CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 14 Jul 1905, p. 1

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~L LAK! COUNIV. FIRIDAY. JULV 14, 1905-8 PAGES 1~ IJt's Easy j ta srise à gond ber s.whs or P Mr, nssd lu); areail ~OI9UU5 nW arl' ell r ne Rblanid Linon. Tii. M. Ime stlesya ma lia senbettar. C(t nanusd mes týh.m- LQVELLS DRIJG STO5 Shirts 'Collar And Ne«dful Mlot Weather Linens pro~4 âesedappearance. Emmb (o.C omncfdotabe and right lu f Emie F. P. DOuos, Pre.V . Wu¶, ho Guo. A. Wmou'. VW p. Fe SKaAgt Casier DIRECTONS F P. Oviso, C F.WatiiIT CMAW R.<i î4»WAV, J. 8.OWOULFI Safety, Secur*tçp and,3 Per cent on dep oite. W. sreutinls. evPy invenment, employiug mont seerching sud rehiahie menaus t)saiegard tii. intar1is, ta.het0fourslies and aur patrons. We psy the bighet rate of Interest compatible with aur careful, causer vative BYE, EAR, NOSE AND TIIbÂT. Houri. 2 ta 4 p. ni. Opr-cic: Boom 804 STSWART hicLuixu, 92 state strffet, Chlago. Kaise Dlok. - milooheAveawes moums l tai12a. m 1ital4an 7 tol 8 p. n. - I Lbertyvillei linuois ( DR. J. L. TAYLOR. oVVWU OVES Tainan & tAYLOB'5. udWa:-T to 10 a. mi. 2 ta 4 and 6 ta 8 P. nM. , BhsldeonanBroadway, oppositp Park. Libertyville, linois. DtL A. .NICHOLS, ,oi Chicago DrE*TAL OFFICE DurLait BLoimOVR8 lTH à DAVIS' StOBE uouus:-Wednsmday a ofbhwek fman 8&tu . ta 6ffl p. nm. Lihertyvilie. Illinole. DR IL H. SM[TH aons-8 ID 12 a. m. and 1 to 5 P. nm. Ubertyvlflo minuis. DR. C.R. GmlowAY; ueIow i0"Xllftld 6 tO ea . Uheetoevalt.. 8 linals 41koINÀY T LAW. ur. - . -I 1h. FutW LI BERTYVI LE JOHN L. TAYLOR President BENJAMIN H. MILLER , ViceiPreident C. W. TAYLOPl, Cafiher. WP ~>tnd every enourament ta the. eat.crner; ta thp ieed Iiat ho May pos .iepoit ySour earnlnge witli9 h. IjtNational. DÇ.aa general banklng, teoC6îdU , »iig ep tii. -e9oin Fi ltu eui,.telea xBmlriv Laut T1tsi»iBy lM.rmlugffroua fleary !&Im1.r'aBara r,&xz Ii Day Ral1ady Tbuday-morniug $blevea #atwmd lime beru a ofHenry Shuier at #@JaOy sud masde way with a âne tiil o bon» s ra afterward otole a suîr»med top buggy frtmm M r. Manu, umr by aeighhor, toalad theni in thpîr 4mp.Mr. Shuier rune a farm only a rodratlt rainthe boart af Hait Day sd lat Wedunesday nlght a turIID the village offa l-ýwecamte eddeuly tipon a maita ýruoocblug upon theéirrouud ns if meeking ,la~ eonceal bimseif from vie e, . -b. negbbor mentioued ta severel ~Auqiitancea- that ho lied notieed the ~e lurking about but lttie wae tbought ot it uiitil te Deit moi7iiug wbhen It was fonnd that the. teaul was gone. There, werp !nverai surinienas to îdentlty (if ithepartie@ Who wok the tamn but it eeined t)lie the general opinion ai the. remideuis aof tiheloeaity that theCcrime was lerpserated by a former' youug man ot the, village who had hoem 'ervring a terni ini the peniten. tîauy and>hadouly mScntiy liou reicaaod on- panole. The feliaw in -question, Henry Arnold by, nain,bad Leen haug- ingalauuttieplaelotr afcwdays ,inaking'r boastâ 1 aimhietoghnese arong the boys and sbowlnig t laïni-a lig Cotsa revolver ai 45 cailîre 'duel, li e rried lu a hoister hanging troin a iwt iiide Ie trouser". A atranger of rather donlittul ai- pflaralM.9wae witiîlatin and as Arnuofd bail boen in varions merapes beore, suspicion naturaily turned to thep. parties. Auothor thing whlcb tende ta point the lingr of aouspirion toywa:ds thus a" lethe tact that ho had been reportiug daiiy ta, the Chicago poliioe bu whreaboutié. uiy 4 they have bum on eor d usmleiug at the.race@s t liberty. ville sud the foilowïngday at Hàli-Day. Stace that Urne they bave uot beard front hm, Mfr Shuerbam oflsered fioo rewud lm si e covury o the. hors.. but ". 1 et o tsem ofi em bu been tonaiu. Jeroee Npied la Place et Chasi. Drown, Who Could Bot Act. M.C. DBCKBR 18 CLRIRK. The Lake Cautity -Board t i view Dow bus !ftefull quotaimi nieuber, Jndge Joués baving appointed 3.. C. iddllcoin, of Waukegan, in placeaofChiarles Brown, ai (Inmos-. tihelatter gentleumen ig unable ta Serve owlng tu business rmosn. Later theBoard lu a preliinu ary sesion seleteil M. C. Docker principal oi the Deerfield. highu echool ta act us; lie cnt andl Chairmmn Miller ainouiiro tiie body will bol the tiret of île regular sesions uext Mandoy. Anyane demslnug ta meure a readjust- Meat a1 tbeir amseemeut muet f111 canipwant witb. the cent ofth1e board ia wntlng on or befare the tiret Mouday la Angut. Functions of the. Board. The hBoard aiflleview -assessesail property subjet toamusesement whlch hms nt been amsssed by the ameees and nîay mke snob alteratiane lu the desciptiaui of real or periai propertv ra t des eneeeeary. Furtber, an camplant that property hmba lnn aemSed tu blgh th" Board may carrect s9Anieassmeéta àit tor uay lucreans ameesnents The board -doeommnt s upon caniplaint, if property io fiable ta taxation andil it ut bus upower to exempt il, the decielan houng fina wlsn approved'liy th anditar ai' public If yonr neeemehttlis nt correct tell you.Üqrobhea to the Board oi Review sud the. malter wil ho adjustoil., ChatImmfn W. E. Mller ai the Board'aI Supervisons in by law createil chainman of theBoard of -Rview. Couaty ,hndge jones appoints twa ctisens ai the county, mSleted one, ram eatb ai the two leading poil partie@. Atty Clairs C. Ed wards letheileinocrat nameil sud M. Bilecani the republicanl. Sealaons are beld iD -tii.court houa. eacb da3' aller Mdo@duy net ftrnm 10 a. nm, solicited tîCG oent given k oa] TIle & pro Foai Rua Ry fi University Visited lu nt of tbe',1 dent. is scNoèq*R BOYS. On the Job* I 11hompmon nuid oui ArnibusterlotO. *rit aiiie and a hail nort4ves 44 Wlioiiîug, sorrai ChicagaUn1alf*-rooi.orm, as mou-1 tioued suaie skil g"i)in the lolîtEN. DEXT, are apuldbg Iliir iiiunier vacao-1 tion at praetIs, .tanig. They bave1 venter! a tract 09 01031t 500f aires with the intention cfrunuung a sientille gaged ilu hqlng a" urirhes'hleader-. ship of Prof. NID11of the li ircrsity Agri-1 cuturali chool, ,aw@"ru ,of li.Y 9wore at1 work stowitig *ir" a Crop af tiniothy1 for future Uno a i e <liiee f ullhlooudi shortborn bord *W irte farni supports.1 -Beavy boota. brpiâd liets andmonu1 burnneilarme vola quite iîrcvaleut andq surely wh, the.'Young mciri, motly1 frmnithe high oshookof ti.eity juàgiugi tram thiir âaé.. $d inii e1 oaifork manipulation,** 'c i u umbers.g Sven if tly bol;t~ î 1 1Uads samewhùt1 uarmaw at thatop ,id i-n if nbgh. noms tbey were ast îiloicd t,,gvetheo boys m sof ia tu oang menà were everwltli leitiîîg rit tire goodt work witb a villuorti îîily of cathos- miagsand -as ,Yul onc ýecd tii le 'smoured" on the Job. A icouple of th* jyoîîecrii<boys eloke quite eboàfuitniy e hîe vtc gnng'and1 buanted that thaeomieii.merierfod onlyi a few dayo bstoessomliîîîoeitcýd tirent on1 the way tieiy bhW ani.-mith eenit un1 tliis peut. Thougb th tr tu ~le a little backward, pormaibly due- a b r. nx pericunceilbande anid eyemi to" tb dule ultivatore made tu bhaffi Î* uww t a tire, and theoaata are W4 eenlY largc, tiretarin niay Weil b1* qi its ierd. Headed by~r ponaborthoru bull and t *tened show cowa 09 the sis- bing 1800 ponnds tb,. bt oad ai rare full oor ta any local- lly.'f6.o~Skire 4qperty of Prof. HUI1 Who owag theni Iointly with amnanê by the naine of Anderson, Who reides atI Cartbl uifla., and one of the caws was purtbasd oly a iorw moullis ega for thesumm ai 81000. ,Anothor line caw, a roa" ot excellent linild andl appeareuoe rSs.tjy imparted froin Stotland bas bae traced blaek tiiraugli 135 geilera- tions ot pure emrtioru blood or tuaa date sanieyears lrior ta the Reoaition. .A number of the hlirds bet specimns were elîown at the St. Lonis fair andl carrled off morne ton riblbons. Ileides thile tbey have wonl nnumerons finito at state faire and utlir shows, making a 1gouil record wlierever.they bave been oxhibited. -The irst individuel-§ ot the present berd were taken tramr the lamons Rabbins bord whilî-i won the chamipian- ehif, ofire warld at the Colnubia Es lia- sition at Chicago. lStveral piatient and well beliaved î-awé ae ofitor muiei tihiailani donittul ancoirtry are kcpt forn the future Young taruiers ta reciive tiir air initiation ln the art of îillkiiîg fmo, gentle specuiens of kme having been earefully cliasen la eorder thet loyaltY othie oceuPatinOf h"y mild and bine deanilie Dt ton, suddenly jarreil ont af their' systeuiff. TO ZiÔN4 *CITVS Arrangement by Whick C. & M. Wili Operate Carse Over Fox Lak it ou. LINE OPENS IN AUGUST. It iq antlioritiitiiely stateil Ilat ar- rangements have been made whereliy the Chicgo & Milwaukee Eleetric Rail- rond coînpany l; tu a nIt car over the, Fox Lake inefo saeisse etreet, Wau. kegan, ta Edison Court, thue nîaking l possible tauaopen the Vion City fine in thé lmmediate iuture. This inoehlm about comiploer] between Mion Cty and the. intersection ai Washingtan street' oam Edison Court, Weukoflansd t la beleved tihat the C. & M. e u y wlu ho bAble tu operato ca. rs Dwl's town 1the latter part of Anguat. While it le hintesi the arrangement la- question presastiie outright prchas. ai the Fox Lake ino by the 'Frost' peuple, Manger Wynu of tihe former. company decharea it le but temparary, and la retura for the aoeoniniodatiop power for the Fox LaSke lins la turulsbed bthe C. & M. comipnny during terni of the contrnet. However ths uiay hon it wîînhd îrav, menth tPtanate i tire Frast inter4-t* hait ntqiril the rond, a, l wou4d thon A bthus beextended tu Fox Lake as mail intenter] anîd otnerwliee "< .L sia ATTACKWD maitom ssBlp Ia Sketeh, ArislaI Wanuimy Aumeulted et Laite. lieugb» jgn mWho imUlets Selons Jnjnry. WAS IN UELICATE UEALTH.1 Wltb ber clotlulng diseveled sud tom andl ugly marks and wounds upon ber hhraat mailbody, pretty Moron BlabI, au artist, wau toùuluneonsclona lu one of the untrequenteil pathes near the sauth limite of Lake Bluff ans day hut week aller ha.vlng been the. victim ofa a beeetly a3sant by an unknowu villhaizewbo taak advauhage oft ti.oscMludeil tareet tu attock the lone girl. bai only ;eountly came tuaskeeh tIi. landecape ai the Nortb«Sbare. Attraed'e liy the rare beauties ofthtii lotatity ah. bail mode niany expeditions ta the var- lons p)Icturesqu e treato ln the neigbbor-. boond and hen« of delicte physique sho' bail speunt uuch ai ber time ont ai douo outil berfigure hod ccancta o familian tu the reidets of the uitile summer resart. Wednesday atternoon soewu& quietly sketcbiug i an out -af the woay spot wheu 1astrangen aifterly respectable a ppearanoe approacheil ber. Addreeslug ber lu a genlenialy manDer, tobe cîviily. afnswered 'hlmn when snddeniy lue deîîeanar changei sud wlth -an oatlî b. seizeil ber by thie throat and bore bier ta thé grounni. With a ocrejnfrhp e etrugglei tauhber it estrikihug andl ecratching tbe inan a s e plnckîly il, fendeil bereeilitram the onalaught ai the wiretch. Sesing thoa ewasdetorniiued ta wthstand bis wanton ttack the nýau enudienly hernei ahd lIed ta the uorthl laviug tihe girl aine. lu an effort ta rtom ta the Lake Bluff sanitorluin aes wae staying ah. became Veoitand 1.11 by th. wayside wbere she waaler founil hy a villager who sumnmoneil aidsud reniovei ber ta the. sanitarluni where ahbasuince been under tbe.camot a pbuysieW . The police ai th. wbale lake sharare on the.lok- ont for the nman. Mm iss bu b am.what recovereil and siescnubea ber aseijact as ho.igo mian aofabout 30 years ai eg; wane gray suit; stiff bat; was about six teSt tailisud amaatb shaven; ilght haireil and bail gray .eye%. Best inateriais for -r ing thse interior of. .house, new or 0ol varnishes, OiIs, Lead, -W. M. HEAT furniture 'and Undertaking Libertyvige * .1 MccCormlck Mowers- the Woi Soe us abo UP-TO-DATE and COMPLETE LADIgS OUTFITrTERS. FU RS, MIi.IJN<RY and 0141L05 M1 Genesee St., WAUKMGAN., il-L -Phome 3711 Om -doorEast tf ARneu"e .p caiREDUCTION se LadisWwhite Swit $3.98 "- Lieh Cool, oose beltol bacti-tuckeil skirt mat. up lu h.avy Butchera Linoni or good Indla Mlead, for Saturday and Manday Speclat. s"t Ladies' White Eton suit made in White Indien Head, oose pieated back sud front, full Skirt, rou4îrprice 40.00. For Salur- day sud ondi34 Ladies' White Tallai Made suits, 42 in. Coat made with tiglit fltting back, timmed wth tallored straps, 190.0 value, Ssturday and Lais Whte, BrIlliantine Eton 'Suits. A besutiful selleculoi,. Coat full piestcd back aud front. misves..trimmed with lace, Sat- nrday sud Mondal Ladite an d MisesWhite BrlljântineCoas loas.eltad bobck, s handsome germent, nemw styele ve»., for Saturday and Mon- day specil $ 3.48 Ladies' WIift Wainig Skirts made wiih tuclced ssame pefect fit guaranloed, for Saturday s"d 'onday apecial 113 Don'h Psu - -to attend this Record Breaklug Sais ou White Coats, Suits and Shirts tos lefo aMier.stis hilar made Summer -Germenst Ladies' flue Soft finish Duc* *kir füil flounce on thebottom.1 value, for Satnrday sud MOMW Ladies' White Shirt Pl*e'ated ailse of fine Indiau Head rigularU for Manday aud Seturday Ail aur 03 sud 88.50 Ladies' 81 day sud Mouday et $1.98 Tlieie lkirts are ait madelsp np In haie s ad ancy uixturos,.luts have in lrinkn sites snd saine tureres anippsc. Ail Our 85 shirts, lnluidiný CCu ed aud in al colora, s yrdI 83.48 Vcry fin. Panama or FrenchI, o4 garmeuts whhch are shs.jsmat' or6 isud S7, Sstui*«y 4 8 4.9$ Ladies' Wah Shirts, madie # In with smalh black dots, Saturdi day special at 79C Ladies' White Pique SUrfs v" durable oode4, regutorsprlc day and on&de t 81.50 A A$5 Ladil.. Brillantine Skirt for.... BasÈWtd Cream White Brillantine Skirt, 16 gon haud a i %v»hiilk, Worth 85 ............ ... Watch our s"Ad." in te ext i~ seof thi$ pour. Our'wreueuou in o Sa il be uouodlsèe -H 1 1 Libe r Wdle, IMmùsi ýSCHANCK BLOCK

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