CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 11 Aug 1905, p. 7

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OWi Wsve fttsd t. Uidgw bis sdvke md vaut « n lb l w té gusrlodw a * s ow dMW"th.Thats> S'sebraods.t otir ioaces. Ou Iodas mu4Javao fice l is e lest ever., 33c-You C'u st beet Its jipo Tu. SOC. LIBÊMs VILLe E MRE aen ntttefl*tCCALCS CIôck.. AL REM It pays to buy the b afford.* At our pric eau affrd a'- pretty We have no wate price that we can't keep good time A househuid 1.4 prol well regulated th right tire-ftiiy .c »tore wIII supply ItL gin » MtcI il REWH Ssm ta1»Um*5y Bra. YVELLE X x X I boët yucao !ces auybody y good one. Ches at any' iwarrant to tty apt to ho bat hais the gock Jii My 1Uss LNOIS GENT'S fURN ISIIIGS We have jîut received a niee ineof neck- wearforgentm. The natty kind well drss- ed men wear, also a sîlperier amortment of dréiss gloves. They are sellimîg at prices consistent wlth the besti make. Our U" ooShirts.Ovueails and jackets *are Mmde on boo« .9 dNg In the cheaper Mens !urnish= iogs we have Mds Neglige Shirte, 50 cents and up Mem's maderwear. 25 cents and up Mes Over4ls, 5 0 cents and up Meà'sJacketue 50 cents and up Meas Work Shirts 25' cents and up MW$s SOX OS cents aMd up Ma,'s iMe, 10 cents , -andid p Meîs Sitienders 10 cents aidMW up Mes'.DTes 10 cents aiW~ Men's IKW gloves 50 cents and- up We aiso carry a complete fise of ladies ties collrs, silk gloves. etc. Smith &Davi,, Libertyvie, Ili. Id...1walh, Darby le lmproving st lrwf» MUe'*of lartley, la, jd visitlng os.IO uda ta tMr, sud tMrs. gbcanck bretodelivcred tu L . I.Barr H.nry Uchlkd, a boy. -this wek a 16 ormepower portable Nb. XUlsard. <of>O is ke tleit.d gaolueetI.a flne machine. It in mwy Pret Croker r.eetly. manfeturd by the Iitcrntiuatie 0.! Lu, u. uw Rmey tirsîî ElaryeNerouffl andl i. one of teet îu~~ uiiciianlve sd ss et p mootiiesfcrb»tozan sd iumtrellable mt ssk. solssg u bit. Unît. J«s. lavtebas been for the, îmet Tom Fry hâd a racher ecîiting sitteut- 19W dais éent.rtaiuing tirâ. Daniel ltadke uro alew miotnt ago suile eturuing of CbkIom a vlilitbbrotierjohn Fry Who ofr8 0.E Mebl,(f lveadOi ites about fu mlsnonth of Librty- han e. O E.ttoE.ler . of leverud, hé ,ville. Whlle $Wthe aid (jrummtt cor- pet e <it er ia Caie napners he Wa» >ceatedl y hwo jasa Ônose01iwhom 09whis bhord, br lthe Word mmis oreth Care @ napthe. ii.wbile- the. ath..r alipruatied'thu fcid»dY riy plu4pal of tihe Lbertyville rfg. , &mn#g a holdup gante Tom jehoolletthe latiier of s boy baby. struek tie mas on the bead it itheI tiMr.sud-tirs. George Wrgt viited ut of ihi wblp and heu uit tiltheiornse WAt WdoIt aj, wlfe at Edgertou, Wis. wiuch gave a lump as f freed itoelf from Wedasadaly sud Tiiureday of tls seek. the graop of the. otlipr. Hf- je @tilt won- -Attoruq Fred Brasteit andt sifeof derlng shOit te jeu santeit. Oklahoma Cty, Oklahoma, are gueete lin WeduemiAy ev..iing at m p. m. at of tir. Breeted*o parené, tir. sud ira. the, brtd'eparuita, tir. and tMns. William C. W. Taylor of Nora Springs, la.. Mise tiabel Attnidge t' Fred IL. Farreil wit i bis family ha. been visitiug rein- Tii. ceremouy *sas a simple "one sud ttis obelle the. pa'atsekW 41.les oaly the. imimrdate relative, i ofthe bhrotiier of Dr. -Z ~ 2v - M4r. suedL'm- C- A. lleswic-k andt son Richard retunued thte firt oftcie, week "repeted by ail sbu"know iw er suIle the front Belit, Wilq.. her, tîîey vjgted groom in well kPou o 'caliy haviug for sevenal day. witb relatives. some time bien iun te employ af the tir. F. Grabb. 1,litpresentedin luthe MaurTb hnes illietemr u me wirec registration for lauds in the Unital he man. TaieysAI akrtheiremeskiv 'Reservation. 1-is chance of drawing t H bj&F.sLamir entfbrwdt1. eeremnt. ev 160 acre daim le ane in gf t. Chance Jesell of Osborne, Kas.- Thi.NIIîEeh'IEICv is always pieased tot arrîeit er.Ibisweekta uin n..receAve itoef interi-st for publication. Jweli sha han heen vlsting rciativenln<Ar ffIe a i ii BiNer ilor thii viiffiAIIIfur the. pnsîs-upieuf wecem,. If youu uas of anyonw iiighro tir. MryFisenha.ben ifomei ~ Who eontempl5tesvsitjug elseshere or MMýMar Fiherhm eeiat hmer b any item thatlAi b-- of atpeet, don't persons caioigta nos s<>u hieon slitat. toiandtiiî. T heitllo$gros. Daviîd aofsiioste shpeaouts ic ue nwjng oraîmîdly wsa iii it more as ureon lttie. idnmemnh goi héago. dilficut ta lemauof 1bai 1pei n M. 0. 4Camaetintie a t uS. ist seêk doinge lu .ocity. Brarin md se cou- <mc ie>mutedflieles oé t aîdéght !aches eid1er théi. idngiii uai sncb itenis lu ieght. if. tble i. not thie rýeoîrd courtes>' sud 01 ourwý it id uudcnsotaait F ireshoutes e sould likm' tu i@ a t ler. lu no charge. w %iliîe lbate in Leslie lyebb sent ta Miwaukee chie J as tbe. mp1meson. wetuho cake ticeumcesars exaniiuatini preceding i employment asne nîaunouIX NONCM N S thie C. M. & St. P. ralirrpaai d' xpcts' Laiteade Clemtery association sili mosoo t am igueit work ona s iio- .meet î,n Fridat' afteruo Augn>il 18 at trve. tie home of tirs. Enri io wu on Park Josimua Latbrop ias harvesteit from a ve. A ton cent luncl. will Le served. fes trees shici gros in a shela-erfed pot The EpWorti Lemzru.. sili serve ice on bil place sorne ai tic mogt lusi'-iois eream'aud cake et the MI. E. î-burch Tues- pesabars ,ver secu in Libartyvillc. White day eveiug Aug. 1-7,irnsî,ad uil Friday bise crp lal otas large an il previous ight. as annoneit. yeans, lb. quahit>' sas neyer botter. W. C. T. U. petntLulake Bluff Friîlay on nxcffuday Rot. Quayle sjli abent lta.dsy.> Al ilet-of the, ladies are immelf tram his pulpit at the Presbyter. invited tu joi tliern. it isarraugedta ion ciurci. Tii parnon istejoyiug ava- go on thei.>1,1p . m. :a. Each on, caton sud sili spend as sek luCanada atteudjug 1le xpeew U)hotae, smething isiting the. provinces aof<ntailo arndlfor the. lunch stan uoffernw for lthe Tîronta < hile swy.orplianage. Chas. Bayes le ta mate ihto [is DfuiW Iter. Lewis ltu.vdlonu ihi hrcaci. St bouse, corner of Lake street an(]l lrain- cth.thetiadist ihumrcb Sunda>' imoring. .rd Court th lest of ch. week. Ther Tie eveuiug sprvie sAli Leecondueteit by houn e . acatese aulot adjoinîng hi,. as the. pustan Presiiug Eder Cady sili r.nted ta M. E. A. Biloi, îf tlie'iioîc aur fourci qusntcrly eoier.ue Emmous-Mercer Lumber Co. Aug. 15 at 2:801 when ail reports wili Le tir. Edwlu Austin, sho recentlY imade and huante s an omniccees moved hore fronmChilcago. and A, building nomnacei for cuîîing yean. a residence un Lincoln avenue. haà' farmed a partnerobip wîih F. P. boldiele's Reunion. Dymonit sud tcipy sil engage >in the. Tie Lake cmuity sldjers aud ,aiimrs isl stat. business, with office in uANss ili hlaitthvi.r ainual reunian thue year jeweiry sciur. aI Fox Lake Wî.ulucsedsy andt Tîunsitay tir. Juis*Vasa, of Ifeirose Park, thuS Aug. 23 simd 21. Tii. coîmmitte. ia oiatel, sas lu LlliertyvAlie thiis wfi-lubeuding c'.ery -'lia-I lu make cie remiiioo vesll4ating sith a tAcs tii estabîlihig "athus year cbeI,.»lst ever heid in the monumental business. Mr. Vam s e eetounty. ing s partnen ho juinhim in thlb.enter. Boating. dInn. iug sud llshing îill Le prise and prefers asmnusA<it loclie tenres rof the,. acasimun stît scamp aepuintanee. ire ah nigimî. Tic groundts iofthe Au 'upaide iliîsuartimt' gavesa elreec Howand-tlinî'in nier. the reuniou sll corner ex hibition iast Friday ulgt alter Le bld are aiîîoîîg tihe muet eutiful inu siiieh be toak up a collec.tion. Hi. the. wiole lake egion sud a emîcmis. ants cansîsteit mjfiaking ou île hande eeios assurcit. op sud downsho mmrt igt af stairs sud fuli notice oi lhe neunimîn wili b, laà duing ig st»poie inluan Averteit given next scck. position. Frank ticDeniott und it s icgeirIaîb witi Heny iieridamuitnd an "wthllyNII MDS ;i M liii! and famillies sud Messmrs Fox aud Neediain, ail of Waîîkegan, an. cauîmimg IONI)Y AIJIUST 14 on the. shorne of Ibth e tlaies au Ail Stores Cos, at 10 e. m. Monday, Copelaudet fanii anitdmrivimg cie Auguet 14th bquelta shieli coui sltb theii icîbing - TRADE EARLY- of Libertyville's pure water. Electric Park wiiu b. the scene of fes- S Olier Heulge. bas instructioîns ta tvties. cOliecIt ram ail dîîg asuero a ta% of ueManda>'. Auxust l4ti ias hieinm,4. dollar. lHe bas been supplibedit hispant Ay thiii. auk.gau Comîmercial Clb -Ilçebses.sud tages ad ail dogs bud ap s day of recreatluu for thc City oîr without s tag ater Aîîgust 25 wili b. Wank.gec Stores. Factonles, Offices- &Il shut. Now If your dogis worth a dollar wîlu cilseasd fuie for saelebretiau mil bitter use Cleuâsuit get s license p"n- tii.praspenit>' tiei,ît.y basen>îîymnthie mitting hlm ta lve aud fh. ibat a tag ps er te attacied tabils collai. Tii. orinauce pltyrr appîylug uncb <'asmes is ta Le msînictî>' .oeil %.mes euioreed i. amsets. 1030 . IM. iraysiake Business tin vs. Not lu years'listee m rap prosipets Waukegao Business tien. ltmhi been better -hian now, amduis i. lDat t-anis commpmseite] îofluim-samm atonetlin.ofIthie gruancnîuum. Fruit 11:01) P. M. Them, ci.ieiratod- Lelanrl <isîmi trees an. laden suit witb s quality that vo. Time WauksganOt'Chw teaîu. in lie best. M. ilco. liadke ai Fremont Clay Pigom Shoot tliSs eek salit u InLetyvilie several A'u attractive prograux ha. <scikara- bUbsels utappleai. che INuEA'EcAmE'.office rnmged mi, that ailith.crac-k simule suAi betug rememtueredit sîlia liberal us. an handl. 5samwple." tir. htoitkc aays thmi.yieîd I.sshoot iicginî at 10>A., M. e!.n prollfic tiat ma»tnsiiueis are nttiug Prograiu 10 Evet $10) ndeîd àuIuoîe ondr in l ri11151enci e,.ome evînt for fBaldI tuili lusi s. es of thie Lake Siiore an. nrnisiie i.> Mayor bullat aratgfor BAn ecursion ho Lake Athlectic Sports, Dancing, Vauideville OsevaAugust 24- Wilmette, igilpUmd Etc. Etc. Etc. Enough attractions 30 Park,. Utgiwood, Lat, Forent 1sud ksep you going aIl day. Wauk«ma comprise the townM tram Al Lake Couuityle Aewted tojoin us whici inrciant.s ilI b. anked ta attend lu mating the celabraion euetel lasi and Iisyar Libertyville le a b. l- ysu<nerful succas. ~ éadalaIeItIadtiîrabisaetp W S'Rffl CLOSE Ai 10 A. m et Le»Bl uf or IbossWho sili attnd ,.LL nB'IRLi Village Omeiala, Prsy lias t .po Be laiten for Levylnt of ipeclal À.euement. PàtEPARfE ABBSUMENT ROLUL. Augut 1 vilfleoliilelsof Ubetyviie- led adp.'ttioujin tii. office of the cierkr of the. caunty court praylng that atepe l46 taken for the. evylng of a.speelflange-e, ment for the ecoat of layig the. propogSr water mains, installilng bydrants, valree etce. Tiie cost in the petitbon la. stated to ho $31,212.8M. The. latrer -part of Augut au asteufs- ment rol silI b. fled lu the couuty court and tiien embi property owner will bê served wltb notice epeeifying the exact amontolhi.onier ssesuint.Applca-. tion su lbemnade to tbe.court iiyattor.. neye for tbe.villae for confirmation of" the. ase.eeîet, ear).y lunIleptember... Fred W. Chuorchill. of Waukegsu iia been appoiuted by Preoldeut tiaeOutila oati tiBoard ai LocalImprovemet. to make the. aseement and sliih a couple o1 assistants le nos engugefireparlng the. roll, whicii le a prodlglous tank. attorney» for the village tiiat one boee- fiial reauit incidentai t0 epreading the. property assemes,. sicii de.cntpB un u- cones a matter uf record aud là thns accessible to owner». Thisin costly to, tii, village but wili ,stablish aecuratelv property fiues, shicka l many parts of the village where abstracts have. not béec obtaiued are in douht: Bocanseof tiiegreat amonut of red tape, it would seeni tiat actual work on the. improvement can hardly be tarted in time taO comuplote it tidi fail. It sill probabu, Le the mijdie of Septesuber b... fore the assesment la coufi rmed sud sel tosard the Iset of that munth before. work i Wol nuder say. X SPORTS »SI AMUSEMENTS X * Scotty eLWcItaI a Javenport won tige 2:3 po.wi çrvjfstkigtîopur.. of Sf00. Norvallis e» trained aSthle Trottlug.Associati>u track sud in owned by lscbroeder Bron. of Half Day. Last Sunday the. Ubertyville Cot* crussed bats witii the Lake Zurichs and defeated tien) witi a score of 27 to 6(inl s game ini wiicii iitting sus a teature. Next Suuday the, boy@ 5111 meet the, IJeerflideon thei 14tair grounudsud hope ta take thiInijta cýamp )witi s oiuiar score. Next Sunday nîgt wilil sec Kilit sud <iazzoio's newest success, Big llearted Jin, at the. Schwartz oipera bouse witl> Gieorge Klit lu the. titie rois. Big Hearted Jixu, in a Miontana ehieriff, big, bluff,, brave; big sud strong lu bisi affections as suciimin usuaiiy are. Mir. Klimt inaketi him ali'e siti Wonder- lui naturalnes sund in ably aupparted by a stroug compiany. Net week I'TIS0 Four Huotings" and 1fit Higinese Tie Bey silniake their appearance at the 4 pretty lAte Waukegan show bouse. AI FhalL aud Ouli. tuusu, twuoid- tAm, cycliste Who iu the pat years bave figured lu local sud national eveuts made a wager witi ýtwo otiier Chiicago men tiiat they couid Ugîthem au hour hasndicap sud beat tiixu frrnm Chicago to Diamoud Lake. Wiin tiie race became kuown among tiieir f riends mach bauteriiug resulted sud s number of beta were made-.The-."os mode- good lsst Suaday iowever aud on a tandem made tie trip in 1 houn sud 24 minut, defealiug their opponculse Arendt andl Odegnrd wiîo sere botter thaxi two aud a bal hours on tlie noad. , iaviuli Park. Emilio Rvela sud. bis Imperial Italils baud are mnaking a bit at Raviuia Park. At the, apcning performnce of the band, shicliwsa uday alternoon au enorni- ons bit sas eattily made witi the opera- tic wWletie u4, the. îeztet front "Lucia" creating great ,nlueiam. It bas Lon dcided tu arrange the. progranS so that ach s.ek wijlbring French munie Mon- da'y ul"tW'd e s igiit 1taliaansd dn .y gittii. Unau sciooi il hav atailtioi, itiwagter -es tu particuiar calilputer. 1 Fort Sheridan Park. The program, at Fort kifileidan P'ark next wcek promises tb Le of epe.r li merit. The. new train ecihedule of t Chicago & Mlwiauke.e eletrlc railroad offers LiLertvvile patrons* of bath Itavinia. Park anud Fort Sigrîdan Park au opportunity touviuit eltiier of tii,.. ebsriing rewirteansd remaiunanti ihe eoitof tii performance as the. lsst car dueult leave Lke Btuff until 11:39). BOOS SIIU RnE!!. Friende Wmut Speaker of Rouge ta Itecome State Treamurer. Edwvarit i). fiurtieif, of Marengo, gimak.rofai teiitat legllature, As heîu<cg groirîcitfor thi, Re1îiialinomination tor tate trressurpr by nortiieru Ilinlois ;îoliticiansi>ut It 15s ait ho prefere ta returu ta tié, bouse sud-be re-elix-teci speaker. MtilIurticfi islea iyer and ieis ta keep sihibi the. hue of bis Prufeîeion luneekluglilticai office. l'ostinaster M. F. #>is, uf Harvard, -- t hat fiburtieff couid undaubtedly, That Gold -Medal Flour WilI Bake The Best Bwmýý Then Try à Sack and Be Convincç Send us your wants for Meats r. BG.Uly oQra1d *Phoe29 Uibertgville have more rom'te. Is s $srue b osok vae f i el ý anly une or 150 BrUdé alt or l ni .1e'Cu05or t10ainsi munst ha "oieregardisca or former pruce@ or co«L. We pro bargiça v. 51 ge v ler boebt 1ffl of'tiise O 0181LD* ed on two 0 iewOkleaU e à 1hie00,.54ud 05e a * WIIAT = 42~ md D scs YOU WILLcu"$2 ss fIND 20M25 lo ON THIE~I~ 25 S" dTO' I Cent. Reammaao ReMnmts of LwScesi COUNT 25 =4 m3u SIilbiè Bo esm S g 25Bof. Mms ,25. ' 2 5c loy ajuis Ladies' 75e ShirtwalO black Ladies' 0# Woot WMM't BAR.=0 ha 4 Maes and BoysSG»I GAIN S Boes'60r. tiped'O corset or ,Men's Tac Uîan ON THIE os: A Fe. PalrM=a~~ h 4 ac 4TaclS 2 5 Cent 0)dd 60-19 es Rfmmté.of Luo dued isl ICOUNTE R" T1113 eFA4 0 le et

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