CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Jul 1905, p. 1

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--NF INDEPEVNDENI -N.42. I It's .Easy to writo' a gooil itter wben yonr paper, ten, sud iml ryvlLLf..LAKE COUAITY, SUICIDE. areF ail ~HJETO14ftRLBT WRITIING PAPERS The "Paper@ that appeal","make Iolite aorrespondeunc pI)eaoiàre. ]Momt PiAOlePIO at fUw are oakiag U@ fer Twotoue . td Jighalarid Liîe.u. Tl*ère are 4)tlaeli .tylce You nînY liki? even ttter. Cjuif- inan d, tisem,. LOv eIL9S DRUG STORIE Shirts- Collars, And Needful Mot Weather Linens Tise up-todate patterns that qive that' properlg dressed appearance0m Fasy, Cool, Comfortable and right in E. . PARKHURST zoth Cutury Caph USore wiCHACK BLOR UbertUviIle, Illinoist CGiwA. WidHT Vkacen-ý P. 14 F RKN, '<mt. tamliir 'LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANK< Dl RECTORS F.P F . U'I<o~, fl ~, (H' Il lA O i I' htii To Have A Checking Account lm. not a hi. hIy. You mncarpy your bills vitl, .lieckm i 'i hw retu ru tu> you thp llrit off ,aîl innth anud whieh îare . uiad].'a recipt hi full for év.ery ilillar.ycu pay out. Y.iucan alway.. uai.' -lauîigi» witilîn îIierk. DR. FREDERICK W.MARTIN DR. WU. P. SCHIRDING. <>ff(cc 2nd ,Floor Praetice liuuted to Kiser Block., Milwaukee Avenue. 2t, o 4 1).ni. îîo Houes: 11 t'. 12 à. gln i ) 3: a,.d 7 .Il.r 2t p i p. irt. Oc.llnoe(FFIîR: Itoori 8X04 STENVART lBUILDlING, ______ _____92 Stafr Street, Ciîcago. DR, J. L TAYLOR. OFFICE <IVER TRIGORiHà TAi LO'M.. BOUM:-7 Wo 10 a. n. . 2 f0 4 ami 6 to M p. in. REWmdece o,.mitHriulwa ny, iiiiiiHti'iPark. L.iliert>viii.-. Ilinois. DR, A. J.NICHOLS. D IENTAL, OFFICE BUSTLER RLiM[<iVER RCMiTU at AV98 STOtE * rovne-Wî.di.'aya ouf cadi wee-k froni .8:00 . .Ii. ti 6:00 p. ni. lliljertyviiie.. Ililluiîj. DR. E. HR SM[TH. DENTIST. OFFICE OVFS LARE COUNTY BAÂNK. ,ouam-S to 12 a. n. auil 1 to 5 p. m. Libertyville, Illinois. D.C. . GALLOWAY,. ümc DR.p IÀOVELLS flfltOsTOuE. usoViWnr t1 to b'aud 6 to 8i p. ni. Llbertyvile-, Illinois. PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Liîhertyville, Illinis. DL D .O. R UTI'BRFILD, Tie FkitNationa Bank, LIBERTYVILLE JOHN L. TAYLOR, premident BENJAMIN Il. MILLER, Vice-Premident C. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. W.' extPnd .'very euiiuragifttsnt to tIi. Wage carfsi; to thf' end tlîat lie nIaly pnîinper. Depoit your earuing,. with the Frst Ntlonal. Does a general bankî ng businîess.f .Depoiiits solicited and cour- teoum treatînent giveri to ail. It will pay yoià to bank at the Firet National. Refuned Kim. By WIfe 0f TWO Monthe rsnk ]Rock, A Fort Rlserigen Soldiser, Shoots uPremence Of Foriend. IAD BUN DiUINiINO. Frank A. Ill..ek. a soulier tFr lei dan, returneÀl bisme onie cveuiiîgflet wei-k ta lInd fbis wife viiting witlî a fricuil,1 JaumsWitthrop, and onsisgger for *klee-aa~nsion<tthde pea- tliât hig hresatb emetteil tootto(ngly <of li.luor. GOWtctobig Miouns Rock wsecure.]fhie revolver sud toil the flar thit lie vas g'oing ta 1111 biaself.loti, tii.'Wouiau e and Winthrop rusipel tg) the rouai hop- Ing to wrcicb the gtu from bism gramp !lutî the rognon waruted thenem boqk. i At tlîim Withrop rau ti thé, street for a aId but alogie ift thte bolimethe fatal sdotI -immeifhe b.' -rued into the aPntw of a1u fui-'Who pla.'ed bonitunder srrest le'ing1 .AftIi. opinion that lfuOssil)ly Wititlîr-up0 -tad rnurdered Rock. Vermi.,nm of the affair wcre e'uîuu urisédil about the.'fort aud it wam tii.' lilef oft iiatiy îlîat Rock lind returni'. to Sundm liq. wife wtlî witlrop and tliat troiule i foHiowed witli the resut foiat th@ie wnuian's hlimaud aas k1illeil. The <eOr- 4 'ic u* lîo)wevpr de.idil that tlie .'tonv-of tii'onilnai.nul Mrs. Roc-k na. .--rgt a nd retiîd,-reii a-, orf Ct i .tiil-iile afltert a lîi-lîtio- îis.,,îcr was ii .-eased.z lfe-k n.d liiuis'.if.- hlîuîîl l-I"' - ltni- i.'liiet May and lî,l I il os lit tI-. . îîFa.'jiist .îî il,' uof thle fort, us nirrie.] u..îî arc u.,t ail)l, dt'.lis,- uti lit- l.urra.ku. Attitu.n.iîee-tWdLId k -iiity Cf r' rî.-r Conurasd. tire. fRoi-k fîîid a straiglî to- (ift- évarîl .inîry tlat was l..lieved l.'. thei.i riu-n ah li .-onipuueii tii- jurà,.' Shliîl tht lî h-rlulaîîd bla] goné tii licgu elri-nt t I...ay returning lats' iltise tg l-'s'.-îîi.g tîtder f lie iyllu"nce . (f dri nk. (plime ént.-riuig tise ho,,,. lie founil hî.r ls tIse er piarloir viititig vitli Wiubrup aWho aas t a frimul of thein imoti, and Who b.d heinfi wa~itirg for sonne tiiie f«orRiok t.. returl iT as 1,.- wisheli topec it,. on-teriug thefi11 r' Rock ds'uuaudëd a kias , lt vas le refused biy lii. you]Ig wife wiîo inotead th ulil.ttigilc.t Monîfor lus .'ondifiou. At l tîsia h.e w,'t tg) faim r.eîîu snd takinxg dt re'volver froin a trui k uhît iiiéulf lus eu ARMYlo WORM h l'est han Apjseared ln Imamense Numbers, In Central Lake CoUnty It -Ravagrea Fieldis of Sunai Graina. APPEARS AT COUNTY FARUI. Withinrithie'pliait wcek tii.' readed arnîy Worn lias sppeared ilu central Lake coulitySundthe felde fihat if ban attaueil alrenly show the levaiatation tIat theIi.'ct lringi. wliî're ýIt paeuues turough. TIi.'w.îruîs wereftirit founil at the Couit.y poor (aria ty stîperintean. dent Aîuploy lut.' laet wcePk wh.'rn'tiuey blaid wasteaboli.înt ta-.-ity ai-re of .,ate fi tîe macouef a couille (if laye. Onu the farmaî of W. E. Miller, Chairan (ftsf l oard cf Hupervisons, nîyrials <of these worniiliave almaappeareil sud therai tlîcy are attack ing a large crop oîf tiîuotîy estinig the llnvc,. nul Jaicnas tiiey go. A mlhort (ilitance! nortîs uof f.iiertyville tlcy liav-e mîalle au onteaugt *ou a tield ouf .ifatuie, thie ptope-ry îof Fiorac-. itlkley and ar, esting thie'vilie8as tli.-y uîarcli utiross Tlàifsl worim.have in then lifiet le-e1 prçu-ticially unîlnîmwu in tlis t<s-aity snd are the lanva of aniglt jiotl.. Tjir appearance hem uimaarla a partiaîl luise of thé erope wliere tley wîunk, lu uînnya .-neel; tie arny of esters pasuitig ontl'y the dîne tIcthegrain is hall iesp'itei raor- der tlîst tbey ma.y fiud newer fielifia. Whoun going froru fnefled-to suotliera tîscysîll travai lu one lirectiôn millions of thena joliaig lu the uiarcb sud froni tItis habit tltny get theîr uaie. 'fli a-orn l i shlfy over an ichlong, le of dark greenu corr with rows of da rkt siioti and, travets ater the nîsuner of tlîe "nîeasuritîg worin" andlmi. capable of nîakiug a conaidessie distance in the coaurse<ofsa day.t Theom im no practicat mefthod uîfj fighting tdamna aud tffhur e . abioutaiear e tting tIsmaj aonc sud ase the fsruiîîrmlhav.e flot Y"'y.'t ecore i geuierally affccted li it liupedthatlle Ià the sevtnt.-ei year l.e-umtm wlîih appeareid carly Ibis eapriig tliey wiIl ti bake tltiir létay shbort. AL STMMr'l S, FRIDAY, juLY 21,- 1905-8 PAGES Aaaaai PligsImàge tu ZMon by Paflhfui frasMin Over the LamiD'Ogi'Laut FRABT 0F TAUPRNACLE. The fiant week bMibseti fa stirrinig une at Zion. For Itbe'Lai et vei .ays tfurougs of Zlonlim afroîin ti lcgtlî aud breatli of the e001? . liuV. eWlen- caffpled to celebrate c e F,.nst of tige Tabernacle. 1leapi»ts tei-trrible hent the -parades ad*Si's havie been Altboutgli Bundaywa. day (;f the Seanon every siat in tIhe immense taberrace isia- ille.j at the begiuuîug of i>owle'à meriiii. it lming e8tinfated that mors Shuji . -eeu tous- and people were p»riuteiibeur the ap<iatie delmver hi@ message. Fîualiy a@ thme beat begai tag rîîv ueuîurable iîany began to die out and l lieu tie apost1ç arome la hB wratiland o.rdered them to, stay wbeîe tii-y a .-n. Thisq luad ouly mfomefftar etti-t aud soon others were toilowing tii,out ifit the open inhou4"meeifobtaitung a brf-ath-ut freifiair. Soon iiany werg sitting iiiiîler thue sliade of thIe tree uin ihl:i,li tark but even tht., was denod ti-ii i s guards ordered tîtelu tato IIii te, ftle taber. nacle. TItis-mauy dlii witei- .herm re- turued te) the depot and otiier pîlates wlcre tfiéy coutl scepe- the, swelteritig rayeof lIne sua. 1 t wu*e .stinistedl tbat fi l]ly one' thons. and periionm tt,>uk -afvaiiag.' of thle Iecal trains Tram týhii.ag4î te, illake z ia afit. Monday Was "Imtmstrial Day." &londay wan ladwAtrial '1av in Zîcu City. Thie-altenoolAbail ls-.'ii met amide oir the c.elebration of>iu. fI îîîîdiîîgof the Zion itiîdubitrWansd,,j*.lei, tie îîade aiein.onable lu>ia gU6îttiparade, iu ..hi-Ii e#bIry wre o ai iiiIS ile] ieiliîreu and m i.'H ,t orsenien; l')ii,,e4 fil te Vau o1 ZI,. i lanil.. ni. cd thie-pageant trile t ii. treé ts ofi ote)I Mtler thui W t ý.'iiw .-thse îultîerm iftu fi'lims-ibin thiar iietclrobes. anid fil--Zion iband. 'Fl-Ziiiii ty indue- tries, in(uî.diug the pu- . I,,.îd fictory, t,.' Elijal, *'luoepiSe" th i' Zi,ît akeniem, .irintiuîg works, laos nils. i-any ueyf- uîrleii. and llauks;malth n-e. w.r.' repre- mented l bygayly "iled ~ Ifi,t..andlfinu. erouil bannero. ý- Sls',rtlv alt*r thse po.Uesî. netielc ona'.Ilwosk. é fr old, wilm rup over hy a float ad'evv Iy njured. 'lhe î,araderfni tllaltc sSniltut tel pray for bia. Theis procession ii,îed in review hi-fore fr. Dowle, wa lic eoni' thef cbaleony <of lie Admiînistration building. lie wu@ elad in ata tweed suit. Alter th prade lir. Doile addre.eed lie people in theý talerna-le, but, ou a. [>ut, oI tlie suffural,eat, fuauy lef t te building and <toug lit refuge in Shiloli park, peuar by. li- tild cf tise laception f the Zion City induîstries, re'.iewpid tiie hitory of tiseir grcwtli. and realled tIhe lhfferent crises w hjel the manaiiiîent hailfilet. NIlîacu .-cicriticai ieriod. wti tIse msuleet ni-tory, Sas uDieui- ioned ]the 'audicu,- i.spouded, wiîlîa .'.'e. chii rtie. 1of .,.a.nsd liaileleu- ii.. tith.r Him-iiktits luidedi Are. Dowle. ij.'i,-,ii anh t'.sd I ia.-onu Dreme. 1 BUILDS MIS OWN CITY. Wseait hy Chicaffoan la Building Priv.te City on Private Lake. Frank J. lfîîlî, a w.-altliy Chicaga ,e utàan. senior uiieeitls-nil Iie lira., Frauk J. Hall &HNou with ificcsat bale View, bas étarted a village.ofuitls own nar lugle- side aud tii.ugli lie uoss fot plan f0 rival Zion in. scoie ic'.ertitse, he wiIl have a t<îwn oîf .-ouiiieramle mise ia the 1corse of a fewa itesuad WilIl ike the >apomtie .of Ziîuî lol.] the 'wboln îplaie, in lis own fatale. He lias acquiil îicl of tus.'landl about l)uck làku-, ini (a-t practically touî- trois. the whl.e lai.'. lîaviug a deed to uearly ail <f tIh.' ,îaitable Shore. A nuuiber of cotîtages liav.' beea built sud wla.n seen a 1.-n laye ago tMr. ifuh stateil tlat lie utcnîldel lu tise fear future illiîig lin tii-eîunci th gravel tlîus ruîkiug aut .'I,un a it ili be secondi tii nouie. OUne or two stîmali sal toats aud a Ihotilla <uf ru, a- boat- irun--.ow tied to tie Ruh landinig nidîc-uni ta the pro- jee<toun of thI@lie sile '~ f liaiig a trivate village lic inteuîî i soa oîwu a Iauuuîchi to Ime plaed ,în ls .,ninduividual lake. A spur oif thel..' M. & St. P. rsilroad lias beeu builitaudîlit h î.rohabîe thal. lthe -oummeîrcial ,end o<uthe .-uuiertaklug a-ilI' be lookeil to by tIie-ibuilding of a large le' lionne witlîintî ti year. - About a dozen cottages have l1-n built snd fulliy s inany more are t.i lu! erecteil by fall. the plan of Mr. ui to Isse thene to cag poîte ut iii l ttnot-seil. By foiowine itspîuit bis$tieliel that li ca ti leep o ta tirei rable etenueuf ad raise 1.k u ltie village tii a higli u.o.-a standard., tDock Lake is elituate.]luinahinust the i-enter (if Girat towusuip andl just South of the lifîti.' aud tlîiviug vitlags of Ingle. suie %vîsicl lias gi-oun u p eutirely miuce the C. M. & St. P. railirond weutî hrougli s few yaars ago Reai This Through. for Its anl Tme~ The chief eauses îof a disrere.1 diges- dion are rapid an. itregtîhar eatig, lus- prorruiastlcatiiu <of tise foodl,(;ver.- .cadin. the stoînw-. thlge oe f too i0uc1, ll uide witls nealm, violent exer- cuse luiediately after esting, orsa coîl Nettted in the stomach sud bovrets. The. atter fis a very comimon cause, sud any' pere<,n who tis ee<'il I ram any 0f lie above causse@ "' ill e pleased i0 learu bhat lie-Go Tonie lAxAtive Syrup. an hermal compoundl sud pteasant liqWhd melicine, in a quick sud certain cure for 4il diseaseacauseil by a disordered <5gi1s ion. P.e-Go neyer (aile tû Mcureïï , fox LAKE CI¶I!NCAMP r 014 Saidiers WIlI Ibid Iheir Annual Encaînpnent Tht. Year At Fox Lake on Augnat 23 end 24, AT II0WAR»-UINI«)L.&. P The couuîîlttee lîaving wimply l'de s to hold ito Aunual Encanspîîient at Fox t ake August 231 and 24, tire ulvazutage .0f tlie location. ueed oui y to le fpub. cIied to sttraet one of tîle largest and tmost deliglidWtlgattierngi4of thisf popular yid, t4iproprietor and 7 la lotel,il.. ek. .e&'fft appointi-. of tise maiuy hoti-Is ou tiré btarders of thele famn, elae, binistit 'au î.ld sohdier, lis prntîîsed t dodiIl ni bis ppwer t0 eniter- tain lte er,,wd tint will becomre big eguets ou tliet ocviaiou. 1Ainoug the uiauy attraetions of tItis, tiacalitY are: the inîet iulaud laki e-.'uerv in tlîe u,iddle Uorthlwëit; Ibeaututtl boaè. fU clublons.'4,tllinfle lawnil bonlered t'. the waters cige liy tîje i »Pa walie; siîady grtî'.es; i fit n111ideaul pot to hla.]ti'encllan, tîileuit If the sveatlws eli.,îproin iulentci Ar.- Hois ard say.' lie liasa" 'riîain for .d>f people orn the veraudlas alone.' A dancinîg fluior s'.ilii io,. ièluiate 2501 sharp, besijes 1:-.4)nosuis. St'-arîIli,îaîl'ides ailible 21- roîtud trip. $atil unu] r.i'. l,îaîs, a lî,utdn.- acréesfor teuitp i'nlrs t eaàusiî sand able mîteaklcîs are to liieprovided. Wlsat mnore a eau ired kelfor?, Andl best of aIl the grounuile arc aesNsible f romn ail ç.intie at eatonablc rate. It i.'dulfilcult tri cuis.a .-ougb or lice Yju rgolî frouî the di.ecouiifortâ of sri.-oli nuiese Vol] ru. v.' tIi.' ()IS, i.It, (., ' Laxative-.'Hotlleyare] Tar tacte .rtue bowla nd ,i~,u driv.eiail culil.out oftI..- e3emteui. Tîtet uuem i t 'cs.u>liî .f, andl streniztiioniiig ifluenc tý o ti.> thro at au.] uttgs.Fo<-,,p.a.îjitg cougli, col.' uin.]ail lug aînd ln.tli.1 laft.'ctions-, rio. nu,îy i.' equal ttirte origia Laxativec Hone ndTa.8.l IyWLL HA(CKLEY, Libertyville; liuaAss- L-AKE PIISAy 212 N. Genemee St. 1.0A Y!AR IN A Best materifals for, finisis ing the. interiéor of gours house, new or old Varénishes, Ois, Lead, 4 Wm- M.. HEA TH - furniture end Undertaking - -ý > Llbmrtqvilie- -a - i GRANIThEWARE AT> TINWARE PRII These -goods are ail 3-coated 0" ware, white inside and bisie 0 atslïI, perfect goods the best in tiheM; 9-inch Pie Plate s 10 inch Pie Plate .. . ... ..«.. 3 quart Preservig Kettle..I.. .- .e 6 quart P±«eervg Kettie.. ................. 8 quart Preurvig Kettie ....... .. 10 quart Preserving Kettre............. 10 quart Water Pal!... . ... .... .. ... and other enamel ware Ini proportion.' H. Ba G REMEMBERs Saturdy-July 22, Monday-july 24, Tuesday-July 25, Wedaeady-Juy Thursdy-July 27, Friday-july 28, Saturday-July 29, Read hia carefully àmd make special note of aur hour sale as advedllsedin th. d GRE3AT JULY PRE-INVENTrOIY CLEARING SALIE Olur irnioum stock conmisting of tw ii.tlet and uhost up to-date and roflabie itendy4-tc Wear 14<550' reui'H (iirnient, Must îmake roui for a t i mn ci rnnso.f lail andl Wintergooda. Thia 'jl Clariug Male' 'f Rajruins. Everytixg ,iarkpd In plaini figure.' ut a remarkai.le reductlon, and It wli bis pricw. i.-~xtra forvn,'(if ,l.rks will I... ouiband Ho dtanon.' ueed lone our stiirc ou aceount of flot gettil et.dii. w.' Invite your lni J.e.tlon wliétetar yoi Poutemtulate buyinx or flot. One lot of shirtwaist suitH, white and colois, regular price $2.50 & ocir clearing sale price -- - -- Ladies' Brilllantiîîe ekirts, al colors, regular price $4. Clearing sale Extra va lues in white Walking Suits Ladies wehite and colored suits, pînateil coats andl skirt, good quality Inilan heail, ctearing .83.48 Ladies' white suits, $7 kind, clearing sale-...3.98 Ladies' three quarter length whbite suifs et-..4.98 Clearing Sale of Dainty White Suits Raemember these Prions $2 taies white shirtwaist suits nt...........------98c $4.50 ........ 1 ...2 98 $7.50..............-4.98 Ladies' White Petticoats :150 Ladies' white pettica s i 8 $2 ..........-.......1.48 $3 ÏO-'- - -- -.......98 Ail aur $3 and 3.50 tadies' skirts frthe clearing salé St----------------------------..........1.88 200 skirts, lut att the up-to-date styles, in- cluding accordeon pleateil. ait colons for clearing sale at-..-................................3.4 8 AIl our handsomné extra fine Panama or im- ported SicStian sikîrîs, worth up tfa $8. for the clearing sale et----------------- ..... ...4.98 Ladies' white duck skirts, witb small black dots, regular price 1.50, for fhe clearing lasieSt-------------------------------------............79C Ladies' whife pique skirts. $2 kinil. for the clearing sala ai---------------------.........98C Ladies' fine soft finish Indien heail white skirts, handsomely made, tailor stitcheil, for fhe clearing sala only-------------------....1.98 Annnouncement ofý Speclal Rfosir Sale Batunfy u~2 ,s(f IoS .%fternoiin, lsîta-c.ýtii.' b..urs<of 2 aud 4 iiitl15>0 Wite hOkirta wonth $.00, wii lw le' s i t .. . . . .. . . ..- . . NI.idy, .uiy 24, ls't%%eu 2 s_)ud 4 .îciack, liandsouni silI latti.u<t.s.1iri il $1le t.tffetafuillunu-'registar pis fl.0 m~ily mti. to< acustoiser-------------... Tiii-iutv, .IuI>-25>, luctwecn if11) and 12 ocock- Ladhies' -rcîîl.' Wnnppers. ..... tV,-iiî0(iedt- . Juily - t4; -ta-cen 11 snd là olo-, ia-k cptig, glass Petticoata.. Tîiiindny, July 27, b.'tween 1 and 2 ocok 2u '.()lut.- a aist'. wîurtlt $2,50 .... Friilny, Juty 2s., ietwe.'u1 suad 12 oitlG Ladhies' aund Ciirus15(- Home, par Pals' 8#ittiiay, JuIiy 2!). lietween 11) sud 12o'elIoclk Ladies* f ihgliaita Pefti,-oats#........ fit ahdZ I~ 4 oît-lock, LadieSf l, mb limbmlas......... ............... Huîitduie awhite- lawn WAI$T, melar fi3O0 value clearing sale,.................... AIl 'mur flue $2 lace sud nrubroidery trimA&~a Waust», cteariug.aie ...... ... Wsisfs of very ânluIawu trimunoil lrIfè 9â- .,ser embroiderv, nome with iVuho.' cieunes lae. yoite effet, emh#iwds sIennves ta matebi-b rous, wrh eleariug sal................... Waidt 0 Mt " Mù* *k style 'Io s""at fraiSu an sud$830 çis.rui a,. I m in.aer Nexi to American Exprets'office. ýT ZION.1 wmàeam BL

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