ni wp.t90 s oWbe ww «ie -b tue average 30c sud QMd. o Jv o flee i th si e ver. jass!1Ua 4tocatIt jmos es5. FILLE MARKET aaud ERV WMtchtes It pays to buy the beet you can afford. At our prices anuibOdY eau alord A -"pretty good qne. W. have «no w atcbtos at anY price that we cau't warrant. ta keep good Urne Clocks A household Ila pretty apt to be weil regulated that hmn tbe rlgbt tire-any crock Wn Y s@tore wilII upply IL 'ANDREP.W IUSSe? Seeer te Dry Be.. LaDETYVILLE XX LLINis tlcadquatters for We have just received at nicelineof neck- wearforgeiits.- The natty kind welI dreils- ed mon woar,, aloo a superler assortinent ut dre.*sgloves. Thoy Are sellitig at prices cuîîdttent witk the best makos. Oi uwm i.,shirts. OOriS amd Jckets là, the cheper men$ rurnishS la' o we have Meu'Nsilguswrts,50 cents MWd op m;iuwerwç, 2!; c«uts and uop MW4iqaoawb. 50 cent i uaop WS* SM Os 25 çes snd uap fi., $apedu 05 >cents esoup Meu,'.TI.s10 cepts Msud uap MesKid gloes 50 cent s amOP We ais. Careya couW iee 'l"ldestmes Comme es, s ives, etc* po$ frira U tufr405*1to! rp. le vi5tifg et Un b" of Drl. Smith. MIs ~.s.f Slv.u o Obcag, i vat- Frank Bbou'aqLake Zurich lu in the. la tue epuen, Iel Awrence. >,mpley o! ubae >u tlephone Company,. lir, Y. W. 13UI1 of Plymouth, lad. ia L. Gady la t'5fgiiieer 0o,* y vinjg ber Mater, Mmr. W. h Hakiey. sisitch englue rmnatly solde.(] tath.)locali !ïCharile $belorn la .pending e f.w days Yards ~wthrelatives who ama camping et [*k. Umi..Leurs. t vetlaulliam rpturned Zulcb.home. after a tire. vimit with i!bmaeladyetCbictago le élrklng fricdeinA Evenslra foi Lov» la placeoftWitt liecter abo I Fred Alenta qat %Wadneday and1 taklng a varcation. Thuraday of tuNs *tek et his aid bonme 8. IL Wood tbi. week seld bis proparty »secJmmiielfl,, Vh ceM Aneksel9r road :t womt of the - Mr. lieo. GwýIdWa, whi. has hsbe criti- viSap g aClbs.Phulipe; conaideretlen caliy fi1, for eo M e. esris to ha slow.1 $1850. * y on the. gain. Georg Cleveland begen work Tiare- A Waukfg.a ppsr siiec-ta Attorney day .ornlengla the. traffle departuent ef MaecQaffin as eiuoag tii- passib)lpecandi- tije C. M. k, Bt. P. rairoad at dates for coustyJ~1e £-»MflMes. M. Oudlu lu v-ry sick, sufferlng Bddi e cCormick, Harold f.ovall, Witt with cancar of tise lvpr. and littie tbopa DMerr and Frank Keen are spandlng of bar recovery i Mtertania.1 tbeir vacation. eat the illed Hou! luh AI Kno amaliréeadt or-nt et thos nid botuse Weuconda. depot, bas returned froîn fMie ilgan alter Tii. boys of th ii.fhrtyviiia band S'ill spending a wek witli ri-atlvvas in tiet ,pend Seturday nfgbt andt Suaday Met teto. Wanconde fae, tii ,1Hourî-iuhhouA. Meny dog licousnhi Fýles-n taken nut being the. objective Aiint. in complience vitiithe -dii' ni tiievillage Mise Frencis snd Jennie Sinnott, cf board, ad MaramW Hintgem ln ready to Wenconds, and Misre Mrgsite Ïcaead, ecmedae ail "Àering tet pro;t.t tbeir of bicago, spent Ounday et tire lhorne ofdogme. Mr. end Mm. Henry Lawrence.Dr ut .MdkYVýn-màin.oig . Mr. end Mms. Iee. A. Wright. lat Sun- for Clev.elnd, 0. wbîr.. he lm att.m<ing dey for Pottadem, N. Y. wiiere tiay the annuel meeting of the Amricen wan s uddenly caed by the. serious Veterinry aseafon wieh convanès ililueop>ai an unce ai Mr. Wrighit there thus week. . Waler Ahen t s week fie orerau Fall, Min, heeho aa rni. le ),FrakfMasser la layirg oif tijis wc.k Witt nettratur untltha cropieara bandeout bloo w.. au.w infoyerofei@ bervested a montb oir Six wepks lent. tiiane niier wtb cbon. li hyetbdit E.itb anad Joes Ch(irryîofinm swio îarieed twlcead et praa.ýnt lm improving. bava euenr pending the paet saveral weks wlub E. C. Young and fainily fit On Tbnreday 01tiltua. ewaSes ield Thumay -norniflg for dîcir bmin tr' anonue&' ti ynînpiènrîlAet th Iowa.borne of Mrs. Edwin iDy iîînd et- Jeffer - Son Park, a large numil.r oi tiîraritives Street Commissionî-r Younîgtbac de- of tiieme two familles iroi liere béing la eidedly improed Milwaukee avenuael'y atténdanee. The day was idpan and a clmeening up tihe trffet alauia the eurb plnarê ent e by ail lm 1îpîrtéd. line.. and placing coarme.stone wiiere ].B ab ap-prn o ul tonnes are tied la the. business cmuter aof .Hnh apîîrigt ul the. revu. @mail @tore building jlit north of the. Tiiomuas Splilman, of Wankagan, lias o.nS ncuu ii)sreinh frocatidin laLbertyvill. and engager] liehion. lweke1,arr..The building plumbîng. go@ and @t"m llting will ha tih.e melleet il its kind la town business. i. shop fa lu tie moral having only a ten fo,.t iront and itti building edjoining Bn.hme saloono, ()et teim ta four fret In thi- car. $praguce Street. 11 On les4t alt-.rn4înon thir ourtii Chaerles Appley sbippad e flne. pair of; annuel conféenoce ai t4. M. E. cburch lodhioundo te a, Nbraska party W'aslhld and vMy ,itisiactorv reports Tutcmday merning. Mr. Appiy ris .roi the. beeds oft ch. various con- some ai the. fitenttbourde lu tiie ceuntry ittaas were hoard. I iîring tii.year it and ismeking quît.e areputetian "a a as chowa tiet $4 hitedbeen mirent breedler of bloodeit doge. on improveeni for the. ciurcb end la ua em uset trnaerstu ~.-tparsoiiS<0. PmoUbId 'EIder Cedy Coin- In th e. feunitaeor e tg tresfwe h plimeatai thte Wlcal organization by A. t.e) leu fof udarcr tr tanîertby- eayîflutieat -this îashtire 1t quarterly villC.eFTmt of105aen tire Tii ty- conlereac etalia ever nttended lun:1.1. vlTrotting soitingrn d a hesplane. Atenîeetiligofthp board itS'as tit tii. otiati naw mets wtl shows'unenninousiy vî taretain Itai.. F. eht h ii nwmt htheon. i-Lewirwhe has li.-vl xceptionnl cuieas8 durlng bis year- pastîrete lera, for The NDiE5i)icEt<ýT points with justifi- aenotbar yeer. abi, pride tote isworn iriultion statemeat epperanng et tap ai editoriai X ANNOUNCEMENTS X coliin. W. are insulng weekly si-veral The L.adies' Ai.] soclety of tiie Prasby- huadreit more pepere tiien eny othefr lerison eurchlitt iimeetatetthh omea ai puiliatîon4 tbeceunty, and eonstently Mm. Aleman. Thiiîrmday afteruoon. Aug. edding ta our repidlygrowing lstefmub- 24. sciuier. Our q1reuletion boots areaet ail ties open fer inspection by edvr- 'Tw- Junior l..rîgue wifi givea e hot timer, who are lu it.d t<) setieliy tham. prngram et 7:31) Thumdey evaning Aîîg. ams ta what tiîey are g.tting for tiair 24 et M. E. ils a: -Ire. ernaau and cake Mona. erved.- Pete lbIad ifleaela abr Se-canon îîijntt the, Mtiodiéot ete c enitAhrt itcketllerd aittie cburch Aux. 2oi wili tha -Say -Oue place, and wban- t1w.. nd gentlemîan in Fetiir' " and.-0111 Passion for Liii-'tend Weilttnowu, lbes ban.n liea Chicago lies- l><atii.' pita) for sevom.l weeks, wiiare lie wes on.. Nxt reguiir titfetitig ai Lakemida imov.d for ais oppration. fli$ ilinemp Caaietary asaWii itt wiiiattia liaina waas uditan and cavera. naeeslating et Mes. Errijemt Brown ou Park avenue hiqm eiate surgicel tremetient fur FridâY, Aug1.-l' A ten cet lnhwl Niaddr trouble. H. as expected te b. oi.erîail. t isoOuletly strong tu permit of bis being Services wil f4' lidait e i.Prenbyter. iarougbt home tbis week. lit churth iinnday udzt. 1ev. Quaylp, leslie Webb, Who wrota an examina- whu le ln Carrela, will rmach hbeme belore tien lesit week for the position eft ie Suuday, eut liii tîemain the morniiîg mn on the. C. Ml & 8t. P. rilireait suc- will ho -A Suiday in C;anada.e' oeeded fa getting e jnb but afler on Meuihars of Lbtrtyville Chapet No. nigbi's work was coupellai t4) a y off 438 Order ai Eastern Star extand e beceusef au abeese which hand formed cordial invitation ta Mater Maoans andt on one of hi@i.legs. A liglît operetion tiieir familles to loin tb.a> for an outing *ua nossary and as h. le rapidfy re- aî Lake lienava August 22. Train 06nweke te ratura ta werk feaves uew daîît met 88 .m an irat wok.Hewas aeeligned t n u rp$25 ineludlingbotrd ad engine ID tii.reilway yards lu Oicago. diainer Thme a tainfng tu go lleae P. K. Buunead, publisher of the Lake coelty dleectory,lainlutewn, tompllfng ifioruaillea fer thue vear's fSue andt toliattig-advertimementa. lr. Bumateit willf fatroduce a n.w fetura tils yer la bis work. gfvlng aelittcf patron. of ail rural route. fu thie county. The diractory bas côene 4bharegerteit se ladi#penelie te, business men and a igreat convenlerace in ailbues. This - 'l tii. sixti edition and the puhlilber tj promise t' wilf excellIexiaustivenees and nccuracy. D. C. Lonirner, reetestat. aent andt land uaentenîplates meving to Elgin Intb ti. Mr. future, whereh, will b., *loae.> contingent to the t.rritory along tbe FexitRiver ait wberelu iie le mont ex- toueltey eperating. ' b1r. Leimer le t Iibaadflg on hlm own accoent tracts of Jan& l16 lhe Dakotas and in lneoa. T hie Who bave pureinseit of iin luthe. * le&w jeaespeat iighly ofils goi - udgemtntaneut tue ldge e ol. Ha le laklng parties to thi.e tates ueutioiied ait rlght now' mbewing thean oate gofng Ireni 60 ïte 80 bhlg to iau acre, iarey nio tab0 sed w1et 20teo85. HesBaya vx O eau 85-65 tuel$ssald tetise Rosi Relate AÂgoacy. Messes Dynionîl endtAustin baving openeitaau fice in the Prector buflinfg for the transaction et s houerai real estate business would b. pieased ta have thons wantlng enythig la that hie@ t eauI Wa have lig.ted for sae ,hous", store., vacant lots, ferme ait city dfate, aIme wild ianuds la Wisconsn, Dakota andt ether statem nortswèetl ait seti- west. nouses ta rant, uoney te boan, cogSeting,, insul'eii(S, pii>perty ax- change, etc. Yotir Ryc Fitubé. C. R. Si.'ranaupetieai.- opticien, l ha in Liiertyvilla, eaath Saturitay, untii inctier notice. At Hus' jewelry store. 463-tf. ANOUNCEMBNT. 1 wîch t.. anunce uy cendîtacy for lb. offie ai Surît. of Seeols nif Lut. couuty, gujet t) declelon of ticeitepub- licn convention.ý 4111f JouN Enuc, Rockefeller, 111. Fiendis-S V rha la often cau«eitby, opaýýuile@r»aitdeu- .100M. tisateat arn ,. r bu, ld. ia ImU rslossArm àg ing Won *nfuvietidoe P» mi end etere .Wbicb Reve CeuseS, rheme .Lod". CORiN BAS ORBA? GROWIflPK gorne of the. oldest anit most eri' enueit ferners ln the. county state nô$ lllaelwr nemoey lie. tbere benu au ot iryear wben crope'91 ail kinits Ys»> sbowed sc rwtb as thoeseoet4qb ~îwut sumner. la conneetion wh te NONT s taten.nt QIofflet S ulie M. Hf. Criliof Rqudout eut oeti. wblcb ineasureit 5 fet 8lnceeconiea thé' report froin Ournee that rye was culte lie mmreM. D. Campbelllef-rmwblcb steontiet andit mce .lu itéestockiug met. Coru, wiile a et it i. soitit s how. lIittie evîdence of berdoning,. la fnlly week luaedvauce of tii. last yvar'à cr09 geit lu foli&ag la amena.. The. no4 adtvanced c ptu b. e m blostu D. KuBox of arien tpawusbpan il lu hu fild tisera à@ only about a baW acre of It. lu la e -tbeonleeWorthby mention mastlee ars bave been bendi Over for lbe peet tues wcaeks. Fora& jumb.r oet yean e iwbeet cerop la th15 section bas ondary lantIi. estimation of mont of tii. fermers but tbIs year tlie.Who bave Put la tht. grain sare esipeclaIy fortuu&te. O.-Il Amn.wbOje@ire. et o!f 1eltefellar le eue of tiieeand fins luit berveeted on.ofn ttifnett creva ever sen mn ths coualy. C. LeFrent z residiag just nortil Of Lon Grove jalen Ià reportai toteha"e bel a wonitrfui yiald oft tus grain. Wlneat tuis'yeer le ni excellent qnelîty. beavy and w.l tllait eut. White the yield of nets bhas been leeceeid guchby)qthe excessive reins mr& eultfa ng l dgiug andithtâgling, ti I Mfi la threling ut ina manner plea ing $o0i.MWeMot pewsmi.tic. Tii.poiteO crop h, the mont toe .fearet forait. while At glves good promise et thie pres.. @s.nt ,time if dry weetb.r tees not eoue et onc e irot ise nticipetet. Ali theougi the souther part oi thé county wegt cf the. De@Pleawe the cer stands iigb and le w.» eadraceit and frou, new on thbe ciet danger lies in iieevy etarm& wieci would uproot and bmow il down. ýShoùId tue behppen mucb 'llamage woui.l rewult as lb. greuni t, st 1 ime i Ot andt the brava' roota whici ex tend in ever direction tii. tling tiet Imprase- offathe mosnt in that itla net neoecsary te go away f rom bhnme te sese ageoit iarmin1g ei'untry. AilUe as âte de Ile ta OPOn hie eyeseand tnt. a ged loat aiout. hlm. But if ho goes le waadering ln bie neigibors ceornfiaud be'd better dtiae string to the frac.and bang on the otiier cuit of thaestring. fi b.doa't know enough ta follow a now b. wilisurel-Y get !ont. X SPORTS and AMUSEMENTS XI ~Iout gour. money We have everjgthing ini Dry G.od..4 Groceries end tise Choicest Meut. that can be bought. AUi kim e fruits and Vegetables ,We have just added a lot of SURtS to Our men's furm'shi department Ail kinds of bats and caps in thse latest a Aiso a great variety of trunks. satchg suit cases% carpets, rugs, mattimg ,and oil clotis A OVER OOOPairs of Si 2fl To Select Fi UMBRELLAS Andin (sot evergthimgthat is carried, i Class General Stor .M - Bd. (Ies, the fanion. reinsman wbo zL0I trainidatreting et herses t the Lihrty- vilAle trackt tus sprlng sud ramdeitare the. 4tb of July haîd e narroeecepe et Buffalo lest Fridey. Wiiila deiving King Die inahe2:04 pane iii. borme.foot if Ubrti S'as thruat hbrougi the sulky wlieel et 'aaother driver ad the aèimsal S'a throSu te the grond. A -loud of duel aud eplîntaret sulky anvalopeitliSsrafor the. maoment ant on the cearng of the L p a r e n t l y b e ip l e s m o n t h e. g r o u u d Ar i a q m n t a t h a v n I physicien eut a number oi eteblemen 5U W 5 rumhait te hie cite ta fine thal besides being tamporerily stunned fie md re- civad a dep cul n onek-g. Hcwever he trove a hinning mae with anatherr horse Bter hevlng bis Pweund dreoed. King Diret aitar being tlirown etartait a wild runaîvey and S'as -se severeiy D ijuret bera iaing cagit that ha WilA Hoteorne, e ligbt w.igbt Wautgen Moa teeni, et thifai er grounds. inth S Tfhe. Coits, et Lbert yville, ware dle- do=~ of faateil et tha fairgerounits last Sundâa y ris ic tuae visiting f>erfeldtotasi. Score 12 t.. the regtda (L. 1 Pl"lwhl i.. eteii., coniedy that force@ ana ta lîaarty iauglie, lî<rus figures andt ansembes that are a deigit t theeye. stage oettingo, .frash gorgeons andt hewfidering electricaf elfbects and novelien tiiet datmi. ln, "Il@ Hlgline the. Bey," the. semase's tritimpial musical attraction. direct Irom a Ove menthe', munin lCicago,. ta ha sean et the. .Iclitari z ounms-t tSundey a vaunn. Tiare are 918n prttY womn with voit"s thit cliarmnin dancing girls thet do tiie uogt intricete das. ith qafe eut graea. lfiitact thesewondenfut 'brollers" aa w"holle daightful ishew by thera- selvas. Sunday Afternoon Corn &ud=lai tise New- lu eodosed avlllloo Meuais i Refreshments fth= the8 Ilthe lot B.colby Mcrci Phone 29 as. 'ch Brand Shirt. araknovlia du he taw hWt fa.. They ualy roat MLoI 'ry centociit87 as1uck?'chano.wsai ftises ham=us h irtnlatue mevetwe a oà= tht e ular priva. u du Neglgea shits, va bave th=esid'O â ie veuve wlth cle p cuv« s àattech a Dossom We have aU lmi.but mua ss allcr si=&i Four Shirt a"ds t s grcat aving. 'Yeu d sL2s ddrtafrom us »long ,a 6 gests et A Big Lueoel Cheaper Shirts et Mee's Mustia Night Gowusi,5Ô~ TUEl3FA IR Los BffM- FRED JOCHHE1M ro Agio@5 .05 Lîmmwrvv ILLINOIS. j. 5.155e N O 0. MOTEL* AND ()I .Xqgust 23 and 24. on the . t re Imme. liank ofFo .tolk.' wîlb.hi eld the aan&uelcampt meventh ennual enineut eoftthe Lake x"ouaare prom !ounty andr' îd Sllers' Retuiol tek. Part le tI associatioli. Howard's Mdineoa park, 0at the. &Kene of the iwampmeflt i8 1 5Àeiiolw A tiié maet beautiful spots la Lake ccutv te b" ile and the fspaciout goud »d exelleont opý.ortunitl5 for .eIoeaiii.Ut alhf IgJe" mtue thigvtaSgBirme tiàUttJ_ Il M