CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 28 Jul 1905, p. 3

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The aucAFla îeImc u-the cs aire ct i WU>&s encs~ae, AASIB1 laVthil EPUUJI8045. saUëcmi fer it, s& ram cai nhoce.- mu b duil.ha- gauleNt usiw y le e"' aleci t lvi cevica»40 We. fiatIcul O," Nora.. ý.-Q 2 tic - am ka tic auratht- = a Miatb rmaenu, the a! Oago Mi e =ie ima tucgala Temtple@. obate,t port.. cc t g luar., i~ hi di licdibugterotpo- -à-&r Po tnos ula prtedilu ti- ÇIMM4 9tm*.t' -rt eg x*c*Nuteuger. Pet*, twamario r Lanpt, na a*u cemi a o*t bî Juche >Orb eticetma vuotbi ucmc thes fie d eft y 0lt' e,4ma eut a uap ta mVm Mdutcc pwlil.m m-e te acacef ie fi pon iii actce ment et tbW.t Japon ens Alut Immut4b tmomertg'a fiat fte da 01thfe ve = auccane abs wul mehmrI 1 h= 91 1ckm lEavr. btttbbaven [force oc the bai besmou 01 thecAmout be Otabri. eldbs b it la bb a tid4ba by rl<bt of torbioiythe ibat the Rua- Korea bave 3ttk1ard duriag, ï= Onu ttopO. ýa Tumen River, flndary betwuua t$ rannot reqiru ithse part ofthti SRuulans acres. ~cVladivoatok. t Mancburla Io impression tbat bave an under- t9 be-no aeriouà ce ngotiatlens eccamtealljr t the u mnova. Generai rfflorts 0f prog. lng om.le- or biB mas.L t auifrmitice - Prta abetaua- BlàaD«ed nortio somplete envelol- ibmminent. Thut orto undlaP«tb à tbe m-ainlan&! a trong Japauuu llvoetok. lape sa f0 occupy ft et a"blpu wbich the mttoy beforce au- ir viii b. adieu! te b te tbe vt4.peut% be explosivecethse Spueb le*tbaa MM jus Rra lgci la Usebq tic tlnct- 'te ate - am~am te vil! kw prUea t HausSa uoreun3 1be a furtier b*rdest. ber Al beW~ fals eo i. ioo*at mmact tat wiuw u touR braie loto a blama .Ûtm.a o Bu'a "Oeue a -wàm O . ble 4weaeia E.- Is aiOW *u bai be".iiM th f e ot ime "cati vi a ru WÏ to bit iamaxy fiel hm calai et. in v th.eiem cmie u taerlib ulmé~ et lie nome le flclu SeUl ta 14w. il ~cI curies, levas i t. éoi Frespectaila ieh* ade 1 reset 1 -Rom".ec mmve le do«.,, .e oMa IL j ellvas« foameutw as k ooiutler ' vii àIo laj«It Tic -ýva Tomaeffl. ,a fatuer p&*96N. il. Lefbntby r. mitai ove fie W-3apanesé l" ,=oq mnau a aook billhau gooît rai bd of WifWtowaciara- bar bu, t. tc cales. et Iloutiotamihilel t W saîilt ubave eauvon fo o aia: - b l 1, 1 , lI o e e t b - 8 1 1 a f u . h p i t mt ulbedt àuila>'dca. t i mu *0ie isratt tori, 41,uca wu Pollumsttio ndmigaie hlm- "Whâtevcu inanan belagaemme do for B oaw vltum teI. fiqunfer tic boulding of tfeiamnma «MIanai ha i-» Jmut h-. lau 4-esar14 ticbetet imylihifa I N doi. . ealt attaci the faaMi tick te If. .PY1lui-I" uE .Fer tb ict sa, Qd hsuuc, sai Jolhs ««Rh Wn xxveiarb»F. c*wal,. liercl frowfile &4 e e vfl Vihaet udaimmfte etai' eaiau se *u04 xmoi by a rzUiway, tie p t=mcoe Mmou a rigest u er r.*fie t*ue. çaut. It laebaugeiflat lI a a 14~'Ia 19, la Owelami ttich lase _ *t pl irui Tlavin be, bam ehc tou v Ab tommr Dg so liretirusahilaci aetUwerm». - . "W~~~'ien Iaff.tie etma Li " imlAP1,MX4 et-' rt g-tu.Thse-e vomi be -mu lime x AbÇKA mm hb UM erJem la 11111e fielI ufmaiabout the fer otpusinu lievu uc en h mesuca f i 1 bave net t.casI*te tb~m «- uiCog, mai- tim aine& ý 1 - 'l un -, , pit le make Pp4fl bu"n MI& v »Mi~anl fie canal l Ble e l»&%:t la aiMel casat4 a"ir* iaut "piectagï tsg vbu itmUbe sbpipe 0, -fieerse ttuna Mu Mud tue, usisO uint.teIbea u ai tbc situe va won aii Uti 4mafas voa ure ioçite anale tbir clImm isu viit ot en la expeetuteasaUI au IMpetuIot.bu$nm&a. On ibm iciai nc . ltb iti rueIli xpaul l t e pre- mae the muijury Iet omptu aogtiche ra bavé àiuy a ttieef cent *M. an execiet a pUcs . iloulcm n a cafer anti morsemmSor, a tive Piano;. lympotietie atruliuit la 1predlete&, vii senIeuéer isa a &. Altiegunienions et tic legtiasate r ot iefs rot asfcu by Uapaba»don- élu~IemIl-e 1et uncerupudslea atera @Utoie et tic prelgei aetrike, asu tSemputeul by a Ciloaen»paper, arc asi Moisos. atrui..........,0 Uni le borlcau lin0 M i i cUloapellue., ,700 Ocet te ctti cnid el etr . . ý. 60%MO Cent, tu epli ju. .. BUOcInes lolent * ilcao. . ImIoO Iluration taiichue ..... ......lw , ays Atmoiu ls"Ubmwbett The Plaeing s. tie mukat et 0,00.00 acres o e t e uci he cBtate er Texte, Wb"c- viibu dou es.Upt 1 nezt, wilà ecuse l0c ireaiat op ot man jar"cMitls a mbeala *vm atTeee heva Ltc lasdti fat la to 164cM-lAe altfed At prout. cnd fer yýu apeut th h"c ebac beasu uderlau bLthe *taet-t démon. If acnf im = ,eu la <tctprf~ e ieSaliéIe gta abolanteu t'trung.tica.rcuta lo ut. 43am0ifarmeru ab râ ntit ilbegflau . auoebsg utise i.1 bs over uici tccattcuacu Mai Issu ilu! oumpnte t.say. ,Thcn cama fia .aont -fer mq a- premacî. and tie far»er. vos. Thc de- maoud for addltlosU altndtfer -homes for theu rcpclp cvattlcus h e ao s guct ia t lic Utta toumielte, aba- a tancea, tic stiemen, viehave lcese landu lèeacifor gftsing porp o ua9", ra fer aactlos. wiei ftesa anmcieus fou Fthelr guat raacbce. Woh-thcaboneci menf of tic lase* tliceaullencanill be omable te osuaies aia. cmisudtici will b. foreed te taie teu afuiaala r peq flair todussuflatisup sr quit thé country. Ma"y et tiew aamme fat tie em vii dapt thc lattuér m». tean efthem have pueubacaior bas! sasse ranchresla Iaua si lIcmw lthii harda te their ccv pécametm . The area of thc laid uici ,thb mne lu to pInce nu tie riar osSept. 1inl coina 9,«00 quarde& l ia, i alarger than Maasachusetts, New Hampshire or Novew Jrsy, four timea ne lafge na Del- avare, and! vicee as large as Connecticut. 6The land la te b. emitila lobafet eate e lgbt sectiona oaci. -.c purcluacer viii h. b permilted te acqaire more thon elgit sections.1. If iii puevii boescfor about 9,000 familia. eh" fie aniousdeaoe*t vamatie fiat fia landi lu te b b. ph "m ustic -mar-4 ke, Stcl. Land emlapsrJ. J. Tee.1 rail bs.recoivai ietcuarou tion"d of peupla lu ail pataet tic somtrys, maiulasinquir 'lu regard te tic malter. Tic tact fiat fhe lésai le te b. celu et . a minimum pliceoet01 amare. viti 401 aumnalpaymcntc, at infaeea t iouly 38 pet cet, moainifaBnatgaetvepuopo- altiou 10 maur peupla uba arc aeeig hoenie tic West A ricase itith~ ycara upes fhe land! lanreulofut ati purcluaser te perfect bis ÜOde te tic prop-- t. A Ntsc Iuhe~ Statinsioa pubiobçdcu #n-poansatlo fia u!nrlns 110" eeady 1,009 4N wle ver -l 1 au! lu bulfigues. T" cbulle killW about1 a10,M0 hormea. The.bout and moast val- aicâle huilaeofthfe armonar%à» lced sm etheramventtiet thfe Dskeý,ot Verauma vrbachmeule a fotune o;# et his boul-1 seam. Classa. 33-1-M! epnace- 6, nation; but Mia la a reprosub te aay poopl.-Prov. MU,4 t le dl*cnlat for as te put ourselvea la th*e plae 'of tjaa JewIci, people. Wolilvu la far other, anu! fat better Iluoa, ami 1>Yars. pt therefore te appeau la n sa B iffr veak andi @i*te! maties lbel, ce tn ot mcit gosut. ilaemtitag fru thfe heatl!eu gtiouc ab l tit leo.aiwé, honorer, te cme, tho, ps' iea thonte acus Oewq. vs ciii! be botter é.toi draw icumeac trou tfilblctouyfer anme "osé ut.w. cai! mee botter. for la- etaxse, boi, mb*csuont oi.ation bac réflée "Mepsptiomal puecperlf y lad UnM 4.cièretncuc cci oi 'tla.buoa *rtlghteu e.afr its M utaios. W. tiasl ceu,. atie bit .ria tqcc It ic matete 0actbe vsku ntia md tiemicae #O c bre peuple ,Odeiyar txwe2 mai b. ce icite aue gur oua mi-tk 4a*aioutcita si" fauilsc. _If va regard the Masnog Jouti peple as ce mach bolas mana cta .- hardi .lathe came cluucjvc *hallset be, llkely te gainanay of thc humlif ftha la netry te the perception et ou itE ata, and the mendiai ut sur cita Note». Versé I.-Tibe y kinu! voulu, for th* earlier yem ofetbis relgu, be king la iittWwm e i ame. Ru voulu! b. ue- derth ifi iseeand direction et buc: miaicter. Andi thece, au ticefdîne ops- paosecici ihes hea boul taire ticheaoi. peuolfe ehic evwn banda, iweuid aturai- il atter hlm. awl ekte vIn bis fayot., Voisp nain gýïi4gta '%c,~dma Verse 2.-W, are f*mlniddfiat thc Lorld tst eut the iiabaltobtt hM palte- Zm battethfe Icraelites becanutfthea. Dct vieke, dmacu.AMdtic InférenceIla tiait tralalag, ahoulul hepsfeabomina- bâe Cmmomcs<tigbhia m acctima. Venul s -Mdci 6-ý ba ici tM tic Iaraelites th« tb'41, tbey vWace t*lu l tie4t ors Icut Gsivoulu! douce a Place0 .'te eau. Jé nuaate duen tliera."smud bad id du.Thlthar chaIl y* brintanclithat 1 icommasu! yen; jour burat offertire mi yeur ascriieea, yjoutithu amudlitheave _ offcrlngt fyjur band, aia l sou chie T~aire heeu!," hoe célu, 'tit tiou 4cr net thT buraf efferings la..evWet plae tuft thon aeast, but las tic place uhich the Lord chaH choore" RViery time the peuple telllt* f. ia practîcea tiey .ilabejred tfila -u" .Ci andu buaïk altarsa a* 'abrlau ail ov e, c N b u'ry thpeplébe te lo.teu l P 61'kaitefdetroy those altera cadl chiuea. Thcy sepe au outwrand auitan- gible aigu ofettc aIrtuel decad«eoeet.S KlagMauamolai'qiî eouaedf lic, 0s.lp0 cc~ lt, le, au!" doue lammcm te oetrov- Uq bemee 4up s-gusvccor taiulc, vilci ù anm- - »dby lm ta bavt bs Imogesaloui la tie vorciip. utia gi et love. Thi u sncf..asii se$ trus tie Phoeuaclaa.Tkceablrwhp or t40 ieavuaiy icilcesae Nicly tract tic East base ArablaanudAcayala: gaitie' mahlugte bupan bmeut eofelalvm adoptai turF fihe Ammaonites against "rin Mogui h or Mleeitic lumet- Itcc wers capccally *rne& 1. la tacdt. Maaa ceunata hase hat- eft tic sortit fou goda te wsucii and fer - wicketi encloua te f llew. Ou% ntf leutat, 0ftic feema et vichet- issu wbkbci ltroddffll w. bava amen; ce. We may nat ipeai ef augury. an- ébantueufs, csrcry. haler spiritsanaud rlcards: but, nevertielaca, the andeniy- ing spirit uhici made peuple mach Inuesiý motion and eofeliobfotrou ethar »urécs than u n Qâ ed la tariront dci. W.e bave eut fortune teli e a reu Moudeand! unr spiritual mediumna, enu ve ingit not te ho la aay deubt la te flair seIng dlcpleaaing te Gsi. Vcrses 4, 51 7-10-If: val Dotef nugh. for Maaca te ectnbliub outilde place-. for Idol wrsahip; bha muet aven daecuate tie Temple lisait; and tutn It làtte a shrlne fer fhe vorabap et Idole anu! the âna n stars. ln vees 7te 10 va arc remlnded et the grent promissaet ofQed liat voua- aione,;caud i ulatui liat tic gat. pIf>' of théeMâls abébavior wax In fiat, ho vas fruufilg tbcee promises. But lu Ptae i)ud'c uar aleg te hlm aaul i sa - ieopb tiey conîw in In iI, vii val. At etten,,haoptés at Wiea a mecor a l Iseopie. Ïwiho ave bau! evcuy oppotunlty te kueit ihat'la rigif. eatu;t e d ivbat luevissa, tic>' actnaly do more l'kh wiciedl>' ths on ac uta. oare IWualu- wlwntp&.'The bicoome bblinud mat! flu lbi e ebelliefugssc agaiaf Qed. :C beyenu! hope. Qui uigit bavre dettoyeul h%.ýlm ent b. uaasnet Imnapablcci ru- pestâmseau the rescit ptevéd. Thora- ef torte' ed teck tie meana toff ls ta= atebrling ulng cliie as eohte i Rim le.lut tompe milmltrtuae C,~5 sPsm anacci. 'Tie king vas r i esuqd humbIcd. la cp tMti ho bailu! 1. 1esaulul e i-cela wand aà*burepente& d.mi"bumabled IMW ilcaitgreafly boe th# Oie M ofutbics tueua." BuIs afte ge tassiviciai *Flac fiat t* -là P- 'X. WiIgtQ te 1ead 0«sc~ . art m aasu! cin«% et Pp*ane, WaaB., wUMwte sua4n te =w naj ctue oMqu 1t" t el 1A&QM patio., bhbutu4aat1ahb t* hlm,.î 141»tu io- A1pi40 A.ofldur _m, Ma rea.Mtokpce anmd idtf péê0,O0ta b bisieiil', iiemipn'We<lu aliqrlluoejvaeléos hudaithoutAslterb. li via tacecdta 1tu tascln0 reiwglc. tiamugu ituiegitla fie trot, po ; Pa attkeof Bcbg. Qo rlg. _______ asti *da fermer Cosgucm. -' nt utlm rcselc i, Kan.. cic'ri-, ai , ittfl iera lammaeory remaria The »neu ebismufiig ffrigar th fe fteu cataesablurs sp lx ày Mai 9O I. iR klednela retcentti. li Fe , IL V.14OJPLg&i Intiipeaasf about4lasPlate maMn.a LPtac mctw.l.' factoresa f izigioeufi rstE ai , eimb.P ta I tet en &ëe aumpwma!,lth fie àimgmattà X.~l.ulp~ diJon~tl. , pnp 4 iapeejj - n essIicu ongfru. baehep wte . 91«t et the wfiuup.o~ ticdutattct 8cigiai Jute T ls Lon Pseli paseleleu I at~ tpu<eesttvo et veesanaila jasi lu dul t» e a-lif :;-0 li»cOSe.0l letttt t"fe 8 LU tlee a*6 cutauingouufone ecsr L ~cue e art et Wbm *ricIn et ba as 'P Ti tbe Lý" 1

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