CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent, 15 Sep 1905, p. 4

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Ns. s. - q.. soi *wiB zamervn~ *0U ffi~e<i- Mga talulit nlsix enonths . e.... .... Atl . U S~~ 21 . 5 5. ~ May S . 15 et:. .m w Jel Orat2.0 0 *..........ta. 9. u05 Pa.UN PrgIMkMOCRclTIon 200 -." iertu flfr, 'f Bvlr ho comee 10 goy br"q.Chlg o'sForleenth quasi o! impgpolitâcs> wllh b. by tb. Laie Cuunby Pair ama- tie spujsnbdsny o! chages Modus.aI lb. Fair of 106. Il WIm for wbl e hin a quali- i opi e separtkluhaenviron- eslnelsaoenasalderman lulie smopod quallllsevileb adpt b UMa anythlng a"efor eervles t tial'kind. lb.heniche sslmpton o! tb. position ton- dm soi la no vay intenfere vith li plansafor& poli"celmachine b@ ine-t lbu the rand Poobaia. wm bis afiule a l~enhauceal. M , ovir mous -a l ter tissu buthose hs.ttlng 00 Whsoayal bisbaud wagon? Fe Ioer b. coassldered la the e b«Nw#Ortà dicltbe vith the as- bsté ffoy 0b.olden. ~bor,, la the glanor o! il ail ag boms. anb. gollua "Rovor" ago, momen- :-dte tis rsll dire cou- 0& 1'Mr groalesb concero vili ~IÏ eiltjarl lle.lgr ofofficiai- Ile 44Ho0W]Wr' scagliola erove a wd 4@uioe frhoni ich prylng "s .-Ini dwhghous andl invincl- Wàesasa l hreck their aspl- i Mud tbAier ould-be dictaton'. U~r maagemethIis year ne- as » puawslylmgfr a co. 4 Vsroodetu g&oo"tracts Sgsablngand Iquor a th iseturaiczsv vaWbanhy diatal good faIlitlb. 'midyoy" bel.. 01 thesdlsgrae.. Ot »"s-o gambllng devineo veto i U#" durlng lb. Fait but mol »«Ya vTM b.d boss fiees. Paltes,"tise very essence o *W-, *68 vioiteal repo andu Ugsuet warned certaiu featere. Aisi! oS meut b. elimlnatsd. "Ur fimI performance o! Gay iaaraued Ils expulsion froastAie h. There boiild have beeun n wsfug vitS an evil souauseatamg. Muteda half doxen bsen ft rent innocent appearlng b "Wvetiug ta gambllug goum es a poy tupr*entalsal Uanisd Mes aould have been suppled. e Contract.a vere of littie aval r-Ibm- Offendersfound pienty Ootwoi#'ta orenate hotWeen vielle e ateuptng ta eforce titir tu Iguone lie cnsue sen- Ia"Moleb.bornemin mina tAié hwukod bard sud fail- but "sY reomponsevIsaI- deirevies, uta-the endler. k*hirveaseocs.. Itisemsy ltb* asomoge ud forgsb a omaon-o. W. Faiimy, I. W. ruler. AaIo-4oone urnoît, Henry Grant-4olon Ostrander. * vo-4ohn Boumer. ILmaJB ullher. Wakega-r F. Iugalle, George RallQrell Chus. Holderldge, Tuothi SBhll. maum Murphy, Enoch C. Llbrtylll-W.E. Davis. Waucoda-E. . fum ,Peter Elmageru - Cba-E.W. Eiley. *Ela-Rermaneler. Vernon-M. W. Kuedier. Derfild-H. C. Samson, F. W. Scbumaker., W. Deerileld-C. B. Eaton. Following Je the pendl of peuttjuro M dstermlned for the Otober terni of the circuit court: Bouton, R. P. Blair, D. A. Fay, P. L Rodgers, B. E. Biumons. Newport, John Lui. Antiocli, J. J. Morley'. Avon, Beuj. Ram iu Waukegam, K R. Brdbury, . Bel- Iowa, J. IL Evans, Uarry RoI, J. T. Judge, Orant MeArhur, James 90-rw, John 8. Mrrow, Otto Wallin, R. G. Miller, Geor", eUler. Shields, A. Dudley. LbertMvlle, D. B. Hardy, W.(J Sanboru. Fremont, Frank Dies, Ed Godwin, G. R. Rsdke. Wauconda, P. Stadtfild. Cuba, Vinent Davlu, 1B. Gerbat, H. Hobelu. Wet Deerfild, Ed Miller. Deerfield, R.l)ensol, H.Eweart, J. V (arly, A 1). Joues, B.W. Prior, Dmn tATS-e esme per l»s«IOn .b 550,tkm4 SxvoriSos=Utltte m Une. Spe" i me tay the moDul .Tenus Cashle iu ance.WO W51 fot lamon tbesema"t à alaem r-eu le &dvane& If usa by mai cesh m" a0. carnpsY eopy te Insae tasenhon. ENTe. FOR'SALE--good dry anlons. - à. I. FS., Llbertyfvlle, 111. 4"-3 M014EY TO LOAN--On good mal1 estabe secrty, l r Cent' PAUL MAO, (juriti, Abert IC 6-ci For Sale-5 rooni cottage, 'cash T emmiinyent sud easy terme. Afply1 office. .4 9 F0O1 SALE-Clieap, Osborne coin harveeber, nearly nov. OaucÂnuD am..1 Ivanho., 111. 4" '3 FOR SALE-? acre, vei liprovedi laad. (iuod buldings. le-juIn of H. LLx, Llbertyvllle. 4"- FOR SALE-Cousigumenl of 80 frest milch cowesud @Prngeu, jut recelved. A plyo angeTidsteele fana, 1%1 tiZrtwe ven ,oLake Forest, corner1 Tlegrapli &D"and Laie road. 48-44 For fl.nt.-8t&Uord'îrbouse, corner Park9 and Milwaukee Avenues. lnqufre of S. C. Wtut»b or Jain Mao 1our Uhbertyville. 49. To Redt--Good email bouse teo good1 tenant W. R. APPLuT, lhbertyville. Wanted to Pont-Or wWl take on chares, snalf ,20 to 100 acres..B"l etc a.tbe u good condition. Wsat posseinthle fal or early lansprlng. rod ars of place tabon. Addres. IbIs office. FOR SALE-Regiotered brovo Swi.s bul], tour years oId. Also several Swlee helferi. To be sold reaionably. B. M. BAR, Libertyyvllie. 50.11 FOR SALE-$mall fat, one lle nortli of Libeértyvîlle, on Mlwaukee avenue. N. T. SOUve lhbertyville, 111. WANTEO-Young man to drive de llver wagon sud do store wori. flOt!Wu. WÂLROND.. FOR SALE-Pige. W. Ml. SUIDuMa, Uàbertlyvlle. 50-2 FOR SALIE OR MENT-ThtEB. D. Beu fam, Ivauhoe. LaIe county, lu. 82 acres, nov houergousi bwam u good l.Amo Thoreton farm adjoin- Ing above 112 acres. 50 If Mas.E. . DES.,Ianhoe, 111. FOR SALE-Olus vo ypar aId Swise buli. W. W. CAnao.L, Braokfleld fana, Lbertyville. 50 tf. For Sae-l4 youn pm. Ida£ Occam north.ea. of Bnulk loy bridge, Lberty- vill, l. 0-2 WANTED-Buye'for houes; lots, fans, fai m 1ud, An yon. wlsi gtO = mh ias.a hume Wlll do vme te c2ion dl& Aoutin. They bdiimecured a large 11.1o! vU edr s.IleIs.ldnme wlilcheaunhe honghb ittlow pries.amu teasoable terni..W. have an B noani houmAtaI$1,60w; Ivo 8 rooni btoumesaI $2000; one 10 room boumsta 08,2w;fiOacre faint M par ae, 80 acreIm far . par acre; 120 fanm acre $5à par acre; 120 acre farm $75 par acre. WANsTED-Young Dmn16 b 1 yeare olsI b bottA. vater, Apply ABAtsA Sesai, Librty villek itlb iI Coul Tou N.taiug To "mar lb. *recondItion of yon s yptIt o! am longeMs estex l 24 useïwa tbeNevrmatiea=2. atlaa sud 1.11 pou &babuttisin res vhether or Dot you vIehte hXYIsyR5. Cuwed t lasse .* Aber 1isYnes "had boss roubf te vllalme bacS for fiteen yeue sud fosd a cumplete reovr lu 1h um of Chanibelaa'a Pai Dim myaJohn . Blehr, GillUm, laid. TbisI llnet e eovitout au equsi for speansd brules.It la for sels by F . LovmLL, lhertyvllle.' job,& Cl*** Whs'eMg Act of eb Mali 'gf Sis TRY TO d"BUT" WITS<R88 A man glg b9 m is usuea . G.Hart, of Omhicego, -o wa ault u the grand stand at the fair grotads by John Cflik, who reeldee mair Vheolgug lathe ut 0f pcki isePochaI. Acordins ta Clarketory a. bldt bau IroBMmrNs reporter lie wag about te pae tbrough a narrow gale ledlng froni the frot o! th amphltbeatre ta the track lu order bo speak to somne acquelutances wben he waa roughly forced egainst the lanee y twostrangmr. ne was about to renionstrate Wlth thesu whenhle ielb a niovemnut 'ln bie pocket and on puttlng hIs bauàd wI*er his roll bhtd beau, fouud fItto e b. ilesg. Re lmmedlately 100k afler tb. Party who was nearest hlm snd chaesid!bina, the nian fieelng and ettempttng te make hie escape lu the rowd. Clark, tbongh seventy years of &go, vas loo mucli for thie man aud cauglit hlm lu centre ef the grand stand. The man attempted bo throw hie purnuer off by eeating hismeif among the musicians who comprleed the baud. About fifty dollars was aecured, the maney belng ln a roll 'ni Clarke'e aide trouser. pocket. This vas, not re- covered. Thursday nighl lmmedâtely alter big arreet, the man was laken before justice Hackley, of Lîbertyvilie, a continusuce belng agreed uponuntil Moudaj by bolli the prlsoner and thte tate. Rg vas tben taken 10 Waukegan by Deputy Sherlf I.mberry. Ou Mdonday nioruing at il o'clack, lthe hour agreed upon. the complalning wlt. am was ual prenatbut a telegriUn et- plalned that hie train vas delayed and &bt h would Arrive later. The ilai waw.again postponed untlU 1- p. n. of bthe *ani da., At the appointed lime ail the slate's vlbuesees ere pressât sud the trial called. The puleaner complaluedl that be was not repreeeuted and that hie lawysr was nol wlthin rachisud ssksd a con- tinnanno outil Friday. Statse attorney Miler objected stat- log that el tuessnes fur lb. state bad lissa broughîta the place t tem appointeal lime aI considerabie expense suüd mucÏt diaconifoplte otheniselves and after explaining Ibal tAie lime nelfor tht trial baid besu .uggeoted liy tht pioner, aaked that lb. triai praceed. The prisner ineleteal thal lhe b.d not hem aable 10 niake lb. uecesary coin menicatlons vitlli bis riende sud agaia anked for a contînusuce. Attorney Miller stalsd Ihal b. could prbve that Ibe man bâti b.d monu von- lut lý u bishaifsud thaltAahey bhm aI- tempted tlu«'bey off" viboe sud Ibat thé moralug of the triai a man buit been lu Libertyvllle lu behal o! Hat sud hal attemptld 1 "do humes." vitAt mm counected villi the sfair. Swearina Clas', Minler aiked hau regarding hie malter sud' Carke testldumder oath t4t hobi. dbs. approas-hed by a man vho, stating thal ho vas an attorney for Hart. attempted ta fRi up thie malter hlnting ltaI he vould bo 'givon a cash bonus beides baving hie property re- turne l f b. ould lt it drap. Claie, however, !sa man willi a mdWi o! i ovu sud refueed lta have suytblng 'b do 'wllb sncb a proposition. Hart aggasu ýasked for a conlanuence until Fridua' and Miller abjecteal. Ta tht surprise o! aIl in lthe court roono justice Hackiey allawed a conlineasice bû Frlday at 1 oelock ut vhlch lime tb. man promises ta bc represented. Rumor bas il that a movemenkt vas on foot ta allow Hart his freedom on a c.nb bond but Ilis hoveven swa@ nol dono. AI présent hlinluhlb. ouîty Jai aI Wanksgslu itden $1000 bonde vbich h. la un"alletu foalali. 1Other Victimel. Alîsu Memlhen, a well.10-dst retireal farguer, o! Graylsie, vas robbed lof hi. penne contalnlng $5.00 sud a chci for $175 b.!ore getting outb the grouuds. As ho etoppeal ta the vindow, te bey bis ticket lie thrrie bhis hand loto hie pociet on hie pociet-book but !ound Il Re elopped piyment on tb. chec andl n ie osa lebut nominal. Anothen Graynl>e man, Thomasi Wllsnngtou, also lost hb ismney bel only bappoed lobhae Ivo dllars villi hlm. It le a pleaseure to laie Dr. Dade'e LIttho Lîver PIleand ojoy tbein bonie1 eluct upoli the ive. For"solelivWL~L RAcIILEý. .Libetrllie; GnàratxEz Pisti aàcy. FU Ciwsd thl Ltk iJrL 'Mn. Rerman Mulliensenior member o! tha Uir f Muller & Leykom, extensive uanber aud genonal mueraîante aI Polar tenàcdoe sCa., Wl.., oaye, "My 1t11 girl vas Iroubied witb a brouelami ouigl Mud w ineal evetal roaweo.:vîtliouî sahdacury esnItsWeihlly avehem' abs . o! Haitw Rossersud RoWe feouud, vhb& ubkjy core ber." - H&W- Hoeey sud Korbounal lea la#*fiflug 'cule for ïd'TiropIana .mtgeolmsl whithchidri Sun pebject, t l#vory plonat t bae, anal lb. absence o faây "dellstqa or dangerous,.dregemaies Il sopaelaly valu&ulefor smai ljelu. 25a, Son mmd.$1.00 botA... Solal hýI (P. B. LoYBLL UOerlo'ville; GRA.YSts PnÂaaoÂovdrug clore.. Arrv~'A rîn-voeompelsleo! M- neolqrvaisarenoe n ioln Vity. Tis fe Mat lte band o! ml , e jst ueaclu ltat city after a' long and ,oljuey fron far off Au@. ali rb ter lob numbers about *ehty sd'ecame fi-rntRustaud. Color.* People Pcnice-L-ant Renda. aft*wauma i*aie icand barbecue vs. At i*1Elétric Park, Waukegau. bi lbe local coOaied people lu; nom- ,ttne<uton o!fthe enraicititon o! tiset~ Muy A maisrlosiiaront Chcago and otberpointâ vere preaent sud Ue elebrtlan vas one o! coneld. 49aA4 limport i b thtcinties o! colored Oltkiaâaon Stock Farm'SoI.d-TIae [armi kspwvftm tha- Diç*lnsôn Stock farm, nerfrieVie w, formerly owned 1)y ». N. Ot4dley, bas again been eold, this lime lb Cicgo partie&. The fan il on tii. road letwreeu Disamod Lake anad Leg n oveand bas a farn vlth qultea&,b ony. Wheu Altgeld rau Ion govororh visited Laie couaty andl ypke frum thle poncl tb ie realdeuce. Onjured Dandman Recovering-Rcihet D. Bp, the, Indien tsandmuan ai Foil Shanidan vîta last week vas rn ovet by an itenei-car havlng solh his legst completely cut off meot balow lb. now et the fosrt hospital wbsn he le reporteal 10 le rapidly - rcoerlg.Bruce was the llnest = 1:9Lea thlle tart, itlm las limed. and t@ baud will laite a -talpdnenher as bis InJurIes will lia-paitate hint fronà !unther duties as easolllier nîusiclan. Mad 00< ai North Chicago-A naad dog salae its aîpeeraitce neeir tva. mon employs.ilon0thstConnolly fata -near tht new naval training silte t North Chicago <mae day lest vos-. l'he men wer-watrking on a lareal- vater teng baillI auI intA leas laîs vhs- lbey sulddenlY Paew lie anitnaliatlaaaoet Upaten The anen wuere JIahn mmd olseWelaf Waukegen, andal wban lb. dog ptartsd 1 alla-k lts-m luidfuir 8alely, laber r,-tîrnfaîg andl i.toaisg tlae !rensied boast tu deata. Marri.d Long, Wants a Divorce- mates Melvili., as! Nswpaîrl, Ibis uilty bas .pied for divorci- Irons laie wifa-, Francs. A. Mlville- on the igrounla, Iliat m bas deserteal biai. Thtebull @tatets..ItabMetlville, vbo it wel lovu sadu.pected and han lang lisen e raollot the county, heu enatifthe 24tliof April 1901 ha-e living poace- *amly vilshbic %vil.On lImaI data aller living villa iiim for 32 years andl rejarlng a fainaly aioffour clilldren 1tai vomanhood andtaimnhtaml cimee f t him. Nov Ms-ville asIc; that a leal eepaatlou lue grenleal. OOd Land Mark Burned-Tait ald 'Melville Bouleane aar Wiitbryp Her- ben çaught tire Monday mflernaaan and benusd te the grîîuad luefare aid a-onld rmath lb. Tha- piea as ing rmn h on@ Pednici, wlao cew thetfine bre81. froni the 1oîf whlae worklng in tha- gardon. Re iaasli-ed l the boue-but could do li111e te exlinguîsh lime lire aud soon the whole structure Was il] fiamuen sd in course of a hall houa vas connanied. The place vas an oh]l land mari andl inaahy pie-sni Doine A the Couaty Sem of Irdte lOur A terrlflfie gltau Market treet'lait Saturda evenug reslulted lu a broken head fonDe man and a fine for an- ollier. The inlured mau, Tauy Train. vas coulderably cul up about thie head, and, nek hie oppouent lunlthe eomlat uslng a beer bottie to advantage break- lu gIl over hieshesd and slaiShing bitu vîLl lIe pieces. Traln's injurie@ neces- albated the attendance nt à phYPician. Frank Jagel who was errested on ttc. charge (if raking tlhe affauant was Sofi 83i and comté; beforp Jusitie flops. Mois day.- One of tise lheet wxestling iiiîetchéever held in tîsis ity wos p)ulled Offet <hld- smth's hall lest Saturday nigbt wflcni Whitnmore, one of the helicand tIeven-43t heavyWeigbt wreRtl,.rs irQ tle rtuntry, attempted to, throw Mel),nald, the. Canadian champion th"ree les in an haur. From the start 10 lthe finish the' match was a wreutle, Witmore taking the iitiative ail thetli nie, the Canadien "n'y attetd Ii o bkitsp froin liing tbrowu. Tt inui fail va% ïsecured by Wbltmoore lu 27 minutes aud the second wilh 21 minutes oft wretlinglef. l. ow- ever, Ihit Canadien howvd, hke Sotch anoestry and 'igtyîd thse huit tholigls bard iressej to- the last.- A oting match and pnnehing.bag xxhibitioîn 4 local artioseneded the evcning'@ enter- lalniment._________ NEWPQRT A Clark ead ife vitre &ýu c iilone Sunday. Phlhip Ditmeyer asal son fGuy wa-ra Waukegen cahiers fiunday. This veel Iracie4lhy ends tise grain1 threshing sea*on in Ihie vieinltY. Newport vast vs--Il N!r--nt.-aI pt lte fair et Libertyville lest week. Frank Shepherd bas novéd ta Aatioieh vbere lha vilI nasicehie hmeînan lthIe future. on Sept. 6 accu rred lthe alatîluo! George Hall vha lias ee aisaalisg for noie tinte pit. E isd Dietîeyer content plaes mnaviag las Wankegao libbheuer futurs.. Mit son Btoy willcantinue tcu rua the farm. At the homae of Imr* daugiter. Urn». James Crawford. on Sept. Ml a-a.urn-saitIs. doublaofo!iMre. fiowen, o! Waukegaas. tiomes have remaînealtgte iose o! tb.e éïry .settiers vbo knew lb Desicon Judd to Wed--Tuenday a! lerc motS Deacon B. Worthine-3iîu J-dof Zioa Cty secured white lu Wauksgsu, a licafuletb murry Mies Loretta ,Mas S__booky aieo!ofMn.- I)eacon Judd, wboôim ga vidower, gsve i ugo aw 47 Y=a "b hebrd-to-be vas placed . u lb. eco ,r abin g b u t 2 5. Retlres Prom Pastorateon but Sua- day'g1ev.. J., G. K. siliClure, of Lake Forent, vîihbig cougegaîiou, cote- brated #be.24th annlvernary o! bie Cali tui thet Prebyterlan churcb ut that place., As ban been tise cuslom ifor years, $100 vas raieed beh tugre- gallon for every year of tje pastrale for te benett o! honte mnutseons, liIs vear'tht satn antouintinsg 10 $2,400. bDr. McClure, as preeldent of the Lake I oreot Unversity, bas lied an excep. tlonally succeeSfull career and lies ini the tant ev yearsbuilt up bath Ibo unlverpsraity and lte alemny utitil they are a jover tu the aduqatlimal world. He lesves bis liritent position tx0 recelve.lte hil"eslpossille lonor that eau be g* nb y 1 lie Presbyteniano 0flte mlddleveet, lime prtweneay o! McCrnick Theological Sfininary. Coroner Tayiqn Vindicted-The Wsmu- tapaisSte, atlaLk on Caîrataer Taylo r lu connection vitîs theIseR~.t sicar rmaains of sien klled i inas.ert-cc-at nalroad wneck in liant city. le lîy ltha verdict sof the Comner's jury.,îirovs.i alinolutely wlthoiaî fouadation. The jury vasi conposed o! Wauka-gan maen ai! unqueetloned go<îd judgenient and intsagrity. B1re le thoirtilndiug: "Ia,, the jury, finit that Taylor, Laove and blaaeck camne thi their deattla oun Augnet 19, 19J07, waitae riaing la <agine cabi. Froni evidi-sce, tae )f ait stystemn wan lri Iefeat ords-r asail ait due precaulion need 1 ,rtiîroiui eoinpasiy 10lrott t aly ian tr-ain,. Accident mosult of oevere storna." Of counit inasnott ol leaaicelthae Sn will admit ils error, or place- <ariaaa- Taylor iglal balsmne ils ne.dens, isor is Itl ikehy thse Coroneaar gi vsea-van ;sasiug notice 10 tue whlclp :aicurl et lias hetls. Ask For Sub-way-A petitiain laai ii.a- clna.-ulated by ns-idanIe ai Warren townKhiip wbcm travel ths- roses bptwvesi urDe and Weuks-gan aaskig liaI the nev Stato Lins. rond tir Northweetern cit-of! hîuihd ai subwsty ut its cromsiiig. Thisneny faaliti,-c wlich have oeeurneil t et Is grsadeu crosiig et Oua-ns-e save cd tl-x-olale 10 assk tlaet no nmire grade crasse- imgs lho tuilt. Wiaistoma llroa. & Mcliougail. contrectains. wiîa rs- bîuilding tbe roué!sy tîmet ais yat nothing detinite bas leen donce lowerdsi eioncpding lthe reqlseut of theutoignent bust stte t t;inIjasIbuir bs-les.!tla1 -,,a jsany will fevorebly view tha-e tanîl of the polle. Il inunadsrsti iil le athtei jreail hais bad nia-n out t4o i tas. murveoa nd naltée s-tlnaîts-s ais taslihi 9cost o!fsuci a muîabway. If the cin- pa ydoes not ildthe rrontg w 1clsate thael tbey wHilleriaeavor to force t 'temIo do no, George Oîlereutehew otarIe lIais wa-a-k for an extended viitlnl Wooud Cointy,, Wis. He vilI he osnc aboall tour ia-ls. Itrother Crumdon, af Eî-aalit. illeul the pulpi IIauuesbi n tjw!amktI tutiay ina place of 1ev. Mat, wtaho istal inglà tu-o weeks' vacatinainiaaNetirasja. Rev. Mei>aagall îîa-sacheal hisfaa-ewa-I neran a t teItuseeli Iaptist l aairels laet Stinslay. Many au! hie îîaaisîiamaea'e were preeelia to 10 hîlllinafarewa-ll. Tva Mormon elalera- on tlaai n ~ay tai Nauvoo' whssre nmaynsp-alatisai ite gu-burch vili naiel inaconoventiona stûhipetl faîr diaaaar SnuilitaIlIte cb aaîs of M. Webbt. Tlasof-r-*î-aancc icili -oaivesav- 1Sa-pt. 30. -ROUND LAKE. Il--nRliniag faia-ius.a-y îf(iaaa.lîun, Iaaa.. siml Xunalaiy n at ilii. ,hîuian Iîaii.iiin -ita-r i aaîd r-haîlticos Iroin ta- ityaun îain- Miss Katia- lhoieag, 'aof ' lsnkilig iau li-n )ltsi--stoi-a- lauéi- A rnanlinos, w ill si vî i laiîi-a vr ay Salisrdny iiglit liera-af te-a. - Ilias Ns-lipSbamih, tif <ii-:agai. ci-i rail eit Amiîann'm a fi-w daym ni-a -ili v. OEd bncI traisaut.ta-al hî.îniat Libenlyville the lattear at oail aîat m-an. Missf Flary, of Fort Stheidnalusa, lnt Suanilay nilla laer-r lnîtl-nPliil, lit lIais 8-veniti Inaumu aini ittiilaII ia-liail' gliaaas.skit Lonag LaIki- oait 4; nrivm-laîl'a Siindiiy. A vu-ny large anamliau.-Ilaoie ih-nu- atta-i-l bh" fair a lt eat!-tyvilli- Tiaîia-s- ulay afi;id Frislay aofItiet w4seIh. Rosiîig [Inss. nowu havea n a iIaaa Iuîsclas-n b llîia- mentl îiarka-t, îl M. Iluranda, au! Evastln; diag the ca-uting. Ive lsr2(x) cens flmilI arcna- iîîîw lhig slipîcd farani lRound laikI aiily liti aee-aîint uof te anI-aasaay l'ivinig ilaisu alown andal IIat lutit i -la eiîlly ini-n-neuiing. Kîlliounuaud Retrnu. On mnle -Fridey anal Satiînily oau iekl wa.-a- vin C. M. & St. l. t'raail 'ay roaund tnipa ti--kIte las iltaiuiiagacuafui r natum ulil lias, folowing Miuîiîay, $710. Ahaîve iîlîde riul- aif tit-s-sa aailos4 tlinuagh tlae hiehis. Tii-lettefin.sala- atatil futiter notice. -F. J. Aa5,EMA.N, Agt, ThamtAll Important Bath Room You hav.,e allen hesMa peple remai a-f 1 wcrc l 1,cr ta build, I voula plan j my bath roum in5tî selwould uat put au My moncy inoa thc parlor with al its llncn." That i.good cammon acnsc Mi entiment, for thte bath roam l e cmail important of ail thc hauschold. We vould flic la lalp yop plan yaun bath oons end ylgladfly -qiiote yau' jconou $Wne& 'Wame, tht bst, Tb» m é u e obr g Ma l«u 2Re&èir s2 eqie TwoMPs dooplek Machinen amIpe 11pantand thoRrvouhan riglit pricees. WiIlam Lajcock Libertyville x 7-tf-d mlinois Raplula Part THE EVENT OF THE SEASON Contmencing Saturday. Sept. lth. 1% SUISLJM. SCYMLC PICODUCTIO)N or PI'Flt081S O (RATION The Resurrection of Christ Presented by EUGENIO SORRENTINO and là 8 wufld famow, BANDA ROSSA lnrau~n'a Qurtette of <imnd (ipea Singers zind oderful sesie cfecua SOLO STS (INA IAIAtLIorn Alr.nEWrVimUEN}L. - Tenor SAILvATORlE NULIATO -. iaritoue Beginning Saturday, Oct, l4th, and for five consecutive Saturdaya Mr. Burton 'Holmes Travelogues. Last('liengo& Miwau e ltric train leanes L.Le liluif for Lbryil at il1:00 ju. fort- Sbt"Aau .Pia EVERY EVENING AT B:O5 Saturday and Sunday Matinee at 2:30 AIh Rdcd Nu Ps To reduce* mg stock I amn offering soune attractive bargains in milinerg. I have a number of pairs of shoes. a Itde slwp worm, which 1 propose to sdi at lesw thon hall their, cost price._____ MRS. If. PROTINE4 Libertyville. rBAU RSTOW MANUFACTURER 0F N * .................... H* . ý"Pe doaq.... . .......... 0 th alsmpr doze...n........Ile 1 Mwlhrbbrser dou......s... ....0 Fruit la #uMmEa4' ................4' J.iIy Olame.s llth ttops, dms. SOs TEA8AND COFYEE8 bholce Sun Drl.d Ja'pa.mTee lb. 8ft Yeun ae unhun sbém eWbme Engllsh Breakfast or OoloagTs O Ceylonand IlanT« 601ç gr*"lb.-6os Fancy uncolorelapin Tomlb. OU aod overywber aisme au Worth il GuflpovM« tor You ng1yson*tes b.SOe Flnest Formosa OoIong Te« ib. SOc MOiSI.gbolier lla b. Nks4o3V gse Beat Engllsh Sreakfait Te« ,ir le. SOc Your trouer woum s one ibms Choice Santos Coff.e par lb . ...l OId Maracaibo Coffe. par lb .. 0 Boston Mocha -rJvaCoe lh2 O. G. Java Qoffa. par l. Finest Mocheansd Java CoKef lb CEREALS Petîl Joh'. Breakfat Food. perpbg Shrsdd Wheal per package....... 11,614114 Brekfast Food Per pkg... Grao Nu pr oç........1.... BAKEWS CHOCOLATIE. cake.. Oe BAOCIWS CO 1-2 le. cen . . 20c, Monarch Baklng Powder lb. can lie Dr. Prices Baklng Pourden lh..can 40e 1 lb ffl Salmon ...............I... 11 Mutard Mardines per eau ............10o Monarch Cudeused MlIk uer Mau...100 Plut futie Toniabo (ataup .......... e 1I-lb eau Soupe .......... 80<t Orlole Sseded RaWisn, pound pkg .e.hf Thaukogivlng Curnants. pound pkg.. .I0e lient Bead Race per lb ... ............. f llaklnrgoda (àaurch'#,>IL. ...... . U LAUNI>RY BOAPS, ETC. 10 Bars Ameicau Faiully Aoap .... 430 10 " Creani Laandry iloap .....< 10 " Swlfta Wofioap".umallslse. 10 liars Lenax fiO&a............... aw (Jrauduia's Wond.r Tar ttoap, per barA.e 1saI Lump litarch (lanbatik>, pur lb.4a HlouseholdAmmnonla, per botie......Il< Perfection Iluing ppr bottie .......... l< 3 CAus perfection 19Lye.............. ft (1alvanised Tube, eueh..69c, $Sc and ffl Copper boltani wash bolier .........11 Good 4-8ewed Brooni.............. I& Msnun stove Palleli, per pkg .... Sapolie (8SuringSBoap) percale... .si Taugleoot sticky Fly paper 8 shoauts k E. B. ELLSWORTIt Ubertovide. ILs D. A,. YOUNG4 flouse Pahting Decoratillg 1 have a force of coffpetu worksnufor ther das of work and cau give gvu quIk service and guaoraaiee sati 1Iun the Best of Palot.!m Iar* anmd saul qua.t"o .ixd tmmit. f Store and Shopaet GEO. TRIOS OLD STANS). IL WAUKEE AVE. SOUTH OF HOTEL Ubtgile l L UMBIR -LL KINDS- Good Grade. at Fair Prie.. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULOD- INOS. BRICK, LIME. ALPHA Marbie end Granite~ PIPE, ORAird TIL-E, PTQ Monument s 66 iblle, XII Cemetery Work of 1vry Dçsiription TuRit atu tb. fouadatia ujios vbleh ve are bitllaIg. Correspondence bollclted Setls W e itr yasur ini 126 Genesee St. Boyer Bros., Waîîkegan 'IAOO i ChambenlaiW*' Cough ReumdnAi& Ntum Medicne@ that àid nature are alwayi moast effectuai. Cambltqlal& tbCog ltsiied act4ouIbIsnel. Il miOutali e4sStcretiaat pay. s orW S 1 . .1 -il wýý 1

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