CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Sep 1905, p. 3

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Abias Wort ut9Saerlp. Te stor in l net dolas htirgtt ting b>'i iioia. accortiiug ta ttale! figur" * sd IPnté p biy Lie cosus bureai. te sussaeucontntlargeupun Lie bo»dni boeW lpa!by te tepirtmsast.ieOéDItl'sLteb -eriet t Litthe. hrtitrate la Lbhegosstr>' et lurgé vasoes te clîne.t'* lltas lni!iaa5 Mnange. Eeuniy, Mîisbi- feu, 5iOblo t*propotion 105etCbtli!r ite bUila. "the nnnsbe et t4l6di aiee réar or e t a e1000veion.ut illi-bmi-laig *ge (15 Lu 40) lIllos for, qN'ddclnaaIperllangîvea as fo- km"; 1*%, 746;,189W 737; Ion fUit 2W1U. OMlO. 482.; 1000.437. Tiresa it élitlieha mnthst Lb. terreuse tas blin sitou!> la âeçitdrade. em*uatîme ta 300 for . SfL>-y*àr 'internai. Indisaaimavaw ne èimn greaiter tocréase, aggregatlug NUFUSES TO BUT PRtOM TAI1. iteue Canet, Fceel ilour.1luhvi s. Bie Th arbaul brdn!outKane tcoutu>pro poesstLufigliL tseav laitauwisbciîpro- vides Liat ail sipplts niit ise secureti tranButé luantitutions. Tise huard pro- poansstLupurcîtsa qutuitýity «t nov déiksian! bas aîlvîrtise! la tise ordinary Msiber antdi vii i Igîue tite State inti- lutionas. Wiri!ou Murpyfth t ie Joliet poultentisry annoiuces tisat bis institit- thon le preîîsredIo le urisît uuy kinti of deli, chairs os' tables for si-boni use andl aelfla!,tiur mut Ihîainul. The lait provitieslq i5 tise ouly ocereIti li i il ho thé Iuabillty oft4 tii' tin îstirifflo'îa L tuait the supplies tîreded.lIlis suet enass4ee'etîetp ailI ho givra sstutii. LheisInshiliLy. This i-% the~ firit tu-t fiiau ofet Iénov ban.As L'th eAt îî ll ablî'v- Masymitalasturitsg iusiitnuiniin. siul interest viiile aken lîi the uilualiit. ILLINOIS PIGIITS PLAQUE. Quaranstins NoeguatîonsArt Etsb liiblielainMuribusbore. Quarsuitlut e om gâiîut southieri pointe affete! Iy yeliiîau ferer have bei éstahllabe! mu furisymluiir& hy Lose iboard of isialtli. Ail gslnXners t who du n peisiteattacertificates aili ho quâr satine! l Ise duys. The îîeav ,listrutiîc regulstiosis .gz.iùpteitise scualu have gui;l litooffet in <'Uiru. 'i.-i !Ab la ub veru' igit sîîîd-ho,,- te irt ruhosi retugees Lu te uurttîtu- lnuith amui rsiiroatis are cairryilig very fév pissoný ger. Tisé ('uî ndtil talurat alîckél boatprôbahi! sali b lim uiulhun. IIIe quanuntine ix ralictil. No une ca: enter Caireo olesIroaiieul sa pnîlo mit. OCOn tLise ,,,yiyof uthte-large ftsi toitl ui-tesî ijut .de tise iity Inuit. bsiuag roapelle! t, sécîsce pruiLa ifLisej desIrs taencter the cty. BURPRISE 'FORS OLI> IOTUER, En arMii.Baiser Miste SonattaL Tavsouy-suuseearO <of tSi paratton. Att, s separation îof ts'eîîty-one yea. Morris liaker me- ber so. Thiom& Vibrent, at Chetihuaigu the liser iy Titi fimil> frmer.y .ae! at Lhl.Vin m'curs fatiter sl.od anti bis niiothor nmarrie agna. Thon le veut avey uni! littra,- et bis relative's. P. M. Baker. a lai brother. brouglit about tIse meeting b, V tveesn <tustwu aviso bu! taon punueul a lcag.fHe Ivas t Paunasuitacmt Vinrent à shon tunvers.tio îeveopedthetsorein -tlunsip anil1lie balf-irutirn ieideil i surrnie tieir tautier Viicet ila cu nété! sitit a c.rnîval cî.mpauy an.l Si sprat met u tisace lu Mxico. Mcs Baker la 80 yeasaobli. RATES IIIGRER 1% ILLýINOIS. Akttoreey fer i'bipp. s'.i ltseaBt-t ivt àdiahînuéCemmsssoen. Former Attorney ieur.lHamla. el resentig Lie aislip<.rso ut its. lias file a sopplonents. bhire tlgthLie llînui raîbroatiandi aarelînuse couaîulusiun lath fnehgit rate ciseTise eviîleîce dis losel. accordîne Lta icvuuti'uiun. tIi, tisé rates lu liÇaté,% nrroiîintg Illhimn are muait baver trun o pît l inint tisa fte s amîeuusue î int8 i .itte. Ca slderatle edeiîce nu.. ittrsiuce!. lI coutetndtaish owhiaW Lheihre areaigea number ut i iueuiiliioiian i,, tucrlisi tinslunLie Iliiio:, ritei asud Lie ai douce buwas Ltt coi-nidty raies su «perilIrates are uu.e-iiinr:éIn ti esta an! in certainu li.îteei. MISTAKEN Poi? LIOVEISNOR. Illoeptis Coutmntsittrest l'sorla Didn Kaow MnI. La Follette. Tis eclse rexemhlanct- av iie hal pene! tu hear Lu a rsvei:te Oan cassa -Gov. La Follette ut Wiicniiu telits rary iuuharransi dthmLu ie eceptit emsslttee grief in 'i-oria. The. Wiseoi sisn Loverior %ias eolt-duleil to adlne te Citututauîuist titon. ,anti a-len1 rearbed town lie g'toeiii,l off thse rear ci At Lie saine tinte kuight ofthtie gr! hoariug a striklug ro-embanee tLuIt Goveruor. steppaul off tise furavarti cn Iu att Instant tise eosî,ittoe seise Il trsvelint mon, andilhufure lie coulti off explassatiosm hondle ierlls Itoa ararrial ant ilred i hm tuaardw tse botel. FINDS BoNItS <SP MASTODON. Veiksen fig L'o a Twenty-Foot Ta Th lo ne sGravitPit. Meboes ut au immnense uasto!ý bave beso tîneartise! lu a gnuvel pit ne Marshal.Amongte bhunes vas as Le itlclu mensure! Laent! test Inl btt and six luches lu tilameter. One oftIt =aors measure! ton luches lu leneLl. i Icisés iu avitLsandfu! tajches l in ite tensa. Tise bunes Were tragile anti bro .esl!y hefors tise sovl. * OOK FORT DSES IN OMS. ChiISaaleléa Métated Tabletsaia C.tzsia. te 4->'ost'oIt auglitter ut X A White, t Ellssaortis. die! aftersmv luvlng torty médIcae! tahiets. A i Calvin Si>' otf prrIaosa ieti etsus,' atatolte. . CiscO Mm-q 'e. aaty ansd As"t Bain marre! teclodsniexé rcîses o ut lm th gokcoat oIder id *U re-W tadgtlt th~minti vas tsiling tullse ut Fott oesat i saibotra an& avtiing ta er tugi"On treatmient in ait union Ltitunt SierIdan.iln-la te baoseut a cure, Frank liebsar! Wilson,. clii gGîeuwoouoti Ï WWLof Cet o arprise!Jutige Shook- lbu o, btbauinsat Lis. aorboosi vieettuéMetitbCenuistCourt aiLisa at Buffalo., y . tuferpl4ng pocketa. eqçet for a- commitmsent rertificuste. Tifit Cook seSrty board of. ielew bai Titi court iýas couvince! lisatit e man coimplte! Ill voiedane as laasaof vaion th* verge utfInianit>', and al- *20,00,000 lu vainatlolis river test lianes theagi thé raqutentivas unusuai, -IL vas scitdoli il aitou. fthfihlei. Birlif Covtook Watson te k Tite Attorney Gmtag e t i inola bol el i iasans eiam at Jackaonville. Wat- tere vas auoaarreutin lu bstor i tiepris- salitsap ttracto! murh attention. Ho e Vp.os lante.iy-lavi of building antileIsnn Wa umener violent, but ha! beau stck anti i4màewlon e reatings u eXpeieftend. i!ospdm&det 131R relatives appaed ite J* s ttInyutAoi uan Mi- iLleaiàte>' tbougit tisalho voui aiL" tI eingrofA lmaBUIC lre 151kip1'Ovib>' 155k of exctsusent asti!codero 11.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h el.Mn y<éBpiîcncue- t" ofetbit famlly. He Inisted, itou- lion for tise uueteentit districtt Bs"- laveu, opensogeng Luate Stute institution. Deîl.and! las alUve! te have bisoulv ai. M. W. Wel!u, geueral managerofet Lt ms Xm ZOUAVES IN )ISTRES&. Su9ntheu'n Indiana Ellwiytiompan'. an-- snne! tht te general offices o IStrani!oI vtit Crcule in compaor avoouti ho moro!treinsTerre Wsaee èagaeriesgforFoo.. HaultLe Lu Citig. LIvIng on breai!d a atet:, aviea Liss Thé Virer NationalbDianit ut Columbiu asgeLMLits broai, antion waaer alunre hais hogun business. ILha a capital Of wabon brsai! le ainuLLu o ihal, 120 mens. *2,0.Heury N. Kultîe la cashieîr, hrs et thé cirrus travelitsg mulder Lb. 1EdartiF. cisnenlng. presidtL.anti antioet McCaddon'es Great Interna- August k'. Weinel. vice premldoit. dsstIolios" are encampeti ami! a leur Ilr. au!dht'.. Joues Malune reresuitb>'cI! ents sut animal csgeir t Grenoble, &,lebrateti their seixtietit ué!!ding-s ani- Francsl, avise tise proprietars are n- versary iLtLîeIr houasrieur Orleans..Thei vitre Lu ho seen. Cintas .are matie taffuîlr vaa quiet, inly ite lsImmédiate Lîat te show diti a gooti business, but *fr:sîuds ufthLIe famsily blug prescit. tist thé mouey di!isîuieurct. No ail- Mes.lEil Flaclîs vas drovue! bY Ir!"shave Ieen paiti alce J0!>' 4, anti thiéetîs1lm;:ing ofs ast lunvisiei siteandtihLisowuuvent ta peres Ane. 7. Sxteen lier bmusbiiislsare smiing on te river at yauîmg men oft Itreutor, Ill., tormiug tIhe * Qîiiey.I-lcha avsa a amemer t 5Streator Asericuna Zouaves, are unlions Il rirair. caîjg La Lie iboat audlescupelthe performers wiso clnu get huck La .AugittJanuîiiseh. a hacitlor 60 >ears tixeir native land. old wI. a-o sari-il ovtr $12.000 iuring MINiLWOIIKERS THROWN OUT. Ilut-s'y-ar' service ai a teaiassid. - i ais fuail tIiad ,f apoploKllunsalbey loftL ot IVises Idie White ltxpqprlussaL -;ji te F-ranuk Baker fermnireur Kunka- Are tIai!rvay ta Setîsleiputei. kev.Exp)erlacuts are lu progreas thrrîugis- ltea illiamo. 14 years oid. was oit the cicago anil Ahnu sbdîtrict, elebi-Lriieoteint lIta iglt. A tlepisone sutit a vies ta isrertainung tise suluant W ce (<oke atudifelI ssera" eu electrîr ut poavder uécesary for irin-aits lu e.ire The boay il-ket up the aire Lu tise achine mines. Tise oporatorg uay 1 iroiuiitui one aide aud vas klled lI- tbat tvo pousuts o Ilstise mu s stantly. salie tise minera isiât tlst tisis li nuL Joseph Poindhot. Jr.. a fermeroutles- saffilent. Thee isputé ias resute! lu vvile.wua fîtun! denib lu bis buggy. tise refusai ut the oleratuirs Lu emplo>' -Tise btig-y isang over asi dge andthie $hot ironls anti 1l10 men bave hosut Ic hra- watî< tlI attacîte,!. Tise man's trowu out'ut sa-rk. Tise miliers usketi leiiek sa-se roken. it ln honght lus for tise experimenta, sahi(lt sare scon- y liors.e rau, "W"y, cuusing tise tniver'a sente! to by the, oieroi Tise irWt dei. v as made et Auburn. but nu report aili Elward Grylirk. s farmer. residitiehoglven ontL otil alter tise tests are et.Igt umil"ea avtofutKinundy, commit- ramPleteu _____ > teil suiide ity luiug tise top t is IIMUER LAID To MUS BEES. l-entdioff aiit s doule-arrels! i#hatgne. ___ lie titîet ibtes Lu poil tse trigger on rtiegata. Tise cause oette dard lanut linluManl Who Tenir ouarlis ta tg apon a Milse !yFis'. saiehi broke ont lu tise hartdware CL. A. Witeeler of Elgin lias heen mys- <tors of luinier & Harrison a t Prince- terlotsilymisinetfon thre weeks. ant isa vile nt 4 .*eiîick ts the lnsorang de- frluînds teur lho bas beau kiduspeul or mr .ytd six busines io nd a!consei murderci! hy emiasaries ut tiseRouistan s. hu," ut $W0000. Peori i w@ asie! foci governtuent for tise part lhe playe inlutise r hel;s au! senttSteamer anti boxe vagon receatt saar. Wbeeler vas sent LuJaissan oa aspecal te Ne Yor tirit wis supplie! nus Sp(.5 trin.sev rsi cuisissrlué tarpedo bouta. andi se At sameeil oft llimosaa et Higb- speut six moniliats here teaciing the s lisait Park. Houstonu, s permanent organ- .lspaneme boy tu manage thsé Lrrihi> lit- 1. tratiLon teahbc clle! Lie Temaa-lliniaî rithéengues of destruaction. Ha bal s ARsto I-sti-,ns-us forme! by tise elertiotiaot intimatedtat frsenda thît if tise i o W.'.3. Morrov as presitient; Frank RItssian govrerament bacs ite part hi bil Doarst, vice preditent. anti Mes. W. J. l!playet bu tue var lbisIlite vouli! lu 1.1 Morrow, ecretury. IL awa@ decidei tOa wrth but lttie. -h-lt au sorsaIt meeting- on Oct. 19. a(, Ater an illbns ut onldy cîglt hou". JE»ONt COUNRTEOUSE BOME. SSamuil A. MetIheun. Jr, premsident elthLie- Nustiotiî Pl otComspanty. die oe!u ort Cereseny Psaremaion Roof La Peety- ta daraswe et bis home in Chicago. Mn. Me- Mlaae ntChiarleston. li- ,eami vas alicken about 2 'elock lu lu thé Lever et tise court housat s*' temarnieznit vIl vat.vas tuongist Lu Charleston, vitit a breéze hîoavlng at tuh 4le a aetk ut scutte indigaton. AI- rate ut tort>' mles aunitour. W. J. Davis thiougislho raiiet Lenotie exteat. lieanti Mis. Pearl Johnuson. oh otitutBush- agîtîn Irew veak aeut id!. M. McClean ton, vere narine! hI Couty Jutigeo-J n-as ZG'years lti. fer. Thetomàung peuple expresse!l a visi Ah àreiolutiiun authorlalu te mayor te tu bave tué csremony prtorme! tera take cotrol outhtitimunicipal lgitt plant andth ie Intigetiti nl oject Luttie aid oIsrate utlu ltée name outheLite cL>' lmh. Tise only othiers prsbeuL aers tul iWtt9 aloptee! at a récent meeting ofthL. e dPay coutl lerk anti Misa Grace Fnes t3pjrlugllu'id couril hyr a vote ut 10 ta 3 sr, a trieud outhLie britie. leAlderittn Iay. vito recelvet a blacton-___ in iet eye lunLie reailtriot oves' Lbelropu- KILLED ON VACATION TRIP. u.t ltiia. tled Lu vote. dsrllssnug Lu partiel- pute in thie procecung atter te enayer Bàvet EginMen on W&Y te ViSl bal refita uentertsJ.D a motion Lu Pathés' Peasi In North Miver. nu delay actionuun te questiton. 1. fTebody'ut Herbert L. Johnuson, for« e Thme wfeely crois repart fIssue! hI Lite nerby ut Elgin, wss ount i laatilg in bt tîorernioi-it reviewa condltitiluInIbIs Norths river, Now Yorkt.vitis a buller la stase ae folowsu Local stormsi!amage! bie cairve bis 'tir. Johnuson vas ai] i-. %onme cor nl frut; ~cura ver>' Promis- employé ufthLie Gamewell ire Alertas and ai inga nîdneîîrnimatrty; ealîcorns aIlI Telegrapis Commany utBoston. Ho vai -r- i uie Set 15. l.tcr pAtftIhy Ot. 1, on bis vay Lu Elgin to viit bis tatites an aiietabatiy Oct. 15 (averge date ut Etivin hie met bis deatt. !ii;liig tust for tirouty-filvéyeaes, Gct. Johnaon's relattivea ielieve lha vas rot 11), tiraeisignemini comilera1W ho! sud mordereti aud!hbishody Lhnowis clurer ghis;itguuîîulyield. alîples nt- luLo Liite eriver. tL amnd irippiug; potaee.short yield iu mati> plat-es. - usit Mns. NATrION',s MTaoD. ilp Tise Secretnry ot Brute basa issue! n si litc-ne nLuerport tise Illinois ant Inl- truter (Brie Chtop Opn Kea% et Boos o- uiausu EtecirieR tilwray Company avLis Doght b a PrieHan!.. lon tise principluoffilce ai East St. Louis. A gasà ut men smployed Lt trasisas >'Tise olject i.. ta constract nu lectrie' tue terrmeutf Henry Richards. rieur Strot ""rîtilaay trom Eat St. LoOS tisroatgb tise ton, came in contact aiLis Lav editions el le catitles of St. ('lair, Washiigil Clin- Carrie Nationt in tise persons ut Mr. rtc U. tont and Marlon Lu Ceitrlia. Thé lu- aidtis ludauogiters Tise men verg 'P' curlorators and iret bour! ut dirértors denied permission o have beer, but théj te are F. J. Kerrus. Jerry J. Kane. E. P. hougit a ksg ait! secrelet i inb a he!gî ar. Keahînor. Hoace Eggmaun au! James Tise girls locatat i t ansd, taklng Lv( le Ra;usar. al ut East St. Lýouis, axes, let tise amiier luid irrîgate Li 'r se Whiie pertonialue a tuarrlago ceremony grounsi! an! cisoppedth ie barrel Lu pieecri in aunséreluitîi igongeat te rate uf tveuty-ire mlieu an heur et- a cirrus in MHINT FOR HOSPITAL SITE. Fairgildî, Rer. Willim Sienk ut Peru lost is balance aud téllIo thie groun!, Whoéu Oné lisPoun! Mtitodists WiL uit breaking bis rtgt srtes. Tise accIdent DaIl i Mattoon. 1 cause! a panîr amot Lthe Liosantia ut The prepusesi hospital Lus le coutrurt Io spertatoro. TheécoupIle Liat vas he e!ailbi te MetoLliUaLcîurchu ut Ilinoli an marrietiluIn t eavel vsl in maenne Lut Mattoon la beîug dilaelst by tise in sk au invitatIon fr«Met Lt manger Otfte ahilit>' LeSut a sîitable site. A buihiing tis cirruse va% James Fre'sch ut Kansas baihein offere,,ltiot I l h!antIl ho CiL>, lMo.. an! Misa Irone Strotier of titouight utdesirabla in mauy vays. ) six Dayton, 0hW0 new anti modern structure la preferre * Matin rius,a av&ýbo n furmer, b>'te dousons ant it ia helieveti that ti aire avio resi!i! tea i ~ est ut Car- viii hi tue outrome. lyle, tilsppoareti trai o1 hoibvisnhi ha!l nuL returne! ult suýe famîl>' FI<DS P]KARL IN MUSSEL. baguea aeulr fortus Ita. NUavas finalli' foorail suspende! froinla rafler luabis bila. jebmuoset KaiskakeleAbou sd granary. Ho ha!l place!itserope arounai! - -ViseSfundred Dollars icher. bis nerk wviie standing on a fluur bar For tue serondtIme withil a yen L. rol. afterivard Iicka theLban ni yr. peaul bas be u ontlua msasl Uais rai- Lite va. eztnrt. Hoeaal 6yessoni, ot Lb. Ohaw--tlvér book lu Cole la t 1- re in et lu t. as s. t- lu A. a it Ml sh- te "0 lt. Ilui if- la A eaus or wsakllags às àgly t, e ravî'ns.,eho are .fraui 4th e f rking ln the yl lor isteî of the r- river, audno i oklingg Who ciist s t.iaundaler as ky buht bond% ove&ie I-ke as olteu bllI and laborlu i a ditch 10() fiet îlceP i uit ou the saies. nsai huiiIli>t thiLdrives men mnailantidiiAu Iîclo f fdies andî asosultues sund uozlos ictn Yet men wilît go to tileir delesajuXt the sanie, for Umele Baiil-lhtî,frtl ar- *ug induremeuts ant i'.. d1 ci, ilit ils buflt. it i.. estimatési thit 1 iiI0horers are Ihur:e&l up Qu ILnkcy-siii, jiar (Colon. lis thse,avwul times of J1),- ae ia itî lit, Fre'nch contre1lii, hi- sil like files. In M8 842.000 men wîI-hîried thers. anti slow the United slta r" goveruliteut la inakug expariaponts nuuîîîtg varions races of mien Lu sees ana l îîuîîîîîîlity exil beRt beur the fearful t rlhîîî Clîlese coolies, Joiam . o Pro..lîrtîguese, lhîclituen ftrom Arrien a. linjcivss-shI )laveise Lriod. n fur !lvail, tueL$tud tise alegé of deaths. Sa fur tise chiceat < li ave £orne the lîrant ietter tliiî î le uatissusli tics. 1>eath anti a tbilac ulike tu Lseiu. Tlsey require blihttle te seut. They Aitnttbeir nwn guîrlîîî-îwitl. yattt anti bauanîas. Tbey gr-%. rireesud man- ag t asupport thsmgàev,., au lvue near- ly lttheir osalar:es4. As c. on;IiLions are ut hîrca-ut lunlPan- ima only il kînt aud î,uîfPlIrovidence cals iîrent thosisandt-,.4flaborers troin îiybug thiere armually. <Mt c.ur,ïe. tise 1 iltted States authiiî -.arevtrylia to a lî-siiite e,.lîtlng ,oil i îii.i.but à@a~ ittîr of tact te 111, i kli whist the revers. leule. aajtt-ssr. . i-,ie pîro.aentîve of eunastrikî. Iwhesro il vork ten houri iI li taii iig matilu inilî ea uglare. iEveu ili<hîr the iî iIcoitions nve theicUnilted Si. a-11-41 lcou- no oI nluitia ie atilI iga clîge $pot if tise earth." Thse tdr ire anlisansd odir ina. and even th,- aiiz-laliarerî tri,,, dte States finîlit l ilateenervat- ilig and lii-usralizîîig .î l ;are, niable to w itiîstand tile uwfui iat atter a foew lii, i. rork. Tis herî detriuring thse diy ii lmllit tt lwa3 , ibive 91)ilegreii The i hulitiuliîy le sO griaI t 1,5t there is Utt1le evaptorîttionaloi cast snd l uiltiew (oru, îiver everythline uWt luin eanteue. Itoîtireil.. ufgreat liî ultures lover lazi!y lacer lthé towien r sit on the ase, of tise nuits in sulent fr-lruws. They tiliti-u ut, lheeaoliai or guirhage hlsand net jiifct,ietly utiol,su ,wilo %alsier uway ili delirium s lladdi. n e jujngle l)oztens ut lalorers air -sifined lu the insane a'.ylum, *a qtt-r.iigie oft aiome anti hreathleaacelle. ariitnd 'a cernent- covered court, no bot rîiilcr font that il cau gearcely ho trtveri-i. A laborer May eecape the yellow fi v-r, but there are other hamac lis wliIs luire almnît luev- italîle. licute malan i iforer l5elie ot these. aud orsce fIrnîY lylaittdinluthe sjsa. teni i l ietas either iîlin o f climate or a si,w, tiragging lat1,. Ereà 11now, acitllisLe couspiouettf laboirers, net nesrly lleti. tho sniblîaîee i.,constant- ,y ouLise go. Whsni tite Frenchs wero digaing the canal luire Ivere a dozen vehiuules ou tise 9go1;1'Y ânul nigist ('oun- veviug tlîe siek ta the - lsiiits -and the des,!tu ouLse gravoeyl'l. IF4 CTS ABOUT:: THEf CENSUS. Accordine 'to tise estimute of Lbe ceci Ssabureau theVUnitedl States bas g1tiueï more titan 6.000,000 lu PopulatIon Sine' 1800 To hoe exact. Lthe figures are 51&Sô0, agaînst 76,303.0W0. litla bell éd tujt titis la a 'very conservative esti mate, conidering Lbe great Volume Of im mi#*" esi uring the peut five-sear Ps rieti .s3ttltng coulparisoa, ave fini! the tiraill la but nule civilistil nation ou th, globe shis lins a grenier populatiol th"an cars, andth lt l sle . China " o m osidered. Ritîsalbas 130.000,001 le, the b.Germsa emnpire 56000.00C Aiistro4iuugary 4.,000M00 Great Brit n 42,000,000. France 39,000,000. Ital; 32.O,000Spa I 18,000,00. Witil titre. Lund a haif centuries th@ liaglial longue bas coule lu ise theonaînatini language of tise wOrid. more persit curw ipeak it thu ay otîer civllae taouLe. For Itub thé Warta May 10ol largely tu the FUnitedi States. Engian dtslsai ey utie ta do witb iL. W baet atacig n emîgratioo n nearly a century Ltu speait a language, o adoption and throtigl tllçm bave brougb it more aud mort Intu theO ut.of.the-Vra places. Tisere im ane lîttIe glory lu Lb tacet tlîat the Uniited States andti uLEu> iandsil reaitousible for tise sPread Of th Englisls tangute. Benjamitt Frankîlinsalid iu 17M Itisi the populatintfuthLe VUnitedi state would double every 25 yeirs. The est mate avas kept for tbre.uarters of century. but isntînt non Malnstaiuie. A jaresent rateLthe jaopulation. doubles el ery 30 years. wlic i l mMeue150 000.000. nus!it it>tlO,O00 inlu 1. Wbetl Pr tis ilureaie wlnlihoai ail desirai remains ta litieeu.hMost ot thosee l, aiug avili noL lie herse avietsthe couutr yraseesthe «)(mo0,000 mark. What wi happen lu thiose ilsyxcaunot ho progno 0tieatet. i. eto! the prosent avilI bave i . lave those of tile future to autre Lte proisieus for tlîctsîi<elvee. SCORES RFCII-N CI4URCH. EvangellitO. Campbil Mergýn Tbiln TitoniMereix Ornemeontal. "Sine 1 have hoon over tbers 1 liai en greatly strîtck avit thtisemarket Il differeuce of Cîritiats rit busluiesme ln thse churcis. For thte moat part the are merely ornîtueutal. Thoy take m inpart luntthe avîrk of the churcis." s. This statemeît was matie b! the Re' siG. Campbel'%forgea, the Loun oeal la ellat, juiL hetfore lho aalléti tronNe York for Enroue) on te Baltir. 1*1 wuI! rather bave ton men caugl by dIinepsso -sA .iasln ail tien nétttitdinli 104cases u oft4isas eoopdred wth, 105 lant Yssrri"sendau #16 t l a0, wliule tile injuriésifront lias utcartrlîgia aers 80)<thit e 71r. tompareti vith i.005 la-iL selr sud 1.172i lu 1903. uicordlîtg to stittitiei turnifili d14 lit au article il% the Jourual ut the Amer- tillan lclAaaî,latioîi. ;Lt 1 festriî't !uns ly city rdinances ut the 22 toy piîitîl are creàited waitis the dec-rease ln the tînînuer uof cases ut ttanus lanti-#ai hlutk cartriulge iijnrieaý, particulitrly lu Lu a eonpur.sou Of tise lgures of 1003 andtihti 1004. Whtlle the tumber of cases tront fo blattk cartridIge4 14 decreisiug eacis let', col 'asenfrustlhe t4tr caulses remaimt about tiO te saule or on, the luceroase. ME Beuîdeal the lnîkjaav ca,,es directîy due t iii Fourth of ut ly accîidenits,.32.cases were reporte! liis year due ta other lu- lI Jurien, as penetratittg vounîla front lis, ifti sîîVnters, troul crushiug injuries lu talts Jr or otheravise. cumarel ithii,55 sncb w rusles lant leur sud 15 lua 001. in l'enassylvaula, the ilrhpla-e ot Inti-eh c pendence, le this year ut leat tar in C< tise tand. with 721 cis.uattis .fîllowîsEthY ila New York, with 5W0, anti Illintois. aitî teL 142 The 1,007 total Iirense over luit hi, rear la tèlrly Wveil dstribtîteti among, the th ftatea Besides 87 tiestits froina tetanustishere wi aers Il5 oties accdents, makiug a total w Ai 182 Ileatbe. c;!bere wereç 4.004 non- a fatal injuries, or over 1,000 mors tihsu 11 the total -for tat your, shiet sas 3,08W. ni ir for 1903, shicis sua 3,11W. Tiscretore, Ac tiso total utftientianti injured vas 5,176, 'T te ceompare! iLis 4,100 tast year or 4,449 hi tor 19w3. Tiseito-fatal accidents 'woré appat'- * ?nli usre severe titis year thoan lait ai year. Six umore ivere matie otallyb lait, ai I11 more lotinue eie, 10 mors buat a leg, * oral or isaut sud 13 more lest onué or ni mure ingera.' Tht mnnt pro!ilc source kh if severe accIdents cansiug blîiness. lue ls anit, liaior other Iscerated lm wiundg sas tise gisut cracker. .ilmost M îîîvariably te njury requlteti from the el iiking up ufthtie cracker oîr retuslning si lut the baud on tisé supsposition that "IL SI huit guise nut." as Citle.. paesiordittances,. some EOui! i agaluat tise oy pistai. otisers probiîbiting tieseasie fstire crackiers abote a certainty- uize. Otisers jrobiiiteî tise use of lire- a woîrks ou any utîter day tissu thîe iourtb, cr whîie uns city, Baltimsore, placetl dît 4 issu on tise use ut ireavorks of ail de- y sriptionsa. Tise regarmts lis Baltimoire are Y tvrtsiuly grtitylogt isre iseitîg-ouly six k accidenta reporte! tram is.tat ci!, anti ilîcie of a mluor nature. MISSOURI LOSlt4G PRESTIdE. t- Eýuglueera Reportau, ~tDireausd I Topunge on Lhe.Big River. » M e Tise anueul report ut Major Il. M. i .Chittenden.CUitedt&lets engilîeer lu d tcharge outhLie Missouri river, wils lihas ig liesu forwardedt o Gen. Alexander Mai.-tg Kenzie, chiet of engincers. Wasington, Il 1). C.. corluig tefisal ai r eutiiug t L îîly 1, ]W05. states that there hba een Il .expendet iiring the year along tise ens- Il ire river for inprovemént Lise s'Il" Of i 03.541.43. The outtiaadl.g liîtbilties t: lut 1 aers$42,6W0.40 antitte situIa availb%Juty Isa1- T51.7.Tie t moues tY-bLýpended the coulitg year latI $8.000 abus'. Sioux City antid >i00 betweeu 8ioux CiLy andthie moastisof tse il river. Sioux City la the dilvtdtsg Point t for river impraveumts. Thse moue! is i Lu be expendeti ou Lb. loavsr river usn *folloavs: Omahsa................. .......* Nebraska CiLy. Nes. ....... St. Jaoph.................. l0t Litîs ineRest............ 0<1 *Lexngton. Mo .......... .. .. ,10 dmlaià. Mo................. Wilbi Rend .............. :..... .000 t i'rst Beach .... ... ......... q.... 25,110< suasgging (IWvO M...)n...........2000 -Couttageticles ............... .. Ttal......................... C Ia addition Lu Lhe $15,000 snet sport4 Dfor St. Josepht Congres. mii a speclal1 Ippropriation eof*U0,000 ountrondîtion i Lisat tise ctizens ralso $5,00), te total 10 to ho uset inl building a longtudinal dike.4 D The apportenanent ut tuntis for te up- laper river in ai follos: Sleux City ........... .... 1rn K int . D .............11100 Y Ie i'k .......................11 1 t isaging (two seaisofis>...........::18,0W0 lt Cetteseuclea................. 500 ig Total ...................... IM 00< 0f ths la tter som *$75.000 lna fothte nos dapproprilatIon and-$13.000 lu a baance ut au olti appropriation. That te Mis. ed souri la losing lits prestige mors aud )fmore eacis year ns a commercial iiglsaty Iins iuwn l intie tatemeut ut tonnage ut tit fre! ghst arrii<i. Ou the nipoer river the Ltotal tonnage lait year wus 28.951 and 10for the year prenions iL vas 37,9N. For tise lover river lait year tise tonnage ut 1 g freght carrlsti sas 4155.000 aud for te eyenr previous fiL as 750.0201. Tise ttag- ,tboat hýautin reusovoti 1M5 suas on tisé en apper rivar at a costoLfut85M8.9 BIG F$RAUOS IN LIPE RISKS. kt Collauso Been Oficers.and Agents off Miens, Lmpanta. Evîdeisce of extensive frautinlu riL. h- iug lusurars on risika kuosisto ho mad '1 bis been hrougist tu tise attention of y' the legiqatîve insUrane eommittes lu 'y Neatl York. Frutt information IL lred lqiposesses the comimssiosn in lnclined Lu ,a tlue opliion tisat It bus struck s nos ftand t0 %ivlicisaili produce eztraortiinary résulta. ir Aduitlonal impaortanuce attaches LueLise !îevlilue ut investigation l int tthe fraut,!:lasubi Luilvolve nsauly roullanlea. ThiIndications, tue, ILla sai., are tisat on ilîe frquilin! ta uLcoufinsdtaLuagents who lire mxions Lu increase Lieir earniugs, -é batt that there la collusion betaveen oM-i n- cersud agents. en it tise Information given la suitaliei y îîpoîsnivestigation, it May bho iluowuthat W aritng policila for large ainunts on 0irsOus sabouttaLudie la une turia oftIl r.siratce tîribery aahleh lé prevaleut, n-. It la tise Inteutionu of the commisaion to senrcis Lhis matter La thé boîtons. IL is uîidereLoodt iat etimooy alréady hiti liL 1.eênvolanoered hy physîcias vieîin vl h- tend Lu prove tisat suris franduleut prse- te ices tiave heen In voguelu somne ofthLit Tise Lice-GIlasn Streans.-Ezekiel 47: _12. Golden Tcxt.-Wlàoqoever avili, let hlma ke ot thé aaer ot lité treely.-liey. Ezekiel muet have heeu ne0utfte ,arier Btuîbyloli!L et(51ts'115. lie upiears ohave heen ne of tiss carrieti off lu e Limje ut Jehoiiehiîî. eleven Years hi- ore te tali ut Jerusslem. lie vas a »utemîiorary wltis Dattiel avionsciteno- ln iucidentally. Very--fikely theté tv en avere Intimate frientis. At ail éventa us! wo'uld kuow utr aécit oier's vork. ' The greater part uft zekieb's prupses>' ng, np to chapter 33, consiste! of vain- nga anti proclamsations of dout asainat Fau anti thé sorroundlng nation&. But hone taeva sactually tount thonsselven i captiviL7 Lise Loue of bis prophiteyg tanged. IL vas tisontfull utfisols, anti insolation, anti promise ot future blésa- 094 àgi. me toila thoén ofthtie romilég r tration of Isaël anti ot the vondirtal o ýleualga vicitGo! bai! lu aLore for v them., - Atr iteaing vîts theus as long as was possible Go,! puiniaited Ris People îith a great punissmeuL. Bot HRewsà lrry for thons. Ho vante! so utch te les. tora. Anti Hs visie!titat tey tlgbt yet ho thé means of sitowlng Lte Iootiuosa n His cisaracter ta tise on!d. The resoît ot their sin sas titat Goti ball seen niîsrepresented hotoré the nations. ipeakiug tbrough Etekiel God aYa:' But I bai! pity for My boîY isaune, wiîit tise ousçe ut lorael hai!profaned moug tisé iteatlsîsvitior Lise! nent. i * 0Anti t rill sauctîfY MY great nane 0 as!d tise hiseae alli now thst 1 am the Lord." of çourme, lu order tisat tisi$ result ailit h. attainsti Gad'a peuple muât bha madé ioly agaîn, au!dLise proPiet gués en ta say lu God'a nnaas: "Thén avilI 1 :lnkle cean ater uu nYOU, anti y hall hi dom; front aIl yonr filthineis, ati from ail your Idals, avIl I cléanse yon. A -néewibésrt alto viii I gîve yoti e * suant in iiput My' spirit vitil 00., aid caose YOD Lata wlItlu MY stat- îles, sudl ysaitall ksepMY JudMenton ni! do titeta.Andti ré aidvriin lutLb Mat a 1hu Igavé Lu your fatbtor; Mdt , y hanl be My peoplé *an! 1 yUlI 11 -our loti."SBachitheLte tnorOfeteé tsel'i latter proeoylg.z At timis. bowvvr, Elsékila lpOPité lées are otfitreater g.colan di!optait: lu a mnttal way ut agnat Klngi!em tha" lé.u oa he. a: KigndoutoLteéLord net rai strictedti a any place or peuplé. Esakwst3 îlmselt avonitiprohahl>' bavé rietul- ta - aay exactiy wtt ais méant itY MaQI et tis propies. in a gêneraI vai' b. un. leritoosi titGoi! promlai! dgret titiga to His pecullar peuple andti ttrUg t tia oa te urI!. Anti Ezekiel naturali! itti I tho Jeava muet l In Witelu-hi prOpit- sled. au! vouli! ippîy bis proepheIi to thena. thoog, s. ci avcannovme.. Lte' sai! s murh larges meautltg. Althe propietataere sitlCs.à lé- tic ls ouie wio usés lanhatagea i a"i saOre titan ILexprSes.. vit.@a tiiking lusteï7di .VtfZbïg yaàhI > 001 cant t Luotw; s a itoaJesue %&ubI!h la Mi, body; titis Ia. My bleui!. We ma.* kuos pusitlvily fnat. prespt 0<l f t atystical langntaa a int iltttt Lite. are tantthawviicithé vorl! moée . aat IL ran gros loto a Perception Oft vitnpust betor IL t lamly, but Lbat fvenu! W sîther contimptueim tsh aectiti of troue Iy miscouesînuIif itatin u«ePlicit ia- f tasse. We are apt to tinkir at ble; villlgtLepetivo .anY tra*t If a% S ouiy put aà av veu! ymi traleit be- iU tera a%" bat tetratit laevIrierar, fus tat paltii laessry de ii e «i*- j ut aaancng pritu a tri t aM calia tatit lut fis t u.erlie l W Muit effective slt versés 1-5.-la Ibo ait aie ehaptèea ur' sçtill'a irohail we bie * ade- acrlptim ofut Qi!' voel-aeItieElohe IL wai te bailla ét J rusbattit iaé Lu Omdrai out troa itébMue 1baT*1snple. ev«7 Part et vbih ivoeyué-#-of.j Or.tli, a ifl4liu eMti t h eva. Vs'W Lakenalàa atype et t el.>' Plaie abat vas te bi. Andtihit prophsey la Part waa tflbeul vien t.e TiewlsWin e- balt. But Lbhe phia>'t et titi belY waters tat flo*e!troa its 1'énuplévwu only t Le hifubUeblé irtie eutpoiugn ot ths Habl SpiritInu ennictlon vlLb Lteé preacing ut 'the gospel. WaLo', lunte dry country' ut Palse- Lino. typISie! lite. Witere LièelvWu witer Lbluge grev plentitullyt vitWhou tire, as naue teuvas a tiegart. Titi river flowlug trutGode HBouai itauda thon for bite givin b>' Go&, arn givea lu aisuntianci. AU. guet titiaga ceaiRot iîni réil>'. Dia béa t fae -glve moat aboni!attly and mett rseîy. Versos 6-12.-Usekil là-ae!«ie of man"; liecuse ii la tiostid ai, a sý1 Qed a&tUtepiole- Wito ttie angdi ia! prectically demowu strate! tu hlm ttie aieatothie xvq fluvlng trous ttieip ho b.teoit E.. kiei bacit te, thsestore mai!matie lin éoutemplate te offects ofthe river upun titi countryie lofi vatérel. It vas a beautiaur treed cunttry thit b. louked upon. BuLt waL ho coul! uoévia but Il a ormalpart ut vInt te river vuli! ft avatar. Thoe ange!descrihe! s*e conre fi et thé river. XL voeu! go tiova luto titi U disert constry anti lott ties.04-Asti!v- VI iryvitittILcvintILwoiult hring lite. t The rivér sutdte blessinse L t rought 01 vers net unateial tlsîgibut Lîpical eto l Lte blasuts Lut venu! 8ev oat troust thé L..ué Temple, or i!velllug place ot Gui!t rfLu rtgnati Lté vwor!. IFor tii river la théeiam. tiat Joha aav flovlng Pl fru te titrons et Gou!d a esorilng titi triseorts, w hos eiIavvewr, for th bealllug et thé nations. . oearenauir aptrntualy bar-on places yot lunLb.evori!, mtue'uritut lu s nets tLut havi becone stagnuan funt ut.barutlmotter. (Tise iau n- hién uftheit.peuple la their multitude,) Titey a are vuitiltIItue waters fron te river oet fle viii mach tem.Thon TAI rflasaî mou br r.a- ion s! moi

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