CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 25 Aug 1905, p. 5

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lest bsea iary y..,.ambg.wrute the, P..Voe -"4'w«v. ieIdf. hiha' -W. dvw w ýd v.e eeon iie du.t to guad qgaluS oened MW" 'e. hat why ve bave m mmy eushmm 'Mad ,I*'vovin sud bsesothe ru~io-thae alus odr 25ç cSpS. q"àl.the. averag.e,30c end 3 Sc raad at ohiir ptacet., ou, m MW .4 Jaa ofee ever.. 33c.-You ca.'bt lt. Japas Te& soc. JeE3LI TIGO 0, iS 1LIBER IL dRE--n RER IWatches. It pays to bîîy the best yoiî can aford. At our prices auYbody eau afford a -pretiy 90go ot- We bave no watches at any prièe that.we can't warralit ta) keep good time . t- Clocks Aliouehold Lt pretty apt to be veil regulated tint h"M the rigit tinm-iny dloek in my mtore vil s6upply it. . ie umRim ~f5omAlli ANDREW IiUSS GENT'S FURNISIIINGS We bave just received a nicelirjeof nock- wear for gents. The natty klindwelI drt'ss- ed meni wear, alwo a supttrier ai4sorLment of dtre."'gloytts. 'fhey are seliing at prices coumitd4,nt with the be»t makep. Our UulosShirts, Over"an ad jackets are mad e o oo ln the cheape Mens rurnishu ings we- have Mem's NeOiffl SNOrS, 50 cents and op Men's uidrwearg 25 cents and up Mea's Ovqirds, 50 centS and Up Men'sJadM4* 50 ceits anid up Mes .Work Shirts 25 cents aid -opi me*%s Sex O5 cents aMO up Me's oe, 10 cents and uop MWes Suspeder 10 ceuo aid up MeensTMes 10 cents 'and opj Me's Kid illoves 50 ceits aid uop W. also carrgia couplet. lime of ladies ties coflrs, S.kloaves, etc. Smith & Davis, Libertyville, [il. M PriVm, l'ofaiWakeh, n le r- atid Lloyd Hnckluy, ot spendh9gtii. eeoit iitrelatives bore. ChCgicaosnto Snnduy vit titir futitêr MIa. Clama I<aner, uf St. Louis, je W. L. Rso#qM apgs4lflg ber vacation witit ber cousins Tihe Mmes JfMti.- andti Mabel Ri-arde ft*heM an flleDow in Maekmaw of 6. L. Trthls wc-.k. wblet itl ii@pendti moeuai eeke in an Tii. AnuielfWire ijqcépeompany 0f4luaaor la escape tii. bai lever. vas coapellêto "closc davî ', a couple IL . F«lier titi week moiti a Sandwich of d&Ws tbf. k 4aW i g to~ a siiortage b", p~ uta Oeal. Everett.,,pnd Dn'lof wie u-5 5iI. Oallmgher, livingnortiteastof tawn. -Tii. bos vio lwt amt veoit at Idie MmN. eal Price.sud childu-en have jut four, Wati.$md, n-ort a vateh of retarast fro aa visit ta heu-son Cler., nearly twsuty-Uvelltek base sud a at HainlltQli, Ont. Tbey aloo vislfed ut piciterel tbat Wed< fit-.- pountis. Torouto, lBuffalo and Niagara Falléï. MlIiAIle. l'ler '4itie n an exttentet ÈAtiior, the . nnteen monthite ad babX caetera trip, .leltit.g reintivea in New oftMr.rndud Mua. John Sedain dled Suaday York., Memmautts and New Engisuti iàlgbt and vas burleti Tnesday in Points& 19xita.OO l>l, monext week. taksslde cetnetory. The, littie (tne Offiers e 1001 utnauni-es that ail mnffeed vitit bovel trouble. doge Dof t W10tage vii l echat alter Mu-. L. R. Kainer and daugitter, Urd Friday aitti. eti have no tag O. b. Titompoon andi on and Mr%. W* for your dog @et it- andi sie titat it lu là. Winnle anti daugîtter, of Fratnkfort, onis eollau-, Indiana. a re 'gomtt tis weei of tiu On Tue.dy a I-ddt-r vas taken la aliter, Mu-. B. A. Bish ol). tçv ity CIIIOI eUt'ges far uelling goatis Auvil yagor vent ta Mlwankee vititin the altyllinît.. ititaut a liense. Wedoesfday tu raimut ta thei C. M. & St. -Re wa,4taekbefr justice Huê.kley itut P. at àroma. H pa d th iý(womrjrrQ-aasdedn bis prni- , ta g.t outfa examination Laqt Saturday andi eipeuts o lio assigneti an Pngine i the e -au- ()n Mond*Y tturî.lî.g Wiliant Harris vas the victimof a strate ot parait-sic future- anti ince that tint- Las le-en layjng at The. Emâem e r & eld bit#i ,fîtiuti aiual biséihome, la & Precarious conditionae outing at Lita < jpov Lst Tuesday, tite eing, cOmpl.-tely Paralized. oMu-. about twenty-ivu frop Itre 5t*nduig. Hauris bas been fou- te lat titree years A bout uiàe aroundtheit'la" ewAe.îndulg.. a ,uffeerfrtuont beaut lier-ananti cu. cn in and a innefit-on mpreati. Ail vito,%t- ;ton at the profflutimîe ih4cuititai. betideti repart tiîat tlui'day was a grand C.. elLsctltiit - seetiman and gau-d.-nlng Lîîlnesl itis Fou- the Put aeek ail Pagsingvr -t raias , coibas lu ft.epa t matie a conelder- [ronnlîig in andi aut 01 Chicago Lave La-n Able name 19r "iiim s.l i an expert in tii. tielayeti bocaae. of thp itou-k betng potato cîlttlreý î,u,.in,-c. ntaking a earru-n atl inte ity limite in efrvatsnrg speiality ofbu'eodlng n,-w varietiee ut- tithe file tracits anti Libertyviille peule Dt uber Ily PnO44 gî1.-ariaucftrtlnu ad welia asailt te otiter ubuulantip's Las.- doveloping nov *-huuaetrstcé. Mu, been macit inwanveuteîced. t'arpenter isasMnmat, wr-l .1it-rseetin bis Ala eastu'autinatêiloalto-rn art- uou-k andi sioolti tîake bhi#Lbtsiness a la the boer future ttarnaouit tient, dur- village, - able mar'itines fop #400P eut-. Jut as affln s tityea unnt offt tva nre MM-i.Michael Gnou-lu cpii.s. jeitior viito aws-a rtuudîug oIeath nth iee ulminatitnuoalan ilineffl up is dëliiiiieito viith a Leazi ne ir vooesit uration suffereti Ly1 np is deunuîone, Mr. Michael Uti.u-ii. andtihte aueitho- i buggy. lut'ed lady paeseetawsay luet veek aIt the tumlly houms norfb-,a.îitr Liiertyvilte. Mr. antiMu-. Cits. Kaiser #-pot evo- r 1u-e Br-Meen ';ueu-it vas bora la adays receîttly in Mlwaukeere M. taecammon. irealt in 1839). Site Kaiser vas ia attendane t-e coivea- came ta Anterica jn l'.5<;tu W Le~a tian of the Ntational Retaillilarnes. Mat- la 18612 eh. vas utrrieti to'Mjc aol i Gu-m suad elght '-ars later tbey re- .-rns .lratective assaciation.,About 24>0 muvet a t t arin iii Lîbertyville viticit bâman...niker» gatitereti anti -alter tak - bsha@ne been til-hotit.. ing cure o! fiale ipeeme iitlicanme Le- ,Ton childuon W.ra itu-n ta thet: Juohn f®" hemot4g 4iojr»I o buLutP. Wm. A., Frank-. %u-@. E. (qihbis, uiîit vas »prend linIlîir lttiu- n elon1oý 0 p Ird, Jui--, t u Fani Wlile going et a speeti ligiltly 1fuster wio ý ib0 niatcY. rTebutibend sur-i thota he tiregulat-lon six miles un ltttu- r te'FI voi"e»ter Itl9 onaya Ttrn Colettcolitid viit wagn L- te Libertyville Catbtiic cburcb, la tihe ltîg drivî.n by FraunkIt Jlton lt Tjesàduy cortele tram tii.. boWitta cburcit aven evulig sud is boni. ealwgf iti thteiune htlntiu-uu4conyeyeut-e. ltiag lu lin.. thiliéof-bi ürriue Alerrun- llqilaibigh mta"e vas c-lebrated ity1 aijud af (ul oaricàag Alle ranîg 1.10e , J. Foanian amieted ln dîtet. Lhoiri aront aouleofblc-. l-v the tuti.Jt.v Mse t anrssd Clark. tisbop anitnai asporieti attite bau-n and wvustiMd Mc9avick sang tiie- Liera and fendereti up. Tom sot the buggytome biing, atterma a nisl a iftinig eqlogU the ant u t t iiwr. bgyiîu fta naylon ciigittribu. ta the dttcoese. tii. aid ai ii. hanse- lu St. m4ytra'eetery, V au- Davîu at the Hannonu andi Cleiet ssi.On-t sa rent uîore lau-ms soutit ut towa titey are saltisfiedofTi ai tie i u%%nt a rdchei nti gpre only vitit tby very Lest thtalocalCul inorstt n iii.-bui ngdtit' sli tihe sakline sud titis veittyuunghMi. now etilic. Hsus»onand the junior Clenîen tpuu-ebased lTe iintiet of nelgitoberitu frieutis at faey igue -a dxenof he lekof ere iegion. 1lite ituboni. lue siptom.nt af facy igre tizenrî tie pc-kafmaud.,l the respect of ail sud lier <eva- Prof. Bi'@famino btrt-ioru ierd ait fou ta her'finiy mariteti rito- u ia iWolni.Sxareprzw,.inuers ann~ed vile sud motlî.-r. bave carniet off inoeuitons at etate taire lu numerous instaneef. Then there are a hlai dotes beiter (uve,, ail sireti by tii. tamoue Lodettune, il a ut-ti intte pick <f oueiofuthte vont Lest bord of short- harpe itte t-iuntry, aias48the iti lvi Le àiowtj ut titi. cîîmi)g puir ai a111 have aitutpttrtttnitï tu sec titis îtttable addition tu Lakte iiuîtprit. wiîning caf fie. Nineteen peu-sait., nliîti trep. ladies, got lîfung up' at Lakte Bluff tbuouib a aistitteritiiuig n thée part ui the electrie roati nanageiment last Sunday niglît anti ladtu taalk- front there ta Libertyville.. Thu-ougli souie mistaketite latinia. Park peuple liaitiad- vertipei a car u- tîleavi Laite Bluff fot-ii place ut 11:39) anti tee r-td vas there vvaltiag fou- the car ut titut tinte anti on iti ueturn Lourdeti it. Thte condueton. itoveven, afteu- uetauting tu te tain atim bis arrivai, returnedt t te -u- anti s taiti itblé' (Id.u-s ere to rint f0the bavras. Asvu-1y1rigs vere unobtainable tihe vtule cu-uwd tarteti ou foutt fou LiLertyville anti stragglers yen- arriv- iig at ail tintes frîtî uetolunth ii. n-ing ta ü;830. ltifteen of tité number ta vaut bati b9en at u-ther itatinia ottPrtn Shertan turing the evening. Mayr Macouilla las juptariturueti afttr an extendeti outirîg of abpout four veeke a inte Canatilun ant iAnurican Rocities where thte cene-y lei îustly an vau-ety. (iug Lv vny uf St. Paul anti te Ctuiia Pacifie, Attorney Vad-Iultl witt a pauty of frientis pitued ti irouglt fte woaterful graintilciftehi ie uortit- wet anti tihe nwly tîpetipravitice o! Aiberta vheu-e ile f.sait a Ma an a luy a tari sudpuyfou-f1vthî <rop ofnit. fritseasa.Alervimi tiug tité' anati!au National park, vitieh correspîtutis itit ou- Yelavstone park. ftLe jonrney vas canfiitidtau teeuutittohrealter cita- ignlng a aew panama tu thte waters ut thedeep te matie avisit tut the Lewis anti IL.iark Exposition. Fratiltiisplace thte jouu-ny *as continnedtu taSan tFrancisco, LoSAngkelnsd th-ite allîislandw, tite retum ru.t-itieiuglmatie by titi soutltera route, Denver andt ttt fanilu ou ritp belng takion la on fte way. Thiuayar vs" wonderfully pleaileti viti thie couny muid tuoualits imeuwt ut the trip tIma.amhat ia 14 bouit e.ithipul . DANIEL F. ttNKHIIEi. Ont Wedîtr-stay Aug. 23 at lits itou,.-in Libert *yviileo ,ciru-ed the deatit tf D>aniel Fraklin Wbeseler ut the agi. tf eight>--one yoau-s.Tiie de-cateti iat heen a residetit-ot. -Lakt. ouur-y intc 1814ad %va-t viliknown tty ailte Oider remetot he ti.viciait>-. tau- thi.- past tveitt*yeu-îrs lie. lhaslise-a tA)taii llisid btîvitg ail bis Ite be-n n!au-igliteil. 'He vas theIti. hîier of Aniosn andt Sîylvester of L-ru- a ibertyt-ile. lii wte, lgàtLieln Uarwood, t vtoîthi lie vas taurrieti Oct. 17, 1848 bas beau dead Insice 1,874. Ubituary vii ooliow next veek. Card of Thaka. Tri aur trieîtts and aeighLtîrs vlan. assistance andt sympatity vas su cor- dially extetitet inl unr Leraavenient tve tiesire tu express unr thanko. Joai'.SituAisanti FAitLY. X SPORTS anid AMUSEMENTS X A number otf god games are bouketi etweon local ineeball 'feunas tai-'tih veek uf tue fair. On Weduectia>- te Libtttyvilie Itaîibiera anti a iglt veiglît Diatîtontt Lakte teant- viii play fu- a parte <t! l(t.en dotlars tu ltt, dit-itiet, te ott thq, winuers aidttite)i tihe losere. uOn Thuustay Tii. Ctis, uf Waukegan, antd tte tuong Highliandi Park 1ai11vilii to battie fur a pure-oa thirty bte@io ba e divideti in the sauie ratio vitile étîtFriday'ft. (iu-yslukeo andl titi Ivanhoes vili play for a sittfliar purs.-. Tiioso are ail gond tennis antt as îlel-rrecortis titis maon are uifou-ily gooti if le titoaglit tit sonet at gainîe vilii Leplayeti. 1. Thoe eua uf farci. cumediles titat tawiteti yeau-s ago c,-ettte ta grov briglîter anti moreaencaurngiîtg evety season. Agauti piee.oiftilue-t alvays fande a cordtiai velconte aniiieticramelte banit aecaunit of ts aner andi anager. Tii f. tit "The Irish Pl',"a three act larce.bas uecattipliuited suit Manager Jos W. Sp.-au s ledelighied over tbe ont- looi telthflictsent seasou. He atu- nouaneitis latest novelty aft te S-bveutr, Suiîday, Aug. 26. Titowo oriinaI luisit cuiedans, Davis andt Macit upueur intheii. telitir rules..There leg magie la titoir names anti mare lu titeir vont. Thîis lean ieuas'wn distinction la farcecotnedy. The compeayltbroiugh- out possoosalgl i ýrýiQfl "oi aiu 1seugot. bo siodil a~a~:Mm Workmen Have About l lied, f Çrouude. Di RECTORÈS ARE IUSY. Thimi ieîrovpments whicit for ,ueveral weeks have heen going on at tht af grounds af tite Laike County Agriculturel Sorlety linl.itertyvlle are ail but com.' pleteti andi everythlng id in readinede, for the Pair. Qilleerw of the e aioty are Lumy with final arrangements andi have mucçeeded, antong otte r thingm in mecurlng reduceei >rate@ on the C. M. & St. P. riliruati froud ail pointe ln a radine of!-j5 mile,. The railroal compaay wlU givt a rate of une lare for the round trip. Tite C. & M. elet-trie id to mun pelal~ trains during the Pait, ina itt pu-unlaut -ta Inereasie it.s ervice adequately to cars for ail wbo wish ta travel ove- ite une. One leiture titi. year dufiering f roid cistom nt ithe pêut, id imanner of con.- dactinc the base bail gaines. Instead ai; une large p)ur»e tu go ta titýaine viuning; in a thrue daya serf.. of qmes~, are bang up.,thrse *$30purs., one foi mcii day, and the society viii atm ta have the betut six, teaint, in the. couny comtiete, effort being matie that eaci d ay'. gaine. id betweeît teame ad nearly matcbed in skili as possible. Fulton'@ brase bandi of Waukegan id ta furnisit mêlc ail titrai daym. and it id ait uigguegation of supertor playere. Entrieâ to the bau-neus race clou Auguet 30, aititougit îîîaay arat Ap.w #t thte bande utf Supt. a otf ppo vl sâuh ttcliev.- ?01 4 lI lte i4sewiI i liias neyer bel are. Thte Cattle eiubibit viii excite mure titan ntiual interest as Lemides moine of the famhionable laiee @hore tarmera witq viii enter bigit grade etok, are several 4butt tiberty'ville who are lifting the. ritoke (ut tieir iterd s ta comtpete fur htonore. Th itetîdway wiii tes> itit ail titat, gueta make up titat indispensible, leattire ot ailtfaireand vitile thue are ic lie shows under eanvas, care id beinsi erertimed lanf beir melectlon. Two mlpelalfeatures are the trickt houe and turjo of acrobata as expiaineti in titi.Fair adi un anotiter page. Titeri wiii Le performances eacit atternuon before tite grand stand and you wiii nu% vaut o>tu ies thent At The Grounds. Thte track id in gond çvaudit" .ariglit now antiiin anotlWr -wQ w iii Le (ast." Yon eau witnes wou-k-outs' every day 48 ieVeralItorgemen are locateti at the. course and moard arlving rigitt aiong. Thte aid grand-atantiban ben nade. uchit mare comfortable by raliaig th#. oai, and thte lar-g.euw addition le"' ib'otieu- anti uonyenient, juttdoublingi. tite oajuaety. 411 in ail if le apparent the Fuir WIi Le a grent sueesutimi yearand better it et-eu-y tipau-tiuent titaunouuai. - Are yuu planning tu attend? XANONCBMENT$ X Lakesida e (eetery Asuoclatioî i vi meet viitt Mu-s,0. E. Citurebili ain Broîadvay aut Fuidijy alternoon. Se'it. 1. A 10> cent lunch i vii h.erveti. "I'evereîît Wou-siip" anti "Universal Emancipatioa" wii Le the setu[lft Alib- ject8 at thé Metitodhit churcit Aug. 27. Stl'aagers cou-dialiy velcome st l Thée subject fou- the discors. uext 8un- f ay marniug at thte Punuîyterian citurcb wili Le 'Tity Brother Shal 149e Again. - Ini the evenîng. --Tit. Anguii's Message tu a Lukowarnî Cîuu-ch." 'Ail are itijt.'d to attend. It le a pio-astre f tfaite Dr. Itati,. Little- Lit-tr Pille anti enjoy thit'utr tni- i-tect upan tiie liver. Slitt ly ~iAILL HAcKLEt, loibertyviiê; UluxSLÀus PHA .I t cy. l'onTr y« Flitted. C. Ji. Sitéu-,an, practical optician, svil Le lu LiLeutyville, oucit Suturduy, until (utuer nticie. At Hus' jewelu-y wdr.. i-tt. Speciml Asmesmient. Notice. Natice lu Lereby given to ai peu-s.biu iîitereeted titat thte hourd ut Local Impravements of tii. Village of Liberty- ville itaving arderadti iat a cunnéeteti tlsteitiittcaat-iron wateu-uppy pipevwitlï the neceau-my vaves, oire byduants, etcl., lse utnttrueut.etand aidtinla htutionc tof the. tîthowiug treets anti avenues, to- wit:-.Milwaukee Avenue. Laite ltreet, Buaerti Court. Cooki Avenue, Churi-it Street, Meciani'm (luove Bout. Diviian Stre-et, Stewart A venue, MeKial,-y Avene, Liurouî Avenue, Paît Avenue, Hurliîît-cCourt, Broîadway, Ouc-ard Stre-et, Sptuague Street, Higi t freet, Nêe-ery Avenue, ltiley Street, Northt Avene. Park Place, Firet Street, Second Stît-et, Thinti Street anti FourthtStreet, ailu in the Village of Liberyiel aite Cotiîty,Ililinîtis, te ou-iance.fou- the saine hîiig iti nie in t igl offcaititt Village Cierit of saiti tillaqe andthtei sait Vilage Laviug appliedte tlte Coity Court of Lae couuty,sltate ai Illiniitti, for au ussemmtent offt. cototf sait] iîupri>vement accou-tiiig ta thte le-ni-Ste. anti an assesutieufttpretor baving eti made anti returacdto tmsiti Cttrit)aDct iNo. 1) ft, filu iearîng titereon viii bo badti u tii 1h day aI Sýi-teiibîber, A. . 11106, or as soouithter'. ate1.r as thte business 01 tbe Court viii itoritit. 1 Stîil iordination pnbitides titeat tbe aggu-igate amotint rît saitiae'ssnir-u chlîîhe divîdet i mito tn (10)iinmtili- iiîtettm, earninterrut ut the rate af St-i ioto-fent, peu- annunt. Au i e-st. s.irltg May ' ile itljertiiét lu M.iti Court liefora saiti day ant i îay ajipenu-on thee beauing animalot ti tiefense. si:t P. HANNA Tii. peusoit appointfcd tp niait- sncb- assomsment. %* 1 Dated i Lleutyville; Illinoig, Augutf 24, 1905. 4 -8 -ou1wont gour moneyj W. have evenjthing in Dru Goçw Groceries and the Choioest -Meé that can be bought. ANl "ad fruits and Vegetables We have jtast added à lot of Suits to -Our men's Iuraigm department AUl kinds of hats and caps^ in the latest Aiso a great variety of trunks.-mat" suit cases, carpets, rulis, mattimg and oit clotit OVE2R Pairs of 51 2000To Select F UMBRELLAS Andin tact evenig that is cared ide Glais Genèel S$mm phone 29 Libertgville IT Big Price Savit We havescrdssapeln f boslot in 2 and 3 piece Suifs, made up in the latent styles, only l or 2 Suits of each.styl, but . tuavi ail 0 3 to 16 vears in the lot. «i.n to th greft vu1 cuittao give a detailed description, but we wuIl sy There is not a finer nor cheaper ludeo bo Libertiile dti Ntis a u o. oi. And we invite the. strictest inquiry andi compaols.u you from 75C t 10 onou "MryS"t. A big ldt of boys ail wool odd coata .1 Fine Une of knee panta at 5 TH PAIR.inyv± Fait Term opens September 6, ' Our iiew qnarters, finest In state, 1,6 " Bloc k, corner Genesee and Wbebingt Where buainelu h statgtm bss1 Ot the lieut teuches udWthe. be* sugt6êa.=O*-uis shtue aam isted to ddrté1, gWOD. , Supe-rior nsfuctioas in DofiImo&%m writwng, letter Pm" s wO#* idetnoopqi*. arzthmetic GramM,SIin Pu~pU mlart la finish. Vril.le oraloge. B. A. MUNSON. P "s. WAUKEGAN J8USlN4ýff -'.4 s - s d, IN

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