CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 18 Aug 1905, p. 7

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Cae Iioea* Navy, la a1 OunMui ont«r amy are the natumel ýIwmetetîls Weaunily. ymu *la th saturai prteetflon0n 30ax*rff cn vyla telie lcsetude ýmud" "d pomres 1 Ira veon il@ trossais or teti-' 'IW%al iou preminont peopeinlathe = avy. 9~- gins qui renders nly à affâ 8 a ain ere pompt ani ats - Dr.mS. B H artnise 'il ail trtui. S s im hun a. consuw '1ulé. Kehie Sttin iu, $Oh" tise Stte Dsfsrmt t abt hé Sr.eived aletter tmoina &M reuewsaidreee 4 arcamasuftetnrorDt bâie, O04 stalles tirt DeamnW OnL4 lii- Ir' Pm*va au « ila0l market for sucb gk. Tire Consul sage tint se tan imeaAmrican bome us sinvi «Wdpoluàon te avasiituIlefethtie cpbtnntg nffred te capture ahi.' piWTUN VEAMS OFTORTURIE. * S44n ed-caraiteuà waais by xràn-oml earii! Mc'alp sui fSre- liai vueoa» 8aoansd Mr wu vs ova i viisMa. word. meuo eprm levI u frin -lte itelcsand pain. I1 litd >Maur loaamandtrfttmeuti, but ceuli get rnêb aii ud'bad ivmgiop iroe visai * rmitold me te gel Cutara. Aille butinas vii Cticura soêP gai - wils Clnçm iraOniment for lire lae my hirea va aclair as en, wg te my surprse. and lo, onucakea 'i*ep ssii eutbSrofetOlntn.t mmd. * "piletecure b cee veci. (Supei IL »E. Fr"aukl, 717 Wasbngle st.. Allegiern, Pi." lIre fnabb-I am going iteirrite te ~ue t-da, ny ai: Hveyun ou! lugmegfor e M. Ruggu&-Well, yoa may send lier bg irabt Worgocisnettesbadont #e 1 e Itaniber. spoeluer t v1u o 1 mse 1 RimE-lairt listMWsdo>"dfor tbe cév Geniuaiipetit le tmgome, l1t -" bue et o~isW le uwibtulW iMM ça doome& 1%0 »Wev- pigent i O>-I ttuai grgàabuat lusettom ewbr& toutains aeMrbe 4prto~ er MLent,«eglona et uzsgnesi, tbe'tipat combititoe, Teins twattouai nato*ki ly la 4slènUI umtoniý gas e: CW 'wmSimilOU&RecordTisSule ulxod wttii s. YdOcarbensdf44utla ooiurc i arolecosmeL C AMng fle 4.ari. iaturm dcaimsi tferlb. nov pant an lqene mi sud mde- neusaet surfac, coveiog gover. par- mneence anud cbeap»am,; qnlak-iytg qualities vItiroat tisaadditisao0ftf&Ï, e;reednm t rou yelowb ilthUgemi uniee bg ammol, slphriited 4yrgme.c* sulpi&* i ct 14 uatufl hsring oirliab@nslg*tn a f.v meti. Ormtoat et ail, St Ual bu vaihel ithout dv$oy@lne original smooèmreaa. -oelidU pt- uîerdgmiy haïusai Iln eoumuicto ihit fau lu the cas. eof viiélelsau oanuaa wq sMa . salta.Wn8 leAi Kr -a-16 ~ snisaa*oles vir; age gltat M», Me latrèeit il m aomm mu t ls elatmeut ot I.dattes, amde. eime gwbu- Vs *Munai& A tgvet mi teauaaugst. 44 tisaI Sit vialba& POÉ3004but iat- éven R vas t gave me a amaset dmi of Pain, lta t, almt cuuptehlgcrip- pied nma. lyai h te éty aunaste veil:aabot a vam M0 thon S IL 'ery galemtaS tu11i. "A trieni adirSaum te tri Dciii XInl ll "d 1le»a> tire Iret. meut.Afler I1. u auit4q Iati-boi 1 vas abl. tn thrnv aval orne cth canes a&Mvs u deraboi IpPIOn The. scond box sagltels e U se tint I1 g. a*about fres tOx 008 vitrit ,a atanc u . 'niMen blg. vihletaP'.1le44awn ache. Doffa KI pub Pille deoi t.go .*kg, tutetspt la sormu asanA tha viii lvaye bave morpeatoft plais." If drasa suit cem as.balthie glt et $peuc*, t le a trlgctie eacman" -tbat thir &«rw" wrvonhilbe, Env are the. mlgit faliesu;"' rima wu viresa a mn vIn ter.i a car vtis a suit amse vasthe. obeet et respect- fui attention fropi thoethOum pesa.- gers, Its possession vue udndea amPp penet htirebetessgd ta tirs forbta *wWt. lmev re mge their dlotiais for dhsnes, TIb e gu1qrtaun ietetai lm a asmg titn eu. em 0fý tettlg te antiss, i dabeoite- et Webiisnastal opocet asniele. Alil mlsleDov chungedas"dthermin bren a burzar eeapkbsg w» tIri 'Oweva te a mmek haiesi.llg ni 'bring la lé rimites wvite milita te la 'dom W"i' yhe, fanodter4gadreue -ýNert et ~tale ot digm4u&flnn sont- I>etqi*hmaisthe. ue. isiem touIon-, i eUsiblleyt, fOr lus e m tire lrtydyshler jeYebd lie cWlàif wm iU t -e tbe tu éa! hnua .tve suds - lied: 9r'. ng te us t. i tai; înn malle md md t sud Filmais iii. otijer. 8d~ART pialIT Uss tbap'0r wéalegla tut portos or devo attomat wva gsl Out1 *A* -- rm begas at oece. ý= platWho e tid ah W ures ama*"Iabe.The. = 7Mlh* Uêelthi e apasle là, Eieltklb... e ar e. à més 1e d met c WII*teulb.uufeetust.victime. Tb*. db w ti.buildng er, aispltie. w s i u lila Ueraw haudredl deioet saptoga. ere tiiersa"su tbiqISb&Wli ca e 0the velfir. et ?'M, lévi os e ver.hartrendint. 'Waiasiy morslng, founni20 ma «MS 6@11109 -'PM th# vieciase aet the *OàrtU5St tat%,1 hsre twmti-tur irqnm e mm.eerriitfis . a# tcatlas , ehela the. huiset f In r 'fty . ver. iti«M unacconnisifor. IUle,- .e. bOsa 4 ls.Maur oft hemn iaged am ostbyon recognition, ha& beau tak- au frem fhe ruina thum fir STho biding nttcollipsai wau cern- ratntl' aW.. bains bea.s«wrestli tlan tvsutfye~ars mgo by the. lite John 'G. MIj.m t vis on.'ti ueityl .w tersadspazmenSstores. CNWRCHIZS lOIN RAIEKS. ?1muaomUucfl"e odies wità Twwtr- rreligions dsnomlnstlon, eonttal 8,00,00Copmucnti bave e9 *aw ale touivé te if tr isi. tak» pert laa n t"teMnr naferasuc Q* -edV 11,.Tna.Meeting vin b. bsl là M =sIsiîwHllfor aaks, t"ibmee regae isiaation o e i.protestant teresla;Amsen.. Preildent Eoee.elt ài" esosi Ififsmthy wth the. mauot sin a apected tuat oeeoe Owe w.m eaet his capinet vIli bu abie tu taie u thle discimaloni oftht.i ý%gtay spekers on the. prugrsm and ti. r 150g Sars mcmdleive blahope de thd rotestant Phiepl cbrcii.sax busiop et tiMthe diat Eplacopal ehVtt4 albaop 0of lis Retormed Eplaco- Ws éch. a blabnp et the Meravian lady, rspresetatlvesofethte Prshbyterlan, Oeesvgticnal, Bapt iat nd ther de. nomilnations, two Unitud lStes Supruna Court IitIees, tva Judges or Ble anuits. a unltedi taths Sinter, a Con. tausian, s Governor,dl, Miyrrand a.,. ora sells. pr#Oedusi A"d proesisosud qusai eora andimhlaters lm----têSI. bas e e. ronht butors the chefth sud natie i ii ceenca Are 1alia *eto.h soerdar, siois, 'thé. cWupe thil, the.nation- al lit sud (urlsprogr. Bese deairtagf siti latire .ntal unuty i wDl relaaus e.omea ca orbinga e primanttofdiestlm ol nWsuin lucitien, rurl.dkeato taEtues, braiga lands and ItàerieuaMillo il w ok. Denoemln Sail nai les, a piattenmeeting deroeil te gonS paéiiO'a ovament aonds a .e emPUlonte tiis daloatea ei the Walorf- à»tpria, givea hitii. halt-dosau dennu- [Mdt"nlMa&col nsn utictheC, ul b.atong tii. mr. popular tenturs ot 81SARVATION IN SPAIN. 1 ommeai et Par»" sLiving onsrbs, MDa" su Rrrlee. laAadauwi tir. mms: fertile Part ni Spnift, practically tii. wiiois vrking pop. ulaoWi face ho tac wltbeaervetion. 1a 1 ith*provinces of Cadis, sevil., Ma- flga ud GiBuis the peasatry, wire ôe1eOx»tae lmur. 14sta, lba i a lving for the. pait tov ~O et e «civeli on herbe, r..ta ý iebakaa, bon ltie ma". amp - butt"> imésau a taci ,y a ue of tu4epsants'y, desperat. iti vant aà* uta et wonk; o.)Rn a udias .th do- but lotnge about ad muggls 1awàsft b* juavins gans ai bw 1 . . N êrgaus*bave ocurset of ated *~<nbieses s ud vila elng breis . uaà'à t b0W I ad f mrob ft liz w*eie c tir*,«te<p- >lumdrdwe"iame ati, lader Ï mWtam butiagTt fod, *t 1lî»0 bo.y sd »uni .togetbus pUpcreet liu sai*, hoe attalla agelnat tre Puitet1pr" ho bas ahiv ort-lme autoc ~de Wte Itdchief of the kae peace wth lepan, i l pè tM. Muravieu, ~horiginaael êc- Linfor alim. potant omfc% Se > Iled ' h. tions man et sel."Rbe- anhis anearmil gw:;ernevo:! pi is vay ,te 0[ii. hesi of abat orvice, a posl#io -eud inlum 0ie lo of theempires. f rom h sie a Bby deelarUt Japan, sBd Vas the Insignileiut te committot e0, 1018, lu the lover epeople In 18d, Id the privilegea bellevea tully la the. despote brt «44the Ruanu ge- arnunent. H. ta a* dvancei statea- .MiMa aiis li a Wer triai Il create eoo&ittons 0f pofalnSuthe empire by biulding up tudutemm, manufactoerlos sud commercé. General rQvý*ho hiubeau ap- pointi onctuer Oeral of Meov, bld tise amus n lun1812end Inhertor, bt. formansd- le o favVr. iroveve, but for bis broken ont .atg Durnove, la r*- portai te hbu meWly subservient-te tise dmieetr ut effouostserIthie povertoliesi 4ofUte ioly Brno&. Amont tue OUM oe dlcs that hobua held la abat net<loeruor et Ekaterin- olav, snd during Uthe famine lu the. Volga provines bu talled te cape a- quately vitu lb. situation. Migs Ia TaLrbeMil, ho rsnevs lber attacka obae" . Rockefeller, daim- ing tbe ,Sgbt te ijludge hlm gulty <by the standards eft ttrelIon,11 vblch beoiroldo ~te ha bile "Most *~pricalets poees- *sien," bai been rthe Nemesis of litaudardill sud lÊr. Rockefeller for soe yeSru. Ob*i la a ilter of noes, ber beat IUO'&&V4 ELL inOWn produc- tSinsperi tp ber StandardCOU articles lna ftcnwermagazine. bains à lite ef Lincoa n Ua short liteof Napoleon botpoztet' She was boru lu Ohio lu 1887, vias ducated et Alegheny Col- lg, a"d for nome years vam the edi- ter ofthtie Chautauquia CoLl. ohnn Mucha etof ioeh, Wisn, vihiebaseen appointiMilater te Cille, la thse evuer anailtor etftth, iCabanais- -North- vastteru, lie staff ef viici piper 1w joiied. as a report- er In 1807. Re iso la notai as e liter- ary mon, formeriy nslng lh. Peu nomue of "Bondy Brond," and la the suthor oft ltie'story. "The ais trou Osb- ko@bni" Col.'Bice vas hotu at Au- - hurcs , Y ., ln 1847 4"litWu Itae ta, Wisconsinuwivh il t\ ilê RIS' fithber vaa killed lla!eëMIiw u sud b. vonici bis vay tirugolege, but seoun'is anaime tesr bimat ater lie began newapeper Dnrlng lie Rarrisen admlnlatflliti ho vas Mlinlter te Poru. Coila e icaba ipen'co~lcne Inlubou M uaioa andIl hbrary matters, e"- bua pnaet. ed tie public llhýrary viii siral fin. pitr.. oud itilnumer ttrt 1.5- i ares ssthered la his. tinvmls viosemnl scieme M by malt Louis. m, iani- lP ua@ d viti end er- 'an lu- id oh- ai mil- la de- 1'tock Thei was achueIimpoverlshed by fils 'gr. tboug the. &Id tMme bospltsllty Wal5U varm sa- ever. One daiy guéris ier. expected upon whom lira. Page Irish- ed to mate a good impressiop, sud the turnlture and fittinugs were ftnnbibed for lhe occasion. Tire gocid ames beart was much dlsturbed by the voru anuditiouor 0fthe.upbolatery of a rare sofa 'ad th. eltioned her btiband to s«and Defore la wben recelviug the. vlsitors, sud then oit caretuliy over the. 'riget *pot. Withfine chlvlry Urt. Page, greeted tihe arriraisansd dis- eoursedl entertalniugly untit$ýtbe neigb- ing bt -bis fwerthors. sattracted bis setlton. aisnastable boy led St; Dent the. windoip. Then rlolng, he saI te the. guestm- -Win you excuse me for a shorttimer and to bie wlfe: -My 4.11, 1 realiy caunot net anr longer "m a pateh fortlut soa"-New York U"InsnIttlngbehat on" tanaYv7Ore. tic charg lt .4trla. il amaicevr anythins traim pltri-ani-toss to main- saagiter its latent application Som«e treni Bandits. lu tilt golden cty, wbere the. late Marqais or Salisbury Irlil b is ]oeis a dlgger.thie axhrtiee et a Meth- odiat Cburcli, decldiid te auppresajo- nn i gitng. They latroduce i PO- licemnan lu plain lotilea, ui l 1e6de- tectedl a couple efemnall boys laughlus during the. evehng service 'ne boys were lrengt i nto court ou a chargé et luaeulting bebavior" and Olued $5 eaetL-I»ndon Chrontele. AMERICA'B BRIGHITSST WOMAN. am" Ir. e» eela lt Ba U yte N.commmd Do.a KixinoyPIlla. Mary E.Lease, torierly polticil* leader nid ertor of Maniai. now au--.e tises . the euh oman eae voted on for Sjlailtates sen- oi, rIltea: '-ar ,Bis: Ai any ot "My bave iai 'na Ktdne- aud have troubles, I StMr doty te ptUMad the. ie ta ethons vire suffr tront loch Se.aes, rom persona] expert- euc. 1 thorougisly eudors.yeur remn- edy, sud amn glad of tha opportunty for ssylng o. Tours trnly, (ignai) MARY ELIZABETH LUÂBE. Poster-Muhburu Ce., Buffal, N. Y. Sold by a&U dealers. Pricm80 tenus per box. soldensiDtAi. "Bey, doctor," remariai the. nuwio lied Jut dropped loto the o0e "I'm vany Mach aranei about nMy son" 'WVbaethe i troubler' querled tira M. 111.e bai iid three pecular sttacks vitisin sàvek" .continued the parent. "sud dnring esch eft tii.hob. as witb- eut senne or kuewledgs for uearly two bonis. *'Oh, don't beunneasy about a litIle tiiing Hâte thai," replied the. plil dis- penser. "l'y. knowu people te 11vlai their livs lu a aieilr condition." What To Do If C ostipated Q. Wiii Sletire baglaing net alekassa? A. oit làpotipaon A. Filura etthliboais t. cari!go thé Saste malter whilceies la thli aiensW canal vitre 1h d as»andPiol an tieyt il Uvely- -t--- X dea t h s e i aineet sosee tlàrd case. Noteétthe deatbs foi1 an apenldlctli, etan sai o rc l Wbat ces«Constipation? A. eglecl te reapond ta, the «cat n It' tru. rompti.]L Fcket, eancise.. Es-0 ti. re n gr. tatai amotion sendIt- proper diat. .ë O... Wbt -ama the slti or nulactei A.Ts Ts ria t . - -. duter L~~ ~fl= d- sk yeWu"r e uaeaT hat Q. Cit b. etV~meLT e0oumootettlt e ~alte «as.Sncb mms pus ie. yCn etilola - - ' 2 w y au li a, tisa maial. Yen l.= its1 e=.r e 9. Witat b heu biSladem. tée aurI Mrau. Bears-the of  lx' ..f Thirti uwr cawuiaeàpas When b"8 nleoeeoÉor esuytbisg or0os te bave iri hiebin, h do Y@U know whatJ Som« oduN . loZif thïtPioest 6ni :1"o~ spea ir. Could sny aiount of mer. talk have persuadd ý-bu»eepm sto us. the~ Ma Cohtees of aoeu$uryif t1s.mI M lomdit up eflogý Pmmt. m % Ivo miU su Istessmdsse4M CmePU»M tb. visiter. "Wai l sapeamver la eue ef. the det carpta Mr. Brussel 1 bave Md PWO* Caaan Do net une a 8lerlng ligIt for tesi- ing'onsevlns liesolauApvliisaatatu Dent si,. lie acidrt» tee and-le4 ho.. ai eatf i slaesan hmges. ge llLMr. HArdins .t iawiest on o3 dlet li smal 0,. .hau. Jetasw Que of the. cent pemel» et y.hl -lens aId la sous. imtesoet tise lIste 'it Dr. Beveiy War- mer, rocher ot Tria.i ity dhiurah. Ha la a stei ebunibina ,a liéer H the lmi me, e. I ver. I pi venu y.

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