CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Aug 1905, p. 3

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e. xl«"IF lx EOlsitAr!AcIK. .4s.sqForeamr Écouteya. A vIiOile &$a*lt, mysherlous lu char- vcewamatde on Howard Heath, pres- Idit the I.nternational Automobile Cmpaw et Cirage, lu bis Elgin home the.0sler atterucon. Bruiseatfu e- tua..,; dased tronm a blos' ou the head' sud *b it ebi lotbiug tara te abreds, the nUlaaulucu-r ws'allut hit cuslous iw.bila obir by.the Elgn police. Theu d"umtgçe(re knos'a euiy in part. Ms' ~puhdirea diat lie s'as attacketi hya omremploya s'ho ila efugitive trot.. uSspni a charge et embezule meant, This man la naid by Mr. He'ath te hive zone ftmCncinnati taElitgin f«er .se.purpose'ut mîrderlng lmn. Ur. Heath blasait matie the appeal ho the poagesfr,aid by telsuibone. lie gave a partial shory. anti tiîeuîtearîisi thé notoiety ibt ight tlles' refusei etiditionui detalîs andulsold flot uive the naine et is asailait. Tua murderoîls attack s'as maoje tts lu the uteruon a-heu Heslb ws saloneIn lubis honte ah St.Ciisrles and M>ay sîre-ets. lieshuid juat rehurneti fren Chicago, so.ntliter i% aif. snd cbld l-ft ths bouse for a riit. iauie niehasattiuonto rend a mlagazine. #, nise lu tiga lihrary attracteul hinî nuit be peerad throîîgiîtii. dorway. lielut s large bookegashos i al hmn.lut a-hem Heath souti haeecogizeda otîniuî,r enipinys. lietonsthe îaiiîifau'îiîrer. a-bu a-eigba 3M0 launudaandl walks aitlî diii- cuj(y, couid Ulve à ail for ibeip the lî- initier s'as ou bila lu the figit thît toUowe thue stnungr gave viluto n tinrentt hiatr b. -old kill Heatb. andl teors e le et lbe trui-k hMIai-rugsatbe etd is'tb nome a-capon hlat lef t ang sud waountd. ONE CHILD EACH TIA. Newua Reglaiie for Zion Ctys Systesa et Naurai l1 ese Iu conuertiofi ,with theii.uuiiicemelih afenahy nmamde hv 1>îîwie uh ziiî(1iii tuit heu-ater ail faitlîfiîl îne-îuiera ut bis churci a-ho maryn unch first hIlive big a-ihlexii couu-t orfis e theiîniuuige sill but lie eeguiled hy tbee lur, t îlI e- velopa tiat the -'i"et aisitie*" iaeg uis a ahi-p tathera ui nui-aie ludildi-t t, a certain estet lthe mater ut Ziois birth. Dea-le b4â aha-ys eaîires.ied iiIwîîir1îlîi' f,- or Pteaiei Rîîos"lt. u lias aa opposeti race sIeide ho the greâalu - .. milii.exent. altiiough lbi Isil ad i bt ta-a childîruii. Nus'. low- ever, iii irder te show iiia'lbu-feel u-l tnhieilt-r ut race suicide. îvi ii bu- i-hîs ilun tre--. quently l in s aî-menoîs. i>.îaie blise i-suîed a commaud that fruoint s' un uvrv -,ui pie marriedl ln Ziî,u shahllu-ndailslittli lamb te tb. baîtmi fî,rt suc-h Ye.îr. One child ila yu-r ia ho liethie nuls. andi tront now' ou it a-lu uniy b i.'u'asry uu aak a man boa-juonglbe bas 1lousuîannia 'ta kuos'thie exait sîze cf bs taim' WONAN SOLVES A IgTaTKUt. Di»b. eai'edSixtes« Tsar. snd Rïura-s AtiaEx St 91.tS er At. sfe u absente u.itlzt"un y.ars. tminlg 'bicb ber s'bersaulm bail huit et a cenîplete mysery in relativesnit tniends, Mrs. 1'atriek Kiiuuîey ettîidemuiy returne tu h ber home in Joliet. Wben aie a-et aa-my tram Joiet'es Mis. Abrama Coi sudthbe moher ut severai cbitre. ien coulpanlun luahBigât w- Patriek Kinuey. The ta-a aeuhte ost. Louis. M. Coi seujreil a divorce sud Wser tuanrieti anthen s'omau. Mr. Coi and ber etuIIauhumaricti. Kiuusy cei- aeInluth shadaare business sud pros- persil.A tes' yers *soue hdied. Mis. Kinuey nccîtly decidad ha eturn thi, Joiet sud sc ber ebiidnu'n. Sua a-eut ho tii. hume utflins. Peter Ambroot. a mair..]daughen. and! -Smugiven au at- tectuonte a-elconie. The second Mrs. Ci la deui. The bubaîi ilalb lires lu Joiet. The neigliburs blier. there a-lu bie a reunion andt tlîhM. ('01 a-li rar! bis tormier aif.. SUPERSTRUCTURE FOR BRIDGE. Matergai ton LesithY Span Reaches ICdwaasd.ilhle. Materiai for a-bat a-ilhaieue outhtii longeit bridges inlu uther Illineis lias arrîveul lu Edaaniisvilie for tIie Edaards- vile, Granite City aud $t. Louis lec- trie ilue. kuua-u as the A1llen 53'tem. Witb the excepion et tlis bridge nut anîshber amaile ne eueUlbl; .laoipiete. Tii. bridge is ot steel anit e 1.(10fet long. Ih la ah the a-eiueru ctylimiite utf Eda-ardeville. ah.d a-i s erve tiie uiual purpoge ou tbapîing tlîe Delulahnealra- ley sud earnyiii thue cars crur thée tracks et theIlilinois Terminal. 1h se11 have a iuaght o e enty-five feet lu tii. cen- ter. -ou. aithliigls lieconrete abat- menta and piers are lu place. it sl ake mony weeka o rivet tiie supestructure. Wieu the Cabolii an sd Deliimdie be1iles arc fiiibcîi i-ra ailcoiiuiîeliice running into Eda-sinîisvilea ndiltlb. ihy a-hi bave hou elechie iUnes tu St. L-ouis anti 'cilsthoAlton. »RIVE OUT YEtVER SUSPECT'S- ZItincit Authorities Refuse Travees te a "Wlhhet Certinetaiss Yeliow fevr quarantine inspectons are busy ah Caine. A mlan trie.]tei enter Ililliolaron i rd'e l'oîint. Mo., Ou a health certificate. He s's retuseil admîttauce. lia then purcliaseti at Missouri certificat. t Bind's Point an.] etere I llinoig. lie a-as aricee anti ~'met eut efthîe Shah. A car ful et r- negneoes came trun Tennessee, boîîîîl for the. mialue tos'n ut'Zeler. Ticefie- grees s'en. sitheut certificateîs. Tii.ecar v'asm loeed anti piaceti under guard unil t lefi Cain. MOL!> »UION AT ASETON. gffib nsd @&&ter@ et Nosthorm i 111 ssPo litne iNext Nouth. The ts'esty-firiannuealeunien et the eoldiersand aminlena otnother Ililinois a-lh b. b.inluAshton Wednesday anti nTuradgy, Sept. 6 an>d 7. The speakers WIa-U b.: Coi,.Frank . Loa-teu and ~ Juas t. . Ferani f ien, and Cen- Tii. Bey. J. W. BUoAd ofetRamas! bas beencalled by the. M. IL. cburcb. Booth, at Pans, as Pestor. Mr@. Frankt Chew died et Moweaqna fromt takiug a dose of corrosiye subliniahe, soitd hy a drugigit iiy matakte for. raIo" Wliiiam.puAw"1l.4*db. owlie, a-hooea- a boat store lu Missouri opposite WiI. lard'* Landiug, a-ens knocked doïru. tieti, and rtouiiet cf ueariy P -Usud valuable jea-elvY. James Mciueruy, 44 yrra ltidas touadt dead lu bed by bis a-if. at their hioin l Chlicago. Heant diseS.., togetb- er a-ith tiselient, la suppose ta bave been tiie cause of ha,*h Mr.H..Mill, S6'eqrà evanston. a-holied there fMarins yel ýfevr at ber home, Romedal,. Miss., 1die7iiaKv- saton. Tbe cause la nid te baye beeji exhauation, due tii the lons trip. 1R*lert Klin. a jouit peddler et cen- trail ilinois, wsua arrested. lu Decatur en the charge of murderouidîr asaultliU W. T. Wood, a a-eii-knoa-n retlred nierchant et Bloomiughon. W" onut lire. Dr. Egou. secretary et the Illinois board ut bealtb, la apprebeumire ut, cou- dltioîîs lu the Sontb and believes extra- ordiuary pracantions a-ll ba ueceasary ho keep yelios' feyer out ut southeru Ili-i nois. Faunis Thorn, au 18-Yea -old aifs, bas ma-cru out a warrant lu Sterling tor the a rreat of ber boy humbaud -a-ho la 17 years oui. cbarging hlm sitb abandonl- ment. Tbey s'er. married two montAIs ugo. The Rockford opera bouse bas been dimposeti uf ho ticChamiberlain & Bar- rinjrhon Company of Buriugton, I0o, ,preseat lesse-es ut the bouse, a-ho cou1- duîct a nîimber of theaters lu that Part oif tue country, Tii. transfer w-iill e Sept. 1. Au a-rident occurred near Bensos b wshicb t'Charlet Tool feulu Inthe cylinder ifa a eparator sud was bonribiy maugIed. iiutb legsa-aere eut off and be dieti belare ha coould blc taken froni the machine. Ha wus about 43 years old and leaves a a-if. and ciid. Thee eoroner's, inqueiat,.sitar a ta-o lii> s session lu Sterling, returned a ver- ýIllt lu the sliooting ot Unervey, Cous- way. a promineut polîtidla n l a-ieh lins. W IL lerrikkasd ber 14-year-oldi s*en wira severeiY critieÎseti Tor the sbout- ing. but exouer4ted., Lianie 14eb., 4 years olti, ahile plaY-' lugl inheru-ar of ber home In Chicagu. a-lth another lutIle girl.,a-bere a Pila 01 pap*rs a-e being bîîrued, rau su close tu the alre that ber clothing ras iguiteti. 11h. ursa burnie.]au severeiy that aha 8usd s fiea- hours attera-ard. Stasnley Aduir, the 10-ycar-old son of fi. Ml. Adian sd Fred sud Frank Col- lier. reasetively 14 snd 10 yearo ut age. -ne of tJî,ýepb Collier uf Rock Fl'als, are ulm»ug. andl a iusrcb bas tailedtois- îî-,es'.r their wherrabouts. 1h la teared the. bony% baye been murdereti. The &nin a-linrau suuuck ou a Chicago sud Allen train, killing Marlon Warner .f soeuorsud iuriug liae EUe liciiOn- sld -ot ;alentourg, bas been identified at DItîîmiugtou as EBugena Pikemun ôut Iloledale. Hls tatiier aill empioy local legal eounasi te defeud hlm. The tomate season inlu utheru Illinois ia practicaiiy eiosed. The crop baa pali unanailly large proflita, as ha1ve ail fruits aud ve*ehables lun "Egypt" thia year. -Near Ilaleoonue man eleareti $3,000 on cucumbers alouesnd the "'Egyptianl" nions! leuders are doing little business. W. H. aud Frank Vauralkeubeng et Diîurilie have ieased the Leisuti Hotel ut Spriuofeid for & periud ut ton years. Tbcy a-ll taite charge et the historie luastt-lry Sept. 1. Horace Wiggins, a-bo. mince the deatb et bis tatlier. Col. B. Wlggius. bas been manager ut the hotel. a-li engage lu farmiaf a-ih bis brother on the Lcisud fata. ýArticleq of incorporation have heen flc. for the Stîaa-eetown "ud Western ltaliroad Company, Prnacipal effe In (uilconula. capitaîl stock aemlusily $30,. (5.>. The roud i lanaued te b. con- striicted frm Sbaaneetowu tbrougb, the collation et Gailatin, Hardin, Saline, l'ope, Jobuson andi Mssume te a point un the Olo river lu Massae couty. Jesne 1h. Joue$, for Yeans au Aiton eu- glîmeer andl resideut of Iiioomiugtou. ilieti fron yeiiua- fever ah Jailappa, Mexico. He s'as boru ut Wilmingtou Jan. 6. 1867. Ha dres' $"4 per montb un bis ruin snd ishen îitlîers leti fomthe tever-strickeu district Engineer .Juneq remîained nth the ilîrottia. saeriticing bis lla lu the at- tsmph ho b. loyal te the company. Josephine Coiiett. accused by William Nagel of killiug snd parUly butnîng Cari Brady, a liaiierman, ou au ialand lu the Missiosippi river. near Rtock Island, said the crimie waxu ciîmuihhu-ii y Nagel. She asoserted tbst hBraîdy wa icht duriug a quiirrel f.uilowiug bis refusai ho ]end Na- gei a skiff. WVben coutrouhed wsith Na- gel. the wioman repuente'] the aturY and faimheti. lIra. Colleth sud Nagél s'ere iirested lu s boufeboîit owiied by Brady, a-ho evideuhiy s'as kullieti ereral s-eeks ago. Gored aud trumpiedti o deatii by au angry bull ax the horrible fate et Miss Susarina L.auha. agad 74 yesrs, %inter ot D)aniel Lanha. aweii-knoa-n fqrmer et 1Wheahlaud township. a-be sax kiiied on tiie feai o et barrotiier. eiglît miles %ontbeast et Aurora. Ih asa the cuatomt et tue ag.d seoman te go te the paahur,, esci moranflansd drive lu the ea-s. Wlieuah. s'eut lutethe field abe a-@ ah- haced b! a ts'o-Year-old1 bull. s'blch hhres' ber te the grounti sud trsîped upen ber. 0f crup conditions lu thia fitate the goveI'umeflt'a weekly repent says: Tlmely nain heliered te have beau -itieapreail:, molature s'as badiy needeti; cern main- tain gond condition lu seme sections, but uiany reportasetf fring necelveti; thrasii- lag oeta. s'heat. rye and hariey well adi- vanceti. a-ithb*compennatiug nesults; breoni corn lu 900d Condition; Posture# and mndews .neeted molatnre; second cr09 of clavr read tu hoeut, grahes. pluin LegaUtr gr Lkenuee ntion.d lu Case et eue"* Minora. 'Thé latteattangle lInls.nea- mariage llcen.. las' la reportai from Cles couu- ty. Batundar aftenonuo James W. Pep- perdine. 5usd 19, anti Mise Ethel luiey, agsd 17, appiieti for a liceuse. ,The pics- peedtl oan-i-reatieututfCules couti- ty a"d hi. bride lilvsdlunMoutris couty. Tbeir respective tather acacompanieti thaïe, te iii.clerk's noce anti matie the necoeinsa, &UWldvts of consent ho hhe union. Atter they bati goneoa-s! s'th the penit lu tl>.lr possession tie point vaa.raised la lie cjork'm ufllue that the licen. grauti. vaasIllegat anti that the youni people eulti not marry heanse the. brIde-to-b. wa asresideut ut au- other counhy dihou tiat lnn a-un th# per- mt a-as Isueti. Tb@ tolloaiug section ef the statute o 190% aas quoteul lu support eftihe contentiou: "Provideti, Tiat.a male person ot 18 years et sue or npa-aid or a temais penson 10 yeara of abe or upa-ard may contrant a legai mer- niage If the parent or guardiali ut sui Verson shall appear before the couuty clark luthie county a-lens suri miner person rnsaiseanti abal maka affidavit that ho or the in the parent or guardian et naid miner anti gir, cousent te, the maniage." As the parents uft hie minora lu ibis, caselilve lu differet ciinnies, Ih seould ta cei1mjlossbje that tbey- oiti coipiy ithbthie law - The Young roupile bati thelilcenge. tliongi,..ani dacidedt h faike the chunces. They a-ena marrieti lu Whihicy toa-nship, Moultnia couuty. Sunday afternoon. GETS ENR4IMOUS COAL TRACT. OO0ara CoipnaY ecure Option out 50,000 Acres lnIllinsm.a' Wiha ngenanaihy coucada. ho Le thie mont gigantie nuai an.] marger lu lie Illinois coal ludusin>- lias bren cuuîsuni- mateti by dhe 0OGara CORaI Company, a'iîiý, aas incrporalesl unîlen the laws cf N ea-eYork Oniy s tes' a-ekiu ugo ithi an suthonizati capital stock et $li.01%i.. The are* a inolveillies a-bollin luSaline couaty. ,-liane optionîs ou 50(M acres ut unuouelied cuilands have practicaiiy been close-i ly the reureeenhairaa et onJ.ou.r uoCfie In.luaddi- tion ha ibis opions bavaeieen secureti ou feurea cof the largu-.t minei-n the liai- risburg. district. Traîîaferg oetties on the land- sud iines 'seul lie ropipleteti siorthy,,s'ben the proparty sili ha takeif orer by flic pnncbsei-s. The tiaily ci- paity efthte mines purcbased iil ha aboya 15,000 tons ant ifi preseut plans muterlalie tbey sel bave au animal rapeaity of 3.5ffl.000 tins. Anîong dis compaudes upona-bosans Oisîptious have bue een creii are: Eldorado Ceai sud Coke Compiany, Hiarrisburg-Blig Mutdy CeaI Company, Egypiau CORI anti CoI Company, operatine- lu tic Saline dis- rlc; Harrishurg Iliining anti CORain- panÏ. Davenport CeaI Company, Ciittou Geai Compsuiy, Morris CuRI Company, aud the gas ceîpany. SUSPECT NURDER 0F BOTS, Teo Usldentl*ad Dodte. Foud i a CoeaI Car at Wat.eke. The bodies eft hao boys about 13 anti 14 Yeart s aens teouni lu Wateeka lu une endi ut a eai] car on ths Chicago andi EasternuIllinois tracks. Tbey s'ere lyiug ou the fluor. their arma partiaiiy hrown about eb hodier. Theme e cre one marks ot violence aDdntin bous brk- i-n. Tie car waasloadeti a-lu long, lie avy tumbera, but tii-ea-as notbiug hu 'mdi- ente thuatbey ba.] come lu cenhact a-idi thea. The coroner'a Jury adjouneti for sevara day. a-tbout ntnrnsing a verdict. Foui pay la upected. Tiere asm notb- Ing outhue bodles for identifiiraiou. Tbey bati a dîme anti seule cegarette pnpers., The car lus'bicii the bodies lay ariveti frai Village <rove. bav'nnebeen hliesi ont et St. Louis. Appeiasces luinte Ihat ti, boys bad been des.] tsenty-tout boum. BuIG MINE OTIRIKE TUREATENE». Uniloniste Augsasd hy Op.rasorm' Ese- ftai ta Hire lien Who Beserteti. jtniers tiat uine operatars on die Chicago eud Aluon subdislnich are hring- lue about discrimination against minera a-ho havre tisarteti their.pîtts pending a setlement et the aliot fiers' cutroreray are beiug ivesigsred by the Unitedi Mine Womkems ut Illiois. If thhy are fouanto lbte trime a genu-al siutdus'n of the minesaouithe tI.Saa-Wlutlles'. lt la charge-i ihut the Illinois Col-ney Caom- pany, a-hili coutrouis euvu-nuinesiluthie fliate. heas refuse-i tuemauulay the s'ork- men a-ho s-cnt ont. The minera base their emplaint ou a section efthIe Sate agreement wiieh sa>-s thlt tuer. shah be nu discriminioni againat union s-urkmeu lu acy, et hiemine of lliinois. 4(1,000PHONES IN BIG MRMER. lluiola Combine Witt Wage Wan ou Bell Comspany. Tic firet annael convention of thein- depeutieut teiephona uhertons out lii nis losedtin lu Pons atter an organisa- tion a-as compielti a-iicis-ilh incinde practcllly ecr-y lndeîîendent systai lun Illinois anti nsui eateru Missouri, ant ie-u selcontrol seveaalthousati more Instruments lu this Stata thonu are uperîati b> thueBaIl cumpauy. Tic con- paniez epresanteti control aven 40.000 telepiones anti uperatè 2,500 miles ut heit lins.Bythie nese organiation tieen teli lnes a-lu be cunsoliateti anti a tietermînet ifghh inaugurateti sa at the Bel systoea. Elgbtl iudreti Minera Out. Elgbteen une.] miner ln tha Chj- cage anti Alton district a-rs tionesnout et eulployment us a resuit oet hietaille. of iii.oppeciai commutte. ut minuraanti operatora to settie -the conreveay aits- ing over the employment et shot-firers. T'hiee KUird tu Wrock. 0a-ing ta the ehacuradlon et signais lu a biinding ralumionna ta-e treleht trains camae togeiber ila aean.end collision ln LADY CURZON. Kedileston.. Lady Curzon as*ehared iL. honoraetfber Lusbaîîd lu muda sud Las biliauily pemnuinmeti Lèr part ns vicanine. FIELD LEADO IN TAXES. ChlcegO N.rehsui'a Aesameni Resv- lest or a" lu United *Stao. Massla ldet Chîcabko paya taxes ou more srepeety dianamii' ther persan ln the. Cited States, nccording te dis- patrlins fromtlesai- - iug citiez ofthic Sounutry. The. $40,- 000 Mouna-icb lin. Pli la assa- -' s is cf 30,c0on- s'orthhofet amisaa a nd $1q,000,000 a-orti et peraunal preperty. William Waîdort Aster,thieJ ,s-ntle.t landea-n- er la ,is York FIL.City, la cretilted bis ithe assmers oet hie asteru metropola s'ith *$Z,000,000 vorti et neai estais, but bis pensonai proprly asassetla cempararlvely lusigiiicant. John Jacob Astiîm appears ast. frait dis poorbonse. thougi be has oniy *30.- 000000lunsai esîtaeanti Is cretiltat a-ltb only $30,000 lnpersanai- propemhy. The langeai asseasut ot personsi prop- ety lu Goiham idle$3,000,000, againat Autres' Carnagie. Nies'York'& sseu-osraappear te have the sanie diffirnîty in funding pesonal pruperty that le exiwieneet in Chicago despihe the great a'eaitb eftihe city. Many et the vamy aealthy man ot the piane are taxe.] un perasenal propety ah tbeir country bous.. Iu PiladielpieaMm n.Ane Weigih- min WSiken possesses M00,000 00a-ahh et reai estaha andi $15.00.00 et personal pnuperty, aakiîîg a total utf*3W,000,000. Pitabung bas a eietisuta-b bas ae-' quineti the modesl sumaiet$13~00,00- H. C. Frick. ot coal anti coke tame. Clasir Bostons& langet assasmeut la againat Qinry C. Shaw. This la $2,- 723000, ony $22300 baing on esi as- iate anti *2.500.000 on persoual prap- arty. Baltimorea langesaintmenct is against Francis Wlie-4-8,000,000 ton reai sud pareonai pnoperty. Miwaukee bas a citizen a-lu pays taxes ou approei imaheiy *5,000.000 of a-eati This ta EphramM aminam. Inu!ton and !mon unelaimuel Mathuer et Cieveuintihas accuinuhated *8,5,000ofet preperty. $2.000000 l)rapneantiugbils par-j sonal jiroperhi- a»sainenh and $1.225,000 bis rosI eaiate. Buffalo reporte $2500.- 000 la neal ctata lu te poasesalon-4, Broason Rumsey. Up la Minneapolis Thomas iuA-ry. fermer Republîran national emmUe.- man snd pnesieut outhte TwauCity ihapiti Transit Coîpsu andtihie Sauli' Ste. Maris nailnoad, pars en $1,250,00U0 of real anti personai preoerty. Thomam J. Bmury of Cincinnati oa-nm asyibuilding&lanthie city, a.ndtibis roai estate holdings ets nid toh. a-orth csn- siderabi!moetitan 1,00,00. short Paroudul. Toisioli*pendis mach of bisuis la remlng uiirengh disea-0oda Ian. Boot, commander tthe galesa- tiou an!, le aidta te b. aétuve tea-onk. 0. . I usiSrd et Duuth, minan., la a direct descendant et the (sud royal tamily et Nena-ay. Rastaiji Meaekji. a native et Beni-' besy, la vlitiug New' York# ami compils et the beat ha Las ta endure tien... IL J. Hlcinofet ilthihuurg wa-l soon es- tablish s Japanese S uutiy a-ho1-1a-onker lu Japan at bis u'n exPnse, anti aili ahorty leave ton ihat contry te super- vise, *-Tho t.ey, John Sharp. amenitntient Lrd CIof 0 ihl -ret dia aud. thé g~ o f Minho, slow ! murGk qfàCanada, as hls successor, waa ty unnôuneed at tiie IlaoSes" Lo=don. Âccordlng ho thi. core pogd*me, wlîih Iol lued la the. terin of a white tbook, it appears that Lord cura.Vs resignation s'as en bled toliat o.Son Aug. 12. The cdrreapoudeace qlîwa ndacld- edly bitter feeling li.tweeîî Lord Cur- zou, the ludia cSe. sud Lord Kitch- ener, commaudir-ta.chivtf of the forces ln ladin, over thec new plan of army adminstration l Ini4ia. Lord (îurzon'a dlsatlafactlOp cille to a bead witli thie refuasailoft titCabnet to appoint Major 0eaieraIl MgNdlnund Barrow', on Lord Cursena recOMnnenduhlon. mli. tary suppi, simbr of the counili. ,Aiong thie publie luii ndia generai sympatiiy la belng ezpresaed foc Lord Curzon, who for glgbt weeka lbug,beeu coufined tue iaW..froul wherelie conuctsd bits Oglt slngla-handed againit the. cabinet. There lx wide- spread regret tieat h. lils fait bînaseif obliged te resigu, despite thealamost unanimoua support of tha preas and commercial boUle. The friands et Lord Kitchener are jublilnt and the coin- mander-in-ebiet efthie forces nos' stands as thic de facto vireroy. wltb hie prestige great ihaneed. ln the opinion of the. SaUvas, Lord Kitchen- aras pow'er la aupreme. Increaseti latereatattachies to the .reaignatlon of Lord Curzonî front the tac t tlat bis wtfe s'AS tornierly 3MIsa Mfary Lelter. dkUgiter of the bite L. Z. Lelter. of Chilcago. Tlîev were mar- rIed lu Waslitngton, AîrIli Z2, 1895. wlieu the groom s'as SIr George Cur- zou, M. P. lu lU SiSr George ivas ap- polnted viceroy of India sud sbortiy afterward s'as raised to the peeafge. wltb the titis or Baron Curzon ot Loan CURZOY the shîp'a rumpany ah San Diego, Cal., Jnly 21. The report et the court ut lu- quiry,' consstng ut Commodore H. N. Stevenson, retire.]; Captaîn Thoemasfi. l'heipa anti (aptalu E. K. Moore, a-as relysti by Seeretary Bonaparte Mon- day, aud 1h recommenda thst lie officer. Enslgu Charles T. Wade, a-be aas lu charge et the engineering departmeut et lb. hip. lbe coun-martiaieti becanse et nsglect et duty lu sccepîlu thie a-et.]of iesubondînates negartiiug the genenal condition et affaira l i ilepartient, sud especlully the bolier a-unh exploilet. Th, report renites lu dctait diat En- Ign Wade talla.] te se. peesonaliy that thé ntfetiYvalves on botier "B," the o». a-hich explodeil.boiti been everiauje.] ai thâ proper tme anti kepi lu gooti a-en- lue ondsr, sltheugb bis auhordntaes ha.] reporte.] au inspection lu Msrrh. 1905. Ih la tutier chargedt tat lhe etnel valves a-crs no et ili eqeti ionking or- dien, ail ut a-iclaIsdecrint iehona- lent otftinty. . Tii. opinion et the court la diat tbe explosion waneanaed hy excessive sleam pressure, a-iehi the satety valve fane.] ho relier. becanse t liait beau shut off by mistakte by D. X. Hellenti. s freman;, tiat Frank De Courtaul. ant oller. lente.] te note that the sesix gat ait. cd tu regiter the pressure sudthiat Chiel Macbiniat's Mate E. B. Ferguson fallait inpect lie bolier a-hile-stea asa eli aseti. As tisas mca tiid o funetuden proreeclga rau. etaken. Secnehsmy Bonaparte. a-be bas prom' isedthie servicethiat nobody a-oui.]lie matie a scapageat anti the public diai uobotiy aouid b.iehtea-asd. bas net yet acta.] ounthe recommendatiln ut the court martiah ofe Ruga Wade. Presnm- ably blae in-ating word t nom lb.Prost- dent. The report frontthie board refecté on nobetiy cime, bat commentethie cour- age au.] seit-forgcttuiuess e of 0rens anti men lu the bout et danger. TRADE 18 SEING RUINED. Morcha la unChinua Nos'Regrsttni Asuerlesu Boyctt. The Unitedi States rspreaetstive ai ShSnghii Consul <lanensi Reulgens. lis informe.]thie Shahs l)upartmaut that the Ciîese Chauneet ofCommerce ah Shn- bai depreaths the cuatinuanice uftheb boycott lu China againat Amerinan goots. s'bicb tii. marchants suy in ah- Iibutable inilarge puat t te i.tudents. Thcy cdaim tuaitlîheim business Ia serions- ly affectei ae a rmesumt. The nusa ste- garde.] lu Waehington as being very signiflcauul. TiheIboyct asatfret lutituled ah fSghai, and stigmluriy eneîîgi by the ~.. ji4mber et Commerce a-hidihla nos' se auxuona te terminale It. Acconting ho reports tethie Shate De- partment, thi.agitation extentied as fer milnthith de Strats Selements, a-bers thie lapant busicsIe largeiy entroIJeti by Chunese echanta. anti Consul Qen- oral WÇiIber siatedti tht the Bbiamlîa boycott. as procaimesib! tii. Chanaher et Commîerce.liuaa beau atioptesiiy thie chamber ah Sîngapore. Front Mr. Rotigen' report it la Iu- terre.] tut 1h. mrchent$ a-ho tarteti thie boycott bayre teunti theaselves beav? losera lu traitemas s reanît anti are tiesir- eus ef removIng it. The. dapanhieni aise bas beauen inteut lai Minisi'r Rock- bibi bas mers.] te aid otthe Chine". govrmeni lu topplng the antl'Amerl. eau * moyentent. READV FOR a A. R. CAMP. Denver CouSi ,5u Perfect Plans for RemainBealnaina sept. 4. - Withithie pproaci et the tbmty-nib national encnapmen h e bG<ran.] Ara!y etflieeItepublîr. Sept. 4,thelocali n- railteas lu Denver, Colo., aniloueatîuat they have plans perfect..] fer haudlue dis tiionsands et vWgtenu-e aWb. ln --- u1S0Wr aziepa. vww~q~qq, tor -ef Ut.1tlcliasMassine a"ud autior et saverai storles for cblidrmna,- dléd et ber auMmmar oetage lu Otera Park, ,~TaunerylleN. Y., the. otiierday. Uri. Dodge had bien lu S iii health for se,- arai mothe, but r.- coere uflcitiY \\about t'o imontha À teora Park. Mns. -'Dodge had beanueti- itor of St. Nlcboias Z'sine its firot nuom- ber. Noyenuber, ~ÂS1-1873, and s'as per- has the Most nota- bicexampie of a proteasionai s'eman ,eo letters. But s'îthal she neyer lat the. s'ouanl sida cf ber nature, anti s'ethsr as s'emau or edîtar ah. neyer uegiected au opportuulty, ho gir. a beiptut word of advice te tho..e ho came ber s'ay. It s'ouid be bard tatelhebow a- aY Young s'riters of promise miha bas deeped jute s'rihers of promainence. Wbiie ber nanas aiwayus'wlll b. llnked with St. Nichlàas. mii. bad galued weli.earued lame as a irrier et atoies, essaysansd poee long before It asa pnblised. Amoug be bet-kuos'n carlier works are "Hans Brinker. a Story of lite in Holland," sud' "Tii. Irvingion Btories." Among Iter publcations are "Donaldi and Dero- thy," "-Theophilusanad Othier," "When Lite la Young" sud *Thie Land cf I'iuck" 8h.s'as boru lu N;es York City, ber father bcbng Prof. JamSLJ Mapes, anti married WiVilixu Dodge, à ias'yer. ln 1851. DISASTER DUE TO NIULiCT. -Explosion eof(luanot fl.amnimts Causeti by Careissmms. Tbree'cnlilshd men a-be perisheti sud one ofilcer a-ho stili livea bave baiu pronouaeed respouaibie for the bolier e- llosion s'bich wreeked the guboat Ben- nington aud kilicti and wsoundad bait Jéremîah lan the D*geon.-J'er. 38: Golden Text-Bleed are they which are persecuîted fur rigiteouiege' sake», for theirs ia the kingdom of heven.- Matt. 5:10. As we saw in our last lesson Jere- miah prophesi ed that Jelhoiakiin ahould have no successor u pou the throne. The propbecy was practically fulfilled, for thuugh, bis son Jeholaclîlo reigned for a fe months it was inerely on sufer- anci _fthe ('onqueror. lHe swaxnothing more thaa a trjbutary prinee. As for the Zedekifth of our leason hae was probably tihe brother of Jehoiakim and uncla there- fWe.touIeboinehiu. (fiee'2 Kings 24.17 subd' 2 Obtn. 36:0, 10.) He swax aise a subject king. Even bis usme waa chang- ed as a aigu of hi» servitude ta bie Babylonian conqugror. Nebuchadnezzar. SZedekiah, who must have satisfied Neb- uciiadueszar'a officers that be wouid b. a quiet vassal prince, did flot aet the part. The. Uabylonian forces beiog witbdrsavu temporarily on accoupt of the aditance of an Etyptian army. he returued te die olid pltting and scheining. and fatnousiy oppeaed bi% po,r migbt to that eft he great king et liabylon, trustiug that tiie Egyptialsa would beip him. 0 f course the BabyIonian king irould net tolerate qncb a revoit aud sent an army ta retake Jerusalani. This time the. besieged ivere obstiîîate. £nowlug that tbey couid expeet sernt îîsercy atter the shitty s'ay lu oicb îey huid acted. The alege took the better part of two years, sud before it was over the lububitaulat iiad suffered borribily froîn diwease sud famine. Jerusalern wsas an immenseiy troug clhy because of its9 position aud lis fortifications. Even the ali-conquer- lug; Romans had bard work capturiug ItL Wben there s'asp~o occasion for baste it w'as cheaper ta sharve out the garrisonî of such a eihy than to maire deaperate ah- hacks againat Its higb s'alla. Indead, with theés'ar coutrivauces in use by the Babylonieus, 1h s'as practieally impunai- blé to ake sueb a wslied du yby storna- ing Il. £ven the Romans s'itk aIl their ixuprovements luntear méthoda. and cil' gifles ofteu found thesa, comparativeiy s'eak s'beu ptted agaluat gond fortifica- tions. Verses 1-4.-Jerem*mh Lsd ainesdy- been put lu' priaon iy ti(i princes, as a-e se by the useceding clinpten. Tba "*king" evitieutiy -s'as very aie - a figurehueuti or St ail events s'as iJ latins' lunbananc.. am-i iherafge re a-sgk a- as a hume et factions antiOf 0ffisup- dion ut nlb -stable guvemument. The princes, a-hich terni prabably stands for ai thon men a-ho hbdatmtaine-I positions et ois antborlty ln tiie kiugdom, coulti put Jeremiah lu prison aithout the 'kinga - cousent. Wbeu the king a-eut seofetau s la lesacu thie igen et bis imprisoeument - these princes compîsineti. Tisy caeé betoesthe king sud askedti lai .ere- îlab bé put te deatb. The prephet liait, rery likely. continue.]te rlil ujioR hie ce people te aurentien aveu frein bis Pris.» on, and t haaathougit that thieeulyiy aS te tiesiroy bis Influence ripou tbe garni- 1l son asa te put hlm tsi deatb.G Tic position efthiepninces a-as quit. correct troa a miitany point et vica-. The city a-as bebug preparsel for a sloge. ~ if h waa net actualiy uudcrgolng a singe. Untier suci clrcumstauces mandiai las' seoujd prevali.and ti 1 ouiti rigbtly b.o censitiereti traiterons ton aoyons te keep opealy sdvislng the peupie te aurrendar a-bsn the. authbeities ha.] decideti te bol.] ont.m Promn a îuluhary point et vies',i.hie-- tors,thie princes a-ers rih inlademaitl- ing that .ersmlsb shoulti b. siieuchd evan by pntding hlm te death. But iluey aboulti bave nbingetithair ceursa sea- tien Inteati; ton. dey baU gondi neamon for believing that Jeremniaia-as &a mua prophat ot Oedl andti dey bouiti bave knoa-n that .- a-as fouIo te stet ai tiiae the a-iletf0usd au expresmied lbrough His prophet. 19thie Jea-isb people bad kepi their bonesi>-, purbhy, anti bçefiethie out, true Oed ishy a-oujd bave biUdsomtilua a-ri ablje te fgbi fer. and Go.] a-uid baye heipeel thenu. As t a-as, diey iad .1uo cae"te hing hetere Qed, andt derc aano ne nssonta-hy Be aboulti dèlâver them tfram the Unaitisns. Jremisii neallacti ail that, anti Qed tangbit bIn that the Jea-a aboulti uren- tien. Tie princes a-oiiit net liten te hlm; the. peuple a-euit net bheeihm. 1h in thie aliments et s nation diat bas talieu lutu cvil ways uhat 1h cannetJ ditiuhli ~voeofet Qd speakins' tbnough Hia ervante. The est ha* grua-f deaftet the divin, anti baes oniy the nusable ufthie earthjy; sncb asathe. gmet sounds et marciiing armiea. Vern.. 5-Tha king coulti do notblng bot ceusent; ah leathobe dt net the courage ho refstue. Vere e 6-Jrmiab's visa-s a-re net populan, anti yct tbey muet bave matie many peuple a-entier a-hether i.és'as not-- Iu the igit oethie matter. To bave opn - iy execuhet i hm a-uld bave beeu te bring bina antibils mnyltito greater jînominance than even. Anti many a-euld hagve ouka.] openthie deti et sn ohyl- ouaily sarest and hbnt man as au 1ii11 umen. For snob reatsons, penbîmpae. he princes prefesteti ho put Jeremiahi mie ,sncb a flithy, clame dungeon tia habe a-euld hé likeiy id disetftilsease'auant e s'oulti hé unable te make biniseit leardtou un lb. meautisue, u Verses 7-13-The sautet place tornla (,od's servaunte ln just a-bsre He put@ them. Hie ailua-et Jenemiah te h i- prîsonsti turing thi, uleft, Se the pro- phet s-as prvitie t -hu elter ot a kInd, anti sitb foodi ahen fdi sas ah uN lis scarcest. Hiaî imprlsoumient a-uni. aise makre I quite cicar te them conuluer- S osa that b. ha.] stviseti subaisston. At- - teraards a-heu hea-as freete prophesy te the people'falu,. bis lîprisoniant se a-oui.] atit te dis interst taken in iii- anti help te give hlmn autborihy. It kgoti te fin.] thah there are mikeyJ kmn..nuseif ah huerta. otten a-iiefe oua - miahi leami expeet tiena. gBe, s'bulsl; aimet ail the leaders eftihe .Iea-s aere, ready te pst Jenemiai te deati, waSma Negro servant a-ho tookplty on. hie prophet anti ah théeriit ot bis litsspois up ton hlm., It a-as no ight thlng te do, tur the king -luastUer te appesathi. pine. migit afta-wards bave acificed. bis enauci. Tih may be that "tilt! men" abould rndat itiiee men." In tiat e tii. hde- livenance et Jenemiai a-ouitihob. iy - stesith. If thielarge Pirmlier ef mesn a-ors engage- I 1haas thoeverpeaer gianda et saluist sua a .le r6a- eue, or ta proviles galigt Jaemiai ieliug taken aseay again after be ha.] beeil pull- cd troni that a-tel bolls. Au Iniqutle.. "-Do you belleve ibat mnsea mod et dust -Mrs. HMàtreli- nasked he- ttivolou board«s. - 'A l"Set lx oftraimafxrteO'1Mcvulu. WHYI ýTAI M'vuy ioam e Mis hIe'lý 7WSE coL, . « .be b ugtequalisé tW, * W4 by . idt I -ýlf 1

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