CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Sep 1905, p. 5

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My **ghm . igm=m i m« a.d&y. lbut 1 ci w ishuà b frb.0p yu tt cllstd4 tu 1 gL Ilve poeculrMm*&..O. them m. a d e llnysevi MOu .I y».ku mftanomnt bost~ and the ook a utesitIbX LIBERTYVI LLE MAKEýand GROERY Watches It pays to buy* the begt yoen afford. At our prices anybody can afford a pretty good one. Wtt bave no watches at any prnes that we can't warrant to keep good turne Clocks A houslehold is pretty apti te be weil iregnlated that bas the rigbt time-any clock in rny ét.ortt wil snupply it.. ... Ail mRgglig «civeaniAllenhiof 'ANDRF4W I-USS Susmr le D e*y Br«s.. LIBEETYILLE t ~ xx ms Smithi &.Davis lleadquarftrs for We bive j uet received a nice lino of nock- wearforgentii. T 4on4tty kind well dreas- ed mon Wear, alooa su»eriel' asaortusent of drésa glovea. They are oelling itt rics consiste nt witji the best makes, Our Unien SMhits Overalis and Jacket are mode on hooer In the cheaper Mens furnish= ings we,,have Me'. Negli*e Shirts, 50 cents and up Men's uderwear, 25. cents and up Mes Overuls, 5$0 cents and up meesJackets. 50 cents and up Mou' Work Shirts 25, cents anui up Mées' Sox .05 cents ami qp MOI?$ I1oqe, 10 cents and up _WqWçnderrs 1 Q cçntN and pp r #'sTis10antesd Up sbien.Kd gloves 50 conte ami up, We aime carry a ce%*Ite fine et ladies ries C,~llt8, lk goves, etc. Silni th & Davis, Libert-dit. M.II k Pcip uie# je as.,.. fr1 ~s..4.444*4 llea4 the articleduntiis page beadeal Mr. W. J. Fufl utiday to attend "1>Oe, tiltouaisyou." Ilmigist. tise 0.A.R. encampsnft kit Denvrr Iis ies.mudeButterfleld anal Winnifred' wek. Young simtsu ouda>'at Antiocis vidting Mr nlm. Wordéa WWcls and Miss Mac.Jame Su. BiiseScisptass; o9Eliin, arc vinitiqg W. il. Schuill andalfamil>', wîo bave f rienda andl relatives bes'e. isuen Uivin lu thse Baiseok bouse, re- Twet ntnutei',vleeon tise Liberty- ceti #W o , 0 cagfo wisure. tise>'viliiville brandi aoftelottrii ni! Ibis veek niakefi*efr fure honte. gives tse pgtros of tise rond excellent Robert Bchinaeble, of Long Grove, base1 connections witIatltg mailsfine. purebu»sealof Roy Ell i hbous and lot. j J. J amigan la santevsat under tIse CWseidsatiata 02,300. Mr. Scisiaelu vealiser at promutt. eu stakun vils ,wi11 mové, tauLbertyvýIleuscion. a fainting spelisre.> lu tise wcuk andl in Ml ,andl mms.Burinais Flck and tva. nov nnder. tise cas.01fa pilosician.' ciildee, Of Bsa, tisis state, a"e George C. Decker, of Ibis towu, roeuntiy upenadlng tise eet vitis Mr. Fick's I secundreahougis Ea&pgoodm, of C.hicago, parete, a. aal Me. B M. ick. a gayal position lu the. alies af tise C. M Maral Rentame bas asslstlns hlm a &~ St. P. lilraad Co. Hic îîsany friendt baildoua spcla affoer andbuluvushe'il l bu glad te isear of bis sucuas. viii exporfl littis trouble ln main tain- At thse annual ejecti of athe W. C. T. ing good order duriag tise Pair., U. tise follovlng oOlberm. vure elecred: Tise local barbons reap tiseir barvekit Preident, Mis. Cburcbill; Vice Presidunt, titis wek, Lew Flagg bas four anal P. M-re.Ma-a; Sere"tar, N1h.. Herrick; Bockelmann tha'e chairs andi tise>' are Truasurur,'lle W. C. T. U. havlog ail lise> tan do ta ktwp uji vitis viilmuet at tise home of i rs. quayle tise rumb. . ispt. . Oto Baldwvin is nov a iretuan an thse I Mr. andl lire, F. if. 1oveil relnrned C. M. i&St. P. raîlroad1isnrving lent veuk Salurda>' nigbitQrom a mia.ttip visitlng paccu ise e massary examinatian. Oas Mckinaw, GorgeBaya>'snudatier Inku 8aturda>' bu wae aseigneal tuaua enginu points. Tise ntire trip n usd1 çoasited on tise ,anesviliu division. of a twa veeke outiug wns nmnde h>' Tise M. B. Colby Mercantile. rom pan>'1liont. Ifr. and Mrs. Las ,Il enajayud tIse bas jut piaceal a nev ignover tisudoors vacation ver>' mucis andaliae ta repet of It. place of business. Tise igu lu thise turil,. largl ofi ts kiasî in town aisd le Supt Pike, of tise Bridewater i'oultry suggestive of tie initiative af tisefatnarriveal front Decil ines. Siturda>' compai>. viseru isu xhiiteal severai peus of bic Enîrles te tise inae raSu efor tise Lili. erlyville Trotting Asoissîons umeetinsg Sept. 19-23, cksud Saturday analtise eventeare liede xcupting tva. Tisseit ln sais wiii bu re-apenusi and thse man- agentent lu asenred wiililiii11 A4 pair oIf ozusa lu Ciarille lrintley's fanou's W1itu WYeaslottes ah tise SMate Fuair. 3fr. Fike calittlle. eery lrot anal sucousaprize in lisclam,. viii 1lm birds couipetlasg. This in very uuuni and lie is justifi"d in fISig iighly elatel. lHe leave Saturday for 'Mîiwaukee, wisere buex4ibits at thje Wiiacuuci Sitte Fair. font window are claauing a colsler. her t I.Iuaylo le irecuintiag a peti. aisla ameutât of attention f rom tise tiesu about-lis eity viil rce is at a visitere in tavu tiis week. Tisey vere runing meting lu to bc helal lutise nuar brouglit front Kentucky l'y a isorsemnan future at tlae Liberty vilie Trotting whu recenti>' came bore froan tieseoulhisAeaitiua'i grou4as, ui ic igners, apid are a fiue pair ofaaniais. 1. wlsicis thlere are- nssi fty, go on George Slanck linstise faundation record as ai,îaosd te cul. a meting, laid fij bis new office building wich lie lise petitioners ask -Siriff Powell bac a inell viw for cnet he. The to aî,î,int tise'ntas dupu ty Sieriflu, anad iower part of tise vails are canerete if bu ducs sau vilii Iake ilc i n tisurueive, visile thse building viii bu cousîruet'ed or ftolstop ais> effort ta bet unitise races. brick, a car of wiic i laonstise graund at Sec-rtary (indule>', e!t tse 'rattiug &so-. tise presenttlimte. nation vas interviewed b> ttise lssst'N~.- Mro.J. . Clrk nd augher.Siré si.%Ar, andl deciares tisat wshile tisere are lIr. J F.Clrk nd auistr. ifrurmure ut neb a & ieetinsg, bu eknovs Mrtie llriggs, -bave returned front a i eu weeku nuiit vits friends in Billins, maont. Wiéin lutise vesttIdrs. irggs teiok intasebufanon» Yelowtone Park trip> analreports thse vonders ohftisat district leyand description. Tise streut depart tnhmasaof late issua doing considerable vork iu repairing tise streuts andl regravellng sectiosneof tle tliaronglàlare in preparalion for fuir vcek visen our nelgiborlng tovasen galber bure anal pesu jualgement upbon the wortis of aur ambitiaons littie burg. Ma>' lbi ealcision lie te aur advautagu anal wu blievu it wiil. It a ia>'bo f interest t uasieta kîîav tisat our lata friand nal citizen. Prof. Shâvere vas ceen about tan dnys ago las Princeton Ille., b>' a former acquaintane visosane yuars ego knev bina weli. Tbu profem scanlu epurted te bue looking vuli analilasils usuai bualtis. Bis presenl nefdrusu, iowuvrr as ual learnual. Tise Kesdaftl'CoussttsNewîs telle of inspascarvu çremonies atteuding tise layiug ni the corner ttelfr in sngi- fient cistrcis nI Piano,jIll. <f viicb 1ev. J. P. J)avis, brother ai W. E. ai Lbiertyvilie anal veil kuovu hsreabonts ls nastor. lise tuicttre la -ho nt $1,000 anal is buimsg bult isy tise Mtisodisit congregatiou. On, viosaahoisecoulal "Up it off riglt" talal a local part>' s few dayc ago ltaI la ie certain knowledge a brever>' vaas catemplatiasg tarllng a plant bure l is e near future, De eveii vent so far as te ca>' hat lie knuv tise namne of the irm consideriasg the aasve anal gave as lise parties, tise Kielu>' irewing Company'. Last Frida>' niglit, beidé'u îutting out of commission ail tise eloctrie ligitea o tise village, tise llgltniug gat bus>' on the cil>' vater te ver anal tlaebail of tise tank in nov nissîng. .A round- hale lu onu of Maxisan's windowosh mowslise direction taken b>' a fragmient o! tise orantent. Tiurdaynigita boit struck rieur tise Wiener hiae oms Lake Streit. ltoietliay' loft TuedsVy piarng for Lawrence Illch., <itb hhic son, Cisarlea hhiy vbpbhan iseen iretenti>' visltiasg ieahis "aarelqtlye, hure. Ma. lRay viso le witin a ew.(Jaysa! bieng lltaet>'.ou yeare o! nue ha exceptionall>' active andi brightigr msaid a nman -anal il is very' ceidoni tisa one oft sucS extrernel> aId nge talionso extended a trip. Hu plans speanaltise viatur lu Mchigan andl nu iaifamilier figure viil iebumlssiing Irîs our streets for came mouihseta cons but his Il!long friends horesisape to se hlm back agais la tise epringlinie. Lest Frida>' morming William Bierman, employeq, at tise macaroni tactor>', suffereal a ver>' peinful and suvure accident wlîile vorking at onu o! kuenders. lie vas tendlasg lte mnncislie aith tis ime analin saone manier one o! mixing kuives or rolilrs canugt lie, bpmýn anal pqfiled il ta lte astacîinur>' Bdi. Wllsand Lincoln Ltisk vere near- b>'%n anaMltnedîateLyutopped the machine mi urndalil back unl l ise-eonlal sxval*e ambeL lIa badi>' w.eretise i.n.ww* uniss. hietus'siedw thisa n oc nubanut aIt otially, Ibat 1nu contract or loaue ba ieen signel and tht a b dome nI.buluvutlaere ii bu. lHe gay$ tisat arrangemnts bavc beun nmade ta rua, trains fro thtie city for tise Septem- ber trotting meeting but tbishait no 1 onneclion vils a riuslg meeting. Sanie speculatlun lbns beun buard about tevn as ta tIse menning of tise $980.24 acescal as bunetits upon'tise public lu tise ass'eewisent notices maileal ýto tise varions prapert>' avasrs lasI veek lu connuctiaîs vits tise pecial ascessient for a systent af vatur pipes tbrougbout tise village. Tis according to Precident lfnstiuffin takes iu the village ball andl ail public proprertiuu whlcb are to e uakc.aused mlisaugi pr1. val. ihaldings, the public standing for Ibis9asommanieant. 'risctotal t)ê out ai la improvenientm legs tic aatonnt assuuued against tise public benufits viii tisurefore bu tise antount wic itis sttbu miaidb> individt&al asesment. In tiese peclilca. tions the estimasated coct ai layiasg the epipe vas placeil ut lif ty cents per linear font but am it %vas tîsaugistisat t voulal bu but fair t a e.'tceploau ntise casè ut corner lot St vwu docidud tu, eawsseu se, pieue cf propurt>' ln a diffur- eut arainer. lloiavig precedent as estabIsis n oj> tler taius tisese Iota are asseda for tise funll Iroutage anal onu- itisird tise aide. Thsis maises tise liuîear asmesuent te about sixty-tsree anal one- bail cents per fout. X SPORTS and AMUSEBMTS X Tiiursdny last at Grayelake tise Long Lake bail teaindefeatea tise (Jrnysiake, bine in a baIl>' conteuteal gane. Score 14 ta 1.). Tise» on Sanda>' attiseihomie groundls tise Long Lake baoys defeateal 'fmumburgs of a lbie riams camping thure, scwore 4to2~. I tvas nsalier goulgante anl aiad i sn is guttingai "teieda sup" beause of itcs sries ç4 Ubilliant your hyca Pitted. (2 i. Serutan, lirnrtical optlclan, viii rbu luntLiberty iirearis Saturday,.until afiirtiser aatiiee.. Atliuse' joeer>'store. 9 4(.-tf. ]Report of Tise Condition of Tise Final Natlonal lBank taidLbertvvilie. la y-tise fssie Ocf Ilinois. aithtie close ai buisiness. Lasansd disoans ............. .mue? 75 aOverdreft s eered ant impnscured.. tUs i KIU. S. Ponde 10 ceunie sieouiatlon .... o5150 no e M in b lge , u i tu r , al x tu r "e 2uâ m e@ i>tisetrom estmoue on,............u9-1Il e ue ftum aparovfl e'i rcce aents., te,. 96 tibeet4 aud atiser cash items..... 5. ma Notes of otiser Mational Bank@ .... aieo n raotUousl par odurronoy. nickels ... antd cets.....1.............. cala1 Beti'.......... ... ... fliot 80 Lsteduoiecs........-......su21610 fond wtui tira v l it. l. lion) ........... ............. .i5ta ie.. stckPula i. ................ ie11100i0 Viii Vd profii its. ioe gPenes" sud taxesepali ......... e1 In National lInmotes susstaln.. 00asic ladividuamileiosts sobje& Sta OMme is en5C eDemsisd oertiliatesoâ f sitît . ss1t ilnss glU 11gbScflool Con as n lu- portant Impirove. ment. CHANGES IN SYSTEM. Attention of parente and. popils la cnlled to tise foiiowing changeamade 11* tise Liiertyville scisool symtem nd ia curriculum. la the higla echool dep- ment thse course of study basI bee lengtheaed front three ta four yuars .and thls departinent offrs now thse following courses of instruction, Latin-Course. rasoir qEmuwrau sC )OuIs MIUnCrsIC Latin Latn Englisi.Egliicb 'lrT R AR. Latin Laun Bagiisls Esuvl." Hiaau Mden ianry Moer). Latin Latin U5.try 1Aude">HisZrytiodea' Engliah-German Course. 11501 TVEu. r16cr $EU&'5[Eu IV1sEma Pby.iogy phy.iography Engins. Eaagini. Algebra Algecin iiology 131.1.9.y SKUIND yVMA k. Ufianata ermra Algebru Ueueetry iis.wrr (Aa'el.nî, Hlstaay ~î5a 'TiliLUl.Y MAR.. EnglU.h .Engiitis Uieu.êeuy UeQuaetry 5150,ry t4o.lern Hiawuryuloen Revlewa teviece% Se*55u5' Egitai =tli.y (Aineticar,> CVî,,1ca11 Thosu pupilu întendibgto go to cliege ater cotopieting their biglas scool course eliOUld pursue thse Latin courue, as a Cuuàpietion Ofit shOuld eattabe one to enter thse liet colleges "ud univursities of tise state, on certificate Of graduation Thse Gernian-Engliisb course wîlob fouud ver>' buiptul ta tisag pupils wlses exetot teach insandîately after #umli. in tsir biais acisoolcourge; lihestudent t ti 4vAag f rointishe Germau-English courue wsud not hais a0 Inian>' coUege elutranoe creditsaunethte stnideq; visa graditates fron ttie Latin coslrse, iut tihe difference woulid nul bu ter' R=,n Une te-iebusi been added to tise tuaàcliui force lu thse bigh'S oool depart, nment andla QtW opssible ta carry ont OuceesafullY thse two courses a@ fluas. tioneal abo v. Tihe varions subjecte offereil lu tbic 09. pertinent vit: histor>', matheasties science, language, utc: wiii bu taugist Q> teaciserevWho have ni" -e" cliprepara.. tion in tboueubjects. Tis faut guarsa- tee te tis e t"dmt a thorough aend cou&- hensive graap of thse subjec pursued. Tihe work of thsegrades .will bc based on ties tatu course of stud>'. LeStishe temachers recelve tiseh co-peration of tise parents and tise re-l cul:. vilii eaver>' profitable scisool year. Principal Kern wiii he at tise sciool hou@e, laturda>' Sept. 9 f rom 8 tu 5 and wauld like te reclve tise registre.. tion cf those entermng thse biglascshogl for tise irst tinte and ta sunaIliers tisat wiesh ta consuit vils hlm.about theit wok. DOESTIS Te0uCM YVOU? fa. Vais Town Comp~eedLargeiy 0f Knochers Who Vant Sec, A Chance te BoumS. TUE TICXET MAN TALKR. Tise ticket-mecler attise rairoad station vas in a thoughtfui ntood and as lhe mat cbuwing thse cud of re#Letion beisinal lue tickeru4 a large crowd of cit>' gours wce boarding au out-bounal train. "~Du y(u knowv,' salalisec, "liant ninu- teutise of Ibose people are wisat le knowuî au kjsockers. Tise> don't know it but they are. soinse day along in tise fali tise compan>' vii le btaking offmsanie of tises suinuler trains and a "bolier' viliiguj but il won't do an>' good. You cant makretise rallroaéd helleve Ibis lova la doing tis, business that it l. " *-Wy," Quoth a usIner, "Wliy do yt»i speak lu rîdales, ean you ual explain yourself SO tisaI bhs vsaoijitenu mn> underatandl?"1 "Yem 1Iean," sala thse man viso giveg tise signaisle tiseh trainmnen, "And i'd liketa explain toeou tienttoo. You see, its like tii. Hure at tihe pausent hnie vu are selling round trips te ('o)loradu pointu for $20.10O vile lu Chicago tise> cost au evea $20.005 andl do you know people viii pa>' tieir tare to Niicago so tisat îhey eau isuy tise tickets tiiere, andl of course Libertyville gets no credit. Chicago niken theseaules andl if yau go front hure tis etcorpanu'do" not kiiow it. "Tisen again. aimost every nain vhs> bu>'. nonthi>' tickets ta Chisiago pauses usnu Ua aspendu biseasone>' witis a Ciciago ticket-seller. Waulda'tilt ruake a mucis bttcr sisawiag for tise tevu if tise>' oulal spendl il hure çnd lt tia local agent turu caver tise mone>' ote eouspan>'. Why, lt-woldglve thse saown crudit of daiasg busines andl the btter sisowîng we make tise bette train ser- vice anda acomniodatioffl vu wiil have. "-At tise preunt tiAne but six or sevun ai tise mai17Whisarugulari>' isîs>'monthi>' tickets g04t tient hure.. TIseY. are_, yaueue, kokesptr 1n STORE ALWAYS SOMETIIINO NEV We have evergthing in Dry Goods, Grooer4 and the Choicest Meats,, AU kinds of1 km and Vegetables. -We have a great varietq of Ladies' Waistse ce lors and beits in the latest styles. We ha aise added a lot of new soits to our %ëi !urnishing Department, ail kinds of hats d caps in thee kitest styles. Also a large voietyj of trunks, satchets, si cases, umýreflas, carpe ts, ntigs,'mattisg a, oil clotit. Shoes for everyjbodyj, [rom Bab, to0 Grandpae Bargains in Sewing ~.B. Colby ~crcalltîIe i PhoSe 29 Libertyville .00.,HOSIEI3Y.oe.. Ladies fast black seamilesa hase, 40 Sauge, double solesI. pliced Heel and toe, al so in tan and open work,'black. Gooi Value ail c. aur price an this lot per pair Boya Extrat Heavy Hose, 3 thread knee, 4 thread hate s a stocking that wil autwear two pair ardinary 15 or 20cf=os Thse being samples we have them, only in Na. G, this qua'-~ ter stocking at Babies ail waal cashmere Hase, ilîkisee and tocsin wht., Mlue, ink, and red. Childrens, Tan Hase doubli-knéee,heelm and Q f"f tees, in ises 5, 6, , 8, and 9, tise 20c k pd. PaJd THPAIR uvu ~tIE ___ WÀAUKEGANBUI Kali Term opens September 6, Our new quarters, finist in s3tatie' fl BloCk, corner Genesee and.WasbtiP Whero busines s lataght mn fra * srledm the beuttecWsawn, te elest xwt i. eue writi etrpe okMhumobloo aritbsnetic Gruumar, sçllag. .u mulp busiess torna, coèppoudeafncBg" t wt b slart ta finish. Write lot catalogo. B. A. MUNSON. Pre .S 4 WAUOAN PUSI~&~ la

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