie elghtaaa.tnontigiuod by - Iadbéen plecdIn thecesrac tiétPa. dion of hi', w 'a ratura ha banil gare Sunday oning for tisa babeansd wan Sthbralag wlth It la a 11<151 exproes wagon wlas a mouan kaed Iblue ora HIe willinglY gava tha felouW a rida aud liad just toil isias tisa lme a aIns NE GRO WWITE MAN.O John Farell of-Chicago Thoght To Bu Dasmetei, 1. stibred, At Aatloch Wbilî la Altencetioa Wlth Negro. BLAbHE» ACROBS FACE. As a ressust orthtie cebration *t 4atils John Farrel o!Chicago vas serloionl> eut b>' an unknow negro thsa aiglt of Jni.v4. The cnttiag was tbe Mid of a wordy'altarsation betweesstise two menanaid occurrs-d at about aight Farrell, -N tared tihe troaubla im uigglf~tittm s~44thafight anîd b>' otheasWho saw hins durisg tise dajy tu bava been derssents.d.lHa i.s said to bavea auaulted l annaiser, piso pas paît. lagon tbtitreetsO tato wls itîsaeane. atrlkiag hirm over thea bonsd. The,. farisner Who le vaîl knowxs lu thea îwsgikhbood wan sakesi for a Wateh sb>' Fasrelandi atter giig it touIsinâ rereivasi a vk'ious blow Iroî tise mans. }rom tisa appearahsca of tise pounds it in tisouglst tisai a raxor wa" useil and the niasse noce paw eut ver>' deep, tIhe end baing almoot ocevarmi frin hic lace, a part of tise tllahb rotrnded-over bis 111)». Thea négro wa.u asît arrestud and laoft inmaodiately on a trala' bons for uCisiAgo. Farrell wa"' takeis tu Ciagis Wadaas- day inorsuit cb>' Pr, Was-Auer, Whso dreaed tise pounsis. Ilesides tise wouod on bis face thé vietias uf tise-euttiag se- celved a silashonii . klg phicis laitisaît la serions. .itets' bisg %wisndsss e iIsan lied and in fis dpljrlîstsî cossuout-distaiicedaeaeral puraus-rs pisti lasi starte.sl after hMm bopissg tîsquiet hlm laefore lit, sd furtiier Isarin tu h iseiutaid otisirs. Tise aaxt ukorîsing ha waa fousid in a pîtiful eoadi.1 to whero ha hé,d.lain hulplass lainsb;a (Spa blooid dsriqg the. alght. It le flot Iselieveil tisatha was lstoxlcaied. takiag amd jtS.lr pailemûa Kiowé ew, f- in KA'R BE3D SPRINGS. SOMETU ING ,1,1 TOlI you more Wt W, M.-HEAIE WG IMccormIk the. e wýoý At tahe orn.e of r5 distance montS o! weddissjvaahid e and thisseouteeso!e circuus.staaca sa> luth of Pearl VaIm olil girl. Thep v~ ardent tDowiles su lady aaks4 ,.~ appe il.Hl ie' aliI Whso iad beau Oumm s tsc dissasssad. Thse girl har@gJf aud i wisised ta continue the dO"XtorOZ5d a pititul sew tise fathar and ie 'smotbe patient demnanding ulsof lait to tihe marc> of 1ha eus-ad ot die a melg tatser going su far ait6 pig-t-atsug ddoeos coul daugister of bIs p»d,, 1 plus arreet if ha atiemp madicine tie allceviate Set1 Wedusseday, bisoevea' tise parents paagae msdiata mnarriaeotjh li er and tise father M Wankegau and secusmd Ssort>' bafora tire &Ê1190 noon tsa>'pranlteïi Rer. J. <J. lriggeo0t-tho 1 at WVaakegan. Tise yonug hombond h healiag b>' prayar and i again owurad anid 8, badil dein ail ady Tise fas-t tisat -thele-ma froas tige protectioet 4 and l,.qallIy inaa ie f k lieus tisick girl.aai'j couse tie beau bhomseand Il t1ha froma lier sicknees iy tiatpieseatpOhl, IL M&U W ankegsu, iii. .1 1 1&-