CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Sep 1905, p. 6

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Dy CiARLOTOM. DRAE I~tkuo* wlit a str pae stg *4Ch. iss M.lLett," b. begai, loves jou, And tsks e'rery Toni mueIthercf9r$ ear t «Ai mot b. hutil I the ft- whohav, fnot aid Yeux 9 Iret met ber, and vas I " t on ber futler for sO-. %ser athe rvas a cgoo-etur-i,0 fqliov, alwarc avotdlng re-a bIIr as long asas s epossibleaituà et lest compeflldto show athodrtib W ~exaggerati barbassetueI vagleceL ir vü Weia h-prltsi girl"su %Xt suhini g-te a lteAmte ib eofl Omc and tyran"y. Sb* vmu bot l = *sI 1 rSm met bar, and bera talent vase beeomiag uobear- 9 bemae. ieperately sorry for i bd squestsd ebe only mansaln mi r t hip, bet, vhich vas te makeà Ir V, It vas a tooliséh proceed-t hileir bt v as yoaag then, amdi :ê ge a olook At i éliteroulî,e MIMld bave aaked myseiU boy bert ea v*Ol b bettered by being tied Ob te a beiplesa, pailons lellov, as j u the&, Weil,.ws vers marred-t bir. e c cure-and for a f ev D tbmkt w. lorpd sncb other very ualhm ie bad ýaaotboe éfeni ,Vlbbrfather and beggednme, kWavay te àaombor0fber eva. g aa sbcggriî pittanceet tblaI 11expaiseinamposition te ber, >dWiO ber te valt outil 1 bai ob- Il - cotmlm appoinîment, et vblch t>wo aure, 8hbaet ber teniper, ,*I.ami vovci a hes aster ,meagm n& The ver nettdey %Mqcsmpkod for te Englend. i t4e at et&'- ber te b. patent for bdbgber Ihat 1 voul verk 4d tàpermanent Pot mov that mscw a a ity te verk. and proe- ».icc tts bortly tet a"ober feio mty te vbicb eh bai te tub- i round -Ue»*aeatlns te aearly ibis. fb**goad 1i vas for my poor girl' î' 1tane pp m mini te surprise As, 4 netirrita. 1 sot tbrough loyl frulltesau qw.lklî au yccied bck te Ecu.*-.nli 'Wai I semoe 1.14 me e te e lac e, cone te anotiar. wululi yAt 4 loes viat te io 1 boa" ithee, sfw51g moahsL brWher batdied afuir iev ami c bet ar peuple 11,lg six ioutIavent îupaid a ratisdespIwit ta search ef *hbs bat 01.1; Ob* latd »*4t. isc. îabs babainc Si bo ea sur- h - sbe 4nvsee.0 i inser.taaieo fthobée .Wac e m ,f pore puar ck ui re rcme. khce bec dptueà 11d1ve.t teT u bi akea pefor wàr fathe. ecgsslm l. l a" Utlaonberasmcdmn -'at ai« lire caitalasilod rupea. vstcbwu 4». dof car Itg Elboi at"ir' - e i es tee bc' crnesu bi e ' Zvlth he an Ir shb il e udas e n oa banba vas a si or tvp sft r the 1asqut blm. bve ZbeWToa ave ev bsa Wo y euM .U,b 1 hfflelleba"tivent t l or ldetinas thie! busat u merci the pela r d. I «th e dIbat yeu sre wvIimaor engagement bai bel- ter corne te au nda. -. "PIes..dont Ibinb 1 bleue yenl« sur va?; Ll vs» ouly eue et thesis-. taies Ibat cveryhedy. la Uoble le moae. Erryeur elacer* filepi "ECTHEL M.LLSTT." Pur îbcl Rur1*ev b rledover that louter! 11ev ahW Iopei sgsléal hep@ liai Jack ubahi met lac villisle end tbe engasicatîie"ýpqrfnly eh. Tad lie voile lirougb te b. urem liai jbe bait z«t delmtely sacete . aatte-tbai, in fotact h.bai doue omir abat s*c la- tmuisi-glrs Jaci a chace etf ccepi- log bis freudons if b. viabai for iM liai -liea ite-et-fact uilde epistie arilved eai s nor favorableoment, bed--aek badIlamreter»ni belvesu lb. lins asud iacorer lbtheumisi e pille amd self-respect that bal dkclated aveny vord.lais umcot i mght ibatsasserlci muila tUelb tarer. Asul Wu$ Jack mia the letton lmpationtly eaI Oralbat as IUs meaing davosi upon hlm be larusi bock te Uic top et tbs lest sud niai lt again. amsured i blcfhe i nu- equlvocal nature et the etfer utf fredorn. lirusl Il lie obls pueket soi vent oet vlainlliu negstlcally te mccl Miss MaIl- ing at the statien on ber iretuntrum tova. v tai sgltne liaI sorne- thing bal happonns, end. buoving vbal te iticv, "urdeci shevly wbil Ibal âonewtibmu vs. Bbc bi nnul lassalire *"*nu la Jack's sodiety betere abs fait a subtle dilferencc in lais namnuer tes-ard ber. "I sm au glad te Sui yen sll bers, Mr. Dornton," abhesaid at luncseon, 'glancina a et mbevitcbiogly betveeu the 'lostes et a palms plant. "W. vers me stfrai 1ha1 yon voeu dnet bave heen alale te elduie a forimisht oethIis terribly dlu pîsce Weren't ve, Mms. StoeuY "Yen forget thmt Mr. Doruton bas bel sai occupation te mabee dU li- neesenurahle. Ris ite ls met pamaudila iMling tires, cà euloil, dean." "To ho more. I1bidfergelten te. sai bey t11e plctures ýhave progeusci." -"-1%a vlev et -lih*boues trous tbe yods leàOfini seraias 1 eau finish il ber.Tb* testloethle von Iniast do la Ncvnian street * 'Tilt la vicie lyear studio Wa la It nel? Ialueuli lIke tu setmesfutgyur complelci pîcturca. WW ionotalc us ap noeoday te look aItlicin?' ".Amiy day you.plesse. Bar lbe dur atter to-meov." 111 cenuot go bacb te dsly London *gain ce mnon. 1 expect my fuelt battri of visitera ou ibat <lay, 100. AI lait 1 shailho le ite leosemothiutla lie vsy et entertainins yen, Mn. Deor. ami showverî gratitude le yen for enlireailua oar solitude La the pam' - «Tuearc t00 mi. But 1 bave nmde arrangemecnts fer returmlsa te tua1t- moires." 'Neasns. TOD spesi et arrange- mente la sach s aurions vai Ibet on. miait Iunglus yen bai s vite and .1111' dcm; imuaofet hlceu onare the. su- vinbleeruluie-'a Mau vltiet a lie, B.upatudelau Imitant droadint bis roplg. lic mais. soes;butal aonl ic erept alweni q>is tacs l ec tm et ies haïr. SOe*mi tus"sigate mail ber- -lutiel iclthliacas. as you haves eue t eluIt er posuasceas a ril.t vg- boltfayotme u ilu a a splesur? i ehoui adulw es on tera. Mr. Dois' tes.'. mare -» msng charmias peuple mcoul a uTiera"sy vio en] ubesié tuvW Mhme.Batiue vu, b.t" iedinmt et - M-- e. vil tvsy, sud Jack Miss alling te lb. pieou eJ re von Ilandmala front et lic s I"b Jet* baiplael is peint- loy e« 19laaord liusse. lit v«a o' . iMt tde us a Ocof t lis.IELM Drufu" sMid Paullus, "«a momuents- eitrutof t eamM int vhsn 1 touai ion aieté la the vo'd.. Ail aaamd tas" 'T.h ne vmèe.aimplceeugb. but Jiak rw a trust mduetofxPiou" jetsetbi, sud bis eys coveyci a wveau if -measins. -m -Maillas. flubea amaas b lmu as sesai: "Dii v ais eao? It s quith sale- teutienal on mi ,art.." "âmillvlutri on 'l. Pauimetsarne thiat lie ceateisallen vce acÉtig iseoudbur coutiol, laraei tsky ametbiup l. O rat uicu rtcea te bur baud troutie cpas à As ras te b. expeelsi, Jac i l msain afly et bis muare heurs daring lie.Isa joerly ortait lu painting bar portrait trou nser. amdit vuibis Ibsi &h. pçanabi op 94ber narreomsbeule a , MtDointoar ab* excimed, la raptuions toeg. EBeuber rouley vas satillli&aii an b laisbcd goauicletp il. Iovcly jaicture Jack bel niaie or ber. "I an som yîen tonauait tou viii r bape tui h tgrues areseumptien, ifs, -cosdsirer l.I en't vlsb Itudoate, foer il bae - iveme gse cuaiplatant bohume., 'Pmssuptlon? No. label! 1 t.l s- InglMdAbe itichetratht itlsanidl.thelo- bey yeuristae.umagéel te combine la tie pielure" - '=tio laI thir vas mn avivard' * 'gnos. PamI lu. h i vsiu te boer Jaci Mr thst bu lovai ber,.maie bo alf ua- d5It 1, for ah, bal mnlt el made. up ber maimds te boy ahe voali asevte blu. gcc -ilqb Wu& fuoidll soser than ae »Udlcpated. ramollas4,tsug ic, wves iaumel, .111. * llce sud teplacelAs bo put thc lest eme baci lie lietheportolio . Oai aend alduesaci burabruly. .V hw wltk rsnWta My ailltus, 1l4 Xi -Manies. I di mot sge, et8, Ite eseuiaes, ctaccec et teW u * mwbt- M« delaes: ue»w. i est b et à dwalbe le y f i e g £ e lu o Vs1w lia i 0~4 -cwmago tebrsniba Mr ê t.sM 'w b ! iy 0$ m, aI lova iep - lz,,Ç1 i uiSe ot "Ynbave noe swivetfor ae;bt do Dm wlume toeave îonl hos that, Pa ke ear'it fMy hoet ,Quiea of amy sont, yen leva er'u Eje ut verdi ili avai tea lpf of Intese rupture; agi, as Paulis,fl bis nrme encircie ber, bis kisuc on 'be lips, »ho forgot ail the. cbadows tImt luaîbsinlathic pontforgot ail the guse- tionabla mess e 5e bai ployei te 51. tas ibis endi, She ssiiýknew thit abs tare. thattah. won tlelaim etura; and foi ille moment i&er. v"la ber lesit (Te ho coetinue.>. CAR WIIIELo ^No CURVES. a stÂnuieau Answom oQueste Renard#" IeNO. On. of lb. queutions trom t ce speadentzts latcones taeIbis ece viti persistat retteratlmse la le! th. PoWilltyet one or thse o*r et lie liaie of wviccisou a ratirosi axis, la Paselmg areuni lie curve, elipplAs on the rail over vhlch it la rollisa vitils 'tie other vbeel dem net clp ou li ril.asye the Scienullic Amaed- eau. Altbougit vs bave frequently ex- pîsinei boy this condition la possible, Uie question la on. 1ha1 cvhdcutly continue@ 10 paae a gret Maur people-in vhlch respect fI:la Bru cousin 10 that other mach-de- baîci tact liat Uic portion of the perlphery of a rolima carb. wheei tliat la near thc groani la met- tng mnore slovly wlti relation te tie earth tisa la hc teaI of the periphery. Ia tie came of tic ivo viecls ounsn" sio o! a'rallread or trolley car tilt le passlng around a eurve itlai evident that Inapglven lengti, aMy 1M ttof the carve. imessured ou a lino lying cenirally beiveen Uice ivo rails, lic luer rail vii b. shorter tien tic onter rail, snd Ibis for Uice ressen that It lea truck tu a radius tla, about tour ami tho-quarters test shorten' Nov, visa a pair ofet visas passe around. Uic crve It fofleve liat, la- caume of Uic differeeela ilugti ot the two rmile, eltier tihne "ovheel muet slip backvard on the laner rail or Uic. ont.1' vicel slip forvaril on tbe outer rail, for lie tvo wvieIs, bcing f1xei on the sane axle, morre at the saine.peripicral speei over diffreat rengtbi of rail lauichesanie tne. li le probable tiat the excesalv vear of Uiche r eon curvce la due cilly te tice lippina et tUic viela. Net long ugo tmre remarkablc tacts1 on rail vent on carves vere brengt oeçt In the course et a paper rend be: fore thc Nev Engiann Street Relierai, Club by the rSimnater eft he Boston elevatei ron&I.Tic rond la exceedima. ly crookei, over 40 per cent eft licUlim eenisslg nieturvea, many et vhlch are very sharp. *Mere are cigiteen et les@ tisa 100-foot rausan sixtIe. others vIti s radius ef legstisa 150 feet On the sharpest carm w vh lal et oaly 82-toel radins am" vbere It l clamai tihnt the traMc la heavier tisa tha1 on amy ether steni or beavy e- 1trle ratiroe*& tbe lite, et ordlusry stei m rils averuges only tonty-tour day. the bondof et Uic mi "earimg downm tr 0.00 to 0.77 oet su Inch la 1h51 tii.. Tii. great ulmcWeemec cuSôi lai lh cnetantly recurrima repais, lu, lb. compenky te expcniuuent viti badnies steel rails and vhcrn sou. nikelbldi rails vere Pitt las en ticcurites lic Wear vas reducci tea 0.53 e nluel rla MtIlaya. 'A mangasse staeu la mev isia med viii goesi essE and thev-ar et tmesla cR17 about M per eeut as 1revu as that et led sieed rail and about 9 pcr cent as ropi Etemy té ouit, Motorit-Are aU ol et icnIois la te tout chaut? Valet-Tes, ir. Mierot-Arc &Il lie sushicas ami laprobes l inte tonneau? VaetTsar. motorit-Is lie tank fuaileorgls* Llin*? ValetTes, gair. Uotoit-Have yen brought lova valet--Tes.air. Morlt-Weil, rua uP te mi rose sudbriug d"& lie roli et lUis met de tic top bureau dmra00 n at w. vU bave moeaMneyrepli te psy' « tfne. Tihau vS viiilac vcaly tp sit, ,0i bel, te appear la courit e-dy, iera," sai Mr. O"Tbole, as i. cire. fufllauted bis échin,--Tms ka"v01 dett. up O'Brien lat sl o" "la court?', gasped Nova. ireppins be'r spoon. "Ob. Patrick, bat' Yen lmny 4deflase?" "01i ho, six, Non" "It lavwyes, Palirici?' -N. ove ings wa stiiuubis- bled up." 1111lia Wali. 'Tbat veol ceamla ie 00tuaiset et your opena gsel dn naturel tbat 1 &eIuall ma*~n 1 I ouli hear lie bueswovllng" ssiidlDe WestcrsMm Ltue t tri al Maager ýe"G«88c tipI vas the ciaou girly- beau," rePîl e i damage'. "BOene eà tw liai avct-bmdapmlltforSIX -But I tienuiyen telme thic vas M&ci.& songeniglSoumt-y," Mid the usme balMdJw* lomercioet la tic la li toe place or undaaetàd- ingt Jân inovet aiét te» Pre tici54~botierlai toai athe land Wiy a visieni e fer barder ta Bal li kas a-', is Why eaui Vin eimd evcry rddilcetfnature ait- l titheon. rile iaIt fminatee b$ta uaction isc a anthie b aud. au pêvé ulyupen Natre and offl ett 411 burbidicu toieo. Notllg buoreamomeaapo hue ecrnllny; nthilu e"u bar bis advanco. Loob et hlm, li e capter a«y%.ase ho * diases- mtandcu eare. moandsiflesud PuiS e .dros wthIrs sud pli- en la lie aaaortcd veaiti. Look kt ÙtI Iac vice e unescllas bic ailter and 5 et tcturnuce viere is icOnes bisgd ol.Or, bore, aala, hol'e 1dia- glalie trou out o! the gruni, aid lus lac le mellîns tonelIe ocoppor. I*c d mnsat ftt undovu viaune lie voerus bang, as it weore. forgoticu. savcy frein lie fret -or Passcr@ lai. Tier e g aliers lia sapplre clones sud amasses lia. precieus orsetfgoli. Me e u u anasthcough thc rocks aud bibdtaile votere vwiliin cnnls and upMmau tîcutalua a y lis reete. Nolinsuace libd trou bis cumarlng. Ami. yet. a lulie of ait Ibis praclical uprecmsey. Ibis mastenfali ltinacy over naturela be at ail necrer oti. ieovory et ber ullîrnale secret? Can ho lIa op tie truli ns Ihe coua adia- meuh C»nho vin Ilt t ftic mnce rditere tin rth. es? Can hoebuyillInthe mrket fer crai? Nay.vial svinailbis Pearl$ and tu- lest Soniehov tie accrt la ecm luibng àhdm. jait wria mmnsau lasuestIe it Il slips frein outoft lef clulci. Nature la forerer suggeelluf Sft. WcIforer cocesaiglit. 'Ti. ams vilib al secuci 'le b.omunuar- ing lalundinla ls dreame nov msys, "It letnet id me;" tie dspi, 'gblch li entiel us mIls Irbreodlng von- der »Wv «sa,1is ne Dt vii me"." Seueliev tiey ail %top short. The lIving-thlofetNature pasie hy vlit a look ual blne, proyois.e. cicl; idt Il yen tollew lbey do but fie.; Usey bave a npmessge te ive ami no lati te shov yen. iers une elca-en iousanid lcciii- cal specka ruaias togetior vitilu oe staot efzoygen; elatecnt tonsmul vlila snec Item et sodium. onec ina- irai and ixty thousand itiiloee ticyay tmn etradium- Thisla clene' Oanai ltenxt 0f vit Nature really le ettlb. bettenu Andi vial ftrigteus mu e a ail&U is merbanleai uitar bte vilci w. are ccietlfcsii luIre- ddal seisa Ignores us. gam ou vlibut na. 'finI vielcelaour remi lta-sur lieugit, Our viiouuxag- ination, oui affecticut.oui, poosion, tis acumot Mai"licelves lise; tbey casuel b.ex«pmsecila tmaiset mo*ebsaL Prectica ealance nsam "I le nt la me." Orgasaitesimece ssye '11 in net la me-" WierecMail. vnede a ouigla tiflare e hier sraidcfsamediWhseel l tisesanbel- lur pmoms.fetarrivai? WUI. thuela en ofar vilci I tlai carese f long vay Umer tia -sà It la liaI er the ereste impasse, la lia imaginative enctica ktudW et lie algit on soual et beau- Ir. ve bave tust vih" e«Ueta open the 10e lai e icecret oreitaence, lz»theticmini vi ii vliNatre vw. mode. Nature explalus lIsait te su iout as a majesfticspectacles aIliv- ing eofrt liaI finie ite joy laabina vb it illa. 'finIle yul aauNature éries te U&. Lieteleme, lite saane. Mitdanes, Utc@Inmm; itl ea aglony ut ltabhomurela »mol tnt le. Irul et vildi tic mm of 001 aboulaila lia reI moealg et criation? 'fis us s'peassuperb a Mtd I i m s a gIere; Il gnv Uic a poesa, audt mmrelic maules.0Gelfourni Mi jcu' lal aontHmcol i et lu ail lMe raiuntl mms13o lid litIlter beig aaUli; tee beigg lic expreo 0< Mie lors. Andi liai SYof etGellai show aexstene ass a ue auil te iccomeas lii pouh. Beiee, yen amcset aisi te de- aptes or te couiema lie wveuf venld dieciomol by -eec or resemlie by art; yen are mt mai5lte tkiub 1111e oft tnvent univers.. vti Ins reimaspieras, b*Same lera la ut boitera yen bore sues ngtle sole sud auprene pumpees-te fotar GlMsute balsevia. Pm tlatii. ponIIssue a lic secret oeauo te se muet lilage ami tie pure viii et Jesus la lis viii ou vblcb aiexistence1la tamai, Win lion sud y"en viiivn rlle«7; vin tiers la tic moral strossie sud, be boli, "&Il thing e cyour*--.tlnaa le der ticesarti." Ail, aU et lest viii1 h yepis; yen bll tic secet fpei- "Foeu you are ls, sud Il la GciLe" RMADRIU MOU. aw a. .J. MeerMinus "MWer ligIrI vsulise nte àasuna b fisWce- bal eaux ta glicja.or thicit fGea liaI la la lis- cou»e of ils bocombe S le la psnteuisM la 1 aerai sapplltenidet 1 1 Lob mgteu, vas bora la looo ton and Dcii bis early edt5M lnaalroainstj birothtels, ail vieinbave. pi A itai 10 llO ý" bô# il, but viat litaiebel wiqs4s igle71 slginsUI:"er liido i lin o uto aa in. mutlprecteas, 112 The Pssin et tie prefeat day leirt- entisamylas iescrlbei «a s sei ' for uc'e fflgt Fraday iiled Uic wazIII by ls% dlacveyr he tc ectrie t t Roentlgena iohoi'ed -Inlatic detcdllOa1i'61 if ic *ëry pennelristivc "K tays." 'lic. Co c"utly, s»v"rsbe4lles avre been tOuai lihici viuii nit lglit Ina qi Placts attir enjieur.te tic cue- But berésW te a cryetal,. due put et tic danbussepl sud, tbfluapt,$svy troni capeeti- te thc cun. vmao tes , saitr ,buru.go ing. adabila ilgtIn every dires'u tieu, It, moreever, îpgrts te eà«es h objecemaou"mi Il ometilnuaof' ili th liait, au tiat thcy, tee im la tulie ec 'fie pain fer mallnga dium ]uova 1 toe ic ved muet lac given te a veni-le an,. àadame-Cari., ai native et Wan' fo cav, veut te Parla University la 11»1. bl lantoùtobtaiaing lier Dottoratcet9 science, ah.i took for ber tisais thé hi subject-of radie aetlvlty. andi1se1su-'a ccauliy did itch.pari.e thcmaterVI tbat the Austria governalett laced g at bedisposai many toua er rocidue A ort he ors trom certain mins. Eght tons ot ore veaudylld bat fittecae e graina of Ihis malerlaL l, hLe, tierl- ) fore, ot great value, île puice inlg 1I 8,000 tintes that et gold. Il la u Indecil «%atcone mont prccleus%." 0 We arc told tint radium e@mite raye àk whicla -cannet h. accu, but vici.te atter s lina.. cobe felt, sud hastn ticir eftscts are Inexorable.. They cutra airst cellular ievelopment aud bibi th discassa if lhe qualilles poascascihi f the. rayaelot n dlsntegratlng crystal tI ce ac e ovarlcd and paaerraI, viii a Va aék, iasy no e the i Potenclei Oeth tic, Spirit? There are the "rayse o truti, lhe ceainatlona ef whici are ea tory sievly, but cff.ctively, Iilîlaliast d microbeseof errer. Tiers ar te ic ray ot Justice, viaicla aresccrctky aormet- a bis tic derelepment et lbe garni. etL criqie. Thers arc the raya of love. w wich. tote sman ofe cr11ays, uay lac invisible, snd ibelr Influence on lie sin snd sclielsisc of tishenrd inap- preclalale, bat viaiclaare, ucrertbeless. butrulng avay the cuncerous growthu of ev in lasodety and-in lhuman laais THiE vision 0F DE9Y BOiE& e. or Roy. olu . 5, hbiiird. "Coma fron thre tour vinda, O brsti, ami. bretie upea tiasu nilala liat tiey rnay Live-'-laebict xxxvil. r Visiona pliaedsunImportant part la ea tic da etofprophetic lifeý Upen a tuas exatai plane the propheis et la- I uMel nioyeilRke Iurnortale.a. zeie4 r tic prepiet uni priaitof Uic Captiv- lty, saw may atange and starlln thingu. long tUi c tebar aidthc BupirStes ver.JevIi hColonie& Diu,- teg lic reiga of Nelauiesar, lieu- n aisor et Jva ers deportei le oBaby-9 ioa. Ânong tiena versDaniel-s"Ud gaver. von lheellcuisaaei Un- der vblcl lic exiles llvei. Th"ybbai lt ir national existence. 'fie Ieautlul clty et tliu fatiers u uil-a ntisiThlsletftheir Kinas Vas r la pries n d il. palac tie baunnIet t tie jack"L The tironset Davi bai cessa te be. Ticy asali o0s te au-p cher: -Our boaue aIe usd, sur ao bogie la lest. Tit a le, laususss et -oh l. dry boues isar lic vord et tic L«ea,- sali sskacbl Bat boy eau boume viit tSalas., musclesOr Mervec eur? 'fie propet no ooe dcliv- oralisgueulsse. tien a noise, en- sgcd, Ili aa tri lu lic nouaftallnOC et se. Tien follovcd a cama sud i à ratthlua9" amscemnluaogetherofe1 bone.esem e falUing Ltlae I -- ov laeien rge fainiet ltue body.t 'rien caaeticaimeva tchesi cund l aibLu.But grisal as vas tieaiLcys* amit tiiemVais neliteé.l'hat Valler bai cisugOltrou a nmofetbonela te( s hoist et ioles, The propls mv*w tise tbey lacei lreti. Tic visont lesepaegsla mta7 u lisoy*egite a.l wmw ne aen vlth ometl esaSs MM tic prAyer: "O0lrcti, sud 0briatie upo lice.ain, liaItiey 1uMy a&" Tic prY a nr le m aese rcffcrelth»n tieela àssean lie uprllg1 et au ZCflilaSlymant asiy. Tic viceste iraust it buaui tic cote pecullante lhe Orient. Itt v» OWtante n Peuple fond of Picure WietS*orud Se vdlllyrersst liu 0 cnadIla sas tic vshley of dry -bonsuec V.'ist ecomM ite lien' n graphe su MMsaret lieuretlirate Zlie s bis reeurectlom trou tic ddii?1 t Tii tota a prayer ad laalvsy. nppregretc lantle churciIan- galloi-. Il hbubails tépeeledu et sgrovli suddéicsy, Pregrsss KM i rclogesala0»u.allé eesla il e am and aàborfflanuderpliesoet Upe- stition aul et. deailetter;,anethe eesaIt dlaeacmbered andi flevem *forth lie 1h. ebenntyetofIreUnis,ro- aveohlhg ail the cuovalma uirtuecsud a ffw ev icissel lie churci din thelie Da fAn ges? MarinlaLuther, 11c su- oliar sbE tsl le blckenâg lg 8tt anudlavebsi lis Divine Irasia"i Wtbcaste a'"ut or lg. Miln vac lawlis 'e lellt A""e. iIt w avées etpewer pasid « lagsai inl tic ligiteenti ccatsrMcla et aulliy b a a i UIlf lre cMst Théraa=' omtiie -J110acresan adtus rie s u ul mch ore -iqau tic IWP, et la vettb fer:tprmlng pus. .sine* ihé bitetL011.bu, e. on a. 1%, 100 tbe faim bai d upibande hait mlc.-.laesasLbmbcl. luI fatiet et tb. P u "dec oule S4 aaate iiha helabout tli lima. fseUauq almPbi éoved teITais"t. "wfis rty adl la ibe baudst 1 ibis fi90 "M amsîhimÉa 11IOleu rm tom. Whou4 W. DoneanteorNew York bohe plac. for 84M0. S e lhb hiseet Keàtuclsumont »W. cou tor t thui l ime bas beeme marsrei nac conucMd is tatu- blo propertr, wbici, itdola b heb-peu the oevaeg iiibave some esiaht diM- quity la bseplmg u>p .Domina lie lau iscaiscesa mmsy et- upia ishassa esmada te perfoetclas aeoklag l ;ls ouerl egt. lb. preoffly lto aasiltio ar k, sud, vile tisecf- ellt» bave s&muc"l soe cmut, aoti- la# substanilas el cltsd Thomas B& Llrriaslrckpoalmastea aUfldMavle. %s tmiel la vainte ievabsu s paéitic ,terent, tionai ellh«IIhbon«tiit lice tme la met ta, distant vben lie pb vin appreclate thc opporlaiy liaI bus eo loug beaousaeclel, ani ibes la Ira buericastle. nike. lic mont et IL Thc faim: icrives Its ame frein à ergs #prias about l00 yard» trin the log çable la vhlch Lincoln vas bara. nu Ita pressail ate the tract la cut la vwalu hi a broai tboreugbfare. pieltai- osu te s degree, ad viaîns tirouga as lovely sa&pot se hesit eaud, w"site mevw. Two milbes te lb. nortit inlied- geavlile, lypleal et Kentucky, viii à pop- ulation et about 1,000, A brsnch et the Mnois Central Connecta the loa viti b.e outlcade vould, sud a emhinatlon frelsbl sud pasacuger train maies tvo tripe dilly th Cecille, sersuleen mil«s avai. Tic records ot Rarila ounly sbovr bal lths faim vas boaglat by Thomnas Lincoln la 1803 viii fende vick ha bai earusi as e Carpenter. lu 12814 a Joint ded. vas made hi Themas LÙKIauco sd N~ancy Lincoln. At tb. time the faims eau*e th&icfanlr oft-Liaein, Themas Eiaolm vas net yet 25, aehevlnstIraI b& was a mon possccasi et moe than ori' »tarif ti.nstsad et carelus ansuhif 1- lss, as cona@ blugraphers lavsSa proper le picture bina. FîINE WEATIiER ^ID& CORNE. preanls et a" i Yili Borne Ont iy Uc-e porte "ete te oetsrmma5, The weekly aumuery et crop condi- tiens leumi by the veelier bureau La Wshbingtonla s toilows> Durlng the wesb tb. principal ern Stute. efthe central, vautrys bute expe- rkcucci xeeptioashy favorabale voather for ths dcvelopmnent and maluriti et Crn. Cutlng la lu proeinlaOldoma aid Inieanteitoils, souiersmicouri aid ever a large part et Ksamas. 'fh. reports ladicisLetatt lehe ulofet i early coru vil las cste trou injurytrois front by Sept 15. àpriug wheat lisiteet la finih.and m good are gecrali reportsd. 'fohacco bans enfersi froant et vesla- er la portions et Kenluchi sud la Vii- glala sud Maryland, but la thc Brut mon- tieucif&t*lshansogcmraly ai. goi 'nais-' Iu soins mortiosaeru eumaies et Tex- se, la Arbausme, andin lartsofle tMW missppi, AlsaasmaindGeoria impioe.- nientS liethécondIti ofetCotton lla u- elui, ami la Oklahoma sud Ila. tee- rrien sud Mlssoui lbe cicp la la fair te teod condition More favorable reports raspcctlng ap- pies are neclei from lMaryrland sud Vi> amnie, but "elsavorstice atIeeifor Ibis crep looks tory pool. Tb. geourai outiosi ter potstees le tari unfavorabl. THE IPRINTURS' STRIKE. Ccag.c Ccposlaee uns eai.n OrUte osueral Smta .rta aite. Ravina plancite risenuug foanie t. carry aamai army et men onmletiii indeintely, o0cere of the typogiaphîcal union la Chicago have dcusaici @lgond agreemients trou, membeaes fthType-iaO lieta. gaantous thc ulght-boai dey, uer t1sai et instant stribe. Bi alu' In t arave nral cliii. ot job priai' ers li l 1h.elib iglticeusai Chicago, tien 0hio 10 Muaaoail ami Minnesota, Chicago unioniste plan go haIt the Imiper- Istion et non-union Compositers trou Minnesaolis, BI. Peul and otier cilles vbore tlie ffl eTypoîbelsa bbs airertislus for unes 1 vron oser "opm &hop" rmIs. Wlti Ibes Cition: theni- oelives la thec limes ef a Kits, maniera of 'fypoarphical Union No. 16 helleve Iher. voouild c ne aurplus et prînlers te lac ment te Chicago, lu addition te the Chicago $hop@ vlalci las,,poeti"open cbep" noticesand Couss ander lis ban et lhe union, mue tItan Iventi Otier mmn- bers of lie Chicsgo Typethetie are tbratemel. Union ockiabs epect liaI about tIs etthe u miulug lima viiide- claie fer val. SPEIIT luE THE BAYOU$. Thirt-Uan Ccme t elv ever oua la JoirersanPerisi, Thlrty--Bveecass et yellev fever ver. iecversi the elier day la lic settle- ment& etf labermen on lb. balpeas and miks l a lstqem onparlh, Là., hy Dr.0. Mile Brady, vbo maie a tour etinspec- tion ier directions trou lic Btc board et hemlth, Mont et tiecesai ae aient Bayon Barsiarla. tventi-filcmiles trous Nev Orleana, Wvisi.à a mber 0f issilas have occuirici. The patients are _pincipalil Pertugesceasd Salards, Thae Sintg board vibi eund a physicen sud tvo sacu e athe Waice iuu.datsly, sud a aepily et medielnessud proviion aIse vi b. ffenie&i Thie local situation Continues teb.e a tia mue t belpetal ciaascs, ani lis cma Sfli e e .felsI l.tirtule la rov lg tint i il as mvUhave pmactcall usered * tisaI1*New Ovimue comwne lu th. e 00l laIUt tt". rbut lia tic flot. Joba, asaI:la u*p. Iosp0~ intendanl t rtihe otiemviiici qusulciet a Dlmlnghaa.Àlia. Gerge le gsffimpwbmteudeut or tic9W is- rade soutisunmviit beslqtem et' port Worth, 'fx. slephea via bobs la 1870asd -bis brtier 0Gerg, t»c rounsest. lu 1873. They Micbacu*vw', te las thi yeta go <um!i5p51 tancisaIs lantie Uniited aaie.- isslichen !uaabo, inane boiS abauqu vas gven at Luicema., MSa' aurlauni, lathe dauglter et SPWOgI Joseph G. Cannon A etth be nautional - Heuseetof .Iteiar- - tentatives, sud liq 'lic taitercetofbis beuseiohi 411Wash- Inglon, Bbh a sulX to ho a vomnnof charnu et maan", - sud has linl' niani etliasle charucteristics ofet» .C» her dfeasidmalli- 1. ec, vbose oasis betorsiterm arriag' - vas Mary lied, a prelty Obip ebool tescier. A namben e it llauhsd Antemicsan tourliseattende&l te ice. viela as presidai over by Rcavy IL 1Morgsu, ltas. United Sltes Coesul at Lacerae. Ceagnaial#iona von esw trei enieitheni norgeet o e ob., Koegoro Tababîna. vlae couduelel lic pence prelîminanls atWalim ion, bta been mitisluer fthetic tade Ibis country.,lBal comlng bore lu 1M1 clasgu 'afair s a ttrsaé l consl gecr 18aI 1 vhon laàlui- leaiItay SiiAetrsls a 1800 M vag ice ia l er. ttei eu lic a etmille g e ettalilg su Ipleniuil. ai ta b « sralf ticeRuisin cepla lit eMgiy chae vo Ie bs i Krs. taroisi ani su.funl litrt 1l Cà&iaes&M' Psti Mllsudela lesI. ne lapofMidleâguatacftt, sa= f eae i. lel uan.lMMt suad heas i u rnt OPOtoRe Ni antiLa oe t bl e liieu clau Jmcon. uo 01 byUi gan Jnyte glacr itllt mui elIt , ane oer, victaetlisa ofathelastgaliatora &ev letaîcete, ancslo vrIa tiela WscnsnsulsNuies as lilwinovait 0v vr i coutr atdievellieu ctieu t er viactimet i l-i ns vieasslndi nirINtoa ws u s peiemtleAulllioai- bo e cai laDi strinAlery Fabu ca E. MeGovnesdragnie. vr h, . coutrlas he weRoi, aubst et ev'f 1 WisnsRin oettet Ksa, i cuIs tuieev icitheailp ICaneual Who Uredthe lu0~taionabla wha ieprsieupsoiiiens e lb tened the n ul b flu, l lbhte le ocly- luot paut ber niaiel ty ic hela cioseete iegJ r tler lu ailt fb ties, adit i g 1~ tuat h. ommute k '~î~5 ANA ~ aiment isup' 1> politîcul leadlers 15 ,Kansas bavé bora slow il a rinaticthe ei 1h51a Goverlior Rockt la a grut specte r et hl» dangiter'. polaua woc t eire mt ami beg bicirte la cade for lieu viti the Govenr, - t Robent W. Browni, ncwly ' eoai -Grand xailitaffler oethle- IMa, a t b o a n 8 o f t a t s v i L n c l ê à ethnie ISB?,sri 1- is .tert~ is' tratuimhii - vawu - ablel t bolW a dmagnIiaient honme ln a tu Ciy etlmg dupysmi of $20.000 dEs le a Keutucilsia by brti, About 4« 1yeasa 01, sud fol d lveaity yeaim ia 8 bau .Tb a tv tipc

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