dominneiu»mtitoà "a bd t wa» eamuy mi# tifek a ieh bu'. OUI& ,derl. th 1wmlm Kwètegr ef, à a boohai lh id tii- * iisle At vI& s~ *r« ~ei taatao iiioha. 5. att W m e = ljrd i iruck fimhoa.un U T.b euaffle bm#n l usa ireleIle e. Ytio dma aàe 1. pitvl lmWeae 40 = ;u .3 f '41l ........4868 gdçàailaitn.. US76 W. t- 87 ieu ity .51m 4 tloi " "1 .6uff 8 y thetMMylet .he101 i. Wrimetr te mah" ktiri ogauéet ti.Sd , filina. the e abusa 41 Ç*ab04dut hine '49 jk hoAvom O *eu ad baiezfatuea W pekt lu * plie box thé eac our Ofir ver Ftboq ý 4va« exploedtà ffl la th* grontt.The. Ma ettreuad te Goy. a .bl. meenq telle thé muit t ity Clak and der thi e uM and, prmbhig the Wffloa agluathbig ide. frd o» aat .Wi»..1 atanl.,.alhug e eki~b stugld viiiie a1.UI Swa7 Mn.fleoIrew bua' the.. aSaatdupuae jit."ber ta tera W 460 - e thhmeamiucbottinet r t bocAcl fe.e a geand leraioe the .eioutt. igthn lin haci te her làaBcd&'a .,tieirsalf lu hlm arme @aWd,,ent o vin a afev minutai C llUW"Lown W0ULTIC8.L Sy»tmu Ihtadi lla virus sud le- faut gay Dme. miveed, the. 9 ..oatiim-ld ciid uitte r. ".d'mm s. LouiS W. Raoer Tof Laltl- moe. la lua mrion ,cndton at the, hou icf lparents 'muf9fen rou an hIiftemd systa., ihieh r«elodtrou the chuS mloallewing a portion et a poultime wbilcithe fauiior bailvola on ]ISu ek ta reltopea crbna"a.The ciuid vwu uie.g » vlt i lIa ather and vinte poue.,alippod from tii lttr' U ek Suisthe. nght th ciiuid te aulnmwid hai pehaîtmo udswktqdIt, The 1. <lhouri. a iethmr o the. parents bad nl itat t bhd gotton po- «Ion eoftti. miamîin pontice untl Il w au removad troumlu to mach bi the physi- naa ute lpvlng day. Tho poiaoneus virus (rom tihé énbunclo me Infecte theii entre sytou et the. Infant tiiat Il la uot expected te Il*& PIll STNPS]RnU IMLIZED. aman lent tu mlamaoh woif s ake Mouai ont et fiaa. Norway Piao etmnpas*aul louis; for- meriy lookett upon a vasté maetnl amu béing wtlipreit t i tti. plet aimnot btiden lu th e 011ten atîlsa eat or lanchley. MIon. Fermer* .id iumubem" tamc palS 48a corS et 38000' pouu"t for the etoupa and knéta, and the. promotore of the, novel .umtrY ara zaailelg substantial raturas ua fr iecap, kta lavested. 8n.t boy poeltabl. the liuairy ls uay ho etimated wen a it lat ntaS that dv. cordaefthlenmt*rlal Win, loue c tar,125 etlo ou ofcl etar, Yb, b ofal twba fltanIvo lgaion tfprlg.u ci.ti lut beimi ex- tensivoly watt lu thc pMratien of ahetp tip. lia-Up et eursllead.Itawfaiuewith op0s"Meylng se linue. lu au taon tatereven ent 0hloua ln eouonciýon wth the wbet trop, vilc 15 nov bians iarvastedun4 mac of viilk Ment i. e evad et one .comuer- cW lu.lriesand lInrs' organisations litlb. Ut ent Nortiiora aid.Nortiaru- paeIlla talways lu Minnesota are e- amorlug-ù 'brIf ituidmoot Vottleu t thf, rauvwsz telograpie' trike. Lad bj, the ommercIal club 0t Wattaaim..they bae .draftod lMnappeal tao ov,Johumon, aublut hlm te maée il&efrorts for poada. 29>a.aEsti lu Hlver Uore. Uid* ptessuef tii, Woiigt of the North, river. tiie rW fof, the.nortiartr tubeC ttwii ut-tunnels b.Jug bondi front PUftaenth street. Jersey Clty, te Mortea atout.t Manhattan, partly gave val', and tvantrt4emonet niworlu ha- hW Ithe. 'caig 1.15 âuarwly-ouçaPad' drovalu* One a" e lalt,,nru bene cre* b4 he b ti tactd" ron. Ienim. us the Fe'»De Wue1 *0S tianc. lkmeJerey Oit neg1 ilia mIi. tan kg Àuied iifanck aing 1h sé mnsluNj'aek. CRAHORD I ELOOflTi C Ciiargedtt vii tsemctlcllf',re-414 Lake $hare 1t eam.for 1h." lai v yesae et mafebndie. ciuoniitlu tl te toua of ihosia o f lhesaineuLusp the mouttrueS employai cf" Iii. raid vere arrestedin luNottwlua, foerCWat land. tAU amo tainuïeu, uanY Of tl coadnctoîm.Otier iamats ill ha mad vflaintheinezt fow 4ay. lot t ls :u" lievaS hgt the gens nun*M ratventi4ý*' t the. loat.- Wheà theIi nov. b.aa"* kuevua mono tian a dosen ether' .nlQy*0 auddenly madIe piWson f e micn tiie they miit go te th*lnir hiluol 10cary avay; h la Ail.' picudarelm bB-ta ted tpr yiiand -Sthoe li, hi e e t4etiveas se oela shave atilu ttaièbis ta the. Lai s hoft gang.ce moa1PO on> have aideS tiie mon' ie~aSe o' meon part hatt heen aeid te poddli- Thé detectivas tounS -machi milen Ptqrptl ln thé hm,et1the mIn-a a#nodd. ]LAND GRA? ON egDI4ZIL Cudemat. Have Fenad Nalymai Joeoph IL Par, ormairi et Piulp1 Wis... ex-ÂAeo i'mâ 9a" t i5Si gaa.rsl tiniher aMIland lsdtO i luttlan roerratiouthremghot th. Ub e» Sita,s ju-inthat vtlçtr u blm vork et detecting 'the. gratte uP- ,the - O ludions andSUeaou thn«ot ai0 dolarsa nnmatly. -'the Indanea eM 0li- lam sil qnantitieu ef lanid an4"uvMr nmgo tc se thtntthir recette c'£ai pilça for i," said Mr. Pane. "h It 4sbfr mr y ouS ht the "prg& 94e4 ta thé luinla atee smmaid'befere'tiOe, oftie Inding lun a il jidtiit til a i land la vorti -tiroe, lIo$maasiuCh i va àntlelpated tte plS lAR tic ber- gain. Onet the ,gfttoila I bavek undertaken Je nor nerin mOm;,0 that le. the appralual et- il Ia he niII lanis l huîhigan.lut about ùaree vuei HAflt.eSIoEN 18uetUuoOleeL Daaus lau North Dakoltala liautsaPs A destructive hallaorMu paiaevv, BottLn.ap, MeHur, lett, i% a"-u Beiison coute1. Seti - elt$. 4 hi a mit Jan# theudamaeargtgmh matoai tBottneai,-et tersa atarted La the = o ë Home.Omhanid W*Iv JýLm ( The bail .tripvstrumie.*4'a porta, trom th* hall district, m= bot the. itienaatie t 4m4u .010. à tia strlp va, line mle'id M>r teadatt en far au lIidlct't Iaxatui banS, soeseocnservatlvo.' Tiihat e ln théa stato vu, lu tue moeellon. rweivsefleadig Score 1 Twolva porsans ver. U "Wtpae abiy tataliiyinjureSd * oN ='uu1*1 leu. sertouily hart la#ie'~tItaou the fani tat-beun ittll. i g« tatsu a eltA iig um le t~. *~0. .9(V41. e tic TaUev rime trop "m kahomna expe*a whille h It 10.l rtion oftihe lait lfornila ceus; pcondtlio we Tee muMimi perdeont t .1 kmsr, suS *1 la thé. 41la id t-m t, $, a neu.e 4 te ib a. îvn.cmiushfiyu4m~ Il I vastouS tiI t t « vullwieva*.f -sonu raI aud voutui ».ett tsad uhepuatr Paet tic &tate$ conm<oilu iltion. and,. vile, os& Io valiez, he lia guIlu et district la -gmnuç 'viater viet l l Isi es principal vheeat Mma hoeoiU, bêta ter 4«4-anad eoiail matur. csatAuD. frai P omabs mdthe umille 1'lovlagfer lsIi a.4 h i prnt vh.itJa moe éo the D4ke mud Io l0...r". tai.à"ujm gmr 1 :,«=l 1 m'u, E "Aiu 009 Pt la #OuMMn eet ti i r---mIll an "baUvaiaouteuyS= 89t^s Ai &a bh" . bmeèfu algal ifil #Nmeut Mie « laiewiFefMM km -et xï __ t uàme»Y l»mo 0 14 tuto »0 aM ulop e it»êt'gayue eûamte t for 1.aW ton Of lilinai t à - liellu eeUii*llti dmtsa i mr te hms# 'W 1 voa MtrM éavlIm liia OIS Ms"M fûtti. p4=4it inti > m oeoi ofddge la' »W f= Orte oe n lB. NSI& a~hMMN~l0 anstres gthmet $.vredi bai beu I00%WOffl~ gf'(1) lauhulin Island. 2)ladomaty. 8Lhitatllào tUneaimaPO*" lae .Paell. liese DoigtIL"aierefueS i3 lie- - Baus. japas hue. otuigm an& ausai i i i ne lpet 1id0itfrk palA apon te teai t iam nds nitr. hm iie Ie tha e toilmtiber usa pever la tic PmiAle. àI iàn hinbi*vetS 'h. imimla ïlg. lapbi u aiinitesti a It paver b- i i i, u, k t5k01 - I ww rudOyer si iuudertuaity p'-e-. ", 2b à3 rani fre, guhnnltsS't by *ehnt crob àaviguaý etmuat apim81 maet, wsot M&cos*slona ab"e»«- à Ing qielu alAtVUt th* Westt Am dtp'u% oee oteeardiwam.ibéu' Stielamu.eU!S *00Cebu Part ordma-'canled for 9i% môn th*e, tii4 féhér tea4aer..fahÈu lu~ ~~ 90 - ota eeâ aerm cinnoet issinth, uitstp' taquents for Prmpt *hpmeibt. fuisof trou and stoolshow w ae actr &Atp'u houff helie la su. lrat tli ber tinctiem the lîï- :d0tunlelsituation roeuastw Impôt- lkut lavi Wffbea. neutlng dleur. expetafor thi w Atare Msss.oobmlol «uelua 141.505 bubelu lant wva" bSuZ )ul.y 1 ta date ithe experts Are-530. M4 bSboaeel au 784.11busi miai Jneaf. coiexperts for the rem are Zl,.441 ipsielu, agamt 1.018*18 miels last veeka" ai 00528bug*bi â'.rge, Deda alluraes e esi ua- ti I s* .ek 'Of.1004, 160 làlu &191n i81 w ment Anguet &OP» tor.' tnltett t ile th@ y»oluiet vtest, coin sud opta tisla »ir la net te bW A, record bunker. good «opa *111 *h hareattt dtiieoUghet the. country, wv1 t liait»Musue ec.panmm .t of genmta The Mon condition for Autat Ilu90 ,per eai; ,spring vieut.80.Z per cent». cala.11Ss8pa et t Tlhe conpeatltu$ aedltoaaint, ent oe:Cern, 87.8 p eAut; sprint wiaeAt Diper cent, Th ,ewe f Jute Iicte a netop et 8503J100A13buaheis an ontqe-p 8f ffl-»0QýM 0 buolIta. tt1pring wýiient 270.00.800buehi" et ofwpleh 2MOOIlv. 000W babelsvIkW b. MWele a tuie tino IDalwtewand *cd çetuSa wiat v em cre '444,00A00huitias. 1Smiathe tôtai Iuttlctad vient eeP te ti.colitu Ii7*iwe 0714.1000000 mudi om*Ug.up&t be- lia sow. P"iu aucm e e omtw- WÀMIF wfor *au lý PR',san aklav i.èhe o sal M** $Umm$-