CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Sep 1905, p. 1

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FLY KNOCKE~R Doesthebuéinise. Guranteed to keep Rys@offbofstock.$1.25 wi8 bug a sa f îcenqmaatity ora herd of a dozen for a seasoo. GIRE3AT FOR.HORSES Relievs their dstress end adds to their useluino LOVELL'S DRUG STOREf FA RTHIS YIAR 15. M~ GREATFST IN"ý,IIISTORVO. La MMAV RYFC'ÇIPTR AT TWi4Rt FAIRS - 1903 I 1904 .0 Gate Grand'1 Gate Grand - Gate Grand _ 1Stand S"aii Stand t'0d. $571 I~ 4 70$8630 60 48 j 627 45 t 84 W) &sdy.... 078017 400 2621 85 66 II 2800 40 251 40 loay..... ......1072 70 90 1036 2;-1 65 0 1020 20 182 405 Totli 2 6 5 0428§ 0j174 66 458 OS -68-85 4...............$4725 6- $4288 20 $ 453,4 05 a" Stand ..... 2 52 6U0 I 174 65 468-85 la'ahlpTVk'to ... 111 00) 104 00) 102 00) Grand Total 509f 456 685 . $510(8 40 1111,110 menl But Excellent lui It i. (o the credit o01(bhe association maiy. Sou. Pentures Of that tu, go.. WaB not ruuning on aïr te Be Condeniaed. Riaclng Fridoy. od AIl Three Days. Another festure whith, if the..fuir con- (lunes ta drow fronthe. respectable ulenient and ýJontlnues ta- have tlie teofir lia 0,cr. The.. ane racks, tlie Patronage of fatliers nd mutilersa o k-bheboby down standu, the> shows, familles, muet liedonaite ew with, la the fakirs, the aniline lemnonasOth,(e show. of thle iozl01 thut which, this bit», fat stock and boraument yeor under tlie 14dm,.of *'Gay Parce" eand staed e day or (to and wu@ a hoiiow mockery of th.. ideals of an 'ted. The bannersanod odrertisu- "Agricultural Pair." %%io of you cars« ta now bang linp and desertud (onlhave fl@ son or daughter go down'thg si where they have fallen tu the.. midwoy" lieaicaîg the liawker cry id. Torm and betrampled papers 1'Heru you are, boixé yo are. iih, rare ,r(h@ bruised sud white in the and racy. Ose thoinig pong dancer.," alal ouly a gCnarly opple Or twowite i4 buvy of calelnined maîdensa with ain In corners af the alielves aliere kilt ekirto and p.ndkd eye'laâese coyly culture offi>rud up il. aofiî>ings. cuat glunce. et (bu crotvd. as gratt fair ever hald on thu Base BaI Gamet ad. of tlie Lake County Agricultural At the. fair the. tum bail gaines Tenu ety froua point of atteudance, enflOT ail tiaree do e fausually interesting. lu of neuiOrY, ad the timongs of On Weduusday ,the. Rurblers, of Libierty- Ie Who caine have r..turned tu their ville, tookt (lie Dlav.nd Lakes into camp bus habors and vocations. wt cr f1 u-,wieo Çq odnusd opened aUT> wjtîî wiathen ih cr f1 o lieo liis ptionalhy fuir and ;îromisiug and day tlie Higçhl4 4 rku beiuw(tie Cube, )4 ithOb row lâighly mailer of Waukeffl1 d0aatiug thein 4 tu 0. ~ ~ narîyOn PFaday (the tvuuhoes were victorlonn gagne in ottendanoe (bat liv. dollars aver thelrold tappoaente, lie Grayslakes. id 'caver (lie differeaecein gate ru. Tw@ AccidettWednoed4y, te white the..lucresee sale of grand, On Wedne@dyl twa accidents., li te idýtickets alono raised the sales ruinu race alithe c> loue of the doy's ve base of a y4Jur ugo. prograni morred the..Occasion. lu the iTbursday aimoat a thouaand mnor.. 6irt balf of thie rua Jockey Lai son rtdlng eon thie groundu thon (lie corre. RytOit, wa.(hrowu algaitntt (bu Ont. ling day lapt yuur, but however, tlie nide tence and .sverely injured, the biorne d big day of 11)03 couid not bu etppingon hlm.nd bruaking lieJaff. 1ed. Hewas (aken (to Ohico oand .tlh lies ln ec table at the. top of tis column lie Cook countr holîtitai in a serons ma complets campuriso of ail] re- condition. ttroua ticket sales for the peut Inathe repuat of (t-ece e 1511, o Ticlienor boms qtured by C* E. Chapinan, Fuw Exhiliitp ,..w. al (Chicago, steptasd tu a bote in (lie truck the. oulooker the eallatits appeared Iearlng o tendoe in onc af hie front legs 'uriat ecnt sud vile izidividually iniring hitee, 1tatle o 1 tr ]y of the". vire o! superior qualiti, TeToyitPo w in monyeaoee f rare, vor*manship .Tote Pip . lcommun it wus noticeable that The trotng prgrani urasofunuluail ]y of thi.ele awv e, burer menit nd perliape the. but evun givuon la informer yeAr@, nai 40ajouilthle Icigrounds. Vauot tins and close r4d tu b..doinq 4roMnd (tie Çpoilteti Tere bittures o1 ev..iy dayt ihall 4 inl the p4st and dowu rucingt(le ruai.leaturt!ait lie Iieeting, ac live stock penq the sain~ne am be- howuv9r, ielng thelic Uling Wi the 2:40 >5e by tItis.>whio gatber nîîsi,01Y t10i" on tTburtday by 1Patrick Henry, a Lak'connty'sl#Dent s(ock. Keiioelia bora.., who took tbhe laët;the besaus uta msen un t racs aflter finimbiug .Çattle Unusualîty Gond. ifth in tlie lourtih heat. On Wedneeday ovever (lie cattl.. slown weret0f litteun ducide tbrce races terful munit and aIl who mode (bu praved uspecýialiy interusting ta the. to the for corner of the grouands rodo -elel repaid for their painis as (lie The officielisin the judges uitaud dur- ut of the Hanson Stock faai i COin gtberaces were: NewWplmnum, ms'tarter; ugoa prie hlerd of Slîurtliorus onhy F P. eW,lf.., H. Îl. 'Tinîmie and atly purcliased wa@ alone Weil wortli uri!Hidbad ude;Jsp ring miles' ta se... Tîtese u éîI Hartford, Juines. DugauadE y -broughtit uaLake con.utY by Pro- BurnenS E. W. aom, Hillfheu ni 5 -it ofCh. am1 au5i Until recentIy lteFt on hiei farta near Buffalo -Grave wlien (bey Tere sold ta the Hgnsons and Clemeuts who opurate Oine and progressive farine about four miles souhof i Lbertyville. Tbeau cattie are anuong the yery bouinl (bu wholu land and besides, winning honore et many state tairea nd ashows A numnler Titre prise wluven. ut St. Louis1 lat year. The Midway. One feature of (lie fain whlci ail niglit mindud people muet condemn vos (lie midway. hltheb..fakirst; ere *alto- gethur to u< îiUuienn t (eir varions methode ai relieving tliPpatrons of the tain o! their cash surplus. Onu worknian, leaviîîg bis vite and chuld, weu( ni) againat the gaine leing rni oposite (bu Electrie tliuutre andin (lirsu minutes was out thirty dollars. A woman canme along and leît flîteen with (liesaine partie. whlle a bigli ehool lad dropped seven dollars iuto villing paîni ai the "mou bbhnd." AIl (his liappened lu th.. course of a 1ew minutes while the gante va. heing watcliud by o coupil..of newspapen niten. O! course m wak ý,à n o Écienand ln large iuu týeqvitre long green bills aole.i-ut ta p loyens wio "stuck" and who Ters )and lu pjraclaim ing t(bath(le giainscould bu heaten. Huem(the credn4ty ôf (lie public vas taku n advantage o! bT blond ope)'atçorefor, in tlim 4ýuuciçà pame, were Oveu '"pens" w4v p nvariabily won 'Iter bei- Wpoçspt(viçtiin who vos lu. titllpdigto the gaine wae frozen ont and "Iittdý." As regulArly as (bçs. inu on thuin tens und tihties j a rge beny lndtvl.diial vanid pip,.e (1w iomnde aigd ln*î hli pu*ed palm tie raIl WQ914 ho ieul(tu icied hbiyegçl% oi (b.. winuer Iml t4e n Alter yeti ringe, short distance 4e. woiRld cars!nlly eouet it and ru sunit (ta(lie valtîni uperator vbo woeld repeat the l ittIe comedy in a few moments. Tbere vers sevenal of (lies gaines but àat tlia, tbu niau ucesul> (the play vauld .(art 41 ton cente but (bu mmnelt th4 ot a isugr vi happeu.d ta ent9r (bu c9li" Wedmi moseashanu# Summrî. Wedneadiay %ept. 6. 2:24 trot: iMtni k 2 iIi (Methoit......... b 218 4Puce: GeurgeS. Vausl).. ............h 'itWU ItTolliSibley)>..............t i354 IAdI Wonder (Burkie) .............. F i TiMe,-Zilti; 2,173à; ktii: 18%(. 3:00 trot: NichailOruttan (Putan. t tI Danker Virent llhiIdcurand . ...i.i1 2 3ià Abet bl. îPiber)....... ....<i t> i3i452 ttle H. htc ahtIt . . 4 2 Mjor Doua flras............ a h à 5 tir.fRadim onatie audiwme Sari ran. (all M ile runandatlrepeut. I. ust (itobblnsl . .1....... 1..............i St. Sea .......-......... . iý Eariy (Smith È Nibbie (tiowav): War 1Ros.e (Barris) Rytoai (Gurvtn)LUtile Coince Hougb). 8:8to:Thunadoay, Sept. 7. Gratitude INickelll .... .....> I Hattie Xa. >MCMabona........ . is 2 2 ra ý(Walsih)......... É-.. ........4 Latharne Annabel (F'neneh)>...... :.. 43s lMlviHeairy (VIdder) ............... iitfi TErne unti ; 2:24k: :26 i>'refOrllk a............. Dompy (Andrews t............. FruniontS (BaÉ King Wlllis (iîi..........6 4 M40 puce! Patrick Huart' (Hall). i 3 t i i i Miybelle (Meters) . .... 4 i1 r, Sawtelaâ(Brown) . .... 13 Me 5 Oanaleon <r'da.. Adadil SihmpsoaitCou.non..e à e 8 i'linueJubîlee T rer..7 ,;Tusn)~urnu(:er 7ttilTi i- Ttihee-iarter u..rage-islgrace vas, wo3bpdverhuud, clideéa by Roiln u : Haunr lne Lt#ie Chanue,&qfyç edai he buordr unitd. '~ t~> i 1. Friduy, Sp.U týUspane: LadyI1Juiifoot (.......... ..... t t k (OtdyY ........ ...... 15 t tea ra( urHa)................ ai2 eay(Crt.......... ....p.eia 4i Qtu ueon <tNyxant.......S 7 Beoa%(bue titi WVrefor Ail trot rq t( u)a...n............i 1is3 1BrownuRlilns) .............i .3î 2 Artins (Turner) ..........i BeIt tîrnu2:1I IS. iSton t: i ' VOL, XIII-pO. 50. oemymnîe, Umis IThat fit Miâde by -Ilutchens & Potter, Johns.. c town, N. V. Aui fuine of Iis celebrated Glove in Kid, Mo- cha, Saik Lined. As. a fuil fine of <ients' YusfrC"h E. W. PARKHURSTl Z0tb ceuury Cash Stem. SCHANCK BLOGKLMsq ilIln i THEf- FIRST NATIONAL BANK. LI BERTY VI ILE JOHN L. TAYLOR, BENJAMIN Il. MILLER, President -Vice-President C. W. TAYLOR, Cashier. ()Ur businessin the past hU. been vert' ,atiactorl. bUt wC ,.Ie att tuent are ten. womee and clilidren.ut our vert'door.wooudu aolih>eabn scrnt. ulxuabave eçverdcue d i cent ln Iuat Waelatlr sapetui,,ana e i pt ip aisid nl p avete. in d hnà W 'rat pou =12in4iv~Igieno b4 Z snd I, ...... ced t2iiit tlv tO youravatuge %0 "oen &al uceouat Witi ius. tligh Clasu bom and iSecrites bought and SolW Dose a general banklng business. Deposita soliciled and Courteous treatment gîven (o 41. Il wilI P., you t. bank at T eFWrsI Net n.1, F. P. DYtiOp, l'r1". C.* F. WRIGHT, tJaëlier GO. A. WUIGUT, Vice Pres. F. S. KEîîw, Asat. Caler LAKE CO. NATIONAL BANK DIRECTORS F. P. DvuiO~N C. F. (VIMIi n Cîo. R. CULOIVAY, -1.tS(moIiFY - (ro. A.Vielm- An 0 ((I SisEiWÀN. JOHNGOLDIà * > YouoMati abIave i: niany fri.'îîdv, but lie tili fiuîd none. ae teadfast; go ready to rempoiîd ta bIis waîts; go capîable of pîîsling llnî, 'W a little lenther-corrd Iook witb the. naine of a good, strong 1ank an !ts cuver. l'iWL MAC GUFFINR 4TTO1NEy AT LAW-, EP. HGOLIG DI:NTIST. HouNrs 8toV 12 . lt dIo Kaiser Ilkk liertyville, Illinois »Z. U P.SH1DINGe Il - Pèriuala __l D.FRED M-Ç!ý IjJMARTIN üNie Und Floor KaiserBlOCkI milwaukee Avenue. 11ouRS:ll, o 12 a. m 1 t(oS and 7 (o Libertyville. Illinois DR.JL TAYWOR. 0711CT 4WZU TltIGOB eTAYLQI'M. tqortge:-7 o 10 n. im. 2 to 4 andi 6 to a P. Mi. Reidence on Broadwtý.y, opposite Park. -DR, A. I. NICHI.& ca Ubicago DENTAL OFFICE BUTLERI DLOCýKOVEUITH i-nAI)AVIR' TOREL ugouse:-Wednuedays of eaeh wook tram *.8.00 a. m. to 6:00 P. M., $1.50 A VEAR Bridge COnitlee Mmli.. Settle- nient Wltht Continental Bridge Co. of Chicagro For Holding Up of Contract. MAY NOT BUILD AT ALL. Considerablu argument han beun roised and mu'ch talk huord over (lie ovarding ta (bu Continental Bridge Company, of Chicago, four hundred dollars by thie couaty brîdge.committt.e at a meeting at Lubertyville Sept. 7, for damages ta (bat campony os (bu reenit of hlavlng held up ao ontract wblch (bu contpany was ready tu ffaill for tlie centy. Chairmuftho leIlioord ef Supervisors, W. K. Miller, was askod by (lie Lxng- 1i1:x!fT rugarding thie motter and expl4ned thiat on lest Mardi (t supurvteors af Warren and Newport petitianed tlie caunty for aid in building a bridge ocras. (lie (IrePlaines river on tlie town line road lietweun the (vo townshlps and au A1iril 1 (Sie bridge committe.. met on the site and lutt(h. contrat (o th.. alove mentioned firni for $8800. Ou (bat saine day a nuînber af itir.ens (ogetiier with sne intere8ted road comnîlaioners met and aéked (bat thie tinte for building (liebridge be uxtended in order (tAt (he aýte a! the rood bu sià%btýy cItanged, the prent ,ron4 liela about( one hall umile fron thei. dividipig hue betwuun (tue(totoswe- slips The coxunsion.n., however 'refused tu chainge the rondi and o ni.eting ai (lires supervisais spoclaly cliow u t look inth (e righuteis oflie case llnally decide o movsýjt. Hure (bhe commîselonuelieowed (heir etuiborunese and have taken no seep whotsver ta raies. the mo*uy .nueeuitry tu moke (bu change in (lie road wvtic occording tu eatimatuwili cost suveral tbousoande of dollars. W tujs tinte theý building 9t( te bridge lias -buen delayed and inow tlie contract for ite building hu ex pired. The bridge compat.)'complainud (bat it liît (bu material aU roedy for slip- nient and stated "bt Ià bad bouet( consieleh.expepse, threatounngsuit icx 4wmeAgul a n sttiomstW"va " od. The. bridge coipmitbe e ellait bat (lie elLsUMs oi thus upag ver. jeatMW thnkliug (bot il ao suit ver. insiltntsd against«Wliet (at o îndgemeut wonld certul.y buiedrud against (lie caùn(y decided on o sttlement. . White the. bridge concern rueives $400 as a recuit a! (bu holding np et (bu contract (lie ufair wTîlIcot (l iao.ntv~ un ail about $600 for mileegle, feue and otiier uxpeinisee o»suction with (bue work. ,0f tliÀ Newport andi Warren eacli s§tUand aUrer wlile tbe remela- iu& opu.liaît of the stotal expWAees0cnes otfthe lecounty et large.ý it is possible intaw(at (he bridge niay not e .. at t Mail tle w"i ,motter nay lie(tlroffed. TIROTTING MEETING NEXTO Best materials for fluish- ing the interior ouqgbwr house, ne* or old Varnishes, Ois, Lead, 6 W. M. HEATH4 furniture end Undertakbsg Libertlgvi#e Summer Bargainu 2 burner galne stove ................... TC* w gy ................................ Oves r$60. wao.S..t.................. Maurreys ...................... Milkwagn....................... HFaim wk........................ Doube wagon %x......................Sf DetEver Moln ulkUy plow ............. .o........r...... :................Sf Dealer in Imiplognents. The Pre.Orgahhziatoock"of IDE 8OOR1RF O 111MII9O il D is ai taken. 7000 three weeks. The OC PORTIJNITY or a 111e dm i è Special-Traio. Front Chicago WJatch Us -(lrow Melu Large Attendance. RUBHINO WORK ON ADDITIONAL TIIACK. A large gang of mel idi at work liurry- ing ta completion the. second track lietwe..n Liburtyville and Rockefeller for the. C. &. Mi. ulectric in order (bat special naci) trains me>' lie run via thie Wls. cousin Central'ta l(ock.fellen and tien over thie electric and into thli ot rock linclosnne. 0f course ît Tas originolly itended ta) double trock (ho liockefeller ettension, ouA (bu. (trobtiug ime.eting barried, utttut. fino e rogroat. The.. pued prograit 'i tr the-boat arranged ou a western couirse tîor nany muons. Over $2ZiOOO ha puees aud wi(li as high as (hint.y-two nomnationus in 'agsingle chueis mns(buheriglit kiud -of sport. Tiiere are not les@ (han. ceiglit entries ia any cas and the majority lsbutwee f (eeand (liir(y. Suhteinher 19ta 23 are the dates and with fa(vorable veatier great crowds wiii buieottraetusi iy tbu very sup.lior speed prognain. Tiere ilat(olbu a spéciali service aver the C. I& M. .electric dnniug the imeeting whiclî affordis meens fan Lake Shiore pliophu ta attend. If yan Tant (o msespued santensethat nu-hI bu tbrillingly excing yotl won'1 iim s tht melni. LATvE-AI tin t (.lINIIEENDNEr gaeuta pees in lreinored t(hidlea b-t,iaiolu arzugemînte Ion special trains [rom thu cit', and it lM fearusi it moy lie impossiblu ta avurcome dilhiculties oi- couutered. Got Off Cheap. He ma e ul l iluli lie ba@ got off cbssp, who, alter bs-ring coutrocted coun- sti r aâo , I la elilloble ta bWmthu. j<oubi Dividend A big rSst class roper6j. ami a pràgresuve* ofIvestors wilI make a A Big 1 1 1 WATCIi-US OROW' Write or sue REFERENCES1 FRANK E. WIRE, Libertyville, MI. Hon. J. W. swk* for 14 Y1660 W. G.WELDON, Portage, Wis. R. J.A. Wii U. F. N. GIODI NGS, Syracuse,'N. Y. F.C rtUei G. J. SCI4WEINFURTH, Col. aesý. M. Rockford, fil. F. C. Dinamou * & G., PSU* Write To Day for Further P DR. ,. .EUrMFzLD, VETERINARY SURGEON. &MOITANT STATE VEEE1NUIARUÂ. Uhbertyville, min.ois. Our Institution, the lacgu>bout squivpsd &u iiiatmtileii tthorotghefay luth. eenUtri. 6Endoruai by of W. U. Tei. Ce. sud nu M«ur .ilrua4u. Duiand fue ePMatMtoer utt WC art ablo te ail only a portien of "lsu uR40 tee as. trusufe etire ait .autb'.euuru ML ('III cma le e 4dmd. Cwteisugeas freswbieh upaiias s oeicou. *tdteum ajus. l- Onu niglit te ail tige timu e cieato oprove th*t Plueui th le beet =m.~ 9 1 4eeoe -r 101q l ;4 - LYbi MAGQAXINES , PERIOOIOALg.ý I ta.k m a AL "M- - - --- . -' sa . .n És elu t. - - - - -- LIBCTYVLLCLAKE ..UuTI'urLLUIWms. rKIu/Av. SEPUEMBEK 1 5,.l905-10'IoPAGES~ 7c, n. A, ILA A d"P a=&,* ps Tbs kuoci thie 1 came dopai nitent taver main ruma sgrlc sociel a tusi peopi vant We onde( the oi woul cuipt stand aon pond necor reoci Tbi gives calipt .Ta sloin.. maDý and 1 maný s»Min fIlili At ti waild oe.. L H.. trip vers exhil recen Teru DE,

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