beioahsng one-thImi enblra hoard, hereh7 mýg qieca mieeting of thie Qf ttedourt house la 60te lm y c f April, at théur oncf 2 o'cioct WpbeibM eofonuatioh, *e kh ter business tli o ffl1 day of' April, 1903 W. S. >ILLoi, JL C. 'W. 3gicima, T. E icIABAum. -W. f. CLOW, IL J. 4h55, 104~ folloving Supervis- poeuc o agzfoctory onl W tieltiOon nd quailflca M& te their naines upoli ms Ins, Appleton, Cov. *fim. Ombaa, G ibbs; zî : nzlin, liobset É imons, Uumer, Wooi- -metm* edS liaI Super- Slevillage e or e n1 ie Btai.' ý ttit Stblott prmi*jt lI»s .t ibi B*r S ell apreil ha t4he atitutes rteatI SA< asdifflele - libhI li4 qu "ý ïatai halototfor pla"d placenom j$ISupervisons 1 the roteé eS*, roas at vs.ô IfdS Supernisor I Sëi> eteI ii u à eumtieé oet tre. 'ornen f til Kwq as ancli commit- ,#rit 0, A. IP. 19O. mmmcl te aljournmnt. lier tn ii cha bir. nt-Buprvl»ona&dI- Upv, Çopre . Bl- *0Wg-tb*bto, orenk. ey", iisrsyQuen- >ionsliger, WooI- .-4Muperlors(Gieb, ,e"mlg nttng reao, ef Supervilser Os- buqglp, c4iarmu i01 -ola i« le, sabuhhla beC, Special Apirfi WU 1%, A. 7D. 190. Abe 4(foummty, as. la Gentlemen et the ans-Tour commit- , the pupuse'if pre- îW fanerument of itil illî 3er voulbeg *foilovng sud ec- OQR7ER. 'Mdlbg meetIng; cor- up-e >f itltlonsanI cen- or$'e fbis *19 a'clack urio nd OMy. *Ikot beÀ4 wlth Circuit <Bot 4nd ".ri. 4. Al bills aadimsnÏi all lb. pr aected and lAdW _tti.thÇjrk. Bai terni eni 4*Oru te arcoe4liIg ., la .1 Sld bta , eeo Ma nfot ho vs. exgspt on d» ecai or demind eof meipber eo- t le ie1i d, 'bot, àH ,bi saili ho O. Kit by the BuDervise« o derng the aoe e eres sc b bitta ëf -n sé alre Em.nem u t ommixee - otheri'wse dlop"esd.of. pf 5 Albinta &oui daima againaýt tih r Connty and reports et efficera to thi 1bor tIlibe Bled wltbthe Clerkrno later than tihe second day of uny me.t Iug of the huard te maeure actiona nthot terni. 6. The aeveral commîttees sahal pro ceed te t4~ conlderation of midi busl nes. ne la hefore tiieux wlthoqt unané essory delay, and r"port tii. epent 5on occount of each townamindustIti tien oend the. aggegate amouaI -audit e.. 7. No member of a commitee Ohai absent hlmaetf for two coanecutiyi days wlthout the. consent et the othe mnet4ers of snob cOrniittee. if1 incuber no abisats bhuief, any jon -ber-fauet Siimo -peaI4 'fliéffllarWî et 'èhord asai oktiie a oppointed lu plae c such abse*ntes, ond If, ln the- opinloi of the chatiian, the dlspatch of husi neaaL of Iuch conuittfe demand.q ti a appointuenrt ,*f snch substitute, h( shall moairch appointient. * .Att fuel, flour, groceries, OUl and Ç feed for the county buildings and fara * tatlopery and record books for tii *different offices, ds fer as la practicoa *ble, sao lieh purchaaed ettier by con. tract or hy adveftiatng for assied bldi l.y abtheproper comimtteek. 9.:-Mi' blls-audited by tilla Bpord el BuperVisos, ting for nid of, the pooi of the county, aI lite presented 'by the, Superviseýr autbornlslng imch aid wltb a lit giijg the. naînes of.auch *persalna refflWg aueh tid. and the .gmouatso voosielaud that- nid lia aoil b.puhlataed wÏltb the proceed t loge of tii. bord. "Io. The cbalnnian &aill preserve or- deir éedeeoMm nend #ailîtdeelde ques- tiona ef order, snbiect te an appeal to the. board wttiout debala. Il. Evez7-emnierpréens tebi apeaklng aboli arise roinibis mataen addrena biasait te tii. choir. » 12.- , Mère two or more memberi aboali ariae et oee., the chair stI naine tii. muer who la lirai t 18& No memnhor *hall speak more thon trive On the sainie question with- ont teaon troun the chair. I* 14. Aàuieuter alled to order @ali >lmunulata ek.bitaseat unlasa per iuttoàto exploin. andIfithaere b. ne oppesi. the. deelalon of the. chair sali 15 Every niauber preaeut uppn the. Pettlng of àa question allitvota lier.- on uniesa excusaI by, ananimena con- 16. lio motion aboli hoe debâted un. lae rt secoud. Wheica motion la aaoonded h allolie nean attd be the hairý, sud berbre dehat. every such mtotion salbolih.redueod tewrlttng if requirel by the. Chir or any mnier êt the hoard. 17. Ait coumittefts ao liehoappoint- ed by tii. chair unis.. otiierwise di. rectel be the bhourd. 1 -Aitàreports trou comiîttees ailolie olu wrlting end algusd by tbe écmittee. 1% No alterationa shalh biemade ln auy of the rut.n of the Board of On.- pervloarxa uiàhothe i.consent of two- thirda cf' theii.imbep tiersof, uer witbâut on. day'a notice being given tiiereof 0f lbe motion. 20. Atter a motion la stated by te chair or rend by the. Clerk t @alilb deenid e lie hlu possession of the board, bat mn ie owýhbdrawn by thé. niever ut any Ume. before a decistin. S1.tine ruie uay b.e osqàsddlu mi sticulr case by &,vote etf hh'o- tr=a fthe niberé preqent. M2, wbm-~a question bas been once madand conskIeredl ln the. o8rnotive ,dr DM.ative. I aol li n ord«' for any Menuer1la the. mujority te nove a te- conalderitlon tiiereof; but ne motion for roconider-Ation of any vote alunit b.e Inorder, unies. mode on the sanie, day on whlch the vote vas taken or the next dey the. hoard la in session. 28. In alil culs vere thé rmies adoptel by the Btoard of Supervisora do net aflaPond the. oeîinory porlia- metarrulme, the. comme» purliionent- 'dry mies aboilie Inlufuit force for th. PreServatlon of Order ami government of the board. 1 ;»Il11"u ait 'qpestions of generat Itereat the. hoord may resoind itf lnte a comait6l ttfhei. viol.. 25. 0 lo0f anjy niember the. yens eud noas aoliehotaiken and enterel en the, Journal on anY question hoforo ithe board. .26. when the buaineas 0ff npy teg- nta, or apelat meeting or the . board "hall have bnen eoniplbted, Il yull thon hoe ln order te have the minutés of nid meeting approvel vIttiott readlng. Ail Of vbich ln resPectfnlly aubinit- IiENISON IIUNTINGTON, County Fan .&àüdtng-M5ueay" ta Public SuIldingt--Conrad4 iiu i ltsamtion-Âppletto.Cour, Wtt- M bite. - *WIMi Lna- onGrabupàÙ tON fSulemient wltii Tre«mer ensd . Count 1y Clerk--Quentin, ]Horéàbergse 1 Huptingtin. - 41 o.Wmeet u'Itii Serif and Ci*cult îpjý U'lerk-U<>renbeMgr, limona, Muoi B Bupervisor HiiinttBgton xmoved' fit' we de now adjourn Motion cearried and bitard stood ad-. journed. . W ALBERT L .HENDEH . clark. ai tii y.' car Adi val Qu 'J 1l t-Wankegau, IIL. Monda, lue iz 1906, ProceedInga before th*, .Honqoable fL Board of liipèilors of Loke Counly.' re Utinois, et lis regala, meetinp .hegaull Br anti ield ai lbe Supervisons' lions lu: a lb. -Citi, et Wonkegoui, Ibis second: 1'Monda>' of Joun, A. D. 190. ât aud ,ibe fettovlng medibi"PMiit: If Supers-isors Adams, Appleton, Clov, UContad, Ed*arla,, Grmx, lltba, H-untinglop, Hoeuberger, Lomey, Mit- lehr, Meyer, Muray,>, Qiientin, Robert- le socutnsn, Unger, Wooley-19. A Absent-sperlor Wibite-1. SMinutes of lat meeting vere rend an sd upon motion of Buperlisor HunI- le ingfcon ipl1roved.. 'the ctemk nad tlb fottovlng coma- munication and report, wblct i;uee- Sfart,,Ite Comiittee doi Iamb Lands: 8101. ef Illinois, CoUnly.p.tLàk.. .vs. >f, United States. Svomp Lan iIndewa 'Y. County.ler o f LakeOC"unt>', Woukte' . gan; Illinois.' i Sr--On the 18th lOy of Jul', XA. e .- 20 . A.11 lit D.,-1861, lie Genemat Land Office .101- 190 aI an account oi, $2557.29 due Ake 9- Count>, Illinois, for benefil of slI 'countln au bove laim. Pieuse alvise of th. date of tue recelirng of lthe a draft b>'lbe conuty trou tb. governor dl of lie Ilote, and viol action oandote et sanie vas taken b>' the.Doadof 1 Supevisora as t10 the diatrihuit4>u of I the. moue>', to. voni sud tomviiat pur 0 pose. Tia intomation le a cliedfor to enoble me lu settle the. oucounta oft le iy beceosel brot, Willts M. lUit, vicosé estale bas caltaI on me for au occoeuuting. Your faner vtli ch i olige .Yours- truly. XSAAC a. HITT, Blte Agent. D Charles A. Apple>', Superlntemhlnt of the Connty FPari, auunilte i Mileing report.,: e Bute et ittinois, Loke Cosmty-sa. Board of lupernisors, lunesssion,y lune 12,, A. D. 1M0. 1.Il ' Mr. Ciainuan an m emtineuot he Board of Onpervtaors: Chantes A. Appt., vwoutl hsg taon te iuit tii. foiiowing stat.eaont of isreceipts and ex>sudltuxre&@as lpse- Inendentcf th.eLak toeunty douiMty Fornfor 1h. fiscal yeam fron Match, 190, to lune 10, 1906.& DRi. TG ECIPT& b Marei, & L. H. Baiieur. nid botter.* 48.186v Marc!. 7. 3. Austin, youns af 30 Marcil1., J. Anunoun o luut. ...' .00Je Marri,. 28. *1. Austn, young cult . 300 Alri 2. notes&.lodg e ra, .ou e. rowc e 5.20 i 1Apulh 29. Henury' ilflrIs, >' au. P'.latoes.......@.0d May 18, J. W. illq~iere, oI;ceca7.0 i Ha>' 25. 3. W. ilt er. uebol ..21.0. May 25. J. W. Mfler, Olve asote..70.00 l CiR. BT EXPENDITUIUî. t Marei 6. J. M. lebehi tee,! C.. garde., aeedi. ad earti>'otatoea.$ 481 Marri. 10. C. M. & St. P. IL.. . trelght en. gecrles ........... ... Marei, 22. Hidiand ChemlcalCo. .lore gallons usti-germine ..........&400 lIgureh 28. C. M. & êt. P. al.1a. trelolti on tl5oea........... .d April i. C. . Boise,.0but oderm biy .0satt ...................U7 C. arpetr. Uebarrele (S 0.111 anS sip..........3.00 Apill 10. . M. Heati, P.* 0. box April 10. lobanDamrr.niWo fore sud t;edollars la oe.>'b>' rou 30 AVi 4.. Csey. tbrea dosen ta April 21. Mrs. M. Steveas, rutlila,. fore te Chieago.............. 1.0 P Mu>' IL Soudan Sieelait>' C., dia- s toteetat and borse.uedeine.... 11.2t, H&y 12. IC. M. & et. 1P. a. RI., May Iht on, go"a..............* tIe o Whaeousa for Clow & Ap- 0 cier .............................. lal ta May' 19. J. M: Matin, one yearling 4101. orderesi bi.Cee.............. 100.00 May 9e. v. IF. W, bolethasel ivery li Men5Dea. oeed ib>' <00,.........110.... Ha>'19. Chas. Tuirker. one ba aNi eor,, b>-W. F. Clow ...........2( M ay U2. j. W. IHilhem, msi bats.. 2, lac Ma>'26. C. C. Corpenter. gil a lune 10. Andres'Hsrer X'n Tinttlânlonit Pid ont.....218 ,rotâtaumonat etee...... Aroosel due C. A. Appler ... 9.20 Ail of vhici lu neaectully uni- hutted. C. A. APipLty Wiich vos referrel ta qM jlltee oq Counlt Foarum Aullting. Supemniaom Raymond uzored liat Il billeBlied lu accrane viti theb.rtg b. méere. te appaop*$01wC9hliln U21U tees vitiout realitq. Motiop ero Uaipemsr« Hmnttgtm'imbo~i4s thlb el lng rsoiution oi n=»OeI toi' adoption:- Wheress, Tthe pmetoLais CauÇtti j51 bellilvo tiat tii.conty!,chorgu'et ea LiberlyvrIlte Comtl>' Isbtara vêtI. pro- tM nidd for laii eknmeu011balIt4toe- ýaI, re be lt du, -. Ile&e b>'tue Board et Supor. sa, vioeuLbeOfflsi, Illiibia, lb rap..té utar @eWson aàsaqtbld, Tuai s boa' Mu ~ihii t 0el>' nMeea du bu oy. r-moeaI o bifldt' w to, a of lte iOüa4 w1t be ttPlt ouegm Of DMD$ï lgeXb leaod 4ojsp he Anýlars per o lxrh l8, 3JêAa"proffld .6 a**el riS i t he blinl .Motion uÉý> ýut t axint. ae B:,lb , le iiéýtI Bh _c n -1ilm ft Ipqpeavlmot'Graham novel 1ha01 V a'0 DowI*&OuM until itO-fioi'Tow DIa- it ut 0owm Motion carna abd, oitstosd adj onrned. SNCQND DAY., rau]keglon, itînla, Tuesday, inn, 1a, Bourd Inet ýluant te adjgutm4at lbi Cboua"MUtler tn the. choir agd llnutas et prenion meeting regd, id tilic motion of Supervisor lRay- nI opproyed. kfovgd by Bupervisor Huntingio lt tbé ts.Ôltion preaenteid by uim, uterday ïb. nov odopled. Lye #ad nYvole elUg calti for, vie e hti.fotlowlng' vole. los. votleg oye are Supermlcora aiml, xppleton, Ciow, Coured, d rdu, Grahami, Gibs.. lxuutngon. iMey, llorenienTger. [M.eyer, iMarray, ,tiu..t Robetan, iRaymond, limona. ohiley, Wlhie-l8. 'boa. V*tlng no are Superviser $upe"rviso n nington om thâaba th. ninemea cet1h. Grand A Amy Poet of Wanbegau b. permittel te Mount. cangnns la lie Court flouse Square noor monkunlant. otion earle& The. fOllovIuig petitions ver. rend b>'th le lrk *Pd refeu'el to Commit-, te. on En'mous Assessmeats, to-vt: I Wadkietou, iL lJune 13, 1903. To tb. -CWî=haandnBori cf Sejen slote et lilinotis Centtien-Touar pettloner, M. AI- uchuler, reprefsinoute yonm honor- able bol>' 1h01 ie Io the ovuenlu te. simple of lot elgilt (8) lunitlock tour- teén (14) (exeepIt roald) lu tie orig- moal Town of Lie Fort (nov lu tii. City' of Woukegan), 1ha1 tb. assesaur ln1 astesslag salI property tom lie yoar 190 exceWavel>' raisel lii. assass .Value et lie sane trou IlIe thoimoond dollaras(*M000.00>)1te1<1 tilousauldoi- tara <$4i,00.00; abat hl bas pal lb. taxes on saut! property pu sncb exeWk sûvo valuation, and bO hlbis1111111:8 Re vai, thietefore reII5Iunjuati>' te puy., te tih. colleqto l. ou>o Ivelve dollar* and 27/eis ($12e2') for $tote. cuuufy,,tovu unI moil and htidge tsxi latK1ea tf vil le hol have beau eq*ieiepuy., Hanethmnoo*re tspeofUlly petiliona Yout honorable body ho grant hlm a rebole for ssII anicnt. Ail of wviic ta respeettuit>' subînftted. M. ALSCHULER. By> A. 'e. SMITH.Rila Ateorne>'. ZMon City', 111, Ms>' 27, 1905. 1 berehy certIf>' liai vEdvard G Uteehter vos loxel for-11104 ou lot 9, block U2,section 21, vilc vas listai as I»pmuned property sud vhieb 'hou been asamasdetc ligii. The >osenese value vas ir40, equiotiseil value $26, aud- shoul bave beenau sesselvalue $140, eqmîoluelvvoue 811W .The aonut. et taxe, pol for 1004 vas $14.U .and cboutI bore beemi $8.11. A reondmulel due on accouant of on errer mode ln as- bomant, vilci errera arelilable te icut b>' n prenions part>' osesiug cr ac dertal errer lu postlng. The dia- trhbutbou 0f lhe efund tIs part>'lia a juat cdaim for la as tolcyws: State, $0.61; coumil>', $0,75; tovu, 10.18; rond atnd 19., $0.00; cl>', $4,05. DANIeL ALOAN. Aseasor Town cf, Denton, Loake Coun- ty, Ilinois.1 1 Suisiarbed ouI sworn 10 Ibisetgbth BIbh) doy0f Jlue, 190. oJ. CXITIB lM. 75011, 1 (Beni.) « NoearyPublic. Zion City', Ill., Ma$' 27,1190, 1 bereli> ertif>' tho J.1.. Brey vasi taxaI for 1904 on )ot 16, block 94. sec, Ion 21, vbicb valIstaIl as Improved reart>' unI vbith shoul bav« e. ee késseaeibluavacant, The osuesseelvol- Svs*0,equelized value $M5, and Ild=tiar eén, asa alue $M0 lqualluea valua, #M6. lia*Mounit gf bales pllfor 1904 vas 819.0-M ouI Iloul hove beeic $4.94. Aretuual la leofl account of au errer mode la as. *moment, vblcborrmaors ishlete )ecur puy a prevlcun liant>'y aog or kceertcal amrer la péatig.The ils- ributtono thli eTu"d tisarot>' las juit l aim tormlisa sfollovi: îlt,. !146; 8oat' 1.90- t&vN e$044; r«dl "ausaor Tovn of »«gLobe d oun- Ouiscnubed undI wom t,b lts eghti M 1h) ëay cf Joun., 195, 3. CURTIS Mle 1)01), (geat.>)o» ulc ZVon dity', DI, jfay 17,=1m. 1 hereiy certif>' limaiA. B1&90toýwas xel fer 2904 on lot G, iloci 52, ascite I., vilclu was- liàMsIioulproreil Pr6p' cI>'. onl-wJieb ch uod hmvebea uia- ON"e da vacant. !'Teo saaed valýue as $210, equoli valts,112111, 1and bonl bave ieeip 'ausasil .Ilhveel îuliael value 0&. 'Ia ýam«out0f V exe pol for 1904 vus $1.1, -'ud bull bave been *8.1. A refond la aecunsecont eonauelnqj'mode lan asosameut, whieb rmmilame lable fi 1occur b>' a prontous p«nt>' osse«W la oro eeical er#trla posbtug. Tha el hlorhbution cf- hie efud tiIs pt>' ias Ajust caIhflotl s ohle"; Wl.,ý i0pm;éuir~,3 toi-n. $êsP 'cnt of on er a trerions Paty Mt mWr in.fu. DANIEL IBLOAN, Aasessor Tqwu of Bonton, luke coun. ty, Ufoa Bubàertied and av4m $0 bIs ia bt e ~ 4a fJùDe, 190., , 4,aI .CUIITIM BM. DODD, - Notary Public. Mbon Clly, .111., May 271,1M0. t iiemeb catfitint Joabun Thoni Wait,1azed fWr 1904en lot 161, tiok = Metion2K , tbch vra i lid as lu. PrOnel prôpst'ty and wblcii bas licou oaaeiOei 100 iiigb. The asses*el value vus $40.equalsvlueit- f44. anC aboutit bon. been. ussesedvalue $240l. eqnatisel naine $M *4.Tii. anount cf taxes Vold tor 1904 vos f24.74. and 'biontI bave bs.n $14.84. A refutî lm acoat cfan omet made lu aaseuui14u, vbl<im ro, ra are ilite PcCUir iy a prenions Party Roesiîig or o clemîcol errer ln poatlng.' -The dlia- tribiion of the. refund titis norty ba a justlmoaimfor ilaaal fotlowa: Stile. $0,97; couuty, $1.20-; lown. $0:219; rnd and B., 8.0.1)(1; citÏ. $0.48. DANIEL SLOAX. Cnffaor Town 0f 'nentom, Lake Coun- ty, Illinois. Subemhbed sand avorn t10itis eiglill e8bi) dey of in., 111. * .J. CURTIS.M. 1>01)> S'etory Pubhlic. Zion City, Ill., lMay 2-4, 191. I bereby certtfy Iliat Zion Land sand Investment Amen. n-s Ited fur 1004 on lot 14% i liock D1, section l.,.wictei vos ltoted as lmproned property und Wimlchii alih have beau asmenseil as vacant. Theiseedvintîe vrn< $740 equolîzed value, $814, anud slouid liave bee as essed vaite $100, equnlufli value $11110. Tii. nîonlît et taxes pold for Ill4"vwon$44114, anti <sionld havse been $124. A retund la due on ;t- count of an error madetri as;sesnt vbilh errom's are lhable te octitr by n prenions Party asaemsq1niz or a cierical ernot lu postlng. The. Iistrbuton cf the refund this Party bausa juat clal;n for lu os foiova:tnte. $.87; couin tY, $4. towu. $1,15; rond sud B.. $SM8; ochool. $0.32; cli>' $5.t DANIEL BLOAN. Assestor Town cf Benton, Lake Coun- ty, Illinois. unhs(*lied unI -soru t0 Ibis etgmtb (oti) day cf Jin.. 110. J. ÜUIiTIS 3M. 1)01)). (Reni.) Notitry Publie. Superviser' Lâmey aubiittel the foi- lOwtnig resolution, anidmaI'01 lUnadop- tion: Whereos. Ai the. hest geneasielse- tIen beldl n lbe Towni of Anttoch. Couniy cf Lake and Stalle of Ilinois, on November Stb, A. D5. 1904. iere ver. cat more thon 450'u'otes ot sld eletlon; therefore ha. Il - ilesolved, Thtat sai Town of AntI- ccii ho dlviied luto tvo notlug dia- tricts os provided by Section 30, Ctmnp- ter 46, RIened Ihatuiles of llinois. Motion cornidand ou seoiutlon me- ferrel te Commitlee on Eleetioîi Pro-. eles. élupers-toor Wooilly move.! ual the Building Commutte. lie authorizel te purchse ai addimg machine for tlhe Couuty Treasnmr'a office ai 1h. least Possible Price. " 1Aye and us>' voie ieiog calied for,. Supervisor Wooiiey'm motion wns car- rlod by the foliowlng vole. Those vollug oye are Snperviisors Adonis. Appleton, Cound, GîIlba, La- mey, Murray', Quentin, Mimons. Uit- gem, Weolley, Wilhl.&-11. Thos voting ne ar. Snpervisera Clev, Grahami,IHnatîngtinllter, lfeyer, ay-id--O. BuPerlutenlent Gaggtu snibmltted the follwvlng bIh, whicb vas rend aud refemmed te CommIttee on Education: . ýWankegau, Ill.. mue 1la, 190. State, 0f Ilinuois, Lake Counby-s. To F. N. Gaggln, Ccunty Snperiîitend- eut of Scboots, Lake CeunI>', Ill., Dm.: For services sud expenses frm Mardi 1, 1905, le meuo 1, 1,405, as foi. Iowa: For .40 dey* arit ln ochool viItatIonn dt4 tay .................16.10 or d:Yrfqexpeshs u chool Vsita,. P ion oetS$1m>er dey.. .......... 4.1)() Cor 2 deys. aDent In examlusilionas e Fo.r 2rd.>»P .e ut . h.a. 00ker .W r .k . t* . 04 lier dâay ..... ....... «.......4 Ilote of Ilinuois, Lake Ccunly-a. 1. Frank N. Gaggln, 'do solemni>' IVeor ltat the saneroliitems men- tuonel lW tb. above accouant are jusI sud trué, and liat 1h. servie, chlarged fo harelu bave beau meulerai, oud bhel tiers ta nov due me thereon the um et lime. hundrat alxty-f ne loi- Iara. ' FRAYIK S. GAGGIN, Co0WhIgty iperntendent of Sciocta, Lake Conlty. gubscnhbel uanduwru le befote me ldte1 l ai ef Juans, 905. . :: 1 1L. AL IlEnDE, I)opnly (bunt>' Verk, LobeCo= r. :Board adIouned fer comnîe.vr mâtil lo-noo mor niug mii 9 o'ciock. TEIRD DAY. Waukeggu, Ill., Wednesdny, lune 14, 1 Bkos1 ftuet pursanute 1 oorunient I wttb-h urman Millet presiding ami a i hdi 800,1 present ,. , . Minutes 0f preceding meeting rend' 1 an UPon motion of Sup6rvisor Loniey 1 be 1au ai ftted i atitjîlota go, Oba ë longuug Wte Lký 0 leaine te fahiu* hI ou the, motterabetoi 'W. have exompine ed and recommeul t Itllosjnstitution tor etMiego Wdil .. col, s per bit lUbWoi Mesuat Trgt 1 * Cbligo, es per hi Att of vhk-i Io ri -tel. lou iesimt t «n ii 415 i * o opi ~~ (ira- h1uibWgid saId.larritffl 'de"ébdIM[ i bViilesubmtboll e1rtio "Ihe lu, tih.Vil- ta Ie fHall la tihevmale or Anto ona,' unieTerni . *f - et t aJOr4peéttsly" eUh. 1Gentlemen of the A ~TOD lorai 4 tii bit a preent l i.c Ib.OeLi oul-a lb. ~ ~ ls zbesta in 14. A. D. 1990..o ii~rU stLn. lt' d iiulnou 'etmen f i te.........vais but Cia»on it ng, rltg vomil bd tebtfhhy sut- nneai aapraetdbf tbe Pmentne ti tisu.unrecominesi% tle punyuenl. FIELDING H. WILHITEA Chrm. 8. B. WOOLLEY. THO&. APPLETO. Suilarvlator Humtiegton mos-ad îlot the report of conmîIttee be acceptai aPd adoptait. Motion eartill. It-upervisho...wttta chmnntv u sCoau,îItlee on Erroneous Aesmne xusuiitted the teliowlng esri: tte of Itlinois, Lake Couny-s.. Btoard of tupems-Isorti, lune Terni. Jluste 14, A. D. 1110.. 31r. ('lirmur ndh1 !ntlomeft tfhle Boeard o utw.rulsori. Your (Consqittlee i Eroneous Au- s,,sîet.ta wiom vus reterrel ieh petîblons anu l cima of M. Ain'lithLer. Edw-aril G. Miscuier JotiligThekn,,... J. L. Bîray, Feon .Hie>',.A. E. BlillenitnîZinn A -..d aumO invealumentt Assocation. voul bag legs-e leasuis,- 1mit lhe totlowitn ro-port on the mat- tori séhore iem:. W. re--ommend. talamommie iir.- fumdel to parties as tolloivns: TO>WN1 OF'IEXO tole Ceut.t Edwrd 1. îseier. s.$.1 9 75 e$1 5t juhTu. .......... .07 ].,. 12.17 J. L.. irey ............. 1.46 1 5, :.2. Fhot%-nee E. FIlemy ... 206 2_5714.411 A. K:. I810%............7 12,211 Mon L..,sd & 1jjv-tuî Au..litiou,.......... .R7 4 . 9#l Iu retard ltaithepelllon cf Il. AI- scinier & ce., us-e fidnitat lie usueo- meul, cf nid peitioner vas lucreeaiti b>' tihBoard ut Res-lev. ouI tint sil petillouer was duty notifiai ta appi.or tiefore the Board cf Ravies'. We nes-- enîmlieul. thserefore, tiai the prsycr of the sai pettiocer, M. Alachijier & C'o.. be net grauted. Ail cf wtlcui la respeeîfuîl>' suli- FIELD)ING H. NWILHITE. Citrin. ERNEST il.. IMON8. H. C. W. MlEYIIB. Supers-lacWooley mos-el imaI lie report u ofaimltkee lie uccepteul cul adoptai. lîction comie.. Supervisor W00lagychirmuof Comuithîs. on Eluclon. -submitteid tb. tclioving -report:_ flate cf hIlinois, Loke Counuy-s.o; Board of Aupervisors. lune Terni. lune 13. A. D. 19M0. Mmr. Ciairman oud Gentlemen of tie Board cf tupervlsono: Tour commîlîse, taviioni twax e- ferrsi lthe report of Frank N. Gaggln, Count>' Superi»tendenî of IciecîS. have exonind ouand aimus Presentel. ouI voul beg leave a te ul- nit lie tbllovlng report na lie uit- tors tefore them: Wefini lue lMr. Oaggiu for sebot vtsitations. temueers' examnlnstlonfi nul office vorkire. linudreit sixty-ils-c dollars l*.'lS.0fll, aud ecommen.! tant the, cier behodirecte.! to certif>' la the Stato Militer or Public Accouants ta thii amount..1 We aise fiud due Mir. Gagglu for poistage, express, etc, slxty-sixlx 101rs auI thirty-five cents $4435,an ecý-i ommenul 1h01 blie cierk ho dîrectel ta Issue an crIer on lie Cuini>' Treal§- uror fer saId amounb. Ail cf vielcIoisrestpeetull>' sulimît- ted. 8. E. WOOLLEY, Cirua. 'ICHOMAS APPLE*TON. DENISON rUNTINGTON. Supervîsor IMeyen nied el ual-he- re- port cf cemmitle. i. aceptai nul adoptai. Motion carie!. Supmvaom Raymond, Chiaînon iiof Comuitte. on Biecltion Preoinctai, suli- mitited the followlag re-port: s101. otflllinois, Lobe Couant>'-. Board et $upemvisors. Jùùe Terni. lune 14, A. D5. 10., Mn. Chairman nul Gentlemen of lime Doaird ot Supervisons: Tour commItte, 10 viieni as r.- formai the resotution cf Superviser 1La- nie>, verid bag leave lu aubumît the foilovin>' report: W. fiid troni lie élection reunuefor the hast general élection il tel viti the. Ceunti>- erk, tiot thero vers catil More thon M3 votes lu sald Townu et Autioch. We vold heretore recôuwil, d tk.t salI lova h. divild tatanto oisnices s otlovs: Communclng ant opoint ou tii. jport neiilof Seption 5, Town 41e Range 10, lu tii. conter of lb. higli- 'a>', kuevu mas lh. Fox River real. sud ruunlng theuce south or luna Routbsrly direction Int iteler of tol hlgiivay 10 I.e .:Iilf fSec- tion 33 lu-saidTu' 41,t ce vext rane thie so nîbvesI.ico thoa ot, and contnnlag vet on te sOnti Ue tb Town « IBoes, te' e a sutb- nest corner 0f saldI hastde tevu luI range, hbence. uor West lUne qf sald tlvua 01V - théli nortbvet corner hb ' O 119 onm lb. umtli Une f s ud range anI ho . . 4(4 Range, 10.lotiut O ,foulai, aull- nhe following, and a acu.e jers ne dlrected toaIlue orderti for 1h s*eia nounts ta thi e aeeri clilants, 10- Ami. N'ame anci for -bat. Ami. Aiiüwed. '.1.lAttie. 120 aeU Atoll W%. oL i 4-:6........0 tetudj eupir Mlà ir73 Aniob esa aatlonory ,7.1) 7.40JO U,,. i. lnnd & ('o., r.'r- (W dit...........;........',44.45, 44.4.1 lack. ........ «.......... .00 .$'M) 43.. l lrsord. & V'., ('je <lrk'* i-,v'o...... 3.00 29).(u> 43e.. i). Baranr & C'..., . 'feu.................47 5 ho IL 1> art&sr.t & .. IL I.a yetî........... .Z0 2.4 1). 'lhain,,, & C.'.. 1,1*5115........ ........... 5.54 .4<0 11005>7............ ....... 3.17 41 ,».". 1ei i :, j'. "t l'eiboue VC'., ut.- tlOtteI3'.................. ... .7 raI15NgratPb ?vltlng Co., 17.30 .17,à0) n-i.rd .... ' 45.00 43»15> i'sima<rapb l'lal*g ,,. i.ued,'>' *UPIàlhe. ..........25 .5 'atàaurapb MPneu1 t'., aid r .iewA..........1.4)u 1.1,00 i' llvah l.lhoig Co., 1.3nitgraî. rl, rtl,,g ('o., .... ai,...............1.4..V)2 l'1gaeny.jb Pirlux CO ., walur evo e............i. e> 1._"Q i'aat.mpa Pnintiug (*,, wrm ui 4..,. &ý... .. e.t.. 2< 21.50 III Kru a PY.lnmlug, lip..k. e..:..... e.......... .45 SP 19.4. Iaialeeu b ( Pvite ...îlea ... iOLsi11 .1 D' t h i. u,.d n-sr«.. ro..«d) b-e edl,,g.. ............. 9 0ý« Palhs.(ly k t. coti ,lrefol .5 .7 iIL hl-u'l.s-. po. .. ..................34 30 W. F. Waniel nl2.I05 22.À4 Ait of whlch la etttalynn THO& S. E. IARAM. Citinn. M. HOiB1NIiUIGES. Hl. C. W. MICTEIL .1 1 SnP.nvIom QUatin- novd Ihet the reOporqtlie accaet And udopted. -a-o tioti earriet]. tIoPernisor Huntington, ehaînoan of <'otmittee aot Judiciary, usnmlttd the foliowtug report: gramte of Illinois, Lobke Counlyv-. BoArd of tlupernluor. JUne Teri. Jon& 14. A. D,.otffi. 31r. ('hoirmajj and Gentlemen 01 tie Býond oft pemvisons: i'our Comamiltee on Judicisry Clastus wvouid tieg leavta-otereport liat .tbey bave examinel Ail Cdaims preseniel hei'ore them. an'id rtconmnd the par- tuent ofthtiî oilolng. and that lhe s-ierk b,' ..ireî'tç4i to iss*ue omrexfor tihe Mees-cat lionni- a 1thle ee clatmnants to-wt: Amt. Naiea mnd fMr chai. Ami. Aî.,,edý 1W . %eispl. justie tees. 'rliil,menIO-g _......... _$ 0a 00 ne, i.. 1fle..justipe tees. James P. v.. Desn.jus- tjee fecu............... .72b X525 Des.,% ia Lnlerry. eooatalle*s te,,,.................... .90 9h2 ats......e....... ..010 .9 1<.. 1 tlphn. o...t....'4 ... .. .. ... .. .. . .95 .. ts............... ........v .. C. a. >tî1.henp. lire 1,111R. .oogaole oAtee. ..........0 2.7 L. -4e.n v 11,* bo. <con- titsblfrs tees.............0 60 DAnlel A. C.rady-. coaatal>,ea -tees..................... 10 W*.10 ['super Allmon. Pu'5> 15i5,, le.. J,.GPotell.,aerihi ftees2P45 14.23 J,.hu Nellotl, coatailj'a lee»s, .00> 6.00 $18.. 146.40 oi f wlilecblm reupecruhly animat- tet. DÉNISON HUNTIqGTOY-, Chmm. M. HORE«\BEIGERt. M. J. GIBBS, Supervisor Graham mos-ad liaIt th. "ePort-lie tîcceptel eanl adopte..31. ti1db carlel. .,YrIt.rMeyer. .chlrunan cf. Conimie. o11 douat>' Penn, unuital - lie fotlowlîtg recommeudatton: stue orcf iile, Lobe Côunt'-s«.. Boar of. T Supervisons.Juana Teir, Julie 14,19. Mn. Cliairmnansd Géntiemen cf lie Btoard et Supervisons: Totîr domittle on Coonly ar voual respecttuil>' recomn.tled at C. A. Applo>' ho emloyaI as Supetinhenju- -' ami ot Labo Ceunly Fai'nifor lt.he-nI i euiug year, coiIuaeluÏ Bete:mbet - 1. 1906, nI the aiee oonpanathon ai icraetore atiowel. kRespecttuhly suai- mitted, il. C. W. MUTESR. W. F.COW THO&. M. GEtAHAjM. Suipomsr HQr uutiugten -mos-el thI1at lb. recommenîatto a ut commîttmi b, accepte.!nuladopta.Molm cr$&-,1 litparvlso M leyer. chaimnioflden [ Il ti