CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 21 Jul 1905, p. 7

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et basa. ha iulashlam ouidheis lsacîluhy md mottant lii IIVLI!5GRAI'~ Ameelcas srlst itu,. m. e tIlt IIOLL'SGRAFK gainai hest &o.traîioo g 101. iltS F lm.fleTUaT Ie ebas Bm d yur dug'cotaic, Tod VIULVO ORAtE iToUcC e.. os hd, O.. E. & i9-,loa, la111- Gim Fui .ddri. OK4WrUie FlaLnlw The fàLcO botle codslns. mariy tlb,.. im«. om stre ..rrgi MAY BE USED FRON THE HOUR- OF BIRTH Physcltns, nurses, phimiaclsts, anmd chemists lhroughout the world endorse Cuticura Scap because of its delcateP medikml, emeillen. sunative, and anttseptlc properties deived front Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, uited with the1urest of cleansing ingredients and Most refreshlng of flower odors, For preseMvng, purtfytng, and"beauti- fying the skin, as welI as for al the purposes of the toilet and bath, Cuticura Soap, assited by Cuti- cura Ointrnent, the ereat Skin Cure, te priceless. Guarmnteed absolmtely pure, and Miay be used fom the heur of brh. A cret O.mbtnahlcmt for TNIS SIumEm's YAOATIO0 Genadian Rockle th grandet sceei7 lu the veortI- unapproochable lu qMogilcence mol majeaty sud THE LEWIS AND CLARK Cunteulal thpos Ition 1Ai POWTLAUS, ORECON Thiss ut lb. the popular trip this aummet. nuisiw lo5. IL FMI a M luî i10ft CM Seul tornodsome bacilet "4Chelagaetfthe liaUntinb." GulAIN PACIFiO RT. &an.m... rn Pm.flmUSOte dY_thUl0bet a IbMe'li" l5he bock ache bas berou :b.d <thi brouîittests temoyezpt. Tb*.painaiet UMM. as uc lit«on..that. i1 sou conlpoel to gir, up Mr bouebl c tio and lie d40v.. There ugre headachea. dizaines. eud9 blbod rushing te my bead te causei bleedina et the. noie. The Brt box of1 liban a KLlney Pitié beniel me se1 mncb that 1 contInuel tbe treatment.4 The dtluglng pain tu thte mail cf my back. therahes cf blood tu the bead1 and other iaymptoms dlauppeared." 1 i>oan'a Kliney Pllefor aille by al dealers. 50 cents par box. ]Ponter- Miliburu Co, Buffalo. y. y. »0e la ABeseel t. Rame lthé es.t OklaomaiToseý-AUI *Boiu Honore a mieblesu Litir. One or the part? of homeutekera wbo vent wst on thet Bock Iland Aprîl 18, vas lira. Anua Curtiz. wiie hsd the bonor ef namlag fthe neweut Okahoma town-i'laliiwtl. Olabolna. Sht voLs tonton? etfthe beauti ltui lit lie city et Plailîîell, Aiicb.. and the ,,News," of that place, under date cf April 4. centaine the folioWlng vlth regard te the ladly and'thO nov home or ber adoion: "Anether i'lelnvell. Twenty mlles from ;uyrnna. Ina Ubabotua, la nov l- cateti a Jrud-t town vhicb beurs the im r i l ainwell. Thtis distinle- tientifldute te a lady who vas OeeOf the firoit %ettîrru and te vhobm wvas gRu t~'-'Igltteza' -otue ie ~. 'Iirý Amie Curtis ote minthsailgo tobl UP a bontetêsd crintof lm 0acres. and te umjorty of the surrouii4la iltu vert eseured by s real estate firm of Uuymein. Wbexi laylug out the. dIms l. towa Iots tht? gave lira. Curtia. wlio la the oni? womon posesing a clain there. the prirîlege cf naming the town. "Net uniryvos the name Plaln<eli selecled because Of Sentiment. but It la dcdellrapproýprite, the.tendu be- Ing of plainsansd the goverumnt velîs atnated vîtia a mlle. Mr@. Curtiz lpf t, for ber nev home Aprîl 18, and upon ber arrive] teck possessI0On f a wayglde Inn that ha beeu bult for ber. Igh. yl cendînt this on thé res- taurant plan sud vl élano-Ramali grorery. Mn,.'CUrtis expets te b. appolnted potmlgtrtiu, au a petîtion alugnadb> lmot &il the. settiers-a sl beeu forwarded te Vahlugtonasaking that abe mal be sccorded the appoint- ment." Dcn't forget that thu moneY Yeun lItuud te gave sinottdrew Intinteret et thé preseut writtltg. w. are neter vîthout s botte Of Piles' CureTor CouauulptlOo la Our houm.- mrs1u.'E IL Iayat. wakts. Ola.. Apuil 17. 1901. Aupralietises cly one id* cf every question ponnasautg mny.-Lovell. If yon live lu a @ton* bouas do't Ibro glasses. __________ Four Facis For Sick Women To Gomidet Mria Pbdk&e5.'i "WoluCooad IsUa-h5 micalevry operaUef beccetea ae.1507 iugb haugweelof sueh symple lo sbekach,1xisnl, snd pasfÜli meostes'U5 mn,--8 dtaplabmSIlof tho0f lb. Ut apin in the aide. buruiug pS5lhB iuhe mac- &eh, bearwng4own peina.s,u dizaines Mmd i.plOaiai- Baog.-Tbe 1modidume thal bohd th. record fer th fUuu mbe. cd asc.lute coM01 801M o R Lydi IL P'lnkham'a vogetweisOcMWoeD- Il reffutesltumumna sd carte lIse....of ltheRele mai -m moi.hing e m ui. For 1thirty 70015 bleue bu-helpIme women to bhst -, o0iubeoicoeh. mervouaens, kidmey Wosb eSU alier- lue aud oaii In*iifltiOf, ..k- nomeS sd dlaph*emetf4 meuletier men*trutmi 1fee "a dOver.o-. iug it nalus. it akm.50 ioved 11.011 iîâvs1wa>* u5in ta0<for cobéithla Mud th.e hffl E. Twaf.-'1'bOglu.l mmof uo Riied ad~f1U~ii anli ut the Pn= Uabeïa M e ya, lime pu . i~ yhc ,gir seh- bolute tIldty = =-.,leoLyl U.lied 1a0la l jPlthe h$ug yen bom $M m"aMMyo- rLuindsj as. ~ ~ ~ e If li1 .*ênto, Oe D 1.19 oui >.l uefela l mou- that2tbr.*teus te, carry hlm t CaiImig for bi. mnukat aud dwelilu la saeeramld the bath. scués Of ty »I olemau who bus deveted the, botrpr fbisi. to the servilc of bis Stanninas soldier. out-ateaand ona- ter, ja a pul i tock cf hie formers«ItL parseolsha% est itus »al upon hlm, eanIs mte of perMalu. aufferelI tree wsekb bas bo Aouat 'laite a condton hihph3micliio pronounucl ople Net long go Speaker cf th* national Rtoua. of usprèseutativeu and therfor ageontl eçlyteuth Preeldent « the UPit- .4 Mftea la power, Col. Hendereoil 005' lu ouly tii. baaow or bis former nelf, hauted b? dreama of bis former great- nomuan alCheralhli aambition that la bomsa to dluappeintuielt. Th@ seretcf Col. Rendersou'à retire- mut rfom the ouekerthti cof Couruu auà front publie lits iu 1M02lua aI DAÂVID a. IIEXItFDno'Ç. sýt-amenald1 Ity __that- finaily bas A oat.4 cat~ ars. of teroic suf- cértug ¶1 két' fiâ, ' ro.t esiwund 1 ceived in îtie var of tht reiteilion. The battit ut Corinth. whert ho r.- eeui dtîe vounu thot est a shades' oven bis satire subtiequeut hie,. i. tht event bhat là uppermeul in bis thougtebt, udv ,onfnued heyoad bape et repair. It. va. et Coriathr that Col. Heudenaun, thon a raptaiu lu au love regiment. recelved a vouaI lu the font vbich nesaltel lu amputtton atttramputation.untit ot lat.aimoat the vhole oftoe e eg bal beta removel by tht surgeonas. Col. Heudensen bal been ta fain heeith tuntu ho vas laid loy by the sti@oke et paralysie. lHe vas sable te converse rn- thouaIt? vitb bis famiiy and trienda et munt limes. but stace tîte sente attackt he bas beea iucumpeteiint ofmmd oud physicatiy he la b.rely abtle te mure acrome bis roont at tht Ibid .Tuliea. The recett truke affereolbis -right 511e. a" i slde from thts h.hosuifera ceastautly frontintsoel. Erea la uts brief perioda et sloop hé Imegines binmueif cittier on tht bettliell or lu tht legimiative balla nt Washington, shoutiag out bis onders aud parliantentely mutingu with tht great voc. ibat tinte bas neYer iveakened. GEN. BLACKMAR DEAO. Commandeur-Chiet of theb. .A. H. PaumesAsay aet Beise, Idaho. Gen. W. W. Blockmar.commander-lu' chiet cf tht Grand Army et tht Repub-. lie. died cf interstitiel nephriiaea, Boise. Mdaino,bunday. Oea. Y, ~ ' Blackmen arrirel lu Boise July 10, on e- tour ut tht Grand Ar"'y poits lu tht Nurtbwet. fHt vas lIH et tht timee nad feile titaeadity untl tht ead. Tht seri- ousuof etbi, con- dition vas kept front the public ai Mmrs Blackiaar's re- qutot. Ulm. ILlàamKI5A5 Ry Oea. Bluck- mareg deo-th Capi. John R1. King at Bal- timore. seuioir vice commander. beclineâ coinmander-la-chitt of tht Grand Army. Hie vîlI cotinue te itid lthe office unlil the uext national encampmeat ef the ur- der. (.pt. Kiag is peansiona gent for Miaryland. Virginia anti West Virginie. vîth au ofice in Weshingtun. (,ta Blsckmer'm deatit wasa egrêai surprise and shock te his fnienîs et ii hume in Boston. He cas takea ii s tortîîight ugo and sent by his physiciens te bis country hume et Hingliaînt but sou opparently inîprovel su o ucîiththe kt vos deenîed safe le permit hitu te con- tinuu hi, lour ot tht -Norlhwest, begu eariy ia tht star. The Imie Grand Army commander wor bora et Bristol, Pa.. Jdly 25. 1841. He eulisted ia the Fifteenth Pennsylvanie cavelry. but snbseqaeutly joined the FIni West Virgjin. Ht served with distinctiou tbrongh the cor. and et F ive Forno as promoteR ou tht bettiefiekd by oa. Custer te tite rauk et captftia. During thteadmuinistrations uf three Gev- eruors, Long. Talbot andi lice. he wan JdIge Advocate Geatral et Massachu- setts. AU Amtd the Gtobe. As e requit ut an electical storin a' Fort Wortht, Texas, twe persumîs vert killel by comiag la contact with titi vires. At Wluous. Mina., the 11-months-oit chilI ot B., E. Olsea crawlr'd uverbutint froin ehonsebeet imb the river andl ce Inowned. At a meetiag et the New York grain traIe et tht prouce exciîange, New 1York, it bas been decided te enthorize trading lu grain fututre cuutracts ut 1.00M 1hushels. The prestat minimumu cuntract 1Il 5,000 buahela. The Goderich (Ont.) EReveter eut 1Transit COMPAUY's etevatur n'as denlruy. 1ed b? fine vitit 200,000 busheia et cheat. e .. $200000. . Coi. Jefferson E. Doolittle. e promi. Dnet mine owuer aud capitaliat et Cali. ternis, bas lIed aldeuly lu San Frac. cisce. Ht vas a partuer la mauy alvena 1tures vlith John liea sHammoul.' Prince and Princes. Arisugawa eo .Japon. vho are uov lu J.ondon, b1ev .abandonel their projeet te risit Ame-tci 1 beeas e 91 tck ef. im e, ga d iii Rail ediret te Yokohamta by vay of the 8uel 1, auxl. -1C. L. Baitingon. Walter Martin, Ltý . her Huler sud John Stokes vers huRee and sevren other men vers injurel by thg explosion of a thrashiag machine enginq on a Plantation near Axton, Va. Amerîcen interasbave obtained coatnact for the electnification ef ai Italien railreal and have aise closec 1contracta for ellectnicat equtpmeat te bw -insalailul Japon. Tht veine ef tho* c ontraes la about $2,000.000. -Rabbi Josepht Kraauskopf. lu su ad baa'iterhii eerl onference -0, Amescis abbi aiCu8eolndý. Ohio p 0 ti t w' Th, coi*tr7 aeuba'a* vili aPProv. Preaideut . ueirWï decialoun nt tO MIl the itty-nintb oupaesu ln extra- Ordlnarv »S" SsîrLot tIicoualderation of the.ralîroad rate "bI.Rt lo bellevel- bhat senuitheelafor of the leglé- ation luam'"'u WS*llandudthRt by th tiue Co »M~ib inreglar session it vi111le uot>'red to eeou pubie opinion. Tbo '«rlginal propo- siiontunt. ciiiti mjcu lnOctebes' vas Rater &@uceuNgIr nedOubt by the tact <bat ,M"17cengresameu ronlbe data"uel 51bhme b? press- ing> polîtictl eualeeflblits, ad 11. tuterestint y ul'let bi<ught te the atetion cf.7 ag ,..Ioud b. di- rided. Witb th@ heglunial Of th- ,*gu14r sgession, tii. elections vill b. Oarer sud there vwu, )» uothiug te bilu- der congres& glYing f mul conaidera- tou -toethu sumbjuct That ltse Eac-- rowuseul bill vMi ever become a lav la nov cUtal%,àM dctinioalty cen- tenu lu theo.pposible, natures of the. substitutts MealuroIfRla bellevtd that the adxnInIajT5tS o5rces vilR fight cor goveru ment aup.5'tclulnu a mcdl- Sed forni aud vii prove their abRuity te Iet such a meanteeacted. Wlth tht informatltin lp»ered ity the sen- att couimittet sud *iiat plcked up byi ceagre#»uen Iroatîl persnnItf lu,,a tigatiou. It ta thoiiglbt me lgresu eau arriieet ai a ilufactOry conclu- sIon ot the raulva'O rate question vlth- out devoting MOntha te It. When nmre nevBpaper e orrespual- entaaeskel the Secrelury Outhlie evy for permtssion te go' on a battle-gibipi Jul»Q u cea iuvàa in Chesa-1 pake By. i e decijul aig hat the1 ltpertrnenthuialtearued sornethingl frointthe Jeanes*e. It ilad décîdel thet If the var lame dislosel sUX wtak points iu the coast -deteuse. It vas betten nettule avýe the world hues' thent. fer If sncb. a dicovery vere malt aud IlUtisu IluAmeica It1 voul unrety trariacrosthe se. Seret-keepln taOUe Of tht mont diMii cuit toeks OetIa fregoreramieut ludeal- lug with au aiert nevspaper press, sud vltb e public that "wanlts te hues"' vhat le golng on. Japaa has been as- tolshiugii aucetestul lurlng tht var in kteepitig Its ecreta. Tht destruction cf a great batlthP vak net kuova tilt moth atter*ard. Togo's shere- ponuced on the Rusai" liet. No von- der that utali'e ern correspondent vbo went te, Japon te report tht van returned dusgtited betotise et the amuti) chtances open te hlm for news-getinU. Jepen conl net afford te couduci ver fer te saloetfnn=lahiag a spectacu- Ian exhibît te the venld. RIt Io oten tht part et patrlctism te heip tht na- tion keep Ils$ iets.Amrennneya- papers have snomadles recogize this; mort trtquently they have net doue se. Goeernent erop repIotsbote a]- vayo been regrded as valuaible b.- causethbey tonormàbogIe ferou exi-. matcf the alqeetftht crap et sheat or cota or cothononn orvboterten other crop migbt b. reporteI upon. Strlklng3 titue 10 tht finauctal vain.etfearty0 kuovielge cf tht governmen$'s fig- uela. conaated lu the demaul of tht Sonthera Cotton Grovers' Asso- Mlotion that tht Secretar? cf Agricul- tare discever and punlsb the mounsiI ho b. gulti cf gitlug ont lIe 'igures iu advancîe et thein ffelal publica- tion. lieu acting, ou advauce Infor- mation are said te hare male moue? ln apecuistiou lu ctteu futures. titat In, in cottea for future dbIttery. Tht iuvesitigation wil ashos' vhether aur emptoye ef tht departmet ba hetea guxit> ty fglving out Information, and if he la prove guity he vl ha pou- ishtd. Tht crep reporte are not tht prîvate property et auy citizen. They btloug te tht choIt people. The aI- tempi nouaIt? la malet te secure their simfultneonts publication lu ail parts et the counitry. Tht conditions upen *bleh ChInese niay bt tîcRuded fron thle Uited States have hecome tht enhet Ot dis- cussion hetwettt tht govemmuntts cf the LUited States and Chiais..The ni- tentpt te uegtlatt a uts' exclusion treaty et Ptklug bas hen temponanili abeudoutd because of the resetnut vilc the discussion bas arauseti in China. Tht Chinest vies' la that, b? rnson of tht expiration Rash December et tht txcluson treatr ef 1894, the treltty et 1880 la nos' 1» force. Under that trtaty 1h vas pt'tvlted that the limitation or suspeniontiof Chînese Im- migration ltiethe Uuel IStotes aboutI bt "reasonable," and shotlalpply ho laboners only. Tht Chines.' geveru- meut cdaime ludemnfly for any viola- tien oet tiis treaty, and a eaim for damaoges bas alrcad'I hotu maIe in be- haIt ot a Ciinese merebant s'hews mrrested et Seattle. tuber a rodent le- cislon ot tht Unted liatNe Supreme Court an Amenen-botu Chinemn s'ho Renves ibis country basneoredres If ho la refustl g tadmiamlen. President Iloeees'appclntnt et à conitte to inrustlpato ail the executire hros.ches efthte gororuntu with a ves' t placing <bei ou a mol- ema business biais protnleau 10 croate a revolution ah thie capital vboee tei tape bas> beinasupreme and precedent unehallengE'fifront ti* InUMelsiorai Tht comtthee constat» Of repreueta-. tires oft hievrns depatIfe id lsitr uiction la ta "B.nd ont." 1hla erident t hîBi theProsldeut lbaulearual eneugb about tht nunuug Of the gev- emtment mechinerY te Çeurluce hlm that <bore la on abunatitecf Faitle îsad extr'avagancie. It lu crnent tRI <b thâttere are thouaulS of peopleonc eUncle Bant'spapraol vho doIlttie a» than draw their breai au, a vonat tor lraving their salarIes.Tie Praulu dent eculd 1010' Up no subiect tbnt la liegret lItpeople th"n Ibis osa, 8%4 'bilSI ele op wbm Ie ta& jawal. "Vos M My ely. Bil'u -m et, o oSe", aad-by the -7. 4"0 Feu se. *aloi"aet m-> shoeur "SUvr 1 i dd." r.illeà4tr, J. la atome tIbat Wapcaieulatod te be lmprngvt?. '¶cu'llsud, them beuglâing oueb.bat- ,ack la the hait, jut vb.r. FOU loft lIeu." Viclim-I vant te prefet ra ha jasinat ibis mi. but 1 hardlihues b.e preper on. te umake. polleeinan--Whàadudo.t Viell&aRtit «vil a PiM" et le&. Pd"eMtn-weRi, pou mit ebarg M iLo uryh odaI.eusewRe. -Ecrng on ewlia. miclcs lethé « et .mmns Eeuj. WIlsor t bis pl4s. gnfuring lrom Sugar Diabets1, MW ii " vatè va&tR tra fm v.tglhi M > 110. ib barely tippel th. ocaîo0 at 130 lie. DolU Xidney Mi ae«"e ber._ sp.king ot ber cura, bar 'bue- XI vif s uMered, everithlug tnom Suogar Dlab.te& .5h. vas tit four ye«" seâbâ d Nl vtth two dootutu bugt rocl e«v » eet eh. ad an muci pplM ail over ber hst @ho eoi »tl ift day or nlghbt The letton Sald Mbt ab.@tenu ot lire. 'Iloneu advertisetiCt led me tu tWy Dedd's Kldu.î Pila ouI they help- el-ber right front the trut. TiMFeboxEs qf tent cured ber. Dod KidueY Pma vert à Gel-sent remel? t. us and ite necomntend thent te 90 snter- lng front Kldueî Diataso" Dodd's Kiduey Pille cure aiRlKibite? Diaies, includlug Bnight's, D«egau. and il Kldney achýea, inciudluî lbeti- matisua. TWO VEARS 0F AGONT. One Cake cf Cuttetrua p ma lionB ox: et Coticars Cared Baby'. Awffl Hummor. *Wbtn nty aluter vas elgbteen menthe oRd a humer broke out on ber shoulders, exteudlng dean acres. lIe back. t'or -tvo' years ut ceused ber lu-m tenu.. sufferi.g. Rt vould scab over sxdý tieu crack open aud a vaiery, matter ooze troim utThen the @cabe would full off aud ih veuld bho mv for & lime. W. boti seturaI ýdifemtt duc- na *end tried .verYthitg vefcolid ttitk or,'but viuhont e1fectIng a tare. Then ve got ume cake of CuticuBVR Ss &"I one box of Cuticura Giolmeut vhlch ciarel bereompleteii snd 511h- etit star or'bietmish. (filgued) Lithoè Chose Walker, ô TrOent atreetWbcD- tords, Me." Bit leu Bocky. Pretear--What Jla th. e eupoaeu@- once? ËÏrefeauor-Why de yen thîni sol studeui-3ecause ut rua. lttuthe e-arth. Beams the IAp.h *Usm.S M l*rîU lE NInety per cent of babies' troubles are eusel b isordened utomach or ' i boveta. Tht? can ail b. qulckuI ýy eured by a tev beau.of <bat gneat di-, '~ Seutire medlcIne. Dr. Caldvell'a (lax- SU &tire> Syrup Pepift. Rt digest ; cordel mukRI.eetens the. bve&th, ne- A lucea lever end reilertegpain. Abso' un luteiy hariltu toeaother or childi fare relief lu teetiing. la" by aul draggeàtt et 5oc and 81.0. oner bock If Il folu. Amethet Pluanciam'adihi Shortleigb - liy congratulation.s'ou your manrioge with the v.ilthy vibos, aid chap: i suppose yen ore in dorer Ârdupp (sdl>)-Not mne. mbu lsn't the Ioa silos i lIcught she vas. 1 - laoa Pisci.tVse Ati.n'm leet-Esea. A pesier ta ashatepour ê.seu. Rt rem th: feet. CourtuCorsa. uolBattent, lu.! @or. Hot. Celle«&. Lehlna. 5seales sud lageoulsu Ra4" àAlen'. Voo-1as»» maktouewor "mtIR é ha. e qu Uibol t fDttglots and ph9 orse Sau"MI, zwAIa£.âreaiAlt.01mai00 LeRer. IW. y. The Gireat Jersey Beecet. Speek te the mon front "vay lovu Hstn, or tht covbWr rm the plaine, about Atlantic City, aundithechances are be will tell ion as ninch abouat 1h un auy Jensnamn ho runs dovu to "the beach" lun ocur trom bis home tovu. This littie sundy Island off thé, Jersey conat bas become oeeoe the noRton's greattetpleampare grenuaea clty createl soliy ey oelb people kili trne. Thene are hathlug, yachting, boatlug oudI Bahlng for <base who are fond cf vater sponte; tiers are golf Unis, a race-track. sud basebail gronde; et'- ery terin etdiversion fron chine vblch tles ur fortune. glree jour veighh. aud plays a nt.rry fjtugit vhls bing se-RR for s nickel-toe~ ~" tht baud concert, nterny-go-rouul and "trip te tht moanI." Nightly thte lange hotels are acýeneag cf halls aud carl parties. Every heur et 'tht day, tram the timonte er ise, trot tht breakfash tablentl aven the lawa of the utxt morut.g. momwe- tblug dlvertiiig cou b. tound hy tht pieatiure-seetr. Ru the torenoon. be- tort tht evening dinner. sud tram uighttetitahomîlulîih Itla "thethiteg te b. ou the promenade. COMES A TIMI. vs.a cotre usoe.What it1ma Bean" _ .(flite yeare coffee bas diagneal W' vith me," vnltes a motron ftrainRente. - N. Y.. "Itslgbtest punlahrnut vas te mak, me 'baiy' and dlasy. snd h sent- aI te thicen np nml blcod. 'Thet het w a. shen It upasi iMY stotnacb compîttel?, Iectroyltg ny aP- poetean iua me nenvoua aud Irrl- table, and set me te MY bed. After an. of thomattaebs, lu vhlch 1 noarIY lent my lite. Icouclnded te tait and hry Poutuu Food CoRse. "Rt vont right hte epohi 1 RoundS 1h net oulp a Mont palataie alnd e- treabiug beverage. but a food as Wail. Ail MY alimente, dia "toglueianald dissinaese.the auutlefactmrycondition et my btod, îî nurvousnu and Inni- tahililty dimipffled lu short ordér and mg sorolp ISIcefflatomacb begt- qulciiy hc'réevet. i began ta rthtlW tubndbave tealili ontuudantil Dow. lart a good apPetite uani rojeilig la tcuu bot~hic -0 e héi 1 ir.. by PlInao.. Batu. Oresi, #-tw ': '.- S u I s 01~ k-> Tnfr zu llealquality for, vr 9a o.ntury hma. dIr .eed *Ib«O et e 11:11 1ejW uses ay mc O.aei BOUl DV ?<~iMrat - rIavo~u, loVt t USMw 0 91 bbu -, Ummk m àwý laemm- mm*M

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