CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Sep 1905, p. 7

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Md i oh It Mfla vo -hare mIka6 enativoSisith* vpatnm asgo :*ao *oBUiuI isat emsani. regard lo e trai.mtug tise n»«@a. À *mvndo Wbei. usise acut Visàrate a"ti014 MsWse igie v te oos a tise mot eeoa"lt ~~4OO5Bim.snb -0estai? ta DN - k P luw~ t f orais oHepa yor V4 yphattime ver l elalie =i U> bo t tyosai al"Me*asi ont of 4 di n"i se 1 LusE tluio un r i. ta sisal oy for fude iflall.ts jjr5AÊSIheefin o wt bmf Ilam'P le s su Z adne metetbre cntS ot ised afeotelu aosillo MIss. itMstet s efl as Eboe Md la lm it us Ioeeplumoulitsnlr h mirsvp* omiteI e toç l troelI. oosud rth au s merIUat' Whs tis eveo acesitern- S, yTe es nidu la i rug- i * ,%& or mmsy ha oitalned irlroly trou IoDWlWims smodiolluée.. lciss.s -s AIL essais W. Y-uDUGLAS rtm tuuuo. toLtou. WTf.A au.uiiEytsuU W 1si. Coinog-. ot uadbot r coot uplss usai fous for luspuriton o eqet fat oI M am.uu:fhy.1 . 5 s V LEsTorUSlaur.u C OgU. utStl OMW. L DOUGLASe. bleu. 761OW8Es-À- u o-1sixV t ALABAMM metUs1 liMMiqsMM.;.Q tls Si h . lait tie ma, O*" vommu t e dp - ry ioiVft"& lS ýTYPE PREsmE swinterse Mterlals S.sOh ,5~s.u Sa.. cassas.. 515. ShIOssa lnas.îa ....... tl,,,.,.5 as.ts. us- sudisua biffosala. -~ saut... ~ass.5sl mq. 50-1905 treneemer5 BoasFlaulaiet Burulmu Hydrogeu Osa 31,100 Mien 15g- Clean Sky Mk.Obs. ltervationu Ea3. Savants sud lajusas ovar a major portion et Ilta clvilited. worid gazad on tiesou as egeriy as Zroasiriaus WVeduasday. Tise tlazlng lita -lvar- isausiabi sisctise muon lu ilsý daity marcS acoea thie leaveua, thse reanît belus tisapisanemenen se important te, sceutit uitndanomysterlously tudc- liatilg fer thes multtde-a total -etilpe.. Tise iUlteai Sutes wosa ot tenu- nais enosîgis. soever o, te -t u tise patis et toisllty. Oly tise sktrt, or penumbra, et tisa motias siadew passai over tia'couuntry, while tisa complet sisado. or ussbra. teeS a siautias; pais tronIlîudaoui'sBay te Botiseateru, Arabia. la tiis tract, Imro wbh stise direct raya et tise sun wcre totnly biociseaifer a tew min- uts, usany parties et atronomarasnet op tia apparatus lu the. hope of msking observationas iici 'would render more lnuimate tiseworld's sc- qualatance oltis th isamgbf> ball o lire about ohichIl it oslves.Týree Amerîcaîs expeditions. statioued ln. Spain and Merecco, wara amoug thea aumber. ['rom Assun, Bgypt. comes the nestiat tise Britîis, Anerican aud Rwsian expeditious enjoyesi perfect westiiar. aud made vainabie observa- tIens. Tisa period'et totaiity oas tee, minutes sud tweuiy-tono seconda. Tisa corons, or iary aimospisere. seisci enveloppastha sauewa et mederate nie.Ineluthe Cty et Tripoli,. hici bas ilad tise uovei axperlasice et tee total eclpees i tisa past tire years. tise Agmeriesu, ['rancis sud Italian scen- tiste aiseo ere alde<i Dy a ciondilss sky. Tise total eclipse lastesi tire minutes sud tour seconeatisera. .Tan minutes batore tisa perlod et totaity tisaIneaxpicable siaio bauds begsu te liieker over mi t gieeti saur- tact. on tis a artis sud vre purulent- larly cieas. The corons oas deveteped sveely. sud Proeeser Todd ot Am- ucoi S. Bslaas or tu a iaast andi ost powrtal; eýthte0sl1Is of esO eoatructei fer tihe United t"ae ns vy. ishe Io etf10,000tous bardai1 witls a leigtis et 4W0 t ansd' extrema rsadf il ef 7u test 10 luches. OBe i ha requtreai teuteaus 18 kuotza un iour for tour eouaecttive bours. Tise Matia bPttes7 oui cougst Of tour 12-lueS brectilioadlug oIte... twe mouneaifOrwazt sud tivo aftt; egisi 8-ics breecisleadlng rifles diii twelva T4unclsbisec Is ading rifles. Ie tht, seeoedary battery' -l11 be tweutY 1- tnch 14-pounde rupld lire girna:six 1- pou»der automatie gises; tee 1-Peund- or uesi-autotle 9111g3à; two 3-lecis fhlsipleean; twoe machineansd six auto- matie guies Theise1-lnci places oilt b. uîouted tn pairs lu twe eiectrically coutroiiesl baancai elllptlcsi turrais. Tisa 7-lucfii unes lli ha mouuted lb broaidalde on Pede9t9auOn tisa guM danS beind -tuehi rmor. Thél bull orthtie battiealiip la ot steel tisrougisont. h la protacteai at tise wuter-tîne by a cempiete hait et ar- mer 9 fret 3 luches olde, havlng a maxiun.tieiuss ofet leven lucee for about 200 fet amidssipa. Thse englues are Ofthtie vertical,. twtn-acrew, tour-cylindar, friple-ex- passetou type, et a comblued bornes poocýrof et1.300.'Tisera are toalve boiers piaceai lu six water-tigistcein- patmenis Tisera are tire. tuenela. eantis 100fret isgil above tise base une. Tisa Vermot Oaa desîgneai as a liagsilp.Tisa quarters prevîde ac- commodatlop~for asfii;g eflicer. a chaf et staff.,uietee a osoli eenofficars, tan J uior omelcra. tee warrant efficers i ud not tewer tisse-161 esenJnlud. lug sxty marines. ROADCs >RsýA YFuR STRIKE. Bar wUeo l..Atir cite Miner* Oiu GO0()Ut argi Tear. lu apite et Prealdeut George F. Basr's empisatie saUteme-st ilsat there oilb. noetrika bn Apo;l. 19W0. lsea tise pré#- eut agreemnt betweee the anthsracite op -n:t s and tise United 'Mine Workers. undar decisten oethtie anthracite strike0 cemm!31îaLu@e"ires, tise action efthtis Ildadingansd tiser ceaI csrrying roadeslu 111enusylvaue dsrg tise list few meisti . itlidir-tste tpp,,u:te. Ç\5~~ i-J-- ~ j PÂTE OP TUE RECENT SOLAR ECLIPSGt. hert Collage, Ieai of tise Anerlcnuglace vagua rcmbllngs of disconîcut axpedîtton. maie masy s'xcelenst plil- on tise pari of thse anthlracite miners have tograplis. Bmitey'a beads-u ring o e coi 'a rd the Ite tdiug ansi Penuyv- brigist spots sonaetines seen artuuesiasl, eapecial]y thse former, have beau lai- tie nus f et tisemoe Just as t cous- ;refi attinatqa iSelis coleIt ise pletely revers tisa sun-Oare nt net aîe.sgCaI su trou ciausîszs net evidence. !y dectresi tisai ly ut April tise coin- Atrounoers a gtier-i ai Alminl aiY oould Ihave on baud a ut ppîly of Spain, tront ail parts of tise worid te usîhriie s slelit for une yesr.- Shoulsi observe tise total ecipatetfthe sue. j I'esi lent Mitcelitreseain ii n s Caniti- Jiuniaroe. tise- [Franci s a- 1 asineces ilutes ti, fpne.4entiisg tise tronmerwasassiteilby is wfe> niter$'sulimatumun teBaer ut tIse con- lit.uoamr sa atitheby is wIfc. rsaon Oethtie agresmnticu 5w luforce M.lod pream nanl ds aiatere alobsee a arS. ssrely m'Ill folios. 'Cioda revutei a erfct bseva- Sisoulsi sud tise opraters agtre flou, bu I: Oaa accuraedespite.tisan. lu neet Mitchiel tise lattez-a deumande Tise desgnuofthtie corons waa net uo ara certain te be refused, ansitise an- beantitul as tisai ot tisa aclpse ot 1900. thrcite ragions agum uil b. tise neens but tisa coetrat os@ grenier. inteisfeta monter eirike. sitîce tis eisat sclips.etf1900 tiesky wOacsk. To-e-ttnke. isoeveo, condiiausavae niange day it oasegray. 1 touni tilt crons cens ieraiy, andi, for a vi rety et nasan, thisnlera oeuld fSud tiiemselresfacee oss decidadly creuiar. iyptfying max- tu face wltis a geatarcîsisîl fighti. flur- Imumsosear actlvtty. iug up tof eai isy peraismo chow% tisoy "In 1900 tisa eoea Oas oblong. wili le moesprapareil for thsa crisis la sboisng minimum acttviiy. T-day i 1906 tban tisay oara lit 1902. and the saw ianes protrudîfla te neaniy a minta' chances of predacing a tuai tain- balgili et 50,0@0 klomtara (3l.71¼ inaesili ha ilminlisesiac,-srlutîgly. miles). Tisey waere flauses et bazng Tiseaminera offset tsi-s. soaevar, isy isydroen gas. Tisey protusdai trous doclaring tisai, autishe soit coal agree- tisaaid le190. hsawUsedouble ments, olsera aunis have beaunmade, oui theaid In1WO I aw he expire slusiianeeualy oltis th isaIe ef thse crona, but netthUe lIausi irregular- anthracite etrike commlsion'a decsie.. ttyo e ast."tisa Unitedt Mine Workers, ohîis 155T0 [s Wasington, D. C.. the sen usi Jurlsieton lu botis iard andsfti ceai evareit oith loua dnniug a part offfields, VUii inaugurais a univea strika. tise period et the altpae'a duratien.- Professors Skinner sud Hall, sud Mesurs,[[al. sud Hanmeoni studied tisa phanoenen trous tise Uii States observatot7. Newsorke and Boston oere iaprtîed et aveu s__2 9 glimpsea ettise acUpsa by euda and tog. Observations were maie trom tiseuniveasty oissryatery lu Cnlui naîtof ani orroup 4z, e e sn ps, Rssr Admirai ciley lm saisi te amoké ssciet ousdeoale sîs, oa sautise strengeat cigare made. At Columbus,. Professer C. Lord pie- tograpiled theselipsa Kansas City Bd Green, tise Taxas ralîrnsisin, sud St. Louis aise reportai favorable adcon ofi lityGen asbcm conditions. A clair sky gave tiseas- Fredarînk W. Vandarbilt han a treog trononars of tisa TerSes Obervatory penchant fer Japanese architecture, ansi at Williamus Bay. Win., axcellent op- feilose tise laasi ot Mrs. W. K. Vauder- pertuilty fer observatlisa. bit Wietier ny poci-naklugdilscov- J. P. Morgan la isavlng bis portrait ens-s bave less made, sici as tise paînted by J. J. Silannon. It la saisi fiiug et tisa letra-Mercurial pianat tisaitthe artist ls brutal in i fldelity ta Vlulcan. or tise anulsiifti e_ h.compe- natures. salone e îacoroes, wl ouI ne is ser- Senater iBacon et Georgia bts asi cou- taiued until tise axpeditiona Mare tise terrait on humetisa tille cf tisa "grand P dealle repàs.cordas et Chfea cabs" iy tise Sultýan of dataleai epora. *Turkey. f.05t 1005NoftlhAmbassador Whisielao Reisi ia% gicun Abrahamn Goodman, a retirai jeweler $5W0 for tise endoonent et a liedi for oaa toonni issi lu tiseEHudsi rver. Assericas sailore batise Union Jack Club, i la Iousimates tisai naziyea'a crep Loudes. lu Calteoruls olli reanis 35000 car loasis. Sensier Clark of Montana bus furnîsis- ['ire tisai broka pt iu tise heari ef tise e a sas te detray tise expensas et an business section et Bakersfield, Cal, de- expeditien te expioe.tisa unkues en u- stroeaites huildlngs. talns etfhis te. Dtuuksrds neur Muakagen, MIish.. John D. Rockllier sud Dr. Wasis- thraw cabisagas at John Alexauder Ington Gladdan, oho bas sceresi "taýuS- Dowesasd bis son, Gladstene. 1esi ney" no tisorouigisiy.were chooi- Tise meeting cf tise National Baptiot boys togther lu Tioga counir. N. Y. convention oluici oas te have beau islsiThe ie Secretary Hay le couversas- ai -Chicago Sept. 13-19, iss e bn pout- tien oltis James Dubois efthtie State De- ponesi simili Oct. 2. partment, Issu thoan a year ego, predictet A ÀBaut lina train lefitisae track on .tisha oulsiont lie twelva montisu. iYailose creak, osri iisleboro, Ky., ansi The presant Geveonoos ot Kansas tou tiresigi sud siamolitsie'l tour bouses. Minnesota ainsi Okiahioma oeoe country [luglaeer Hoover asa killes. Pt'.tos', as oalasu tise SîtaeAuttor et &ertsr Bespate as aciesitisraKansas *ansitUe Cengrnsanneailarge. _! - - - --Bo- à'&rtnn.aboaan s.ur-i'éeer if a.. .ou- b-- - . .borenaU5n tua oprxmsg oftMau wut psvti rsarankteelawi. c wm iohee. e c a~ sa, * bt à@ Itou, sastaestisi lthilat4.e t xi 'r rut tisrougis At tise n -el oui bi declded by thse conu11 ti-.board,. Cent- tlnsed of nome o'et tiW stksowss ens- ;jnusers.1lp Amein Suid ros.>lIi IseganIs t s essio5is le Wsahilgtols tise otlier da$. Viii. question, once thngist lte1111%'e beci s sssttled in tavor et iz osss!witi Ii<ek, lssacossne np as ressilt of thse prellsislssairy work on thse', and nsalsy <f tise eugiueefs enga,,e.l tlstsk a lien 1ev et £anal eUtis'eiY sotl I'raislesst IRoosevelt, _tieretor-, quied- ed tî bave tise commsission go, loto tise soatter exbau-itively, and it lu probai- bIe tilat tile engtneers will go' to nu ma sîtter considerlu; a11 the -vsssc n ai ssid lu tin couutry." Tie personnsel ofthtie boardsr.t'ndel by tihe exe-utive, ortier of .luse 1I li- clideatise foiseoling mie: 0enersil Geurge W. Davis. .Xifr,1iNo - itie, WVissss I Barclay Par.4oss. Williaint I. lisrr. (4ellerssl Henry L.Attt. Fredleriek P. Etearnu, Joue)i, tîldeY. taisant lia adolpsi, ail Amere ensghseer-. Henry Hunier, nomiaated b3- tbe tint- isls goverssinesst., Eugeue Tiuleauiei'.uoinasted iY the CGerniss sgovernuintt. M. Gtsesrrl, notulatesilby thelFrenchs goverorisen!. NI. Qisellenez. conisiltsig sIsgseer, Bilez Cassai. J. W. Welcker. nomiusted l.Y thse got- ersssuesst of tise Netîserltuds. t5rebably before anytiîfg fof Il1505t- ance la toise tihe board -1i1vl.sit tise Istlsmua te revlew tise wttrk ssiressiY acs-oupllsied asnd tise lôclmi sditf5 imost of 4he consultlstttetîgisseprsare eetlrely eosscommlttal iPeis tise tYPe Of canal wile tise board wil seect, Pre- ferring te wattntil alter tfsey hsave been over tise groussd aud ts-.-oiiie tIser- ougisly convernant wististe formnsatlin and ltise obstacles, to eb.o-r'ss 1 e"der tise execistive oir ts f f'resti- 1dent Rooslevelt thse [enios(-4 rsc tise hourd oll recelve $5,000 esis-I upon tise cetepletlon or tise boit usis report. Mleaswoilpee, oll reetue $15 per day and isaexpeufs aof lr;isssporta- tien. Texas lias more msiles o al ythn luuily or Spîain. andi more lIs:is suy tîsoee ",f th'eusiner ceunîtrias et Eurîss-. Tisensets cf tise Ameri,-:s ir.ilways wealth tof tise enitira neunurirn sthse year of Li ffuuitrst electien. (',,otoactaIhave heen let l'y tise New York Central for nearly ail tise electricul v,,sk lu coniiectios i ot i l'ouet,-terrai- naIn bn New Yorku Clty asi l tI electrifi- catuion of lt-s suisarisa s 53tetsistu and on~t ofth tisiCiy. t sn estimaesitisaitishe 19«-, yield oh wlieat tr Suths Dakota ouillie 51)0.W. sacs# isheis, ns sgainut 34,(5t50,000lîsutsh eslas olile tils' cern cr"î prssb' t.hl ts w-iii be 500 b tit ilel.g. as :tg.tiust 44.000OIl0 is-sieaist yezîr. Twenty-flTe souiehetsgines outhtil iseavy type are baba tiOicd ent outhtil Brooks n-orks for tIse Latke Shore moud. As seon as ail tIse tsssts-is cagilleut haves bendeiivered, teus issnger iccîtuss tivea ef tise prairie typle ouIis e huâst. ning trou s oce,iS. iD.. te Linton. N. D., la teken as a tet--foisr croîs -tnsli- tionis. IVieat. cai. s-sois. Sarley aln d liax are raisesi alsstîtibia liis. Etti- maies fuis year sisow dist tise mcreatie over 19W4 on nil 5nists eisu tfit-. u-ill ie 25 per cetnt. s%%hile tis azaxyiali will b.e 30 per cenît hig1fer tison ]st yczsr. Whieat acreage t. j15 utr cent more tlti in M902 ansi10.iaiaiS the Yielîlais acre sut sais inluplacest tu tic754 per cent gresut-r. Vhitelteratate commss ececonui-si'sun si - about te take suds-'ut resisire ahl rail- ruade te incrëaeate ms-15555iniumpt'rcent- âga ut air brakeut uss-il oncfreiglît trains. te as great auiexteit an conditionsotf equiptuefit ili ipe-rmit. Recent acci- dents inivoîvisia Isstsf lite sud lsropertr. naused biy tise "isticlilug" of> freigit traina, have dtmonstnsstedtl uaitisey uns- net undar tise enirlol ftise engiseer, as requirei by liso. .Asnltheimpact iviicis causas "bueklez" î a dcu e tiste presenca of unbrakai cars lu tise rar et tise train,. t appars tisai nlauccdensts May ha obylateti hy requlrisig a siunier cf cura lu trains grester tisan tise 0 lpar cent uowrequiresi hy Ito teaveitiseir brakes opersted Sy tise engîneer. Thse experimnts masda oltis irales telegrapisy on englues runiuig ovar tIse irseka ofthtie Chsicagoc andi Alton hava proved uo auceesuttul that tise Ain resn- agement bas takten mtel)-s te equip ail tise empauy*a eugtnes olil tise apparatist. Tfse equipsueut la iselet eautacturel is tise Alton ablsut ltloumingfssu. Vis- dier tiseueo syssies aslcple asleî englue carrylua its eue oires-tsignsal mîpar- alliet cotistitsstes tîtesveter et a usovatîle block traveling olistIste train. Near tlW eugineer lu tisetcabis ltau ludicator wobdi keeputilin lforuiesieveny imoment tsf the coinditions oltîsin the block ot u-lslise iut tisa constant ceater. If a train ai- tîroaches witiuin uw n-osîles te thse rein a grenligili isowï oi t1isidicator ansI a wumuing bell callo sie ttention. If tIse traila lto tesefront s rea ig giulambs and tise bell rings. Thîse sigeale are reciprocal. ansitise eugiiiersun botîs trains retraire tiseu-arisings nt tise sine inutanit Au erreneou naipossieas prayala re- grdiez tie ressns for ruhiung prepi- dsut's "apeciala." TIse popular ides la ha tisai rulroada deutira te rater ii tise teaderai administratiuon by operatiag tisa Premident'a trains mut"stiecilml,"ohsîle s a natter offlt tntte reu restaos1in bineuss eue. Expiiiss this business reasen, Geseral Pssssettger Agent Lynesi of tise Big Pour rondl saIsi: -Tise rail- ronesof etthe counstry do îlot earry tIse i'reisîeut ofthtie Unsite'i States is a ape- ciel train oer tIse countiiry for tun, for glory or for asivectiosug purpoes isecausa tise nsief crss'istive nuy net be carriesi on a regisîir train. t doni't meanu tîsaf fîere is iuîy iu isgsinat allowiug hure on regular trissatr auy tear et dynamite or otiser accisdent tisai wesild net overtake a special,*but tor tise r nou tisati he ue et s regulurly fseeula tralinseoulsi handicap tise genorftl opera- iouefthlie rosi sud oork e harisip oS thes t.raellspublie; tbai wlaaine, asis ial csssipusalbliMW» '8114- Il bsd't iboard et IL." sait!tisa cou- ..I lnard saine tallers taiki' about thg bl ait au hurugo,." l '*Weil, 1 dou't titk yous need i h e afratd. Wsnt ta ges coffiere?" 1U **'en, but yen ecent tep the car. 1 cans jusi atep outi lile til and suwing I su, let one. as-' And ha piowed along thes treat tor ten tee.t and tisai feul fusi liengtii. fMtot inuelts7"' s-ed i pedestrian, roe weut te bu s agitance. N "Semeolial, but tlssî isi't what ailla me," waatise reist.. it'u tisaitttM diuged uiinft Itou rea ntu idlt use lu tise backs andI tise fol-ile.sseti conusctor wito a takng thiogs as oasy nu if ilo oas tony miles swuy." Monticelie, Miss. Sept. 5 --(Specisi.) I -L4 Orencte eounty ta simanut daliy lu reeelpt et treus evIdeuce tisat a sure cure for #11 Kiduay Treuills as saa lent beeu tenni, aud tisai cure laJ Dedd'a Kldey Pilla. Ameug tisose who bsave ressens te bleus tiseGreat Americali Kidney Rsmedy Io Mos. L. E. Baggett eft til 1 place. lira. BaggetF ibai dro;ssy. Dodd's Kiduay Pilla cired iser. 't W5T treaubiedi oih my kidneya.*' lira. Baggett soa ulu «rsemmsedinsg DosisIs Kldeey Pilla te iser triesist, -my urine would ilardly paso. Tise doctors sali I isasi Dropsy. 1 bave taken Doddsa Kiduey Plilla as dIreeted sud amn uoa oel womse." Dodd's Kideey Pilla cure tise kîsi- peya. Cured i kdneys afralu ail tisa un- puritdeseut etftisa bleesi. Tisaimeatns purs blood sud a seusîsi, enargetie ibdy' l)eds's Kidney Pilis are tise greatei ioule tise world bass ever kuowa. DONT misS THIS, A Cure for Stomacis Trouble - A New XetbaI.lby Aborptton -No Drums. Do Yen Beicis? It menus s dlaesned Stomacil. Are yega alDileted oltis Short itreisti.Gan. fSeur Bratitons, Heurt Pains, Indigestion. D[yspepeia, Barulua Pain. and Ltesd Weight lu Pli et Stomacis. Acisi Store- si.' D i ae ded A dopie u. D izz len , - Bad Blreatis or Âny Other Torture? Let us seud yen s box et Mul's Anti- tisicl Waters free te convînce youa tt it cures. Nothing elc ie Il hknewn. It's acre aud îery pléssaint. Cjure* by absorption. ilaroee,. Ns> druga. Siomacil Troubleî eau t ils curesi otiserwne--so aya 3Medi- cal Science. Druga won't do-tiley eat up the Stemacis sud uske yeocrs -Ws knew Mail'a Anti-BeIçI Wterq cenud we want yen te knew Il, hente tIn oqfer. SPECCIAL OtlFER.-Tbe regciar prie. et Mcll'u Anti-BeIn Waters i. S50e s box, bat te introduce Ih te thousasudg ot sufferers oe s-il! asi dtu-e (2)boxes uponi receipit of 75e sud this advertssessuect. or ë oil end yen s sample ftoe for thiicoupon. A. FREE BOX 114 Sessd tht. coupo -n wth your nanit and td- douta and dag s ne,.wl,.ducs moitell Il les a k.. oautullo Aut-BelcIsWaters MULL'S GItAPE TONIC CO., Third A.. Rock. Island, 111. Gis. Pull Addrelsu"d Write Plainlv 'In a word."ays Prof. HerberE.! 11111., et Vasar, accerdieg te tise New Yoit Werid,apaakleg et tise girl colea tudaut, 'ase la generoiiy a falrly iseaitisy ansi very lovaisle girl Woe isanormal Issiereats lu acileul sports, ln social aifairs. le doesetls- mottera, andsIol tenilig toward mari- tal essngeent ni ausott tise saine rat" as tisase of liser sociaîl clos% Woe are eet In aciseel or coilega.' Taudisîg te t'enfouni tIse statesîuent- Prof. 'tilIs thare are tise Vasisar rec- orda le ostt-ot-door atîsleties and tise 'eifngei" statlstîca efthtIe clans et '05. Tisese are wiosoeindications. Tisera ta renenilered toe tis al ve confessioof etLaWellesley junior tisai -1 supposa we are preity mucis liker otiser girls aven If we do go te coi- Tisa youeg wonn tudent compea- ed cisleiiy et aye-glassaa. a igisfore- Sead andi a vocabulary la many sylla- bleu oag invessiesilfer tise tueny man's coinusu. Sise Sas been accaptesi as a reaiiy by sny excellenit atnd serions people oede net keow tisut tisey ara fusseet ivients tey worry. Prosf. Miils punetrè tise jeke, but @poils ne sailles for social piloso- pisa. Tise isigier edssnatlon ta net reincing tise national wealta et nor- mal girlisoosi. Girls Wo e au rend tiseir Hener le tise,,çegluaI are stili girls.- OUST iti DEMON. A Tsulewith callé. Tiare la senetileg terly demon- caI lu tise way cofree semetîtea oreas aliasflenitimalle on thone Wo euse Ih. A lady wrltleg f romi Caliterulaa sy@ "My isband sud 1, botis levars et coffea, suiferai tor soeatîne trous a ieoy sneoyiug forus et nervousueus,n- compaulad by moat trigisifulisheai- arises, leuin7 00e case ibarae au eventuaily devaepedsisasert et 5f- tectiosi et tht sierves leadleg trous tIsa opine te tiseiseasi. "I s nabla te ibld my ilasi np siralgisi, tise tension efthtie neoves iraw It te one aide, causlug me tise mnt istente pain. We get ne reflet trous nedlciise, aud -are puzziesias te wSai 'attsed tise trouble, It a frleusi aguggestes tisai ponsibly tisa coffe O drank mai somatising te do oit If, aud adi'ised tisat we quît lu and try Postun Ceffee. "4Va toliooed hl& ,adie, sud f ton, tise day tisai we began te use Peainin wa bots isegante improve.andssInlua îery sieortItme beti etus wera outire- ]y rellaveai. Tisa nerrea beesme eieadY 4oece more, tise isedaciez cessd. tise i muscles leitiste bacS et my ecis relax- ed, my iseaitalegistèeiup sud tisa ireaifilpaie tisaI isad supunlsisad me wila I usei th isadi ni et coffee " Waiave ever resueai tisause et tise old coffre, but relsih our Peutun cevery day as el iLa s iitisa fermer ibeverage. And os are delîgistei te lied tisai se au give Ih freeiy te 000 nilildran aise. eemnetising wa noear dareul te do olth tseoli Slnd et dot- tee." Napie gives by PesiUtU CO., Bait tie Crack, Iliel. Pesisu Cafftee. outeasabselutely P mset a, M , bt rllèecthe qI have a d41dt«ct fileutL Uë* raes lu New York lu an apartMi ittUNatM P tosne near Centrai Park. lu tise aPait- ment adjolssiug ilt tiere la a plano. aud oruu,, noos ansd uilit Iis Piano nis to rattie and clatter away. ,*But It lâ piayed msore softly sud l'bst in sddreas- soe rareiy eow. NMy t iens lpie- lit Ms. Pink- snscy bsoosiglit titi. lsprovemneit about. hom yôflare cou- *Sise maide thse acsiualnstance ofth~e figyeorprivalu il tt a wom*fl- pano playe-r asditi nd lier te bie a soawoexmi wemass eor7:10, wlth a stuughter et 6 or enc. wits woeana 7years. ie waited for pinsua ndiseas covers sagVont week and tises, atter aise ilad gotten many yss on qite triersdlyternis olististe 0015- Yenu t-ik freely a, aile sald oe day teniler, luiser revoîtin te rqîsts ,, Tour Ilttle ene pissys remarkaily =este a mans- weil fer ier age. 1 ilear iler practlc- beaides a, man, niz eerY ay."stand-impiy be- eu" hoisela a mans A CLEA5 COMPLEXION. Masn y woeiDf AgipleHom Trntmnt or 3lak-sufer le silence d drifteu L fl. pi BuseTrsiseu fr Bscs-bad te worse. nein futw bouds. B.d. Rouch and Oi Siâtonsud ilsey ongist te &ia.iuei Dlsfrtarg Buuorssuce, but a ustiiosi uodst If yeu are affllcted witis pimpies, thora te shrink fsemu expcouug biavkiseas, red. rougs or olly aikin. or salves toe ins uetie nad lm isilgarlug humera, yen wli lied ths. xasillatlona Of aveun 0 simple isome trentmnt mont agreeable, Ipisysictan. ItbDnilouenu*7. X' speedtly effective sud ecossonlicai. mouey or prie yen eau csasi Geetly ainear tise face wlististe grat man whosek1 ldg b a emollent skie cure, Cuticuru Oint- prM eis. ta lu l ment, but do flot rub. Wusil off tishe nfeviug tno t riltoint e O e inutes elts Cîticurg fem miewekn ssa rilvtedtlov Boap sud ibot watir, sud isatise treely. cemmunaiete tit Mrs. Piakms Repeat til mornlug aud avenluz sud Lyn.Maus. Ait tetters aret to yoou wi ll ie rewarde d olts sskie epened, read unsd snsweredL aott, whiteand clear. Cuticura Seap, eeiy. A wesn an aufreely % tise beat toilai sud complexion scap li~n.eleatu las Woeu";*o the worid. ssslsted by Cutîcura Oint- Uisetan o. Putheussdterns ment~ will prenerve, purlty sud beau- et Amertea with bas never tity tise complexion aud keep tisa skie breken. Out ot tise vaut 1vs*I lu s isealtiiy condition. preven lg xperieewiieh Ïsisasetodto bîseckeada, pimples., eruptions or It ~in moestissos silte tisatW return ef eczema sud other skie trou- Imend thea very stuewledgb I* Mep ..n. case. Sis ea s mo bien. 17*ed as a sissmpeo It cies--a retur exeept yonr good-will. a tise c ap et ern ta ds calea. remeT- stIvIeissuraliaved tisonsautis lng.dandruff sud preiinotlns the growtb suy womse, ricil or peor, làVC*i' ot tise halo. Fer rei rougisbads, Ites- isebcdes net takeidlot pq ing paaiss sud pslnful linger ands,. generons eter oftastane.', Cuticura Sesp and Olutusent schIsTe bottin ôf lydis Edoi'tksSlSt't marvelius resuits. etten ib asine Compond et once, sudw5ite Mj ntghua h. Lynu. Mu&s, for ape"staa elgis. ______________Wison a medietue hmsubasa auj Visemtisa Oid Man Pleaset. lu restoring teisea on emui "Sy"sald Mrs. Iturites. "yeur ron maniot WBll umy, witbeO1 fatîser's got te, stop amekîn uslépipe I1do mot iSCIS.?. lïùWilba# lu tise parler. Yon'It ihave te, spak te illin; ise woe't mmd sue."I~ II "ia l't sifraid e' me neither r.- RVEIYOD plled Nurîteis. iy.iiV W tIf 1 was't afraid e ,acrin tie olci ,.sn.usyogaUpM usons tee bad t'd jet tise bntiea si hinsy-Piladelpsla Press. som ew isa t D ff e nt. V ero.. 'Wlsat la the price ot that antique sy.e lisairS!" amket. tise lady 8h01 per.gm1 *'Ntneteestidollars, usudsin replIi tise ssew clerk. **Areus't yon mi@ntaken'" quer cd tisa baritain hsunier. "It certaiuly eau i bc wortîs ht i ucis." sMa. aid thse ceusclentioua BtiYWU Mga youssg tmtu. "it lu preisaily wortis abouit 5t<la>I7j' *25,but you asked tise prie ias i i I mu Bay neBasYo nd oeu* d DosMM "[t I s plsaes Hon TmohyD.SUEdy 9k. e Ne 1 Yor. Memer etConge rolahe 'r- leaest fteiw l aqtiilyas gatly a tis t a t ea,. e"Yeursreom trnlyoo MTonEX d e SLLIÂN. Get ltleh ul 11tlultia Bouthssur et eueet tis reetly"isOD ad"hoe- twolos, bot tsrey e5 af 51500.Insldeet 12 eti gs. sie aa wanedfe a reby eundii h*ci su tise lu» isugleiersosale in pUltUn terhé0.0.isres eme by un kidatsandlnvrett lung tsisorpo W MT100119461gE eocatlts poud toluabin lie man whoàtM bougiy s rtise Iota au t etofey rid estate trnacios aie laeM ,ie liuedy) .tleal1 islepi growtrin SutiseCot, auffasou.Y Foiale hange, 0W5 & PicV 1 cents per ebyox. 0 letrIrln cA for everym.1n7 Ssoind orsnaft- of oe ofmete reelst b aI tsytd hube blea.-setion o her.RockLloi&" 0h10 Ans Ma.O. ny oSe of usiy moked 10Aci s theruisi hle ewis' setaPeseta.hi pat foasr uno.bae0. fhsrn«nIese' fie Ionineteis ic ni ise oa neye h*c acse o!lj isimsl a-utefouIl T isgte otst t rblito hied ts- .crolu ousdwelema a and mmeu-WilUfl m b&tmý tàm 1 hý Aw ýjl =

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