CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Aug 1905, p. 4

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tatetsist ftrm si Menthe 1905 ......... M.& .-lm Io l 'aient Weskl Circulation 2000 Ceunt, Idupeo anagerti-bstetd taa,~ ~ ~~O ,h ~0vCaauc ioléIrulaty &55XmoitLtof 1M lacorré0t.. -ys4bscriwPtland as rr w lerme CONGRATULATIONB. ke Wskga1clGefebSr ' tg Ie new location, corner of WV anti Woabing toni trýee, in a b*u viere quarters wen. arrangeti WUy adaptedtu, 0ite buineW .Tht. t lias added a modern duplex ngpre.. andi a ergentbater tomacine, besides neve'typeeant wr! AtIy;h1GbU!1 givintlb. e -suite beetSevspSPriItO6f ai piper in lamty andpeliailein nortiiersi .lTt paper eonm sout ini a new *à rmats wax, even tihe leading beenosbstihuted by onu more HîW&éTerpiss alager lrul t6tLatitio .enute d lath PU-Uasmel 58isnrtllowi ofhe *cla abàtve t in . Wd. l e ad bil ca"sh ftacee mitallt. tera Sertes. -Scùi d ljtLboe Ch.aplo.TSEU 0 1LÇA-on goo" o y,51* Moust' PAUL Mt ,4 800mihlnery lUiulîi ;gfmjýlmwgo; xcel"at t'l1lu O retire f rom emd t arifice. Masà. lot loi Uburtyville, 111- iiija Qi.0. M eotri, igramwOPcou - liabu tu~ sdciy s»d .apnty omld&ls Md mfflberfl UtéisPrusto lbns bb ussIs WWrdsv at be oqtang oetlii.ZUn a<t . xtension of tfiý -"lcT yu"' Therle te boa bosquet et iDowle' tovn, ana ridai o ver.tli. o.wllin.. Woumat' IWld by'ran-ttThtrta1 moraing & voumby the. Dame o! IIi'g ënope wus atraek sud lutatnlY lUed b, Ngtorea tra iai tiihean- t.wiofntRavinlaPark Wlule attAiDPt hig 0 cath&b.iranki. 5Mmwua eu- ulye t tie pa* -,»d vaucartiamr a buieon berasiotlder at thé tieëof the, accident.mAt St à isas th-Smgb thatabe wldla front ot thé train in order ta ommit icide ,but severa! vltbum etstaNéd tis tbey hellflbd that te preemesoet bucket Oa ber aboul.lrpr.ven todbMr sseng the. traie. Ol$4was on bIe te t OedOrmilbtY whlch i on tii.veut "odfaithe mau- road trauka. Chlti Kiokati te Desth b v COlt-lasiB Prlday nonon. Leona Iiethora, lb elght Yer qltd etglter aof.Jacob 1)let- horn, of Phili1i Station, midway lie- tween Llhtt1l'rIUe andiraylake, vas kieketi toe a thib y aOit. e- believe att Wdae blld trtmpted ho enter th* t dm1 tvea the anImal lie- coing froiglitaed klctsd ber. Only a minute .bero i. ho ai aked -lier mother if th colt needeti vater but waa angwaredti uenegative. AlmosI immediateljy the niother beard a ery andirusbed. tu theaid of ut he hldt fiud her tunconsious upon-the door of of the. atoll. !Mr. Iietliorn, wbo vas at a siighbor's tbpsing, was sai- n.oned but beforu bis arrivai the little girl had diet. Tliu colt bati always beau comde excuptionally geiltie ami la evideut that it muet bave hWe start- lad by tise unexpuctad approïch 01 the child wlio PrehablY -gav o--warIng of ber preselice. Bumps Go Peance Arrivés--pée b" ia againu settieti down over the littie village of tilencoe. Thse 10wn board andth te Chcago Automnobile club have met and elgsid an armistice sud the. borsdestravelers vw ol ner have ho btimp the bucnps thé.lsa= bo! th. village ejiite@ that the. tventy crosswallt bulupe abotild ti omuouI ah once andthlat only 90NAWcssaar eka siioultibh. uintained aera.. Sheridân drive sunt ti.. slould blie on a ve) wth the strass. The. motorite onlthe other hande havaearate W shrt no suit.aa *nt 1h. c ty, a- plansed bY them,'andti viiexertIhir Influence 10 malte lie automobile drlrersa-at l a r g e r e s p e c t t h e t t a v u o r d u u a n c e là i - gardte0speeti <hidl i elates xthe macines to a clip o!f tees mles an hoiir. it in frtfie state tlaIt the Automobil club stands ready toalad the vilillgel thse proseutiai of th-s violating the law. Soldiers Reunon-As the INiiPE?4D5iNT 0goes tu praei hè ~second day'. session r of the asinual Lakke countY soldièrs ta. r union ls being hld atho bu rd. 8 greundit, Fox, Lake. Wedned*Y, tlirotigb soins slip lu Wroailgeets the, band engageti falledtoe t u a p peAiýntes andinluthteeiiD ttusa camp are Wàvs dîspenset i -tb, thlough the veherane gatsert a i wDnti 5 ~ ' asfl th Custout. Thuday late .&g day ant tht st- tendance vIlie larg. Rmsutso! tht bnsltaew. session do. flot .ac us las * tsaforpublcaloêIbi teet. WAUKEQAN V[b ie- lewt y ressolai. EAsy'tersas. Tie planaare ont er the nete Graile imaesoa Sapt. 1, . itiludng cn South avenue anti Marion wville, 43-4 street. Tht structuré e l o Le o!ftrame. C -iGood hotett, buggy, li G B.Warren re.entil lbat one cf bid tuatier b ~bortata in a mytsrioas way that tonks 1~ itn;Lilicrtyvilia. flka hieft. liSay bu bob the animal ____out os a Pest=l l:le country about a -St atmeslarssoutît of utile frons tovu. Whtn h. reternetifor kW. Taira', Lil.crtyÉjILc. the. beat a couple of days later it vas * gone andti Up 1tiis moranig MUr. Warrn bu s eard nohingi of Il. "=a v. O.0. B"d"ise, pagestoth ie (b.- Uongr0" e«w gailoal- inch .assbt *0sa ougtepiça to Weasu is rom hl la o- brte in aider that b. .sy toke DO-ébae'o oa churcli offerettbitu at Nicei -Xln gan Chy. lad. 11e. Baurnan lias been Iidl andaitLî- patorof "the lo c lchutait for tise pot réwatrdof *10wllt 'iyearaanti bas met vlh iunpàerail I saute, AddtomArn suemmn l lii hurliont beide 1eiudpesent. î.sdlng thjt office of cIV eollechor anti PeI 25- ride tickt in lesies. -otber pulic poitions ! oiom ranti vIlle.~. ~ ~ trist. As bis ooervouwtoçn bis fuhure rtyvîa.No20«.JH to broader fieltis o! atutity Il vaws Its. _______________ieveti the congrogah 1ion voulti r"ai -NMô anti vonsets for pei. bim. Hover sncb vas Dot thcet'aie, a i) piiyig itons. Atdr*mse pol lmeeting o!flise churcboad vas r, _ %,15 ouu«y tstreet, Wau- callet Io ma H Ift coiild not lha aaingeti m-lgbtwagosslis goumi pSato j Iver gray et ilaontis oldw -osoosî vote. eamb W' riuen and euty termrae. Arsplv laipova-teatt. :îiiks froma j5por nsmar- ito*er 8 10 r i nouer kesîiw n ho thio(m fletre b..long boën iIetretotinto f diseuseo! jg~.wno ny cunettiidcyl ou toKr fitholso! a toaoiuom syediaty hl ra- - aievt*5VW? allant esmuaos4 4 mr u no0 refflon vu -lhs Work "oast coinmened at case. The bua.lists 2M&iag Orofor tet cou o<Jar ow tu te ful. inedisMd noht lat M n ilb*. wbhtn. bew Iflomber 4a tie lo tortilait as anYtblngea# u rirs. ai. Tht new ntuberi.à kobèlertane forte4 action a" t b. ma;44r wvas Iaqt agmeet upas. Thtbe ildng *111 .ýco«t1 14,00001vhof las #10,000wbile tisaw U rtbe Lake..County DrugieseMoeet-On. l<on. day -fite Lab ContyPIausma. cutl Association, a brand, i ols Na#onal Asociation of Deuil Druglsta, iet aI HIgIlaistiPark tu sied offleers forth. .nsng Sour antd to tSDsec wbt otisr bus..ntg colheon tise meeting. Tise olc o! litsselatlon,Is pnrel ~rotace, ttht ta45lokal association 1lIavlngdans much ia1se lpant ta masure tbo publie pure druXI. ant 0 n«re légslation regulatltug isîli priost patentuiedlclnes andt fpd iup curealis. Tht loc' brasilti fA thtassoiation eletadtth tolbowng doofimr: W. W. Pearce,, Pies. W. L. Bas'Abey, Lirt;vijlI, Vie Pies. Conradi Bolîstelu, WankeRSa, f'y. (o. B . Cumndngs, RigIja4ark, Trous. R. A. Nordlng. Lake Forest; P. 8B. Louel, LberIVylle and Jas. gvan, Auhloch, Truste.. A speecil meetins of thé. Association *111 h. h.Id eaI LileryvalI S eptemhtr 7, the rgler meilng h.lng calleti for Ct, 10a b. sang place. Biscuit &%PaitelSienuou-The stren- noity oelt h. commieial 1000 of the severai day. aMo by two -ompel biscuit mon Whionmet luna Orsysake gror.Il eesulsthe terrltuofo J. 8luim; a wagon-man for tht Sw- fv er Biscuit company, of Chicago. van nvaded bya nman namemi Colline Wcho, lu tihe Intertet o! tise Bolivar Biscut -Company, a n.w coneerb, ln an esdea- vorto mabe s& ale ht talketi a littie to f S'ely accordlng ta, the views of the Bawyr manu. Bluhm han litan maklng reguwa tripe thmrugli the locallty for abot four years anti on bis lait trip huiti tood considerable iiauterlng froanthe merchants wlio bail been vlated by the. Bolivar man andi on etering a Qrayilake store eon- fiedtahoeoproprietor vhat h. voulti 1 do ho Collne If hlajppend thomnirke is acquaIntance. Colins i se. srAi prisent sud ltroducintbisasel! re- quesee th4t h. do IL. Thougb Bhuhms ie short o! stature anti congenlal o! teniprament h. praeededte, e arry îothepromise âanti sucedtu tathe kextent of earnu a fine for hotis ýparte hc îi bcaeaonei r. SASrow MANUFACTURER CF - Meuble ami Granite Monouneni s emetery Work of Every Description Corroepondsmce bolIcited 1$Gênes"eSt Wankegau TaIk is Cheap Lot us instal a telephone at an espensee 1 o-U aIl ut f propor tion to benetlt andi convenlence. Everyoac as pultlath= Wla Bauns ratas, 43%..pur day and up Residun(re ratas flupar day and up Coul ract Departm.nt r TYVILLE sday li Flu-AI rices l5 endI 26 eht 8:1àP.' . 36, 60 endi SAug. 271 aSffe'. paasei I OAWVSntI MACIC Ahd a, Bg Fuwr mil ew Msk Spoçift S26i 36, 80, *"cc 75c DegtMbng h-moftow sftenoo the lKoobea KipeUe Kapellomeister-JHANN WEBER Xveryaftrnoon ut 8. Every Evenlnog ut 8:15 PÔPIJLR CLASSIC ADMISSION 26c.- RktÊRVEC> SEATS 50e viii b bIn lutheare seas reserved In ad- vanne, Tel. !Rlgbhaad Park 64 Evory Tbtimay altrefloOfi (idren%* Da.y AU,ünder 14 admittedifroo THBEVENT OF MR ESEASON Coniaaeabing saturday. SAept. ilîfl. PEROSI S OMATION TMh.Resurrectlon of Chist i'resent.ed by EUGENIO SORRENTINO PMd1. 8 wotld famuu BANDA ROSSA intrudueinu a Quatette of Grand Ove..singet a tai Wouderful Scente ellecta SOLISTS 0114A CIAPARLU, - soprae BrsaiE............. Contralto ALUWPQUESNEL. -- .-Tengr SALVATORS NUMZIATO liaritone Begilnning Saturday. Oct, I4th, andi for flue conseculve Saturdays Mr. Buton Holmes Travelogues. Last Chcago & Mlwaukee elerie train leava. Làke Bluff for Lbertyviller ut Il 0Pni EFVÈE' SVNiI40AT 8:16 Saturday and 8uaday.Matin,. ai 2:30 Tsese TttBM (îp osern mnd Carriage Trimrniiig> CABINET MAKINO IN ALL BRANCH4ES, CHAIRS RECANED, MATTRESSES MADE TOý ORDER AN4D RENOVATED AND MADE OVER. Haveyour work, d.noby a man expertenced. Don 't wait a year for yotnr goodat t be returned. Give me a tria that youtrwork is properly attend- ed te. Be convlnced. Every one lIn thelir turn., . j.Ier e Stay. -NRT.OR13 O EBB TXE BLACKSMITH -~FREU DW vJ?"OKER - for Yal «wSaratvourDsp ai Libertyvile, Mn~ ______________________________ il ______________________________________________________________________ SIJNDAY9,MJGIST 27(b WilmamesBre TIIBIOGRAPH DANCES TuesdaY, Thui.aday anti Friday aller th..lP.rtarmance . LLINERY- To reduces .g stock -I1amn off aisnp somne attractive bargaa im i aeo .' 1lbave a Sým rf -Pairs of soEs. o l"sb worm. wwhIpnqu o s a elet tees thon a ltbeir' cost price. MR$. 1r. PR01IIr Machine R <pair 1 aia now locatedlu xny: )MW plant ,a4~d thoroughly oquipped ,,te do ail kind of reipalring.*of Englues ,Machines and farm lmpie mont. Q"lck er7ice and -t'Wlen ini Weukegam step into t 't' ' Gliberrs .Dru fort t 't? and get a delios Suidoe or Soda j Water. cers stop at this corder* glixrttIxDnwIstandPerf muer 't, ~~cor. Gess & M"S" soSs. j 4&4' ++++44,4++ 44 4 '+4 ----t----.SMLL Men's Patlent beadher, Shoes 2.50 MeÙ'it Patent Leather Shoes 5.0 3.00 Men's Patent Leather Shoe8 22 3.60) Mei's PaWént Leatber Shoe 4.00 Meui'ti Jatent Leather Shoe 2m 2.50 Men's Tan Oxfords 1.75 thisý sale ailthrough ouw shoe deI3to F.. BATThRSIIALL7 NotNng cm the Market Eu tot Tus fat hlmskno mwn 10 drpnuiits .every- vhtsu, anti aine out o! heu vilI glve tisai custainers tuis prpparationi wbo« thse Let l-iasei for. Ms. Oh. Wltsnor. a loasu...- ceon" finst Mos Bo ton sUe*ecoe 0.G. Pava GRe Fitueli Mochseud lava Gaffes lb. Petiolm'a Braaatant FOW. perpiç*. imde.Wheat pur pachage........ lalssoa Drakfant Foodi per pg-, 'Oms, Note. prph. ... BA%8'8 CHOCOLAT£, cake..9t SAKERS COCQA i-9 b., ta"s - . M.aveh ting Posadir b. ceau ODr. pricee SAblnt Powdet lb. c.. 4 1 lb eu lalanu........é......... Moustard Url.iapar con...... M1nra om m misseemi qrmik ie o... Deqofee C.dé,.lb.rick ... . .. .l Vint iotleOOSto ....i......J CriaI.edti Daidspouedipkg.. TbanksivfaaCanmtu. pouantipjtg.. .1 Butl neadRlib. ... Bakln gSod (amblerh) lb. pkg.. LAUNDRY B0APS, EUO. 10 Bei' nsilcaWn Faaniy. soap.. ..-..46 10 ~ Ou.m 1aauisry Saap ....... le Bwffte WoollfopmasuaI.e <iranpa's ont r a' ome, pur bar..* llesc.Lump Stareli(la balki, per lb .....4 BoumoldAmmotper btytW.. d à CanePerfection Lye ........... Wouod ClotisesPlun, par dosL.... .... <llalstim Tub,oeac..69c. f88eangiI Coprbtom vani boier ...... u Broute . .d r .i............. lhiglng S.,StolaSsiPô , par pkg.. caol<~riak >prak... Tanlsê o iFly paper 8 sbeetei E. E. ELLiSWORTJ. D. A YOUNGý folwwmm for âdr1do»u«A *wt md cm. wie gvu qe» sergie -Md i"gumilti du (M)1. TRIIIOS' OL) STAND. l WAUKEE AVE. BouTS 0or oTEL. -AU. KIND- Good Gradeks at FAir Pricms DOORS, WINDOWS,. MOULO.- IN"., BRICK, LIME, AL"h, PORTL.AND CIMENT, SEWER PIPE, DRAIN TILE, ETC.- 6. «yd. Ili. a Clineetc, MIwauk*uss14Zl4 Osell on Teal oea,&*ytu J. At TIsaItht ftim tdl vo ware u Ilding. - ' tkmU, or *oùr mni q

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