CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Sep 1905, p. 2

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W lIAs brde 01 t(ne tcorraPi- ** mthegmeeetAve âio huie U mfl' ~traee gream cnmerdal-i heae e a me man tboniand w th thec manuttc(urer de svmaikoiqla Mis- ijie by a Sunetf010 te miàiflub0 t eaIsm- il.é deetor promis, au or setvpaau>ime' iitl r a. ulhheet tbe ninev- bt f li* PrnipaL Mi 01et magent el.mploi* latet te tuhueuce i Io, is ýpiacipî's.e- t'a insttue The pen- te agetsvio e rquait ritoeiiiusia g7ea for Cleanl . .1~I tl'nu' . 49i8 Boston.....41 83 Brokly .... 87 82 W*aahinmtu. 47 67 .0400 KamuaCtlY .-41 02 tLAai '18.,7. biIlp IL a, Wo te tant lisamo W&s Meut., m,$ the U»Itet Mine S istatict eai- i lcuotle foi su- es pi'octutes auy on tiis scor for t - tlitacatte utI sui thle otthet t roever ccuci r. batik 01,200h. ýQe tosL Re thre silpe are »à 10l li e icrie Pt «« LhaleemBpfrlor, et b« oet duat» aDd tek large. 0 aSl cave sud operate 1.el>ma cileago &Bt in roportidto le h.aee 0alasuten et1 .)Utsiajji s t. thaus ara qua e osac e blai fuet. tbas aamct RobetlBi ke et; 4. P. Morgn, A4 M et SI«t.t iha iles been bai-ni s Ir miles nrthveat C'ai.. it.byuiit contr gtl twe directions. cel bu-et ,over. bm Car ftrL .Auto. Mycck ait oertrnet w conatalusîgitîsacrL hm$ nlreaoKaucan Clt cI, We sanditwIo chut, w payPae etDen" qos peilevi'et Kan titi, hm, Ite. near Mil *1ehmax-ahser citir 4t penetratip b . hebis liI itaciman ommîti O45p iliscf tlciv maet xmia. Bcmaa w 1m-i P«af mxb;;ïm , ro a -. bée Wrwtu tk.Tesa awwâet 0ha-ý ta* talt, kuevjhlgof t». Ivo 51- tetee ta, ho laetit vater. Tii. liii etlampt Imm.lix b l i ofitt& .2& 1004. vhea & charge »C dynamité galet tle top Ioamnpd IL Part of té,upper pot o te h* &ic*s~t. Ioh4uait, batIy ahtt.rlag té'abulmefatseit resesi oue, 0f9tith*c i*40tonIc niigt of vsr 4. 1l0,.Ia hsavy chat o f ityfl5 mit. waq paced la tié bcket tI béée or the lewer n«il paru. Tie mamOury ofet liOsuIl wonlmie ceuit.teil Saat tereit. Ith MgPu htbesen biemu quI il *O.ui lavaroeasidlte hfMMUSS qVolum, cf vater cil traoe1 th taipail deme1 l o1 iir orcf Wtér la the Iotîî. nUqf lke plot auceote lm teo f lite vooId Miuebave pebabli baiheari. BRVtNirNOTOZ4 VEDIcTr IT. moesau K» ilt.ecer mashe"t *IlImVau Voritm Ia illet ib, ils vite ta hl* retaurnt lu. Chisgo The tvo verO qusuLralSansd Mma.Van a- Vonices led tue O 1t@ ut heuribus- is' bai&t. es hanle pie ba-ie i. cbl ntics S<aafer Iste Nasa.. ag The tatobcld Olt nstltionai ommît- ot 0t»o nMu*ùliee. ý1. T.. sa-cet cm thýe :roi aime o Sequial fer teéaMme or tii ACOMMom*Mthi. Il valsaige deefl ette ual. Prohiition a part. et t»ow gmauhe tan, andtte Iioule Sefut8lino cat g (3Is an, elrim for Aucgt 1>',troi ai recrds for tht. peoK et vea,. ren til. lutce5e veo sent Me menti a lest ver 55 ia O,1 .Tiéc cte gr. déea uel tvelopsnt v*Mt on apitlî luutag tee ahuk*e 1 Mare Oit Esaluen.ambaettsz su, Tii. MaaalcliUette, Biste ceSus iree shows a startliig dOe.. t a the groWtit li et population inuhli et five Yeara. it ed maltsarse more umeoe nld sîtotage elL. efthle beau erop la. a ator. tilt psfrenants t e meilbIt CWI& Faust»l atte>' chwhIl it it lu »0ieiv4iLba osl? m Mra. TillAs Ku te ~~or a er, cai f10 hmdlig1,t **-j,., . vith dynamIt iii tstsw em Lbtlp fat aiue .tho mithla b U« t *, bees oitilt damUtelbrlby Ji.U.1Uc»*114 wfho Perlaheit ville maklegasdestoti frbiu tii. cnnty tairt gus in4t u ville, Ohte. News ei 010 etet bi t. otiirlu bjec pot at!eid the dormnasshort iai. )etora ase t On bis lgkL Tii. patihtIc vWhlié altendetii thé atlt et the 1tthtie, te miion ho vas defoteci, pinaper hlm faîte deepest grief. 104elint, 'mio tlved et Leesuleia, mit.. val hievte bita bi Mix stkmcof 4namitmi wbuch " car- rled lu hh. car. ,Tic tbaLuér *i*nurréd 't ai -X. lgt O w, promus esamilet ou lb. fi gteui., EeldWta tylIP hibitle». Ajrshtp' eihibtoWs'b"'boo gie yBaldwin dal, ditîogthélbt lioi veek. oneofethis d«Ieuvtce or, u4tlu te the. tiriltaeofthtietItade Weu$ the llbgouiv'tt-*tlcks cf dynamitbe te Mar* hi progreu e diii helbiilsBaldinl hait ameoai! itanuece of 1,50 est. Then, se 4nickly taIlihe uiretée fcrocoiy couit mark ltetransit, tht alrmlp thsngsd te a gret lobe, et Mote. A few seconds Inter a rilùS itetgnatlon crace thé atmmepere ad irvte . mwdt lta sPauie. A,*iii. niaa fsmoire leared fragmenta et the fletb uatertat thal lait evUstutei ýthel balloon-tiko bago e lsrshlp cuntld ho men» dirppint earthvard. places of Baitvtu'e bedy ver. pcet up over au ares et gaverai acres. Im aloiçioN RUTE> TNUt drtlé.c.artmtiaL Lr«ta nfouegerte liaséet AD thé' iodAi. 0f tu ceagi t r quiry lub the. CM, of the. Duxulten.wMlmkmkiià ne diUSpX'ovl -th*t part *t'the h0~in1 dretnailt that te Euaiuste wu. "aif sul aentt dcplI nud goO M lund cOdant cMd tio» t thtii me 0etlitee nplotleu, and la à.P.CI III UUla > d comument upon thé. faimursof tbé,.:rt« d ocatetlck atter timthe ItulVOL.r He futiier sa" liaI l* fout f tI"i quit,'.jalunie te mae ti nyiiai gre, eiP.Cting t» aptaiorq. tt.ail. LucIc bong osent met hié *ppIsi, L il. thefr *s t to citear h- self Captai» yelg ung aO ppurbefortO 'a ut mat-i. muniaCharte' T. Wade, Wh wts lu charg cf tiWUlCbin- ety, atoselua rdentbeoe a 5corit U5Y wu.& OF wÀuOUB vITEl. lassés Peftimere Cooper Onc0e Oueëdt FPrs lai saiueo. I The.ble iawIl ad tsuelet rJame Penmm eCoope, the lirait Américain plof@t ttan mio. -Leatiio tk-t lit. Tales" ha** 410usdthe. rowth of this cunry fée tirs. pnffots'bus beons ftmitulatbê velt cf thé.Probate côut la Katsme eAh., sed lacas- ncto vthit Ilad' st tut Coope owmd a aqaibetortlob 6 la 4aU*e 0" or tiis ola tuhe»busines maice it thé. ilty laudt. ocplel hia5lariet blcel. . hus muleeCooper apent Ia lautbet eor eêrs la tuât section eand ac-1 qufres tht. pieperty ht.ich hole f t te oaaCooper, kits wtt.. acea sftrwsrds 1 lt wus oldtote ierobeatua estate. Theit autWer'e i i as pebted ln Otaogo, N. y., la 191,ad ln Kalamnsaear Inter. ULOPUNU E» LivESIN LAKE. mon a"i WaO s brous ChuageCe WIliau roi da lta aiert commit-1 tadt suicide by Jouapig - ent-doek-st- Ait~dl.-MckV1t0Gug l te.. John1 lm 404 ,tlirogaM £lipreserier te thon, bet th", Mooiattompt te -70.the- setves. Thé bodise ver. recevereit. Two daps«go th 1.6coup, camé te the ltate 4a e#W»dt tic butWias tien Ciii- «ègà. Te" ffl thè hotelceil btut iii *ffi =4 ntS ote s«il"ng 1 hti ire-ré frrit 4atht. lite. It la hlievel theid %bu Sh.. Atti thel vwer. ausause EseataléW.. et au NU&l 1P&a. bàs bea eclarMtbe(wesu j*Pan ýam* ol. Thétevos la cOu- ffume at ?ot*qmtii reaciielau isgt..- met a e wlob* bar demandei for1 t:det o ito of the. lterued1 ipaisa chips suit fr limitation et Rus-ý MW Uausi lPemerlu tiié faos ud retwu g tRIusis the urtliuu hait ot hsiiilels"u& Au aritatice bas beon asreédi ta, sgdlns the. ver. W"0%4e TraInte Ilave Ive. Cefontut vith ticel teitatve et v»eciuitia Lake Uite ad Western trojght traian éetifa iheet olce- tisicu betwffl tii. trelulit and a Chicago a"i Uit. pasésaghr tuatn, lthéoperator et Kgsut, chcee thé former sud seult, thetreihtt. e dto. Tii. toe- motiv, t oee car et-the trelght ver. deasiteit, bet anoci"ev, InJare&t Ashe to teilde belvéen ieati or lits as s cripple, Michael Madurr, a boy patient la tii. hwish hospital lna Puis- iteiptila. chose tiie former. Tve prieste srood or« es mtour bouts. pleadia thstt h.i lote Surgeons outocf Iemanglei ltp but l'e W"s ilaW isirfusai. As II; t.,4 h tm~cnot tisth orty- tlgit hoelaï. Vici Vackeosc Cew.. Jolà tew ar si smaion, lad, ha. rMortis, I"b# Dur hi. -place a Plece. ea wmckP 1théti steam Oùii- cora, vhlc v We bula *am,, lue. vith tvetry9 eple, aboard. 1,ie voci talit by Lase e rt ttectest leu8 ad beaus, beelse In itial.et9Graham 4 Molu. th» hame Ckilcors. O..omlss o f IFusionWftt..ha» eue~ btadlé tnel ttIsud mii- mttel It te tbce cttetofthe Jutertor. It la "alt ii.avoat exoudcd for peu- stops tant yst t. usaor ï5ifev timU lm th tis a teopris- licenué A,théb*ramsaiou the pension roll arte clo.Soute the 101)(.000 mark. S8CHUWVE BY JU4MZjl la it eme owQt5liuii,5ýas ix ai Fsate"i rIg eul buve Puoaso PrMIeslé muent on tu Eaticna lad th. devs- tts gwu la00lEaUsti te ever. Tii. Oifrta , 'Tcoore IRoosevelt have- boraestbi* fouit sud thecommnisiona- cr 0 etgii. ~and JaPau bave artilrOt et terme. et loge. In1 thé laturqt ofpeace japan yleld- Od pructscaly uvorytiing wicbtic RUsilpa itmautot.giviup up hem dlaimâ te lutemalt7 ~ anditnetig ber- asefi wltb tt whicb sh* bld won as tic Immodiate fruits of mar. The vision, et peace cfaie eut 0f a eleuit. tintabi. te appear, hutesel euvoy put ouna app«raàm Tuesdar tua irma* - etuas kelallIfl. Tisé. vite bad Sfait-am at*Callykuolathat La smiegolieégacent via t. i.the enoiic,4 4U ot ashow fonbidiD8n 1o0» te abaceceri tien. Tet wblolbusabeen consIstect',' torocW asit a ceuplied ft, and tien Portanieutit ligo eut tic word vltlih Mlii itt a mies sud retoe Concord tetu *0.fildttwhere var lac vaget. jamai nSowsGreatpoes. #&Dm bu atdetic heexhibition of bSoibisen et bhsoltlers la the fibId s 760p4w - ýle-tioms .courage, wbi0h amoutiste greatueas. MsiillttmitY hbu mincit ber course tirengiiont tic peé.poecesdngo, a" tto-day, t» iben"e a"a Matipie te thevortt. TheMNnudb;$mttWord te hua puce enniilsaosera ta ratier than have t»e efferts. pilob bail bien made toi M&ità » ai busii has t» juduxent 99 tic g»avsliaethleicoestoas mighi b. *Mal miii bon«t, TMe Ceu esus-veot maite, suitut, cf Porte- pohh o. tces 0Ct etucc Pmtaion. vhiPM mm c asê yi aiintMteaRentrai porta &U ticlIai- tlO f ]ELUSsa bav0f povfer in bbc UsaI.'Tho imo liat polit» h* ait been seiy te ptni rir awecIk. The osé grest natter a. viseb -ab*gaysma waa "tue itemnia for internit>'. TMc ternisetfpuceecoutein nothing whieh lu ttumiUllatlna t cher lllg- aesai. Enila bnba ot muchita nsv>, Menuitettlort Airthutb. Chl- am ue atera RaImu. ad ia prestige la thc Onlet-but bas »Veil Ils -hen- or.» Japse hau gaiecit nu "ibasha usvçpi- "ouer." Tt bau ýnet bee» humilateits It mas afler ticéconlu- sion e icChinWmimisa Dt» un- repffl »#M mectipflemit 1*t. qive10 111ot4r Maw. Osud Bergius WUttc le Il. boe of t»ë boum. Mor"a" sat polab>' la théi IMMldadftafta guie M s litte J*tigmeporet Mater>,60"pasle tii vie- tee IR*",akecp ber mow ue> nitve Ici pouite.Japon criea t» fIooli On fie Aimetsa usdiasa 0" b aitmat ou« for Msait a.lte hthe verhit for psel nationmIN-be trou tom, chaula tg part te th ue aeeue 56000tefPrea. mient nEcceetu, dévotMait te art$cfeor . MA rpasn»et f lthia wmudbave criuat ecb "sG iasntliy ait a tritcmeiu*i.pipeurm e> mollit have tairan tic place et gtait tu hotu c6001s.,Ti'Ièb«1epU""ittt jappr. Thé ltusis a eIt cms eroIe tuit tethé tutaretlgi etlà- te aipuestbhit fJe pote ritateratn etlt or, USm* las Insu w0 nich wov ota tOWa b>' la tu "cu d cctet tes th" IlIcli01 te renauipab e la urI m a m et Niewsaor puce 'u precoltisfl t er tueee fneon teof s"ulatheti -atre etasubotelas0 Voistenth mliii t» evwldesi cahpst. Theiltinl opreait ità tp tic or ibet ti aïae et 115h. Mise as htes eve«'- *iste tit nsu m n w u tobp. lap. ust. oas u aîmet.w: sai t telmtrtcclbl Tiié reat vwunt bruagit; about bî osintiative et Baron Komaus. lie eS tJapaaes.envoi, eut hà is sit.nt- ishe'Takllra ~1tvaaorterei b>' lte japaum emparer lInseit. Kamura sund Taebilui vtet au la. 4.uimly. Tbcy lalmetsuitd eaim nov tilt hisii edti» apse sba ltthe leglImate frata ti fer Victorien. Ait6uil Piesideal Eoosevelt bilt muai te do vith briugigabout lies. o'rrmieimug ouasalns y t» Japtu- ese It ta 1.ov» %bat Baron Kanelto. thé Jspaeecc luaude1 Agent, vite lala tha a.atriinit vie bas hontge persistent a vihor of tie Presiduat, veal 0,cr lie heaitet Baron Ko>mnandai, eaciie thle, cr *atht»emperor tirongi Marquis Ieo, «e ethte eder stalesmen. Tic Japsusofnialli explala lieur tenathabie concessions on th. greunatet luauuty. This l amsgSocia ouelali niptanîa ta ansolether. Tii. tactila tial lthe. presdat envois. Kemura sud Takahira, mare beetea. aI home b>'te r.pesmnlstiveg et Kaneko andtheli lO- 1Tic JRulasAaejubilant. Tie>' came te Portsmutuh i uohbng le loue aut e#'rythinlnte gain, aud tii.y practicaît>' ditcatodt hei *wu ternis. Tie barit-ieaded. buiess man, M. Witt#, vwQon' visety pcket out Mr ut.s avoy, allieugit bescugit b>' peeple lu bis*0v» cuntryinla Bglant, Fr-snce ait Auerls, suit altbough pet-- coral>' begged b>' PreaietuRoosevel, te pe> soute srt et su tatemnily. sti>- berr and utperatstenhî>' refuse&. He won. It muat h.oitaitbtat bh. itinet expeet to Wia, tor ha saidthlat te vas thanter- stmutil mien Baie» Komura vai-ed te lutInIt>. Altitonîl Witte t. a pence Ma, ho venlithave stiovedthle vsr le go on inteflutli bier e mwunit lave pald a cent of, tnibuhe nc prantel ail the obvions temants et lapait. grenteit .v.rtliag Japahat requots*Id hefore the var. Tihe omade tue arpsamieat Ia"àate t. oa cou- guet$ matou, liai thi. var le a colo- alalwut ai t tai RM"saconnesil .Wlt hait neBaroa Kaaeke vork- hWas agaluet liainlatut, counIry'. Ho gSM.btose v the lcior>' of setlins a val liitiu cruaiittue Boulsar- mise, itetroesittue Ensiaa itets, driv- onEnlia et of territor eriedut rab- bed as If iii coutr ituaheb.ceuQuer- lus forte btsit et theeuDqueret. Bleho lottre' uvyvv l Wax Dofre àsVnRuatau.n Tite Subgvuy lavera, lu Nw York, vbtch wass peued staven =Outlla ae viitt au &dte"a iy Bllop PotIer sant thé aitkgofetthe doxclig, Î lsait Ils ciaeses-&a 2asactlflei saI«cn." Tb Propiltet. lit la staled, vîlI suit c0u" the place te s man viha.u eaitotai. tuel retaurat Ou te.prenisu TWh. Dov ovuer viln take oteutoIls Io ai sat th"extensiveoastérations, viii r=u li plae oian rtaSry saloon..Uie la lic taver»u epsinei t lat bitr aitd CMlâ ts uaicent incane froimcas t psy runautngxpeuses. Intaaitof tic v*il-knomn ctiteacs vite es"taised thi lavera draving a fi par ceuttiidohit», sa 4 titey expeeet, il vassidt laI Ji t ti1 lent six meuth. iey hbutIbeon comineie se eteu.te go towme tb heu peekets tle mnaas gouciaàdeficil tit t hity iiu becemi tiret sud vinitet te h ru et the laver, outrel>. Whou te lavera vis opoedetIl mas snnuncaret laI enly, pure ilquors venit b. soit. One roéro s flted -Or vili a ueda funtalu, viiere vomer migitt hocservet vîli besi. Tii. chîci vails cf tIhe building er. patet vîIt toits ot scriplure anudtbluli eoow Olt.gusbt, lu the wrt-fiu-t -icrtederï; it vas touait thst "roam~ egle» vwouit nt mi.- BAVE» Br HMRAIt CEAX. Tlree morale reu" Wome au. se Tv, Drbwmiug Gife. Forming s chalu -bi Jolalaghauts. 'a parti et Nev Yok CtVYouenag voM&es lic Mises Barmn, Boreneteutd EU ver, a# Charte, Brager mrled otlae ,lic MmhaagnelKin,. eh Bloongobami, N. Y., eut rescuet twoawet yua trudrowuluî. MIss TUlle Bor#um sn ui lsMartita Oppentan etofNev York vers in a boat on thé iver vieu Mien Bolanger tet overboarit. The cbrenl vas svthaneuthei gel vas rapidllibeise samqt levant a dam vian beromptanlo plungit lualarlher. Tioe.h be uit ain, tey enît malé,ne besîvai, aud [veuld have drovueit ist nt te iciua vola.a on te shore vade ite t li wsler ap te beir .houltacand e uocs- et, viti thte bepe~t a beal. lu rcacblnd te mtîevutag OSglussutd pell hl ie ont. Fivs Perflsit h« OasUai. AÀIsitet eutie carnet talc t»é cllai cf s two-sory IimBÊ nila North U34001 streetl. 8.Louis, ity Gus ombarde ig allai accumulatot gas and thoexpilosion4 micet te building suit se severely huftet Lombarde liaI h mai uot' r.- rayer. iFour otiie prsoas Ilahe lisblt' tng neovi>' eapet tjury. Roe sReckeU*ienluChurch, lsmec J. Croe staants amcusat c %teuligt»e atsflet .rlebnt. mna te wgrlt and breakînta i vldev a inte FlesaIMtbodth Uplpl cchula levelabit. Ho pl«eetnetguil>' vobés arroLigneit la poiocouebrt. Tb»e 09 us = RPu ublier drintItheWself- Tpo Auericas.John Formis aid loin Meomug,,*aditaro orelgases parc klci, aaetber la mi"alnd I i. sup- poscitte ho*c beau blovu ta placos-anit thec moara e vra erîolonstinret by thé naistini Ot a Un mheetlaus&tub. mCIi Trsie lute Carbaset., Pa; A toruaito truc t» nefthOerupat et Carhcuitsle, Pa., littud elmlisbous9mes, bana saitd reat cIra.but fotutel>' cansetne foteiltie. Thea ari avepi a »rtb S uIstom m Exoeretel à6 tfflrt et eIcte torMClb. fetla Atrlulturll Departmcat «As pta r. Salmon, cef et fa lureaInaliai, de-. partmet. frei n snî uniul acts Ite cceocl t f hlvetOk. Cbtuese Rareed Ceacesic elIl liteekhriie the la b*noseP> a Ilp mont Coupsnhava acocptc, tttog et lh ie Clue goveameat el f 5080,0 for te Haakov ratlrlaed co*ceslou. Orego. IVruit t s~ Tii. vorat lndetormIn th le isowy of lie Poasese ceuntri. Orego., pg«ed, ever lb.he tleu. teinnp mach i tht Morocc O NIOasuPrtoo* Merecce yteldel l e toi unai gaieneeaochatll!one a e pispri" Resqsvee Ufft UneTéa0ei. TillNebaska supreme *leabs-in.. F uedt au alternative vrlt cooneit' tha1 te réserves et traterusi ua= l Ilm eb. epruothe la leb&. r iltiue Dreuns «W) iehe,..o 2 tla beiledt lit a I urrIcane l*but e vsrtot 10D uitnfibilnt beeats cli Gate idt ite Chaunel et Koros, dysra. ad ý400 Japsues. Moirmon. lin uisAre oblat Dow*. Tweaty4ac Of titetweutY-se alnq, et t». *Antea het t adTisP"!t ft..n ah 'suist~eft,.Pa., d Z Trous, AGE~D1 ielm l 5ccsel umuetéd tvol- -'id Stfurtter sireaghb- sM»l n eeda raupt andt dis- '~ realIgstock llt hmpme*u'and lllgbrancheste InspIe <ste'Ama lnqsn ctive, vitb suncela*gSd buylit =Off S9IIasd <luter utao&uw&s 441ce. *tou e ticeirlor maintàws a- 'WoNrWig toec, béiédtupoo ex- _________e elppower la.te W it'O4 dvaacigg. 11it.lie&ah meatIIctIon.re46 . t s'Oit riasctions aree0fit-Oocbott rcb. & ffl% 11 tà»e principal toodaud.. pric:eabllig p. 2% lm50 lu unirt>' oecemmottiéitomer tis , ....150 faut, mcek. aoii ros fic la u-D PNb. &, 1901 nati',. igit la u*oufet. sudtrevel. leb.. 01. su Qd utalupe t oChicagopdca "isc l'ib'. 100 steady pelao, lay 27, 1905 1 It or e abipineat nite reeUOW* -a>' 1,10 ter s short Iuterruption. ald witi lte eh . t0 0 rausporhttion ef grain. frest prit. - .- .29,14 nets.,fuel eutdp«ruerai nierchaniale, ... 912750 lake csrrylg exceedsalattpreviotia ex- l'l1u0 Psrt.ti .Colleciom mute A /aatl S1, 0 <cter>' shotnp.oa bet icty suit ono- ......2 -tri bile, and fotur agate are tom .......a0hiausberas aitIlIabilile. . ......a Ligither recelpte of vtet nuit matI- ...... 0 et oulgo oet-corn, aeountfer a Ielime. * 8& In.9,TD l thé total quanlity'et grain iantied i-s .19.06 tlii.part, but uetmtkstaadl hii Ig 851.m00 tc he ag Iola trge, 11121.4410bush- 810 0e8. cempariug mîtti 13,171,757 bombea S07,70 litmwe.k suit9250.M 4bumbielàayeet &SE âge. Otiar recoIpl mare heavier In ...... wel. dreaset beof. fleur, butter snt 1 ..... ciee ,sud loer Itecatile. sharp muit, ......57 ens. lecelpts et tomber mer. 157- . ....12 790.00 fot, fegti474*000 tact lest . week-iiatt 85,413.M00 tat a year *go. .O Baink cleerlugu.s17.4 U0 Xed SiffSlte..' of e.poudiig mccii tant jear 26,^« by 10.1 per cent. 1,200m1m. Faliures reported th e b.Chtlcepc dt MWMM 000 tric itnuber 11. almsinal20 tî.t vewmk M»01ý4» andt 28 a year ugo-Dues lirIew Auguat, e petiot Of ex- ls u.ceptouaial sty lu tîts staound Indus- tii, trems te a c mib buylng sbovlng turtber expansion. cereat crep MW" 14AND JAtAN. Itecoguising Jspau'a prepoadet- lti tafiunace lu Korea, but -lîpaa to observe ls territorflwl luhegrity, ant precerve lb. "epes dcci" poîte>'. Mutnsuel bilîatlon ote utec *Manchuria. se restoe.Chinée acrerelgat>', and for lie "open 6dcr".prineiple. Raudissurrauders te lapa» lit Lt.otnglmics.lucitlîns Port *Arthtur ait Dal>'. Baillay tront Qunehentue te Port Arthtur andt Nqvcitaag te be surmudere toteChies. liii *lmuitaton of tiie priviieges oblalu- ed lu 15111b>'M.wBothbsîca sui Prince Ubktemsky. Agreement 1t ivnte Salihun. the surreatetet vftti hllsui laponetsIbutsIdemanita. Japaa le have flshtag rtgbls on lie Biberiau coat. Ceemi. Ruamin te puy Japan a iciacu- able manent for malantenatf the 65,000Enuis» prilqunm .A breat compact C.t mutual commercial privrlicic, by viic eci ceunIr>' vili guarantes to the. cter hth uc t fte "mnit favored .ination"cltaueanuitheu «"epen dcci.* Iisua vluiharavas. tFor remuneration, of Japau for ' cst et van (intemaiti). . Fero surreadt, te Jîpan et1lit- tternet vaaisp. Frltmitlng Russies naval tpower l ic eUast - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --5 5 The euctustoet peso. betwen es- sla euit lapax tis pMenithitUlmph Su Tiiector. Roosevelt It t. anti. 11M traticonefthé singutar aitplabllty gi. ged tortu"ne w bu" Qlave o eatsa MIs caem la eu lepe sai tâmue hlm taciitysud sgoit totttihave wmou bit the îpplause 91 the.>-iola Wor,4it ad a ou. vl! bapedpe btlic çhoneellas ae- quire&t. leeleit re ha effolets. Tie calterr0f t»e Tcmhu prisoe n. New York pr.pgfeoe teaile liaitPaltet- son fer tht. i-clnora arabbilîsfoot lotîcither, dult ber trial., Rebebs la Ba. alib. Duteti EastIndates. have ietiacilIe ol t tRambong Luit tla t a ocra s'aid tIwciii-tve mon., Ou, xuâ s ü«,t ua S wive. ratlvny lonnage lecemobag. collectiOfla lu tic West, North unit Enstoprtoit genereli>' botter, mnte>' exccptlenatiy L- eay..tor Ibis senaon. uctwitbbttldiig luceaseit crep, movlnt reqhiieftit5- antd confidence on &iH banda of e large ant proueacetively proftable tait mand vînter traite. Business faltures for lte yogI end- et tnp. 24 tu lte UnItdStates aum- bter 1M6 againal 147 laI mark. 185 lu the like weecof cf 10. 142 t la thiX. 140 lnu!Dot anui 188 lu 1901. In Can- a da alluresfor lie mielnniber 14. n a aat 29 tasîmlLt w ad2<1 hi is 0 va ear ouaco.-Bradotreet'a. Cincgo --- cattle commun te prime. 04.00 t'. *6.4.; itogit. prime. iteavr. $4.010 ho *.2;heep. fuir tale ioef. *4&0 tae f55; wbenî, Nu. 2, 78e ta 79c; crn. No. 2.e5e ,5&:e: ns*.standard. 24e te 25c-; rye. Ne. 2. 59e ta Oic; hbey. tinn*otn>'. $8.50 te $13.50; prairie.,*$.00 te $10.30; îutner. t,..leo ereamer>', 18e lu *,Oc; eggi.. frethn.Oc teat 17c; potates. par he',lel, 35c ta 42. *741 'g.ehole bieavy, $.L(XOteho8&.8t):1 Kheep, conunon le prime. *2'.50te $4.00: nilentNo. 2, 8M ce 10ic; cern. No. 2 wite. tiS lu 54c. cats, Ne. 2 wite. 25e le 21ce. St. Louila-.'ntlle, *4.50 te $5.50; tioga. s)Wte. .$&"; sieep. *4.(X) tg)5.0 sit No. 2, Me te 82c; cern. No. 2. bic te 52e; ont%, No. Z, 24e le 2(le; i-y, No. 2. 5&e te tiGe Cluciauaht-'Cnittle, $400 lea $5.00; boes. 4.00 te *0.-40; sbeep, *2.00 te "4.5; miteal, Na. 2. 82e tl e i; corn, No. 2 minet. 5Ue te 55c. cas. Ne. 2 ,Mlxei. 24e ta 25e; uic, Ne. 2Z 57e ta Detruitl-Cetlle *4.50 te *5.00.;btg $4.00 tea1S&20. ieep, 52.50 te *5. vteat No. 2. 81c te M2e; corn, No. 3 yeilow, me e 10ell; als,.No. a3wmile. *!Oc te 27e; rye, No. 2. M ta0le <O. Mlwannkee Wheât, Ne. 2 norttnera. m0e te 80c. corn, No. 3. 53e le 54te; 0.15. No. 2 whnite, 27e te 28c; rie. No. 1. SOc e ta 1e; bars>', Ne. LI. 5c 0e teC- poil, mess. 015.00. !Eoeo-Wheat, No. 2 mîxet, 8pe te 86c; coma. Ne. 2 mixet, Sicle t Me; eta. No, 2 mîzet, hue te 32c;irye. Ne. 2. 514e le 62e; 00"r 9Wcei, prime.40.' Buffne-<attle, echele aipplag steerg. $4.00 la $5-50-- horsfuir teacclea,o.0 te $6.40; sheep. Cein te 1gond o&*&iet $4.00 tea 0; Iuubs.fairtle chaet, 45.00 tea80 New Yorl.t-C1ttW. 5e100 lu&k. Itis, $4.00 te $6.35;-,ineot, *s.Oo te 500; vitettNe. 2 red, 83e ta &%C: coin. No. 2.5WC teý0. -t'4 clsatuurel. w'hite. WC te Sic; butter, CrPnmery, 198 te 21c l. e tofen, 20e le 22,e. -Lobe' lSoe@. ýUtilbas 87,000coul mineis.' str p« t eI ualorcha boum. uijcllver m=ners teilow tue mont auhltly traitelaluiehémoiti. 0f the sîeaefrspbets an4 lypevrIlees lu lie United t tes seveutl er entou are vofen. iu future Victoria- (Austraien) om. ploies wll h. paît tertnlihtly. Ailthtii itttli gestablishmtents lu t Iexanrin, Vu.. bave beeu unienluet. ilelaltveiî few mecitanîca lunlite inuit lug tîntes lu New Yen Shah. o mon r 1tisanelgit hueur'a&-i. At4aréent ni1wun fet thc Carpc,.ea<î# Uionuif i»tems _ 4-e, ta sgalla t.îeCta a srlpet lerritler 0«0 miles lenp. At ita soulteru extreni- nyli in Lt reato t roinilte lapant.. tiait etrT7Zoby La Perouse strait, tveuti-seoamît., vttc. At ils north- eau01 lia, v iit intcline sigitîyt leait ùi W.d elatl est. tI t.'but fve nuiles trou t» Rsi» nmaltaut. At tlis poW t tt catrola lie utuari'o e it"onr rivet. VIrtai>'tlb. vole ltthoral cf Amui provIne sla beleret from the psa» -ceap b>' lisIs.lant, nucb as, Con- *6114M aelerdbehiat Long Isand. TIg»etirilIt» "Kiu rschiplago, tlael lelio.te Japun, Salit»torms amla1e$qWan tflerY, 0et vucithtéi.base reson S'La Psioups.t» iv. srmen.l- Ir uwisklnp te accedit for lb, Imper- talaIe* lcbalaciel 'te tbIlebleal sut &0*" te po1e'fica10 ta aeesri te herg tb iss *a u'. i" t. sakitsiain t h.w lait Ilaeedait i*- çompiéethe lt chain et 'Z pése poa$oseaeawieh r uas lic entite Sîbethan andt Chinese mweLiearit bei the Amui te about tl. - taitéde fte Piipplmoa.-Wilth t Isut lua lspossesion, lapan vonlibave the. B Sa cif aponceplâtely bemmet linon lb. Matlieaal viltle acontreof ethle 04a et okkbtdgvoutitbeequafl-I secure. EUmas a 'pportlcfours ~le mm* tu etu whlaroult tpiop nt etue ....gét.................... ............. War edeit...... .........................A ............). ...,............ ................ "~amtai e o om -(Ai Obsulpol....................... I Wtcsshctuisd(stlaWS>8)................. P Pisipaaienagmet(Port AIhhut').................... Y Lest navel baiile (Uc tjas") ........................ lu Viri nit o tu. Cls..............................u Lam le"t Intde (Mfuie) ................ rob. 20-Maic ouis'. a&my lu fit St dtcau otmat............. jspans ancy ln fi.1d et couet f ar..........:....... Bass etb lthu go"a........ ................. Jipau's treugth La &amis..... ....................... Rqusien cueranm 1.................... .Japsuese Genrals 1114..................... EalLd»a MtirI uleit.............................. Japtece Admirais hui... ... ... ... llsaa»e bluet Lait oudet on laut............ JRusue fIo«« a mou.e...... tn............... Rusajan loue, et au..................... Jspues ie e ...fl...... ......... ............. Eni aplaOe. ... ............. ..... ............. atug«m OhINpRisoed la........................... Ensilm chip engaged -lu mar..................... Iuw ipe emga....................... .. .... Ensssa Mp.sua............................ jesuseshpe an ...l............................ Encla iil*aptje..................... JaS "s y I onca lnurd.............. ....... Busulas mo»tlouam Lu chip................ ........... -,Wgr eNt ausa..................................I War eai Japas.......................... S Kuasi borrowet ................ ...... ..........g Jslpau bSedme.................. ......... .....S ***~~ggppg------------ 5*se O s s

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