CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Aug 1905, p. 1

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2ýijLr tA. IMCOUsntY rRIDAV, AUGUSI .l. 1005-10 PAGES SI5A YEA Itfs Easy t» wite agood etter viten your pspo, psu. &Aut mbare ail ~ATt4iULBT RIIPG A RS .11W 'P tlaape14Ndakpolitaereapoumdaee a plesure. mot ILOV EIL I' S DR UJG STÙ-Rfj fi- f mi-! 1.- Made bg I1.*chm &Potter, ohs town, M. Y. A tn eoei m 1is celebrated Glove in KkidsMo- che. SItk Urne. Also a ful lfine of Gente' E. W.RPMýJjHURST çaî<cç DLOCL W I V I~Ilni LAKE CO. NATIONAL- BANK tiim? t.. WttitT. 4 . l(I0S. JtHN GoIONG. CAN CILLED CHEC3KS aît.1itute IRa.- va.y hat fhantif ut eaes nd nu matr fari jo ur arty reakifles your aelmkus wil mach hlm, motIe your bill, sud Re ruurned to you, in luaddue course, properît endorseit. 0111se Sud Floe v Kise Dhk,'MIlwsaa&eAveue JiH x 2pua. O8 n 7t P. i er v11. îll DI, 1. L. TAYLOR oaricsoFEs vaffala nr4Rns. moe:?ta 10 s. rm. 9 la 4 sud il ta gp. nM. 8«4.4-i eon Brloadway. uppoote Park. IRejrtyviWlllinoils. DRý A, 1. NKBOLL DE.N'fTLOFFICT 8.00 s. i. u 6:00 P. M. Liryilîs. fîlInOil - DR, E. H.SMITH IIENTIST. orrfienF. iv.LAKtE codT DBANK. uoaatas-8 to 12 s. ni, and I10 5 P. ni. 4yrmp ali4 q44.'5 pup *WiOE. çqta~f~iIu1t9a5to 8P M JjiiarIvIIrili1o9 V Vlu MCOMMI? Proei lcaited tii cyn,-. E4t, NoSEJAND THBOAT trirn: Boum ~$trWa Oe State 8trsel, Chiago. JOIN JL. TAYL~OR, BENJAMIN H. MILLER, Vice.Pretident C. W. TAYLOR,, Çl4ew¶ld~aeeve> isaaliving, I, to latie tpun. fiamsRotI 10%,rafaler it erly sun otin, sund ebowbhi. wsy i i ro fhiheerowd Iliat gels thora fret. 4 cruell at terîhau nà bned. BM a lIftIivedle botter thounuotlalpg. Bs- glu now4bud ipe ~oWb~pstbl DIosit o l tilted and oolit. teùU0 mt t l n4 IgvOfl to a». l il p9yy olutÔ $obuat jÇaso evtüler, of W8ukei, gem, A *ac4lY Kilt* aima- self WIth Revolver White et lIas Home 0f lis e o. 1,UOUGIRT OUN WAS EMPTY. on lat Sunaia aIth. GeorgeKuasleY Wac &bout four ile nurt of Liberty- ifeoecum a s sootlng uhlcit rmultd "th desh of a Waukegau boy by the mm aif CareuwceNevaller. Witia bis enlIaWqlls ueley aud a tourteau Ma old Chicago bol b>F the natue of s"-ug 4l ebbelie a Luing-a tait rvolve vheu lte acident Iugelawba uo ben itting __'1"ne jiaey hotu. about a wpek sud had rkbrouubt vititbhla trouite il> lwa refoiroms Wilh thoea the boys had boenu'uelg tb«eeves and as te Paines river u>abeen oaotlng ata %aud turtles sud Uit lan 1h. atternoun. Ater going $u bati in; tRie> ntrnad to the bihan sd going ini tIithehaylot strtedltuu dean te guns. Young Kues- 1s fgw & cat artnidge in te chamber ni unie of Umme, p ehrytw caibre vea"on, sd lft itl Iylu; ou thpaha> Nevalor seng Ilpfrkedllupand jQokiag1 lototh tRbarrea s tarled lapull th. lrlgger. Witea ho eau the cyclinder tuin il. usas>boy cniedout liaIthe gun *»&,.loadad but Nevalier ,goullnuad mi Mo* itJo gps 1tRis Kusleymtado agnelorte rvolya, ho igtawreueIi it lromt ia graup btnas sel 11 h itamuner truck the anxplusjed citelI and s as boy rseed tidthe ilall linthie l*~ tarant about an iucha trom the sternùm. Tite bqllt passadtrough tRia uppar Jobs aI ite ltIling *Pd ftha Itavar lobe of thbe riglali; Wonint h. FPIlfbongav arten> &boptue âiw.4 rotnoe art. in tRie aischaqarge uft lle revolver ona ut jponn;grKuely'stilugers wuspuiartisl shat off basting out Ibo stur> that Re W. moade au efforttab wypnbltRie gu front bis pazsianra delr ho vas abbout sixtec yosis ot age vaspartialI> unader thie Influem it drik aoridlngu 1h. tseliuaouy brougit out t Itbe lquet bolit b> corner Taylor la Waukegaa Monday. Theti, ue theý boys sald as s part of tiair evldence that Navalien itad baeeu ulit a inmu y thie ume ut Saanp- &saa part oftthe.lormuoou andi that Re taldiai, LIant * M pOM Iaa ve binasoins uhiae>. Peals idj thla boy had beau drluktou heur aitIlitd lte appparanca ut hin; @ofawbt under th influence of liquor.1 1 Alten belng eRqt Navalier raya down LWi ladden Iasdîug irqn thluit ana tll1 nean tRi, tarit tour. Ifter the. ar-jIden baodd otç peqk vus te teeliationy of theo otiar btyo sud kbis deaîh a*ahln- utedate alter. reaçrin taebarn fluor. As snou as il vus dîscuvered titat b. vas dead the boscunemaled lb, cavaI. vers but tatarn n.vre eIin sund the> wers pdmqlt$od au evl4encpaet lte inquest Theo jury whii heard tae evidepce n- lurned 4 verdîç t a cdantial elootlng. CE L. AT ION 8;tepe~uvtis to eWlaile of a« Lob. e iaty te.coffe qua4 jota goa pVeuit NEXT MONDAT TUB DAT.- '~le e~tt auiaIWapIaag4eU dy vilI ho ~ ~ ~ )0»A eaotae~u od>Augusl 14 st Elreq-lncak Waukptn naîder th. ofsIcs thttcWauhegau CommnerçWg club and it laàitoped b> tRie enlituaiptit promolais QIi 4itaevapI 1<1 ngke il lte d&W of tueheai n plouy fur Wsukeoffl buil for tecogut> as alsnd a cordial invitaion lis extendedai to a ultei, Athitiç #sporte, dançing suad v«Mdevilll will bo sWa. allrcsltauofuth,-w day snd Il la promime t liaIt era vilI h. enougit dolng to k. ep ever> one voîl enlarlalnedl. At 10:30 lu 1h. ninhe it thîetic f latures nifte day vîlI h. npeued by a base bail gaine beveen 111e ralaks BuluosaMen saidteWankegsu Buaip@ees ?4en. AUlammbere s tis ~Usiae ~obota 649e ç o mn sud na, ýf'ngrae" *QIl byalluveaitg luaps> A cia> pigeon shoot yl alon ho que çj thie fealures ofthe . norniug's progaitai. ';n titis tea @ventae vIii h.ruxa off, 510 açidit queyfori saicievejal. in, thie qtetaicon aI 8 O'eînck te lest Wqukogl ain basesl l ean viIî meet lhe land Glats ut Chiagoansd s goo4 f»a I*Mkog Alil stome, tories sud offiWltIeomau4lh.ceierallou prom- imes tea Ra tp rieestat tIbas ever beu itp)la Itbp&taaly. TIae nev "Dou't lnock, Ooaaasstlulclqb viii ta. kin uevwida *Ad gluie Prk, h* sein. aiflb. 1afsepwat il h .thwooed 77m 11tA %it mmd Od *talIMirged. Other ATTRAC'fONS SUC U E». ita just a UIW* over threa vae 10 "faIr to." &M 4âilectorsofut1h Laire Countjr Agelcutusa Noiet> are naklng, ever> proiustFl for tli5d annunal eveut. The spood pqraa titis vear le suait as tu attreetct r, ai good lboisesas puises butt up are vorti tRie effort ot te it.oft hase. AÀglatite t the ad on n io t h e r lp g e u h g.It li @ a t te n t io n t . varloqa feses vif I ionviaaçptuaIt olfcehiiL*hs~uIl>are gSLng R) pro- -4 Willtfaord AU Aget Watchî.l mes a MtWiatbrop Rarbet 1.11. Bets t. oVeut Propertie. Vatued Mt millions. RELATIVR Or ROOsEVBL?. Like a tary tafeai od reade 1h. »tory of William Salord, for yesrs ulghti w atchuin lu a tactor> aI Wiutitvop Harbor. lu the 1111le uwu muat nortit of Zion Vt> nId "b411>" Safford itas for these itan> yeasa mdè hicgnlgbtll -rounds ofthé Wbuilàlnga uoftRe Municpal Engfineering V -pau> eàïing 1h.waati psy that accomnihe wii ork aud No w aIte sge ut elf -.gbly-cix yeans sitar a lite ut labur sud tuil h.ore-elves yard that Re i» hein t4) propert> lau Mev York valueai at hlly ven n.iiliom sof dollars.:,The* stur> s a romntie une sud dates Riseb tu a century audsa haIt ln tRi eueri adeys uf tht e ttleent t l Haarlemae ly the PttaimnMyanbIes because of tRie religluqeis 9olurbauces and fanatical baudia »mantin lu irope at esa tinte lat the attbrlàcnd sud setled lu tRie nv vorlai. Some ot thèse vare desîltute and alteo bad coua'idpnabla propent>. To the la.tter Clamsa Safongaç ancesturs wiho aeccrdiiag ta. goad ver. prines uoft ltarôyal, litatipbolal h.Iuuged sud Ibou h 0»Iaul>vaswu nennu a at qnAs» tbe ronuglnlt. daSoupaiig tardahipesdiuinlitad ith.borne e<-ie suit the nons> sud'ltad fiall *e.aaalte fîropenty of une nid dur» Wàm výs noue alter ttan Slo,ý*IuKî eat-grut.graud. Wlîla lte podtlinSDulait loresightl snd M th lit tr> gostu keep lte none> frui lte irasp ut s vlid sud seataniag son, sie esasait hon pnopertv for a Qeatiètom1 cpitaliste vito viited 1<> bailla upon il. Fnonltholittle,New YorV u1tIhal tins 1h. Cil> hasegrovai uutil nov 1h. land ubicit la said tyt cuprase 116acresacres snd i l~s lull th hesit utflte çl#ty invaluable almns bayondt"o. Nouatets century bus eIkije4 the. Iasd viit tii.building. Vb*Au m ma% revent t t hdesendanmts Qi th. old l>atcb grand-notb»es »M ~tbougb tuere are mnu>la ohvide Il sinon; eeth *illgeqat aguod eixed fortune. Presideu4 t iosevelt le said ta leotns uf tthffl who wulîl h. ienelted* b le begaea> and le a distant relative to 1h. ulal vatchmnu vitosu.orlddy laiii ted frun is humable poR&A*mtlo tatfa t nilionsile. ta Win appiroasi .N.w UuldOngs But. Besideé repuig ail tlwë old atructures,v building uew leqma etc. a large barn 30480 bus bêsç 0T5tt.1 and the grand stand enlaM'4 by " paddition ésfetyIfeeta long.. worimm f. areneugd putting the grounds lueshape anud the track la ta have the atiatim l ec.eeàarY ta get it ln ite nsualsplotid' pItlitioii b> Fair lime.b A gang-of piaiutem c ut work and ait l the structqres os ebeinir trejitteil st4at in 4nuýber #qr$pW5ýt thts gru"iisandV buildings wlig peli' n an ai)pearanee tha1 luare pny4fl ers b asfDot been Maay, S*.k Privilages. i lupIt. di Prwjilg.e chue. $mith inlqrmtis 5 'I'T ho hu 4isç poMM tut ,'avcrpl gppo ,ISi>I plu 4pl bas re. I !l'lt5-' qr auj ui;qumhr. lie le endea. I voring 10 51@"te au eu t i rely unobWetioti-1 able "rnidwa1y" cuiutkiîniug ouI> snchc attractions as ebaîl [lot jive offense. Parlicularly Ia ha aunxioue t1:4te diaing bail s1b p tuttd. ebJ aufe- une tb.oroupgyy çç9k-tHt nd who viii furnish ;qod x - qla, t in laIe yesa ru tbl fban nul ai w*ya e W the Case. cars wae t*tI@<I b r.x i»e thie pwmtnuni lot titis YeIsr Md4 ie hobpe t u amu Iu'tetina bhoeslulltis, particulary sinong breseloruet stock. élSeofnthlie large farinma flûo huw snd th ill i givu n au potus 10ta adepartmnt. By a iudiclous #»tribut-lon ut the fair1 boulet otiier aý,hava hotu ast"4aqt and il lb. Fair ai ItuO5dom. net Mço ta 1ail is dopartets, it wvl1 A bibrougit -no fault ofdi ll ç a Thie « Wlfba*fb luîîportUned to do their eparti ?tardly a reeldout lamily of Lake 3 ouuly but couki exhibit foanethmng of 1 uterstan sd mnit. Why fDot doit, ud fthon lot each and e verffonu i ba the lntuesta of the fe- 49 hoarI attend. De *ffl watt yuuýr 1fuil> and flot une dabatthrte. RCQVIRS 1111-9 0-ASS. Mr@. Caçqine li.oof et Rlh- lanct Park igecoireraKiduped Children AtLer Long C ham. jjt,ýane d lastiug six usouthe Mreî. Caroline ilavison lhaeat lest nic-oveted puseewliou of two of lier kaadape lat wuîîter w4ile site wos in Waukegaa gaîbilg paper@ tor ne »vit for diverce gégalnst her husband. Mdajor Lorenzo Pl paviaou, tha latter a#pebed at berliorne tn duighland Park aa4 tde wajwitlt ber thrae boys 4Ai t A*dshter. At ti *%Vti;pm t A » vsbolievod that ha had miade hii e etape ta the south witb thexu butt for months no trame of hix wbere- aboute vould ha obtatne4, Final> e reeeived word thttt bor dAughter vag sick iu a Kansas CiVy hospit andsudt- auto started for theo place. On arriving thare thea fathar and ehlldren htd imat Views of theat% A«ulWa Iiscame train varlutis phweK iunlthe wegit but aauy of tRieme proved fls. A short thneaugo itowever tRiey twere locate{l [car KanuasCity, Mo., aud the distracted n#otler appliad 10 Judga Moore of tRial cIl> for a writ taking tIatu Irurn ber isbaud. Armetý( viti t he writ and aided b> a deputy aele lit for the place viter. ah. had locateib thon, Riut niet with rsxdjtuanvo on the tpart ot ber huebaîid w4M usJjy ellowed ber to take tRie tw 4 YO]Mdftt. T'wo (of tRe eblldgrrou botb boys are stili willi the lether. Major Davieon le eaid tg, be a drlnking insu and a niiîties.of Highmland Park people ha,. tabou sides witi t1he mother e'» A bvo ofiered Io* ltestitf aaIithe k ldaping father. Tiispaper M eaucade nSgrater sar- Vie ta le niauy toa4*ra titan l atquaînt them ith À aresu> morilorlous Ituedieia. e- WOTot&le Lazatîve Syru>, e.r laedlu hese colou nàlebannIes. substitults for Ceator Ol.Iîaregorie aud Zs~rou.s sothinSe oqsu4l adt Ca q- _ _ , 0 reliable aod1w- .l u sefr tRie auisbuI4 urtaimes!. 'Inn Best materials for iWj ing the interior of g house, new or old Varnishes, OiLead, W, M. HEAT furniture and Uldertakinq 1Uberty ite GRANITEWARE AT These goods are-ail 3 -co0at ware, white inside and -blue a" perfect goods the best lit 9 inch pie Ple ..... ..... ... 10 inch pie plate ........... 3 quart Preserviaig Kettle............ 6 quart Prellerving Kettle .................. 8 qéePresrrisg X"ti............. 10 quart Prellerving Kefflt................... 10 quar VaterPail............,...... andi other enamel ware In proportion. Bowlers!1 Bow1«I,.. The bowling alleys ara now open wth spoltlag Machines that put the. pins on the spot. Every ph ted porfoctly. rBillfiards and Pool in Coosiectio. 9 Pool 21c per eue. OPEN SU4 SWIHF RIgIff111. Ktichtîý M Fait Term opens September 5,1 Ouîr aeW quartèrs, fluest tn otite, lu Block, corner Geenes and Wapblng Where business is taught as busimess la the bst teachei ad the best methdiam sail students are masted ta desirabe poubIlloas, Supenior instructions in q5w*«vàcspIsjeM writing, letter pres wOIILmlio aritbmctic Granumar. slling. peAaiuaW buiesforma. cor pon Enc £ D «;,d tarit tIfiihVrite for cataloe. B. A. MUNSON, Pros. 5 . Suw WAUKEGAN BUSINESSC0L4' i-fqo.45. "0 .11, Sffur4 mays liat h. wiliI bild himnseil a §,P. hom tta. iWintitrop, I hsii inte atate, ba boaete, spd vill bring bis dangitter trini Clonsit witojea s vduw sud ulit hanervii *bare th e att ltat te-s cane1t a t llulthe ave ut his deparl- ,RESQRTERS TO LILD lnutlealde literaeut Fox Lake te FIlE DUNNYBIOOK PAIR. Saturday aflernoon and aveu ing, Augatt .aU ofut luside shore at Foi Lake wil h. in s Stutan ut excitoacut as %bitl imte lime St fui holding au old fa@hioned Dunuybruk Fair, patterneai altter teoriginlri sh tains sud inu>ou the feilares off lte original l)unuybrook Fair vii bein avidauce, iaides te h.nasu> Auteican ideas.oh amseentsuin cuunac- tou witRi ciurcith ausas. Fater Wole, pastor of lte Cathulio churci t 51 lgleiside wvii aiRis ecenly ire -n raniodaledan sd gratl> improvei, vilii h. givan ltae pruceede tu puy furthie li-. jiroveiiîeats aud tRia viola Inglaiside sitar.-lis unotli akiaag ltaeFair a Rbig lute laie rnoonulte Inglaside Indium hall teai. wiIl play lirahane ttan front Lang Lake for 1h. champuontihtp ut Lakea -<uly. Tite Joug Laka eitiita played mon1 t lte ninas l intae auait> Rit t lalpaside Indiaus do fiat cosceda thRn thelitampionabip and su lte ganas 1a WMarranged ud h procede wil go to sveli tRie baisailainai. Aler tae bail gaime spectatore ns> tabo ablunta iIde, cRisse thegamed plg, alimiit.egreaseal poIo, est pie fan s priz», viiit tRie JapanasJ village, Moi. alite, Blarue> Castîe sud enjo> thea man> other etures. Tita hnions' vives have proiiisad ths.vistWns a gond vitoieosas copIer, sud alvii h. eii tled. Tbares vil Re auseanulsfor Young sandM andi thesdancing pavillon vili pruitabî> h. kept varin unîl te earl> huas ol lte mor"ifg.,, Tite pavillon le tlu h.oa'-etcd sîljaining 1h. Lotuax collage sudaIl alter lest- vors wiii ho mer yaIb &md KK- TIAnSt 1 -

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