CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Jul 1905, p. 4

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* 1*. Qv Idkar ~u eg~s4. '~'>1.,l 3lailders of Our Comotoa. ï*A"ec5aky Lay'D@wa, WesaMç celiupon te chien- lsh*four'bnenibmreof Lahe k,~~9~eaUntimea andI p momia tasina bullLgo P êha. se> and relIgons Mius, C. ta041o iTwUeiip -sud Mise Aianola ~i*BSmusfroiawikidr- alvs ia- lu eves-y rlght 28b .11M iAdeGt.Adm st Nrtfld ookcotsty. »àW baibo f lier- %caswonmar-adFelruary 5, ý8Wfîa le." hbersin., Bbiehotus vas n a. cho Ingpled itis Wft hoin h. caine In cu- bi laigi l esterling refhbeteinla1802 in Cou. sAl's les isvanla 6 bo inQg tbedi- w«a"iere broughit te ffltoswood euetery. ..0aa . Stanford. ici raf ïuun bone. M. tan -~ ~~14 dm11 Tér cr.elb r d M E. PUS eu 0f co stan atirt mm Ii.cmnnty aun eiq nâ. lutho 186hos on oa Es, er on 111 Wr àni riod corkS. r AI. Mt "nomuspie sdue * lh"tInes. A cous- ,t«enud a sirgical .bsluttiy liecesai-) s. At liret endsfor psard te 1* mtirely 04 paoen cauaed tii Stunnel- cm. a theI M nternrmt et fia siaRaught. s», wili ber pare t lirsthîci, Albrt'aod iof, kioting0oitilw nier. titey bave aie mr later thie !aulinHm 'ard itnollesu brou h camf esteasnsd par. len téfari.Tbu W' itwo oo prota ail fa;lnillee iiiporthsi oniiit.cas not nul ýr hitîih effl te fi MW bWeb continesitg d&yis wben ber praye dhriovesi ues go W. m hélsi ai tii.'lt oN rorrendu gathére * =rtspc te tb z, ,d -cadIr Wbotmub Ua.* W*IîïP 8 0,0 30ie,00 Dm mim t wasa Mimaof1umglwbu lrtWby man, peU"0 n $o'iwwlph5u1c lisere hat hbu lias ee aeVM7 Wbiefsp ises mot only té bril'm una fortune, but *0 rovolutionisthe. ietbiof thtéi.prodnc- -tlâui O! potatome..ti.orlsi over, Tii. Inventer of tis M Inreon Promus le a çook by occupatIon, land au Ibis imie -sodesnt 91,5 RI<Ih s tese t, Sonuth, Great PsU., Monlt ,ihne.wiom b. lioe adn>itted *0 iihi. ua Ia.laà thiîtter ,*vuethat h. la a imie fulworby -et ceredenne a te wMeetreve-119s1191 10-1y in brieS, BarW@aclaire la thât lbellias perfetesi a whll tuIan laibe qùutity .of potatoM M.B~éebb.4ied te growlon a tract of <Pound at acoet of mote eceei $ nai a eemrte tiatiie cn ýolltaale 30,000 busiiels oft pota. teEs te acre every slxtjdas@asd that lie i.astWldtia mucli greater ylld cau hé ecnred. Patente Are Approved. someting conoerning théePolriment lias hevefore héen ade public, but until tus tine it. Daret bas reIuises toe pr- mit bis Dame te ho used. Be now de- Claies that hé bai; ben notified by tii. United States patent offirsi tiat bie ap-, approved ai]s ssoed h i. patente cbaUli avoehé.g. rec~fb hé bcwll reve6u bis 8 cret oarg iwIli donon- S ts t t the publie uliat h. la telling thé 1-tratli. it Darst's desigu le to rai.. potatees entim.y under Pround, wiuliout Per- mittlng any @Preut or vine te appear ablove thé surface. lie clame hé don, 4bit, sd that lie -caca..poUa ie.. -tui giocwliolly, underground, une la fyer uOf potatoes on top of anothér. qe WlI Grow te any Dcpth. . Be.lias ,m»@ed potatous ta. <row in laIsway wlt lo lyer. tea adeeptli of fleus lu, làn chdePuli tlirewculs lu, «aosrgh layer.ta toproduce 30,000 9 ueleo! potatos te thé acr; and lic &, la Do rSon why they dibonlId unt b. plaated to a <Maâter odeptii, witi a corresponding inceaselui athé yleld an acre. i- Dent declaru the secr.t îles ln thé o~mpodltbi of a preparation that tek..a the place of soIL lu le upon tbis mit- 7 o tsuu liathé daIM. te have scur.d a ,d patent. H. mes liata loyer 0et iOl honxtre, iii-.. or fonrtaIches dtls RI"na ib. placS lu a box. with ey.e 01 POtatoue; ou thi. s, fitlayer May hé plabd anothér 16layer of, tii.imtitule, clUb pstatee eyes a, aatiîered thro "b 1h, md en , on. layer on top of anotlier, uil thé box buie beus 8%. .Thonuithe mixture nMay w be ested, hé delSimm, andi growth 01 potatous clii commeiesied pi-ogre.. repRldu Meacof the un-rouslayer. I Be daies that en that la nepe~ry la re Jn, thé Mixture ai agrocinji tem- -perataueanll to >~ atburh very ueo wosko, m»d lia wJb.1» ydojo fi-on rl tie tinte of plan*Ve aies lier. cl glis a crop of P~I Sjm4Ise ula mosa layer in thé box, l Wb «&lIesinlg 01 a- bout thé i o! a - lo I i, ýt hé cwamo,wviI yMll% ta masille 9:eprout &apwsuIi< id loe Û*orlées. Cen Groe sixe roqS.a Ypr. ln, ligsexerlsustà ilamt lb.beau.>! of the cosn teni.ut tala 'bot by mPm oio uta eteaicoul, but hé declar..tubi.n D_ aeusary, sud that thé boat 01t tféIX.u Ie Wlini mte Wsi ummer, If thé box IN r eover@d i wlb glas. ne terne isl bol orýan Inuha*tor. Thbe on. hébis lnsedi 1%e o mualî one, but h.o lme isthése mesait qso ma é secur.d ln a box aifany deptit hé kmgthor cita. ne nIedaims hé bas denonastratesi hécasà ce produce, ila *box ltteen Itest deep ang ne eoveri4aar 43,'5W0 square test, 30,004 m- bushola of "nec" Isitatees every dlît, idays, sud secure BIR Bebtrop brevery ycar. He cauajus@ ii ha box ycovering o. acrm, tIith requi-e * ietng appiertus, May hé aoutruete. ho brMf*I, andi tiit the coat et hi@ cou pou"d nMiolofthé lalior required cl asOqWaI le$2 s tua. He declares the et a.Srtwelesasen ecanuimarket ath ~-petstç e I.cmnsupply lu Chicaglo, ail 0 eêq nPound. Il b. recelve. onlIr 1 cci - 8---s, -- yWed ona are, aouai ~,o iuflueat 01 *2,500mmd an expendutur W j <41p$, la bor am aterlcaiwol biiatS rl rding te bla figu«e. Ive mi- ru 17, tti kai er one Mot lIai-t dalare big potàliossaxe ot ouly "IvInelees"4 or top"e," but that tiiey are Ise eyolusf. ne tta tlis are nas sinool anan, apple, iiaving no qye. tat lho nisi eur.bhlaussidtq»MY 1,t91n térotii.s, ihlg able ta .sed y 1Is pi-accu. 'R. die luc ti.pôlta s. are 01 exqael.t queia ef'ep a WIa aamy. ~ - "lmrs sss . ea $100, 00or hkW 1alébas mo.u$opq ea l'lmu uma u NW5 hgld ,ra2rothere ea Ilia later r. llu in XN ,wLy24téBe c Snavr . t a a wl*bd. >and wetcaWmbt r a tot a om,,T' Zitn aore idv.d-WilI fed blagt board@ lutno planer at Zion Clty ons day lent wHek a laborer by the mmne Tis]e was strucis by a board whlcii caughtithet .macbinery and re- bouid.d the enof lthe.board htting hlm in thé rigt aident bis oy.8 serions was tibe blow the man lIved but a short tdinie a! ter the. accident. Rie leaven a wife and on. chuld. Man Dies of l4st-Edward Brelte. Precher, a farm liand e«npoyed on the, l)ady ton near Wnukegan wn over- coin. by the. Intense bout of Tupday whill at work in tihe laylield. Hie employer, Robert OWmn, wa e ar ly wben tbe mouanteitered and féll sud swîftly drove wth . hlm ta the M- Allster liosptal alter summouilfg aid. The.mnuwes ingle and about 86 yeara of à"e sud Javes a motber and two sistere in Dakota. lie, was accustomed to outolde work. Savon Twià Brths-FolIowiDK ltt record of birthe for Lake County for ý h pasttlifte inonuhe: Total reported, e2Ofthons. nlnety-two were niai.s and 120 !émles., 20à white sud four coord, which gives a trille lom ba two par cent of the total to the. coloe population. As tii.he nationaliti.i parents, f18 fatherm wre nativebo, 78 foreign and 6 1ot satd Mstbs, 79 native born, 80 foregl and I91flot tated. Theis »ad@ 40 i-I icaie ilat the incroase -of îoPuwaioiIle greater in th.oeln lmu.Thf The report Ieoniade every tire. monthe by the. office of the. Stuntv clork and ls @ent in to the tate depart- ment o bealtli. 1Flagler Prepares Plant-tiomef douan or more mne have been ai work tuis week at thé Flagler plant at Obicago Higli- lande, cleanlog up irepara ory to painting- and general-pal Ig. By nezit wek fitlas el pcted that a larg force will b. iiusy about thie buildid~ r.intiiîtheiWood work. -(Jonold- eralwork i. putting In pumping and new pplng, and iearranitlng tbeie n- terlor aof the fasriory building in cou- templated. Tihe Flagler Steel and Iran Comnpany announc that tiiey expect ta bo ready to start up about Sept, lot. Thé Chicago & North- Western R' hmc put In a swiich ta tote ii.g fatory building. Every- thinx seemc te ind"cte thaitiihere wlli be "omeithlng doing" at the Highi- lands hfore many inoonÎ. Barrlngton 1 wlli na doubt b. breefl ted greatly in a businss wav by the. activity tier..- >Barvlcgfos Re,4 r. 1Row et Diamnond Leke-UBIit Sunday nlght sas the resuli of a card gaine a mixup occurred ai Diamomd Lake and 6Jo. Payne, a, Inm bond worklng in 1thensghbÔirbod, received serions ilu- J:CWb" tiiretus (o cau for damuges. Pa.yne Mmd one Fred Loang aine 'a iird man on a neanby tarin, wltii *wo othor mn were nage a aîne f iO s.Ail band, wos sosewat uder heInflu. ease. of drink acordlug te an oye wtt- nm sud fnaly Leang aceuned Payne of pickiag bils pocket of 870. Angered 1 by dmi accusation Payue stroek L:ng an»d a llvely fight followed. Payne ws Rotang tiie héit of ItwIi.n a third ; party etepped luIn md started te lump up mddono Paa.nsli fught on tfii. round witl ighlmopponent. A* > 'an outeomi)oofthtii.allarPayne las under the. car of a phycieiansu ad ie- ' 9"e bavlug varions bruises and dl. figureimonts upon hii. face and bodly hia bi bi et aukle swelled ta» twico ite 1 !onm aise. IWANT COLUAN Thece ltile ade brlng meuits. The INDEPENDENT bas * lerger circula- tioin then any other weekly peper psabbched n Lak. cocanty. Asis in thile .oun~seClh.épeoplae." RATrE-n& cents pur fine fr oi-cci (sirci. g>.eodsouslttsa lins. $Pucle race hp iii. mcci Tsi-ms cash>. adveae..We Win W4i Laseit ch.ibe U sOfus e im cie es.l 51,5*0.. Ir ésuai hpmail ash mietse oumtiaul upy t sta i-ueesercloti. >Utvsii tMQNEY TO LOAN-Un goosireal «taies mcurlty, fi pur moV -PàîL IMAt ourrges, Llhrtyville. >24-tf FOR SALE-A goos i llinry buuinease abouit 85 lm frtrmChlcego. Excellent location andi goosi trsSe. Eeatabllehed fer 20 yeur. Wlaiilngte, retire fi-oie buhumbe eili Iseif ta sacrifice, Mm., ltiuLnuvTr, box 10 , Lîbertyville, [Il. iFOR SAL-Nec -Potatooo. S. I Pour.. Lbertyville, 1l. jOR SALEÈ-ModÏe 9 rdoin lihos.Wel bocatesi ln LîhrtyrviliQ. Inquire -of B. IL MiLLESt. 31)" FOR SALE-7 aer.s of goudnduicl Irovesi, wi nquiru of E fi. Lytie, Llbertyvile. 40" WOOM TO RENT-Centrally located. Inqxum et ai thmffc. 41-2 ÎFOI# SALE OR RENT-Nw .f8 roont bouse on Stewart Av@. Bath. Al ,MOT £L.ue.4 FOR 5LE-2fiesfatnlly couva irosb. - B . I.popi«. P4lW fy 0f sellesi coi-O, cOin m mal, eets , en coirn.- Emn>ons, Mortce E W LitUewf te Wm Gr&y jpi 56 bli "rkadd.Nmake.d-. -.- gsa.......... 140000 - .o.............. 70D M fieiorkett to Mary Illk W o Lad D TIUaIdta 10 aud 1 i bI Gry& Hajiow'llasubwilu. ÇÀA Nordling & wl tg) Albert Refusa lot.,) and pari loto 3 ail 4 Pribtte msuid id lot 58 Laits loqMt wd.......... 1450 00 0 THBeydecher &wf et site A C Frfo.t lot opposite Edison court on Wasliingtof l it Waàukegaa wd ............. 450O0400 j FPIliat& wf to Maud 1 Des. ]Kohiiet lot ilu ce % sec 24) Ra WaukMgentwvp wd ......... 40000O tion j E PUbliat & w! te Ida 9t, <irves lot in se %~ set 20) Wankegan twp wd. ý........ 8W000 Martin BSuaton & w! te J H Hosiges 1 av", t, in se 11 Grant twp wd. ............. 300(0 <MasLIisîman et i1i ofi c loisé In 09 x ne % ses 2 Waukegas twp ................... Subdivisdion Elizabethi C Msrtal et al to C W X4 nw!% Mt28 filsfslds twîî Oc 10 6eo R lýyan lt4 lie kîmo)wtî as 6 R Lyose2ndmd l, of Fair (iroundi, Wat4s-gam into 27 Ito .................... sudivision Mary A Wet & Ides to lfance C Loveridge -,0 feei w front on GoeeeMt, nof Frranklinî "St Waukegan wil........ .217.5 00 Sarah ÀA Hîggins. & huas tg) jIl , cMoree'4t 5 tilt 12 14.41! add to 'igblaikd Park d.9.î ,f.P trandon & wf te Thas Ellis lot 12 blkl19 Waohtusrtà Springs wd ................ 400 00 C W Blod"et& s.f t-tili to J Il Blodgett 4M4% tl w front oun Gausesest la of Franktlin Mt- W4LUlegan aiso lots liloanliC11 Blodgette sutin ds.c 11,Wall- MayBLaitea t, W G ltainev 10 lo 1nbof lot E1]srtÂr "Le. FA Hille & vi ts i l 1,11- bs.iinunas%ý lot tilt 44) ligbland Park wdJ.......... il.-,0 C B Unhan te B 0 Fritssli s %lot 4 blk 40 Itighlstud Park wd.................... I 4 F C KnIgge & w! tsi E 0 Ws.lls los, 21 sud,23 hlk 3 Roeks'- feller wd ..............«.... 170000,0 Sarahi C Bush & Idess t. A Il 6Smnith 14 aires w ()[Village of Rockefesr d..... 94>4 (lle r wd............. i00 04> AHSmnihito BIl - Millsr 14 acresl w of Village, .>f itskr- Lucy A Palner & huim std A tuseml ils part sec27 Warren 7X ) twp wd .................. 70- 4. F P Crasdoii & w! to linnis' eE Sithi lot 10 bIS t9 Wal.sbbuîn S1îrings wuL ...127J (Mi F P Crandon & wf to Minni.' E Smith lot 131 1,1k 20 Wamle burn Springs wd ..........20000 wm Gray & wftoEWlitle' lut ln Village o! Aniîs-li wsî 14004) 00 Sarahi A lligins & bues. tii Andrew Andierson loti; bi 111 1 Exnîoar addita lHighîland Park wd ...................> 00 >< 1Chian Tursifoan et a] te C ditM s B e a.% se 32 Wauks.gaii tep wd ........... ......1if)»( 0 H T lunch di wf te Il A l>reiaskre luis 11f; 117 11,4 0'itavinia wit .............. 12004<400 H KuelpiSer & wf to W .1 Schresk lIs5si S1.k 2 Kiwbkers suhli Li rtyville wd ....... 4. F P Crandon & wf te W laus.cî t ' l 11btut1:1 Wnsbburîi llprings cd.. 150- 1.' County* tierS to Charls B Plîhilipis part liit 4 iit- c. ood also lois 12 andi 13 r bIS 18 I.lhff ...........Tac lkes. garait A lliggino & huas ti) , alula lluppjrch loti 1 blt Il Fxn -midir nlslighlansl Parts cd ......................>8004>00 Sarahi A lligfflns & huas tin Hannait j Norton lot 12 1.15 Park.wd................ lOO 1 IF 1 13 3 I. -B E. i La«diest' ashsmmd -nocm ceathe nve mM. . * PReD~ CROKL~R ~ I -e.Merchmat Taller- sstis'.. 11ot]t fr4 **H IIAYING M-ACIIINERY gring .Mowýri4 Rakes, Feeors, Kèy8tongs Bide I)llvery kes, BokIsland and De Loaders. KDtlvo and See- [11 for ail mowers, Hay Carrièro, Forks, Rfpe Pulleypg, eýc. It wllpM yon to Call on t. BCH ANCK, BRO8S AGAMEMNON- 2:13.1-4 lH tige sire o!1a" marîy lîlgî l ness .ýarriage and p ond 1s.>rwec as an, rer.m in tiw milite qpl Mie.4tflhri. H.. ha.. the. siyxe, Hp..esl, iîîîality and action, and iii.. xiry 1-t *-A 44 atndiai gs igo to nmke ithe Idéal rond and t arrîinwe hors -. m.oy of hi@ gsi have lwpn m old for large jJ. .1. 2:l ý )gjn w *ol2:1l1 E orln, 2:9 less,. êî(3) 2:24 ir. 2:14 1411) .îînoi, r. 2:26%4 - Eî Imîî.lir.~, r. 21S eniaity gtlî.ýr g. esi oDesý .Agarnemitioli, 126>138, record 2:131, will make the séasoît of ]l.mr5 at the Couinty lsarm, Liberty- ville, Illilloh4.1 For completi' pedigree or furtier inforifmation, call on Ci. A: APPLEY, ()wlîr. :30-13 Uphoisteri n g *nd Carriage Trimming CABINET MAKING IN AI-L BRANCHES. CHAIRS RECANEO. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER AND RENOVATED AND MADE OVER. 'Have yotîr work done hy a man experieniced. I)on't wait a year for yotir goods t to ho ertitîriied. <live me a trial tlîat yo'ir work is i)roî>erly atto.îî<l- td to. lie conviîîeed. Every olleha1iii titi-ilî. 1 a h er t s SIbP NORTH OR SOUTH 0F LT. . ILLU.. WBB HIE BLACKSMITH Battershall's Bargai n 7 Bars A,ierisa ftlt aaîi.i) ns UNE ~ 7 oBars Oalvanis- Sonhs........ 1 a Bars (lalisiit I"asuil.t Smai. 7 Bèrm Wosui$aali ...........-... Atrucourw Bacon lo............... 8 ilb. l'ail Lard ................. 5 b.lail Larid.................. ..........J .............. Arinsisr ?sr& ItelcuIis I.rgs' Siv g k" eewî Foam es............. Can WLi ur e au................. 3 cane Tontatos a............... ChapuianneBackiîig 1'swdpur 11) swèet llisucit llnkirig 1sal. l PrIcsm asnkilîg l'swluil,. 4uicesr (a ........................ gbrpd Wiiésat leiilt.. ......... Ps-k-c ryisa...... S1.00 Cream o! wb.'ni............ :........ S25 whuatiiîe...........;...................... 1 Z5 vomp r.............. ...... .............. os S25 ltiasiuig Blin Suive Psîili...s............ OS3 S25 Dixoîsas Stoe. l'llIi.................. os 13~ A. B. Liglaid grove'l'tilisti ...........0 S25 Kingeorl corn Starcb ............ ..0 S43 Kitiforsl0<0lous tarcb ......... ..- f j6 IW gdeailWhite Lead lb ........ 10 oli (>011 uves-gai ..............:S .os Plain white Cap ;nëemt;:..... 3 03S Plain White PlaltesDozen............. . S20 7 Epoolasibrensi.....................2 S1 Standard Lighi Print, Ydl........ ~1%f 1 Indigo elii Printsgd .............O U 3 Aîroii <iniglinîîs d ................. oS Sut315e. Lnwne yd, .... ............ .. 141*to l e 1 2 m . L a n , y d ........... ..... . * l " , c,.8 8 yard Boit onowluito Ntting . 3 S0$4~itonBatting, rulas. i.. ........ ......... . Ceps à dogon)pe.... ..-.......e. Fruu*r.fe doscc ............... .. J"Ir with on ois . MU TUAB "ID CQFPYtRB Choise Sua .Dffld daisan Te« le. 015c 'fou par mu e tés. eWsom English Breakfast o long Tas 40e Ceyin and imdieTees, 8@ aesb. SOS Fancy uncolored Japen Tea lb.669.O soit eWrywhere eaimeUSmLoI Ou u, Gu or Yoimg l*eeetee b.SO Pl:t ytas,., rto to wseury Finest Formes. Oeomg Tee lb. 0SOc Best Engfleh B.eakfaat Tee&peu lb. 40c Yourji-ocer ouidmoft 0 sc Choice Seantes CoffOi par 16 . ..Sej Cid MarteMabo Ceffe. per lb. ... 0 %ptnMoche &no Jaeva CeSsée lb. tS.iU ~ptnThe Dm sc Mete uc erib O, G. slava Coffse par lb ...Soc Finest Moche andi Java CeS. lbh. -S6c Quaker Illlsi0sftpicgs Raloton Brakfast Fond per îikg ....14a Grae N ute. per p9k.........:.:....... i p otum Cer.i4,2lagepkK.......... SAKERS CIIOCOLATE, cak.. .,lict- BAKEVIS COCOA 1-2 lb. cen . . 20c MenerclsSaklig Powder lb. con Sic Dr. Pries# Bcklng Powder lb. cen 409a lhlreddsd cocotanut <bulusi pet lb .204 IMoàamcliCondmnsi MIlS Der man. Ae Buoleas Cadftlsl. 1lb hilce. B...ý......Si, Plutlottie Tosuit Catoup ......110 1-lb ican Cndsie»i Soupa,.......... O.c Osle Soeed Itaaînsn, l,îuîil îikg.* Thasnkygiving Cnrransis. Ixiund pg.dt Bout Bond i Be, per 1l)............ ......Se Lllkiag Soda (Ihun-,I't) Ilb. pkig. . . se LAUNDRY SOAPS, EffCi. l'O liaie Santa la"sSA)ap ........... e - 10 " Crean L.aundry Saap .....190 14 I.arc Mail. Cluy f cis> euaup... Sc 10 bars Swft Wbite Pîrclisoap.. . 9e 10 ' Swifte Wool"opiwneblgimà.5 (imrndia'as Wondpr Tar Soap, par bar..4c lieaint u tarctb (in buIS), per lb ...4 HoS dAinnioula, pur bottle. ...ef 3 Cens Perfisuclsn Lye ... ............. au Wias.d Clothès Pins, per doz .......... . tkalvanlaed Tube,e"c..69e. i80e and 80 Coppar tbtte. waah boiler..... {lio>l 4-8ecesi lrooni.............. Rbsbng IiuD Stere PoUah, perpk. 5 $&ok) ae s)percake TaffgWoot silcky Fly pafle aeet E. E. ELLSWORTHI D. A. Y-OIN, Hlolse, Painting-, 1 bave a forceof .f omt woknafo r ~erdamset work m dcimu givS o u srimiamd p«&««eesotie- ffi Dh est eof, ts ,odto smit. storýe and Shop at GEt). -TR1008' OLI> STAND. MIL. ýWAUKEE-AVE. SOUTII 0OP MOTEL. -ALL KINDS- Good Grades at Fair Priom.. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOU4. INGS. BRICK, LIME, ALM0A PORTLAND CEMRNT, 8 £WUf PIPE, DRAMN TILE,. ETC.- J - ý 1, ru 9. 1 summtN

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