CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 1 Sep 1905, p. 2

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are cPes tare r¶ c. v..t: ms cÊhur1t gtii. Ick at ge ste.lTh, vws emple 1ahmlen th»lia 64 tic le nilj- am*eo à:$ , bec ibe *tit.foi eon. 1 q 'te &lflq m»,e. b. w oudt reveat thels ami * i~. pect, aluhoegh tthe fuil 4tallé siHie givea Wh«euapplcatilenfer the, Pur$l id li . il 8 ic and e bhl~ ýe idé the meq ro n luJall ehcefflip Tb@ more theu a jear age*.,Wh. ei.o- aiPsbaud returned uneecdi.le li ýxnd P i-, ether, wruunng awy. Toe,~ at- Manedat the uiau confemed t .et .ti. et, lied lroken. lotolber home te teel iee g~upq e ewac arrceauie nlu$lSb ~ ~~I6 paru'tern. . fraumeun*4 *0 IiWI' ne bearcever kuOWILa»g jigt b o~tbas.hoe*98 bed lua. fl tht. "M tec= unie: au amuued namne., ~i wo u inthi e csébhal»ameP414a temite for lier ludwecretlon, ac a" 1 Who mev etfttheaffalr ban cotteted 1- inw ~ 0 ublackniail frein ber wituhîu 5w w c B liter » ÂTÂL TO M F b»u17 . K*b Pr etv wreked la te bOd" ~U. A cludburutlu th. lclity etruiiee ~ CDI .,t~ra» hîých erdlaaNtlY ac mai d tr roug.e ouved th 4loto s rnIg torrent, wh «à twugiithe wu et BerW 'asu W. Tbicle Wiht everythiug la l t. le sedrd«wiug e ast u ane Pn- .4 o4esen lhe propety lou e le.iaid et à. iaudredu s « uc t dik& O lar., Çuf- 08 fre msty y heColorado Fu4 naît W. 6 *l Md ileebia an.i 111c.11h loqu Pte etht*. ompaai ver. pneo- W Peur' had a lno rannuiug up the meentain lis W s6ed the."-" Immvsurier y auhei ont -4*68 U From, ail dretIons are comleg reporte ..78 of et1w edlieuroes ffecte ot the Storm it-.8 hluh ee.Ioped Trinidai and lb. terri- * , tory adjtaet for.11.5. * 47 65 0» eMa es lE ,Aaetlwr IFtalj lu- 88, .31 8 Sut e tmsPocS. lob. Oaa mmuan vue t" b.t uotier feai- ~i3, hiI Wreid a numien et passeugene * w ere vrlenly tbd«"ailua acolision Ou SOveei tiche eylialrosi luit en" »94 yaniê ibgt thv ise mseoni LOgane- port lu[niFreman Water Eversoie et awelmea là eaê ltae eneatb Ita te: Setock- ensgue. Buglueer Graiy *a$m lbrevun- b 7uh wé * rtb* 141Ma"d lth oet uesXcge ve agete, ha ez tel. He a ezt recover. l'h. SPr'ete lC v e.d tamIs *58-n a "»-loit eh mdla non- loMLJgaauport fiuuday moransn et 7 et Coope t <,l osOlcanuti, and vas due o4 l&mg.ite Inmto p thavo et :1 'cioek -Mon- MWi spect a houai, vewst leavîni thei.nt reuk. pi a~-endaitlb.exeurelen train. crsubed ttuIL à,&_tThr w an ecane on lb. excursion V& fl te orq4 %* ette_ rci lm Osma vith y Taug ?lyustoee. lm& S mianof .13 ycare ci, e î wUe.'â U cfa elhruifamîhyin luMinue- l au Oiste- Kluç"Inuiens" tilt h. almout peud forr 8ecd *itwh b iss itre. A repe va.. te Interee c4 rouni tic li t e ire a"d lelii' bie youeg t - tien leavini thc b1Bey.: reu. Rley et d'eu% ý4evu just lu ime en-Otor thue bus I cynitrute e l B Wacihoesem àiulaBroek- vho, î~It a ,t. 1Ttc Oir. as sukre by th nus of Of eiftîL. teue 0 eCm*t. Oreges, pasesi MW.raeidae te1 gal' bave accepti tih.offer 0",*g«Ieruit ofe *6750,000 7gM .000 Lon oh . iinDaniy'eaplanit Noi. 3 a lktut.r ocated lu the et Rl aCity, wus de- Mnn"a 15~als es'peltceof Bac- ages unier Sro eergs T. Went- *~a~e peOlel ulitrtuor Plae. Blamme ouseB, Orne eorons Tork Ir Ldkg eouv,,Ohio, tMc vse4-6 e i.TnsWtComm*" lnoa, hi onhe Lai. fihm i mtos( as t4 biaiS et hue 81thilci eulted lu th. death of a nemben ef passeugeme 4l'h coroner "làitic teatimoII' vae lu- siMeient ta e Iu? oeegultj et crm- The =b il and e et fthe. Pean l'ïaeec OiNpîur, *bkk perates the laegw depor= oa- toee lu, Johusovu, ar44 aaiteu asthe recut ot a Al5 thit té ýiiSm ôme refuge ucar tii. elevater ebafinloeefethti vint. et ticbhb te.TIi. ,etmaei tee le346~00, WtitI. lmomI coverei A&rrets lu CoiSan x,1ek 0andaL. Ein . Relm 'es, Jr., Moe.. Base sud Fnederlck A. Ptecie havetbien idctd b' a feisru grand Jury tia cen- ueccilea vlhthl. ettgetiemi lai e i coten cop report leak caniel, and the latter iia ieeéuarnseied and placet lu :Iîl tu Saratoga couti', BewY ork lu aeanto hall..esitd por, lb.hri ti. JZoene Riock bam escapei froma lb. eliadof et h. galo Justice Magruicet Un lla6ot.empesai court greeted. a 'cparcdele luthée cee. an the expc~txd' ex0enti di nt oc- Men FrUi a uC1iteee.. "8,»oin Mmlbe'u Etute. The vii tfBlheMP lassec W. Joyce, deceeeebu asa iu iedfer prohte i 3înneapelle.sH. loti 3l000014AniInl- cerance sud $18500 lu realti' and ar-e mnaI proprt. The moliey goe" tée wiow. ulth.asm of the. Cir, Tie Czar, idaauultimatumx fenwart te pgen5lt BZ =eolimet the lapin- ilybla UaLa ipsy- Jatienfotet malaàeac. u $eÀeqe.but. h. etands 4«0,000.000 ïcleetWvna igurs vW.r iîufaîutoed letact y!in le "counttry. hal botbg iadeetTanipa. T'i W OV leia!hl fodehoniCigare, about 0t000 peqada et erreppem're, iedabutii beva psud $1.18U.00 dugi'. The revOlwýe '- tern, show.,lieveven, tiat et 19,004,50 poupis et tobucco lest bonicuba ne, 42,754pouais psu dntàly J 5k WO yieMatug*79,00. Thuié cgvtm througl évasion, et dtti lest 31,1.000 T'h. geverumeut laba et nudOr 0euI 3 old tarife net leus than ýtW,000.00O mii on Huvena tobacc. Accbniiug te thé Tebacco iJournal the bulIr of uiderYalii tiens lia. oecurred et l-Temps- aRcAir lruSH oFBUILUINO. lacr»» ela eieYorek that Ii.P*tte Are Tee 7ev. Builing opersuleiie lunByNew Yrhave iucreecd.te mach euonmuoue proportIons. vtliutlb.laci six montliu liai thetorces etf the horough building deparunt are unabl. te tae. caretrthe von .und au appeI as e been rnai. o thé authoiia for au appropriation uolnecut te double the force et inopecter., clatis aud eues eniployes. On@ of th. meut Intereettat feenysm lb.thettuaitou la tin tectthet the. greateet incTees»lu blilins b", beanu sevu lu Mauiietten Stucm r*pid transit lhue. pumhed tae t tYh d1m- triets It liai heen g.u.raily expecttei ilat building eperaion, ou Maubatiglàkutan vere deereaelug ratpîfly, but ligure. eb' mittodb, b. hedeýp&anteut builita eliow thet thé neverse le brue. lu in shevu iliat frein lau. 1 te lun 22, 19M0,piens Biled la.Manliattiarepréent -a greater toit tien lu thée ther Jieur b.eieTgbm coMbinai. The oxeffllu M-bahttin ainunt.fte$14,278,428. Freinsan. 1 lu June 22 there vereSied 4lu Manhattami 2o421plana tornuew buildings end mitera- tiens. represecting a Ceeu of $M06,0110. This la uearly as large an anionnt et work ae bas been rfren thluéb.deparg' ment durlng years. s'Ice 1900. BeOTaLACKS B NBLAV]CEt? Oavarumue4 , eutigatieg pFeeR- garditg Greek Immieugrent Boy.. Uitai State, Immigration Inspter Ilansfieldin uOmaha, Nob.. cauceci toe b -breught 1lictor. hlm a numier et Greem boys troni 16 te 18 j-cana et age vie une engage,! lu chmug choresiludifférent par- lera luthet City'. Inspecter Maneflehi lie- lierastliey ar, lu thé ceunPr li viols- tion etftthe cotraut laber law. Tii. boys sinittsd iliej mre pi y he ii.jar sud thatý their food aui loltug ver. fur- niia ed y tir emPlore Thel a1me edmltted tht tii.> camec te lbe Unied Stamoviti thée mder.t.ndhLn4,tiltt bei 'vert u ho given- hie kiai et emploj-- meut. ___ CI ETicTENROIZ CIT'T. Isatertce iiiStrevet Ca»s ouirut 'poas la ]Paiet le0.1.he. A. plig»eoetcrickiets bas eveptdoevu on Omaha andhba maie-lite a bundeu ta tie Inhahtaute. Thei huars ApPerei sundeuly iy thc rallon. PFalISn uth$ treet cafr tak and binîg cruche,! by lb. iWeels, lbej se greacei the atta thît triae vwu bai, crippledL Tliai lb. 11W. pasta came hnjnj In prove,! b: tic fat tiat they ietrdu* se glothint sud cerpeta si* ot theni have ibeav ieptfreinthé »tores, 1Tkee, causeemcitrroen the veseen. They almosi Put eut ti* abreet ligbua. Brvîy te Be ]aecousnei The UniteI Stte.s son vîilrecoanise tii. sevenelgut' ty B onveyan,! ibet ceuptnj vOll tae.its placé enieng the netieus. president Itoosevelt .vilI -net tek. ulie initiative, but vilI vaît nuti soea u thlb ri-etasu povaesetfEurope have givra ,Borway tilt recognition wblIi h ite gub 1t for meuT veeks an,! et Whieh Spéeee han. trled to 4eprive Mm. unie: Topurpie:1 A.. tY e vie bave bea ru tg&ls tlvh te the ummt et MenatWhituoy, Cal- tenI, iax ceepletei heir vonlt, and reottI.t ' 1 hf4bi utthi mtalo tu lic 14oM -05ý Semuel atuit a fur bujer aui pavnbrokur, vas toeud deadIntehie place of liaise. te LtVl5teWii.Meut., havi, bie. au btes tu dti- Whlle rebhery'-le beiicved ten have beeu the motive tiers lata einob.t etfuiysterj in lb. tragedy. Broy a Ou veltesSreus., Vi Vtepeveoui vese ineuiandi ueuc ihamage vas done te property iii a ud!- den ris.oft 81k river about 100 nities &bute Charlestoli, W. Ya. Théeus.n et )n. Pickering u a ahed avay sad h. and us tour chllien vere irevued. prffltge ecOii utpt tir Nemue. Unied, tte Assaje FVed Wlug es- timate. theguti output e ofNi.s for the q£eea tf1 A t *10.000,000. Thta Anotat *I11 ha lie record for Norne, an.d thi sc e i ofutut Oet tean by Mil« Acicep fer Four IMenthe. )efflii tiientit.ti roughout ths coun try ib&vt lia thoir attnion diretti t = ruekaw>ecas. I ctaicpez llu Tee j Y. l .,* ens r8-yea"n-oh Celeà Canspi , b en lu an eubrokcn tbancs tme*t tie our monitia. Dlecevei .0 et egselu. ne.. 0 j-s7ow ever la IStichoe ie-. catabci0 peut.c lu tycl abd, ate, ani Pme arationa vure mai. for a whoeteale Omo dus$ te uou-inftOeieiPeits. Tins. preones r.hueld sud tou otiers selouelIuijnteilu a -Bné vhie cdestroys<ti th anacool Rtel et Lai, Xiaveae, uit, Me. M. end Mrc., X: B Mailla aud cbw 4p.eiied la theWr ool hC- uctaiueu y~ tllree end dl là 1*7 120 sesi tacliIU1E Cals i rmisil OttPint «Watb , PeauS Imi~Oi~'q cati*e~1ee XrrPittu lu tî. ~ewgkw ~kblb4.10eceetor Gut Sette' =leu Whe*ecuît la AtnoueU1gO Pestce- isceuc. Envoyaef e uSVU' nlu.centrsebave reaewo'd au agree- ment on ail question.sud tihe deas- tating war là the East te ovee. The. effortq of Theodore Roosevelt 'bave borne glitir fruit, and the. Commisuion-. ers ef Russig. sud Japen bave arrtred at terDs et peace. Jippaue.Give 1lu. lu the lutereat et peace JaPiii 710l& ed practlcally everything vhlch the. ]lussiens dgmiaed, givIaiu p lier ' clalut te lndeauitl and coaMtntft be- self wlth that which lie io lac won as the Immedîtte f ruite ot war. The visioni ef peece came out e1 a Cloud. Uudeubt- edly Mr. Wttes ud Baron Komura knew that it wac usuel ppearbut eaCli eppearanim mealy lu the. day that Wl' more tiinupromisug. Tiiose. Who litd frt, and pnactlcelly knovu that au amnt<ablegrcement won te lie the, cuteomnu,-«4ld fot aibçowor ionbiddiUt" looks to diacoucert theni. Tbat whlichlibs been couelteIitY torecoïst ta au eccouiplalec tact, -and freni Portsmouuthi will go out the. word whicii vîti disiiaud aruile and restere concerd te the fields wlxere var bas wuged. Jupon.Show. Oreatuces. Japa u as dded ta the exhibtion of lierote1 of lier goldiena lu the field e dlaplay of moral courage whtcb emeunts -te- !iagnanlnilty liu marked ber course tiirougiiout thc peace pfteeaMugo, and to-dgy ah. stands example tae i.weld. The 141kado sent word to lite peace coniiouera that retiier thun bavE thie effort* whilie bheen nmade to eud the. var fait It va. the. inigmeut et the. geverument tliat Concessions uiight be maie wltli liuor. The con- cesstons, w9re mai,, and eut et Porte- moueh goeeo the proclamation of peaee. Points ou w»bi %e Japenes yleld are tudemunlly the rectoration te RUe Mtaoet ar slItp' interned lu ueutrei ports and the. itml tattilo! ofRusCil#n naval power ln tii' Eaet. Tii. tWo lest pointa ch. bat her, ready. te yle4 for a ireek. The omnç great niatter. en vwitche-be gave -sy uei.emn for ludemnity. KEtheetecea lu Great. ýNewe etofpeace vue recelveci outatde of the. confereuCe rooni sud ln the. treets and hatela of Portsmouth i wtb the wvildeet eutbustiLom. The. tldlngF t preai wit the iiraptdity ot tlie-paeeli'e eto liglit. Mien ver. cheerlng every- viiere and mauy vomen wer, weep- ing. Rat@, caneir and Scats v.e tiirovn Into the air andl thieorme. va eue oft tbnlllug excitezuent, wiciiva, a leggai'4 lu subeillai. Baron KôlmuM,. the Imperturbable, *as niovec i: et9L lte Ha coirnîsi the, neve ot an agrecimeta sd utiiai peaee blit aimee, andi tut hic netton rejotoed vlti the otiier gret nation, iet the.wvend. M. Wtte'a face andl vol" betreyed iei pleounre. Re tlt that lu a sense b.aliai von a great viery. Bvery evideuce was given by the, attachies et tiie mistion that tlir mnds are re- *Ilved ofa 10*4 et kfIllng anxlety. '£ha. Japanene and the, Ruceilan at- tachies raterulr;ed'after the maner of schootboye. àThie instanut neye efthtie agreement wova given ot a> dIsatcli va. sent tc Orater Boy te inter=i Preedent Beose voit that the. respit et hie pee laborâ lied net been In veiu. ltewc et Xiedir Nets. Rebele ln Bativle, Dute oi luadisa have attacked th* puteet RI tboiig end * lain twe offiet. ed tvntY.twe MIL dOi six meu emcped- and they were y wounded. -A vonian miser,, owuev et, two feu@- nient lieuses and haviug large usanic bauka,- vos round desd luin to voonI ahe occupted lu Ne* York.' The. Preident ba.' approved iiithee tence ef dismîssOl iu the case et.oeiend SLieut. Ebert G. logheI, Fitth. eavalvY a- ;ihova. coûrt-maflalI edat Fort logan Coo.. ou charge. tuyvies mout" fraude Front ljurlee recelved bj'the.explb of Itou et a tey ceuaesuly 4. tygnipaing a yeana ago, FeetBeai cf Net epei - Kybacsnde àe seainssnte 0- qperaton aud lalW a Cnctunat i iotptt ini a critical eufittoa. The, caterer of thce ome prison it Ibo »seeteà.y uptsex weellea, tirot4giienthé pr cSu 8rt oée lug States,' and aimé e lutbi. à4MI4 (leest lui atl 11f.lreU Wtudetorves 1elev*s1S6 cern l ln nai>k, ismocri. »kai4 ad ObIte.M insouco"*uila lu au' au en& gfemly tiiusgislt Texa thé. 0r la t u Md ofetrali. .Thé. bervetlng t metfg snd &tiiab- mug et51111115 vnat on Ionia. lu tii nothean pan'r't le epiug Inligt te jfien, viiere grain le fully ripe, vom lutemfptei dîriug -tie fore part et tbe vweek, the lnoms bei ~toeevet for the. reapere. LcAal atorme ta North 1>8 kott and uçrtlieftern Soutb Daoeta cauvel the, todging etf -eonsiemmel gretu. Satisacteny yle are seuer- ally licatud ove. tié ceutbena por- tIon. Complainte et ebrunken grai aue 'guere.lrom Wacbinlgten and wpestern lOresen. 1There le ne improvement ln ithe gon- etal outloi ter apples, uearly ail re- porte eaoinin ailferorerm0, Muet complelut ot blilt ad ret lu potatoee la rec.ivei f romuxc ae r e- gl an d the aortiiern part ofet i.mi- idel tàntie State, but the. reporte trom tbe Uwmioriluind entral ltUete- clpIM valleanarcmore favorable. ceaaus Nullas shwes meai, Detue foi leehe Stuc. 199». l'hèehec beau, a persitut décinueut tke. blrti rate lb.heUtied 1809eq odiu gth a bouettin eueiby pedu'Pof Wl e.Wileox et Ce- Bell University. Tii. bulltinashovs that et tleble. gieutug oft lb. ulueeeuth centu ri the uhulisa under 10 years of cge coudt- tuted ene-third and at the end leua tha enaeteti o e Population. Th*. decroise lu thla proportiou began as eanly au the decade, 1810 te 1820. n" ceutiuued untuterroptedl y, thougli ai varying rat.#, Io Rech successive decade. Betweea 1$W0andIWO8 0tie proportion of children to vomen betveeu 15 and do jee, th*. uhi h esznug&go, Icr.aced but"c aIne.185t bac decreamedeitaucet- ty. In 1800tlb. umber of chiudreu un- der 5 jeats o et age t 100 vnie vas M3; la 1900 lu va. only 474. Venciiened sectoually it la fanui tht ta the. uorgh aud veut thère tasbeau e Ume or won regutar decîtue, vileta Une cighthet change hes b.aelots regu- tan Mdi lii decline leu. Manked, [a >8M0 th. sailleat proportion of chiures vu lu tie District et Columble. The mu I nlet prepertion va. Kmaecle- stte. The largeet Proportion vas lu North Dakota aud Indieunlgrtmorr. [lb. hegetierat deureame beveen 180 cnd 1000net a single Stete et the anth Athaate iicion iook part. [naceVen etherS' ate, .aise.. iii.:. de- creame.Inuoui, cMx State.-hlnolu, Mvyhai, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky eui Indlaa-did the Proportiqn decreas lu esà fhet ti.ive decedee. * [n 1900, for the. Untted States ne a *Wbee.the proportion ot clilien - vA. o0u tw-tblrds as grat la ctle, a. lu 'th. douyitrict. Xatbi.norti At. lautic divIiln,. hovCvr, t vwu a]mont as retlu the lties uilb.heconutr. J» the outhern lirily' more tbhal lte. large in the.ciionau la tie coutry. vlitle.iu bthfas veat lb. iifférence la Interniediege lu ainont. A. compevlmen i. made betveen the proportion et uhtîdren liorn et ueiivt inters and lb. proportion et hlinen borc otferelga bern mothers. la 1M0 th, former proportton vas 402. tbe latte# 710, th. differen.. lndlcating the gract- et t.cnndity of ferelgu bern vomei. Tiiere bu asen unlfonsIri a Iergmr Pvopogtlou ,et egro chulrea than et vhtlt. ebuiren. Tiat dffé Iten debbie bctwa 1800aud 100 but -la100 il vs a. teeha hait wvhs ril vas la 1800 l u tees tien s ethes Om nOU ceit -ta 800 CONGER QUITS FOa«8NEW .105. Ambomceaie i Nztear teksa-11 ra.sne"PoU.telaclabI. Nivln a conger, aMliscdiorte àteie. basre.lgnedieIcpent. H.plesi- ed private hebuecsanducpermouet ressoas on bis act. Président Roeosevelt eapneceed -regret, praiced Ur. Clonger uutlutedfli f ý,,--and accepted tic rulgaie. t Itlte nudertood chat Mr. Couses à$ Ste go te Chicea la * ~ -ionectio viiticth jýLWMant 0n-BEakon Chine Deiopmeal Conipsay, a concerc Lcentrllel bar J. P. Morgen. It has n4.been iqietines vhe vill ansiceqiMnr. Conger a. ambascaier te Vexice. Probabiy It wiiili e DaviB. -TbiMon et Nebraska, nov Ainericau Sambasiador te Braz!4 wvlo decse I Ttnenmset Fraucis B. Loomis. as- stetet Secetavy etState, lia* beau meu- Atiocub but 1: le ratier delnuigelhy kuov nt K lr, Looms'u ili net b. appollte& 8 ie résignation as assistant Secretarj ef btt mai ho expcedt."y ta ime. Il b-le càtjl tht hIo te retire frema the te *Ot4* DegO-timent. Whetlier h. vilàte. 't. ee l au apontmcet inta oidipomatie RIl"I utlà ai st kuevu. al '00.aulte Noir War Tt& sem in 'IzaS. a twolve4nuchael oaie i vi ,- ouliy all ah irge et dunette, tId It vonidàMeutoeffective e xpiogv%, vW# crumple ln the. s.ue et the ieaviest arma. é. ldveeet tiegh the shei tall short l â k aqmai y tventy ft#04ici juet a. 6 .o. d 1 'ot a sela â oft teeleil i -se earrled to hhla the. Cook ceuuty Jael. The prisoners gave a demonstre- tien wbeu the. Desreached them tlmt for the. tblrd tima the. han"ip lid ben delayed. Attoeryuert that tii. ac- tion of the. S*preme Court probaiiiy wilI àeiey -th.e eeutlon nutà sprtug. The. order calla for, satoppel of t*0eexecution 1of Joiianu Bochli uutIl the. supreme Court has passed on iii. ea.. Sir Edward ]mgeAr, w*ho receutly r» eired a degre. temrotYale uulveity, in eue ef the hbit known musiciens lu Eus. î and. The Bey. H. A. Baumgartuir of Henley-on-Thameet rowed for Calne col- legs, Camidse. ai tiiffretIleuley re- k sait*ainlm3. IBe in SSdYeare otd. Frederick Morne, sou of ýa Kaifea fermer, rode more tha 10000 telles ou borsback durtgis four yeerc'attend-, anei.aat the. collège at Umporla. KILý ýDoctOuo. the well-knawn, Awtsac e- Cteleelut andfriée orCfrdnail 3M*unlu bu iiceqrgIg teese, ba-d 2"pou0 iiey caauptih~ p go." The 1Ver- ebasinipover tn ceeute be aivinî, -*ad the but indctoUs#"ILdieî te. Immciate courue of traie. Pl'l mmarklets have baei velI auefl and trausactiolia aieetoÈgd clieracte? in thi. principal feoituffe. priecés eing ta oune two commoditislever tii.. nuuy huglila lied, freiglit 9" travel. and eerntuge et'Cblcao roedshaow steedy gain. l"ou'or. ahijmente w*0111031ed atter a shent interilptheu, îudý*flt* trenertaton ot grea, f~ *t0&ed ace, fuel aud ganeralipoClisudier. lake carnylng exceeds ail PréviOué «f- penteuce. 'Collection. malt. a cit fac-tory Iliowing on um etii u aqd CU- try bIilu, and tailutreo agatilare 10W lu numuberu and llahtllles. Lîgliter-tecelptu et wbeat lui gelaitl- or ouigo et cern accnt for a e eliii* la the ttal quautlty oet rIlS li4ied. et tues port. but uetvithcteudlli 11th,# thie cliowlg le large, 11.121.4110 bOSS. #l, coniparnag witiI718,1.57buglif lait weeli sud 0,28.954buselM, a y.a eaeý. other receipta er.tem inien ln wool, dr.ese&êbeftour', butter'-and eh.e.s. and loeierlu cettie, obeep Andi agm.tieceipts et lumber vero 0571- 7P9A00 teet, egalt 10.0"ftst a Wsu ad 35.4IS8*0ftsta FM A g& Néaît cleurnsga. ITI00AS0, egeec tUoe et eorrecpeuilug week tait yenr- _by « P0.« ytrett.. - Falluros reporisi lu the. Cllesge dia- blete jnmuni 5 g1ke0Taf tUt: led 2S a jea o.-Don'c tte:lew. Auguit, a' perlod ot ex- 1V TI.cepîtouel activity i IL Une. o! grade and Indus- tery. dreas te a Cloe with buying aiievtng turtier expansion, ceres! cr"~ yields or prospecte cloe.te tlieliest falwa7 tonnage lncrea.lug, collection. lu the, West, Norhan aD st reponled geueruily betten, nioney exeeptionelly eaey for t1us seson, noltthistnn tncreaeed crop movlng retlulron*nte, and confidence on ail bonde et a large and p"opectively profitable tell audil ululer trotte. Business fallur.. ter the week end- ad Aug. 24 in th Unli States nuel- ber 176, egalut 147 lait wve. 15., tu thiri.e eeket 1004, 142 IlIu 101 140 in 1002 uni 188 lu 1901. lu Cnu-> ada taiturea for the.mweek unber '14, ae aimluat 29 lait veek mnd 26 ln thia week e year ago.-Bradotree'a. fsas as laiimadIâtor dgs. a lutrpma i aas màitoe be vwstma tv@'p.tyle a oericbe M ganua te ob l a tetn vtilgUst e labc ptt?.àggstioc r0. hlm. p eb é le assued TIenb.irouP réiet Uerdlu.1 fon e Porsamut frtiformationl aniel souniini ticts.Tb*sett- 51 pteaviât 11e vera, ve net lu- todeig la froter mute ioSCUL 4 lu rlmle tiI. voas acte peê lii brA 1 tiit rt&alaiesy 8o»cli. pcb . a.f sheungb istrelui table thkeeev. satd. e ereaiente b inmtone te tcassilpotedtatu S etmansoelpmt- athmot ldpai lieBýt- eea bumf bandatc tu o r litte the »wprOni- agesiarlh e ver. 4te glon nevPlu, stetloas terosuftieroferedmet 10. "le n«eday îerlngTic Pre"et ice clause rciepen ewt ormer-l thegiarat moetarnvq. teva. vic« oftme t viicii ares emer -heui.d e M. tS féeil itic e r.Sont veit asd ticretuPle te vt. luercees..laThèen pfl ope verc lu vpprltg bsy vote Ufr- me as ruofalegtiii atutslly 5&»»»& t. ugment aie tedreuletthi e b- vinice. et the o meil. h0d cube a ieet iuMoDffetra SlM*' r 10lm- tvrie erniets. lutem lapas te- doeren uat reispr u.leut d emaeu ucv be e.e toneae tenane hueia- mener ytrti. asteairei e thi.te beur nthet tiferce sa nc.- n e: formaI cipropcteisMn. Witted lnefoUn dmen tashie bYJPaelit sudtre»aka tieti.pled t ha eue t e give d- eune: y a tunuy pa euen. TI tia iher b. oterenc vasaiet fr.i- Trpi. ne raoosaIs""lmlted er- éd, net as a direct lininmlty. Japen vithdravu lier demani for the. limita- tion etrIluestan naval pover and ter the tithe te tue lnternei ehipe. Russea.fileau ha etated ivlete r- jectlug the. compromise. hecaueolé li- cluded remuneratien fer Mofe the verunider auetmen atm., vas villlug and indeei offerei tic Island t ofSkiia-' lin by net ociy reitorlugsttu que ai- ittng before tiie treety otf1815 but te delimit the. froutier and forever ne- Bonne ail clatmi te the. cutieru baif. ESCAPES 019BET AGAIN. lohieun HachI, A.leiWut* Maer, in, Qranted a supecmedea. Jolian och, liranilet sud couviete,! wif, munderer, did uet beng Frlday ln Chilcago. 'A wvvtt 91 upereedeer va. là- suai by . the.clerk e01ithe SuPrsnae Court oetIllinois as, the recuit et the efforts et Attorney Franki B. Comertori. Roui hai itte tugo ay' vhs tic Word Chleugo-Cattle, conunon te prime. $4.00. te M020; box%, prime lhenvy. $4.00 ta SOM3; sieep, fair te chutes. *3,00 te 35.40; ,wlieat, No. Z._78c te,71e con No. 2.We te 54e,: oct., tandlard, 25e te; 27e: rye. No. 2, 58e te 60r: lbey, tinioth>-. $850 te $13.50; prairie, *6.00 te S10.50;:huiler. choice creamtei*. 1]cete 2lc; eicge. tremi. Ide lte.c;pottee, per tîumhel. n3& te 44c. lndamipole-Cltl, hlpplng, $3.00 te $0.00; hoxi. choice heevj', 8.1.00te 86.40: sheep. conmmon te primie, $230 te.*4.25; wheat, No. 2, 80c te 81c,;crn,.19o. 2 white, 58e to 54c; eeg., Ne. 2 vile. 25e te 27c. 8,t Louls--CattI ie,*t50te $5.70; lioge. $4.00 tae .35; elieep, $4-00 te $5.M0 vhat Be. 2, 80e te Me.-co rn. No. 3Z Sibc te SOc: eat.,BNu.2Z 24e te 25;1 je.r, Ne. 9, SOc te 0e Cnlaclut--cattle. *00tea3sizId hbu. 84.00tae8&0.;hliep, .$2.00 t $4.50; wheat No. 2.8me teaSic;cure, No. 2 mIxe,!. 5Metea W; este. Nu, 2 ntirxdi, 24e tu 25c; ni',, Ne. 2, 57e ta 58C. Detrolî-Cattl, 33.50 tue3M00; bots, 14»00te $6.20; sheep. $2.50 te 35.001 vinst. No. 2. 82e te Mec; cern, Ne. 3 rellow, 57ec te 5lýc; oatc, Ne. 3 wtt, nec te 28e; ive, e N. 2, 5&e t e c. Milîvakee-Whent No. 2 uertbéve 92e goe19&e; cern, No. 3. 5&e te Ne.; est@, Ne. 2* white, 27e, te 29e: rYe. lie. 1. 59c te flic. barîci', Ne. 2, 00kte Ne; - pork, mess, $14.75. Toledoý-Wlit, No. 2 mixe,!,Me5cte SMe; cern. No. 2 mnixe,!. *ic te53« oBus, No. 2 mlxe,. 30e te 32e; nje No. 2ý 54ec te 2c; doyen seed, prime, *6.80. Butf*Io--Cattle. chie slsipphog 51,e., e4.00 te $5.50; liogs, tain te choies, $*4.Pl. te *0.50; ehefp, COnmnmOIXte geai mixai,' 1400 te $5.50; Ianu, tainrtotuoc $5.00 te, 37.8., BewyTonk--'attle. *00' tea 5. bue, *.0 te*M45; eiieep, *3.0 te4 _ 0; icNýo. 2ne!- 8ete' 10c; cern, No. 2, 5»e te M0e; entff. natunst,' white, 30e te aic; butter. cresmery, 110 te 21c; eggs. vestern. 20C te 22e.- Liber Bote. llinois bai 37,000ceal miner..sty pair tent bcbng foreigu bers. Qoîcilver -minera tolbow thenest unhealti! tradi lutii. vorli. f of thie stenographers andi typevnit.. iu thé United States eevent'-six pcvt gn are von. in future Victerten <Austrahlig> e- ployas vili bc paid ortnlghtly. Ail the. bottling establishment@ ln &Iexaudrla, Va., have licen untonliei. latively tew niechnales lu the 6i4jdvt'2 log trudit uNewYTork State vosk u«* tin agiit heurs ai *At a - ecetmceitnz a «te C4sO5alÊéàti

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