CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Jul 1905, p. 2

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se., Ba- 5* Da- e Mea. as e ihai la asl09 a '-Sice Bt olol latWs wei la d.i.r.0%ielle et A i ~Mi aati duhc tcltI eut Uc~~~h **,4i?~ Ioet 114lb Sbbi. *acr Jeusfa pimc80tskRo beca se îrnt.Viaeib"clwua d, m i lab@elavi etho bed. bft te* kg~ tguI ltsl MW - ve*e cr«aM*d W eomitW br MM c. Dc- i eh et hie laut bel- levÉ &ad ceuirtmel ef knlrapflIh vsacme L W. U UuIOOti11- ..28 147 Loes*"..12 4 ;flB,~sn .40 à ha* Westernu Leasme W. L. liii.Jesep.,8 28 4 mseisé»a im0.t ai' etuah r a teplal aur.Imm ugse. «thé l' a t»oelof * ** esugSon vu cUiLusl"m n i> 'bcv aclat e i ti Seks t guandoal fo lSq.ei. ar lia oeuro la Londovn avS motiis l r eiDe a à ~rsleuo don aId S4tIln~ t elt MvBa I n5, la Oja Qbauai- tvodolo; oooua j*t *Mr <olvoibt W*@& as ttule lu f theclts fta Imoevb nId alopisibMis et& B biBemtavivsla rugan ta W Limis&@iilalelnIci *We tjaure sudetIn ipeqt tout grant &cm a tcilla m T etet eu-W lwAt- BaIs s c ftil t &W et Ma i lsed , vPsof. McnluW r b eclOa actarat p, It.i lsIslel tue ls5qwt c"ouet ml =4I la 0009"»etso Toialo. o ou towDsLih. 04 OiIWOtiiProf.ania& e usumas" oc ilWait et Mtbsvi au "SetAl te rees bo lu Vt ai .M ii :M ' r5i0 tpi~ aena mt,léa peseee r n t¶b a li Iomnate a ares $i gh wth id tthee I t5Wd The CuIsons banla aft ellov âpiuga. Ohio, a privt jastithiou. talled te oen %ta 4oestie otiar moral«g. Thire ad ne hm the. aliattIntimaton tiat tqin hak vas lntroe MaAl bakit ïgetlce vas fen n on t*er;.'1401i elewd. Cau*qýeoiwthdraval et dcoéta tara gt uti. Mla t o ao ts V n i p 40 --WIb ee ariM gooetel. 'a tiai vona unly. baud 04IL t, S Puett, tié audier. coul net b. toast- 0&. Tb* boniW&@vaaprivate Inttttis sud là th. abeaaftet »~ t ateaiut is tbeaghit te ove dapeiltouobel<ssa $3M, 00 sud $1e0000. Xtbâta wslvl5i5te' gardol a» a mt. Iastiution. lis pui. camble. and tic latteras brother, L. ,. Poutare lie Owuuers It bcd thf villPagesd $Ch"olboard tuada. pascli- car iail the lodgc sud ahufeh mena aud nerli ail tic individuel lepWo-09 ticI lftage. Buaus bas practSle llbecsl msped lla te tovu aud thiare &Fonret «eiteunt Meaiili070000 t1.DIDidis pou"I la MaI45 pock«sthoke. ..1 Nosl i $70000 lu mold ilbls aud su- rient seconihies vare takren fniom thesa in a bouse tan miles triai Wadlllgton. Obio.,viierein tiire ermttit brother nuugd manh ad huardod theîr wealth' for more thon a quarter et a ceutlmg. Wh'ba John Msci. tant et tiia fAiili, dir.d about two wacks ago, leavlng s dosen distant relatives, au effort vas made te open the. poaderoni safe tht bad @tond for icars hera tiie eld nAns8 be.The.affaita vere futile outil saiex- pert vas sUMMoued. , e g old vas dis- covereéd, ut oas h vasnknown tbat ,John. Meacii eschauiged saveals hundred donait in bills!.for gold siiunly'ietore hls deati. ie boires'have cnuciudedttiat, festins burglarge abraitaottepeomises aud a searchinl now being Made efthti bouge sud the farim. lai old. rttins peckeïheoks; carafübiy depositad lu Maul tonprtmants *ere tonnd book not*as4j *mortggs amouniting practicilYho$69 USEBD GASOLINIC FOR WATEB. - mleyoed t te Ceekfer Railvoal La'ý rborers-Twct Are a mAi1. a Naarly twauty men vers lnjured lu i opeclar secident nr Baldwin, Ohio vbere lii. men ver. workinit on a5ril- 'ruad track. Ail ver. Itallans sud la LI prep5liis a mMssoetspaghetti fthei ,f gang tho coek called for m ore vater- STvo outhte men dippe froun s large Stank two backeha er vbat tbey supposa was vater. It preved te ha gaselint ea vian amptiad ie othe bis kerte. Au it explosion foloved. tiie poarlug oetht@ ittrot bucket loto the kttie sud 4h. Bac ond an rie teextiagusi h 1$lamof vih viat h. sa'ppomed vas vati, cluà ings asecond explosion. vhich injured nri ain.tie men vho bad sacape the k rt. ClROPOVALUMD AT S3.,O.0SO..< üat a la oR.Tbý I me. 5t#M l~n oKtathe-br.w'aUwe=d~é esaiaTii.animai raulel mu-et le mur amIdastheiapaBote tadrivael ,bain Routier cillaeuinatt gere bis lujua tIs. luatibc u iai vs tlaul- laI é e<l cag e. bl os tcteiliae thé jagurasisl loPel for, liberthy. litldub- . iougi <h. tenl, but epon ucrg- lug at h le Ner sed- fouied tieià*taà asate cmlrat àter speffet .ts tii 841t vas aaa isPtnred mjplcedlulabis cage. T bwabvimn t aisa. sud kîblal J. C. Cklbaun oet Katsh iii, saplab agent et tie Atehisos, pka sd Usais Po raâlgev t>.aCdauli anvr sorriel hi bya POe.t.O wu5 nm theoua Oieunbie, sud "sumd Illlsd. The nasite easphre vlth AIl lie desperailon the, coui cemaud. The ied ,repetedlî ait lb. passes. baim se caret*Ulhibl'thie plans o the latter beau laid that nse eue nlia pei55& u paty-vas bit. The mrIer ettlii rail- val' effcer had basa s colIblooedilt&iRI sudI aroesel atire commulti. CLiI sefssamuled f rom si] aidesanud vîtu gunt aud otiier wvepons paruel tii murîcrers. TIh. fugtives van. Ilil' trappel. aàcardon vas thovlia aound them, adviien tiuey sought te break thruiigit 1htiehh vauboi: deal. caIdet Clmc Bey Proeeee 'viii Re- liae Suftrorer SipaimirtaiL The. tanÎdard 011 COMP&DÎ9 m-menopel le ilreteuil If the edaims tfleuri K laiem.a ciemist of Buffabo aud Ni aggra Falu, are rerifie&l. i. Black- morie muya habas discever'il s prQesa by Wvilci unpiu les uny h.relned et a 500< of a omstILaton, Mailuliteu as %à dot for al parpoces sa petreleur. He b evdumaastlagn bis dwsov« eI puaiientulueid lut ahlngto. At, eoanlg <tehuats tatemet the sappli 1o alla eata uw uphar. aàl thèefetrg viala el milfatnu, la at lessI tas the l, lient, sllupy et peIte 4a. ,te ll canb. sutilsat lb **e i eIvWb. reducil 50 Par ceai 4 saspa1~ s onan gslcdt e cploil Okile..a Oui latum Teavilesi Ana The Ottahosa sud InIdin teitnie stateb«op coaveutime la Oklhomeua Ci hial.4 calluSte euit ort thc, smtimet 0. 00tiic fcopieOftht Iveterriloniésa Sl LI =eelsiiateiob. adopted ramosola a acti5,trh tuai lhe convention repn 4#atsa sMillion sadmI 'aditet 4 mriil «timseWhovie roide lu Okbua isdlu a bdise ierltale,, dm1 didelrina the nil 41 eriorlla arc sUtded to sud,0cf ual 4 butit te bu In tml>' admittel it S - theUi" as ?» t. sud ladeoiali mi Sjtat»ou lterseet equalîtytiselvciw Gtienmlvm sudlon *an al]f4ei6119vIl y, thacQum BIaie. jue$MepbitaeW thle Unitedl tatg Ceut. la Kuse i. eusl- e Icel rlit n stliu ~eit»Saa eca nt ile tu tn a- tomn6&le e a ptlg*fi fl pIke k it ' mot tblI ba, , be chai Appeal fer . i . m te Go gocd trîcten = 111i 1 Ut Pl Mlaslsippî. Tii. lb ý ,h a a ]a t* rd gresi bavoc aupua"li ler fanx O sud bandreds t hollera t smail lier n slnad. Who baveIlest pîsclcally ail la their preperti are app-achltag stah of etestitatieli. vu ierlcniag I. Tarames . w. da Au Angetica 4« Adg o 1va on fi hi front ai iii. CAi hll lu Lonbes. Ou sban rspc udar a iiumde4 tsi t Nie nait'aftir osaet 80M Ucilu mmu vi, rais teatteind an Ora et' ara'. ting aoutaI; "To b- wv 19 Osuls.' Bbc noeasi ed as ya."'] âù Aucnianvisitr. genermili endemau ter beauitteCanada. te Rbffsield and @et ou ]Pire. A malt vIre sl bis même vaa M G*ttleh va found viti bit body' terri bien"Iluin ua vacant lot lu WiIu ap n, c e vas taien te s hosplt m.. HI~i id e iba~il n bell lut- h i, men, vbo attirwaid po ad bnqeeuc over hlm cud appli mhubtobtle lacohins. R NBPemasat, (lpe Col.1 ~Ujl iQmml Leourl Wod d4~ss0s*ue delata auergial epersi Of ~ate ramove a bonr grai 1w = Te o:aleo. itl li, Wosidi oo Tit a0s"1 wt u vamaIe necosa in i aacidant tru Y*- oeseaa ard. iog. CmmuSe WoeecMu mais, saycan a&" abah>', sd ud Lut& *0 lulet tuhe utlu Inc ,t v, VM = m Min lle.a n lb. caa ro e eIr *a p iemalaau. He Ibis I tit ' majhue e bac - sud emenW asnm "i bak m-qp n aut ne*o tdui cm» us 1 tb » omq*iau-Tlas Raimes remsav u evirasd uuwrilllngly the Americais la <i5 aakenilugt oe ti Ii- heuilfifthataofetdigglng ltie Pan..1 j1u1sai, wrwtis Jonus . Wood'ilu th ii p O icu nter Ocean. A rel u a elsépe alom-e Il.stitOf thé auai *aai ue, t» Ighpups and ail ta g bea Reonulildietf armanalrine la", th i mcvtieà aisa comparatlvly igtrtl Wuouait, fma$taal sud tie Partial Or- salatlen of a voikna foea Un-sPOO"an sd serens Obstacles5boti 4m 1cM ai vont sud l ins cestry bave lS~pdedthe work. Situations vrhlcb cealdeunI b. tereseen on Pipet r seetWutad fer la liguréd esiliais bave atrisait. Ciia *Iades tiey bava cPrung up-rrlng trou friction vltb the on- dais t: W*abluoaoer piohisaus 09 polkyti blam uahia itu usem liorr ove thc e m t ofe caes it er"ri au utthé i ieprcileai vhlchla5of met lateffl t diiigeueral public. and vbich buas tuas llut impossible te ferumasu effectlt out organisation frets ias mblfteg ýpeseLlà lathe. dwatlgaei et tic Augfaasuemptoye. Pauses laW dlegasteful te thé peson Th al u. wii.ýbo . <la..,li Ilv.ob, l mbnv su ICI à temporale climt., emare *0W- IbI conti-ae Mpaoswait4ally ae leance 8sel.a tes couiumem he. t esi 88tc - pue. deasée ow? cftae ud b~ lu- duaen mi an -ntablerari ads t- ren. lu lbfier ais ies. tic -. *le t inusalr 4qu té ma bt ihus 1 ait U aé r i t,*epea l plf Udep, roiua1duvupourti aau e dryb rtaisemi mb e flt uautt-r Pfrécauios suferoeu" ;0,".d a> e tii. eceaus.t wk Tb. e l 1 . o w r e r ae m panisar tic mr 1i due & 'Ls D eisot ay bln hlng ula. 0theut o «t nsth* fa1<amu lut, but vais UP vit s aphttibt bad ache aBd vit chIlisamud palpa luabis joints ilu lhe Morane Bafon e uoel temparatare viiibave rifcu aboya 100 THS PANAMA CANAL, FR011 TELEGRAPBIC DESCRIPTrION. --Chlcage Tribane.1. bem a nortiiera dîme. Just as an aitis- tic -phtograph brîngs eut the bealtY and etrlklag fgatltras of the scaneri. no do the oSfciaireportesand Interview* deacribe panama. souvenir postais show It to ha a land of pleasant manuhine. vavinlg #aOaos&sd picturenque bousesi, gorgeons fruits, and bubbliug rivais. Ail thema exist but the odors, the ever presst blact ,hussards. the. ail covering peli of dirt, tbe 'damp. depressmng, lever- loden atuosphere. tihusk11111maln and vejasu sud dozeît childien that eat, lre sod &jeep on the dt ir bofe the prettY tis±ciied buts, de not show onthue Postai The. permsn he o Ste the istbmus froul the. Unitsd States kno-s fronu bis appolatuent Papens Just vluat ha is eu- ttd te. Ha Can ha assured thst It viii b.e arriad ont te tthe ltter, if net la the spirit. He knows the amnat of bis satany, bis heuri ef work, iow many w.eks of vacation and sick leara be wil reel,. acii yesr. hud that part cf bis living expsoses wili ha borne hi the gov- froment. 1 1 That lmnch of the pictur la apparent. suad ho probably adds a littia dark coior- 1 jusounascouat of carrant reports o e er . nd diseassa . However. flot outil -one 1 se Panama dosa ha apprecista the doit 1mentoni sud thaemrptinae of life ln i tat section of the. troPIClS. This i9 the 1reasea why se mauî.retnrik te the States Don the.nedt steamer; othars wait o111Y long enugh toe aruu their passage houle; and so few bave ani incare interest in their werk or expert te romain Tor any lsagtluof time. Thot somtblng la wieng vith tbe gumirai condtins n5aown by tbe tact that defetIeus art not couflinte tith nis of aub«rlntocicerkoansd ordinan! t orhlngaien, but that mon holding Super- viflng and exeeutive positions are leu, sQuiTrABI.E glogNe4C lle AMPLE. IUeqgrded SOulen* te Begin Clvii sud Crimiai Action&. Tii@ eue tblng that the. Equitable A- *surance Society tostimoly etoe iFrancis II Houduicks supermtandant of lauralce- dosa la-te arnisb At- toee General Mayr sud District Attorney jerome ample evi- donce ou wbich itehb- glu criminel snd civil >profealtlens againai manî Indviduels. s annuncid that the prenant Legîsiature C. IL EiEz. muetfouet reundaî lâva doluug aval vith t. Wall treet contre! cf great -coules ilh which the, moea of the. people in depoos Lt. Ited. R5 CbsuncayILM. Dle atd States i. &»eutr, Win,. a gcrespoudnt saiu, have t te rosiga frosa the bauxd of directora e1 iS ti. EquItahl. ýmép B..SAviii ho ir« au opporteiti -te oud arn bis reina tien freiniEurope, pIlwee ho nov la suai las bis annuluinds u it isesOtfotil là comin urmaqabtoa timeho vii bq à. «, todeut hit*0 tyqutois It is mui 'o ha %rv r ae4me oriinet -stani th icn e er Mu.-Dep1v, eonn.ctiea vit TRI* smen that DOe.W realgu tram ti Tale corporatIOn; ti- uav«dy 90-ge'0r àt las body, biqaUseOfet heMscidaIlaotir ail lu h bis ca-cciOuVtiithce Q*Itah*" ute 14 Socety. Th T.9 urelCut tcanada et, O -tava bas deld inluthe ce- et Gaiu snd Greana that liie. lace appui1 froc g.the dalin 01-tlecourctsaet -ine ai.,, etcha Quebo. wblch ldka tint th« in abonld hobaddcm te the Unti i Buatée goeYaWnind eaiextradition pic degrees. eud s quck trip tae i. ospitai ln the only chance ef saving bis life. At the heipitai' asciiyello evri sue peet le plarad lua a parate vipo cage. te preveut Mosquitose bliing hlm sud epraading the diseasea eothars.Malaria is more prevaleut, sud Its affect on tie systeiin fraqueuily verse thaft i.llov fevri. Mauy ef lh. men baveiccutr- ring atack emalaria. wblch eau ha curad eulyiii leaving iii. ceuntri for s colddr climate. Eacii succedlg attacil seeous more seeri than Its predacessor, anti!the victlm dodu yin aimest a phi- sica! wrack. Tlirougb the. countri sud the. nation ruae a spirit et deprassien, due te tie bot, bomld cimate. ibat -uneonuciobali mies!, jute the most activa physique IThe native ef Panama bas n ne ued et his sunbarued mhina. It in a nation wîthout a ireside. sud civilisation ecanet iloanîsh vithoni tiie heartiioe. A fav bunanas. a stalk ef sugar cana te cbev. sud a cocoanat te drink. eccamionali sà little wild game. and soe native raja vlienevar it con ha sacared. ep lit, ln mont of the ranilants. 2 Trade lu Panama citi in almost Me- Inopolize.l by 4 teivfamilles. Mout Of the ljaing bu-siness -uan are related lii eblood or marriage. Be far, Americana bave coufinad theunsalves te runmng loardingiioousdi viiel hava beau falinrai. Chinase are the middle close marchants lui the city sud country.. For miles ou aitiier sidaeto the canal rzone-tii. narevest peint on the lsth- e mus-mouatiu rit. abrnptly from the r eI,%,hilissau»i t casai. Flsber buta sp ad villages are slong tbe.shor. HaIt c lothed sud dan askinnel natives peur rfros thstchad buts scsttered over the F-plains. PUT IN 67 GRAFT BILLS. dGrad Jury Chai.e 25 Mi!wankeam with a[gîterontla Bribes. B. $xy-maren ndicilueuts agaluat iven- in ty4live persens bave beau returued iii the eMilwaukees-grand jury, bused upon the t- confession et Edwaid F. &trange as te ,r grat lu counection vitb alteratiena lu *y the counti buildings. Capisses ver, la j- oued sud tb. men vera bronght Inte ecoqri. Passlug ovar the lndicimeute il mrlatlm. Judga Tarrent briafly stated lu etnecb Instance b.e aquent of bail te ha exacl.d. Iu sliuoet averncasa ho made go tii. sain $110. Iu a faw exceptiensi se cases tha bond waa Bond at $1.000. re The. payant ef a bril. te an Asents- ai blynuafer bis vota on the, primiry aie&~ thtien law redis u hls-hcarg. b, hieicGor- in arner: M Oppenents of the measaraued evau;Y possible menus to efatI t. That vo.- an e o quostlenabla character vare ln ae thé. capital tiat vintar, employel a# et*&. f ographeus end cleiks thugli thair ef- a form .la eue cf INa allegations againsi m.ti-si .It vas cbirgod thai certain à» > sbmenn getoti er nuesuners dr"uno c 1. tuai tiiey could bot b. prosant te TOU ho furt bll. On the ecamlenof the a ài ulsit mIuien na»Aosamblyrsan val Bd b t i u dIdrink.1 h 'tiietiat raitrond n"slage boela sud gpiu ver.' distruaed freely havq by beanu le. WmMatihers favonag ti eo bit Wein alleved; teain at carda in ti 'a opse ai ttlncg th ir'good ii. Char e r- iiat ~se wasfus4 la entrigit Irribera lewr l f;rçqffnt thon charges e car ruption inu tell vai." no- asetaiCourent ERçeos wr Fier polasse. reecuad tur mem sai nu threa vommesa ie e.strsndcdsu ad i sgrost parU q: te rocks et the. Broau WICdElard 3Inia apromînaut, iuilcu et INerth @mate% Pa., vas iillod « M»~ W d ag50t railrocAH eliceauSle ttlagerehtb Vayagu Sage ahc.AkatliUegt6Ua-V*OaiIi Elvdiii' th '" uicmNatiome, la <msesfarthei ie-thPuis Peau>' l4aioffon hit sevenhh journal a t ressa mport. As psunitha la optlisnt er suacSu. 'il . Ms>' ha hic lu <l» in . a vli rehbis OUl. f« ar a h e 1s a iW k y n u m b e r . S e b a s I m m - , bà oy e ha ela <hilplairevainie,au l'ai t la uj>' Iw oe hutte . De illga ras ktio w sud trust bleu, nu dhO -011 le able te utilisa their serIM .te <the mon. Tiare are mini Point$ ltui veYr. Commander Peittf belongs te tia vIl esiginear corps, tet i 0v>. 136 id bis iraI notable vork As&assitent ugineer oet<he 41iravgug Canalu 155 sud 1885. Ilum18ie mae 1bis11 lret expedîtion te Greaulald te exan3- le the. ohaii e alhand ruade Inter- etig aud valuabhe discovanisa. llu 88-8 ie vasenginear lu charge of tha Nicaragua Cariai surveys. bt lai 18O1 vis oblathe iretteilexpwdiiOu sent eut b hi <hi'iladiiuiiuîAcademni of Naturi Sciences. He dlacovered lu bis voyage Ilînt Greuland vals nu lui- ad, sud ma.deu a survy oet haeiortieui portion, reuuclug 2 lagreen norh lat- tude on the ent coast. . eaoumunder Penny tuade another arc- ti voyage it 18M1-5, uud dscoveîed te raonsrellurouttuin vîrici isbeau a sutujet et specubuutlon auroug nuvi- gnters glaice 1818. Peairy rounud that ha leadtone luotitu liconîsste-,et brie lage ieteorihes, chue velgiiing iuety tours. lie modrue olluer yoyulges on 181)6 sud 1 .17. lunluigl lu xI lle M te r- t e n lu h e tr ii t tu l M i lt s . I'aurry's futi regular arceiexPpedi- tIon coered rthé yenrs 181-19S0. lu luI. voyauge lie romiudcul te uurti e- rcuit y oute (reeuluud arlulpelaxe, pa"Inug he-oest riortluerly hiuud itich rnd. uuud reciug thr e lst ioiti- rly poitlluh e ctanu hmîspere ïMluled by auuy nuivigator. 84 degrýeâ sud 17 nminuutes norlu.uutitade. Iu bis fouir voyages Peay prsetîca- ly elenrari uphe <hroirlad uuyatery, a nd dehc niu uu d titi c hu a m eer oft heu tce cap ou landuol.heItiet-cte thre uuerth et and, sd tecout e)rvatluun te the ater btween tIre (reudsud arcli Ipago anud thea ote. lu te veYsgî juilt begiu <oiuinuruul'ery ban Plan- nid te bglu explorain viere lhalet Itla 1110. Irfie cai u-.-.-i itieut de- iay tiera iter bayouud tic bilai et tii grat lnd groupa suîrvayed by. hinusell tireeas ge, luewilbehar-ady te maka tieunueh-alkeb-of <Lii le tlb poe. If hae la net ahble te rch hi. Pelabi ihI deote bmlulurseto e vintte regard' the more importnt vwrk. tha caratru morve>'ofethle Islande norti oftren baud, and a detruiflaion ofte chiai sct& ofete vuter tthe eortb ofth' lanuds. go,.héuiquest oete Nerti Pote vil lie canlaI! brnvaly ou tus sommer. Tii fniandly battla that bs@me bng bat vsgad irai veu hole Bso e niss< Germnny, Norwi>'., sdtnBhoiltA Franc-. Rusais. nul BJJp tadlite toe .he firaiteat-1. o exa ploratioii, vhhi b. continue& 10 tie tenu et several expeltloua. MM"sVek liair are airad, »seuncylara higinP Il liios f ren vastes, ahtalà$ vo dât iug explorera. Commander Penrya venture lu th gtvly bolt IRoosevelt Io. et course,th most important, but h la8 said tint1 the. preseut cuisis etvean Nerway ai luredn doas% net preveit Nansen vi makre noiir aielupi lu the near fi hure. Nnusenin dditntle hoing famous explorer, laaise a Nereli attîueiau ornote, sudinas aveuboie maritied elforhe praslauci.*out iNerway, bately splitfreni Sedau. b4 corne a repulîe iustanld ot a monarcli Uudoubtedly Penny anîd anen are i Ivo toremost living lut-il hi thfielAd! .4retlc exploratbon. 'Il a iste ballet mauy thetheiaaumniner of 1115 wvii foreer notable. bonause It saw tl American atart on ttriP tntira va 1force te Norti te ye!d up lia secret. Bol it la net on Penny sud-,Çanai sioe.tht ycegerthe wirlofil et ceu are tocossad. Semeviate iu the poil Captain RBell Anundeeu, a SOrvagil expîgner, ln ubraadlng ils vay thu tha lee fl10", tryiug te make tie-trai hem lie Atlanticta lia Pacifie Oca bylaNortiveal passage. Aed latt ChrIstIanIa bniber lu Jouae t' àyenn" age. Bie duel objec vas te il li te Seitiveat Passage. aud te nuaki ftun Ienisvestgnton et the magnel Nortih Pelta. it lsbehlevail tut b. Il eomplated liahe orlivait Passage,t auailmassages racelval troun hlm 1 v hirs aInce lha leftaboyaI sueee e aebas nov beau eut et conisalu jfor nsea ime. bot lia tact tuha t ei net returruel h y wet lb.heAthan' 'as made tie gevNu-ment et Sera so confidett t iblnsenutnar"Il expdîllon % tb provsons te131t là viien lb. Cames eut lleli the oundI Paioule lu Berlug Bei. à. OUt a u ev IJMus & Maielta. Chie. Pople hava cOmPlO It lhe fonud ot $10.000 mcsa ' y te saci m.Audrev Caruegle's gt et a 11ke anmi le t a M u rla tta c o l e tt e , Th e bodyi 'et Chanles .5. Snyder, veabhy conhrctor. vi9% found Ilu ve oods nr Carnegie, Ipa. Ail mdi tous point te suicide. iag na uaNev Tork beapîtal Chicago--CatlC, c"u Mou ho prIme f $400 te e$5.811;Iliogal. leinra ca, $40 1ta $5.115; sieep, fair t ho ice,. n 0 le $525; vient. No. 2. 146e ho 147e; cura, No. 2,idC in W:e; es. studaM. 30c te 3ic; rye, No. 2. 7-i- iu 75c: 1b11P timothi. $8.50) te $12.110; praIrie, $(LW,)Y.ta' $11.00; bu tter. eluor e reanui'rY. IMÇtu 20c,; aggs, triai. 12e te VIC; potetoea, net., par busîrel. 44k! te 44k-. Indiutuspolin --- ruttie. shipping. $300 toý $5,75; boa, choile.ry, $4(K)tu 512 wausp. cnoui'u h piue. $2 54) te $5 00; vrant, Ne. 2, 811e te 8Mc; t-cru, Se.-' vite, 55e tu 51e;ot., NO. 2 wvitla. n1e te 34c. Si. LoUi- -atte. $4.50 te $5.73: iod%, $4.10aM $5.-85; slueeP.$4.0W te 85-20; viebat. Xo. 2. 84e tue&';e; coin. Ne. 2, 5&l te 54c; ourla,. o. Z, 31c1 te 32; nye,- No. 2. Toc te 72le. Cincinnai-Cstia. $4.00 te $5.00; heas, 4.00 te $5.910: seeap. $2.010 te $4.0 vient, SeO. 2. Us1e te $1.011; corn, Ne. 2 mixaI, '%4k te W;58 , se.No. 2 suîxel, Sic te 3&; rye, No. 2. 7e te 1D e t r o it - C t t e , $ : 5 t '- t 8 5 . W0 ; lh ita *LOO0 te $5.00; bl>, Iit. 50 te $5.00»; Ne. 2, 113etu ev:,-;corn. Ni.- 8 y~ikv, &~ e k-.nt. No. 3 ville. 34e te 36c; rya, ýNo. '2, 7#c tea711e. IMilwaukee-Wiast. Ne. 2 netheru, $1.013 te $1.001; cern. Ne. :1,55etue 7e; natg, No. 2 wh-tle,1gte te 35r-: ise. No. 1. 8(k. te 1.e;balar, No. 2, 5c tu 5U.; port. Mess, $12.412. ToîeWbeat. Ne. 2 mixaI!, 0e te $101; corn, Nu. 2 taixeui. 48e te 50n; I et», Ne. 2 mIized.1k te 32c; rye. NO. 2. 81cir ta8C;, cloTriseau, prlie. $7.401. Bofle-Catie nirlea shippiog steems~ 84-J ~ lte $6-00; ieg.fair tae ciece, 4 le $&1l0; uheap, cemm o egond mixe 0400 te $5.00; Iambe, fei u h ilc $5,00te $7.2. New Terk--Cattle. $400 te 85.70;, thbga. $4.00 ho $6000; Ahi, $3-00 te $4.75; vient, SO. 2 rai, 97e te 08c. corn, So. 2. 61ic te 0'-e; enta, natural. hie, 3.c te 3&,e; buter, cranneri, 18c te 20c;cait, western, 15e te 'Se- Mn. TaftItu 1Mr. LOemis: *."Net guihhr, r but deu't do it agaiu." Th Ti ird et peacÈ is rery lhable te gai chtI I Iltries tu aud 11r Mucltarl- W1'iiu Pilubdaîlia does get atter lia grafttas. sic does't carry a faniruira Senator Mithel as upabie te weep? n favorable verdict Oui Of thütI Oregtim jury. The Czar needs fa Mau about Sare tari Tafttaie te oit utie IIIla pu- land. Loot eut fer au execotien orden abol,- lablug yelov tarver ou lii shimus er panama.1e- Up ta tte preseat tlmeedluher Svae6 non Ne Nrvi>'basthiestenel te u bld a, 9 lerMlbous alu nedofD etesc 1. pl,,p enia l 1 nearer hom e han la R-Wslngteu. The rn i lagOn the lack ls: a t re naturel sequelceletulbhevile lat Secretani Shaw tailla abount lie eht&Mu tfMorea. d. eer hd arasîiy "free band" ina runulngt là aight un et ai aime? Bd The Mînitar to a Litini-Amelîca Il.>e te puble lu partîctilar shaubI! kaf e r ai bd syndicales, conc-i0-nssud alarmas. Boni. peeple- gana aveu rimesauher la tir iset an. ithe p ld ad ,ps ebeil - AA.ltO55. Tri sbits an cves C I i . prog resi on ans d , b as de - rivl adai steniti frein the laelt goveftuet report, u of coumoditleà maltalal excep<!euUl volume. Forvaalsg bas be:a rY A as'>'le hou., sud steel wic cseupea 1%.00000 basiels let grain. agittt 8.21,=25bapiiels lasit eci. Ellireaitrame almeit oqIs slte trettent sggregate tbrughmti1h <i West, snd vill b. baguIer viti ta- cressins telilverieetftfartaeldli. 'rie markets for cera1tis provisIins, bides, yol, and lenther axtilMitfer- ,ter sdtlvIty. Ratail lealluga laproealnlu susso- ahilinRus, stocka ullergo satlsgtiett> reluction. sud carrant businus lai violeosie br-aches malte helva>' Ilerlor advîces refiet grtiu - ag*lcutural conditions, lberul absorp- tion et supplies. sud mercantie oi- latiens good. - Don's Review et Trade. Mîidaumma? Influence@ 1ev Yl. l îgovrtn gCanaun!ed sud udusurout befttr veathuer sud crop reports maltalfo. qulte oltlrulshlctrode reporte tu tha surplus tireal produclur sections ot the West. Very fav~orble reports asi te fuli trade eiders coma f rom nenni 'al pelise est of the.Alla. gienies. ortb et tue Ohio river, sad lieute. estward te lia Pacifie. Uarge. thoogi excep inl a few cssei net rerord iraklug, erop ylelds Oow, tappear reasoialu!ly îuusured lu tint en- tire region. snd tiare la a gaeralm agreemient tint faîl leugiuess aireadi booked excaeds tluiuhof a icur âge et Ibis data.>.- as ssure lx fouud lu e lie reports from thue westen u ait et a tie Seu. vlere Iti tauraulserions damage. bas lieu doue hy Incessant minalu te cetten, vient, sud etiar crepe. Business tuosln tihe Uited uStes for lhe vaak eu.lIng 3oli 13 nunuier M1. agilst 127 nut ek. -203 lu tie lite yack et 19N,4 173 la e 1003. 174 lu,1m, aud 20 luln1901.- 1.Brndotreets Commerclil Report. Hel*7.Leur aom & Ce. Give ltmmetee nPrIigpaL, rqduota. R[oolci, Leamnaed'& C. et MevYonk have lainaIa crcular. ggi < holr icil- mate>o< île velueet ouac éet tiwis yemrs cýpoe.baud on lIra goyerentboAurmo fr« ili', ai follova; Whet 70obm.00 bn ham ah Oat valu e , vaim. e ri.- mmosM'1188, mbisai000 ýbova et, 31c, raine.$2).406.80; hans>'. 141=28- 000 beai et c. volue $08.07.0 bal'.65,000.00w tons aI $10 partIon. $000.000.000; calIce, 10,000,000 baieseta $00 per bale. $100.000.000; Cottonen seel $5000000; total *aiue, $5.50.06750. Etil UCAUSEB 3tT TRNAM0. cme Killel andl akertscrsàA.c SJusa inuOeeehhDakta. One puason vas kilsI sud fourteen la- mirel. Ive prehabli tstahiî, ii a ternuade viicb sept s portion et the Boseuud reserratilonlu Buti Dakota. Ai lessl tires emabilevaws are kuans, te hbse been #truck hi the torm . BoyMcFatd- dca vas kible cr et. Elmo. Elgil pansons vara ejarel ai Herict and severat buildings destroyed. Ah Bra aix peope verse lurel, nluldinJamea Jensen. Iis vite and habi. tue latter tire et wvien mna>' dia. Plan te outi Bey Rvealed. A pot le kldusp Gor. Otero's'son sud hll bien torn rusem bac Just bccu «. pou asSluamnta Fe. N. M.,'Tii.pluasu reveahil b> sue eftble band, vas te cap-. talc the lad. retireste tha ville et Ltn- coln conai. suddemaul s big museino nonci troue the Gevemuer, taillog wviîci lie>' vonl kilI the. boy. NevwBZhaRaing Whsqt. Formera lu inte Yviciat et Canhi maid Big Valuai, li Modec cousuy, Cal.,.ara seingt fr iella laid vasea i sa et i ch v s a dur t suppo e te bc th. Icîd Beoublon A>. Pref. Victers, a àlocasl anomologisi. Iscîdel thatit ili netmtthe sessian ai, tbonab I lan.qualî) >destructive. Bais Aructel se Train W-ck.m. Abeut Urten. 14, and Cliartles eil, sous et pueuinst tarmers Ivo rules ea. et Liai, Chio evnrucalel hi l'eus. - ylvacis raitral detetwve s egil vit a an aitmpt te vreck vet-boeul paissn. Iie train Ne. 85. Ange ros ere plue a d ou, <h. tract. "Ws vsmisd te as * reci l lishenil' .xplauation pire. Cusleki emw ondt i8.1t*@ I. W. WaigilI, casilcfiettS Louis CeunI>'Bankl et CMaula.)Io slbaltmsif tiroagb tihe bod vill, ent id amis ditsskank Utles, Se vi d 00 re of et aand mearethic treIthi eluemca luClaiton. Ilat %seppol tit MalverS efil pihtweei 140 le suaihtc tout s evabubon. m galme aiN on t, icen l tIMM sI 0- mline, *0. Bras- verentch. a lit I0mage- vae das. buttmirer.vsg W" km for a su» l< D a t fetaiDabi loi *bum d g-mltata Và hiSat.1M B5tDuelIBu Ir :t= olsla om saOud Ee1bp«.tine Aihueas Buletie Sr 31.Artea, eme or lie.pruhelpai Iý .l ul h.e hPassXue anai maml va-wu awdalmbAil Ihis aparmucei MIgéie, l la dmucoc lablcatld M . -- -'

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