CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Aug 1905, p. 3

The following text may have been generated by Optical Character Recognition, with varying degrees of accuracy. Reader beware! outBth "iBli' i thi e gaâle, be s eitedth i. e iul bt b'i ~itut Nie'111 tva u- Pilletiveàfamajr e utA" ut ë4i S bitotier, w.tabuises a 55Kin ~ I~Wlho 00"tpo the Icutl tii.eos 00,1w belut tyera tshe 5u a jalt Ma woaid f aitt.,brmentl te waati of ile 0f eh. Y laeSL 1m7e. j vii wbiesahsPrchraet PeD isd ditrecbrdbj te .a toi pàucmlu hp r"uair b odel as mli ledaaila ua vs a m.ruttic rui vs. fer orme ely l e IH h u eo.4 h aal rocne 1 ehant etahn aUýidbla Tho eetd uuine deâth h c ystej vleite oron ter laenOf «* tmIrorlnimnite seva.Drouu v)lamn oI. d f. Wex Daoulu. af er m- ; s T e. îeof tii. Uui et mbayval, Wb" - thi, ortraIts nov -i.,105 ]tEuS orOff G I»iroMa . osier. Ottat IlilastalmU Cap. Jerome il. 0.1e. bellereal ta ha 1" .olalot reIdent of llsdio, allet isc bsec.. la Ci-agta tvelee dY9 hifore the. que hundrrianda &M sauvenry(P "lshlnth. nHcvW aaq aud va. unaits reuille Illef.uIna 4sos agenItutIlbi bletai bisabuse lr8 2 jearsd hsd N" liet aithe' sew tS pi".ouhevîy.lit- via lii. prairie b, al.O55 rfth ttii 111f the.froutiar tnldlug Poai vha bu rl 09W" e i.Cli-8ag rer &- qsalig. 119 Mr.MO.ier vos egsuinugBiei seAUXs0 Isando 18 n.le lns* theui Weili itcnsa iii Waho, a*.a uet ficci deseut, bai <ogtlu Admirai Perrj's s1adrou tu lbo boUtl .1ofLoaE Bri. Uyes Jaw a Nssaa et PorisnttemaIsi c The. coiildltmnOt ci MW Jelofai. el. cou of paria ta theiiIilil e- ub pifl ifor thil4e u lanulalsa.brima tlighttheftactthbatdohéhad Do otmIte. - for o tt n jeans- uuta--boutze &MI g. iMsuj jenoses.issNelac vaut le ledit a na musnorj. Bs v al tory anemafgtu lu is .for mceral ject Roto eues ecelVAd Ia muatroiié analWv, eor_*n@ ailcirglsop her e'onl. fluri broesuhemo mde a owthbt sie roulý neyer igain apsîl toa s bun. benul z. Tus yow sic lept IîithfollY for twemt jesma. 8bb l. 9-W 74 Yjean olal STNADOIL CASES VAIL -girl . Tgllo, frerA lmo, i liuSssaudard Oit Compay OUI. ho Arrexted ou lheb ludltoten wM tr he ticaeu'll COUtj gran jarsi e lu sine moplhha aluce.stt1 AttruÇ Sbaterinu eqOp f 1s oDap lult* b.Atorney Uenèra'à eo ciý aentg thit l oniet ta tonasth» l0 j ledictaet efedt l vould lave to i dra", h. à grand Jury la th@ "me Ssi ta vîelithé. nuliva, 'h15 u l proieu bil and euIicaseiaiet hein IKespar etthe1. AI.auS& t tOrMIl wesialler Ob*" comtshlp. Ums.Elizabhhi lnt.=1111a10et ath B ureau ountj alqwmiseess.nvosbil et, etýaied Coke, rap.9.hoin ah *p *tIbleu anidliejers Mmai1 pi~ tb 115lai5 oâme, and tult tl e u~"at U por taresi, badu o, Bar f forlIy Ut woE>oattid aupetcho, 4us- *wIllp ldual lunes. Hoée pboi l. la.. uni li e t- àkl l endm1 mmie154 nt&a W" s ésaetaw 'ir I 1 Ku 5~Ie ail Iam* for tba. OserVei. ±maaiz otrESMelitI goOS lasGariffl'ai. Mut, A. 1, hlby, àa ,lt-leova ceilE nt slembord as e rouaii et ta4lu Clminat e h iavioibaetf Poe. i*t.OIt Rie ïluetice.0i ey l. 'ntyl t 'ble1r limés 0 i elpitate poholai. Prof. C foner rlis.L0 aittS dit et lari, 1. Ia Mme in l te ad en e ' amis01.wua iteo te 0q mivrrwhich am,arlbg Zsmio ýpiecb asdmovued et Neihboirgvldle iaerimlus nlu the >is- ut piwvs.11 as athelcAi o 3040 T. 0. PesOoci a1MoOÏ utIL4 prler et Kerftpor. eea jealthe tale e Cordes Nation tlb. suer de an sd ~si sel 9" estatbilaimeu ttla yIOi-'091L Thle Ealvardovflleand ga liltnî. 11 Ralroad Companj certifie e i llio 8bore try o tâI,.of Illinoaul as hUieÎ9li eapilsi steak té 0300,000frette 810ffl 1 Sighilîeu but abhi, te stuid té l# eu- tic, unaldeda r>& J'oeF. 3.150iffl P hes6 centifidethdisboardtl et siuc*$lp *I piano tosier. lu the Public e WOeO4,etC TAen tl-elulit couvert. Of A frevival n&atn u t a ier vone bgptbcea t.tb# tmbmnv river si ChniLeethe lb ollr _ftieoo)ân-br thsealir. r. M. Harry. paii tor et lhe ('mnaretotiCircuit 09 tha 'L 6.clirel. Whou depoty abortifs uervei notice et unteui*O"svletiot qpse the losauboal aqaînee anu iol, Duranast St And meode tuirsl. tl*.' as eu nalij evictoaL or rnifN. Heaiers, a taler, ageal30. wam drow»ud,'li'ain a boatit lef11crPark laite. nean Bleomlunst'u-ChrIes Poun- min, hisecotuabten, VAS piliont ifeadiierg started te change Pomitionl ,th bout amditsItoplllea Oser. Fila «ettëleusethe b. cealitor cims agaluît Kalgilt. Dl>ouuei & C1o.. fornmer broiers lau0 lokeny. Chilcago» s-tii net paymunln mosi t t about 2Z cent» on the dollar. teordingt the liend- luns e lanaldè ;e b ecerr Evanal C. State Analîter Slrculjougk bu ilaoami à permait ta Vrad inelm, U. G. aigu». s . W. hîdneal, Aide @nomer. lobna 1 Soilas. R, enry G. Pfeliffan ad J. IL Se a teOrganis ii. Mceatila Trust au nal M Reig lmanetQolncj CAPi'-l ouinunai teagcierasiteadealthe an' uisal Amer Instituts of tic Wsmuiges ton consul, seboola ti n asi»Vie. Saper- lu$cud.t C. . Kalarala vas la charge, vit ProL K. K.Vau (leaeof the Munit Vemneti secoos sud Prof. W. B. Davis et Carbouale as esisanis., 1At the coimmenement ezercîmes of the. Altos eéchool etof rson?. vicethe mati- muiegraduateal llt»"ent olas ncut em is iloora'pemnmeulyW. misa Margaret D. Sitfer, principal o ef 1.Isalilulon.'vas marnlcl luils.hepreseesiéet ber paplis te wiliam Ir. Lancasten et Gillespie, [IL. Tie auusireumiômos tt saliersad sailace of Wahamh emnlj vas 1.16ea Monnt Csriol. Au. sUres. vas"4delà- mnet iA. B. James 09 EobiuiOe«, Stt pur. bfondoumindulomr. Cwongesu Pfrote J& -Dieksou er ltsaoj vr as prie, ,nat andlaise md.s apeetIL Theeraulion, lasteal tince daur. Mrs. Belle Law-rance, ardt; an utll savent1! of Chicago,de. t -6 a slvlie at the home of ier brotber. Dr' J. J. Trant, eh îl:e -sgcaf 58 jearwe. Si a uanrvil téleWalter Lawrence lu tChicago la May. 11103. lise blg a Ioohiuden. Mrn. La*rune ical aie ticheMercy bhoitil lu Cicago Lust A1lsil. ' eslas viado Dot psy tlIldebta sud Irhe lis caunet prerail upos 1h. Lard to anever ti pruani." declmrsal EvueltC. B. Corneilaetlthe recmnt tion lin rased -11be neten liù1e ausvreicma ibg passl . cause lie hau.s are fuI,0 cho ttalaat. Bjhrieam Pense, 82 yisars aid. anc of th. eatil( setlers Of C17MtAI Laite, disal tmis ua rslence lu litvvviialler a pré- long"et hures. Mr. Pi-an. ms bon uAt Pambrole, N. Y.. analcoume te Crlsta Lake lu 1840. He lieal tho.m otl lI gt jears' aie, mien ils vite disa, madll, movealté Bervi'n tgo lire viti bis ou. Frnank B. Puans. la te ic tiinal* court nt Springfield Tom Brown, coloreit. pleadeal muti' té uudo.n thelieceoiid degrueanal Juige Lincolnnfixed ihl& puuihment ea.i»use. i"e »are la- lhs Peultenitani'. O et 2t, 1901. lthe ns staldmut 1111.4 <pt W.W. Mies, an emp'l"of etthe QIWMe ~ ~elaurut.Tbe. prbb n bocn- oncutguhmlngotluMijr, 1904, be li tesupromme 'Couti- a ppeil saveiliw ol Ra at abar la"ltsom-pmiomableu ope ia ale etr I"roeffl 0vauodom BAnU14emnijimi et $&M00 au làoIr booty. Avaiemes i bthse s«Pb"c-osi. n ui lprrleita lh* bouvl oui03170 b. mie MPI00 orl aîne e h'motrt e, pe etti simeaft train ah O0lever. Tkoette,w a rtehit > lesvy.doar itnt poAm.09 e 'slvîlal vot a dim hbrongb the. * Uilpo »ubis vqeto.lieheie. imla Ugf taums ouus' es m unqL ZU-5. dts, 09 à r« e a ufcteeytliena, b4» M, èmck ue is boomai Xs. Onk bobus t rreeW 90a4a ama Jaéui Amlave acltuisimaar * *.a sets f BismaiseonIts. Mr. (leekq *li gislowbe hoe-luel.the é- se à ledl eslietdistrict et 'sutia th. gntocr. eislerulif rcs cfDlasvntftera iu MarHah. Mea-n t4m.~MA> he beacton mtpi- lit te -v e bea asà #1109a tahra l nela 'al", proinent ,Ut sCt JR MUX IBEZELERt.1 bbm$40 sela4. pet te F1iIUîI----551OIO54 lmten. 13may T., mulln for seven jeans par- Mi the0< s.Oak'arl Trust anal lige eul.sveslmmuIr# j ram Pun- Isiiralforambmieeutta tie iandiy «-o.i ilali of the. Insttunlu vilcihechad been tiute .A.,diseepacy la lie account8 ,et ta b"oitd ta Ienkilubis g umman- ë4. bsfore the. dirtetonu afthle bmoi. heu .oufroMsed vlthbtic evidence of a short- aie of l$3l0.O4 Ienkin broke down andl couteicet ils miadesal. n-o lid thé dl- reetarm that lhe as lu lomediate need ot fonds deing.lie Middle of Jaly, sud liaI batirses liaiT 1* anal 17 he ad apprapri- ated four dspgeits ta hils owun 11X -sueomnhlita $23. Heliacredited thti tepussltom onu er ,pan boula vith tie correct amonts, but did nul caler the siouuta liatihuaioos ofthle book. Foret"u Commis WII'Act for CotautrY, me. mi Zcigier. Captait Ea Dillon utfil-alan. publie tddhlhivtar of Franklin couatY; lu vhlcls Zstgl. la sltuatual. lias 'taira, out a.simïimmber of estte ofthle vitis8 of tii. Zq«Ielr mine discter. Suite WiliI bubhrolght bhe li [Ioiau, Italian andl Auatiu consul&aiB Chicago ai lie cumn- lus tfemniothle Fraimilini Cunty Circuit Court fordaamages againât tle Zeigler CialaiConlMany. la ichaît af lhe reatives of the victime ofthle eXplOi"U. Thi *suite vl agmnezmle 4$110,.010 R5RFoNPURtB7 is DEIiIATIID. oq uwaa leociretSati of Amiioni- tz of ieadermm sCour. Tie Apî,eliIte Court bas haaded dovu au opinion in lie Immnsenderaun couuîy siat case denaying bhe appeal ot *Mnarisrst aud gilng a deciabon ln ta- r ai aOquawka. Tii. decla[ou holds that tic opinion outheb. ltoderson cuinaly courtwvasfinlaianal liaI Straugianit liad no gmounde for sau appeal. Strong- iurst's appeal vaon a vnit ut erra?. claaing tint JuMige Gray blderinl hii» denbaîosi. vieli ieelared Oqavîs nearen litheter of lie couctY. NO tur' lier litieltion in expecteal. S luES jupau 1«3 vivE CENTI. St. ami * &rami M67airni Cane ta th is SpemaCourt. A dessinrags daim ainounting ta 5 centsé, brouelt bj the Sata Fe Rilîioad qqpouy gsj gisa n tei.W. R. Curreu aI Poilu, promiseste go tirougi the So- presse Court hefore it la setilel. 'Th luise ondereal a nor dean for hil. sale mevevl dors, age, anal vien the aber eau* e a . I outappnlaed of tie tact outil 5 cent demurage charges hises- coMplsteal The judge retaseal ta Pal flic clans. uit gaiueit pasemasln-Daf-tii dean bj repli-vin. Tic ralnoal tien -broueit suit. WZILI. OW2t BREEDINO FAIRI. r overurneu*Witt ilcIsiab on. for 0 eom e uLivîsmanton ComtY. .-The. United SImier. gavrrment la about 1ta - eutébisi a vaut breeding tarin fon hanse lu sonlieru Liviagialon connly. The g Jit mba rel tfeani h een leasea for elb.epunpomqj. anal tie vork oainlstmling 1Il.the, eernrbuildings viii commence at gare.. It la prposeal ta Mile iii tarin 'the Most sxteuihle of lhe inua lu the eeoutaTt nud l la hupeit ta furailh a very . cm@ktshi.portion af lie horsem requir- -.4 Il the. goveinnut.., t Usa .ta .4 0etModea L« g l19m 1 iAs W&@agias hnLimbt. tAi hmlgTiomas Brovn, ageal 64 vas erobi i bishWvooden les and money by 4 omié-legssd hief anal a campaulon. Tic enipltod uphimmediately strappOal the p«g ýu lussiseif. Aller robbng Brawa tle uhlerca threv hlm Into lie Fox river. Tls gn gouialereal about anal nearIr wilc dâmunealbelon. e esuceedea lu at- lvotlattthe attention Of accoraI men. *h rletenaitd hlm.Tic rober, madu *thoi sloupei.. _ _ Cbalruoi ii anuLeamt. 'tWIlRWm pada va. broueit ta joli Il * pts«oen by Coutabie e rmauPape aI ; sU"70enun othe. charge ut assalliig Lost qoflue Joutât, adopteal dai- a t«' ut (goal Abel, a farmner. Bade -Ïan. oppqhtib I aiiaerasho vus a about te hein àa Valley train ton SI. i boi.OelbePp urrlcd hlm tg " qS5l thLhilosan agry crovi et W nlaylapdaou hlm. a b eMa, »tià amawaj. à nau oas~et tu saT. ils 0.jear.oli Hawqrdil ý .MOL"»"eaIoricago, i.R ime é la fmayu i- l i ste, 'Ksleàlm M ir a»sesverely laj1ur etarttes».lit*If full mentai Il. part sethlia esatormita liaI suit1laie Roch Isamd fft ta bav eha illiof' nov. 4&ckIn Jeté pastur o t StJl- Selle churci sut a dean et the ""haut Irami Doteai. Wsçiia&soi70 jears, a nsllmed baIet Bloomtastou, vas z i., sa. ale. havlnt i "n-~ -oma di1 Wlat l but It la ' sUait 00.S~ L 0h10o, vithout t of b theaina elatet. orý euprovdi i sxti-&* fts. Mre, tailvansilfs araent M t10 i on. foot vert&- i allf .ut boit- rItseif la .lgbl on la alvays lu luteuddt ual it teama ta Set la taksu for te. lb tecapaclt7 or eon aunouncsd. ýt leait savon or use of It at the ma.lie rom two sMd sI1 t tbrse alutes ar rqulred for Ithe 1119 The opesd la 'a lSta tva mUblesan hour. O"tafly thé. scaltor resmubles a ft*smh ,or 914-fabiorned bers.pavai. MWe ft cSmiata t tilm omvil 09 sibda runnugevoeuwiUa.»M«e«.e itbosê tuounepgtealdlfateoe betleo *1e Clwilibd esenlter a a el' luit.%U bre lii he, reý V0o « ppl ute st tba7 rrmnumU. bssu ti« txt.tetbe t*PThs3 »t- efolligefte km*4 th0' uI et ti ersudaea ou vh i an&.0 Tii. loversurtuas. e "Isr rotm ou a ug là ualior 0(utode, pains vIorne dnu7 I& uas*te support the Mu eeelc by a àualI aumber et ohiier puffley Isivea bv lsétuli me tors.Ti ltter tw ~gi'Ier*pm m" twm u W* pw*xu lu or Gar bM give dMaUL i te tii.ronGM* t*a pilaI vblebcompose lIm .tlppad vih matai. TORENTIAL.- RIVER INREATENS PANAMA. CANAL en* of theirgont probleins 0f calawi con- struction 0nave-t sti- tmctorly salved. If hie engineens of tihe Ybeuch Canai Cebopai Ina- voire.s.thedipl'>f thse flood valttoi tie Chagrez rives. Wether lie final de-foanudatbon fer the..vli repute of lhé cuba b.b for a tg~ level on tan a lotal Chagrec.. The river Siows over sud canai, a metbl -iust be devlsed le andi gravel betvsan stetp cday bmulm, control the Clapie vien It becomas oflen not sxcaadiug two huawtrotf_.«l a naglug torrent. te4Iore vater l ia lueInvldtb. and thei. alet lu rmrlj tueý rmluj season Br s@ithlidry sbason bâd. Asths drainagé anea lalIr.trou andll te m leaMIus hroce nomulapoluiothe la atan aboid b. aI tii. othen channel le thc ses. 1purnt. an It la vel i tratia l owine Under plans et Frenchi engineers. ii a cuill carrent @vr màny mml mads ou a bonis et qeutralllngt ahe bée rapde. laU limai of nainatiserla s vaais onanl ggIij-4ve foot lovel, lthe noticaablc alnoumit of »filment, vWh" coul vastolm at an8.0.0 ad la iagly tcposlte luli te manj AintoaM bave doqM" ted hther rue&ea aveu tlii.enesmous .xp.n"ture voald The. Modearan.very fiasby; liaj coma 1srt.t lie canal. Asý a remgut of su- sutdeniy sud 1mar suotainet a cy«7 va"s uan" b>'Amanleas n itisin lb. short penlot. dccliluquicbly aimoes lai jrae le aunoune ber. liaI a l u ev vala Conditions.ý valt eau»absoluteiy bo cotroled b>' Tic cotry ant lie uppan river la fuinsnetaIàsdam ant A iavatbon ofthif lblciwoodefd, and la may riacca M1 ft mndat aIan approxMtealemm- uli a anglal mat nattsi jungle nu- lug et 81100.000 tram l*e FDIMIcuait u- dersoth. tlrengilciithe Amati- Mat&,. esu paM« b lâdte10out rnais, eftm la the dry seaconu the S f Ithc aioug huila vli sigopea et orty de. rier bemes asat Ima4lmiSit ton grass. irola Gaiboc te Albajuel, * eatro; lb. dacharu hoomaitva distance. etabout éci.,..miles. the maidreS limes amalien than lu pariade river rIises otn-uta test. llaiehénez of thse grotest floodz. Near viora levin and a hait miles te a peint oser ti-i l grs cromaes Il. ana l tou fSant a arbara.ts-ltuuefegs il, ltibutary, the Bas Obispe river, fen- test Oulelde efthle villages aoaq the leva vlhb lbe vaten tramn lie drainage raliroa t lera I la ans uetiny hainle up ta lia contnenl l tvUda. 55w called Crues, on lb. boansfor th Obispo th. Chagrea *lavate Ban river._ Pabla oagb a cOmabt ramilicteil Navigation on lie Uppev Chapée yailey vlli lartuouO vindingain àIin liaitedto amail dagout canoas jarrev aliuvial plati, mrelanusc- pumied up itrnamb>mon wlhb Irau sîdanable rectifictihon, filaI. steelp. siot ple., but lu lie dry conbon there dsnselj voaded hillis usxrov lu sud Sf- l teartelj snfldeut uster fer thiirla lord lb. dam ites Of lia variùe caal places. and,. exccpt ..for deep, poolsant prejects. lie .1e., 1118 lapssible vîwli up thé Aetud conditions de At $hW gauj river b.d for considérale.distance. Tien.are truec eoci"aitulving lu a dat1.e orunatre vitil lie limita cf the Unitedl State., ullioue itisai'Iare very few lu number comaRffl viti thein in. the alligmats. ? bsy lubabît tha lever enst coat et Flosit, tram Sime"juaBal soutivait, vian. lb.y arc bout lu thi e se spid sisllov tlaiset s sme oft la oicas liaI lis belvacu th. baya and Me ecoaa. A erocodilla sgit fet, 1«4 va ratentJ'>' cepturot osai Caps Ve*Iana l 0m- net.I i a s en spooewt.f.tia Nit- theni Zookal lPa* 4 asbluwagten. 13.111. slligators. cteee15bave vrj naftoW, Pomi ni oeomt. eepl>' 'astâSI lacis and anM W" smuer vicloqo a luil"Upoi-tio ffelas sutsbwm w ieboa uieS céme.pillngI» msb;mg tonais Umetfort iovy buip 's pnte b. OMtly piumd vith U» bmvabIIss utg a avaliti la 1I0401*A lta 51.11 eetalnlnu saé-à",ews afret driven. lots mthégo" J= , ew la vilhiravansd es* à 1il Oud vitI portit cmeét Wm. liapiles are moetuvun ta bë* thlby 4t smIRaItaportus town*m5.t t*dia- mater aIlpiala àuth sais&t.d te mardlis ma:lhsm tallsceI fuerier int- . - If -th"y ýe studea ta n«ecb b.d-raeta theb .4amimade tapanlng.but tl l gut,'ctlng on ie notai, arase mItertitan ln lie tiet case. 1u.listeallantsae"dlô. tBerlin, Mole. ranhtont ,04 ' au-mau Nasts art made lualiaelig, Jute blhpotslo =alg boit thît has friibeau boilat ton a 1ev minutes ovýet a place&, tlgitlj covasa. and thei box lu clocai. The bing re- tainm lie hat fer heums, amdthe foo6 la salj cooket vih ibatter reults, lu muny cassa bu eau b. allaineilby rapial cooiing on ài 'toye. 01 courue lie appuratus dosmot inseetfor eoollug steaks, chopa, on cakes vhicb requin. a qnîcl, bot fine but l la ex- celleut for soupa and vegetabias. The tnng-ahu. or wioot-oll, trea LW vartuily namod tha national trse et China. Baya Coanul-GkmmralSoxat Haniou. Il la lIste!>' lu appoaranco wlli anooligrain bon anti vide- sprsading branches, afordlu a dua siade. Il beleng e t lieUupbrbbema ror spurg, timily. c whise hecastor- >011 plant la a mombes. Il beaw a buig remamblint a a u t liebhiém'> il but as large mua ua »Morange... sci nt contains tlree triagniar s»@M milar te maIl Indun»IL.The oïl ia prsSd ftsthiaisoqatm, a" th. e - Ou lauMed os a boluou. licoe la usot prlneip&flyfier poUuéimg veet- vofkind nt t'esi8letier. CeuniS- omable quantttie ame epwnto&.Ti Woodtoethe le mu e Iok a- lns musical iaatimemonslm, Selmes a"nthe triusavovb et "anflboes. Il la fi'. hUm hiiq ravaes et lassIs. It la hellevaetalilhâIres migit Oourlb e lnlt.evanner Paruntu haeUMeW Iltateo. ,I)o yon expect tg smmer aI Oeem-' rest tliq yeanl" "I dou'tIfou. IlVin mlus of Bau- dayiug lier, ma IM oI lte sMshou 1 lllis 1 u nir>' 1811.1 th. s ttyeur, JarkNlklIW rfla the Wordof0 0..' joe.L"a wI0 î U.Lutinversos B9tudy ithechapter. Readd.1.remlah20 <loialde ~zt.-Amend jou rt&24.p jou r dong,' and oley thi e oicà Of tii* !*rd jour God.-4erezulab 26.1& SJmmLhbau. to prophesy aWtsv yearsbefore the captivtj Of tii. hvlmbs pope, sd cotluued through PenbaP@ ,be vny jears f that eaPti'tj.1t we thiok of him as prophesylua about ~ M0 B. C. It wi b. oier enough. TU".. vare avfuniad stirlng limes.The. ver tiiat thé. 3ev. knav Weion. large uWi- tary essp, tbemsles iu the. oue r etof opposlug vont powers. ltvas a lUme M wl eltr, gon o tta an hp ab, pesAiU. luctudiimla od ù M ,r ïo4 If t thenation vas flot to b. avepi Il vas a ilvided nation; »moe ishlnt te gigt forInldépendance, othier. thinkini. Il é leté quietly submit tg forces that »assmed rrésitble, and stili others plo, tis t brinalliances. Wht vas gon mdproper for Gos people as s-b Il - 1.11 ont of consdration, sud there vas Do axed priaciple ef action lait by vhil the. nst>on aight b. gulded. Baci i mn, aocordngtat bis on opinion of vbat vai expdient, adhred ta one or nothe '- lticalpolcy. Aud vhers pollCY aint guidés, lth r. y l always b. vide 61Mw. suces ef opinion aud mach vTRanlUg. go Il waa lu Judena atthis perod. .The propheta strave with &Ul thir P0w * er, rlght upâo the. time of the captlVtj, te brush smide ail changeable and cOuflUet- lin #olicies and ubtituté forthema the plain guldlug star of dutY to GOi an&l trust in Gud. Th.,re vas but ne tua hbat eould make the nation moye ai Oua na. because tien. vas but ou.alftm for vhlch ail alies could strives vth full conviction that they vere rlght; tii. Poo- pis muat giva, thaImalves again 10 thé service of Uod and trust lu HUl leader- shlp. If they could bave been luducedl to do thit, aveu *,at the eleventh holàr.' their doom ight baye beeq avertud. ln tins. daeys vhop rsadlng mattor vas restnicted ho a ev book& lu tii. biuds of a privileged f1ev mYope vio vlahed fa gain ie es; f Oîi POeplMut ether >do It îhrough thelr mienr sud teachers or, If three iree unvlllii, -mInt hui! ipreaci b crovals viefver h0 could Enda then. Tiis la viijt Zqra4h dil. -At Goa'. bldding, v. §d bleui 111 the gate of thei . rd.8ho, » ch pt 7:2) or "in the. court of the mLo 0t0 (chapter 26:2) preachlng serons l wola final théir vay by Wrd f molet te tb. farthest corner. gr the. land; for pee pie frm ml parts gatiiergoi p tii. Tmple Wheïa ho uit ommit is Mat- ter to paper it vas deat itlth an s e." lu our lesbon. The varuings and reprcotm0of irez. mia ver. not s bit popular. sd coma-. limes he vas imprlsou an ad terwis persecuteal. At Preeut ha Wan 'but up", andl could not hlmieif speak bifura he peple, la te Temple. (Je. 821-5; 3:5.) But evldentlY bis Imprlsoumeut vue flot very strict for ho va. Pernltt6d ta ses Baruc, vho acteitas 103 ncré- atary. Baruci, tool dova lthé word. de- aInaI ta hlm by jeremia. sud thosn rad à heinluthe Temple. <Chapter3681) 1, H.oial a great audience, as Peuplé trou 4 ail over Judea vers gathered for a faat inl Jérusalemn. The prince. of thé reaIED ver. told of a Ibtis Îeadiug and of théii a tltilug tifn that Jerembii ad tu SAY, md they sent for Baruch to real the. boo. Or roil, tu th;. eunas. He dld so. ad vit tii.j hsard made thein afrad. <VersesU16) t Th.j vers frod hecause 1h0ecognlaedW s, eremlab as a propi&Bsd h. lad proPâ- ésled dbmater la the. kh4doin. TbeY * vere afrsld alo for leremlsa ud Ba- ruch, for tic, aecteal that the. liag voulal trj le hsrm them. The. kngMnit ha teld vhAt tii... Mn ver. pr«ehlui. It mlsht ater isi cou- I uct aceea jet.. go Jeriai a&" Baruch i@ vestolal tu bide. (Verse19.) NIt tOpl * tiat - but It vas tiiou Oth b tha t t i li b iook shouil ot be taion bhale.the. bloc. It vas best fDot ta rad lti bokltu t. ig, butota baav insu vltii g0o m e- OobeSIgvehlm extacs front Ilorally and tel] hlm the. glst of IL. ýeTii. lIns, haever, vas mot satlfid rt viti that. He vînleal lae tr ltelf brought before hlm. Vsry prObablj pe b sh-av tkinah the dlstrunt of the prinese se anal guesseal vhy th.j had ual brousht ,tié rail ta hlmn. 5 notes. Varse 2L---The king sent au olc.r te f etch Os eral. anal It vas rad ta hlme. a on ratier, the ofilcer vho bld brougit Il Sbegan ta rend L 1 e-Verses 22-24-R. had not raid Vary Ka.#.-Weer th. ee i- osu nan contcmpt for tleprOPiscies aI Ieramln bi' elabilng the parchieul vîth a huile. anal puitllg It iu lie brasier hurng be- fare blm-. Vr# 20-Ths rol vas bmmcd; lie triais iad coe luansous.%anal it bai sot bain nlghtlj met. 'Bien tu tet that thms t!îee s. a cisuce. The. king and hià servants mîgit' bave epentai anal b.. came the leadler@ aI a «reforinatlam. But Il vas not ta h-.;.beyjbil gone ton fan lu sin. aad eould Dot repent aven At muci etlrnlng vonal asthae of Jeremlaii. Tiencefarvaral lie nation vas eerlainli' doomeal. Tic yard ut God a b aoodk- clally rejecteal by licir king. vho aise voil have 111.6 ta destroy Goa'. proph-. et; but Gud i bd i- Vcrsea27-32.-Tiers vasnuecd net sai' tiat Jeremilaiiaboulal b. bld, bat liai ha shoulal iivc lIme to ne-wrIte and alal te bis proPeicc, viieii vs.the Word et Gui anal muat ha premerveal. Il vould tais Quit. s viii.ta write ont tic for- Mer propioclei again. Linong lia propiccles ta ha adem van eue agattihelias ter is bnrangof lie roll. The, peopbccj vas Ibis. liat at lest there wvss tgha ne ccasser te the titane vili tiraugh tour emtertés baal beau hli by a deamdaist of David6. Il in truc liaI jeboliais-esj"abll rngasal ttres umonthe; but It vii only sm A tribttanj prince. one et ltbe surisnlmng tlr tbroughout tie camaini bas basa tha very aiert perlod et tins liatI mug have beenau iva> frein11. Ogtins lin. Durnngthe engagements. mWa et lb. Ima shpagem ecslved mevere trust Ment but lamoeut cases e egbsm and uccimuleS éou bourd acse carrylmg ont aau Amont ta.e valç uhich inilfiflVe 0 an-Il e t ib tmg eirmaaalcem of liiigefltatI al- Engineering. ono. or mer',<iasplememme Rutua4 em eompblou vas*9rblusdY -se I dld,' -Bit tIare mAbe. loblaf am beatu h.---, t piete ï TAI wfflro - 8trghmSt 0ýnrE- No good am kfor 1 out oS MEBS£ COUo e»tbe bd 't- w bu P.

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