~" t mlx ,nofiuhml -n ~ lots h .. ..... . w, t M èdvw W - I ut%10W *aunai.,W Io0tiIUbOtI 500 Sméatain a kt& .s lsplooit , ii wd ........... 2M00 O v..ius à*h nI #A anêWmsisiSrappwàuaItntmtsê Woksfm& utao B P ......... to tbi hinilgnes#M.9» mmi of SWIsU1b1 tw Wlbklasmen34 Avaec t.. *10p1l& IP wd...........00 s. a IIWtUPUt l"'Il T DIireh wl ta L M .......& " u.tamm t grouads ftotor Wum iiowo part su Ji ne 26 -. »» &M DanrUsi Twp .wd........ .17267 ý00 Da Sinon ta Subiqa Sllvoy. -- - -- - - - -- -Kae ue 13 Vernon iion Dorflddt-p qo ........... 1000 -WAU ICE 0 AN c wPrSor af etsi to Ch" Mel 8.017 au lu uw Dekagidé lIs cmusy Bimen Bê.et Ito Cha" Mtel hggI~WIhO. 3,017 am in uw lm mec28 âwd à du- e Sh Obi"twp qc............. 100 a.n tuC'WProetr & wfet a t Elzabieth Baner et ai 2.012 am la nw X ne 28 Shields "T. ovem01 hop my, Impk",t t * Twp qe...................10 qaug i1 vnil. r «" "mEflnBIsé eet ai te Elisa Mq (conwV owh.mtj sec28 Shieldse*Twp q.... i100 inusovmiAohé aaiutm ffe o«.. e Wlïe Tosot76a wjtý eteb b*W"agom aCWU g«%à thme,1 Aon wpwd.... 18 20000 ams&i*suL on ofaa., I . U gel l iané, va. mmn&WB HaCaed t-sr ttIMG e.InSSéom bisso4the b ards 0< itle M &nýermont sema10010 M-ut tbe 4t mi. Tue pao"a idag on Irip o 'aaobit a a . bo, su genrintmrohatm oaS or-, i aile l" =ii nie *h" oe. vsbao a og E 4 mgUSagi b w msvm redA h iai b i otra eed upio ih llt-smlb ai Immtsens,'lb. 5 h. me ý "* em la" 117 "es. a. Id. 8p1a1 A fa. ite. ~esad onAcmlote rsa.r u lte sa aiof aamberlalu's ManSai" sa«iPjoh. 6. 51Bw, Gillai, la.TUti lnlnbt almo wtlbout an ...~ NWlI @01alfor apralu. and bruine.II lor y'. V tilg1 .-LI.rl 'lm lbnath FI BgAIRçTOW ,et.ry Work . O Every bOllIclted1 "W luarn nscom m me s, ~ ~ ~ d ,ImumaiR .oeapnu meut ~ ~ ~ u aibdonb nena taTh taécm , 105 LIE-A 1mw bndo matua Park nsSb"Itg to.mornow attercomonlm Kuabeté Kape Kapollanmister-JOHANN WEBER àg,y atemnoon at 1. Every Even at 8:15 CONC!RTS- ADMISSION 25c. RIESERVED SEATS 50c Wb.n te uoster la uf Ayorsbie,egoerta W bo bell tn.theatre Seata renerved tu ad. V~fl5. OI, tgbandPark 61. Ervery TbOsy eternoon chureus' Day. All'4,derf4 admitted free TImBvff 0F TMB SHASON Oonu*rnanlgS&7turday,Sept. i##th. A &RUUM hc>NIa PIOtDtTtTION 0P PEROSI , OBATION ise Resurrectioc o1rist Pre'eflted hi EUGIENIO SORRENTINO SANDA ROSSA ; !nlfoduatuu aftQmrtette of urzUdouea singers ,îI *nDIWouerfuàl Scenic ,tc . SOLISTS GINA CIAPAENLILI, - Soprano fflssm .- ',- - - ît ALZqUNEL]. - TçinOr, SALVA~UTOM NLmziATO - » Doutone ,lnl4 Saturday, Oct, 14th, and for five. consecutive Saturclays Mr. Burton MamsTravelogues. 1*4 beago & Milwaukee electrie traion vos Lke Bluff for Lt herty ville atU.09p. .' £tVIEIR.V EStit AT 8.16 ýSaturday and Sêmsy,;Matin.. at 2'O LABOR DAY DANCE In Thse Ofveodng %«" 1 lvpm to m* st kus ~tw der oSu -r am ùiiwi ýôed.u ity, aùt =In sd tihogi84y qulpped t do ail kid d repairing _of Engines aon =and Crniage Timn CABINET MAININ N AIt BRANCHES, CHAIRS RECANEO. MATTRESSES MADE TO ORDER AND RENOVATRD AND MADE OVER. Have your 'work done by -a man ezperlenoed. Don't waita year for yqur gooda to be. refurnod. Give me a trial that your, work Io properly attend. ed to. Be eonvinoed. - Every on@ lni their turn. 1-am. bere to etay. A IAIU UIC.1SHP NORTH OR SOUTH OF, TU. YVUL..L.IéS. WEBB THE .CKMU .. ... FRED CROKER 5- )f Tint >IS$Otmt t01f asNuableSMI. for fIIail )mai ygrL Meut. SWhen in Waukeoau Step jeto t s' IIwrrs.Dru sg.re 't? aod'get a deliclous Sond"s o Soda * Water. Cams sop at Ibis damuer. t * ~cor. Geuesee Madison St. 4èâý4. +4&+++++é4 44i4 Bowlers U. BowIers The bowling alleys are now open with apattlng machine. Machines that put the pins on the. spot. Every pin spot- ted perfeFtly. B end. aud olii Pool 2 pe.r elle. lut III UO" -ie % 111.- C.omction. 9 ,TOW01 OPEN SUND-AYS watcb for tl 0.O. Javi Fusai Mot Wheaalt gAi pmee ap UAEsirO00P«AML ....om. . IO Moaaci Skln l'à,w. h eu l a mb oe aig . . ..... ..... .. B&Sbw (. umaÏ. . . .. s LANDmmpOA", KMt. 141.. oksano Su .. Ctofmedsibanas,- p b EnS ~ po Huilè<s~........ . 10 Sain Tase.'e.Dull' o......1 [ovaap-Ws omdnim IIswam Itou. PolaItb, p. k P.B. . .L.$WORTti peuaing w"am aM com ID, al aOYaL. -AL. KND*- %toed rades at PlriF DON% ,WINDOWS, Amio Mas LANO CgLM4. AL PIPE, DRAINIE, ETC AUàtM Important Bath Roomn 'Yom have oflexheard people reowis - If 1 W=r ever ta build IW"ol" ii my bat~ romore Sm su wud q. S sl My me>r oto the. jsW rei -its iuery. ",TbgpolsaoccmS nts içnâuioit, Sur ýthm ro.m ob dSt lm We wold ln'te te help y- Pl-a y- bahroom, sMd wiR l gadIy quota ye pue o mdW-Wsmo, the boi I4bKIiTYVI.LE PLUMBINO and HEATI#NG COMPANY -WAUe. * fic4 '5 Apit *1 MsY I j-. 'i '4 61 ils or j44 r ,ýol