CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Aug 1905, p. 5

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&a abo tthe. tia-off rs i seneuo ir theannow. Witfa ths, Utte break wheu oh* wouldi @top te kis ber babys brow; OEHare% eU" *"weqt Nellbe Umy," ami1 "Thé. Cottage by the Ses " Z'ke won. amont the simple suis that moter sang ta me. 1914 Swtuee ]Rer" sweumly Lows siens the sauraseof - tite; "NY Old Kentucky Home" I Iea.r Wth simple air end rliyme;- Mvuer Tlireads Amoug the Gold." 1 re- «mI It wth a migh, 1 1 LAU the.eader lulllug cadence eof"The Swdest By sud By":; 8'ler ran hear thos old-tlme gongs witliout they brlug a Vent, Wo, tliay are halow.d ta Mr heart--the "lm sthat moth« a& g Parhaps do mother saug them l mtw!J mea there I iner«told a thoaglit of ber boys dfin future- its YfUrsau teru and cold; IPOrh*Ps that won the tesson she wouid Pre me to lier bresst, A" wfttà i sang of pat"os weet would lulitme there to resm. Ab- Mthar! would that 1 agait s littia lad could lie, AZilten a thonseold-time sungs Fou "dsanig no teuderly! flwclosel>-wozined1nstle n pnî-shab teriug emubrace; HOW 'd Vwstcv'V our loves sWeet rap- tgre redfectein orte Thtnote lin3-aur toie.. Dh ow 1t isa s) maily as 1 wslk iflOi Bien atoue; Srelinqîîi»h wltluut igli. JO5 t tilieair youtr vore afl as a 3on nsansg"me ui ulaby. * Iotbor'a voile lienîDow lbera Silled t.,r i. Marly a wear y est. nt 3iwhisperig treuaenibraiitee trangs the t on"i i lOv,i tii ltr: PerbaPa v.itin lier le.îveî home sues aing;iig y-t t., nie. And ber spirit v','ji il iait wb'.c i have tliotîglit %va% meniury; PerMinlu ite'. îiark twillglt s,'in l'ni minkini tlir'ugli the gITein Mr sprit elle May lead tii lier lii singing "nome. BSraet Home'" *<1 lIIui 1 tIlt N CLE FHENIÇty," sald j'Il, tien- biaiu, -n ' ily 1sec yau In the Il tirar> a moment thisLimmirnng'" *Certalitly, niy dear; 1 am net yîu r eommmndudnW,' snd lie led the way Le Othle r--m- He handeil bis nier,. an atmrz-ch3ir, snd 100k a &st opposit ber. "Uncle," aald Julile, vi s a lîtle be- 00mlug confusion- 6*1 bave received an "h'w"exclaimed ber unels. that 8s cOming ta the pot witb saiven- -And 1 vwant ta consuît about IL., "À very sensible resoutlan. May 1 kuOw tram wliom the affer buh beau rOeleid?" ..INward Fit-rY." -Yon havent kuowu hlm very long.". 'NOt-vei'Y." said Julia, alowly. "But Yen thluk 3-o n kow ail &bout hlmu, I daria«Y. Are 3on very muct, tu lov-e th lair" "Net deapoeratelr,", ansiiered Julia, grmtllng. 'Atte seume tLIme I eiess tbat I anm strangly preposaeased lu hi, "And tlits prepossession glalblsy ta bacane a Warin sentiment. Weill. ns lîttle ulece, as -au Ihave requaeted My ilditee. 1will glv-e IL. 1do not ebject [t, Ibis lover or yours. ludeed. I kuow uothlng agaînat hlim. But then 1 know tac lttît or hlm nt su>-rate ta habahi te tors a alellb(erate apinilon of bis character. If I niltake îlot, thls la Oàso your cat'e. Now, it la s my heur>- that ne womaiî ougbt ta mnrry unles abc le aumceleritly - rll lqauanted wIths bier inteAded Iîughand ta bave a pretty, caufideîît assurance ai leadtng a happy lite Wth hlm. 1 tIteretare counsel you ta delay lslig 3-ur ansi-or for a montis aind lu that tîme t wlll eotrive [Ota eeolue better acquainted wl Lb "Tour sdvIcte la good." sBald JuIl5, thougbtfully. *sud I wl i ollaw IL,, "Thauk 3ou."saslit ber nîîcle, kindi>', -- "for the contidence 5ouIblave reposed la nsY judgment. I siîcerety hope that the ycutig man will prove ta hoe ail we rau Iëgiire."1 Ildward Fltzroy i-as ln busluoeàlu the uelghbousg ity. HL had embitrI-od s £maitl PrOpertY Inberited troits bis fatlier lu a dry goods establihment, and bain g a tndbusiness tact,. vas drtvlng a. fiorlshtng traite. Hils se- qna4itance vwlth aur beraIne had cous- meu.'ed durtng s suntîer resîdouce at the village lu whtcb aihe made ber hoe It i-a Dot tatîge that lie aliouldav iie bocu sttraeq by Julloa. lier ga>ety. vivat -alîd bIlteainl &îte lier geaeraît>- adîulired: andal1:1(1 an>-- thing i; elhotu retuiulelte ~reputii- u ut ofbelu bier unietes h wr-t ptl hasve proeurtul ber slittor. BuIt It i tics tn ec-e.staz'yt'> dweolt furtlteî-on LIi poltit or aur tory. %VP arle liiteresîî'(t ta lî'ariî bow Un-le leîîry's 1plain1suc- cee.déd. li te'irt nmade trtatu iqlulli aît attire ta the yoîîng 1mAins busess etondllng. ail oft ita t-hreausu-ereat 'f~5in i tsite valb ltter te- quatuted wlth thie dark than lhe brîglit aide ai lite entered the streat door and adi-aucad ta the caunuer. The affable @mite whloch Fltzroy liaS voru lu hIa Interview vllth tetact custamar dlsappeared, sud lu Its place vas a superclîlous lance. "Il waild iike ta look at da)me csli- rocs," sai lte custamer. "flore are nome" haiS litzroy. cutI- ly, piutiug te a plie irltc la>' upon lte rountar.f Hie dld net stir ftrous his position, but iaed t the, voman vlth an air that ceaieS t leIndlcate how tarly mdli- ferent lie vas Lu ber patrouage. "WllI yon show me nmofaitiemi" .asfked the velm, mildlj'. "There-they are. ma'am; yeu eau se themâ for yours*lf." "Wliat la the priîte oft tis?" ae.Il- quîteS. looing ai the. oua vhle l ay at the tep. "Ninepence a yard." "t énu't altagether like the figure," she sald liter a pause, "'Dîss't 3ou?" 'returned t'ltzroy, lu- differently. Tise rustamar began ta ezamina corne oft he oller print». Of course la dolug sa ahe was olged to dIsar- -ng e- themesahat, -. _- P-~ "Dboà-t-pll'hem ail ta places," satd Fltrnroy, rmdely.-. 'Ihere is't suri différence lu thi'ni. Yon'd better tsa "O.Ton yards." '*W'eil, 3-au lad bettar tet se eut h off tlck. an t1('an't stand waitlug ou aile container ail day." Thus ImplorLiued, the vossu bastily udl'atd ont of le prînîs. sud tht re- tînireil quautlty wss measureul off. Change wus .înlckly madle. sud tht woilisu deîîsrted. Lier place %ias taik- tei by a aeatty lady like the first. te rustte of Wliose sl!k proved an Immetdl- ste passport ta tht goad gracea of tht yaatigj.nerctiaiit. - '»IdonîLtlco that," ibought Unale lHeunry. i-ha lîad not.beanu niobservaut ofaiLls ltille saeue. 'lie lkas no riglit La trpat atilecutomer btter than u- othfer. AL ailtCéventsaail ought, te ha treateul vitlàtinouanlillty, vlatever their attire nia>- le, or howeÊer'asall niay lie tlieliîr hae. The" Aloi-es Are lit a dollar, ara thoy?". (Thece wards wera addreissed ta tht shopruss i-lie-mas walthsg upon fhlm.) "Very avell. t1vlI take themn." Mieanwhile thé womsu vbo liaS mat purclased tht colla-a re-entered lhe »tore wvttba lîurrlod aLtp sud a, laok ai t rouble. She waited untIl Flitzray was Ilîraugli witb the Lady upon wliom lie vas attending. sud then preased ta tht aunLer. -Weil, wi-at uow«,' sceS tha youug min, superclllaus!y. 1*1 believe 3ou made a mitake abaut the change 3you banded me." .A nitake" lihe repeatedL '1h la qulte liposîble."1 r "But." satid the vam an. auxleusl>-. "Snt>OU reusenther that I gave you a tva-dollar bill, aud you oui>' gai-e me bnci lvii quarteri!" ::Was't that rgt':," "No, I bouglit ten yards at uluepeuce a ya rd , iI amde but a dollar anS s quarter." *'AnS you bandeS use a twa-dollar bill?" "Tîton 1i Omet bave given tIret quartera." "-But, ir. h connut lbe. I lave ouI>- tva." "-oh, you'I fluaSthe-ailier lu your pociet. If 3-au havieuhc@petit It," saIS Flîto>-. ililapienîl>-. Tue wa-i6n ucoloreS. lundeed. sir, t kîiam ssrigît." sha solS, tromîbled. '-Itlai for yanr Intettat ta bc," le re- ttttîeti ivitb a aneer. "*Anal YO o -n't rmdli>- tle mIaake. thon?" solS the poor wosan. talutl>-. "TYou naitut grant fusas about a quarter of a dollar." 'Lit la ai saune Importance ta me," sad thse vaUi. ",1aan'l return l." sali Fito>-, gborti>-. There 1lao nd cutotatht Int- posiîtionts tînt aaould le practised upan niue I IallaoSed evrybod>- to case haick anud Clan Ihat tht>- baS nat ne- a-cii-ciltîtir ri-lt chanîge." lIera- tua-le Henr>-, wi-halid lisieneS Il, làI iiigaint thias cout, Inter- fera-ai. 'Ton are. mistakon." saiS he, decîS- etîl>,-,lIsîmi- ou baudth iis lady ber eliinge. and y3-u passeS bler but tve qtins ters.Y i"itzro>- glana-eSaItIthe speaker. IL iase taoon uîetioîîad tIsai Unele Heur>-, ute hetter Las a-aa-ntbisldetitty, i-as coatacl>- dressedaad accordîngl>- FiLt- ra>- set hîiiSo-n uas a peresof aina (tutaUmClie therefttie anitavred bosiglitil>-: -I-sîtlaît ueed nuiore Ilion yoni' iorS. s>- gond sir. Huai-do 1I mu aut 3-au are Inlleigu----,-- "Gotîuntitis-,sir.' salai Uncle Lia-rty,.abrulîtl>-. 'Ton nia>- hrtcter regret thîs grotaîllouis tIsuît. 'Moda ni, ai-II 3-un nilowa-nie au word aath yau?" Tht avi-iiian follaved hp'; aut ai the abois.,i-hile Fltzroy. lut no ver>- pttas- jant mood. ntuttered about tht "airs of Ititase begsra-. i "Ma&xù saIS idUarla iént,. viiet ancwer te 14 sUt-. Uc to fit rouadeul5 of cUtema-4 couUenre Wlrh vas somewbat dýmniaed by the eldues vith btc5li ha rturad bis greetIng. "t muet Selissathe lhonoir ai jour atitianc,",laidie, lu angwer ta h& urgent ,prop-La ",But vitat eau lia vrought this change Iluren" le acked, his Couta- usure nhsnglug- "I muet rater yon ta my uncie." Unela Henry, i-ho entered the roam lmmedlaely, explalned lu s few varda lu ,vhat vay lia>- baS gain" aau. favorable Impression et bits charartar. Ra eoarludatiby saylng: ",The. Man whe la obsequlons te the rlnli and impertinaent teutthepoor shail Dot. vlth my consent. marry ana lu *bou 1 f..i aiy Intareol." A yaar afttarvrd Julia formeS lu aliatar. wlth oeamoe.w"ty of bier, aMn nvet baS acas taregreit adopt- lug lier uàcte'a *c4t.-Waverley Mana- KILLEO BRAVIVARD RABSîT, oamblt* cAotetId9OD iraNeet Over camwea Coma. ,,Talkligs aboult 3jour gravayard rab- bit superstitions and that sort nf ting. ltera la no canss oipeopte i-ho ballai-elui tatronger lIatisa ganti lm. said an oid- ganibler. accord- lng te i.Topa sCapital. **and 1 ssii- It expiludlu tIse trangest v5Y t Jackon. ont of the het-knavn gain- hiers lnluiat part ai Kansas, died ai consomption sud &il utftegaemer set ont ta giî-e him a goud titiieral. Tht>- bauglit a fint a-aket sud al] the fioa<ers the yooiss ould balai sud had a pracesslon ilxed upalawth pleut>' or utaournors, be<'aufie there waa. a aet- tri.lty a! retreshimntia elai- sitar tht abocqnti. oveu hf ur triend won tint enjaylug thent abave. Ail the pu- bearers vert gsntiiersansd trieuds of the dead umn. "Weil, vo starte ut ntsd rosa-tatI te cenîoery ail rîglit. and tht grav-e- illgglug man van an banS vlth lts pick anS shovel. WVe set the a-of; dowun ou the barriors arogsatht grave sud vera preparlus ta let the 'Iid'a' body down Inai the grave. JuiLtien &.a nit jnmped ontui f1,thlcket clatit, by and landeS rîglit at the bottas of the grave. He vas kîlliedîn as econid. Just i-ho Ifred the &bot I neyer culu tell. but it dota flot malter. We ail rarrlad guana lu those daycsud vert raady ta shoot at tIr Srapplng ofai bat. But, anywty, the raîhit vas dead. ontetftht feliovs anid. as tht rabbit was plckad np. "Tati about 3-aur mmtsc', bore ta one for me,' sud vîttt liat lie begani cutllng off tht toit bloul foot. 'Hold np there,' nIld anetltor of tht paliboarers; lets oeil, theat test off and maie np a pet fer tht "'Kld" " falk@, If ve Sud lhabac auy folke, ta ss'nd Iltotathem.' Il vas agreed, randi lu n minute tht rouerai servies v"re forgottusund an anctlon biddlug ho- 551t st $5 for tle left linS foot anud wos promptiy talsed Le $10 sud tIbm ta 115 sud ta $20. sud fuInl>- tht foot salid for mure th*n $30. nI>e other hîi footvsu bld for sud breuglit $27, .Tic other tva tatI are net cousIdered et cucli goad omen. anS vert nat au rancb ln demand. Wliau tht suetian vas ai-or va foni that tht proeffds vere a Ilttît morethons $100. Than we turneS ont attention ta tht bady sud lntetrad I Itt hoiald bai-o been. "Twoofethle boys lu tht bunc'hwIa got a foot spa-ee vert -ES O'Connor sud Cbatlia CraIsper. sud Ilbai-eraftera wo-ndered whether their luck citer that vns good er boit. But 1 bai-e hotu away tram th'tt eounatry sud I1hbave not heard ftram thes lu years. 1 gaI one t itntand I can't finaloutliat it lias braughl me altythIng tiat vould uat hiae came otherise. Perliaps 1 amn boodatd." A Paresty Don fSory. Haretla a pratty Seg star>-, wtiirbla aIse quile true. Duri'ng ont of the lest bîrihda>- celebrations ai Lb. poet Whttler lie was visiteS b> -a ceqe- brateS singer. Tht lady vas asiol ta sing, and, eting berztîf aetihe plantai she bagani tht laitul ballaS, *"Robin ASsit." Sha lad hardly hegun before Mr. flarttler's pet 50< came Inte ithe room, ad, seaaiug lmsandlt y bar sode, watchedber, as If faninated. Iliten- Inn vîtI Slight unusual lu au aitîmal. 'When ali baStfilshed ho Cama and put bis pswy or> tlyI>- mbber baud sud licktd ber cboek. "-Robinbies that as a trlbup ta lineli," naid Mr. Wbttltr. -Ha aie ls 'Robin ASsî.'" Tht Sog, he&tfng hlt own aname, ovldently consioeted that ho vos tbe bero aifteWsug. Fran that moment duttng thtei1Ay's viel; he vas bor dtaated attenôaut. He kept b>- ber side aiheu she vwa in- Saers, sud vbon she weut ai-a, he cart'taSlber satchel lu bts mauth i thel gale, and vatched ber departure c-ith a-et>' evideuce ai distros9. (enarous,. 6the--Have yuîlippucia thLe tAiater thîs i-tek? He--Yes, but I ddut see auythitng. Tht lady tîntst lu iro nt ai me -are a irgbat. unS eiery tinte sit trI si ta tab;e It off It spenieul La ra-iiovp nsost ai lier hait. ei"nally tItalt moa i'>tar biec ud taiSlier ta bu-le It au,-De- tri%,t Fret Press. kIND 0f WOMAN A MAN WORSflbPS To-dm> the men of ail cIvilizaS nations, undet I IsoutIeensd tîndor uarthetn skies, vorchbp not L'lVenus. but N'esa. Tht>- bue gond i-amen, sud tliey lUn vamel wha. litre ventai fires, bai-e tht gracioux lit af makiug a bireroai look tur- IL jnImbeS Just 1>' belîîg lu IL Au>- man, vise or aone Scares in ail sincerity that lie mont ad- zmires lie Itîtettet-tual type ai voman; but, vbat- aver xuay helia prbu-ulir t-ars vhleb vins a man'@ lava, 'Uis womaulineuasnsd the bone-makini vîrtuas vieli bldit. Wbietas'ethlitBte wil'entes", gays Rusin. sh@ carrnes tle atutacphere *f home shoot ber. "*The stars auly maY lie avîr lier lasi; tbe glawi-worin lu the nhgli-caid grais nia>' h thtenl>- lire at lier toot; but home ta yett vieraver ahe is; aud tar a nole wavoutIt itretr-les ar roundSber, better liau it catIeS vIf p"dar, or paluted wlth vermillon. sheddlug iLs quiet liIt fui'. for those wlia eise verthointe- bs." la nat ibIs a thatuglut for s vaman la chertsb, that alie hersalt uta> le »Iioiit'ý ta those i-ho loi-e Lier, thst witîiont ber preouee tîîreîîîtht faut vals aiflier house vouldhle st tourt aalis, anS bier mtatree anby a shai- Ièt? la chu uot iortuinatoýthât up etlirdea'ui-ethet4ubj' ai ketplig tie heartîti re lgý that tios,- s bf a-mm unit> gatlber round Il. anîd reiioi oaa-b day ai una-% falaLLnte.eLueaîI us U _~.btin -gôôIl 50.i' Pi~ tu fs'Ltiik,î',e u-dtht blc sblulng nuit upon thet.iarlaîstss ut théa- vuid Soutalde, mn>- lie a liaan ta souiéte rttraveter wvlua blalost bt% va>-? Tht swerestt lave storl-s lu the' vurlul are tht lai-e stortesof a! îppy marru-tI wumuun. 0f ail tle lave pomsa ever wrltten, moattonalr, tuauttrtîsupliant are -Thbe Sou- nets front thte ruguw.vritten lu>-a vomsan i-la loved lier busbanit lth Doas t-va alove îlot lunsntme mooda hae stenîtd ta lier s enaarsaise coulut îot even thini ai hum. AndSoai.ail thténlga-autof etuuhoa t Is t ri over vrlttoa, tlt tdeseriptlinaifTenhiysaauus vite le aertanly mst beau- tltl-"tlî;ît site velkt-.Il -bIs ,sliefor mare than tort>' years. qtî-keuîlng his iiiîugtit. trcngtbentng bis faIi, tut- fi lIta> bis eveîy heart. e-re ARE VU SPOIUNG OUJR CIIILDREN? or' W. Pott RIdas WbIut 19 the gêeaio spirit exlsllng Day le- 4wcen isttser anîd son? Su ftras 1K e Ste. la one ai in-raîcit rd omradeahlp; isiliera are Togrthan ta"r and loitlu gamos In wbieh asetimes thet dut boys wiu, sud ssottînes Ithe aid boys lace. Las the gond sportsman thta satters, littlo or notluîng. There are indoor recroatlaus nowt-ayssin-lia-h al] the tasîl>- eau jaîn, and sous, wha are growIug up and spproachIth le sgt vien leb>have thse Incinuation t10hé e stpetata hisSes asd maie their umark onewbere racilesal>, eu an luduced ta se. tist boe lbas the. attr'action* pass-essed b>' fubi>- Il- ceusaS pramslusa.wiIht son@t ofthe drawbacks ta ha taund titere. . It% baer way>-exIast training eidran ta lie go4-temperod; ane a boy caub ost even s more gante ai bagatelle ,vIib equoiinity. bee las been uronglit fat au the ronS that Isaia ta o sautslsposition. Tht iatler gen- eral>- taies charge ai bts boy et 10, tînt halng the are vben tIe lad htin"s home serions tans tramn @chantlni regard ta vblcl teusulier, goasded 1>-appesis tar sditee anS asastamneo, gentraîlly replies that chIlitren a-li bother motiers about subietta i-b stlors learul 3-onrs ega at schoal Itît bave sine iorgotttu are deliarred, b>- a specil regulation. iras gelug ta beaven. Thiis vIthre the vis. taller vha maya s i- n children comas L. Ocaasianali>- a est lae xpregseS b>- tathers thatsut- WEOIC TREAIMENt, Wse mollets (Io net bring Up Ileït cblîdrenh>' exact riteDie thtemuiaido of Ilgit oppini finie. Tht>- endeavor lustlad "ta naL-e tht puuAbmhnent il Use crime." -a-len puniashent seeme an uusvoldshie purt of educatiaix, as il sosetimfte dot. Ira. Crosh>- i-n amun i stressel b>- lier omail sou's habitaiof glig. îLeàrmeholetroin anhoal frtqututlywitht hia jacket totm aud vîtI telîtotle pltca-es ot crlntsoi an bis face. No antotint oi sellons raasoniug or stemu reprîmnts appeared ta change hie vays, sud lIrs. tCrosby vas searcl- tug bier munuSfor sainiemethod et stap- ptng the puglilelu' teudencies. i-heu an unexpev'ted otupartunIl>- effes'ed It- self. .1 She i-as slttininluier appor vin- Soi- one oittiou, laoking dowu on the sîdewalk, viien she aw lier sou approacli a boy a bout hlbis-n sise. aud demand lu a lordI>- vs> an orange vhItte tht boy vas just beginnîug ta pee]. Theo oaner ai tht orainge vas tebutait toLapart wvhIte lanS tht yaung Mhwoyîîtam laitno slnd ta tati hlm lîtto Il; istend, he s@truckitise boy vitit t s sht>- ilatand inoeked tle orange ont ot lis baud, Iu a mrio- mieut the blui aa-a-s returnad, sud lira. Crasby uated. a-tth ratier pelaul 551- isllaatlaîti, thaltIi'e boy. nltheugb lesta rugged-Ink-aig tltau bler ai-n sou, va» traîneS lit boxlîîg. She saipprmosi-u ber natisrab douaIre ta put s stop ta thelieIgXtasd vît-h as much romnpossire as sbe could muîster, sav ber soit xectiea-e shlorottgh trounelng. W'leîî ohlast bath tht -ile- bot and thet l--in seemed matisSleS aud tlîe stranger cartad to regain bia orange.wilUi-b htid tul iln autlega, ls. Crash>- ta-oed eut of tht open1 vîndai- sae, that tise etut conthatanta could se'lotr. Sîle tbrei- a quarter' tovaautheliivi er ai Use arange and saiS. int: tgrîîu'laasly. "Pléae taiej thisan sd thanuk youtisa muni ier -htp- ptng us>-sou. île needed 1hI-vr>- badl>-." Tht boys veto etinaîl>- surpriseS, but thalr senationsa lttytws. i-cru ettre- t>' dîfferetît. Onie grnned bapplly. Tht alrbcaieut slowly inta tht bouse uas sort lisprt ns tuae aasslu body,. and hf be ltva-r faugltt mît-trat t wasa ouI- wabot battît' w-ts toread upon llu.- Tautll's t'olupaîiason. DEATH 0F JULES VERNE. FamuoosFrench Write.' et Fiction i-as a Truc t'rophet Jules Vernie aiceairerentl>- lu the sîdst ai a gu'eratiau that searcel>- knaavs hlmi. As anonvollat, ouce oi vanSd-vide popubarit', lha lad outlilad lis a Sa-anS bis finme. Because lie mari-aIs thal bis inventive bralu con- cela-eS anS vhich ireS lie popular Im-i sglnatiou thity yeara qe bai-e bs comas everyda>' rmmeaplsoq. "Arotind tse Wofl< lu Uably»ais" 1 d105 aut oaitilas tht Sev-sparkles die lu the tui ligît ef day. "Ti-ent>- Thousnd Lenguos Under LIe Sea" torasat tbe submarlne hoast wibld las hecame a pronlie reaUty. Tht dirigle babican 'has not 3et came under tle completsecontrailiaI ie imagination gava Il. yat It bas beoit reseved tram taerealin et romance> ta thst ai scleuci. Ho vas a great master of blutoriral romancethaugî te hlstary vas ha- fore hlm. ual belînS im. fila vms trua praphetîn vii-aon, anS Il i-s his mîsiortune ta have ceeu biceonce Se- JULES VEUhL li-tous dreiaainerge luto duit resit>'. Jules Verne, perliapa mate thau auy allier llterary figure, marks the transi- tion Intothe vorid's sait vonderful perlad. Sa switly hbs i lId fiction ebauged Into mare wanderful tact tliat lie vas lett as a farloaumliêstoue that ta passed. He was oaly a star>- toIler. But wlt, eau daubt tht hie tbrtlllng tales lad tremeudous paya-bIc effect aud tnt- parteul the spark oi Inspiration ta calmer minda of meebaulcal goulus? Evieu ini tht moat materil thînge dreams must go abead af accompliali- ment. t lIooui>' the dressera ai un- heard-oft tiugs who point ont oaci step airlinnan pragrosa. But far Im- agination tîtat daréesta explore tlie un- Irodu depîlis ai mystery sbead, ail ad- îanceîua-ut wouid cesse. The wortd neetulits bald dressers. wlîb Ititir fur-ttylug isiieles. as sncb as *tt îeeds the hard-headed. bard- handetl anes i-ha eau catch these fiy- lng faîîctes and bttch them tot the car af material progross. t (-an bardly lie successtulty denied that tle ausszing Inventive goulus af the present perlaul la largely due ta the tact that thte3outhfu in studfaitht elvîlizeul world a.thîrd ai a Century aga weto awikeued ta inlt passîbil- tti sud quiCkened tt marvelans ef- fort by the vlld dreama af Jules Verne. The o15 mani lad long been bllnd." a"d dylng. Mge vas tUt m"t forloru of --A U manis rretethei.Prophet wh.e au ti. W.AM XeM bas.ratught bic Sreamesud a tIrtlng lient lusde ontl for liaemaie et tboir golden luing-KAnueCil>- World. Fýsnnou» fOvordanxîtinsetfNara Pens- licauseAueléatArt. The forge glowvaut h le blscofuthe, iittia apen hbouseanS lie rlsuk-clank ai the nammer ou tha steel rauglit My qulci attention, drend et the rsmous avardamititl et N&an d this mîglit ha ane oft hem. I ap- proached Ithe entraure and ss Soi-n upon a lîit toobliaI stood out h. graund helov lte taIseS pistform tliat slvays sari-ta fat a "counler" lnaa Japanece shop. >Intmedlately lie smItb targot i@is vananS sat opon me viti bis stock ai blaSas, aithoughI thibnkieh rallier acotuad ta show tliaIo tea mare wvann vIa ouIS ual apprerlala their perfectiaus. Over the forge vas s sort et Shunte toril, 0xt vhlch ver. trung lte usuai Shînto prayer embleusfta i stoS tope anS stripa ai paper, sud, remantherlni th&etonies I have read aboutl lie i ramons avords et Japsu bai-e bsa terged vîti solama relgans rites un- Ser just such s tpprementatlon oftae sacreS galevsy etflita goda, I vast fasinaterd. 1 mîgît n'en nov, 1 Ibougît, ha laaiing upan a forge vbere sont, et Uie great svords ai Jmpau's graat li*s- tory- ut avords vert made ln parier- tien under the guidance ai tic gode, for, ika everytbing tise lu Japsu. thla honorable business descended iras ta- lIer te son titraugli 'gêeratiaus anS honorable ages, and vlit eould ha more probable than that tîls aIS moes- cavereS hanse, alntost lu the asaw of one ai tht oldeat Shînta temples ln Japsu, ehantS have betu the accu. ai sntetfthese nid isutastin rites? Tha littIe aiS uman chatteS ai-s>-eaIme, but I understlod noe tttbe ai vhsl lasaiS tIat I coubd't tali vlth hlm: se I vent on un>- ay-. suer haviug pur- clisa a eautitul daggar vîi vhieh he eut a coin lu tva far se. Ita blaSe la perfect asuit Is bandIt sud aleabi. ai polished redar, are luIsiS with bita ai pearl, sud lie ebsrgad me ouI>- 1 yen 50 sen fat il. 75 coula lu Ausonlesu ntoney-.-Leille's Wetiby. 055 Nates foi' Newepapaa's. Tht nasnes oi Amerlenu nawcpapffm are a slnd>' lu nomenclature, lu Ar- kansas are the Buse Bsv anS the Bnci Log; Caliornie, taeCouder, tha Waap aud the Tomahavk;Clorado, tîte tatter anS Teaberds>' sud To-Day; owa. theIlontal larthale tUnittli Nueleus sud tht Flrebrand; Kentueiy, the SaIt River Tiger, the PusI, lie Boonier; 'Missuri. the Misslug LIni and tha Cyclone; Na-ds, lte Bustier. okialiosa retalces li the Dtstner Bell andl the Plali People. Sauth Dakota han a Plain Taliar. In West Virgins ta tht Irrepressibîe. Missouri has lie Crank sud the EutertgWedae. Wyo- ming maSs Bill Baien's Budget-Phil- adtîpitta LeSger. The trent d::J iM th ers spoli an ouby cuilS; the moîhers abvays retorlt tat la balug doue b>' the fathers. Certall>- m'enlaofa the ln- imnt's raparteaa, description a! bi& extreme gooduess ltae IraI tlilng lu lie morulng. acaaunt of bis excellent beuavior vheu no contpany la prewent-these are somatises enougi to tutu iteads suS give a svollen IdesaifimportanMebut I ti bIssould la tteecsce lu early dsys. teImpression la cspeiubby remoi-sSs0 sean as thaeniy ebliS @teps out bote tha warld sud minstb is peers. 1 vauld ratier blila ovei'- Pralse than tucoanter lhe perpetusu nagglug, lbe Seepty raated conviction lisI viatever lbe cltiSdesirt 1doSa h- cointes wrang mnd daaarving ai reproat. Thte artial clilld. recagnlslng the defecta et thîs 53-51cm, couducta htmaebt as Brer Rabît 51d siter tise struggte- wlth lte Tar Bahy, pro- testing, wIllly aginal the th;ag that he desîres ta ha doue. hante parents bai-e a âpecnl volcetfor theirdhilîdren. jus as psople about ta i0e'egnérs. I caunot thînk thîs neces- aary; clilidren bai-t povers of lieariug liat ara quite as goaS as tic>- netS ta be. ÎÇRMANY SOLVIES OLD AGI PENSIONS. Dy Asdrea, Wilson. Among the aspects of science whîoh oeaucm' Ibesselves a-ltb aur social vetiare noue are of gratter lutereestt lîsutbao Sodalng vlth the ques- tion ai provision for aid age anS for elber exIgen- > eies-WIî bld ah ur coimara lite ta basai. (lIS sgt pensIons "Over sud ai-et agalu bave Itou dia- eusseSi i Great Brîtalu sud tIc Un4teS States, wlllantuL~rctI-iî ult belug arriveS a- Z thit la. irais tht- tu-te pin aiï 4vlew. Il le 10dîffer- eut abm'aad, and aspectaily lu Ge-mny>. Wise lu thett day anîd generatlon, the <brmans maie tusuraùcea eoaptdasory. Afttr tht sgt ai 16 etier>' varker, male sud iemale, la roqultro 0catihute ta a rond. I those wbost Ina-ames oxePed $M00 pet aunus choose ta JoIn tho>- me>-.oui>- tley psy tht wbole premlum, sud do ual slare lis cacl ivitit thelr employera. Four classes ai lnunred are deamt witi. tht wages betng respectlvaly M,0 $140, anS $210, per->-oar, sud aloi-e $210 but met axceodtng $5.'l0.Tht veekly pal-monta for tht tout classes areabohat 1%4. 2. 2% sud 3 cents, but'the emplayera contrittuta titeir ovu sud aupplemeutary share ut the prentnus. The>- cat tlat bath their avu andl their employes' as(unts are pune- tuali>- palS evtry veei. Aller i-t years' paymenls a varier 1la ntitleS ta a ick pensian; anS liera ta a Ilbet-al provisian for thoce vIa ara aged, b>- whichb tht>- mu aiter ont year's paymeut oui>- drai- A pension. Servant girls or other female vorirera ia>- continue te psy prolms iter marrilge. A inn's wldov, or bis chiidren, If undar 15 yarm ofa gt, ey drsw, he pension, for wieli hesuhscrkbed. The great fter ai lIas ncite s l ttat tlaIs uala charit>- but a true lusur- ane. WoutS Usat nmne tateaiuu e'e ranulds'apare tinte to atutdy lie Gorman. ardemntsd -naugurate ane for out avu masse! Tu TRUGEOY 0orIIUMAN SUIPWUCKS. Br ille. A. w. siffes, . aa are ie resi idlarwrue, rfaraiseemsand are heprc re Uta-f vaffrm eail wreu and extravagance. They conte tramn Solug haî va vaut ratIer than vbat veouoglt; tram morilu along lie bine ai least reasaance ratherthtan &long lte lIns oi conselantleumS ut>-. Indiffereuce la GoS'.Malims upon ltae buman seul, preoccupancy with othar. but basa Important matters. la tepplng upon the incliu.d plain ut te., the defeet on wvih le ibath tapiS anSd dmstrous. The. final act luthe drauns ot human vrerkaga lanb b swapt ovarboard b>- 1he aucoming sas af Soubt auS usit. Indulgence sud etetual mal ltu the depths of harduasa ut besrtlanS reproban-ofai nit. Ci'e~t InUSt ftsrveya havebw ileen greantr W may differenta tle realanattan =eJ ai desert land, esI 5ce or an averageof IPIT land thuc Improvasl lI1> public St tInt prtWlià sallments, anS lin ai mauey axpendeil vIMi ba' the gai-erument MM grestly gratifieS a et.e that la belug made' b7 bureau. contracta bave~ thausand* a! laborers &W,4' ployed lu Arizona, Col@PA&Iý brais, Nevada * W i;ll Thte15v *10v. aweqmAl 'nettier te support S faidw" payments are reqilrad s tians, but the sllier li-e on il andS raittt'l yeurs sud psy $2.00 au ae for ten yeara, viieu bhaW titîete ttht land anS*ovu righta vîtbout sddltion4S Prnvate land whli ri,W eSt et th» watt? muai 1PM" rste-$2.60 pet arr,. fié ' Aiter tan paymeutc lte -0 laud i-IIlii- hm -'-~ ai cost for ail ttui. good fer sîfaita, suis? b aud ail the t o rpesa tht temporaLe zone. Itte-1 heurs tram han'Fruncimbê mlles trous lie capital uf M la surrouuded hy ntiniug s ci-or>-direction. Part ai thteiul an eali the aid Farty-ilie Deserti sink, vlilci vas a berroti* lgrants-tie i-orsI spot lu land trai;anS vs lMai distance vîit lie boeu anIsais. Tbanasnds otr~ ditS thtre tram hhirmt àalie Farmers vho plow thete 10i lu almost ei-ery farrow. vliclivoeedrivaiýtoht mathç graves sud bayé - butteS Seetolu lke-lelttA an illustration,«ot be Poe bure, Ithe engineers w»sa iug ont the propomad tlatW bai-e tounSau n a R valet a few feel t =b~. wherever 1h.>- have made ofthi tIaesert vIho when tha presit 1 lihthe ie eha viiiIl lie Humboltad- vhieh vill brIag bmsvU aud acres more ,uu& -make a paradIs. 'et munt desolate spot la Thlrty-tvo yes @ one bout, ln tht oimo rentrai, dsacrltft. Writer I&th leW vas dut nader Ste vblnlî tie lamatW b>- s bunket a tie lientet te der. fer ase theeyetoeuX @sqý glaring dert. autp vated spot of grosn, try seemed s boplm prelâtioes To-day thIs spot te cheartl reuima8*- a land maSd e , 1e ' thoeaand e ie seiolc. -Thaea4 $14.000000 ssiaas1.- of 1900pot lote el Ail lienraine TUidtaSes la value te ouy i> 00QQu- m wetlmetfFresneo o"V. 000 bàals ofet e $M0,000 befor. salj thousaS heaS of- rti altalfa. Wbau tef ev butera rameteie MeI' the>- versi lr bang overFrme- "Brlug your bornes., r valet sand téeS, tiiec' s s "wabarlug 1ý 1872, hovever. M. J lie Idea- et bhlgs- frein Kings ret.r taeIratethevona lu lsugled at cs a t.te_. ou aud vitit 1h ai h'reourio.and lt' proveS lie soU 1 ate w ot valetait gronid W&*, teuded. Ta-day lier.e-m under irrigation.- Tht diSiovory - e I hatha wsmaSode c years aga. On lie.c liera lived et onetl* Tht father of the fi~ csnty living b> kHIlq . and dia'esting them o ghsstly resala ia upW*ý refiuera. 0f tht three elU«oqe1 . eS te lhis couple eue ai ture, delicale snd vvgOsh- eutly li-witted. T* asiamed oft hmbe ual beartotebavi-ean 5t~ Consequently lio apant tise haIt enotheS se»d li about lut he peat ts boliluSthe cottage. 1

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