th* som in*tr -"m OIllngs. le» be, UBy yem vo.. iler p rote the Pm"vtb Uts*wa~v tud o hâ *Mandwe su . e e4on 4b* adft t.0uoedsg40010Ma ud mhtshe.TUa wy w bavemnauI, maige mMd du i*wa -Ou. 25C col 'Oq.msdSe everae 30C a&W 35C. rNde et otherpi.oes C.C Mh a00Jeva offelle dm <uebest ir »c-YVoui cWt feM It. LIBERTYVILLE MARKET and -OROCERY Watch es o t--,- A: - Je welry nue Rpafrng aSpeciaityj Sheet Music ANDRE«W HUSS LUErTYVILLE .X X X ILLINOIS Va. oaci SHOýE-S FOR MEN Mot's Shark Skin Water Proof $2 75 Shark 8kiu, High eut ........... 3 25 Union Work 8lioe ..............225 Ail American Pabàiît Colt ... 3 75 Ail American Vie! Kid.......... 350 Walkaway Patetut Colt... .'2 50 FOR BOYS Yoîlht4' (aif Bielnort'........ $'y4 atin Caif ............. Boys* BOX CaIf.............. 140 150 2 00 fOR LAIES and SJS ...lIffi .................. Trily ...................... - LiIiy ....... ............... Qneern Alexandn ........... Lad 1 ls'-strap lViai Kid Sippers lies' Vici KM Oxforde. Baby Nlocealîs.......... Childa' frhoe ............ 250 2 50 150 I 75 1 40' 140 15 50 Sm ith & Dav*is,. Libertyville, III. 7 ti L thraugsiut lI -i&t- aîe.îiàl fs-t-fs-nora uns iptîlie wa* ite ptchîngaf Pieil Rémoé endelo tre- PPifsarai.fort the uits- Exteitlsie alvtrt-lsiiig l ist-ii i. oîne. -aeý COLBY __ AWAY Time TABLE Promsinent Llbert'vv fileo t tls LibertyviN Division C. & M. Electric. Subalct o hmanse without notice Gone to Hle R. ward. Lao iai.......~ WMIM lUND TRBM7W BUPYERED LONG ILLNE8S. 14* Buff.............. 00 a .sd hourlv aif l.l 5p. m.Ltt'ý-ar in 2 B0odt ... .... .....61....... ..... u aie .....'...... .1-ms10:12 'SInce the death of hie ordy ofi ?rottg P«a. .......a............4189.18 -lUS J. Thomas lu 1U03 in lifesi primie, bas nooAeger... .......... 85 911aged John IB. Allanson meeemed ta lIo" Bý*kefehr ............. .n a. . én eurr on utl 9smp. m. Litriot 40 interest in lit,-. The blow was one front Trotitun Park.....,1................&U9,84 - 1044 whieh the devoteil fathernever mrerred LItertivlI6............. 8 ei 10.44 and hiw 'weakened vitality coaidnelt Boudent..............4 945 l h withotand the ravages of a peraistept le B luff ...............1u .la,11.0ç er rulead.opicts-s The ouly elrI.Ptlon 10oh absve lms this rse lr .Scar whe la held ai LsikeIlisf!oUntil er rul n goi[ct(ni 7.u6 anddmauie arla ut ta 7.27 ansd la corr"epondlngly 151e 5 aitlfuiltsýrr.oiAstla. pasmed away pear-efully Sunday lmets. tions. AOe nomait t 1It luff ImitaGa" on min UB0Fanerai lservices awere bht-dIdnlutIi _________________________________________________Mthodiat chureh Tueeday aftermiou Plenty of shmlled corn, corn meurt, im HlattleBlfinosn, of Ksnosdîa, in and miers Iargeiy atteudeda. Rt-v. Lawles' Poads, and coran. Enartons, Mercer lultn eaivsbsr.i his brief remarias feelingly referred tu Lumiber 00., Ub$rtyville. ui le eq i sdedyfrthse departed lIDterme bsstttlngàa neefuile EdgarWeilluwho bas bat-n i itirsg Hafttinge, ina.. b epeni îlli. mnîrner npright, chnietiran le. Re aaid: rela.tIves ln Minnesota for thse fsat ew trotoi relatives. John B. A lamin lirnt eaw the igh& I Parclle m epectd hme son.Faustou Yorkshire, England, Aprîl là, John 9mitis who driveras onep Of John Ubeanu, John. Crtsh-r uad F. E. 1831. Weu <ne year old hie parents Jischhli~U elver Wgon l-f aanîîîClark are don jury daty st the e.îîinty tsnat conntiflont villatir-- Stats' Line ingra 'd1 ' Ie-g <niaCaN . bisll look contalnlng «»Vpll dollars,Iluiralîoddmi..jê and Pettied upon a tari. He was thse bie- eoat poe*ot a fw diiy aga) and ant ira aa al ytaungoret of a fanîîly ofi lie chlâren and Oray luttai threw the (-isat atrosei the- Dr. Chins. Davidmon nord faruily of when only twelve yeans .(A age i.s seit .f the wagon wlîile [lia went tuttia Chica-go,, wsre goutte (if the (ridlley reporolbility was materially increamee »lors- W me a custs--iner. Wlien h ri- family Wededay - Dr. Dsaidpcu ira one by thse death aof hi" father. turned the blook.* atoney and ail hal osf tire trustees of thse ltaI- itivsrity.. At eighteen ho secanie a clerk inlua dieappeaired andIlie hoaitt.ffesin it int-s.. l,havesa large sock (iifsirîstng tttîue stoire and iatry and wss thus oenpied At tie toun-il meeting Moanday niglst filhe et made)- asua îsjri-îarad .tu otitlihecanif. with tais farnily toi Vî.1 a reea)luitori wae îsas.ied aeiig tire. inéet ay prit-e other d4îiii-ýrssmouilen Lake eauntv In 1X5951. Six yeariros 1le caa c.-rm of f motioa ,1sneqnau l~5.R~ s.iî,-tviis.sosn oln ie howas imarried to maon k*4eiseadfsml31p u nî m a. us. thtough tie weoOk 65)5a to giv a lettr front Dr. Taylor dAst..ss1.îiss-of hie elPér iew if irewhoe. arrwn.Thetniprti>Portland. Oreg.s's nordl through mcuurili aits- authorioid tie ii.uing 5ofYeiovtnPak ttimo le ,bonditto t1w ..pbxtet rf-.4,504n, ~t-for piillic-titoitias weet lasrýgV i >),o-Uffld-ti riu Ms.. ew t,'r lýurýqt tàiktls- s-sefor th ira il,.vae. Trottitig Aesia~ti n -stuordsp. A5 trin isly tht naine ti .1.1, Il. Moure ndr. iitl*ist Aba1ws a8 tu, if I90 Ihorarsl I e tlt,-ath i aa i picedtlîoris-îig- .isrtyvills' W#-dn..avi .N.t- îirrîs Netl. fri-sst - li-h l ai-i éohe. utr--ts wiîhtit stt .ir s s-" tidelaio drii t-ouail tire %as' lu in atoip buggy. iss.l.Tie lgt uss irk i, lsss - tailîlîrîilt esibh". est cf <Js-ssîlit. andi ta n ogii scrîd 55111lit- lIllesItri illuta 1ilitan 41 eisstiPo irai t 550 iilé. i lY roitaitail tii t-y me-snda trous sl. -isY Isl i nt fi-s~~ ~~ aîîltr- as s re 16ts--b-ate sat Il- Irait air,] iu - -, riiiily doitizuc tssiod w rk lse.l tn t îurtwis wseks (,ai thelio. rs lie, toiiai eki-k-liiig thse d<iI 4i lIs- atn sais abiat l,iilawtyviltm- th lirtfsrtti--st don i. gril -autant l,îurialiinu tnt-irai t tli- lards- plairtings have le--s iî s-ira the h.-e , m u wiliil.î- jPiiu st ar]l t iatit- w ,t~ sîiitte c- Ititls- hl.g too isck on .s-ial trliiCtiiu-s is'tIi <igl. eI lit-rt- Its -s-s-uîîiîally geulîs- .ltliugli as Iraviîig lu-ard tif tire aittrn-trsrs, ost tus- yset thety Pare, tant u,îdsr git-.. Work la- Islsi. lt- ii bis- reliîs sclis P se [rsgre.eing OU the wa-cIl b.issg slrilled asd air Nblraska, ,rsoultit a tril.Potsf LsIi::t susis- iof tirle Mtrié, e ork i. lit A nother- 141 <l îîil,-m isn ail. euts1s ad cilana as le.s-s ssshnloed anit- Itlo.-.dauglîts-r sf Mr. unsi]Nros. l11a,-Lethe- îîiaee la takîng oeà ls1ss-isli 1ke ar kSs-lsunk, ofiii l-iisîîî. dissl Saturda.y Laist Tuneday eyaning Jas. Ferons and' ilirglitig, tif roii.hrltiîn. ate~r airllnt-s-s Chas.. Lawrenice were arn'sstel lsy Citie ofi uearly a ypar. ttica--lwattstout 17 if Psslici. Hntee for rtinkpseuansd voars if rage, andi lier untiîniely <ltmise us disoi'Jtrly condutt lon Wednesday jaillir . ALLAIISOI< tlîum d<ulely liurd fisr thoae ut-ar alii lie-r morning thiey Par ent ils-sl Éo-well four children, one dylgl al t) lear. Foirerali srvisso e w. im, ld lit lu Waukegan lor a etiay o<sl . .vt-indays ler hotue.. lurisl in eastht-y had no money tsi pay tie f nM. a own d ; dith, who a*ter ir erin Ms-risay, tire. jistor osf Liltrtyville ignposeol. 18,J hms h asi]aa (rtirîsu LuttIerai u rib -osffioiatingr. 18,..Tais h asdaa Ss-hsîsîlrtiat.ssosf ti. yoinug lady wlth. Tht- annoal fair book sr Iriinim fit in0o.3 aud Unm. Mary Jane lutts'nlleld tlîsir tpaoî4-hsr, Miss-sWIe-sler, attended isîsuedby tse Lake Cointy Agritultnnal who a-th lii@ wlfe in stilI living. thie mervîs-..s. ir a bîdy. and as tlir lovedS oeieiy wonsthls Intiait:tuirîsd out hy tire Itencended fr-onMn. Allawsosn are nine c-o-nrasie was laid te rset tieir grief was tiNii-cNvT-< job departumuet aud ie grand-childnen andI livre great-grand% aloss.rrest temtimussnial ifi the. regard anal beiug dleitrilîuteil by Fair sofficais. If children. affetioen lu whitis ste wume ld by those you1 fait ta gt- one droits a tard ta Suceesâ attended ie ,induqtry aud ton whis kuew he-rtet. Secretary Morne-, Lils-rtyvillt- andI it vgI years alte-r coming ta Lake coont-y lie lie sent yon prompt-.y. sold i.s feaim and purthased a larger Laaât Thuredav night '1igetes. linuaone of Il12 acre@a t thse junetion oai t-hli aud Walte'r J. lItlin, rt-cnt- arriraamlun Lils.tyville bar] a »crai seinas] dog E. j. & E. aud Wlsconmiu Central the- nsiglarhoosi, vientarres-ted un tea--are lista Surasday nlght wbc-n a foi-railroain uVernon toswnshipî. : l.arge (if drunkttnnese aud disorderîr terrier legan runnsnitaround lu thé,t- i-as durlng thbeluinitry oa i lt-. i-anduet. it lselng slaimed ttrîai;tteytiung treet nrtb se News-aqtls-. sst-el suappiîi lî.Sttria -ata u- fis-tn ws'rs'timing indécent- lanoguago- îs-u t passera iy anus-thenwiiie ai-t'inl a 1artiàaus-4t influnceeutered bis lite. H-e thet troot A meeting Ill is'lng ht-li in strange rmanoner. .%smanatter o! autiimu waoi couivertsel about thirty-live ys.ars President Mauuuftln5e OMM e in tht-y (ffiu55rV em flî-t.cs send a bail bat ag-Fver ince is retirentent lu 1884 weshesatr raime remnakeon t-le. mtr,s. nIdsa-bdhlefiearos'gslie -has loritdIluLibertyville and lias. be4s-sw san affier andI at-veral uimen-itbii *ieen aa tIre momie-r aitthe Methoolimt st-art-colilupurisuit. The' lboys uianut' A peculnI aii u-st-ut- appeut.d ta church ns-at ô! that t-me bsai u ne cf its elude ttea înt werf- latior tallern in theiîr essuctar Hart- wlssfle mailing a mn vta off ,t er. t oned 1ho eburcis and was roua. Dlors Justice H8eklc'y t-ey Chicago Turriday iorning. He- aUlahý 0 bie -voge His faitha wal au wene flned $5 sud comate wîicl-iBrunosa ittng with ancelband t-brnwt partly out abidibt- camfart- duriug lasit; Mtosa and palid. Heut gent ti irait andI Issarde aoft-he car wiudaw crl!tn tise train tet lie afproacheul daath flot witisleur but osut lais fine-. ibn asuit eviuing William aotillr n tht- double tracki. A missel wth grentassenrance of iodes faror aud Smralaeaadaii ea arreoted on-utiei lîargeaiof ofe6me sort flist frss-thte passiug train died July 16, 1905. driionneaus sud dis-rdtrly s-ssns-uct sud and. @truck lois 1 fiandsl utting in two a Sail la t-ho brie! authlit-osf!the- lit 'of tluod $25 sud cm-te. paid. heavy ring which-li s-iled orbe ot hi@ John B. Allas-eion, 74 y..srs olsI, 4f) ycarrs Triniming of ahade tros lsy tire tlectric ingpmranad tparing -Pul s pieeceof ai t.ha resident- ot Lake couaty, d35 yearar a lght 'coiii)sav tsi allss-(isst tîeir bt-nêathl t. Husis il not strus-lijsit ebritian soldior, orteil otrumt-cd l. striîgiug aires îfisr their ils-w lins-'wlîis-Iîwbere it tdid hit miglt have inflits-d a neiglîsos with resîs-oticille psositioins. rs-pl"çs ire tie ofr y.arinlusUe, lias serions vwound. fit i-me t t say thiat upright mîari public susiriteoli i-ut.i res-uod -cigss-rsueprot.-t s( inctireart tif ho leglad ihe wisrs-tu. ring, ctauns-b frWnid d oviug husslaîislando sert-raIi lrilerty ss-iviner5 imis-oltie qutse l oplaswîfatiier. IMay he rmot inlu-. fncmlaecwt the lsw in soutis Ssrraw trot for humn bot rejsits--a litIis iais- arises as tai riglitc tichesaîipasy t-as-es psrasidesl tise Iasard osf Les-ailiiui-fitsu iuaeherru. lu t-iseiiat-tsr. [lir Ie franciîseiiier poeieitfiai -s-îit o ieic t __and ____________bis __________ wIl ch tt si r riany ls-ls-cat-s-sn roîiri anMasGnflettlà aujTrssttls (Ualloway aud le nmade fior trünifinig trt-.tliaugls it-no bas i î-dnoticof asmeetingM O E lm an sriirss.tiiitrigthes villagei o-lse. hitld4sit tiret- smuicl chanîber lu tire M O E. ta t-inu trot-e uiîs-r auîs.rvichs-sî îof tht -Hleath building Mssiday maruing, JulyC .st-net ,arîuisimnr 1-yst- mointe Spam24 mtattirue aslsss-ok Isr uts-lic coisidera- ago. Ont- or twa 1srsperty owuera have tion of tht- iiitts-r sf - aîg sud coii. T raccordingly. aupply pilesa, witb ire hydrante aud GRO W SO Attorney (rouerai Stplad tant week leeaay ajun in tiestreiste f tht- .hand ds-wu an oiioinluwIicIIlie vlae l ienotice tise streets lu ,îcbdott-btat tiire rarrigt- auddivorcelaw, whitch the isaine are tu ho laid an", The City Plufles i b? ioaMoi- efferrctive July t,11, pmîmioaiiitui mentiotreoland lindie nearly ail of tht- contente Au a Refuge For ilivaowi pélilss froini rs-narrying witîîin streets -lu tise village-. Tise css-t of tIhe asrner oila oame jear fris-ruthe ~t-ino tho dee-rt- was improvemnttela.siinekted at a lit-t-le Dlruta o et ls-ssuo d aeym tlira;ts-unts <lerim are over $1lfl.Fifty.ouo lire bydraute oii p . at jus#lod ira retnelug tir issue a limague ta sare iucludsd l in tireîplanotilned, sud a - a pi-eson wbo Iwasé;grantoid a docrea of s-inplptst Water ss3st-n t atue- ides ai tise EXPE LAHG OL WN divîrs'c wîtli l-msthan one cy.'ar village. tructo-s. - ____ fronatthe time apiplicatiosn wae nmade. __________ The oplsinioin Ofthte attorney g5t-ieral Mo<Is- City, ths.- wauldllis- rival ts will sttle dialîutbs-eItweenu -u]tY X ANNOIJNCEMENTS Ir îowit's Zioîî City le loos-uing up- clrkis, att-rurney-îanîl juogeas -isIbave - lucarporaâtioimfpers fîîr theMortel boeu arried on tîîros-sgbssut t-he.tate $2.501 rosund trils t-os-Klliansd tilt Cit-y Laiud Improvemnt Asscoition ines the new Iaw wat ta -fiest. - ItI; elis of Wiseousiri. Spî-c!ial .xcuri-m. lhave tIs'i-i apîslit-o for under ths- laîrs wamri-onotended tlîat îe.resn divoirîcol Trai let-avresîlsio-tst Libertyville et Of the iîml)triet ssf Coumnbia, -a-liire tire privo r uet ly 1, 1 !m);-) ouIl remiarry 4:45 Friiiiy, July 21. regulatiausa vs-sr iiarratu e a i hsitat within al ,Vcil. Ou Tiiuilay the.national M. E. uday sotrict in thec extreme. sud tiiresîsartis Whileepeelng s hiaîîplpd Iosl:tte s. chotol Isicie wslit-Id at-Catar's gnsive wallilic grantes wlt-hisi the - bits fi Trotting -Associlation tras-k Tîît-sday tie yasug Ip.-îîl l iiviug lu the mornirig days. morning Blien, af Antior-l, nmet within luwngo)uafront iîîteii Mpt-Iodite oîurcis. 41,400t-lt* of ebsîlutlanîd are usuler an acident whls-h mught havît e s h-ntx eiia letn> -t- l.ako--pstionsuit-il t-l i srt s-f (lIstuclr in merioiusy andolai.fartuunate iaera" Teletrlrmeing ofathenLakidathe m tatp if Texas. It lm ikr-Iy tîlat wllîno c-tertlaî saPlng icnrrietery ffl-ls-5< ionwillho trîîav thie toptionl wil liut-r-ut-gi-si if fil, luilDo injrieàt-itilrtri asapafteri;an J Uly 21 ut t-ebohane ai Mis.iiiiiitr octiiiveato)ruif;s inulllî-iit. The wt-oiîud abo.sut Igo inï-bs-e IsngAm JO o nd.ts-iilA t--is-tlit- luch is l le- lnisiil aituated ia andI arouid ths Anilsawas coîniug wlft-Iy a i)t-elias-k merrtYe ti. -ieyosiivitd. vlaî fS~.Mrs tb-i sssi etrues- osn. cf t ho trafs-i holding t-ht-ilg o-LMr'@ ëàiscuiy hîspp imterkeallowlug tire-mrUs- ailtu Tî in.l isîstiisreno- Egsts.Teelss, ans-in eail Iataidon Capiius IBay mussa ainer t-bat- tlit-ytrippésîlt-l ie rot-hs'r tjIto X svorld ftainsu o-na-is- sitît thulf ai Mexico. home tirowiug iltotlîte grouinu. S80gfîl dlico aîsslarli-an t t-lp- lTierociions-ptiiir s-Igu retwas ts.eedtî Prealsytorian s-Iîsrsh t-le s-W nigrtetritiorss-î -s-er prasostive iîihlabitas-st thriwn 1beyosud tise home-, tire animîal (Friday ) Adulte 20 maetes-, ilîoroiî l> cf McoI City sud t-be uuîlerstandintî lt-etIf being turnt-f)ol suptely araund cents. Lt-t- s>osne mis it. le tlîat rigaretm. whlekey andIoi- ut-ti it hatad.d lu t-be direscion train -_______ viP-t- sitly are te)lie barre-h. Tliors.lm no wblb t ad .stsa . ffygs-u PR -rtosItî.it e udli elwlli~itiiliIt -Work Shirts, 50c With or wIthout blbs 50Cp 75C, 9 Boys' Erownies 25c and 45C Youths' I 15c Our. Men's'Tans and- P at $3.50 ARE BEAUTI We alIso invite gou to vW~t Our DgGo Gromerg Departnest. TMens5c N 31àm..................... I i................ 2 eo es kO ta Fs lSt........ ........ 7;e CiaadB i i mettahts................. 25ceatet oit.. ................... Me2deca" Bohs 2s..................... 25EumboeeMllios...........a.......... 10 aàd 12 lo2c .Aplicque lamepS yw ........ jBoy soc lueaudbi W b " 28.3C --25c tuckcdwbegcooaper yad............ -,Jely Tumbiers pe doua............ ..... Sae i wletlfr-d...... .......... 35 loq-avmhoép ................ 10 qTIE FA T i. - .5 . ZVKLE Pr Fosr W c4ynilbf be-rt-ai er gratil tsd i- ,iiiisi àe u,*- ail -t frisy o w tI ho Kv' o s, .4 i ,Card of Thalike. S or the mîîany kindneies and Ilavp5your eyes m' atî how nisin Our 14fIt )eîe tpe tneU rmetW7- s~h to expremm Ouri LtU<I andI thanki. ('ItSÇIIAN and FvîLN aUI im îjuiskiy relievs.d and wlîoojsing I wIl îOt "Mn its. tursP" if y ou E 'h, Original Ilee's Laxative HssneY Me nmr Tar. ThL4s tougls syflip i. differet-nChicago, wilI h. 06k 1 al Othrs 14.a s - t m.ton ute h J u ty 27th~ les. yOtin fl ot eueerupan tion of the eyes. opiug eo-ongl until you rid the- evetein PflltO-lwlthin' uà a>i ingemilf)llh,- wa.rking <;ff the- taller wll ho a.ts<- through a colium action of tIhe tesY wlietbe -r or *# le. Itees Laxastive Isusy andI Tar gaséo this andI eun's aillsoughm, cro>up, s) No opiatem. Sold Plenly of 348Is LL H <K L , L bertyvills; <lais w, o ats and co rn. 1 P. HAt4AMÂIy. Lumber Cg.. LIbhi¶w When inyWoukegan step luoto MWd get a delicous Sosd or S Watr. Cars ao t <hi r fl Dress Shirts, 50e and $1 it ýd it A A ýy