CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 8 Sep 1905, p. 8

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etWhl b'àup Ab Mm X.wltC.f, utIsubos.lihss r.uLo ms snd end pur bpeksefa mdstb coo vo* wtl a t..kf ut «"le * PmFueope & -s'il )f on, vtg kaowa [wwb VIlo n. 3 à on Ou o*r a Md ibtb ut ecf goeddW ettbe . -bc" t n )I& ut Wtadopa is. ton, f Uane - lofSS piamr ltér 15w la the, ci cour. npmetl EvauaS.l w a boli v ýid miwodo $.tumsted bud»lal mduisw M ulles, P. L iiiea n t a t)ICI. uI estotit tbon tit i 103 W 1m4iae : 1 lunme s uvht tll M, SJ. IL Turubuli Bift home of Mr. sud r..' 71.a.. wouI.g-uu dhme Crup tqlhy releel end vicopbic rougb itiini t"rua lUs coW»rse"R 7yon ma Tai. be.ooaii siohdllet adue aim oairdi amp ebo , eh 10 otelu HAST FOX LAMCE Are 7on10olug ta lb. Fair. Vans vorkbbommans*gdretns lfy tk*lase01Ilsswe.1 Uns. <uiGatr atteawelthe mesm b vgmFed st l*oduln.ék btIp.. 'l.Ladiul Do~ goddlJ -t w W. i.qneet, of Oblg, -,bdeon liG eo. Dasuluger returnod froA b trip fa WnmbaOOo, let ndby. mi«s Bath UdMice dla sfrt 1 i. aw KmEIL i. MVat vlutd in a Atllugtae HalglttaSunday. ma Aua Milevas s ac- eut io A.- j. rm ofa <hleno speet fBundair and Monda i aihome..1 Wm.. itanm cf Chiago spent Suday sud IMonda ai Vole., BrtaM. sud lire Ueo. Bolug1 Thr.dayAug. 81. s baby boy.1 a at Krwa'. Soudlai and Mondai.1 xM nsmande Wa sad Hllbes am*ba.lka aler M"e.Ben Cnesmes»d daugittèr Mari of loIMMs afledat JantesKlrwan'a Suday. MIsses Mande WatonansdHellenaRay-i- mpsi ver. mcfleury callere Monda altennoon. Lui viate t thé chintm noff 1r. P"a, f. àMule',pubMMsharof tii VONielat ..w4,umd .09U oIolei. Wtlosd tMrmubatel~u ea sud mod olmira - Jor Md Mdail ti.a mi on ecfua6i. la bmala t*0 mouli for fuIoi sd luns tumsbhe;" Il26p., 5 l0. aaS.?$,~oWfby Ple. WILL uu,']Irirlle I O5~ m bu v j 100 ymw&l i 6bo ueeoaei, . Ia I t&Oi>C., Warrant *Ateea bu làv* os- I W M . L. osGrove. ~~ew PailiI S'Everybody .nitd to corne ,o= ýUi. h . and have a good Urne , b Mume by Iyanepea4 ý8u»."WU pooUeuliru 'akotqpbe t m m 1a 1y "vil 4 U .' M-ml opue~ yvII des dnibu thé ".4 I lie. (e». Aibrect sud lire. Ana Ifi là OWiaed the BàIley properti ai Mmfni o dler sudGuns Loomîs epent. TisYesêyiCiicagy. Mr& Sapi le suffeins' viii a ore Ve4org, brockman spent Mouday viti ,,,,,uParent@,. Mr. and lMre. Fred, Chas. Bock tranaeted business ai LibentyvIlIs Mcnday. SChue. IReucib.rger en tertalutia lady 1.1.14 frop Chicago severol day.5 lait Mr. and lire. Henry W. Smithi spent Tnuuds lu Chicago. - J.C. RWenelud family nînv.d into bis new baose aIBal iay IMouday. Mn. asi Un.. (Jus. Overly returfl5d ta Oicbo aier sending, Most uitihe aumunit 13 . S. Canne. th Id45.olt to cure a cougit or fie you»Uelffreontheb.discaiorta nifaacciii nuises yeu more the. bowein. Be'e lJ*xsvlui foney aud 1an acte on the. bo t Wd.drivtes ail cott ouiteoftthe usina, roup, vitcoplltg4eosit sOU d a. uu su -Boha Md u el]lngd Br uol a b no em daxain Ht u tanthe la Il.o cc cue Fo e ale b a. HMkflEX, LIIe .orville G.uet.A A antie. from ber. took ln the. ezcur- don- Io W*uklesia lat Snturdny. Ail reprt a ood tinte. X'nuk Alusr bas recently oilamd' twen . q *nn. oi [and front "(ry cousieeslion $00 p.r acre. ýfi. Rubmaigechool convetionu ai lus t aisondai vas vel atteuded "Ot ot ibomtis lmtuedlatoe lcluî WMr. mi litre Herbet Mabeve write irait ecto Set the. Preanst lime. it dilqood tiiat itsy vIll renalu lu ibo w.1«Iaeabout Ot 0 0 . 1Wca>le cousiderlsig r.uig ithe Alfred blm fartaof aven tue. iindred acru W OW eoiofg tmso. 1Mr. 1Mued alu ua tisturnta ýils fareoir mi" Beli Dleyer with ben twc brotbm n . l'tip4sd 1Leslie wëre Drues L'Ake cal]e Sifa. 'Tb. latter leaves esi ai Oti tiM is it.tate, viere b. w.iffattend iii. statu nnVerslty for the. ce-'" <Year. 'U'adieg k6b e U e 4 P. diug uscsy- on ililic uhm beit y ou 9a0Meon . ur@ itro*$, anrciiesi ' lI ia terie cl*AtPtr«ublcituel¶ s"e ansd mi ldoit on tDty longe"; utq &lier-feIg refl u ot 2 ' 'i,llB 1 vas cura b r. Kiîi's New Dii. cdeyfur 't.uutou, ' ugis sud Ù1ld." (reai 1saniay coagi or long tueine l in e w nl t ILOyFLI.'.q un rtvile;ti4iLAKf PUiAIMAcýy druag1 sto res;,casd $100 gnarnnteed. Tril oui ree.. aURNEZ. Mises Mary Carsn nte ltaiued ber sister front Russell Sunday. Mrn M d lie ly epet Sturday of tiiswesk viti relatîies lnLibertyville. T4 Ladie'a Aid Society viii vitit Mm. Anus AjtpleybodWedomud&i Sept. 6. Mr. and Mm .J. MCLUIre ud Mener. lnlel, Bitepansd Lamicetfoi' Dlenver, ColradotIsi 'C. E. taplc for $QudsY SepI. 10, "1Witt ie ir..ticaî ratlanlîy*r' Jas.214.26. i, C. Relaus"eder. lins. U n gu ha.retoued hante front Aullch bero iteh@ bien spendfing ber Imacation vitibo parents& :1Mr@..Dr. joley h-in .ntaining lber tuotitenlMr%. Evasisauion tram Kansas Gea. James vas a Chcago vister Fr1- dy lait. 1r.. Ford ao f lcbgan ls vilî aId A dsugter wagbortuo r. and Ms.. walter lieak on 408g. 00. Ae b 'yàil @a bornt tMr. and Mns. W.uerse lent Tmsdy. Mr., and Ur. Jamon vhlted i ii Choa.. Unyder and-fa*sIIY Iat Fr18». F_ H. Vaa2ýaudt apant Mcnday and Tossayle Chicagansd Ôak Park.. Tbe erer Morn 09Fdd"nightiIt ileiireitrted t%%Mr. Feu6j.,415titebas iol he arai téaa ltyvlllh rosideut. lir.. Nordil Age ittie daugliir oi I> Prk are vigltlug iii Mr. and Mm. -uuw- Mrs. Jas. Taylor repeived a dlue loi ol - mcuis ecaiyfra ber daugite9, Mie. Ileedvbo Ur" e1 m kàlgea. 'FT.ean mleýuRy b ave eturu.d to 01 à . tem iiop la Oak - Park afrer spiedug wm se> teseasoa a iirltbeaotiful nommer &Wtfl tib'ome on te teke bome ~*tu Mria.Alitai .ihuwel vas a Wankegnu YWster Tiseday. IMis FMauujetio4YlcreoesS tithi vi attenbd icho l Qsqivtw a.s~ Nia. Aile Kmo çkqfl a eyInf don > hlt~ Wakfflpolioe., iowg d*o iaiod thbatbief hd tUad a 17 wa belhisd and si arajit eud. -WV -th arrMet of the, otite? boy uhoue Z»amuWu asAlvln Pandit. Wbm mu-05 $taslaed hi tii tha rge Daudi, wito ha4 beau wo*lug b iwankegau, co1mMe, it h tii iird initanes t i soumfer whzrpZos boy@ have ituèn ar- I%- upite of the. chili lintthe air and ,thé çloudg titat lowered ait dal longi jabot Wadits day Monday. Tii. palae.vas one. of the largest ln the. record of the city and ait oftiie otiter arrangelusai ere complote. Thé parade started ont at about il o'clock in the. mornng. wai a muele ong, contalnlng two bande, and wu r es- pleedent wiii. new and itrange uniforme and bacnera. Tiie review took place a the. soutiteast corner ai the. damicepav- illon at Eleettie park and vas by the Cty officiduainsd, repremetitivefi of the. proue. Early leatthe alternoon the. speak- log took place. Tii. oration of the. dey vas bi the. autitor-playwrlgiit, R. D. Bogan, sund vas a good' effort. Titare ver. afin addrese by Attorneym A. K. Stearne and Claire C. Edwar dm. 11 A locwafm of attorneyo i@ lionderihi. over te ways of the. vorld aud trylug teý descorer bmW Moule titinge vill itappen to bappen. it apipenre %bat ,Tiimao H. Wilson, arrentedi soute Ume ago utheii clfe n i alng a nîtor cycle froin the. Blggiabotbiazn ripalr @hiop, lias iteen for aome weeks trying: ta get the. attorneys to go big ball. Tie tit.y refuiied to do until cold eaai enougb tu smeure them against lose If the. bail ehnDld be forfited vas placed In their bande. Tbui muan obtalued a ciiek irom n sat lot $200 but vas told tint tus vwae not, enougli. Later lie produced anotiier, lpresulmably for $100, sud turuîng Ibis over ta the. lawyer. vas given Mes bail. On Pagentl, order the. attorney@ dhcoveredtiat wite the. figure@ at the. top ot the dmçek read $100 iright, the wrltlug aieti otaItuî*%Inlr ehoved the. Incrpton cn. doll&r"and that le wiiy t1ey are wotti1orlng.- frw.. . HG rahsai tftiscity bus by la recet d"Riion of the. supreme court about a ihundred m ille.sont of. Jacksonville, Fia. emprlslng about flv, tbousand acres sud valued eitllie melgiboninod of $3.50,OOO.The. land vas acqnred by Mr. tGrahaiatute 00) aud as otten bappens vith valtiabl. tracti vai 5m0n tled up lu tbe bour(k.1 Nov aller fliteen yeare ni hiigation a elestrtitlibas been given Mrs. (Grahamt to the propertisnwlîiehb yearly are lucreseliin l u one d d.niral.ility. Tbis tnrcttsnprisesextensive plî,tspîtae bld. onsnedliy egos oi sediuesslandi *ùJqi i ie vilch deca$td oit the. bottom utthe geandi wltlii sftrirwtrd hy an uplteval'i4 lt.e.',.bott, ls.caino' Iigi aud dry anîd compris.' a j'art of tIhe &hors. of lowt.r Ilprila. Mr. Grahant diel té.vêral vcar. tgo, tever livintg te se li.o îîtvoum-o,,ithe kgal flgbt vîtioli iollowted t lip purelîter of the trac t. 1>1. Cud the Little Girl, Mr. lierniian Muller. senior menixr of lie unm ilofMuller& Le[iykout, extensive lueuber sud generîti merat ta Polar, Langd&le Qe., Wln., esays, "My> littIiirl wa. ýtrombled vii' 4 bmpaultlalrougit ,t!d we trled several swmd0lawitbout satlsactany meritk êIiunwfy lei ie a few doe$ of Barta' floney and ore- Rony adSlreicud 1i.6a never.failng cure for ait Throat and Luug iroubi, .e vlieb ilirenare eubject. Ttinisvers pleaasit ti, ad lte abRence of, suy d= =erns rdtisone. dmgi; mnke It etipetlall.y valuable for stîtal îttdrén. 25c, 50c and 41.00 hottleq. Soid by F.B. Lo)VFtL Libertyvill.'; OtîAVstàE. Poiituey dru# stofes. ,OUR OfFER Theii. IE'utmNN viiigive tii every sserier payiug ou. ndvance, ait tise fair thii week, a YeRr'es. Rb. ecnption te D(#as'a Magazine, f re. . 1Or we ýwiil gise a Year'-.§ ubsuriptine te the. Chicago DacU , Jroiie' D£gs.ouee Meg.1se snd til.. Nox. ?rnuIt4MT. durlnF tie Fair, for $350. . Bbecniptle)n price of the cksoaicie hn $4.0, Digne.smaggs(e no Ceta and thie INumocKDrN'r 81.50, ar n total of 0600 Tke CMfccgo Chroetcle im an eut- aMon Bemideo belug laey prià bed and illutrdted, The. ; 0oici. 1 an Indetlgable, neye- geiler. 1 le Cnnitpeailaailtita departmsute. i leI.carefully edit.d. hI Ipare.n either labot uer empeuse lu. àceoratCly ccvering al maliens of in- partaLne. fitavoidu 'uenilonalisut sud Jin cohtutis ans lo.ed tainiatters ltaI mus ohbwtlonable lu the. liane. With -%** hie* ef* aà41 Jaltles Liiils cotu- MML til àaRmsnk t Iifim tW. à:40 Trot. SP!CI4L ATTRI Tise Trlck Ilouse ThILefeture hsby n tism, .ot sttppl. exrnbats wba kieep tise pone Isugit- lng witlithtiir fuuny enflem d vito concinde witb a Trick Hiouu», a pan- teuiluleapparatua tillai wlthhspring d n,rs. . It re tes m rs of la" gitr. Performanka Etcis Aflemna. A ,....~l.n4.. ChU VI A5~IqR5lmW 'lhmeutf Amri's tacs6di :lg ! muesmla ha ed *1 tiunait=lOa bavé e qaulaenli. r -n. A New An.W gombl ~Grahd Stxod' Bas b"m «r«2Wsdon The Or<mds A, Odw d4I thp w mk No. one of the' Best -and Mlet E<4 oomIcaI Rang." on Uthe snakt This range la co.stnucted VA* afid bottons ove. films, o ava thonougisly Iia.d vittA* testa. W. Iieotail tsrartinl, homu for 017.00, hscludln servi«, pipa, stove Olinud .tak«. uIe Provldlng voler servce dose not a> ce" 60 feui rom ussit talbouts# sua d stlea lne d o fl ot e xce l 3< tust from amouri-t.esmoIé..Exodes of aii., vîili ho chargud nt rugul price. North Sbore Ua" Co. U b M e f ieii SewerPipe, Curvm.s POOs EDWIN A. 138110P, M'ger Beoilntseon Pl<rihl anter luterlor FinishsSb IY1 yoar bo!à.a Mll-vork oun - iii Shtort Noti.e iFm.. hivory i"ElUI" a-. - ý5qc a"'I vjý4 Lbxwt

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