-t4he fr4ee la.ét déts ~ l atl su>' liset~ «iimsai sowbatt oued MW d d er *utjgoadontaed. oc éu*uple, muw çi Krirka Antr"n uaM4 oo éop for t2.00. LE 14ARKeT U1RCY Ùbcks m ~~Ma , S'petil Me«t music. AOE W' HIUSS LU * Suoesem t. Oé*y Su'... *WEYVILLH X X X Il MNOM CheJgçg$14075 MlWd.Au TIME T ~.1b.rtyshN. lwIélait O. & M. Elactrlc.' léage wthout notice 'e'T flOllUT ........... ........ ce & liased houri us U u ~~Liait car 10 2 ......... ft1 31 "10-46 Tbé onariuo"&" o t la aboyé le the réals, IM su te hé ld si Lite lugnifutil YAs ad *W et i 8@*elr am?1d a oee.o bouW a etail tatssredtoe sta- Wm ora uy44U,'to Mr. sud lMr«. John ' Raph DrW. of N'irgioila. wlth hie Dçl'Ashlysr.a aJby boy. bride, l tM beryle fiends. Allié Ekinu e ted 'thé fias-t oi thée 1Mr. an~d M1) . F. (jridil of Ciicaga wà lbfisd uicago. are spsadlg#we ok witlî relatives bere. Abut 4Iqus yunug ladies oelbrated tis-eourtx wili sptcnl at ake luff MbaLainier leentertainiîsg hiesMater, the our14 ri#àa pcol stLakeBluf. iselAwler, ot Gree'n Velluey,, [Il. tbué a . Wbea4oq of Butte, Mont. ln week. spsudlug ihé week wlth Y. P. i>yuond. alsu outi1nisi btT.usa IDonldPries, aifieloit, Win., spent mr' gfd iMar Fuli.Mran 2l1auda>' sud thé laurtis wlth his multer, mrag Néaa M' u oaun of Waukégan basa pasittion wth » Thé-àdena obuia 'sClat ui% for the Nrth horeGao Cmpanluinexcelle 0i the.eupply. A lozen couldi tii. arthSitas Go Coman>'1»,.imn.iwti>reuteil oni >'i'ay l' îi' Dr. Fred Ohurchuli ai St. Chai-a@ha"i swer'e thé>'available. base. vlstiug bis parents, Mç an M 'r.Ille Waukegn asî1-fMnd> 0. E. Churchill, for the 10ist ew days.Mu aitofonja M la.lda.Mck su broter Lois, n *'IÀbértrnle.-Otlisiais have Mmae MimldaMat an brthe IAulp ofattsrnpte ta ble sou14' isitlae %Waukegsja Ohicaga bave beaun endlng thé bUlit iew poiceto aeat udeniai-sal and oîimceri ai deys wljjs Robert Gruusuttt sud foutu>', thé fitues it -thé vllagi authorities pro-ided ix - ' Golfem'.ti)*a intai~n théelseaoeIl Jul>' 4 11, W ai lm hai jis-titistallesi two1 sud thérs was not a disturisonise lring Crun g Ssii. l Ou»Me.- liste 1t e fo thea>' *the graaarydepartmf-nt sansdone f6r theé Marsball Jamue Manik apîueared th a menat maaqiét. reguatlan policesuniforut thé inomrnug < o af hlJaé 1k trtell the 4th sud .dignit>' wa'Bithere-i' aded 'reeluoia Jamtes vMiigs' liatrlndbis ta hénaie.nllt to taweéiieet as iimon is l PYrsnt J..Wright lis bovinE ua twio stacsfor la oppointasi. Preident1 weeks vacation front hie dut"es s assis- macqnouti asfot at tinteî' ii going ta tant c"sher at the LkeCuuntY pr-es sanncred whom las' suit appoint. E National bat. -Thrsare a6 théel\5sEt'ENDENT Officel M r. sud Mrs. John Ber-ry', Mr. and epecluenofa goduelserri.s'a a itvll nuetitar 1fr.. Worden Wells sud Miss Itancli thi'ee and'& quaiterir l-iri treumiler- Cbq~u uiepst.4unduy and the fturth sites the long vr>' arousifi and eurrat with Ed Wal@ and foutu>'. -wbich utess urée andi thsrei l uarter lu. A a roustît ai thé celebration of tis elcles'. Thé>' wérraiwd' Iy lE. H. Marul Paurth of Jul>' throuichout thse counti-y, ai Warren. furty.two de&tha are chrouic'led. lPer. ti-us. .udoia Mooirei' wî'ut tu Mercy' hape t lé more locktitan caution Liber. hneîital, Ubluag, o. trslsy ant inluthé tyville bas n fatalitiellan its li104t. aternoon af tih. sanie dany was opsrated On July 1 purenant tuî thé ne la upon fur a tueur. Th'Jws'uisratiutu was thé prices nimarrtassue ses went p suieeul sud Iis..Mooisr's fri-tnds teari fi-a, $1 to $1.501. It là strauge tijat with satisaction'site i rssiill.y reeover. during the prenant itongeveltadulnistra- mingransthé cdeal. tioni this damiler on théeutarriagu. Tihe inrt4i was uuiuatslly qtuit tîsis Induait->'@bouldi camesloto efleet. lUow. yearaud bstàearr's-t, diete W ver celé-1 evoir fit .lhuld net ho laid uIt Oumluet the braLtian, re.uilsif. Jolsicallahau wu@ lu1 piailaint as t léa a lts law. eustody for druhlts,' n sd disorderly 1 Tise Lakse Oouty IBoard of Re eWcanduet snd wtt. tnedi.ttree dollars and i mace ext tMonda>'. Superrisor Milleîr a'oete be Justice Ilsekle>'. Hie fitei ta chairrnîpuoltbàhoaa-d, <Jlsr a *»i-m wapllusiérî rulihe ruturueti ct Wanksgl a rl oasaithé memulers. ta work. C. W. Brown, of Ourues.was appolnted The stable o in isrmasliîied froua b>' Jutge Junos os thé ate, but fur DÇO*tSitll ihieli wua delayeti enroute busliness essnanté bbs nat acceptéti. b> î' a .0wsh osnt" couttt eoveral tîtat Whaut thé ludule wili chaos, inlieisplace. wlim ntére ins tte aeed contens te bu Duitt beau x.toumvd. - ot t is uitt-te rAspiliied, it A eU l psblihu' lt aatier alusîa an'~deelded 1y' owners itot to s4tart A a Hint45lliaW lu rscoreathisecalm thalle hunéstala-hn it waa iearneui a 4! a etinug o 1Susito the L1sprapos meetiitg of ist toni'day'e duration aaé Itisropied tua h .Tlywould bave tré tu inrai hecptlstc Sm fty tu but for tise uîavolslable dela>' encoun- one unded houand itilar an tu tered. is-ue cusgotialèle coupon bauds te thse The inost sertit'.acidenît that 'amuof1ai1100,000. Ittanor l"ins haîîpeited in tisis village ou .luly 44 that with tends thu. escureti thé intereet nccurred ntisr thes borne oiCitas. 01f A. C. Front in thé eiturprtse7s ta hé Wuaturidge a liuit ii quatity of powder taken avet b>' thée.rnnoters. 1Mr. Front w&,ae:idu'lititi giited b>' spar-ka f rîui la saki tu bc dussious, now that the fireracere 1'tsrtiinu tise nt and arntis tseocatlit lén on a secursfoting, sd of a little gurul1' iti ta*nîs aifWoolrldge, whichleinlargel>' thi-oug is blé lutru- a relative ofi Mr. Wolrlge. MbQ wae mmetaity, af drlng relierait ai thée lolisu ta Chîicugi>where shlleîves sud it - qusganbiit tlitqttqe4ees ta' 44 1la reportei that skun willlbave ta hé liortlktg o einh psgtitde.lie graited to properiy heathtii.iume ïi il 4«sb*ls- retals, 4godti bliniefparteVernal i)avlsou w&aolso bumnai, lias tiue>'par dent, ofa 541k hé la sal akii ebattbthéfae*s-whiW TgrisWoolridge bOld, Wblle t4it ai witcihélé ta 419q@8 wga'.îgbtt.v tujureti lusa smillai'manner. I'lli JtNOililt90 go iJotise lbait4s 0f *el Puantodlai wu sbstrned on thé face to-4to bvsi Po e bs'ute. Thse meeting sud forehéasi ty tite expladitg of a ta>' .ton s,- la uguet I at L'ber t>'- c»onappe fwlkhentered l bisleg -Wo ,td' for Ten Vears severol stjjIes end Priées- Y"t e & LkIVjS, joint Dedioefloa a« Pmfts 10à, setvicam D*i lmait itue day, la Wb9ébk Nasa - Parus Wftla anuInmense Crowd ln atténdatusi the dediestion' erylce «ithe . lCWt1ofircu bWere redered f[Mt Bug- day. >Evry smat weas 5usd and the alais e owded outil msuy were foresd ta walt outulido ai the chuw* doon l vai1n tiylflg to gain a vew* tise p gramn ua'ied cm vithin.- Bau Coraux Eplepo was re a.dsred ani the selbattaoBoisant Bgb mass Wa Sé". P. J. amoalon of HOIy Cross churcla ot Chisago. Tib.detemof aithe accosian Wesa8v ae anaottJhi eburch Chicago aud 8ev. DB. Rayés af et Rase ai Lita'o churcit, SubdeacOa 8ev. P. Uce ai ofthe Ohurch oi tw Nativlty &Wsofa Chcago was thé mastr of cereijuuuies snd was asséuted by Geargé Anderson ai the saine place.- -T-dedatle-evleé etpfrti Yy llsap of. thé Arch Piacés, wl prlded Over thé canliamtian servic au weli. Forty.fl vs cidren uv"Celvsd their tiret Holy communian wblle ful littyin ail received confirmation luy the Blsbap. In a very. beautîful talk Blsait Iluldon gave en e«Position of th dlgnity oi the sacrament and spolie ta those rscelving théir cofrimtion fil%*. tratlngfha W PUOétheY should ho tarécsiv lk' cd thée uty 01 attending regQlarly.1 ts Bandai sertifea nd advlsed tisuin iià cuiltivate the. love for prajér. 1bI in hié éruratinu- bIt aixmbeutlfnjl tributs ta ts Ctholie peuple wbo con. $rhhuteii sa geusrusly ta thé ereetion QI thé chureh, esp9clglly cotumsudlng theti' pastor, t'etller P. J. Scaitiattcb wbis efforts and sarao m auetala ilcbneo ezhortlng t4m to ta canue their work until tise cburebs.wie car from idetît. To the yonng minupresant bo aid., "zou mueut ouervp duriug thé course of Your iivsql strict temperauce iu order to lnuer for youreelves succesiand that Soj utay hél respected sud .honorsd by thé, cittéensof théecaututuoty in which yatà liv." Thé »MU wa@41*tened to witb. rapt attention isy ail present and waa eètrong sud impreudre., 1fr. Fred Ques, ai14k Fnrest witil a selet quartet rénd«re Websr's iuussthse uswical prograin bsing éepeialy von. lîlete sud weilIcarriedout. The sitars, reopilaéaet with thé llght ai xnaay candislel oQW dxceedlngly beatini witb their rich decratlansa vue, ilawere and patted pýuta. Thé imniacd' hâte wbite oi the interior finis h e i artintie ilttle churcis, thé riettinte.oaithe window# sud tse rare gulidingé and frebuosém oteiw e bof iwarshiv con. uf wbich thé local parls tait mt eel hé proud. lMa jr of thé Oid.Satlvlty partit h ers Fathér OSconn cftilated essenyearé were pru"t uo.nuns (théin bein$ four abs-tof s ottJoseph;- ý - Saute of the tacot promeut prieslte of thé Arntb locs.. wore pr"Utntsd 1ev. L. tiaigrovo, ai St.- Vinceut'. "chaich, et. Paul, grmced théeorémolmes wltb bis presence. STAS" toRnU N K. MIh. sufllvau9 ,-RoseOver .14011bevqg Tslég .Wmm.. IURLD 101SAND JURY Lgite tlatit'uday. i n el a~ilsle lu Birown'@ saloon John Ioran was, oésauitéd by 11k. iluivan with a jack kuie and wo* cut on bath bis forearme neesitatiag' thse taklng uf several Imti tellesily iDr. lartîn wiso atteudtd hit. '*ise wttlitlii willi'ver>' paitiful wllîîîît lii>'thsetait up foîr very loligos the'y w.'e sMut istisat ie'y a iliiadiiy l,tii. 'lh., rots a' n tte ri'sult of îa gae otf <iei'. Tte.' ttui, it L4 s-id weret iuaiu fori a dlltar a. itrow witu'i svue lttaiseb pliay iise ii.'îttt'îl Ilu>'tIe thetlr. A ule'iuiîiarose ans Suiliriit d nsw hiii kîsie sitstiu ai. urau w Lint hi 'w 111) Ili'i. artise lu lrotet liiltuody reeuiving L'ts itu uthte' rist anures i- aisisè. The oseailatit ts'sp.'d ftsr tise t.lite ts.'iîg lbut On hBolldét m<,ralîug as tirru'sted'ul lu> 5pt3 Sîterifi Litumiserry u t tite Ne-wautie iutel White xst in tel. J5 wé ii fli h, cl aui ht elui AI Ev -e----' tsand LI rocerie -k Also*-a nice ine of Vegetables and Fri pliffl 29.r Glass PItd.i«s at i3 dozen lorp 1,1 e9f gallon pltNW riiW.slhed. TWUegCOM ela two beemdw# I These pitchersore osue% gsold for 35c&am ae Ji worth il. W ofler t<bmau n spedal --after-.4e fourth Bargain et Sec Our lQc cuter.. I~~ FWRYIE --p , %Ir. Psrti..it a wi'aithy Issr.isttii I atory asQnt t ti at pis ...ed. niglh and t hw sî' ts îsvî fi IItt id r i' 04 îîth ai 'ssîîkgîs i raitingamiý -'eix trab t the'pa" Vlisay rsîîiscSitl ri'tirrst'd thet',ssssflcy prouisptiý!ntil i r Pentitos-t blandoid hhiiîf50 dlla&r4i a "iî'wêxsd iiof.ise th p syisuiig lisa(4 émul tu lsiiitgiven hlat tise amsolîlit the !lem b uuk ut tlite' otel, ai it sas site insu lift rsued hiii to %%bîsm th i îonsiy 1seiunged. llits exaitlnation utouk plait" 'fuîre Sevreral of tise hsreuten wbo have tittute Hakie>' Monda>'iioiititg aiÏÙho sting" intrtuaining at tite Trotting Asen- as îuuutî ave îôtit' gnusl l i-'éation grausali ure leaving for uthér rueboud vertô hegrad jrytýJ ut it. gfflernumber Wit___ tier tiasiide of 8504). Tihe prisoîter remtaiu fuora fortutlght 'shére tis ae. sae-o dule.'lm'e s'iatevei-, statiuK 1nisat The(lersstable lemutu'oiIts w&ý tes 'lsa rui it or tise eesult uts-ver wouid Wiidiei, Onutario for, thé big musout of are ue'x'urrwd. Hii ii'îutted-î Ili ytts- 2 W eI ilb e h Mîg w,«ti %'11goeta Ciffl toa et àrus- as etats- Inlithtie warranttanud for tL, Wet ie fli*Ing Assuciatloiiii A iiis.d t hoservt'.'iunia laswyer. uMet Uuxt sveek. 'Aist wîthhbléJiMs-Ui Suliva lma JJIét)WKMtlgyouigt 114aArizonas bnu'lthof sîs'edyu brfes WIlitt aW detlver a lSttliitî isa li'iaoeeslutn 7-5tt t uR tu WWt«ur wi th tise exeeption ai tsi teurs a gos-d rs'îutatsaut initit i l'uso 1111> A wbo le outered, forteCh idrinîk. lIoth uteti acre iîssitîroi;%4. tliduwut Muid tise fà Coinrado s"41i$ tIlloel uat tise tiuik. mare that ëslîownd up un neb fus chape Jét> 2i - - -- thé4tis- when mai'e won the 2:12 trot tbO lis accasuient haitlu- sltwit, wiltipruttabi>' st&>' utew te n't"t ï,srsme't LIitu rlihl ed (laye at tise.hi-udt. The Muîi lmun l. Thîti Week.- dnaiitedly one uf thé 'stautoe t tii. l Ou itli-sbi pae i its éstt'wiî i.trotting businessuand Inlaexpecte t t vn eUWt unsdr thé geêue tist WUf irt ' catnotti-irble mi)ie"l uaki-tht. m es- QW i ufmer. /"y