CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Sep 1905, p. 10

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q West Bou as Uc [dtUnet WM reega se Vý ig bu gr4atii IMisei 0 eem. VssPovThursiàtg f h go towan Imwatbug the *i c.~ raistak e tban. a a soObi, a 4W, in 0 -7 foIvanS idbn gabes noIake iddo ido bat b pIi~ itheid nap te th$ m g 1 Dvine. wu pt lu e "Qbm je reportai es as ,Mh ta carves but Iv8d'hO bmn -esill itar untiiret jveaboS Swm am in ltplay ka MarrismmnFidi Sept. 15,k a .T. U.ielia OPWmutne ). G.e.HawbkinsMondai L M eWedtb h ollowlng Pies.,Nia tesiles Paiu; Vice t ïi .C. payne; Be. sud Cor. u. ,B. awklus; Treai., Mis. eb,5e supte. olGope Mm Wor, lire.Deusd lire of Uu c ionteet wonk, Mme pè»s Ass supt., lire. . IL k* leogt te soptaliconvoention 4:%d,ue IL. .c'.Payne. Mrs . osc lnPaul otftAe Vélinhati- lal bmt o hlm outit wo hlm. lu sud liors- 25c, ami 01.00 Uod hi 5 it ouga&Mi brother WiI,1 ,Wtsi Mag vehrs test4 hntdu ani alan atteaimi tie ~pSomai "ft=hy havi reîumei unorV" webis outing newr LutaOAc sud ss -Cos, od.aquainteiiOe, frisais *isemmla iowu durnug bavIUg ibir rip sud"aS wltta bis aliter have aIodsluWmlinlsonew Iý, . KIug ba" g" ~froua Ibm w tis pain. -»M" aloutbget h.di, 1 Jw dais' vacation at homo 9 opimMondai witi a gontis. iLiVIaas pdnnpal sud Miss ,of dm« vule, ïannitu IMsls abving ejoyed the Ir b*** soii ils llvery busines OU uOad wih bis bis faslly WMto O tly soon. ô(e Lbortylebleasi tabou =ý aavm eeusi ovlug te 04 Mmr J. VitI ani ianghtor ~ Mr linsd mns.F. Kuigge ou. >» MIes Shrm entetie 4K, »Li OPsalins ven Sais>'. ý" onebm, of Long Grave 1i btAis home 0i ber lancti ami I*la nmver ows te thos I5,taie as ocmeedas dose of te vienr ai t10.3resu i aikiffl. Onedomsofa i " ~ gvid suad ocmboutle roils; 5.êisLmKU PstuvACY. .NMO Ceos, of Iliockford, @put Wt Bau 11atuaî for bis il :t:,as sitar a three woek'n ,Msd lir. %MryGrabanu spoul ' wul 1th. Iatter's Motbor aI lire4 . m Valter Welcb, of oie collilne ou hinndebers kIsO5ulaaaa. Of Cimoag, ipsu SoW fudai vlth tieudi la tu sohae us Cernnt tu.e .tin ltlie am bineort a o leni ma Iflflemut oa aletne u'e a t '-u thé Onel. Tn ~ mo aereemp and roping oo0«b siun dtboqt15swnti 09 au comunela, y woktgd t cuit! o»krW sqgl -paf b owe1a. tdTorduestili, IwSli ve a mwarNof $1Of or0 mation iesdlug te th. arreet and convie», lin o party or paries who reosÈtIiý brokobe l lof os yrraml mal boen s- terig saase. Hisrfay Pamai, LIAS: ZtU, ILL.. Quite a nember from bore weré safsi belore the. Board ofReovlew at Wsnke- ffu this weok. Henry Bmi~sug who ben boni on the, loIs lnfor acouple of woobs le able th si aroud. Most al of our clllsen attoied tiie eouaty fair taut weeb. Win. Touriesied Otto Frank wore laicao visitons lionday sud teck lu tae stghte of the White City. Houry Hulman neMersi sotber car loai of fins sapIngers tant wonb but mold tasm ail 1ioniay. ThoMedylho wll haaeu cvosiat Prairie Vlow. loula Gams of P"le bas tabou the: position as bartender for Wm. MisseBEmma Selp bas ef t Labo. Zurich and gone to worb for lire. Chus. Seip et Palamno. ficiooi opened lait woab wlth slxty puelisand more are expecasi soo. lir.G(. Depsoien vislted frieuda at Chicago sud Desplainen last week. ,J. Gravessu azn ty lift their summer cottffe bore Wednesday sud have movod lhuikte ôChicago 1. A aises of Mmr. Christ Hoesomyer of Gsnmany aynlved bore bent Fiday via NoW York. Our saioonkoepera are agalu penmltted in ma theîr places utl 11:30 o'clocb Satunday ulgbt lnstead, of 10 o'clock as oriored a souti Mo. Attckadby ah ami beats:, ta a tabor nIi, matit oovered wlth sors, a Cicago strani g r ondine. tan applidBucie's An" e Save, ami was soouni su ad vol. ' "I dit tu my iamUiy" writos G. J. Wolch, 61 Tskmaa, ilcb, "asid LSd 44 pe!bhol Slmp)y great for ente _ani barue. Oi'l 2ft aI F. B. LovELUiOTtywvltl UxATOLAKE Pamwm Tdrng store. Henry ReineckionJ.i moutai un J. Dsee fainlot'& tenmu ofbars. MissAmnlaFisher after a twn monti'. vacation T#Mtirolatlvushebo b retauasitu ShS4SaOPub;. lir. Angunt Klgwio bave bien ve.y àlek for, sosie Urne la rapldly ns. covering. Dr. Mariin of lbentrvibie la ta attendanoe. George Hapbe 'sud Miss Minute 'Rolland, bath woli kncwn bore wore lait Thursmayoveulng unlteé lu marnlage Roýv. H. Ostepe oflcting. Engagsd poople aboutirémemben that, miter marrsoe, salai quarrei sanhoi aodd -ykeepb« ¶bi5tiouInlu ,A. -rown, of Bosaaeits, EL S.C »».s ..For ysa.s, uMy l. nhufforedi ltnstoly 4ros ypna cosiletoi wlth a wnitw«, imil ébe bon brntcegth a"#Wrmi heae a sers reci of ber formersii. Thon @ehe trisi Ebectrie Bitters, wiob botpidbler at one,sud ionU b brentinsly wetl. Oh. in BOVIly beia. F. B. ovauL LOs GRAY .sPAumàcY irtg and g aanteeg tiem, at 50e a GRANGE HALL Threeblug la nearly fnlahed lu Ibis viciatty. MWs Fra"t Chepmm of Chicago re- lunad home ovel Sumday. 1mont of the folik from thts viciait* a ttsnieithe Fair leot week. Boy Gilbert tooi lie blus nabbion ou bis maresud two ooltt et the fMir. Win. Wilson ad mi arly vitltoienod. 1 s Zion City a boed'ale taut wesb. Il te reporteatga am Wlddlemboi Guru, hmn bomgbt tbo Chau. Wilbur leim. 1Shrman Gillespie of Burlingto, Wla r ébo bis wIls and ainter vlaltei at tut.r ;oousile sMmin@as a.. oSnoiay. Uke gbwâ ffladIsgMni .n bso tbk tbais wio are alei. Whsuyon ,ha" a co8ât w ,soie ibroat, or clents oiPromp tly U11.W C. Barber. ci Bau4y ovel.&s.HRey snobe sud coal dent ou sy hi'gebht t nan" gno Mrelfluother reils, 1 1-ira?*.U b. .Dr. Kinge Now, is cavory for Cousumiptlon, Colobhsaud :Colis." Grqatest glofsmy uramui long seiclue lu the. worid At Lo'vosL' Llheriyvvlle-,Gs.ÈYsLAKUPlàuArnuY d stores; 50a .ud, $1.00 guam»d Trial bttis trie. tAAT1E Bowmri Gonvaras, of-ltmo Vole cal!.?SubuIs. Mms.John' Eh.badso enou reltives Satuwdej »sd Suadày. 0. H. Ourier, of D4"al, ia businesstrnp te Vj$o sm 1tlY. Mius. V. 80eiofusn*adi Stadiul @psut TuudaW lu BigaI Moets.Bluer Owami u. 0! Mnr Voto causetinMday ovsilge ,, lire. iV. Lu d mison egod Frmci't4 worevéloealtoe uaya. Mir. aidlins.WIIHmolni Iowa, aon estimg relatives aud - lu Voto. Mire. Ftora Brust engai obtres, Avom on eter, cailmiou retativoaaieV Sondai. MeUre. George Bciug aud .,Cbe joageuen spont Satunday andisfm la Chlcago. Messrs. Jos Qosaman and George Boruiett, of Rollins, .oe Vobo tallers Priai. Mrn.d lire.Juines Murray sOans. John Miler, of! McHenny, worm Vota, caliers Hundai. lin. Kate Ellingor returued ta Vola Saterday alter apeniug the summner ai- the. Stajiton Houmse t Long Lais. Mn. sud lire.John SB"le sud soi sud Mra. Loua Buhr, of Chicago, epeni Hiaturiay sud Sunday witb Mr. sud AT THE ecw Pavyiiiloa ~emrs Fk Hlf Day, IRI. Saturday E veni ng f Sept. 16, 1905, Tro bestLa4dgitGeutdanme Domt Miss dus, the best .1 <hem aml. Music by Thm M un Co Mr. 0. W. Powler of gbtower, Ala., reates an expérience, ho had while serv.d Iffon *ptit jury tu a murdor e at ardaville, County meat 0f Clobourne coutî. Aabala. «Ho 5ays: "WhtleE tii. Ï ate noume fresb mentansd mre souse mntan d It gave me choera mor bus in a very Severe form. 1 wae noer mors sin luMy lité and get to the drug store for a certain choieram ltre, but the d, glt ment me a bote 0fCas- bertan a Colle, Choera auqf Ularniioc P.omMînt usd, saylng tbat he bac! wat 1 fr btthat thus medlefue WAs so ma bette owould rathor send It to me la tliex 1 wauI. 1Itoob one dose of It snd wae botter in Oive minutes. The second dos ecuredi me sntlrely. Two letwjrnwoe allcted lu the sane -auon u -o U mis0 -0 Areah m th LI 8F liq Vil! pettso,or Io*, svlîu rolaivea bo. MnP. anal ins. A. Lapp uni iaaghten vild wlyth the Declinger failty Sand"i. S.L P. Hutelison bas purchassi a now Bush & eilsPiano. xmie.10ou(fle, of Californna, viited vtb àflire lgeverali ays tis veob. lita Maltbel Mlibake uniMiss Lily .)odgo vinîteinluChicago several daya lent wsek. P. L. jorgenmoandnifuîiiy moyed to Woukegai Weineiiay. Irene and lunule Hutchîson visited lu1 Vaniegan ltitweek.' The Jualior Enisavor wlltl again meet au Wédneiuay îimedlateby ttar lte de o1pablie Recoot. liehuol Horeuberger dedst ahi. borne lu DeonlelTTuet§iuYafteOnou.Services wîrs heulu intheS t. Paute Evanelicai ehuroh Thandu>'afternoonl, Rer. GOo Decinger offcitiug. PRAMRE VIEW. lichool bogue Maniuy with forty-eix puplie and Mr. lMaxwell, Of DOW--r Grave, as tenuaber. Glarens.Loomis returnoi 10 Labo Villa aflenauwee's viil wltb hie . sud A. Laymun and familles, Of Chkiag, pent Sunia>', witb M. Kaedier sud tamît>'. Qult s a nmber troln Prairie Vjow and vicluty altendeai the Fuir at LihortY. ville lat veb. EnnemI Scehroeder is falteuiig th Wicounsin Stute Fair ut Milwaukee Ibis weeb. Mi@ Jnuie Iloid ,.penl Souiuy wlth ber sothsr. lin. Westonlleld anterta4ined fa-tnde front Chicago Sunday. MieseLips calld au trinIe haine Thums day. MieL[Aima Forkae, of W' lea.bng, cuai on Mr, Tutty, B.. Saturduyv afterDoan. prepanations are being mais tonrutaly Day lu the uda>' St.ool. It wil Io held the rt Boudu>' ii October. We anm aiming for 1610 'aholune. Claires for lire. B.*Ayere ipent Tbursiay eveniug sud Fiduy with Mn,'. Chai.. HenSci- berger. tlling's noV boume bai urriveai uni worb wilt soon becin. We are giad Mn ÊD Non alg os vnld gm hast.l 'OaeCarotan, Pearl Wbeelîer, end 4 YKwongistanted t tcUg b oci lon "M rg.Atherr sud family, front ludiai' are , àn taidig witb Mr.samite. Mg.jobnl. oouey unid aaghter of cJfieago. vieted with' Wr.. CIas, loauovin uniay.' Mm. WI!M ough, of Chlci'bo, visités! vrit&h ber auotlaor, Mmn. Juia Carrotl luit Mets, Bradley and daaghter litta. of ObWeo, ate viaittug with Mkhlqone lise M"IelMlvsuey, of Pennocb, yieuI lthlta Dawson tait wseb. Mr. sud lire. Ssudy fee are $iltlng Mmn. &i. Ennulfod. mise Ktty Notan te vistln g witb ber Oncle Michael Dut! y. lins. Stanley Boives, of Hitglwxbod, vistai with hon simIer, Mmr. Fred Manu nocetly,. Miargret Canolsu -letaaching ina Chleago echool ln Hyde Park. rLONG OROVE. lir. IÏlt Ktopper hau bien ou the lck tit the. pat week. Fred StahI and family entertaiuod company Sunday. ViII Bull and famity wem 'Ptuîn 0Cmv. visitons rocentty. Ratpb Schar bai beenuder the docter'o cane tiie peut week. -John HantSrli. of Aplakielec viitei with relative@ bore eenlly., Miss ra itlzenthatpr started Mon. day for Naporville to attend oecool. Emlly Laoseutertalned lber cousin, MlsMTrnaziuski of Buffalo Grove Sunday. lir. Fred Lemke of Ouîmer vlsited writh retivebors lait. week Thuanmday. B. P. gehnoele lias reuted bim fartai 10 WiII Umbdeuslock for the comng year. lir. C. C. Meyer und lin. M. Meyor of Palatine visited« relatives ha-ne one day Lait weeb. lir. Fred Oie SrB. han been cnifined te ber bei wlth rheumatieiu but je now on thegain. L. Keller,.ine t prewS't lînsy painting lir. Emma Krueger'o bulildingm ut Prairie View. Mmn. M. Schar bus sli hber tarin. Con- siratlon JÎ3000. lhintuenie 1<> buy a place lewebre. lir. John Gosaveiltor lSn, lias b,.a' vteting relatives at Diamndn Lakeanda Rockefeler the past veek. UmIssda' Bergiorn, reluruici houae Mondai alter speudiug soyarat dnys withhber cousin at Rocbefeltr. Mise Aima 'Nickoley, bas retunîaed hôme altter peniing moneline witlî lier sont Mm. L. Roder of itockefelle-r. oSev Nata nd rtbfied anld ai, sanie u iair panisbiuies bre tstweek Fridmiy. Herbent &Seeffer. wbo liasi haai spending a î-oupia-tif wet!ks a'.itha rla. lives uni frientimdene, lr et unîteal l Napervibie to reurue limehloot work. Mmire. iloulwho liai bain vimltiuia a- tatlves bore thie pait few weekm reîunnad te) ber home l inticago Salriai. Bbc vas accompaniea b>' len mmter, Mn,'. lins. lUmbenitack anîd daugliten Ebebe. Hleury Mîier la not rn-overnug f nom bié.' sevr ntem nai wa-coulai wlab. lHo vas rme. o us."~ For sale F. B. LovIcLe. HtIlg'ls cuilng to ive ut Prairie reuaoved ta the IleAlister bo9pital Wau- .Lbrlyvllle. Vev. koga unoan>'wba'e lte tliowiug 1 DNES tr. anidlir.shalfer are vieitîîag fri-ndis day houdorwetat au oatuion. 'His lin. and lins Allen Dixon of Roseloît ' Waabay, South lDakota. man>' tieude hope for a speedy re-oveny. spont Bunda>' bore. iss Ethel Kueier viaited lu Chicago Oue of the.mnImporî,rtant neqtire- lies Mary'Hawbins la entertaiuing a lhe latter part o! lat e o. monts lu a Medicine la heeva.n t) mnl cbuldni sbould ho that Il itebaasaît ta 1111e Moudai froua Chicago'tIbis weeb. As soon as pose a mter completung tabe. Bad taitiug niedicine dislurti, tIe À largo nambor froua boe satteuied the theo silgumt 0 oxasniubeu euhocistomach, deatra>' the ppelitei'ud itlml fair at Lbrtyvibte luit web. Ruali Route tie pontmaater wil tar'ish eatronîety difflclt te get chilirera to C. B. tapie for. Bandai Sept 17 i. oach box owm witb tb. offilial number te@ ies. The pîsasant flavor of Be. Il .GoT<ute Laxative Synup, tbe certain Foant Haronien Acta, . 91.22; Rom 6: of lie box and rsqtaeatt li tIis unber cu-or yppiCutpto LO.8 lns.Grade> bealo.4h at onee gibti and dunably Inicribei ililotaso Iussth oo Esii, lin,. W. W. Appieyand ln vlsting l In na conspicibus place on the outAide of pensons and isla lieat laxativs for E~heag lie web.111 bo. Ltties Id by F. Il. LovaiCLtitsirtyvitle Mn. sud Mmr. Dlley spet Sundu>' in Churci services iilm a'ha-bd on Saniay CmAysi.smKc p Pi,Aà:y. Wsbean. as usuat. Bodai ichoot aI 10 a. m., lin. OGndoy eatantalned ber brother preacbing t Il a. mn and 7:45 p. ma., MLDRN. .Mr. Krkpalricb sud wileoftromaChicago and Y. P.A. ut 7 p. u. Witi lhe returnu rnIWhite, of Chumpaigu, is ut htea tu.sia. of echool duys a noted i luae cones te on a viil. Mr. George Daltiel retunend home services but thone are mîilli empli chaire,.lir. sud lin. Archilald Brown, *oe ouu* frm Dnver nereprtsa Wh Do tonelout rm tlb ciy Iueir autaomobile ta Buai>' fopiPeovn. e reort a Wy ul cotolvisît Mli re¶nown's parents,,Mrlindn very piasat MlireM. Wenlworlb. ROSECRANS. Canne lDater bai gnue la Evautan for ît ladlffleuit tcusa eoigbor lmoa weubo wo. ftoinsgreatly aus yonreltfroua le ias bsomlorte oSa coti Mi Margaret Hamiton bru as beu ron1,lbe choir vheu absent. unis. iyon movo labaielf.o. n 'sviating lhon cousin, Laîs a ban. Will Btrug ban bauglat a huaninc Laxstlve o Hom ymd Târ opta au the 'Ir"i of land va>' up iorth lu tie deep bavete sud drives&Bail on of Stle lu ls.bemsDono! Mn. Me, 114. wo sud ho villa Frank Thayer eistam. For croup, wbooping.eouqh éleu pealo ber lait Sondai (anotbon hanter) have gane op Ihore colis, sud aitt 1u auniBrononia g niula og bouse ta bonI, 51mb and Whet o s 0 Te in . ta> bulth orIgIal e La vi Oemyuii tan. Lira Witiamso Aid Belle Dielmoyen, eujoy Iieieves. iquicold cure. Fo m.510 hi LL of Wsisvorti, wore vletiug ienese I n is Margart White wili go te B5W ,Lbe tvlie; GRÂYLAxlSndy n e ter aià>lem> tiisyean. Ilrîba Bunda.wliIe le xiplly ecoverng treim ber ______________It le andestood Ihat Robent lPalch seionus ilines In a Chicago haspital. LMOtGflAKbas secuiri a position as@SBnroman ounIthe linaLayna Brighum, of 'Wilelte, ie ragroadl igilng beraunt, Mmr. Punlali. Walter White, Who bi beaunteinlelire. Robet fStraug ise4epectedI homo muchImprved.The Bmart Setl yul mentut t1hhome troua Ramoesltiis oob. Po! lien Vida Taylor next iBatutdsy S, A. liartin wae lu thes cit, ou ÜanIe,.Whlte commenced echool aI ovonîug. business Tumay>. Gisysiabo Momie> . linsd lim. R. D. Aunestailur Vicor ten lang goeo ta lieloit collègo A lage mvifroa boe ateusi ie onda' mraiig n aueuinaii vsl5foa atour îears course. tAraI lbronlyvllemboaI v eete Ibougi molib. n west. t v$ «j a nle non i itattend thlllocbeter fuirat ibetyvllelait "I. trouh te wtacados>' Ibis year. lins.Vabor fep4 on zxgveditta isses Dolly Pender sud Florence lita Viviau Donn tacbes e Deioalgr an boue mr Hatievîltie tii woeb. Northrop ipéstlubailSalrai>bu&l ehbot. lins. NeIIIm Tobiu and chibireu havi umiay'vistllngfriounluKen)oqaa- MIs" Bill Van iîle tuches lie besu vlflgreatives bers rmaett>. I niay om Lngai the home of lin. J Hoebaday seluh1c bis >yeux. MmtThe recital b>' the soie puptîs o! Mise Mmr. 1ouey Browru, ot Ivitaton bi Cawaiocured tlb. deauli f ',;EmmaSpaiford. whlch vas te haroebooc lmavist gber cousin,, li ns.lle eICrawford'e mothinlir. Saone. 8110iaotî Sept. 1 yl ho givea Tueuda$I ~waIebonêWepiegafor burll etS sqebe l9tk to 2ird $259000. IN PURSMt Two $!;OS pore., &a a meet , ohGrmd Clo propoil fi ù1m «e m auadmirer.oh - houu John R. T.oiea rs J., S. GeIdbsg. -A FRID CROKER I illime, isortuleulof IasWmNe W: Vor Vi Wea# iy@rDI*WIL No. 344,Oas Ran. $17-00 One of the Bet and Ilost Economical Range on the market fuit oint trlmmed euiamaid od tei bodiou, noid i cnet domor a CaCI kg, sd bottom oeceplstes, 0,0.1!t tharaughly liaaod with asbesto Ws mastalthbn nufl age . ou home for $17.00 inludlug nenvias pipe, stovo lin. snd setllng motes' Pnovlng gaur snervice oeai net ex. ceed 80 fett ram curb to boumej a id stave lino. dcisaiea eceed. 8 feet fram maer 1 toe. LignO$ of aither will b. charged nt -reguts, price. North Shore (las Co. 1-ibertyviie Office: *ulkley Stock. Teophen. 44. WHe~N YOU 'WANT Lmber, Luth, Sbise, % W$ bsaud P ob Sewer Pipe, !lbows, Trope, Te VYs amd Curves. Pouftrgj, More ed Camde Remedis feed. Seeds, Grain, Sali HARO & SQFT COAL RiàimoerWe have it. EMMONS-MERCER LUBER CO* EDWIN A. B8OL I Mgr ýuter19r Finish ad I~ orb ao Short Notice I"WUY J iPICj" 4 spsama~ uvv<vv'*a z~1-z esseeseon st. 40. - oiesevsîaug qussémea --7-1 Pl

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